Are We Having Kids? Are We Married? THE REALITY OF LIVING OFF GRID - Q&A

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[Music] so [Music] um hey you guys welcome back to another video here on my nicholistic channel today's video is going to be a little bit different it's going to be a q a my first ever q a here on this channel a couple of weeks ago i had you guys asked me a bunch of questions on my instagram channel and also on our last i think maybe two vlogs ago on um on my other youtube channel with jake and i picked about 10 questions questions that i was getting a lot of and ones that i wanted to answer here from those two platforms and i'm finally filming it i've been wanting to film this video outside and it has been like crazy stormy the last like week intense rain [Applause] [Applause] when it's all like dark and gloomy and rainy it's the lighting and the yurt is you know really dark so i wanted to make sure i had really good lighting and i wanted to film in one of my favorite places which is out here in the garden it's an amazing day today there's a little bit of cloud cover and no rain it's really nice the birds are chirping and it's a little chilly because fall is in the air and it just it feels really wonderful also i wanted to showcase my gingko bulova tree right behind me it's starting to turn yellow and it's so pretty it's such a pretty yellow so i'm out here and made myself some warm tea and i'm really excited to answer some of your questions so let's just dive right into it the first question what experience would you say was most influential and turning you towards um holistic living i would say that yoga i think really pushed me towards a holistic lifestyle i started yoga when i was about 18 is when i took my first yoga class and honestly when i you know first started doing yoga i didn't really think much of it i just did it for a workout to stay fit to stay flexible i danced you know most of my childhood and up through high school so all through high school i danced and then when high school was done and i graduated you know dance was over and i didn't go to college for dance or anything so i did yoga to kind of keep me flexible so i didn't lose that and kind of give me something to do so i'm not you know wasn't just like dance and then done and i wasn't that strict with yoga i kind of like dabbled in it and then i would go on with my life and then i'd come back to yoga and then i'd go on with my life but the more i you know did it you know when i would stop and come back i'd do it a little bit longer and then i'd stop it a little bit longer and the more i did it it just kind of opened my eyes to the holistic lifestyle you know i started going to seminars and i started going to retreats and and then i moved to arizona and i went to school for yoga and got my certificate and you know that opened my eyes to so many things and i met amazing people that would show me more of the holistic lifestyle and i just i fell in love and i you know i've been doing doing it ever since and now that i live up here you know i have way more time for yoga and i do yoga like every day and i'm just like obsessed with it and now i want to share with everybody the whole world a holistic lifestyle and how amazing it is and how great it is for your body okay question number two where do you get your clothes especially your fanny pack i've every time i wear my fanny pack or both of them um i get a lot of questions like where do you get that where do you get that so i have two of them um a green one and a brown one and i got the green one i do believe from ebay and then i got the brown one from etsy so i get a lot of my clothes now um from etsy i love etsy so much i love how small businesses can go on there and sell stuff local businesses and i'm supporting them and you find such cool unique clothes that you wouldn't find you know at your typical store so a lot of my stuff come comes from etsy i also love thrift store shopping finding secondhand stuff and i a lot of my clothes i've you know i've kept since high school i've always had a secret love for clothes back in like the 1800s um you know like titanic type of clothes and dresses or a little house on the prairie um the dresses and the skirts i've just i've always loved that style and so living up here i've been able to like wear those kind of clothes and i absolutely love it because i feel like i'm kind of like reinventing myself and discovering what i like and not being pressured by you know what everyone in the city is wearing and out here i get to express myself the way that i want to and wear the things that i like and it gives me confidence and i just i love it so much and i'm having so much fun trying on new clothes and um skirts and prancing around the forest and feeling like i'm back in the 1800s you know so like we live off the grid here so i really feel like i'm little house in the prairie with our hand pump and the wood stove and i just ugh i love it so much and i love that i'm able to share it with you guys here on my channel so so yeah so etsy's been amazing for that to find really cool unique old vintage clothes and i just i've been having so much fun so etsy etsy is my go-to clothes or unless i go to like a thrift store or a cute little boutique somewhere in a small town and for the fanny packs on etsy i just searched fanny packs i think and that just kind of opened up a door like if you click on one that you kind of like then i'll show you like here are some other things that you might like it just kind of like sends you down this rabbit hole until you find that one that you like so i think that's how i found my brown fanny pack which i absolutely love so much it's so cute okay so question number three how do you cope with missing family and friends since pandemic what do you do um so for those of you who don't know um i'm up here in canada on vancouver island and my family lives in oregon or washington so they're all in the states and with the pandemic it's been extremely hard not being able to go and just visit them it's almost been a year since i've seen my mom and it's been so very very hard i'm really close with my mom and my sister and my brothers and my family um and my friends and i my best friend and i mean you know what i do is i honestly i talked to my mom at least i talk to my mom every single sunday i make a point even if i have nothing to talk about with my mom even if the week was boring and i have no news even with her you know i just i still call her and we still talk for like an hour on the phone so that really helps a lot and i you know i talk to my sister very often and my friends we do face time you know so the phone and technology like that has been amazing for me um to stay connected with them and then also making videos like this my mom loves watching these videos so hi mom um you know and she it's amazing to be able to show our family what we're working on with the jake and nicole show so they're able to see everything that we're doing and they'll call and say oh my god the pizza oven looks amazing so being able to film our lives and show the world you know especially our family has been amazing it's been really nice so we are listening to the news often just to see you know about the border and what's going to be happening and jake and i are working on my papers to be a permanent resident here in canada because i'm not canadian but jake is so he's sponsoring me so if we have all the proper paperwork then it might be easier for us to get back into canada if i do leave to go visit my family so we have a lot of things in the works to make it easier for me we did hear some good news the other day um it sounds like canada is going to be opening up the border to um close family members or if you're in like a common-law relationship if you have the proper paperwork so when i heard that um on npr i i literally started crying because i was so excited like finally something some some good news because all we've been hearing is you know the board is still closed the board's still closed the board board's so close so to hear that was just like oh i was so excited and of course right after i heard that i called my mom and i told her the good news so yeah it's been challenging but you know i keep telling myself that this isn't forever and you know it's not always going to be like this and i know that you know i'll see my family soon and i've just been keeping myself busy honestly when i start to feel myself getting really sad you know i don't shy away from it i let myself be sad and i cry and i tell jake and he's an amazing partner and he holds me and tells me everything will be okay and you know i just do a lot of yoga and i just keep myself busy using this time to work on myself and work on our business and and work on the garden and explore these parts and just yeah keep telling myself it's not going to be forever okay so question number four what is your teeth routine they always look really white um thank you i do get this question a lot i love love love taking care of my teeth um i do smile a lot so that's very important and also my best friend um is a dental hygienist so you know i feel like i have to have a good teeth routine or she will kick my butt so with my teeth i was very lucky and my parents were always honest about brushing our teeth and they we got braces when we were younger so i'm very thankful for that i floss um i don't floss every day i mean i know you probably should but i floss it like every other day some holistic things that i do for my teeth is i do like a charcoal um like i'll brush my teeth with um activated charcoal so i'll just take my toothpaste and then i'll dip it in activated charcoal and i'll brush my teeth with that it turns your whole mouth black and it's awesome it's so much fun i love freaking jake out so um i will do that i used to do oil pulling i just it's not my favorite so i don't really do it and i i mean if you're into that that's awesome that's also really another good way to keep your white to keep your teeth white so if you're wanting to look more into that go to just look up any oil pulling kind of videos i do a tooth polish that i recently found from a company i don't have it out here with me but i'll pan it on the screen it has clay in it and a couple of other really good ingredients um that's really good for your gums so i'll do a tooth polish uh maybe every other day yeah i mean that's about it okay moving right along question number five would you ever consider doing a t101 video about benefits of drinking tea oh my god of course i would love doing a video like that so thank you very much for that idea i used to do tea time tuesday maybe i'll bring that back i would love doing a tea video in the future i would love to make my own tea blends and sell them that's something that i've always dreamed about doing so yeah i would love to do a tea video of some of my favorite teas and the benefits like right now i am drinking a ginger lemon tea my stomach was feeling a little kind of queasy and ginger helps settle the stomach and it also kind of calms your nerves and i was a little nervous you know filming um a video um i'm used to like doing things in the video and not sitting down and talking so like that's not my strong suit is you know talking to the camera i get nervous and i find myself you know talking a mile a minute or talking too much so drinking this tea to like calm my nerves and my tummy so so there's one tea benefits for you guys is drinking um a ginger tea okay and um also jake is working on the pizza oven right now so if you hear any loud power tools you shouldn't because it is pretty far but i'm hearing them so if you guys hear them i apologize so number six do you plan to live in your yurt for months or years so no um we actually don't plan on living in the europe forever our main goal is to build a cobb house we actually want to build the cob house behind the garden currently our year is over there on that property so what cobb is is like a natural home made of sand straw and clay and you put these three components together and there are certain ratios and it makes like cement pretty much like a like a paste and you can build a structure any way that you want like making like pottery like you could shape it and mold it in whichever way you want and then it hardens and it creates concrete so we'd love to build a house out of cobb we'll probably start building the cob house in like three or four years so way down the line from now and then our yurt that we're living in now will turn into like a guest yurt then we're actually getting a second yurt delivered at the end of this month and it's going to be a smaller yurt and we're actually looking for a property manager slash apprentice to come and live here so jake and i can travel or you know it'd just be nice to have someone here to tend to things and to kind of be a helping hand okay next question how do you deal with that time of the month while living off the grid so this is for all my females out there at first coming up here dealing with my time of the month was a little challenging um it still has its moment because we don't have a proper bathroom and i did a video about this topic um a while ago actually probably a year ago so what i do is i use the menstrual cup i've been using the menstrual cup for three years now and i love it i could not talk more about it like it's so amazing so i don't use any tampons i don't use any pads anymore um i just use the menstrual cup and then i just recently purchased my first pair of um i don't know what you call them the company's called thick like period underwear and shorts and i also got a thong too oh my gosh i can't believe i didn't know about this sooner so i use those so i use the menstrual cup and then i also use my underwear if i'm not like super heavy completely honest with you the cup is nice it is messy and since i don't have your traditional bathroom with a sink i have to take a cup of water or like a mason jar and then i have to take that out with me and then i use the cup to you know the water to clean my menstrual cup so that's how i do that because i don't have a sink it's challenging but it works and you know i i feel like it you know it's so much better for my body than tampons because they have chemicals on them um especially the pads so yeah if you want any more information i'll link the companies that i use down below to do more research or if you have any more questions on that topic put it down in the comments and i'll go in there and answer them okay so question number eight are you planning on writing a book with all your recipes and teas yes we are we are in the middle of making an ebook for all of our cooking recipes i've been wanting to put out an e-book for a really long time and hopefully soon we can get it out i'm not the most tech savvy when it comes to like website designing and all the ebook stuff so i'm still trying to figure it out but we have a ton of recipes that we want to share with you guys and put an e-book out an e-book cookbook out very soon so once i have the e-book cookbook out i would love to write down all my tea blends that i make and make a little book of that or also like a holistic book um with like my clay masks and my hair rinses that i do and my body scrubs and stuff it's my cup of tea um i would love love love to make a book right now we have so many projects going on with the cobb oven and the yurt coming and um trying to hire somebody and we're also building a website and starting a merch line right now as we speak so i just so much going on but definitely in the near future i would love to get that ebook out and so many other books that i have all up in my brain so this next question is probably my most asked question for both jake and i on all of our platforms is are you and jake married are you going to have kids i feel like anybody in a relationship that's been in a relationship for a long time those are like you know the primary questions that you ask which is completely under you know understandable it's you know we're humans and i guess it's just a human thing to ask those questions so no jake and i are not married we've been together for um like three and a half years now and maybe one day we'll get married we're not in any rush to get married we love each other so very much and yes i would love to marry him and you know go down that road but i'm sure one day it will happen which will be amazing and wonderful and are we going to have kids yes we probably will have kids um someday you know i definitely you know i will be honest with you guys i do have baby fever and i know my mom would love to have some grandkids because she's she's ready i mean honestly i would love to have you know kids now it's just you know with the pandemic and me not being able to even see my family right now would just be too hard so we're not in any hurry we're taking our time and kind of seeing what the world does and what the border does because i would love for my mom and my family to be involved in every single way that they can you know with the baby and the pregnancy and stuff and i have to have my mom there of course and my best friend and my sister so we're just waiting and just kind of patiently seeing what happens with the world and the borders and stuff like that all right and the last question number 10 what do you and jake miss the most about being in this city i think i speak for both jake and i we miss the restaurants and going out and trying new food we always daydream about some of our favorite restaurants that we'd always go to in arizona some nights sitting in the year and we'll just randomly go oh you know what sounds so good or that i'm craving is the vegan hot wings from green or some desserts from pomegranate cafe or remember that time that we went to that place in paris like oh that food sounds so good the number one thing that we miss is the restaurants and the food and and going out and the whole atmosphere um i think we both both miss that the most about living in the city those are all of the questions that i get asked all the time so hopefully i answered your questions um if not i'll do another instagram you know ask me a question and instagram dms i love answering your guys's questions i love you guys getting to know me and jake and you know what we're doing out here and what what we're creating i feel like it's really special and you know jake and i both love to educate people on off-grid living you know eating your own food that you grow yourself and building awesome things like a pizza oven and a hippie hot tub and we have so many things in the works and we've been making all of them come true and it's just been such a blessing and i'm just so grateful for this life not every day is perfect but hey you know what we're doing is amazing and i wouldn't change it for the world and jake and i's relationship has just grown so much and just been a crazy crazy adventure if anybody would have told me five years ago that this is what i would be doing i would just be like oh my gosh that sounds so amazing like i can't believe it you know i never thought that i would live this kind of life and i'm i'm so grateful and i'm grateful for you guys our audience and our followers to be able to share it with you guys it's just been so much fun and we love it and we love creating thumbnails and videos and getting different angles and so yeah with that being said i'm gonna go and help jake with the pizza oven and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day so i love you guys bye [Applause] wow [Laughter]
Channel: NicHolistic
Views: 385,717
Rating: 4.9011273 out of 5
Keywords: yoga flow, holistic medicine, Nicholistic, fitness, natural, healing healthy, Vinyasa flow, Asana, Yoga, Off grid, Living off grid, homestead, Nature, Q&A, Babys, Yurt life, yurt, Marriage
Id: l4U_jXK3fUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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