3 Posca Paint Pen Projects | Easy Paint Marker Crafts

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[Music] hey it's me hmm whoa that was high-pitched today I'm gonna be playing around with my brand-new toys I've wanted these things for so long but they are kind of expensive but I decided to just do it buy them get them try them in the name of art I'm wondering if obsessively lining these up like that is really the best use of my time oh well and this is two different sets one for each size so we've got a skinny set and a fat set sorry thick so what our pasta pens beautiful their paint pens pens of paint markers paint markers as in markers of paint in other words you can paint while enjoying the convenience of a marker yeah so that's so cool when you first get them you do have to shake them up press the tip down multiple times to activate them and get that paint flowing oh hi but I was overly eager and activated every single one of these literally the second they arrived so that's already done you can layer them use them on a lot of different surfaces and you can create masterpieces Oh seriously what is that okay so let's find some things to decorate how about a box perfect oh my big fat pom-pom was in there forgot about that okay yeah so the box I must have missed this little guy sorry about that I got this box full yeah that's weird okay I got this box from the dollar store for a dollar and it's a magical box all right I'm done now first I'm gonna ditch that sticker let's not make this difficult luckily it came off nice and easy it just lifted pull it off with your fingers now I'm gonna take some gesso pop that open that was easy its milk give that a nice little stir alright back to the box first I'm gonna trace around the bottom of the lid I don't want to get paint all up under there because it makes the box really hard to open and close and we don't like that so I'm only gonna paint a tiny bit past the line here I go applying that gesso it's just like a primer so that when you're not painting on something that's already white it'll make sure that your colors pop did I need to do this probably not actually no definitely not the color looks pretty bold on its own but I continued anyway I really wanted to do this just to be safe instead of possibly having to do a bunch of coats with my pasta pens and using more of their precious overpriced paint so instead just prime it beforehand to make sure that all those colors are poppin okay now bring in my precious little beauties I need to at least try to be less creepy and now we're ready to paint or draw drained here it goes it's finished no it's not done I'm just gonna keep on going you know drain ting mmm a bunch more of those weird random shapes and let me tell you I do like these markers or pens paint whatever certain colors don't show up as opaque as others like for instance this kind of radish color no matter how many times I went over it it never seemed to be fully opaque but overall they were pretty good and this definitely was a lot faster and easier than if I had tried to do this with a paintbrush of course this could never replace regular painting because you know you can't blend them and you're definitely limited to these colors but still you can do some cool stuff with these I'm creeping on to the lid now so why the shapes what am I doing here because this looks like a bunch of nonsense yes yes it does you know I wanted to do something somewhat easy and for my first time using these just like get a feel for them don't forget about that lip gotta get on that lip and get to use a bunch of different colors in the sets what is it supposed to be it's art okay so the whole box is covered but there is definitely some cleaning up that needs to be done some of the edges are not looking so hot luckily you can easily just go right over any mishaps and it'll clean right up since this isn't busy and strange-looking enough I'm gonna add some outlines with the skinnies skinnies I just started outlining random shapes with random colors some of them have double outlines some of them don't have any outlines there are no rules it's chaos it does not make any sense it's a magic box this is what magic looks like I'm gonna sign the inside good and now I'm gonna grab some Mod Podge will it smudge no it doesn't smudge at all it's just like acrylic paint so it's not gonna smudge and here it is yes it's wild and crazy and just whoa that's a lot but I do like this I think it turned out pretty cool and unique I like that when you put the top on it's kind of like you have to solve a little puzzle to you know match up the sides I'm so simple and it's full of rhinestones now so that's great okay the next thing I'm gonna try is rocks I've painted rocks here a couple of times and I'm thinking you know can pasta be a great new member of the rock painting squad I don't know what I'm talking about after being washed always bathe your rocks before painting I'm gonna throw on some gesso yes again I forgot to dry out my paint brush for some water so it watered down the gesso a lot but we will recover from this I do think a couple of coats of gesso is necessary this time because the rocks are kind of dark also rocks are just kind of hard to build paint onto they drink the paint so you normally do have to apply several coats before getting good coverage on a rock now I'm gonna take some acrylic paint what'd you say you were using pasta you're a liar I'm gonna mix up three nice pastel colors with the acrylic paint for the base color of each rock I feel like the pens are better for detail work I just didn't want to have to use them over the entire Rock now that I've got a solid color for the background I'm gonna go in with the pens and make some little patterns wait I feel like I kind of like it just like this I don't know maybe I should have stopped here but I kept going and I added a bunch more detail to it the green squiggles look like s's which remind me of skittles just pointing that out and here it is what do you think moving on to the blue rock I did each pattern in the rainbow order of colors which is the best order I will say the fat markers work much better here ah do you see that I tried using the skinny ones but they didn't go on very well the tips are kind of too pointy so in certain spots they would get caught and then start to pull up the paint underneath these may have looked a little bit better if I were one of those precise people you know those people who are like human measuring tapes yes that's not me I cannot draw a straight line to save my life I can evenly-spaced things so yes they're a little wonky that's called character and the purple rock is my personal fave I think they got better as I went along you know practice makes improvement I've done different things with rock painting in the past but I feel like this is more typical rock painting style if that's a thing now I'm gonna throw on a nice coat of Mod Podge to give them a nice shine and protection sign them with my initials and they're done I think they came out nice and colorful and I like that they all kind of go together they're very lively looking you know for being rocks also these were very easy to do which is always good don't ask me what you're supposed to do with them I mean I just use mine as decoration sometimes I use them to hold up things or weigh down things actually they come in handy more than you would think you know what yet everyone needs a good rock in their life and the last thing I'm going to try these out on is shrink plastic yay I love shrink plastic so these are shrinky dinks which I really hate saying shrinky dink and these are the rough-and-ready kind I'm not sure if the pasta pens would work on the smooth kind of shrinky dink I don't know that would have to be tested and here's all the very important safety information in instructional details blah blah blah okay first take a piece of paper or three five six now I'm gonna sketch out my design once upon a time I made one hundred shrink plastic pins in one video I used up so many ideas in that video but I did not make a set of cute monsters and that's absolutely necessary to have in my collection right so here I go making some weird strange-looking creatures I think this is just a whole video of strange designs I'm sorry and yes this guy's arms gave me a little trouble are they ears are they arms what is happening here here are the six little creatures I'm working with so I'm gonna lay my plastic over the sketch cut it out get some tape everything is a struggle put a couple pieces of tape on there to secure them together okay so let's see if this works yes the pasta pans had no trouble on the plastic they went on really easy in fact I kind of wish I had had these for that 100 pin video because I suffered with those colored pencils this would have been faster and easier what is this thing a mutant owl here goes the next one this one kind of looks like some sort of Pokemon or something maybe it's the mouth maybe it's the shape I don't know but it looks Pokemon II to me there was one failed attempt the orange was too dark and that one so I swapped it out with this lighter orange I didn't want to use this orange at first because it looked a little too mushy but it does look a lot better in the end this purple thing is probably my favorite some kind of bear bumble bee unicorn with buck teeth somehow that combination turned out really cute oh this dude something about that expression he kind of looks like he just farted excuse me and the last one is this very either confused or just uncomfortable upright cat thing that's everyone they've all been colored and they're all good to go so now I'm just gonna rip off that sketch and snip snip cut them out nice and carefully don't crack the plastic oh this is my least favorite part freedom okay now I'm gonna get out a baking sheet some parchment paper and put these in the oven for one minute at 325 degrees Fahrenheit boom shrunk as you can see they do shrink quite a bit the color does become more condensed so they look a little bit darker in the end and they go from a flexible thin plastic to a hard thick plastic in the places where I went over one area many times it got kind of furry whoa as opposed to the other ones which came out nice and smooth I did put a nice thick coat of Mod Podge over these and that seemed to help make that look a little bit less noticeable overall I am really high happy with how these came out I think they look really cute the pasta pens make it really easy to do clean details on these and they come out pretty nice great addition to my collection I haven't decided 100% what I'm gonna turn them into I may make them into magnets but probably going to glue on pin backs and add them to my pin collection okay so that's everything for today I'll make sure to add links to all the materials that I used in this video of course those links will be to Amazon but if you don't shop online I'm sure you can find any of this stuff at your local craft store and some of it even at places like Walmart and Target and things like that I hope you guys like this I had a lot of fun with these thank you for watching I will see you guys next Friday bye [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 11,663,089
Rating: 4.8840995 out of 5
Keywords: posca paint pens, crafts to do when you are bored, what to do with paint pens, easy painting crafts, creative painting projects, shrink plastic pins, how to make diy pins, things to paint with posca pens, paint pen projects for adults, shrinky dink ideas, how to draw with paint pens, fun painting crafts for kids, teen painting projects, things to paint, ideas for creative block, diy paint pen ideas, rock painting ideas, rock painting techniques
Id: mkzsbG8MkTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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