WHAT IS HORUNAVI? First Time Trying Japanese Block Printing Stamping Craft Challenge

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as someone who's into arts and crafts trying new supplies and new kinds of crafts is like the spring summer day spring summer it's like the spring day well oh the flowers are just blooming and the birds are just screeching and so the last time I went to Japan I explored so many different kinds of craft stores at art stores so if you haven't seen that video I'll leave it down below and while I was there I picked up any carving stamp kit I have no idea if that's the order of the word or cuts that carving stamp carving kit that's what it is right bird I've never tried any kind of carving or stamping kit but I've always admired people who were able to do it all right there and so for $20 this kit is supposed to be just right for beginners I am really nervous because I've never I've never done that and I think this kind of kit requires patience goodness knows I like it would you agree so much you then so whether I fail or succeed there is a bonus for you great I will be giving away for t-shirts stamped with these step that I'm going to meet you know that's my eye right are you done I tell you these verbs the t-shirts I picked up are from Michaels and they come in X large large medium and small I wish I could have gone a wider range of sizes but these were the only ones that were sold over there so whether I fail or succeed you grains are gonna get a t-shirt stamped with whatever I make today and I got this idea from Schmucks Jackie from the future year just to be clear I will be having the giveaway it'll be at the end of the video but in order to participate it is open internationally you have to be over 18 or have your parents permission and note that I do have cats so if you're allergic to cats they may or may not have come in contact with cat fur so I do not want to risk you getting ill if your new year don't get to press that subscribe button in the little bill otherwise I'm going to wave a sharp pointy thing at you and I'll have my verb get you easy he's primed for bass right and even though it is written in Japanese it has a lot of English right on the packaging itself and as we can see in the hey Denver you know you're intimidating me right well not with bad boys now they're now they're not gonna believe that you're a battle bird you know that so in the back of the box it does look pretty complete and they seem to also give us some kind of design to work with which I'm pretty excited about one of the other you know I'm a person too and I always have things to say it's not just burb things everyone already loves you another reason I love Japanese craft kits is because their English is also number one just like mine right and so when we look at the instructions in the back of this this box put it back to the case after using Honami may attach other things that is the Vegas sentence ever clean up trash that had made after carving step English number would time to see what we get inside [Music] we get a pink cutting mat this is pretty cute a v-shaped carving tool a blade I make it I get to weight things that you again there's some pretty pretty good quality stuff and it does say art like Japan we also get a kneaded eraser I broke it and is it needy I'm a ganas and it's pretty needy it's almost so needy I have to get a restraining order actually I'm not sorry what else stuff we get stamping ink in the color of chocolate but don't worry for the t-shirts I'll be using it fabric paint got you covered we also get too many erasers so that we can test our skills on so I'm definitely going to be practicing on this before we head on to the last item which is a full of kind of like postcard size stack and what I want to do is cut it in half and do two different motifs and then snap shirts with two different motifs will I succeed the question of the day will salty and nerdy succeed at something so new and so so foreign to them Oh South wants to come out nope nope today we are experimenting things we are not being salty actually be salty miss intensified so never mind oh and we also get tracing paper I almost forgot it but in the back of the box we also have the motifs that they encourage us to try with and the instructions colored instructions in both English and Japanese so I have no excuses for messing up except for my own do penis my brain is a little confused right now because I am not used to this at all I am panicking don't panic according to the designs over here the black parts are the parts that we keep and the white parts are the parts we carve out I believe so if we look in the back here with the instructions the first thing we have to do is trace the drawing that we want and then smooth it into the actual piece the the eraser so I'm going to start by carving out mr. Keith and putting the tracer paper back on here I don't know what's gonna work why am I so nervous all right so I believe we just have to trace this little kitty cat all right so here's mr. kittens mix make kittens worth but that's the night and now I should be able to transfer mr. Mick kittens worth right here like us so okay so now we do our I don't know that's gonna work they said it would and the reveal oh that really worked why am i impressed I'm still impressed that's pretty cool all right the next step is is oh my get it don't be salty the instructions are clear you're just being discovered all [Music] right so according to the instructions it seems like we should be carving on the outside first and then make our way towards the inside I may have actually chosen quite a difficult pattern to do because the details are pretty small so we want to keep the inside of the kitty cat to be yeah we want to keep the inside of the kitty cat black but then the eyes are going to be carved out so am i doing it right most Road Jane a bit this is this is way harder than I expected okay and you're supposed to make sure that the belief is a go towards you which I can see why is a danger yeah I think I have my first card let me keep trying this is way harder than I thought I have to admit this is pretty exciting I mean look at that I don't know if it's not deep enough get your minds out of the gutter but I'm not quite sure how shallow or how deep this is supposed to be now we're going to go into the finer details so we need this scoopy thing and that's making me quite nervous because I have no idea how this is gonna happen these tools are not big enough I mean I mean they're too big they open my brain so broke it did today so broke it did it yeah this is not this is not gonna work out I think I'm just gonna go back to this one no make kitten just looks angry so here's what I have so far I have to admit it is way easier when you're carving like this so having it close to your face not necessarily the blade but having being as close as possible makes it so much easier alright now we're supposed to clean up this here and time to do a test send this is so exciting here's the step that we got and it's really interesting because it's for fabric paper wood and more I wish they had given us a dark color and a lighter color in case we wanted you know to step on darker colors like I'm doing with the t-shirts Kitty meat brown chocolate ink oh that is juicy did you guys see that super juice alright are we ready this is so exciting my first ever step I don't know how hard or how long you're supposed to be pressing for this but and me I gotta fight so excited with this that is adorable that is really cute I can see the mistake over here so I'm pretty sure I could just carve it out and fix it and then let's do a later step No first step is is the only gift this is the only gift well English what and here's my second attempt with the whiskers on the right slightly less thick yes I call that a success and now to clean up our piece all we have to do is just kind of DAB the kneaded eraser and it should remove any of the excess now that I've a plea understand the concept just in case those of you want to say the answer is no I am experimenting and learning there is no wrong in trying or is there there probably is but not when you're trying a new craft you're just trying and having fun so now I want to do something epic see this here we're going to make two different images and these images will have something to do with my burn and the saltshaker famine great people so the t-shirt that whoever is winning is going to get it really custom-made and it's going to be between us grains okie Dokes okie Dokes so the first thing I'm doing is placing the block right on top of a sheet of paper and then cutting it out now we know exactly the dimensions of our card paper thingamabob I'm cutting it in half and now let's start make the nuts well English nut let's not make the drawings Wow Jackie cannot talk today and let's start making the drawings and so for the first drawing I definitely wanted to go with my chubby chicken and I thought what better to go with than the actual sticker that we use in the premium member chats he's a salty bird and he definitely says we're all doing it wrong so I'm just darkening the places that I already traced out to make them pop a lot more so I know exactly where I need to carve in all honesty I really did I I really think I did it wrong because when I put the paper right on top the word wrong was reversed but I'm like wait a minute that's the correct way because when you stamp it it's gonna re reverse see where I'm going with that carving was actually way funner than I expected I don't know what the end result is going to be like but using that v-shape for finer lines on the inside seemed like the right thing to do is it I don't know [Music] and this time to challenge myself as you can see I'm working on the insulted design I wanted to make the opposite of the wrong design and what I mean by that is that the lines are carved in words where's this one I want to do the opposite and make it so that the lines are the ones popping out so the outline is going to be the parts that are stamped I don't know if it's working but we're gonna find out together I was pretty ambitious with the little grains so instead of cutting them out altogether I decided to make them that stick out so that when they're stamped I can actually put the faces on manually myself I don't know if that defeats the purpose but that's what I'm doing oh my god so far this is actually the most fun I've had with such a simple activity it kept me busy for quite some time and now let's make the t-shirts I just had a live stream with some of you grains and people insisted that I do one of these stamps as glow-in-the-dark so I'm going to be mimicking the same idea from the person who also made t-shirts out of their stamps which is shmups and I'm going to be putting one stamp in the front and then alternating the art in the back we are not going to do a test run we're just going to do them immediately on the t-shirts I'm scared but alright so the first thing I pretty much did was just put some of the glow-in-the-dark paint here I know it's not the right roller but let's just let's just pretend it is this I don't have anything else and the person I'm going to do is the wrong one well the one that says wrong on it and I'm definitely doing this wrong alright so I know it's not very even but I really don't know what else I could do it with but if this doesn't work I might have to see other options all right wish me luck and we're gonna put it right here a few moments later and let's see what we get oh that is really cute that is really cute alright so I feel like only if you knew what the picture is you can tell but I really like the fact that wrong really stood out quite well the angry chicken kind of shows but the pattern overall feels kind of like The Lion King for some reason alright let's give a try now with the tulip paints and let's start making the pattern in the back here we go with the insulted one and this paint definitely spreads much more nicely than the other one and wish me luck committed oh my god oh my get him again haha that is so cute [Music] and yes this is my signature n see J nerdy tractor Jackie I am absolutely in love with this I probably should have picked up a shirt for myself too and so all the other t-shirts will be at different different colors different motifs I might decide to put the can't duck I might decide to put this pattern in the front on some of them or or not I'm not quite sure yet it'll be a surprise so if you want to go into the raffle draw do the Google Form that's going to be in the description box below and comment in the comment section below what is your favorite art or craft type thing to do it could be either you know Copic marker drawings or or resin crafting all crafts are accepted once you do these two things you are entered remember I only have what is this but remember I only have one of each size so these are one-of-a-kind shirts this week's shout outs go to starry bubble jumble Gianna close your eyes winter it may and X fluffy puffy X if you want to shout out in my videos don't forget to hashtag notification squad in the comment section below within the first 5 hours of a video's release or hashtag nerdy crafts on Instagram or Twitter any time with any of your creations if you want to watch my previous crafting video which is turning Sofia into a bat which is a youtuber into a bet make sure you check it up here and if you want to watch a video that YouTube thinks is just right for you make sure you check it out down here until then I will see you grains in the next video
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 499,184
Rating: 4.9287772 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, craft, testing craft kits, japanese craft kit, japanese craft, block printing, block printing fabric, diy stamp, stamping, how to make stamps, lino stamp, how to make a stamp, how to block print, lino cutting, carving block, craft challenge, review, honest review, art challenge, diy challenge, nerdy crafter, salty crafter, craft kit review, craft kits, diy kits, easy crafts, reviews, funny, comedy
Id: C7IsV-TGoLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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