Are YOU an Efficient Miner in 7 Days To Die Alpha 20?

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in today's video i'll be showing you how to get from mining almost 700 iron in five minutes to getting over 60 000 iron in just five minutes i'll also be going over some tips on how to find all the ores in the game and how to stop your mine from falling in on your head but without the way let's get straight into it and find out if you're an efficient miner in seven days to die alpha 20. there's six major resources to mine in seven days to die alpha 20. those are stone iron lead coal nitrate and oil shale you can find large nodes of stone on the surface which will be marked on your map as large grey blobs these stone nodes give a base of 55 stone for 500 health's worth of mining these smaller nodes will give you 22 stone per 400 health which is massively worse so avoid them where possible iron nodes can be seen on the map as this rusty color and they'll give you a base of a 100 iron and 14 stone for 600 health when you find a node like this you'll be notified that there is more beneath the surface you can mine this all up but for even more of the resources you're gathering just remember to bring some frames so you can get back out of the hole or better yet turn the frames into ladders using the shape menu and place them down the hole as you go you may also want to place a hatch at the top to avoid any surprise visitors these next resources will all give you a base of 50 of their respective resource and 14 stone per 600 health of node these yields can be increased which i'll cover later in the video lead looks like this and will appear as a blue blob on your map coal looks like this and will appear as a black blob on your map it's important to note that coal does not spawn in the desert biome unless you happen to find a poi with some coal inside like this mine nitrate will appear as a white dot and oil shale will appear as a beige dot oil shale only spawns in the desert biome but like coal you may find some npois all these resources can of course be found underground as well although still following the biome spawn rules of the desert replacing coal with oil shale to start a dedicated multi-purpose mine you'll first want to pick a good location first make sure you're not building under a structure because of the stability mechanic i'll explain this mechanic a bit more later but right now just know that you don't want to build directly underneath anything important i like to keep about 100 wooden frames on me and then dig down to bedrock there's no random caves or lava in this game so it's safe to just mine it straight down you want to dig down to bedrock because you'll want to avoid dirt at all costs dirt is weak and will cause cave-ins if you mine directly under it mining to bedrock leaves you plenty of room to dig without hitting any dirt at all you'll know you're at bedrock because you won't be able to mine any further and you'll hear this annoying sound when you hit the rock now you'll want to build a ladder back up to the surface i personally like to make my ladders too wide so that i have more room to move and so it fits well with the little main entrance i like to make using wood cellar doors but that is not necessary a one-wide hatched ladder will do be sure to put spikes around the entrance just in case your mining attracts nearby zombies or even worse if you generate enough heat to summon a screamer who if she sees you will scream and summon a horde heat is a complex mechanic that is outside the scope of this video but basically doing certain things in seven days to die will generate heat mining is one of those things that will do it especially when mining iron or lead as these produce extra heat when hit additionally starting the auger has a massive heat spike so if you're using your auger try and hold it down rather than stopping and starting you'll use more gas but you'll generate less heat and attract less screamers also sneaking will make you produce less heat and noise so it's a good idea to sneak while you mine you'll want to dig around using one white tunnels to preserve as much structural integrity as possible i'd recommend digging about 20 blocks in each direction from your ladder and seeing if you hit any resources if not it's probably time to start branch mining pick a branch and start digging more one-way tunnels spaced apart to reveal more of the oars around you or generation is basically random so there's no real trick to this strategy i'd recommend though that you leave a lot of room between your branches about eight blocks should do you don't need to have like a three wide gap because ore nodes in this game are huge so you won't miss them even when leaving large gaps like eight blocks and again that's going to stop you from straining the ceiling any more than you need to when you do hit an or just mine it out it's fairly simple i do recommend trying to find the top of the node and mining down this will stop you from losing any nodes from the minor collapses speaking of collapses structural integrity is a deep and complicated topic and i'd like to avoid going into it fully in this video for the sake of time but basically all blocks have infinite support vertically so if a given block has more blocks beneath it all the way down to bedrock there is no chance that that block will collapse when you start to take out the blocks underneath it though horizontal support comes in horizontal support is essentially how much weight a block can hold on each of its sides each side of a block can support that horizontal support value for example wooden frames have a mass of 5 and a horizontal support of 40. this means that one wooden frame can support eight wooden frames in any configuration on each of its sides as you place them the block ghosts will go from green to yellow to red if you place a block that's red it will fall and everything on that same horizontal support will start to fall which can cause cascades and more and more damage it's worth noting that the game executes these cave-ins from the top of the world down so if you're mining away underneath a building the roof of that building will begin to cave in first if you're not being careful and you won't exactly notice the issue until most of the building has crumbled above you which is why i told you not to mine under structures even if you do have a perfect support grid you won't really know it's breaking the structure above until you come back up but you still have to worry about cavins in general to avoid these cave-ins you want to place wooden frame pillars in your mine to support the ceiling placing cheap wooden blocks down from the floor to the ceiling will provide infinite vertical support to all the blocks above it allowing these blocks to start providing horizontal support to the surrounding blocks one wooden pillar really adds a huge amount of support to your mine there's no reason whatsoever to use any block that is more expensive than wooden frames because the vertical support will be exactly the same all you need to do is connect the blocks above it back to bedrock there's no one size fits all magical grid size to use these pillars in a lot of people swear by spacing them out by four blocks but this is mostly overkill for your general mining operations you only really need to support your mine if you're carving out large caverns the larger the surface area of your ceiling the more supports you'll need because the bigger the hole you make the more weight you're putting on the edge blocks the more weight you put on these edge blocks the more likely it collapses using supports here is a very good idea alternatively if you don't want to use wood you can simply leave stone in place as a pillar and if you don't want to deal with this mechanic at all you could simply dig pits rather than mines dig from the surface down and you will not have a ceiling to cave in just remember to put a fence around it or you can dig down from the top of a mountain so now you know where ores spawn and how to mine them without dying how do you maximize your yields let's start with miner 69er miner 69er is a five rank perk requiring seven strength which gives you 150 extra block damage with axes shovels and power tools this perk also allows you to craft higher level tools this perk doesn't give you any more resources directly but it does let you harvest oars much faster at a loss of no resources however mother lode which is also a five-ranked perk requiring seven strength to max will give you 100 more resources from each node so these two perks together will massively increase the speed at which you gather resources sexual tyrannosaurus a four rank strength perk maxing out at seven strength will reduce tool stamina usage by 25 percent meaning you'll be able to mine for longer before you find that power tool also making you use less food and water while mining as stamina is regenerated by spending food and water points next up we have a temporary bonus rock busters rock busters can be used to increase your harvest yield by 20 and this works exactly like mother lode but to a lesser extent and only temporarily but it does work with mother lode as well rockbusters can be purchased from vending machines for 100 dukes and they'll last 10 minutes the iron gut perk in the fortitude tree can be used to extend this to 15 minutes if you like next we have the main mining skill book the art of mining rank one gives you a one percent chance to get a silver nugget a point seven percent chance to get a gold nugget and a point five percent chance to get a diamond upon harvesting iron lead coal and nitrate or oil shale rank 2 gives you the ability to craft diamond tip blade mods for tools which will give them 40 percent more durability rank 3 lets you harvest 10 more ore while under the effects of coffee when using a stone ax or pickaxe but not the auger no this doesn't make the pickaxe better than the auger i'll explain why later rank four lets you craft blackstrap coffee which is just coffee bit better rank five lets you craft resources into compact stacks this can be used to get a lot of free xp and i have a video on that that i'll link at the end rank six makes you take fifty percent less damage from blocks falling in on you which you shouldn't have to deal with if you're doing this properly and rank seven allows you to craft lanterns and mining helmets which can be helpful seeing in dark mines if you play on low brightnesses the completion bonus gives you a 20 chance to one shot any or a block and this is why the auger is better than the pickaxes even though picks do get that slight coffee bonus the twenty percent chance to one shot sliced each time the auger spins and the auger attacks about six times faster than the steel pickaxe so that one shot chance really adds up when comparing the differences between them which i'll show you later also rank 6 of fireman's almanac will allow you to do 10 more damage to coal and burn trees now let's cover the final thing you can do to maximize your efficiency tool mods the iron breaker increases damage against iron and lead by 15 the bunker buster increases your damage against stone by 15 the gravedigger increases damage against dirt by 15 the diamond tip blade mod increases your durability by 40 and the small and large motor tool tank mods increase fuel capacity by 50 and 100 respectively let's just get this one out the way quickly you should probably put the iron breaker the bunker buster and the gravedigger on your auger as they all increase the damage against the things you'll want to use it on and they'll increase the base damage of your auger by 10 each then combine it with either a diamond tip or a fuel tank mod again for an extra 10 damage plus the bonuses those mods give which leads me into the last question you might have which may have actually been your first question should i be using the steel pickaxe or the auger the short answer is the auger thanks for watching but to demonstrate these differences i did some tests the stone axe at level 1 with absolutely no modifiers mines about 600 stone in five minutes the steel pickaxe at level six with four mods all the perks plus rock busters and even the coffee bonus will give you about ten thousand stone in five minutes the auger at level six with four mods all the perks along with rock busters but with no coffee because it does nothing for the auger will give you roughly 25 000 stones keep in mind that there isn't even a 20 chance to one hit the stone because that only works on ores so this accounts basically for the base yields with absolutely no luck involved now let's look at iron which will have that 20 chance to one hit with the art of mining maxed out at level 1 the stone x got about 700 iron and 90 stone with no other modifiers in five minutes the level six steel pickaxe with four mods all the perks coffee and rock busters gather 25 000 iron and about 3 000 stone and the level 6 auger with 4 mods all the perks and rock busters gave me 60 000 iron and 10 000 stone which by the way means if you could continuously mine iron for one hour without taking any breaks you would get 1.2 million iron per hour all the other ores give you half as much as iron to just half the number for all of those and with that you should know more than you ever wanted to about mining if you learned anything new consider hitting that like button if you want to see that video about getting free xp from the art of mining volume 5 you can check it out here on the right thank you to my channel members for making these videos possible and thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: IzPrebuilt
Views: 180,857
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Keywords: 7 days to die, 7 days to die alpha 20, 7dtd a20 stream, 7 days to die alpha 20 release date, 7 days to die izprebuilt, 7dtd alpha 20, 7d2d alpha 20, 7dtd, 7 days to die update, 7 days to die alpha 20 multiplayer, 7 days to die alpha 20 tips and tricks, alpha 20 beginners guide, 7 days to die alpha 20 beginner guide, 7 days to die alpha 20 tutorial, alpha 20, 7 days to die mining guide, 7 days to die mining, 7 days to die mining alpha 20, 7 days to die mining iron
Id: qnas4GJhR_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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