Do You and Aaron Have Pet Names for Each Other? // Update On the Quail Eggs? // Weekly Recap

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hey guys how's it going welcome to this week's recap video it's an incredibly exciting week around here because this is day one of the hartley installation like the legit hartley installation we've been working on the base um you know the footers and the stem wall and the brick that's all been kind of going on over the past few weeks and the uh hartley titanic crew showed up this morning they started unwrapping all those pieces that were delivered to our driveway a few weeks ago and started putting it up like the frame itself is almost already up and then over the next few days i'll be putting in the accessories and glass and all that stuff and then after that the brick will be finished but anyway it's just like i keep stopping what i'm doing just to like walk over there i'm like creeping around in the bushes taking pictures try not to be in their way uh but it's phenomenal i can't even tell you how excited i am to see that there um and you know huge thank you to you guys because i feel like that you are the ones i need to thank for this because it's because of you guys watching our videos and following along with what we're doing that is making this possible for us and that's an incredible gift in and of itself so thank you very very very much cannot wait to show you guys the video in the end we'll put together like a whole video from kind of start to finish right aaron i mean we've been getting footage all along of every step yeah and but it just just like what i just i look from inside like i was upstairs fixing myself because i went out and harvested wheat early this morning with my mom and i was all sweaty and so i looked out the bathroom window and like it's hardly sitting in our garden i know i just i told aaron i never dreamed that i would actually see one yeah in my own space does it kind of feel a little bit like winning the lottery yeah yeah a little bit yeah it's like kind of surreal still and there's still a lot of work yet to be done on it like it's not going to be done even with the like the shell being you know constructed it's not a shell it's the building it's all the uh electrical water the stuff you don't see as much that stuff will all still need to be done and the flooring the flooring will go in probably last because i've got to leave it open in there they got to do some digging and such because i think we're going to have air vented in right i kind of wanted to talk on that really quick before we get into the video because this should just be a let's talk about the hartley video um here in eastern oregon where like we've been over a hundred for three weeks now like ranging between 102 and 108. not not like at night oh no at night we go down into like the high 60s low 70s and that's one of the huge benefits of high desert and i think why our plants do so well even though they're like going through this huge amount of heat they do get a reprieve from it and so do we a little bit but you can't really have a glass structure here in eastern oregon and not have either a ton of shade trees around it or a way to take the edge off the heat inside and the cold because we've had negative temperatures here like just three years three years ago or four years ago i'm going to always refer to that winter i actually hope we have a hard winter this year yeah i kind of do too like remind me if i start complaining about the winter if it is hard um but i'm not hard as in cold but hard as in like lots of snow i'm praying for lots of snow lots of snow in the mountains because that's where our water comes from is snowpack in the mountains but anyway i'm like totally sidetracking but we just have to have i know there was some like talk about you know heating and cooling your greenhouse oh yeah well in the uk you don't have to because it's mild you know you mean cooling it yeah yeah i guess cooling it yeah well and i think um some people just treat them as cold frames um so they don't even have heat but and i don't think that we're gonna heat and cool all the time i think it's like you said it's really just to take the edge off so if we're going to be filming in there in the summertime at any point you got to be able to kick on a little bit of air well i've been thinking about if it's 108 in outside how hot is it inside a glass structure like 100 million billion degrees we'll have fans and vents and we'll just kind of see what happens but i do think we should plant some shade trees yeah we are gonna put shade trees on the west side of the structure uh far enough away i think to where i mean they'll provide shade but not like hang over the glass at any point um but i think that that will help a lot i forgot to put my wedding ring on you're not married today oh are you worried hey i am i don't know what happened okay let's get into the videos sorry about that rabbit trail i'm just so excited first one was refurbishing and planting an old container for our vegetable garden so i went behind our barn and it just needed to find something for the vegetable garden because i left that space open on purpose and i did put a the base of a fountain which i still have that base it's in the greenhouse i um the cold frame i need to like start referring to everything well it's not going to be a cold frame here no that'll be the greenhouse this will be the hartley and then we'll have the flower shed which i posted some cupboards i bought for the flower shed and people are like are you calling the hartley flower shed now flower shed is a separate structure that hasn't started being built yet but anyway lots going on anyway so i went behind the barn found this container with a base that the two didn't even go together and i didn't even buy them they were here on the property when we moved in they were in the front yard and we left them there until like there was sedum planted in here in there when we moved in i never i think i ran dripped to it and i never touched it never repotted it and then of course we moved it when we had that whole area kind of plowed in um but it just needed a little bit of love it needed some staining and to be planted and i think it turned out so pretty i'm really enjoying it and it kind of just goes to show how just a little bit of tweaking of something that you may already have can really bring life back into it and so you don't always have to go out and buy things to make them awesome you know just get a little stain like i went and bought stain which was unnecessary because i ended up using stain i already had okay so julie said is laura actually wearing a short sleeve shirt i actually wore a short sleeve shirt in a few videos this last week it's just so hot i don't know i used to wear short sleeve shirts all the time and then i just kind of stopped i think what happened is so i got pregnant with benjamin then of course i started expanding and i needed clothes that could expand with me so i like did a lot of button downs and then i just kind of got stuck in that which is what i do i just kind of it's just not something that you like think a whole lot i don't i think your mind is in your garden more than yeah it tells you're wearing it i don't think about it a ton but i think i just like kept wearing the same stuff just without even really thinking about it and i still like button downs are nice because they are loose and whatever but yeah it is getting pretty hot around here so the short sleeves have been nice need to tan my upper arms though man i've got quite the i've got tan lines to beat the band on my feet especially uh ethan says hi laura how long does the stain last on the concrete since the stain you used was wood stain is there such a thing as concrete stain there is the thing about concrete stain is that i'd have to commit to buying a whole gallon of it because that's all that our store has and um like in this case i bought two colors of stain that i didn't even like you know and i was using it on a already stained piece of concrete it was kind of pink so i didn't know what the colors were going to turn out like and i've stained things with wood stain a lot and typically it's a once a year job for us once you stain it you kind of have to keep staining it that's why i order a lot of natural colored concrete because even with hard water staining on it from our water you don't really notice it as much but if like okay so for example the three-tier kensington beautiful fountain from henry studio that we have it's totally like white now it was a beautiful gray color if i stained that fountain i would be staining it probably once or twice a year from here on out so i've kind of like backed like i don't know i'm shying away from staining it because i don't know if i want that kind of maintenance going forward i should just order all my concrete and white i don't like that look as much but it'd be less work yeah white is is fine but i i like gray i do too and and it's not so bad with the hard water as opposed to like this brown piece if it gets if it was shot with a sprinkler every day shot hit with a sprinkler every day it would have hard water white staining all over it so anyway see for me says i noticed there wasn't a backflip preventer at the raised bed connection backflow probably oh sure yeah she said that later is this because there's a master one on up the line or do you not use a backflow preventer for your irrigation so this one is connected into our irrigation system and there is one at the helm right like right at the beginning of that which is kind of by our house and then it comes over to the vegetable garden and kind of spiders out into all the different raised beds that we have so the pressure regulator the backflow preventer all that stuff is at the beginning of that run but good catch though if that was hooked up to a regular hose faucet that's definitely something you would want to put like in your configuration s kelim said nice to see your son how is your daughter we want to see her too in your videos they're both doing really good as well they're both doing really well i catch myself every time and i still don't know if i'm using it right i think well is correct is it i would never have noticed that if you wouldn't aaron likes to point that one out that's like well i don't always get it right you get it right a lot of the time do i yeah well who you're asking i don't know um so samantha grace turned six months old yesterday uh she is just she's a big girl oh she's just so squishy and so cute and she just naturally isn't with us all the time because it's so hot and i don't want to bring her out into 105 108 degree heat we go out in the evenings together for a short amount of time i just it's very smoky right now too so the kids kind of just stay more like closer to inside benjamin naturally he just walks around like finds you know whoever uh we have kind of we don't really like contrive uh having our kids in videos it's just like if they're there then great and if if they're not like like you said benjamin just comes and goes yeah i'll just get a text saying like from aaron saying hey benjamin's on his way out to you watch for him and so then i know like i just watch for my neck and i see his little head coming through the garden and he comes and finds me and then i text aaron and say got him so we've got like a pretty good system going uh but yeah he just comes and goes as he wants and i never i never want to i just recently saw another youtube family that are just kind of becoming like under scrutiny for like putting their kids in there too much and using them a little bit for i don't know i don't want that to become us yeah so it's nice to have gardening be our main thing and not like family vlogging yeah because it does feel like what if you know what if the kids don't want to vlog or what if you don't want to vlog one day they're like well how dare you you know put me in so many because they're they're a person too yeah you know so i think about that in the future like what would they want to have shown what you know i need to respect their privacy as much as i would respect anybody else's so anyway we try to be careful about that noddy moose said i absolutely love the stain color do you ever worry that someone could bump the pot and it will topper topple over on them i don't worry about that actually and you know i say that because i don't have a child that's been a climber like benjamin's not a climber and i know some kids just climb like that's what they do and i know that's a thing um i i guess i'm kind of lucky in that way that we don't have one that does that however i think that we probably would be honest with that because we've got too much stuff in our house like the fireplace is easy to climb i've seen him try to climb that actually but he's pretty cautious he won't go more than one step up but we don't let him go more than one step up yeah so yeah um no i just i don't typically worry about that and i know maybe that's something i should maybe be more cognizant of honestly i think that a lot of people when i see comments you know worried about something like that like maybe they have in the past known somebody that that happened to or maybe they had a kid that that happened to um and something fell over on him and i can't even imagine so it's definitely something that i don't know i was thinking about that with the table inside remember oh my goodness when i put that concrete table it's still there nothing's ever happened but you can get like that um is it like concrete like liquid weld or something like that like something that you could put in between the two pieces that would make that top still fall over though it could anything could fall over that yeah right you know i don't know i mean just chain it to the wall or who knows all right we had to take a little bit of a break aaron had to swap his battery out of his mic which gave me the opportunity to find my wedding ring and to get a drink so we're good to go um where are we at let's see christy says how do you get your plants to share the space i always have one or two plants in my pots or in the beds that grow more than the others and crowd out the others you know what i think that it ha over time you kind of learned learn what works together and what doesn't at this point of the year i feel like you can almost get away with anything except for maybe like a vista bubblegum or a vista snowdrift those will still grow massive but we don't have as many days left in the growing season so i figured well i mean kind of now's the time to try these out if i want to kind of shove a bunch of stuff in there so we'll see what happens um i'm still learning every year but you do learn the ones that like you absolutely can't put other things with because they'll just gobble them up so i think it's a normal thing um and some years you'll have things that do better than others or like better than other years for you so anyway maria said where do you get your cart to move the pot we get asked that a lot and aaron you ordered that on you know what i think i got it from home depot the blue one yeah you can get a lot of weird stuff from home depot online um but i don't know that you can actually get it from them anymore i think i have a link that i can yeah it's expensive and i'm not even sure that as expensive as pot wheels is that what it's called yeah about the same price i just don't remember paying that much like i i remember paying somewhere in like the three to four hundred dollar range but the link that i have shows it's like 600 bucks which is really spendy so maybe you can find it cheaper online somewhere i don't know but at least i have a link that could get someone started yeah if they wanted to look for it somewhere else down at the garden center um we use like a souped-up just regular hand truck cart hand truck such a home too yeah but even that i'll bet just the the cart itself would be decently expensive not 600 no maybe not 600 maybe like 100 of course back when they purchased it in the 1920s probably probably 1920s i don't know there's so much old stuff down there i know it's cool and it the stuff functions real nice yeah it's true they've still got some old stuff yeah quality not like today's stuff meant to be replaced in like a year or two some things yes uh sf said why not put up a couple sections of privacy fence so your neighbors on that side of the barn have a better view you know i'm not super concerned about that because that is kind of the corner the three of us neighbors have kind of agreed is our junk corner like the reason why our neighbor put they have a shed back there too that's just beyond their rv that has a bunch of stuff that looks just like ours and then they have their rv and they can't even see it from their house like there's no view really from their house they can see that corner of their property we can't see it because it's behind our barn and our other neighbors that are kind of back there they can't see it because they put a shed up in the back corner and then they have tools and stuff behind their shed so it's kind of like this communal communal junk corner yeah which everybody kind of has to have if you have any amount of space it's true or if you're doing any projects i mean you can clean it up a little bit but everybody kind of has a catch-all i love though when i see people's catch-alls you can tell the people who put effort into organizing or like making them extra tidy or doing something pretty like the raised beds back there which need attention really bad but the raised beds back there like nobody else is going to see those except for me but doing something for yourself like that to where you can go into an area that normally you would want to be like oh i just don't even want to like look at it ever but to do something that makes it pleasant for yourself i think is really like that romance is romancing romancing the ordinary to the max right there i think and i think those kinds of things are really nice i propose on a really nice day maybe like high 60s high 70s from now well we should go back to your favorite place you look like i proposed it on a really nice i know you've been wanting to do it i know but i just i don't know it's not something that's on the front of my mind well we'll get to it one of these days next video was garden tour update at our local community college um we just went down there and gave you a look at what things are doing i am so pleased like out of all the projects we've done i mean the pots at the church look really good too we should update those evan at the church does an amazing job with those but the crew at the college just like i was nervous i mean i'm always nervous when we do a new community project i'm like well like well we live in such a harsh environment it's so easy to let them die it is because it's nobody wants to work out when it's 108 right can't blame them yeah you don't want to go water them or you know you'll skip a summer just you won't care about it or whatever when it's i don't know there's a certain mentality that's like that though i see a lot of people especially in this area maybe it's all over but they'll like start a project and you can kind of tell when it gets really hot they're like ah don't tear them drop the shovel right here yeah yeah that happens a lot well there are people that just go like crazy in the spring when it's so nice and you feel all this motivation and then all of a sudden it's like oh i still have to there's work involved with this yeah yeah uh yeah it's it's hard when it's yeah we all deal with our own things but all that to say they did a great job yeah oh my gosh such a good job especially like after that first weekend we planted the first areas the like the two big welcome areas on a friday and it was before before they had their watering crew kind of lined out and i don't know we just didn't communicate really well on that um and so they went without water for like that first weekend and so there were some things that were a little bit crispy they totally came out of it and they um like got right on it right after that there was just that little brief because i think they thought the drip was supposed to be working but it wasn't quite anyway we got past that but that made me nervous in the beginning i'm like oh no no no no i really want to be able to come back here and show everybody what these things look like so anyway huge kudos to everybody at the college who's helping taking care of those helping take care of those because great job um larae said ontario is very lucky to have you in the community i have had a chance to visit tvcc in the last few weeks and i must say they look even more beautiful in person thank you luray very much susan said the super tunies you plant always have a full mounted shape i tried this as a border plant and mine are straggly despite full sun do you prune them to get this shape sometimes it might have to do with but most of the time not no you're right most the time we plant them and they're kind of a mound shape yeah however i just planted a bunch that are i didn't even film it i planted up the brick raised bed it kind of looks like a giant easter basket um and it's just we had some leftover supertunias from random projects and i just they were getting they were languishing in their cans and they looked beautiful all together in their flat but when you started to pull them apart like there was no leaves in the center and they were like this wide with leaves on the ends and i planted them because i thought well i'm not going to waste these plants i've never seen a supertunia that doesn't grow in a nice mounded shape unless it's not getting enough sun or yeah like not getting of sun even food really um they don't really get like well yeah if they're not being fed i suppose however my parents planted the vista snow drifts in their big pots along their driveway again because they love that so much and my dad last night he he was like look at those they're huge and gorgeous he said i've only fertilized those one time one time all season and they're just like thick and full and gorgeous but they're full sun yeah so i'm sorry i don't have a better answer for you at this point if they are straggly i give them a light haircut get them on a good feeding schedule and they should rebound for you christine said i keep getting aphids on my supertunias what can i do about this and is there a way to prevent it in the future yes um so you can spray them with captain jack's dead bug that's what we've been doing because it also takes care of the budworm we deal with the same thing aphids and bedworms on our supertunias and it's almost not worth planting them if you don't plan on having a way to combat those things and we actually just spray preventatively now so we start in about what the first week of may and we do a once a week spray we just make sure to spray um once the beneficials have gone to bed so like later in the evening um is typically when they get their spray and then that will take care of any of the budworms and it will take care of aphids and it just keeps them nice and clean we used to spray bt yes which only did the budworms right and the reason we switched to the captain jacks was to get both which you know you could if you wanted to because bt is a specific uh insecticide and it only takes care of the caterpillars or the budworms and so if you wanted to do a preventative schedule of the budworms if you have those or for those of you who have those and then just do spot treatments if you see aphids with more of a broad spectrum then you can do that that's a little safer in terms of like not accidentally hitting a beneficial or something like that that way you're just doing a targeted spray for those budworms and then just hit and miss for the aphids either way they're both organic yeah brit said why would they be having iron issues in those raised beds with the red and white supertunias did they use native soil to fill them perhaps or their iron issues something that can happen with the potting mix as well it can happen with our water actually and i think it was happening before we planted them it was happening here they were slightly yellow when we planted them yeah well they're fed with groundwater yeah so i mean there you go it's like the water is in the ground and we have alkaline soil so the water will also be alkaline yeah so the chelated iron has been working wonders for us this summer barn to home said what bug and slug do you recommend i've been using bonnie's bug and slug i've had really good luck with it now we don't have slugs terribly bad we have slugs a little bit we have earwicks oh we have earwigs so bad and they'll defoliate plants i mean just make them look like a like a piece of lace almost is that the right word like what do you call a leaf that is like a piece of lace like or um the kind of cheese swiss cheese swiss cheese yeah but intense an intense swiss cheese um anyway the bug and slug works really well for that dana said everything looks amazing you seem genuinely surprised that the plants are being taken care of did you expect the college to not do as good of a job i know when it's hard wouldn't i pass things off to others to take care of yeah you just never know and it was a brand new project yeah we were also just coming off of learning they quit watering at the splash pad yeah well i don't know if they quit watering they they must have gone too long i took benjamin and i i think i mentioned this once before but i i bumped a couple of the containers that were crispy they're dead and they were just dead dead yeah and there was absolutely no water in there even in the reservoir like those are in the right reservoir there was nothing but you have to you know once a week that's all you have to do and even well in our climate once a week i know in in other climates uh they say you can water them every two weeks but you imagine if you get rain or something you wouldn't want to water more than once a week but even once a week is pretty easy to do yeah and they have people there full time too like it's not that hard just to string a hose and water them quick yeah so anyway that's a project that we won't be able to update but so you come off of learning that and you're kind of just hoping that the college is doing a better job and they did they did they did a great job x said i was wondering if we can get these proven winners plants in australia yeah well some it's not the same company but it is proven winners right and they have some of the same plants i don't know i i listened to somebody explain it one time and it sounded kind of like a friendship and not a partnership if that makes sense like everybody's friends and they use the same name um but it's like no money exchanges hands if that makes sense and i could be wrong about this but that's the kind of feeling that i got but all that said like there are plants there are proven winners plants and a lot of or some are the same or really similar uh stephanie said whatever happened to the gazebo did the city get it assembled is it in storage i guess has it been sold at auction to pay for some other projects so they actually they took you know the gazebo they took all the side panels on the top and they excavated the spot down at the park and there's big caution tape around it like there's a big hole at the park but they haven't constructed it yet well there's no concrete yet no there's no concrete there's a hole in the ground i'm not sure we haven't been involved at all with like what the city like we just do and then they're supposed to text aaron they're supposed to text you when they're gonna put it up right so that we can try to go get some footage of that and i was hoping to maybe like plant some things around it or yeah you know we just we haven't heard anything no so that's all we know so maybe it's a fall project for them hopefully the people that do the uh saturday market aren't cursing our name this giant hole right in the middle of their market um jenae said are you guys planning on doing any garden shows in 2022 i would love to do garden shows so long as i don't have to speak at a garden show like i would love to go and just let you guys know that we're gonna go and i would love to meet you guys and just like hang out you know um and not do any kind of speaking i do miss it though like i miss the energy and you do get to network with a lot of people that you work with and you get to meet a lot of really fun people and i you know i miss that because i do draw some even though i'm actually introverted by nature i do draw energy and i i get encouraged by that because you know it might seem like we're really connected but it's just you and i in this room yeah you know um and we get to talk with you guys a lot you know digitally like online but i don't get to a lot of face-to-face and so it really is a fun thing for me and i come back feeling like okay this is why we're making videos you know and that's who we're making videos for and that that feeds me so i don't know we'll see we've been talking about doing some other things like maybe going not to a flower show or for like somebody we work with you know a company because a lot of times when we go to flower shows we'll go for proven winter so we'll go for a spoma um and i would love to go to like longwood gardens just us like maybe just bring the kids bring you know my parents maybe watch the kids while we do a video quick um but do like a family vacation but show you guys some cool gardens at the same time okay next video is miniature woodland tabletop garden which did based on like views whenever i do that's so great yeah whenever i do a project like that it kind of on youtube especially everyone's kind of like meh facebook it did great view wise but um so i don't know it's fun to throw those kinds of things in like let me know what kind of content you like to see the most it seems like when we just show daily projects and what we're doing like you guys enjoy that and um i always feel like i need to mix it up though and do something different every once in a so we haven't done that in a while so it was a really fun project and i feel like it's such an easy project to scale up or down depending on what you want to do and such a great one for like events and things like that so monique said when laura said she used way more plants than she anticipated i had to laugh we know you laura no one believed she wouldn't have used all those plants the garden looked so cute this would look great as a centerpiece on a giant coffee table yes that's that is so true i do have however i don't know if you guys can see behind me can they can they see this this right there probably a little bit a little bit there are one two there's a couple of plants that i had on the table or near me for that project that i did not use so i didn't use all of the plants but i used a lot of them candy said how long will the hostas live in this tray i love this so much i've saved drift wood for years they'll live for a long time because they're miniature hostas they don't need a lot a lot of space to grow they don't need a lot of root room even the ones that i tore apart they've actually been sitting on our little breakfast nook table for a little while i'm going to water them today but as long as they get adequate moisture and airflow and all that kind of thing they should survive for quite a long time edna said are those tiny hostas for planting in the landscape many of the varieties get so big yes um so those are tiny hostas that you could plant in the landscape here unless i did a whole bunch of them they would kind of get lost so i think they're perfect for small like table top gardens or little container gardens uh cher said what are miniature tabletop gardens used for to be pretty decoration i don't know i like to have pretty things to look at on tables zack said what are you growing on the shelves in the back and what are you using for lights on them so those are the three tier grow light gardens i think that's what the title of them are from gardner supply they have led light bulbs which have the really high output so you don't have to raise and lower them like you do traditional bulbs for seed starting which is awesome i used these for all of our seeds like the seedlings that i put out in the cut flower garden i've also got some other grow light systems in here that i try out the oslo the bamboo grow light guard bamboo grow light garden yeah i can't remember all the names but anyway i've been really happy with the led you did a whole video showing everything in here when we first moved in can we link that down below yeah that would be that would be good i don't really go into like delve into all the science of all the spec and spectrums and stuff i'm not super interested in that i just wanted a light system that would work i just like to grow stuff so anyway um top shelf i've got some house plants and some random succulents and stuff for projects that are just kind of hanging out waiting for their time to shine the um shelves right below i don't actually have plants on those right now we turn on the light so it's a little brighter in here for video purposes but i'll turn them off right when we're done but when we made our grand exodus from the plant room in our house with all of this stuff and brought it into the studio this was last do you remember what month that was like november uh wasn't it after christmas oh no because i was really pregnant with samantha samantha then was it after because yeah i know it was before i don't know november december i don't know um i gave away a lot of my plants at that point so a lot of them went away somewhere where they could be cared for better because i knew that this year was going to be nuts i'm glad i did that natalie said love it where do you get that driftwood i'm always looking and can never find driftwood you know what we down at the garden center my parents have a customer in fact he brought my mom a bunch of big stumps for her stumpery that she created it's just this really kind of neat area with huge big tree stumps and they display a bunch of plants around them and there's that wood like the log arch back there that's really cool but he had a bunch of wood i don't know from his property or something like that and so we've got tons of pieces i don't think those were necessarily driftwood they were just really old looking pieces of wood so we get them like randomly um through people like that sometimes we'll find a neat looking piece out by a stream when we're out in the hills or something like that so we just keep our eyes open next video is installing a new hose link kathy oh and in that video it was a giveaway it's still going on so if you go watch that video you can learn the details about the giveaway that four hose links are gonna be given away to buy us a two by hose link um so i think we're gonna be announcing the winners in next week's recap video correct so the next time you watch this i think on this one we wanted to be on the same page as hoslin because they're giving some away as well and i think the details the date of when we're going to pick them is in the description okay but then we'll be mentioning the names in our recap most likely okay anyway we put one up in our soon to be new flower bed up front all the water is done up there we just have to kind of start in putting some grassy down starting to i was thinking of maybe i'm figuring out what kind of a drip i want to put up there maybe not running it because i don't have any plants yet but then getting that set up and then getting some mulch over it so you can really see a distinction of where the flower beds it are versus where the lawn is going to be and it's just all very exciting there's just a lot to do we're just kind of plugging away uh kathy said love your content and if we only had more laura's in this world it'd be a better place oh that's so sweet thank you kathy marissa said question on the metal pipe since my family thought of installing it this way at our home do you think if the hose is swinging around 360 and the metal that the metal will eventually wear down or crack the plastic covering on the hose link yeah so that's a really interesting question because the cut end it's not like super smooth so do you think it would eventually like if you're really spinning that hose link around a lot maybe you could like um grind it down um or you'd want to make make it more smooth i guess i guess i don't know what you how you would do that did i say you could put a washer over the top would it stay put yeah it would because if you um if you put it on the hose link and then put the hose link on the pipe oh you could do something like that so a washer perhaps can you get a one inch washer probably probably get a big washer like that that's what i would do maybe i'll i'll go look at ours and see if yeah because we should probably do that yeah for arts too i didn't think about that elizabeth said yay for charcoal hose links i know it's so much better i love that charcoal color can you get can you just get a one inch pipe from home depot or lowe's can anyone provide more info we got ours at home depot i think you can have them cut them right there in the store i don't think you have to buy a super long piece we bought do you remember it was like eight feet long i think it's the piece we bought we brought that whole thing home and cut a piece yeah because i know we're gonna use it the rest of it later probably for another hose link probably somewhere bubba said our retractable hose is not common over there i don't think i know anyone that doesn't have one in australia well it's because that's where hose link is based is out of australia um i don't yeah it's not it's not a common thing here do you like i haven't noticed anybody no i we didn't even know about it until hoslin came along and they were like hey have you seen our retractable reels and they sent us that first one and i was concerned about everything that else everybody else has concerns about like how many times can you reel it in and out and i was like let it take the sun i don't know if i can do that in my garden yeah and at first you were kind of like plastic yeah you were totally skeptical about it yeah now you have come around yeah like hose links everywhere they are so so nice now the only place i don't have one that i don't think would work is in the vegetable garden our faucet is kind of um like i don't have anywhere i can mount one and then i've got stuff all up in the way so i don't even think i'd be able to pull a hose it's too tight of quarters don't you think aaron like i thinking about how i think i'd have to pull it over plants in order to get it to retract properly and so i've been like really racking my brain thinking how that would work and i just don't think it would so that will be my like last spot where i'll always have to coil a hose up probably catherine said i would love a hose link does the real in feature wear out over time is it repairable if it does if some or something breaks you know i don't know our only experience is like what you said in the video where it's like we've had one that's in its fourth year right now and it's still working great it's used twice and it gets used all the time way more than a regular home does would so um it isn't subject to winter temperatures in there so that's something like but they're easy i mean you saw how easy it was to put that reel down in the pipe you just lift it back out and unhook it from the water and put it somewhere that's warmer you do probably want to be careful as it's reeling in that um you don't like your hose isn't all like muddy or dirt you know oh sure yeah because that could go up inside yeah so you probably do want to be cautious but but we haven't had an issue so no we i will say like every once in a while it'll catch like it won't reel in all the way and you have to pull it back out just a little bit and then reel it back and it reels back in i haven't had one that won't reel back in yeah we haven't because we have multiple and we haven't like thrown any away or no had anybody that were beyond um being able to get sex you know where we can put one where back by the one i fill up the fountain with in the back corner by the blue spruce would be a great spot to be a really good spot for one yeah because right now yeah right now we just have a hose coiled on the ground and it's barely long enough i don't i think that's a 50 foot hose would you want a cargo one or a cream one doesn't matter either one yeah maybe maybe you can enter your name into that into that nice giveaway those people are doing jay glee 1971 said does having the hose link sit in direct sun cause problems not really i mean we have hosts like sitting out in the blazing sun out in the new property there are five hose links out there you guys have seen it i mean it looks like we're on a different planet out there and um no problems in fact when i turn on the water like it's warm for like three seconds and then it's cold and i think this is the last video from this week we only did five videos this week right or six no five well there was five yeah i think i got questions from five five videos yeah yeah which i kind of told you guys that we may take time off here there and who knows this week is so up in the air with the hartley like i mean we're gonna be filming a little bit of the hartley every single day and then putting it together so depending on how scheduling goes we may not have as many videos this week well with the heat and the smoke the smoke is bad bad bad right now when i was driving out to my parents this morning it was just it was thick yeah like it smells like a campfire i mean i don't know how close those fires are there's none that are like really close to us they're well there are like brush fires and stuff but but yeah who knows where the smoke is coming from oh my word anyway um so this video was planting spruce trees and making some borage cocktails with my mom so it's kind of a menagerie of a video erin and i went out onto the new property and planted two spruce trees one was a um was a to rooters i don't know they're in the root is that right common box one was a max gold white spruce ugh deruder serbian spruce i was right i just just did not sound right to me anyway we got those planted and we've not been planting very much much especially out there because it's just been so hot but some things we've been having to water twice and sometimes i think they would be happier if we even watered them a third time in a day to keep them happy so getting them in the ground where they're more insulated and have more moisture to draw from i just think they're going to be happier and it's less work on us so and then our borage behind the chicken coop is just looking fantastic i planted a borage plant a year or two ago and they're a self-seeding annual and i think they're so underused in the garden so i just wanted to kind of show what mine looked like and we didn't i didn't stand by it and talk about it because uh the brick guys were there working on the hartley about five feet away from where that plant was and they were working their saw and all of that so anyway we just set up a camera and i picked from it and i got all the blooms but anyway and then my mom and i tried out two new cocktail recipes which oh the garden gimlet we linked both of them the garden gimlet i used sugar instead of honey in the simple syrup and it was delicious it was so good and then the other one i modified the recipe when i made mine and i used half the amount of elderflower liqueur twice the amount of lime and twicey mouth simple syrup and it was really good too um anyway that was a really fun video um janet said when your hartley is up and running it will be nice to have the weekly cocktail video in there yes the weekly could was it decided on it's a weekly cocktail video i told my mom next week we should do a cucumber mint one martini there you go i think that sounds really good uh and just use stuff but see like coming off like that's actually growing in the garden right now i think that'd be fun pamela said when you say one gallon per hour is that per emitter uh the brown tubing does half gallon per hour per hole yep right i was very emphatic right i think so okay yep garden girl said can we tour the cutting garden please i think that would be a good idea things are starting to really come into their own dahlias are still really short but they are blooming some of them gladialis are in bloom about ready to harvest onions i need to get potatoes harvested artichokes are looking amazing sunflowers are blooming sweet peas are starting to to dwindle because of the heat vine crops look good you know in that first kind of rectangle where i planted all my spring stuff and i've got snapdragons and things i've got some weary looking plants because they're meant for cooler temperatures and they're the stuff i planted early and i need to get those pulled and start seeding some stuff for an early fall harvest i haven't been like super efficient with my planting like succession planting and making sure i've got things going all the time and it's something i need to organize myself better at this next year and be ready for that so anyway that's goals for next year but yeah i think it'd be a good idea last night aaron benjamin and i rather were out uh watering some pumpkins because i don't think that the pumpkin zone ran yesterday erin did you look into that i did not you did not so well no no i did and it appeared from what i could see that it had around maybe it was just extra hot and i needed a little bit more because not all of them were wilted but do you mind looking into that after we're done here just to make sure well there's nothing i can really look into it says in the program that's running so if it's not running i just need to so i'll go out and just look at the plans yeah you kind of got to tell me if they're not okay so i was out there watering like doing a little bit of supplemental watering and i heard benjamin say look mom it growed up and i turned around and he said it's a baby pumpkin it was a baby watermelon crimson sweet watermelon that he had pulled off the vine and he was so excited about it and it was so sweet and he's just so cute and he's so like he's got such a um sweetness i don't know like i have to be careful with my reactions though because it'd be easy to be like no you picked something off the vine it wasn't ready um i don't want to squash his enthusiasm so i by the end he realized like oh it was still a baby it needed to grow up a little bit more and he's he knows to ask me now before he picks something off the vine but um yeah so that happened last night and then we went to my parents he wanted to show everybody his baby watermelon and he kept kissing it giving it kisses because it was a baby watermelon anyway marian said just curious if it is the 100 degrees or so why is laura's mom wearing a long sleeve coat and a hat that was a shirt and a hat for sun protection and you acclimate you know a lot of people who actually work in fields and stuff around here they are fully clothed like like clothes like clothes wide brim hats sometimes nets um sleeves that go down to here and gloves and full pants and full shoes you acclimate to the heat and it protects you from the sun and a lot of times you actually stay cooler when you're fully clothed and acclimated like that as opposed to exposing your sun to that hot temperature so i don't know you do you do acclimate it doesn't keep you from like sweating or anything but um you do acclimate in fact like toward the end of this heat wave i'm kind of like well it's not too bad out here yeah cause i'll go in our house for a little while and i'll come back out and think oh this feels good like that warmth feels good initially initially uh next question i don't know how to pronounce that name said when you mentioned christmas tree lights to erin why were there no why were no electrical plug-ins not run in the new property for these types of projects i don't even know e i don't know even if electrical can be run in the dirt just asking bonus is seeing mama and you having a great positive time with the new cocktails uh we do have electrical run on the entire perimeter of the new property it runs with the water line our same trajectory as the water line so basically we have electrical access anywhere we want out there we also have it along the edge of our new lawn area so it's along the whole driveway which cuts through the center of the property so like we could do we could stub up electrical pretty much anywhere and not have to trench very far at all um so that was erin's aaron is super like future minded and he always thinks how am i going to want to use this in the future how what can i put in now before like we start actually landscaping really intensely so we don't have to wreck that later on which is so nice because my brain doesn't work that way but anyway yeah so we can no problem with that donna said what is happening with the quail eggs so the quail eggs i just posted a an update on instagram and my friend candled the eggs and there are seven she thinks seven or eight that are like there's living quail inside it was so cool in fact maybe we can put a little um video up on the screen and there when i posted when i posted that there was a little bit of wonderment i don't want to say negativity but wonder wondering why i would touch the the quail eggs and why i wouldn't just leave them alone and why didn't i leave the cabbage plant in the garden well sometimes you pull up the plant and you don't know something else is there i had no idea that the quail was there um this i'm just justifying myself really quick i had no idea the quail was there i would have left the cabbage plant had i known that i mean who cares about the cabbage it would have been really fun to see those baby quail eggs once i had ruined it though these eggs were exposed to 108 degree temperatures there was no cover for the adults of the adult birds they wouldn't have come and sat on those eggs to incubate them because they were completely exposed we have skunks we have foxes every night that run through our property we see them on camera so we see this wildlife and our cats um these birds would have not lived so we did the best thing that we could think of and our neighbor just down the lane um she actually has all the proper quail uh like runs quail fencing quail habitat because she raises birds a ton like tons of birds she's very knowledgeable in that realm um so she was like sure bring them on down i'd be happy to do that and so um they're in the incubator now she's going to give us some updates later on and then she's going to release them once they're big enough so she'll release them probably right around here which is really cool and then creed said how on earth is that big open bare space where you planted completely weed free okay a couple things when chad you can you can answer if you go ahead it's fine i was actually trying to think how should i answer that question uh three things one when chad graded it um i don't know like not a lot of weeds popped up he removed a lot of the very top layer because it was so full of puncture vine he was like i'm gonna get rid of this for you number two um i built i didn't like take a picture or anything of it but i do i have a picture really yeah well i built a lan uh land plane like um i don't know what you call it exactly just like a leveler yeah out of two by fours and four by fours and whatever and i drug that behind the gator to try to smooth it out not like level it necessarily but try to smooth out any um little hills or whatever it works and that worked really really well did you watch anybody for that yeah i just kind of patted it off a couple youtube videos that i watched um and that seemed to help to kind of knock down some of the weeds too because you're kind of like cutting the very top layer and making it sort of powdery and then the third thing is captain jack's dead weed roo has been awesome yeah has been i cannot wait erin is gonna seed some grass maybe this week yeah yeah and we don't have any shade trees for that area yet i think that will probably be spring although i was thinking benjamin and i were on a walk down the lane and i was just looking at those autumn blaze maples we planted last year when was that that was like august maybe september when we planted those and i kind of thought oh we'll see so happy we did that because they had enough time to sit in those holes and root in they were there all winter long and then they got to wake up in those spots and all of them look amazing like all of them yeah and even the one that got hit by the pizza i know and i just thought you know what they look so much better than all the ones we've planted this year that have had to go through the heat after being planted brand new so maybe if we can get our hands on some nice big shade trees so we can get some of those this fall but the odds of getting a hold of shade trees well we could go to boise and see if there's stuff there it's easier getting it through your parents though yeah well we'll see what happens janelle says laura slash aaron you guys don't have nick or pet names for each other or do you both keep it professional for the video i've never really thought about that no i haven't either oh we don't have nicknames or pet names we never have have we have we ever called each other anything that nope just always aaron and laura yeah i think no like baby or honey or oh like even even you saying that i'm like nope nope nope that's just i don't know for for benjamin i call him sweet boy baby boy bud a lot um he calls me his sweet girl yeah yeah um and best friend and his mama you're my best friend forever ever ever ever ever ever ever yeah so cute and then we call uh samantha baby girl baby sister sister uh samantha you i don't call her man you call her that's weird yeah but you and i never we're just not i don't know if that's a is that a romantic thing to do or just i don't know like at what point do couples start calling each other those names like how awkward that would be awkward to me you know what it almost feels like um and i'm not trying to be like i'm not trying to defend anyone but it almost feels like baby talk or something like that to call someone like a pet name maybe i'm wrong about that but doesn't it feel a little bit like that like uh for us it feels not right yeah for others i mean you do you but you and i are very well matched in that way we're just we're both not like super romantic yeah like in that yeah i don't know that's a that's a kind of an interesting question i mean yeah yeah it's a good question will said have you ever offered to plant privacy trees on your neighbor's property i want to do it but i'm not sure it's a good idea aaron and i have differing oh he's looking at me like i picked this question on purpose i kind of did so our neighbors uh that have like are behind our orchard wall and stuff we've had some people concerned that our neighbors could see all of our stuff behind that fence and they can't because their house doesn't face it in fact like all of our stuff is very positioned like i think well to where nobody can really see it because we see the back of our neighbor's barn and that's where their propane tank is and all of their like their tractor and stuff and that's like our tractors are just kind of looking at each other so they have that beautiful wall of trees over there on the north side of that property and it looks like you could keep on going with the trees but i think it's really it's presumptuous i i don't know i would i don't think it's presumptuous i think if you just go and you just simply offer and say like hey i know that we are keeping some stuff back here if you know we we plant plants for a living so if you ever would like some privacy stuff we'd be more than happy to plant pretty much your property to have you take care of it no we could even water it from our stuff from our side but do you really want to be bound to having to take care i mean that's the thing it's like where do you want the lines most stuff you don't have to take care of is if you give it water in this area i mean a lot of trees and evergreens we would probably in that case carry on with they have pines and linden trees yeah you could carry on with that same thing just pines and those are easy care unless the pines get blight like ours did yeah i don't think it's presumptuous i think that you know they can just be like oh no we like the open space and then that's that you know because you're not saying like i really want a privacy screen here can i plant some stuff on your yard you're just like offering it as a solution because they may be like oh that'd be awesome like we've been busy and haven't really thought about it if you want to plant some stuff that'd be great you know i just think if people can be honest with each other about it yeah well it was kind of like the whole other situation with our other neighbors and that was all great and it was all just be honest with your neighbors because chances are like they have thoughts find out what their thoughts are and hopefully they're being honest with you and then you can come to agreements on things i think my per perspective is coming from somebody who like likes to garden and likes to pick out things you know what i mean and if somebody wanted to come plant something on my property well i think probably you wouldn't be honest with someone you'd you'd maybe want to sugarcoat it and be like oh oh yeah um sure you know like all reluctant to say no or or share what you actually thought what i would do is i would take the north pole arbs that go all the way down to that corner and i just turn the corner and keep on coming just until like passed just past the orchard fence we've talked about doing that too which there is room just about until you get to the high tunnels and then it kind of tightens up a little bit because there's some water hose faucet and electrical access right there but it's just so many arms well it's okay it just turns into a green wall yeah it's just a green fence but it'd be yeah but before you do that you could ask the neighbors if they would want it on their side because they might like having a privacy screen on their side maybe it's just something that you know they're everybody's busy with life is not like the front of mind for everybody yes i'm actually just thinking about the hartley right now yeah so i think that that is it for this week's recap video that's all the questions we've got uh anything else we need to mention i think we covered it all all right so i don't know when this recap video is going to go out but i did mention too on instagram and facebook that we are capturing and i think i just mentioned at the beginning of this video we're capturing all of the hartley progress and then we'll put it together in one video uh i think it'll be more seamless that way so it will be a few days between like right now when we're filming this and when we actually put the video out about the hartley i know a lot of you guys are super excited to see it and so i i did mention that it was going to be a few days so i just wanted to let you know but it'll probably be a few days before this recap goes up too anyway you guys probably don't even care about that i'm gonna go now thank you for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it i hope you found it helpful and i hope you guys are all having a really great week we'll see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer Highlights
Views: 122,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6-gqHEutQLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 24sec (3324 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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