One of These Gifts Scared Me Half to DEATH! πŸ˜‚πŸ¦‹πŸŒΏ

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hey guys how's it going so time for another mail time video we have a nice little stack of boxes all around me right here that I want to get opened up I'm very excited about it's also a very windy day today we woke up to a beautiful day and then at about 9 o'clock this morning the wind started just howling and then we got rain we thankfully didn't get any hail but it's made for a really good day just kind of regroup organize some things get ready for new projects and then also film this mail time so anyway I'm just gonna get right into the boxes starting with this one right here which is from Angela from passiflora in Michigan oh it's a plant oh I am so glad I just got this one yesterday it didn't say anything about a live plant it just said fragile so like I didn't hurry to open it and thankfully it wasn't in the rest of the stuff oh my goodness oh this isn't this must be the company that it comes from this is from Linda Potter from Potter's vlog or Potter J blog oh my goodness you guys it's a topiary and Linda as you know we've done a collaboration with her a couple of collab videos in the past where she showed us some really fun projects but she is the queen of all topiaries and this is gorgeous oh and the pots beautiful too oh my goodness that's a Myrtle topiary right Linda I'm gonna have to get back onto your channel and watch some of your Myrtle topiary care videos again so I haven't taken care of one like this in a really long time so this is very exciting you guys I will link to this because this is part of the Lynda water collection so anyway must be from passiflora is the company where they come from anyway I'll link it down below Thank You Linda for sending this so sweet I love it fact shall we put it right here can you see that on the windowsill how sweet oh so glad I opened that one without letting it sit in its box this is from Nefertiti's royal so pari smells like so old we will link it down below but that's what came in the box I have to apologize in advance for my finger nails the state in which they are in I just did a bunch of potting which this is a very appropriate gift strawberry Kiwi soap berries and cream eucalyptus and spearmint Oh apples and champagne ooh YUM peachy supreme this is essence oh that one's for Erin I think that one smells yum seduction also for Erin juicy and green Irish Oh awesome Nefertiti thank you so much for sending these out how fun now I just need to bust my stiff fingernail brush out and do some cleaning with some of these soaps for my fingernails think last time I did this type of video I thought I should get a different table for in here I forgot so all of my stuff gets shipped to the garden center and my mom really wanted to open this one because of the paper she's like really wanting to do it this is from Pam in Ohio oh look at this an assortment of green teas and fruit infusions individually wrapped and tagged tea bags Thank You Pam Oh that'll be so much fun oh hold on hold on something else in here Oh a couple more things let's see the card oh this is so cute she said she remembers I at one point I said that I sing I love you a bushel and a peck to Benjamin which I do every single day more than one time a day and she found this tea towel I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck so cute actually Benjamin sings it back to me now it's the cutest thing ever so this how cute this next one's from aralia since most of your mail openings are for your yard Laura and cutie Benjamin I saw this town thought of Aaron and joy Aaron's gonna love it and Benjamin will probably love it too thank you so much Aurelia this is from Patti and Iowa oh these are cute oh my word I don't know if you can see them through the plastic but see those squash corn beets they're all like let's see if I can do this there we go look at that they're like carved into the wood that is so cool I've never seen tags like this so there's corn squash cucumber carrots sunflowers broccoli beets potatoes onion blueberries peas strawberries like just a ton in here Thank You Patti it's really unique from Stephanie in Ohio I never know exactly if the package comes from that person or if it comes from like in the the you know case of the first one where it's coming from a business that somebody's ordered from so I never know till we get into it oh I knew this was gonna be a hard one to get into I could just tell a book for Benjamin Fiona it's bedtime so cute in partnership with the Cincinnati Zoo oh that's so cute oh he's gonna love this this card is to Aaron I'll make sure he gets that and reads that he doesn't he's not out here when I film L times I'm all by myself so anyway so you guys know that freaked me out what it's one of those things that you can how do you how does it work though okay so oh my gosh that just sent butterflies into my toes so you you twist it up like that we put it in so that when somebody opens it up well she probably hadn't twisted more than I just did it flies out at you but he kind of want to recreate the experience oh then it's so cool she said oh I hope that didn't scare you have fun with it well Stephanie scared me a little bit but I think it's really funny Oh Stephanie you were the one who you sent other things in the past and you bought us the rooster in front of our chicken coop so thank you for that I really really love him out there in fact we've got that indigo girl Sita not seeing him salvia planted kind of right around him and it's just starting like it's buds are really full and I think it's gonna start to bloom here soon and he looks perfectly tucked in I just love it thank you for sending out this gift oh I've been thoroughly woken up after that butterflies scare oh nice a new way to enjoy your tea thank you for sharing your garden in those you love with us god bless you from Robin oh this is awesome oh it's an ice tea pressing oh how cool so you brew your infusion you press on the presser and then you go very awesome Thank You Robin oh I already opened this one oh no butterfly flying out at me oh that's cool cool Oh from Dalia Dalia she's been coloring postcards and that she would send one out that we would like that's really sweet thank you I love love stuff like but this is from Jessica in New York this one also has a scent oh maybe this oh yeah Debbie it got a little fragrance what do they call them I don't know thing with a cactus on it always dreaming that's cute Oh Oh bummer okay so this is really cool wicked velvet is I think the name of the company wicked velvet succulent lover blend it's a candle these these unfortunately didn't make it but they would be melted here pretty quick anyway I'll like I love candles so I'll be lighting this very soon but isn't that a really cool idea if this is orange and lemongrass super super cute and this one is apple and clove awesome Thank You Jessica this is from Sharon in California oh this is so cool you guys so Sharon said that she watches Mary from the white cottage company she has a YouTube channel and an Etsy shop because of us I bought something from Mary for one of our fall-like decorating kind of things that I did on the front porch and anyway I have been watching Mary's channel for a while now and I really find it inspirational she does a lot of like home decor stuff and a lot of different projects and it's a really fun channel to watch anyway she's got a book of all of the projects or some of the projects most certainly not all of the projects she's done in here and Sharon thought that I would really enjoy having it which I think that's the sweetest thing because I'm gonna enjoy this I'm gonna make my coffee tonight after Benjamin goes down for bed and this will be my reading material for this evening so thank you Sharon so much and I'm so glad that you enjoy Mary's channel I think that's really sweet this right here was a gift that was dropped off at the garden center so somebody local I'm guessin or somebody traveling through oh so this is from Rachel who's friends with my sister-in-law Nellie they live close to Boise Idaho anyway Nellie shared our channel with her and she's just oh that's so sweet we have incredibly supportive family members we're very lucky oh yeah Benjamin what if Benjamin and I well really like these that's awesome oh and look at this so you put your cool pop down in one of these look how cool this is see there's like a little opening here where you can put your cool pop so that it's like a little cozy so your pan doesn't get freezing cold all that is like the most clever thing ever Thank You Rachel that'll make sure that's what it does hold on so Rachel said she works for an online boutique and they got these in and she thought it was really fun I think I'm gonna try to find the link because what a fun summertime gift to give to somebody with kids or adults that enjoy these sorts of things as well this is from Katie she lives near Seattle she and her husband Gabe were here for our tour last year and we got to see them when we were at the Northwest Flower and Garden Festival as well they are the sweetest couple and sweetest family pool ever Oh fun she said that she hadn't seen one of these tucked into our garden yet and she thought that we might enjoy tucking it in either into our garden or into like a larger size very kind of magical garden how cute the gift of flowers we gotta see this guy in real life here not just I think they're actually coming down in September Oh when we do our next tour like that guy's legit he's got some heft to it Thank You Katie that was very sweet Oh what is this Oh beautiful earrings with pearls oh my word you can see they are little gold hoops with pearls down below beautiful Oh flowers back dishcloth that's been hand-painted look at that isn't that beautiful oh my goodness I love it Thank You Margaret there we go can you guys see those oh how fun the brand is everyn shop Evren calm we'll try to remember to link that down below so many packages to speak you guys the sweetest oh this one is from Amazon famila filament services is there a note please let there be a note this is a UV excellent protection for the harmful effects of the sun's UV radiation will it is the brand there's a blue one and a black one oh wow I love that now I don't know who sent these so I'm not able to thank you properly so whoever sent these thank you so much this is from M in Indiana from Marianne Maryann notices that we that I use a kneeling pad often actually thought I might like to try out some kneeling pads she said they are reversible but she said I know she knows knows that I like bees aren't those cute here's the backside and they are nice they feel really nice I'm interested thank you Mary Ann this is from reclaiming the joy Patricia in Iowa you guys you want to take a guess to what it is I've actually would never in a million years guess what it is plant tags big ones check this out so there's rosemary cilantro basil oh my word parsley oh those are nice I wonder if she made these oh my parents thank you for the packing material to everyone who used packing material it all gets recycled Oh cute best buds hello sunshine plant happy Thank You Patricia for these gifts so sweet this is from Sue [Applause] well will it arrive beautifully this is a botanical print of a geranium oh my goodness you guys isn't it pretty thank you sue this is from Karen and Massachusetts poem I lost a Newport for Benjamin and myself I'm always appreciative for new books at bedtime so we don't have to read the same things over and over again so this story is based in Newport Rhode Island where we've been able to go to the Flower Show a couple of times so that's really fun but this book is signed by the author as well which is really fun oh and some equipment heavy equipment you guys know the way to Benjamin's heart thank you Karen for sending this out I know who this is from right away when I saw in here Oh cute this is from Terry and Terry Cleveland they live in our area and have been big supporters of ours and at the garden centers for a lot of years and check this out wood burned picture of our chicken coop isn't that cool oh that looks awesome Terry you did a great job and then a picture for Benjamin see no glare and every letter of his name there's like a picture of a tractor I love it thank you so much oh that's so sweet so each one of them kind of used their what they are passionate about and Terry ter ry is really good with wood burning I've seen some other some of his other pieces of work and they are amazing and then Terry ter I likes to mess around with graphics so she is the one who did that one so both really talented thank you this is from sue and organ well aren't those beautiful Oh sue you made these oh my word oh whoa how does one even do that oh they've been treated and they're like good tuck in outside so they're like completely weatherproof and she hand paints these and she just loves gardening works at a garden center too and I mean how fun she said I have to say I can be madder than a Hatter sad whatever and I go out in my garden and totally calm in no time I always say gardening is nature's antidepressant cure-all medicine that is true thank you so much sue there's cookies in here from Betty love is a warm cup of tea and cookies okay with cookies and tea oh that's super cute I love that idea want to steal that idea go gently I may fall apart whoa look at that that's made out of paper isn't that neat thanks Betty this is from Jay Parker in Ontario Canada everyday cleanser safe for and cleans sinks tubs tile cookware countertops and so much more lord knows I need that Sarah note oh oh this is awesome this is from Julie Julie in Ontario Canada anyway she said I have complained about our white window boxes and how I cannot for the life of me get him cleaned up and it drives me kind of nuts and she said this works super well on everything she said don't ask me how it works it appears to be magic which I'm all about awesome I cannot wait to try this Thank You Julie and from Robin in California to Benjamin care of Laura beep execute this is a quilt you guys a quilt for Benjamin she said that she thought he would love it because it's got bugs and stuff all over it look at that Robin you have outdone yourself look at this beautiful piece of artistry oh that is so awesome thank you so much Oh even the when it was quilted is that the right term when it was backed and then quilted right there the pattern is dragonflies can you see that maybe maybe not I can't see it from here in the camera screen I hope you could see it that is so cool I'm just gonna keep this one right here on my lap this is from Shelley who has been to our house a few times they were here for the tour and she's part of the committee the committee that puts on the tour here at our house and I do a tremendous amount of work amazing amazing ladies and Shelley is the sweetest and I got to see her again in Seattle at the Northwest Flower and Garden Festival Wow you've got this bat box packed bowl first of all one of my favorites ever in fact go cute fairy garden figurines oh this is super cute you guys okay I can see a succulent and cactus fairy garden in our near future Shelley thank you so much don't mind if I do this is labeled to master Benjamin oh there's a cutest thing ever it's a stuffed chicken with a chick oh that is cute oh this is from Stephanie in Ohio as well oh so cute thank you says that her two year old grandson loves his hen and maybe would enjoy one for indoors too maybe you would enjoy one for indoors - that is so cute cuz it looks like one of our chickens anyway alright guys this is the very last box right here this is from faith in Missouri from hidden acres farm so faith does have a youtube channel called hidden acres farm oh she sent out some vintage items I'm gonna get them all out of the box real quick oh look at these these are stickers Benjamin will love that oh and then some blank cards okay oh my mom's gonna be so jealous actually I'm not gonna even take him out of there wrapping I don't want to mess anything up here so these are vintage blank cards aren't those beautiful and there's quite a number of them in each package a few others pound right there it's also a blank note card all of them vintage that is so cool and then some Victorian papers okay I gotta get these out of the bag here oh look at this some more blank cards oh and these are like oh these are name cards look at this so you can do name cards at like a dining setting which we do sometimes um like for formal occasions I used to do it a lot when I was a kid some vintage stickers those are cool she says that I gotta find the card she says that she sells vintage items online under a bay is thorn faith so like stuff like this if you're interested that's really cool awesome thank you faith so much for sending these out so much fun oh wait a minute I was like so excited about the papers oh oh hand-painted ornaments vintage ones oh they're fragile how fun are those there's pink and gold oh those are so needs faith this is awesome thank you there's also one other gift that arrived to me in the past a week or so or ten days or something like that but I don't have it up here because it's in the greenhouse so Laura from new New Jersey who also has a YouTube channel sent out a rose that's called Laura it's from heirloom roses and I'm gonna throw a picture of what it looks like when it blooms up on the screen so you can see it but anyway it came with this beautiful tag that had the name of the rose so that which i think is such a great idea in fact we took a picture of the steak and send it to proven winners and we were like you need to do this so whenever anybody orders a plant they get the steak that's appropriate for that plant and then you can always have your things identified out in the garden it was like an engraved one so it won't wear out and wear off and it was really beautiful so anyway Laura thank you so much for for sending that out her YouTube channel is how's it growing so in New Jersey anyway that's it for this mail time video there were a ton of things that were sent which we always appreciate it's very sweet of you guys to think of us and just like all the little things that you run across like the Victorian papers or you know the little fairy garden things or the decorative rocks are I mean all the things that you guys send out is just that make us make you think of us is just so sweet because I don't know I just I was telling somebody today like if you would have told me five years ago that I'd be sent sitting down opening up boxes from people all over the land I would never have believed you it's just been such an amazing write an amazing time and you guys we are just revving up here at our house in terms of projects I'm looking out at the new property our flower garden space is all tilled up I still haven't had a chance to plant anything yet because I didn't know how extensive it was to get things set up on new land like there are so many people that you need to use to get like I mean two did not use but to schedule with to do their part so wait you know trench has been dug we had to get electric run and water pipes run and we had to wait on Idaho power our power to connect to our new like electric that we had run and then we have to have the landscape guy back out to come run the water to our garden area which I'm hoping is done this week I don't know it'll be an interesting year I kind of set my standards pretty low as per like what I was gonna be able to grow out there cuz I've already had to skip all of my early flowers so I won't be able to plant them because it's just getting too hot already so anyway I don't know why I got on that tangent other than we have a ton of beautiful blooming stuff out in our greenhouse and we're just working away on on projects except on windy days like this we've got one greenhouse project done and then I just told Aaron I just think it's too windy to be outside so anyway hey TMI thank you guys so much for sending all this stuff super appreciate it you guys are awesome we love you hope you have a great week and we will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer Highlights
Views: 173,396
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Id: 4BHf-jxnjsM
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Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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