Hotshot 360's First look!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome to bar z my name is stan and today we've got a shipment and it's pretty exciting it's the very first of the uh american rotary hotshot ovens also known as the hot shot oven and kiln company so pretty exciting my personal oven is right here on top which uh i requested serial number one and they were uh nice enough to oblige but uh the rest of these belong to customers we're gonna do a box opening on mine and then we're gonna start getting these off to the other people that are pre-ordered and i've got a few more available and we're going to go inside and talk about that after we get this skid off the truck so let's get going let's get this thing unloaded and go check it out okay so there you have it uh we've got ovens let's get them unpacked and let's see what they're all about i want to get into the top one that one's mine the rest of them are going straight out to customers that are pre-ordered and then we'll talk about uh if you want to get in on the introductory price as a one-time only offer this is just the introduction of the uh hotshot 360 by american rotary let's get to it okay so here's the top box and this is uh my unit and how do i know that right there stan's unit so uh let's see what you get with a new hot shot by american rotary let's open a box and see how it's packed and i know i always struggled with packing i wasn't a uh a guy that really uh was a professional packer uh in uh you know production environment but uh wow they've got it's all cardboard so it's all recyclable no uh no styrofoam and there's an instruction package right on the top and they've just got uh kind of folding cardboard sleeves that pack around the oven and there's a paperwork package here and we'll go over that in a minute but uh it's got some specs on the front so a nice paperwork package this is one of those packages that you know after you open it up at christmas time to put batteries in it for your kids so they can open it and start using it you can never get it back in the box because you can't figure out how they key hold everything in there wow oh they changed the label pretty cool the label is now black i have one of the prototypes here but this one is serial number one okay so that's all the side pack let's uh let's even get the turkey out and let the box fall off the bottom there it is okay and we're tie wrapped to the uh door handle so let's get that undone so again with the uh this is a 20 amp plug this is a true 20 amp uh plug and it should always be wired with a number 12 wire and it should always be put on a number uh 20 amp breaker so uh this is going to have a rejection feature if you try to use it in your home and don't put it in a receptacle that looks like that see a little cross uh piece there on the i believe that's on the neutral yeah it's on the neutral neutral goes in sideways so that's how those uh do their thing all right so plugged in we're not gonna turn anything on until we're sure that the inside of the oven is clear which it is not we've got a cardboard piece in there making sure the interior doesn't get damaged or get knocked around so pretty cool now all that would happen there is that thing would just burst into flames same door latch you're used to seeing that we covered before um i have a bar code here on the back that says hs 360 sn1 which is serial number one all the new features are on this one that we discussed earlier door limit switch here door latch improved door latch to help your uh door alignments we've covered that covered that before it's got male and female pegs right here so your doors are essentially self-aligning if you've got this oven down on a uneven surface it's always going to align the door uh audible and visual alarm for end of cycle a usb port right out here on the side that goes right to your uh 480 d and thermostatic fan on off control and behind this plate is a high limit switch that if your outer skin goes over temperature it's it's going to shut down the ssr and kill the heat to the oven so pretty cool very happy to get this but i've got something else in store for you here the stars will never align like this this is the very first hot shot by hot shot oven and kiln uh let's go look at the last hotshot by barzee industrial put that side by side and then on top of that we'll put the first hotshot by barzi industrial next to that and that's where all three of these ovens are all in the same place at the same time the stars are never going to align like this again and i'm going to move the camera and get all three ovens out here in front of you and explain where they're going what they're doing and uh where they're going to live okay well as i promised there's uh all three hotshots all in a row and they all have a significance to me i thought i'd share them this is the very first hotshot by varsi this is my prototype bench and i use this as a benchmark for everything that i selected it's put together with screws so i can take it apart easily and everything that i put into the hotshot all got tested on this oven if i switch thermocouples it got tested if i switched alarms it got tested if i switched anything on the oven elements or wattages or anything it all got tested on this oven the argon kits got tested on this oven so this is my uh benchmark for everything hotshot so this is the very first prototype hotshot by bar z over here we have the very first hot shot by the hot shot oven and kiln company and we've already gone over that everything that thing's capable of and then over here is the very last hotshot by barzee how do i know this is the very last hotshot by varsity well it says so right there on the on the serial number this one belongs to christopher feeble at american rotary and it was just kind of a personal thing between he and i he wanted the last one i requested i requested the first one of theirs he requested the last one of mine so this one this is got a new home and uh over to chris and i hope you enjoy it i'm gonna get that in a box and get that out of here but never again will these three ovens be in the same place at the same time so the stars are never gonna align like this again it may not mean a lot to you guys but it kind of it means a lot to me so all three of them in the same spot pretty cool okay so here we are in serial number one uh hot shot um new door latch if i haven't if you haven't seen it before i'm gonna show you how it works uh what it's got it's actually very clever it's got a male and female peg on both sides so they're mirror image of each other and it it if the door is out of alignment if the oven's sitting down on an uneven surface it'll it'll force the door into alignment and you can you can you can hear that door limit switch click in and be really quiet so you can hear it okay and the door limit switch resides right here so it's going to kill your heating element every time you open the door standard feature uh the alarm i've been i kind of wanted to hear what the alarm uh is all about so we're gonna i've already put a alarm in the program so we can get right now okay so it's not terrible it's not uh too loud it's not uh it's enough to be heard without being super irritating we can compare it to this one here and i've got the same one uh plugged in here so we're gonna execute program yes mine is a lot louder and a lot more irritating so the american rotary oven has a softer alarm let me get that noise off of there all right so the alarm on the american rotary is a little softer it still gets your attention still can be heard from across the shop and uh so i i think the the new alarm is a is a good choice let's get you down and let's have a look at a couple other things here usb port right here on the side and there's software available from the novus website that lets you do two things you're going to be able to plug in here and flash program your your controller but also you're going to be able to do status monitoring so there's two different programs you can download one is just for flash programming the unit the other one is for flash programming and uh status monitoring so you can leave it plugged in all the time and on your laptop or tablet or whatever it'll uh it'll keep track of your it's like kind of like a data logger you can see a graphical display of what the oven's done over a period of time so great little feature there and we'll hook up to that and see what that's all about here in a little while so we can run a break in on this just for the heck of it they've already got a break in sitting there so we can execute program yes we can run yes and we've got output enable the heat and let her climb there she goes okay and what we're going to start with here is a standard usb cable so it's got the flat one for your pc and the old school uh type usb so it's kind of cable you're gonna use and it just plugs into the side of the oven and then it's gonna plug into your laptop or your tablet you know i could plug in your tablet too and you'll get a confirmation from your pc let me spin you around and get you looking at that pc okay and here we are at the pc and there's two different programs you can use one's called quick tune and the other is called in config and these are both programs that are free to download from the novus website inconfig is going to search for your um controller and here it's doing a search for it you can see there it hooked the temperature controller in 480d and it'll tell you everything about it it'll tell you the firmware version that's in it and then you hit configure it's maximize and then we're going to go over to ramp and soak programs and then it's got all your values right here you can you can alter any of these values all the way down and these are all your this is your ptol menu set point one time one event one set point one uh time two event two set point two time three event three set point three so just it just runs down and it you can just scroll down and change whatever values you want and then uh when you're done you go up to right up here and it's going to write it to the controller easy enough to do all right so that's the one do we want to save this no now let's go to quick tune real quick and we're going to we're gonna read the device really quick and it's in 480d on com3 it's on a usb but it can also be on a network uh look for that in the future you know these guys over at american rotary are going to have some that hook up to wi-fi they're gonna have some that hook up to cat5 so they're gonna you're gonna be able to network these ovens and monitor them remotely anyways this is the one we're gonna go off of and i've used these before um i'm not going to say it's completely bug free it's got some a few issues maybe i don't have a version that's completely up to date as you can see right here some of it's still in spanish this is a um brazilian company so a lot of this stuff is in spanish so a lot of these uh if you speak spanish you're in good shape function de canal da ceda a b and d which are control outputs off and alarm outputs um you can do a monitoring on this let's find it a configuration report let's see firmware update save the file send a device let's go to features oh actually let's go back to basic no alarms rns programs which is your ramp and sub programs here you can enter values here do right there and change your values uh it doesn't like a zero value so either you do have to mess with it a little bit but it gives you a graphical display uh of what's on the controller let me turn the camera just a little bit right over here there's a graphical display of what you're going to see on the uh on the controller see it says psp 0 set to 400 timer 1 program set to 30 minutes 7.1 program 400 so when you change this value here you're changing this value over here so pretty cool and down here on the lower right i believe this is going to give us a graphical display of what's going on with the controller there it is there okay so it's going to give you graphical display of your ramp and so profiles back the camera up just a little bit so you can see the whole thing i'm hoping this my camera captures everything on this screen there and here you've got um all your basically all your way points so it's got you start off at 400 degrees and there's a this is a soak time there's a ramp soak a ramp a soak and you can manipulate these any way you want um just by grabbing a hold of this and moving it down and grabbing a hold of this and moving it up so you can change your ramp and soaks pretty easily there we just turned a ramp into a soak so pretty cool and that's going to follow and when you hit right to the device if you send that to the device that will follow that profile if that's what you want to do so it's got a pretty nice graphical display of what's going on uh time sequence down here is basically a graphical display of what's going on with the controller and this is a type of logger and i'm going to get going and fire up the controller and get it running and we'll come back to this screen so you can see what's going on over a period of time so this is kind of like a data logger too if you wanted to stay hooked up to it you have to be hooked up to it for the data logger to work all right so we're going to go ahead and i'm going to start the break in over here on the on the hotshot and we're going to go to execute program yes we're going to run yes and we're going to enable heat and let her start climbing and this is going to start giving us information and start generating a display on our on our laptop just to follow what the oven has done over a period of time and it's it's expressed in fahrenheit and time all right so let's let this run for a little while and we'll come back to the chart and see what it looks like okay so i'm back in this uh quick tune and we're in the monitoring phase of it and i've got it just minimized here we'll look at it and you can see i played with the auto-tune a little bit and i got the controller behaving because i got up at a big overshoot you see that blue line is our process value process values are displaced up here set points are displayed here and the mv is your oh that's gonna i would call that your uh your input signal or what your controller out the controller output in its uh detection mode and you can see where i you can see right here where i uh made the change and we had overshot and now we're the blue line's starting to converge with our red line which is process value against set point value and this is what our controller is doing now you can see it doing little steps and just the controller's just tickling the output to try to maintain that temperature and you can see it's i've shot i've shot over it over my temperature here but not by much only a couple degrees so i i played with the pids a little bit they were always recommend auto tuning your controller at your temperature that you're going to run at and let the auto-tune kind of take over i'll show you how how we're doing on our on our set point and our control over here on the oven see here we're uh we're 399 on a 400 set point so and our output is just barely tickling its way along it was acting it was staying on too long basically so i did have to go in and play with the pids a little bit but it's easy easy to mess with and kind of fun after you figure out what's going on with it and what it's doing but auto tune is a wonderful function if you want to just let the controller auto tune itself you know press your p button go to uh a tune and select yes and just let the uh let the controller work its way along now see now our our output is anticipating this dip see where we're dipping down in um in temperature so it's just tickling that temperature just trying to maintain it just trying to hold it at that 400 degrees and it's going to do that again as we ramp up through the other um you know to the other temperatures when we start going up to the 800s and the 1200s and all that but i'll bring you back and let you have a look at the graphical display of what the controller's doing if you if you like this kind of stuff and want to keep a log of it it's pretty cool to be able to hook up to the laptop and actually get a graphical display of what's going on with your controller over uh the period of time in your cycle after a while it's just a you know a vacuum gauge on your car you know it's fascinating to look at it's really cool to drive around and look at the vacuum gauge but it's really not necessary uh if you trust your controller to do what you s what you tell it to do then uh you know after after the oven has earned your trust just let her fly all right but uh she's running hot straight normal now we're 400 on a 400 set point and everything's running along really good these uh two lines here are are running right into in tune with each other they're on a bit of a roller coaster ride but i'm talking plus or minus one degree here it's nothing like what we had over here all right so it's uh it's running really good um on a cold oven on your first ramp up you're always going to get some overshoot but that that one right there was a skyrocket we shot past by almost 50 degrees we blew past our set point so you can always tighten that up with your pids all right but this is a pretty cool uh feature on these ovens that you can just simply plug in to a laptop or a or a tablet and you know get a graphical display of what's going on with your oven okay well this is what you want to see our green down here is our output of the controller our blue is our actual process value within the oven and the red is our target or our our set point and you can see our you can see our first wave and then after i you can see that that blip right there that's why where i sent them the pids to the controller and we came right in and then there's our there's the rest of us right there and you could do that with auto tune too it's just that i remember all my pids from doing these ovens so long i actually have them memorized so uh well you know everything's running hot straight and normal uh it's gonna be interesting to see what happens when it transfers uh right now it's just on a 400 degree set point and and uh so we're 402 on a 400 degree set point so we're running hot straight in normal and it'll be interesting to see what happens when we switch to our next temperature which i believe is 800 i think that was our next one uh here's the instructions you get with uh the temperature controller which is uh just kind of a universal instruction sheet they're handy to have for programming if you want to program it off the keypad pretty easy to do those are included with your with your hotshot and then here's the hotshot hs 360 user manual um pretty much the standard stuff that we had before maximum temperature 2000 degree fahrenheit input voltage 120 volt 60 hertz amperage circuit required uh 20 amp power is 2000 watt controller is a programmable pid volume is 360 cubic inches internal dimensions are six inches wide six inches tall ten inches deep and uh your ambient temperature is 95 f that's where all the ratings are are based on is a 95 f uh ambient so that's where they call out their performance stuff um it's always interesting to see other people's paperwork i i gave them mine so we'll see how they uh how they changed it up electrical features novus 480d programmable controller with factory factory presets a usb for programming that's what we're hooked up to now failsafe over temp with manual reset thermostat that's new it's a high limit switch that's on the outer shell 40 amp rated ssr with convection heatsink uh it's same thing i used uh kiln style k thermocouple that's what i used before uh door limit switch i showed you that earlier pretty cool easy to read slant top control i've always liked my slant top control panel because usually you're standing looking down at your control and those uh you know those led displays are sometimes hard to read if they're facing the wrong way a heavy duty cord with 20 amp plug that's a true 20 amp make sure you use it fully grounded control and oven shell okay let's get down to the mechanical features uh dual layer air plenum for external heat management and precise temperature control so you've seen before the oven is a dual shell uh 20 gauge 304 stainless steel core construction so the inner oven is 304 stainless so you don't have to worry about it rusting uh because believe me that inner shell gets hot and the outer shell is uh powder coated it's got a nice look to it it's kind of i think it's called desert tan uh and then the door is a two inch cable insulation and then it uses the same 16 gauge kanthal a1 heating element that i always used and again a 360 cubic inch work envelope the performance uh the hot shot oven is equipped with the american kiln's cool touch technology which is your dual plenum design or your dual skin safe external temperatures to allow for safer operation and protection of its surroundings 120 volt 20 amp circuits circuit required that's a no-brainer 2000 watt heating element 17 amp total 11 load uh 2000 degree fahrenheit uh 1093 centigrade maximum operating temperature your controller can be it doesn't say that here but your controller can read out in either celsius or fahrenheit either way just a flip of a flip of a switch uh ambient temperature to 2000 f in as little as 40 minutes room temperature empty oven uh it says maximum ambient room temperature is 95 f i live in southern california who are they kidding i've already run this thing in 110 degrees and it works fine let's see starting your oven for the first time this will be this will be interesting you know my instructions those of you that have have already had a hot shot uh that have the bar z hotshots know i like to inject some humor into my instructions so we'll see how much some of my humor they left here uh please carefully remove all packing material from the inside of your oven visually check that the element hasn't been bumped or moved during shipping do not block any vents keep the back of the oven fan unit at least three inches away from any from a wall or any other objects okay good advice the fan is on the back of this thing you don't want to block that vent do not attempt to duct the exhaust of the fan unless the exhaust has a power vent capable of the sea capable with this compatible do not attempt to duck the exhaust of the fan unless the exhaust has a power vent compatible with the cfm of your fan so if you're going to run like a dryer vent or something outside make sure it's a power type vent and i guess you could put a flex hose or one of those aluminum hoses on there and duct it to the outside but it needs to be powered because the little fan in the oven uh isn't capable of external duct torque your temperature controller has been pre-programmed to outgas oven automatically and anneal your heating element place seven on a level non-combustible surface apply power control power equals on heat enable equals on door equals closed press p once for execute program equals yes press p again run equals yes and then you press p one last time and that returns you to the main screen uh those were my instructions to the letter how to how to start your ramp and soak program oven will start at 400 degrees and work its way up to 1800 in time segments after 1800 is reached it will slowly cool down to ambient to anneal the heating element run command will automatically be removed at the end of the sequence do not open the door until the process has ended and the oven has cooled okay well next up if you're firing your oven for the first time here's what you can expect important do these steps in a well ventilated area or outdoors if possible note the oven fan is regulated by the oven core temperature therefore it will not turn on immediately it is uh thermostatically controlled so the the fan will cycle and it doesn't matter whether the control power is on or off the fan is on its own circuit oh this is what you're doing for your initial break-in uh running heat soak for half an hour 400 degrees f slight odor and burn anchor lube and assembly lubricants a small amount of smoke cable board will turn chocolate brown and start out gassing next up is run and soak for 45 minutes at 800 odor from the insulating board will really begin to stick you'll wonder if this is actually normal don't worry it is if you open the oven door expect to see a fire show without gassing contaminants and heavy smoke next up run and soak for one hour at 1200 run soak it one hour for 1600 cooling fans should have kicked on by now and the smell is still very strong the inner insulating board of your oven is starting to cleanse itself by turning white and there'll be a brown ring around the door that will move away from the inner shell as the temperature increases run and soak for one hour eighteen hundred all downhill from here you burn off most of the impurities from the insulating board and your oven should be chalk white the brown ring on the door should should be fading second third firing slight order will be present decreasing with each subsequent firing um so good good instructions on what to expect when you're breaking it in a lot of people freak out when you uh break these things in um let's go to the one of these pages here oven on temp now we're going to talk about auto-tune a little bit i've already covered that safety recommendations uh pretty good um i do want to get into the programming just a little bit okay ready to program the controller now and here's all your uh [Music] ramp and soak values that you can plug in there everything's expressed in times temperatures and events so time time one set desired time uh sp1 set desired temp event one is off for often a1 for an alarm if you want to alarm the sound during that segment and you've got nine available which is usually more than you need at any point if you want to put in a zero value in uh any time segment the controller will stop the sequence there and remove the run command from the controller now if you're using the software like i showed you which is the quick tune um you can monitor with the controller up and running but what i don't want you to do is send any try to send any information to the controller while it's in the middle of a ramp soak monitoring is fine but don't try to reprogram it on the fly remove power from the oven before you do that just by turning off the control switch there is also a password which i'm going to include right here on this page i'm going to put the password into your controller for flash programming which you're going to need for sure so there you have it all three uh ovens in the same place at the same time the very first one bar z built the very last one bar z built and the very first one that uh american rotary built also known as the um hotshot oven and kiln company so pretty cool that all three are in the same place and now they're gonna get split up um but i just wanted to mention that uh we've got some ovens available if you guys wanna i know a lot of you guys pre-ordered from me and these ovens are gonna get um they're gonna get opened up they're gonna get a bar z paperwork package put inside they're gonna get checked for programming and make sure they're gonna run correctly when you get them uh i'm gonna i'm 100 check i'll check every single uh programmer make sure you not have any problems with it and uh and like i said you're going to get a sticker package and stuff like that in each box for all the ones that come from bar z but i did order some extras and these are after this lot is gone it's gone they're available for 849 plus shipping which is actually cheaper than what i used to sell them for by the time you took a standard hot shot and upgraded it to the ramp soaked controller and put an alarm on it we were sitting about 880 and uh and this introductory price of 849 850 is actually cheaper than what barzi used to do so there's uh there's some you're seeing the buying power there of a large company where they can go out to these uh they're treated as an oe and they can go out to these other companies and buying quantity and get a great price which i was never able to do i have a hard time with people taking me seriously so um you know good on them that's great that they can go out and get that those kind of things going for them all right but send me an email if you're interested if you want to uh take advantage of the introductory price uh next batch is going up 150 bucks and they're so they're going to be 999.99 they're going to be they're gonna be a thousand bucks uh probably by about the first of the year so uh after these are sold out they're sold out and this price will never come back all right guys i appreciate you watching and uh we'll see you on the next one you
Channel: Shadon HKW
Views: 2,330
Rating: 4.8829269 out of 5
Id: fJu0ih7q0cI
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Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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