ARE THEY WORTH IT? Testing Japanese Paint Markers Posca Pens art supplies

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hey you do you want to avoid being a part of canceled culture and sometimes you feel like saying Oh which meant it's in that case we have you covered with the holy carp merch comes in everything from t-shirts mugs hoodies and pillows limited edition signed version it's only available until August 24th not sure what this is but it's something links in description I current section and pin comment because when you're a grain you come in like a hurricane hey grains so recently pasta pens have become a really a huge deal in the arts and crafts community and so today what I would really love to try and see is whether they are everything magnificent to the best thing in the universe or if they're really just the minute supply and it's just a select bunch of people who like it so as a beginner naturally since I have no idea what colors to pick up the last time I went to Japan you you guessed it I am here in Japan I really don't understand the whole trend of pasta pens but you know this is some base so I am at Tokyo hands which is probably one of the best jobs to pick up pasta pins so you know what I'm gonna go and pick up one of each color of one of the sizes so from what I understand is that these ones here the two point worth waiting to two point five there are so there's a 29 of this thickness I think it's the most standard thickness so I'm gonna go ahead and get one Pat thinks it's overkill what do you think I've never used them before so I don't know what the hype is and I think the best way to do it is to just grab one Apollo Venus [Music] and the glittery ones of course what's that is that paper for those kinds of pants I guess we don't know which means things I've never used and I'm just curious about yes you saw that right I didn't just pick up a couple of colors I picked up all of the colors in that one size yes including the glittery ones because you can never look at me get a little closer closer closer closer yes just right you could never have enough glitter in your life and if you believe otherwise just just think of glitter as like colorful salt okay so one of the big question is what our pasta pens pasta pens are supposed to be paint markers notice how I said supposed to be but they are you can tell the salts made me skeptical from the essence of my soul and those paint markers are supposed to help you draw on virtually any surface according to their website so we should be able to draw on glass wood metal all different surfaces and I've seen so many of my artist friends use it and get absolutely gorgeous results now however as a beginner can we get some fun results and is it a fun material to work with because I've also seen dollar store equivalents way here like so and direct competitors so if you're interested in a future video where I compare these brand names to the dollar store equivalent and their competitors which are cheaper make sure that we hit 15,000 likes on this video then I'll know whether you're interested or not oh and by the way for those of you who have not subscribed yet don't make me wave a sharp pointy thing at you click that button click that bell and get all notifications so overall for about 36 colors I spent $100 which comes up to about two dollars and seventy eight cents per marker doesn't seem too tragic considering these are like the Copic markers of paint markers all right so before we start painting on different surfaces let's do color swatches and see whether or not the colors on the actual cat's English number what that's the word I was looking for correspond to the colors that come out of the tubes I know I've said multiple times that I've gone to Japanese craft stores but if I were allowed to come back and haunt one place in this whole world I would love to be the ghost of Cecotto which is like the biggest craft store in Japan if you could come back and haunt one place let me know in the comment section below it where would you like to be haunting if you had a choice definitely a craft store for me all right since Japan loves to individually wrap everything but then again most of their stuff is actually recycled I got a tip from KC golden who got a tip from her subscribers that the best way to open this is not this way but instead we do it this way twist the cap and the whole thing comes off pretty cool huh so I'm going to go ahead and unwrap all of these things one eternity later all my colors have been laid out in the order I think they should go and I've put down the words of the colors which is called the names of the colors technically if you speak English properly unlike me but I don't know if I'm gonna get a chance to be salty in this video so let me just be salty for the whole wide world who in the right mind thought it was a good idea to spell foucha like this cuz my head does not go to foucha when i see this word it's just [Music] let's just pretend you know exactly how my mind is spelling this as you can see even my instinct to write it was completely off so am I gonna correct it I'm just leaving it as it is with my scribbles all right so first things first when it comes to the marker themselves they're very slick I mean they're really smooth they feel like velvety plastic that's the softest plastic you can think of that's exactly what this feels like all right now to in order to do this the tips themselves are not activated so when you get a fresh marker they are not activated at all so what we have to do is shake them and then pump them until the paint comes out so let's let's do the doing moments late l ma moment late L all right so here we go usually I tend to ruin these kinds of nib things but you know what I also have black paper so we're going to be testing these colors and their vibrancy on the black paper as well maybe we should do that now white paper black paper let's play all right so let's pump I'm always scared with these things oh so we can start seeing that the paint is coming down this is exciting why am I so excited because I just love art and here's the first stroke is so juicy it's so big it's one thing seeing them on camera but it really is another thing seeing them in person I think I need to shake them a little bit more because I could still see through it so back to shaking because apparently shaking it is the key to getting a good color thank you again Casey so the colors not pretty keep shaking all right so here we are shaking after 30 more seconds let's see the difference or that is quite the difference you can see here it's a little streaky whereas on the second side here it's a lot less transparent it's a lot more opaque in other words so shaking really is the key even after you've shaken it and let's say you put them aside in order to use them again you have to shake them again so I'm gonna go ahead shake all 36 colors do I regret it yeah well I regret it by color number 36 most probably [Music] all right here's something really interesting so here's the bolt and as you can tell there's a little bit of a gray tint to it not sure that your grains can see but it's kind of silvery gold whereas the silver is pure silver I know it looks really gold here but trust me there's some silver on it but when they both go on the black paper it is purely gold I feel like the gold might have some kind of silvery glitter in it so it's reflecting against the white paper all right so now it's time for the glitter ones but for some reason I've been pumping them I've been pushing down on them I've been shaking them and I'm still not getting enough leakage just get you minds so I have no idea how many pumps this is going to take before it unleashes liquid I'm gonna stop now in all seriousness though I've been pumping that so many times that I'm just starting to wonder if I'm doing it wrong so for those of you want to say okay keep getting it don't you bring your butt over here and give it a truck because I'm doing my best I have to admit I'm getting a little annoyed with these glitter things cuz they're just not cooperating much and they're bordering on the slightly translucent side so here's the green purple dark blue light blue pink orange and red and even though the colors are pretty pretty I don't feel they're as juicy or as pretty as the original colors so a part of me already feels like these are probably a waste of money so this is what I have to deal with when I'm recording is just constant meowing in the background let me go get him alright so this chubby bunny is not allowed in this craft room but he keeps pushing his luck meet Rameses Rameses these are migraines so generally do I love glitter yes do I love it more than salt don't ever say something like that again but if you look on how it's actually coming down on white paper it's very similar to the gold marker I feel like the glitter is probably either gray or white so it's not reflecting nicely on white paper whereas on the black paper it does look pretty nice but I feel like I still wouldn't waste the money buying a glitter pasca pennants and I am extremely impressed to say that the Posca pens caps and the colors that come out of them are insanely close these are just a couple of the markers but if you just put them next to each other I'm not gonna put all of them they are ridiculously I made a ridiculously close to the caps that is that is a plus one right there puska so 100% I am in love with puska pens on either the white or black paper and yes it definitely stands out way more on black paper their website claims that Oskar pens are ideal for almost any surface and I mean wood metal plastic glass rocks and you know what we're gonna try that and so here's a raw piece of wood and let's draw one of my little weird creatures because I feel like vibrant and gorgeous colors are pretty much what make my creatures stand out from like creepy to borderline kind of cute now as I'm coloring in on the piece of wood I was so surprised I really didn't expect to get that much coverage in so little strokes and it was really juicy really smooth it really completely made me understand why so many artists in the community are in love with this medium I also really thought because it's juicy it's going to take a long time to dry but so far on this piece of wood it doesn't take as long to dry as I thought so waiting anywhere between fifteen to thirty seconds was more than enough for some of the parts one of the other things I quickly noticed about using puska pens when drying if you make a mistake just let it dry and you can easily cover it up with another color it reminds me a lot of oil paints and a lot less like acrylic paste to be honest I am NOT a fan of acrylic painting but these ones are starting to change me so part of me has an identity crisis I don't know it's I don't know what's going on do I actually like acrylic painting markers [Music] what the heck why do I love this so much alright I guess the birds spoken I have to love them and again to show you the comparison between the glitter ones and the actual opaque normal ones you'll see it's not the same this doesn't look that great compared to the originals so the glitters are still met in my books next you son that turn around you saw nothing I'm gonna hold it with both my hands no next difference we're going to be trying is plastic since it's supposed to work on virtually everything let's do the doing I'm usually a little skeptical when it comes to plastic simply because it's very slippery so I'm curious how long it's going to take to dry all right let's make a cute little blobby monster alright first impression oh well that is way smoother than I thought so if you look here it is juicy we most likely will most likely Wow English number one we're most likely going to need more than one coat but that's pretty impressive still why am I in love with these things [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is after five minutes and one coat let's do the second coat [Music] so one of the biggest issues with working with pasta pens on plastic is that it seems that the markers reactivate each other so even though I've tried to put white on top of the purple that's dried for the last 20 minutes there's some bleeding that happens so you might actually have to wait either longer or put a protective coat in between each layer at least that's my experience thus far so plastic me the next surface we're going to test out metal how medal is metal supposed to be so let's test it out on this service this is a mint tin can alright let's use the coral cuz that's absolutely cute alright and first impression on top of metal it's pretty smooth pretty juicy but let's see if we need multiple layers [Music] so as you can see on the middle it actually looks really cute but you do have to put at least two coats but very very very very cautiously because the nibs are pretty stiff when you're putting on the second coat there's a risk that it might scratch off the next coat and since this is paint it's easily scratch Abul same thing with the plastic next material a rock I'm expecting the rock to be okay because it's a rock we're not going to do an elaborate drawing I just want to see the kind of coverage we're getting when it comes to a rock and the answer is hold in money let's make a couple of colors let it dry and see if we can see any of the other patterns underneath pretty impressed [Music] so if you're into rock painting most definitely yes it's cute and easy to use and last but not least I'm going to be painting on this fabric bag I don't know why I forgot my words and I'm pretty sure you can use I'm pretty sure you can use fabric paint but we want to test them on all surfaces so I'm just gonna do a little hot because hot cute forgive my cat hair oh that is not not as opaque as I expected it seems to absorb all of the paint on the inside so let's just go ahead and color it and see how much of it is lost this is disappointing all right here's layer number two and I could also a piece of paper underneath to avoid it from soaking in way too deeply and our third layer so here it is after the third layer I really think it's absolutely adorable but what I spend three layers doing this if I can get fabric pain that can do the same thing in one layer probably not so overall here puss depends on white paper black paper wood metal rock plastic and fabric are they really worth the hype that almost all the artists I've seen here on YouTube review them and there are two answers to that one both yes and no if you're looking for a paint medium that is absolutely opaque really easy to use and you don't have to clean brushes non-stop the answer is yes but the glitter version because the tip of the nib is really much more stiff it makes it so that it just keeps scratching the paint around as opposed to spreading it evenly that could also be maybe because the nibs are much slimmer but I am still not a fan of the glitter because they are a lot more liquidy and they cover a lot less but if you're looking for something that is going to be working on fabric and a very opaque way with just one layer probably not but if I were to recommend these I would definitely say yes now the question is how do they fare against dollar store brands and their competitors again if it's something you're interested in seeing me compare make sure you get at least 15,000 likes on this video of course the higher the more I know you really want it like really really want it which means instead of doing it in like three weeks I'll do it the next week if you've ever tried them let me know I'm curious what you use them for in the comment section below and also don't forget it is the last week of merch after that it will not be the limited edition that signed version whether you're watching videos or buying merch having your support by commenting liking and just being a great means the world to me and for those of you can definitely get the merch I really appreciate it it does help me be able to waste my money and get cash or trash crap kits to make sure that you don't waste your money today's shout outs go to captain clover I love the fact that I am a my hero academia character Bennie badami the art of gloomy raha art that salty faces everything hyper chronic type forty design Samuraizer Julie Emma fizzy slimes lunar love and Christina buses if you want to shout off in any of my videos make sure you Tagg notification squad in the comment section blue within the first five hours of a beaters release or hashtag nerdy craft on instagram or twitter anytime with any of your creations if you want to watch another crafty video make sure you check up here and if you want to watch a video that youtube you thinks is the right one for you check it out down here until then I will see grains in the next video
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 373,368
Rating: 4.9395137 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, Craft, posca, posca pens, posca paint markers, posca markers, expensive art supplies, expensive pen, arts and crafts, craft, paint markers, posca pen review, japanese craft supplies, japanese art supplies, testing crafts, 5-minute crafts, 5 minutes craft, stationary crafts, best paint markers, best paint markers for graffiti, japanese, japan, saltecrafter, art challenge, test, trend, viral, 2019, funny, entertainment, oddly satisfying, nerdecrafter, salty crafter, nerdy crafter
Id: Cv5W-7drx_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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