This Tech FINALLY Makes Robot Lawn Mowers Worth it

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Electric lawn mowers are great. Quieter,  more powerful, no toxic fumes or gasoline,   and far less maintenance than a gas mower.  However, there’s another way to level up your   electric lawn mower game and that’s with the  latest onslaught of robotic mowers hitting the   market. Autonomous mowers that use proximity  sensors, computer vision, and accurate to the   centimeter global positioning systems are  everywhere now. Last year I beta tested a   model that’s out on the market now, and this year  I bought myself a second one for comparison … and   because I have a tech addiction problem … I even  have a third, but it’s technically not a mower   in its current configuration. It’s a yard robot  with a snow blower attachment that I’m looking   forward to testing out next winter. When I said  that these things were everywhere now …. maybe I   just meant at my house. But seriously, how  well do they work and are they worth it? I’m Matt Ferrell … welcome to Undecided.  This video is brought to you by  Surfshark, but more on that later. Cars have had autonomous driver  assist features for years now.   Add to that autonomous robot vacuums  that are kind of ubiquitous at this   point (I’m sure many of you have one … my  80 year old parents even have one). Well,   this tech is starting to take on our yards,  which is why I wanted to cover this topic.   I’m all for sustainable technology, so  going electric with our yard equipment   is pretty straightforward. Electric also has  huge advantages over gas-powered equipment,   which I’ve detailed in the past when I’ve  reviewed electric lawn mowers and snow blowers. Why an Autonomous Mower? What I have here are the Segway Navimow  H1500-VF and the Mammotion Luba 2 AWD   3000H. As I already mentioned, I  didn’t pay for the Navimow because   I was a beta tester last year, but I  did buy the Luba 2. In either case,   my opinions are my own and neither company  has anything to do with this video. I’m assuming the appeal of a robot mower  should be obvious: you don’t have to spend   time mowing your lawn. For those of you  that like mowing your lawn … godspeed.   The problem with previous generations of robot  lawn mowers was that they required a perimeter   wire. You were supposed to tack down or  bury a wire around the edge of your lawn,   which would define the boundaries of the  area to mow. Installing the wire is time   consuming and can easily be broken by  a wayward garden tool or outdoor cat. These new models can use a combination  of proximity sensors, computer vision,   and RTK global positioning systems for hyper  accurate location tracking. It’s the RTK system   that’s the game changer. The way it works is that  you set up a base station somewhere in your yard,   which can receive the GPS signals.  The robot mower also has a built-in   GPS antenna, which means it’s using two  locations as reference points in order to   narrow down the precise location  to within a centimeter to two. As for the computer vision systems, it’s not  unlike what you’d find on a modern car like   a Tesla, Rivian, or Ford. The mower uses machine  learning to recognize objects, like people, pets,   trees, bushes, etc. in order to either stop for  safety or navigate around the object. There’s   additional safety features like proximity  sensors and pressure sensitive bumpers,   so the mower knows if it’s bumped into  an object, if there’s something close by,   or if someone has touched the mower and is trying  to lift it. In that case the mower quickly shuts   off the blades to avoid any injury. These  mowers are extremely safe from my experience. Speaking of the experience … how’s the setup? While you don’t have to bury a wire  around your yard, which is a huge boon,   there’s still some setup work here.. This is  something that I see get glossed over a lot   in robot mower reviews. It can be tricky  to find the ideal location for the base   station’s RTK antenna and the mower’s charging  station. This is true of both the Navimow   and Luba 2. The antennas and charging station  need power, as well as an unobstructed view   of the sky. Depending on where your outside  outlets are located, and what your house and   surrounding situation looks like, if you have  a lot of trees, this can be a big challenge. For the Navimow, you only need one power plug  to power both the mower’s charging station and   the RTK antenna. The reason? The RTK antenna  is connected by a long extension wire to the   charging station. While it’s nice that you only  need one outlet, the issue is that you may have   to string the wire to the antenna across  your lawn to get a clear signal somewhere.   That means stretching a wire right along the  path the mower might need to mow. Just like   the previous generation of robot mowers with  a perimeter wire, this could easily get cut   or damaged. Or in my case last year when I was a  beta tester, chewed threw by a hungry chipmunk. Thankfully, in my case I have an  outlet located in a great location,   which makes it easy to keep the wires off the  lawn and in relative safety. These mowers all   come with some kind of pole you can use and  stab into the ground to secure it. For my   Navimow I was able to attach the antenna to a  mount on the side of my house. That’s ideally   what you’d want to do. It keeps it out of the  way, clear line of sight to the sky, and safe. This is where the Luba 2 actually  comes out slightly ahead. Before I get into what that advantage is, I need  to talk about another piece of tech that can   really help in your daily digital life and that’s  today’s sponsor, Surfshark. Surfshark is a fast,   easy to use VPN full of incredible features  that you can install on an unlimited number   of devices with one account. Most of the time  when we talk about VPNs we’re focused on giving   yourself security as you travel around the  world, but it can do way more than that. Since   you can make it look like your IP address  is coming from somewhere else in the world,   it unlocks geofencing blocks on content, like  streaming services. But … that’s not all. Even   shopping services will sometimes gate prices based  on your location, so you can change your location   to make sure you’re getting the best prices.  They also have add-ons to their VPN service to   unlock things like Surfshark Alert, which will  let you know if your email or personal details,   like passwords, have been leaked online in  a data breach. Right now they’re running a   special deal … use my code UNDECIDED to get up to  4 additional months for free. SurfShark offers a   30-day money-back guarantee, so there’s  no risk to try it out for yourself. I’ve   been using Surfshark for years and love it.  Link is in the description below. Thanks to   Surfshark and to all of you for supporting the  channel. So why does the Luba 2 have the edge? The base station RTK antenna doesn’t  need to connect directly to the mower’s   charging station. Instead it communicates  wirelessly using LoRa to the charging station,   which is a form of long range wireless  technology. That means it only needs its   own power outlet to plug into. Mammotion is  selling a solar panel accessory so you can   place this thing anywhere in the yard without the  need for an outlet. I ordered one to test out,   but am still waiting for it. In my book this  is the best type of setup because you can put   the antenna on the complete opposite side of  your house if you need to for a clear line   of sight to the sky. That’s exactly what I  did for my testing setup (I am planning on   mounting it to the house, or the fence with  the solar panel, in the near future though). Once you have a good location figured out,   you’ll need to run through the setup process  using a mobile app. In the case of the Navimow,   it detected the mower via bluetooth right away,  then I followed the steps to get it onto WiFi,   and also to activate a cellular connection. Cell  service isn’t required for either of these mowers,   but it does give some additional security  in case someone steals the mower from your   backyard. You’ll be able to track down where  it’s been taken to. Even if someone does make   it away with your mower, they won’t be able  to use it because it’s locked to your account. The Luba 2 was a little trickier in my initial  setup because you have to pair both the mower   and the base station RTK antenna, which wasn’t  exactly clear when I first started. The setup   of the mower itself was virtually identical to  the Navimow (bluetooth detection, connect WiFi,   and then install your own SIM card), but I kept  hitting a roadblock trying to start mapping my   yard due to a poor GPS location. That’s when I  realized that I had to also pair and connect the   RTK antenna to my WiFi. Once I did that everything  was able to advance to the mapping your yard step. Mapping for both is pretty straightforward,  but also slightly embarrassing as you slowly   walk your robot around the yard. It’s quite the  show for the neighbors. Just a man taking his   robot for a walk … nothing to see here. You drive  the mower around the perimeter of each section of   lawn you want it to mow. You’re supposed to keep  it about 3-6 inches from the edge of the lawn or   obstacles where it could get caught up on. The  Navimow’s UI for this needs some work because   it’s not really intuitive how to make corrections  after the fact. The Luba 2 has a more intuitive UI   for creating sections, pathways, and editing  them after the fact. For instance, on the Luba   2 it was very easy to create a zone for the side  yard, then the front yard, and then to create a   pathway between the two across the driveway.  On the Navimow I still get warning boxes that I   haven’t selected an object to edit when trying  to make a change. It’s really not clear when the   map boundary you want to edit is selected  or not, so I keep making the same mistake. What about the features? I’m not  going to go feature by feature,   but here’s a quick high level comparison  chart between the two units I have. As a former UX designer, I’m not big on the spec  sheet checklist comparisons because they don’t   tell the story of what it’s like to actually use  the product. For instance, it looks damming that   the Luba 2 has a shorter runtime compared to  the Navimow, but the Luba 2 has AWD and can   easily handle slopes and rougher terrain than the  Navimow, which is why it has a shorter runtime.   From my experience with both of these units,  the runtime isn’t a big deal at all considering   you’ll most likely be running these when you’re  asleep or doing something else. You won’t notice   or really care. They’ll wander back to their dock  to charge up and continue their jobs as needed. Where the feature set differences do matter  is around noise levels, mowing heights,   and slopes. The Navimow is virtually silent when  mowing, while the Luba 2 has a noticeable (but   quiet) whirring sound as it makes its way around  the yard. Both are quiet enough to run whenever   you want without worrying about bothering your  neighbors, but the Luba is slightly louder. The Navimow at my old house got stuck easily in  a few spots of the yard that had pretty steep   slopes slightly past what it could easily handle.  My new yard doesn’t have as many steep slopes,   so it’s handling it like a champ. However,  it has still managed to get itself stuck and   wedged against the rock beds along part  of the house. Since it’s only RWD drive,   it doesn’t have enough power and traction to get  itself out of a jam like that. On the flip side,   the AWD Luba 2 is a little powerhouse.  It’s had zero issues navigating the same   types of rock beds if it gets  itself into a tricky situation. For me, the mowing height is the biggest  difference between these two. For a standard lawn   you ideally want to cut the grass to a height  between 2-3 inches (50-76mm) high. Granted,   this is going to vary a lot by what your turf  is made up of and what the water situation   looks like. Taller grass will have a more  established root system, which means less   watering is needed. That’s my biggest problem  with the Navimow. The highest it can go is 2.4   in (60mm). While good enough, I’d prefer to cut my  lawn closer to the 3 inch mark (76mm). The Luba 2   can go between 1-2.75 inches (20-75mm) in  the base version, but they also have an H   (for height) variant that goes all the way up  to 4 inches (100mm). That’s the one I have. So what’s the user experience like actually  living with these things? Well, in a word:   awesome. I have a lawn that looks like  a consistent height all the time. All I   have to do every week or so is go out  with a lawn trimmer and get the areas   the robot mowers can’t get to. You’re  talking about spending 15 minutes every   week or two trimming the lawn versus a  couple of hours every week mowing it. Both mowers have a scheduling function where  you can tailor not only the time it mows,   but how it will mow the yard (ie. changing  mowing height or direction, zones to mow,   etc.). The Navimow has a bit of an edge on  this feature though because it automatically   alternates the mowing direction with each  scheduled mow. For instance on day one   it cuts diagonally to the right, and then on  day two it cuts diagonally to the left. This   helps to keep any ruts from forming and also  ensures every blade of grass gets cut over   the course of a week. The Luba 2 doesn’t  automatically change cutting directions,   but you can program in specific cutting patterns  for different tasks. While it’s not automatic, you   can manually get to a somewhat similar place … but  I really prefer the way Navimow handles this one. Probably the coolest feature, and one I’m  still trying to figure out an actual use for,   is the FPV mode for the Luba 2. You can  watch a first person perspective video feed   from the mower as it mows your yard. It’s  both insanely cool and yet an incredibly   dubious feature. You feel a bit like Honey I  Shrunk the Kids while watching the video feed. As Paul Hibbert would say, now we have  to address the elephant in the room. If   you’ve ever used a robot vacuum cleaner, you’ll  know that these things are far from perfect.   While they do remove the chore of mowing the vast  majority of your lawn, they bring along some new,   minor fiddliness. You may have to rescue it from  time to time when it gets stuck (and it will get   stuck). You’ll have to hose it down from time  to time and change the blades. You’ll have to   keep the sensors and cameras clean, so it can  do its job effectively. But all of that isn’t   the elephant in the room … it’s the cost. These  things are expensive. The Segway Navimow H starts   at $1,899 and goes up to $2,599 at the time of  making this video. With the increase in price   you get a mower that’s capable of handling  a bigger yard. The Mammotion Luba 2 starts   at $2,099 and goes all the way up to $4,099.  Yeah … what’s your time worth? While that is   crazy expensive this may make sense for someone  that’s paying a lawn service to cut their lawn,   or for someone that has a hectic schedule and  doesn’t have time to mow the lawn themselves.   Or in my case, you could hate mowing lawns with  the fiery passion of 10 suns going supernova. If   you don’t fall into one of those buckets, then  you’d be better off getting a great electric   lawn mower and doing it yourself. You can pick up  an Ego mower for between $400-$1000. I love mine,   but … if I’ve got to be honest, I  love my little robot lawn mowers more. Which one is better? They’re equal as far  as the cutting quality and reliability,   but I’d give the edge to the Navimow for  cost, but would recommend the Luba 2 for   overall feature set, power, and  robustness. If you have a large   yard or lots of slopes/hills, the Luba 2 is  going to probably handle it like a champ. So what do you think? Do you welcome our  robot overlords or do you still prefer   to do this kind of work yourself? Jump into  the comments and let me know and be sure to   listen to my follow up podcast Still TBD where  we’ll keep this conversation going. Thanks as   always to my patrons for your continued  support. I’ll see you in the next one.
Channel: Undecided with Matt Ferrell
Views: 296,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: automower, autonomous mower, best lawn mower 2024, best robot lawn mower, best robot mower, best robotic lawn mowers 2024, blade, ecoflow blade, electric lawn mower, lawn care, lawn maintenance, mammotion, mammotion luba 2, navimow, robot lawn mower, robot lawn mower 2024, robot mower review, segway navimow, undecided, undecided with matt ferrell
Id: e3F6L-AQOSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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