I’m never going outside again - EcoFlow BLADE Showcase

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foreign [Music] well I guess my days of going outside are over thanks to ecoflow who sponsored this video some people get naturally excited about the outdoors even yard work as you can see that ain't me which is why the blade from ecoflow is only the first in what is likely going to end up being a series of videos covering yard maintenance robots over the next year or so this one has a couple of standout features first and foremost being that it comes completely pre-assembled which really okay well they say it comes completely pre-assembled and it features what they're calling sweeping technology which means that not only will it cut the grass it will also remove I guess leaves needles does it do needles it does needles right because that is a huge problem in this yard by the way that's Jordan I think this is the first time you're meeting him it's cute truthfully I don't have much in the way of talking points about this thing and this is the first time seeing of it but I do know that they offer replace are those razor blades what the hell that is not the kind of lawnmower blade I was expecting to see the idea here is that if it hits a stick or a rock or something it'll just give it'll just spin around rather than you know whacking it and throwing it across the yard which makes a ton of sense because if you're operating the lawnmower you're going to be at the back of the mower behind a shield whereas if this thing is just running and you're lounging with a drink or whatever yeah that could be very dangerous this is apparently the sweeper accessory this really doesn't seem like it would work that well does it just picking my pebbles in the parking lot I guess so it was picking up rocks oh yeah who needs a manual when you've got instructions right on the top here like that that's cheating it's not cheating that's using what's available to me oh I see look at these wheels that is funky so these spin every which way and these spin this is apparently called an omnidirectional wheel my mind is completely blown right now and the unit can clear obstacles as high as 40 millimeters so that's four centimeters or about two inches for my American friends kind of feel like I'm in my yard playing with tractors you know this isn't the first you've seen of ecoflow on our Channel bear hole stick is that they're about capturing storing and using energy in innovative ways to simplify everyday living so their newest smart devices include the glacier a portable fridge freezer with an integrated ice maker The Wave 2 which is a new generation of their powerful compact portable AC and heating unit and of course the blade the first automated lawnmower with lawn sweeping capabilities with the idea being that it can keep your yard clear even when the leaves are falling overall I haven't needed the manual yet I'm pretty impressed with the Simplicity of the setup this guy goes on here a little something like this so the sweeping happens after the cutting then uh you can pick you can pick you tell the app what you want to do no way oh you mean if you just have it go through the whole yard twice yeah sweeping first and then cutting icy power for the sweeping unit plugs in at the back right here pretty straightforward okay let's find out what these buttons do there is nothing in the manual regarding the buttons on the unit because I guess you're basically just expected to download the app and set it up that makes sense no before we get the app we need to set up the charging station and the antenna that's what this is we've got to be more than two meters from a building and we can't install the charger anywhere where there's less than four meters to navigate it can go on the concrete right yep okay cool I'm just gonna put it over by the house over here then oh good water resistant housing was wrong ah that makes way more sense the sun's coming out let's go baby yeah that's good oh it was been chilly this morning thankfully I have this wonderful 3D down jacket from lttstore.com power brick also has little wall mount holes so you could kind of stick it on there plug it in and then it should be good to just leave it there forever you know I feel like for a more permanent installation I would want to put it somewhere more out of the way oh you're good yeah oh you got to screw it down too for our purposes this is can you screw it into lawn like does it come with lawn screws oh that's cool okay lawn screws I mean should we screw it down then sure let's screw it down let's do it yeah let's put it over here you know what kind of feeling this spot right here you're supposed to be able to map out the yard and set exclusion zones so there should be no reason for it to accidentally run over its own cord but I would rest easier just having this go you know through a planter or something like that that I know it can't climb up onto very important by the way this needs to be mounted level yeah that's not going anywhere on the subject of inclines it should still be able to handle this okay ecoflow rates it for 15 degrees at the edge of the lawn and 27 degrees in the middle of the lawn so yeah this is pretty flat that should be okay it comes in the Box powered on I think so I'm gonna power it on wait we didn't do the antenna this is a GPS antenna this is oh okay so this is intended to give a clear always accurate GPS signal that the robot can compare against to know exactly where it is and this is particularly necessary because this robot doesn't have any kind of boundary wire around the edge of the property or anything like that it only relies on this to know where it is I should have uh should have cable managed this the other way first yeah there will be no need to record me doing this for the next four minutes it's the same for both of them it has to be at least two meters from the building and then at least four meters of navigation space around it does it go well it doesn't seem like it has to go right next to the base they show it like that but why would they have this long cord if I couldn't just put it kind of wherever I want I'm going to put it wherever I want I want to put it next to the base all right who doesn't need a GPS antenna in their yard that's what I want to know let's fire up the app one device has been found Eco flow blade 0282 connecting camera or lidar sensor blocked now in safety protection mode oh see this my friends is why you always remove the Peels and is a perfect opportunity for us to talk about how this thing navigates it has a camera it has lidar and it has GPS so theoretically it should be able to handle the obstacle avoidance of course that we've set up for it here which includes a trampoline these random two by fours that are propping up this tree these saplings that my in-laws put in the middle of the yard for some inexplicable reason that concrete found this is going to be really challenging press the power button okay power button followed by the start button so that's what these buttons are there's power start and I think go home and charge I guess I guess there's also stop okay power button start button um okay and it lived there forever all right oh here we go okay now I've got the quick start guide assemble product antenna mower is not charging oh okay I can so I should put it on here come on um oh oh sorry buddy oh sorry I pressed the emergency stop when I put it on the charger it got mad sorry buddy okay search antenna signal continue moving antenna to find a stronger signal and fix the antenna week six drop signal I see I knew it mower control if you can manually control it oh do not stand behind the charging station There She Goes okay those front wheels trip me out control mower turn around it's going all right that's that's pretty intuitive well done mower control practice completed if only my driver's licensing test was that fast you got the basics get out there create mower work map remove all dogs soccer balls and branches from the yard it was a soccer ball all right no dogs oh you got the soccer ball the grass needs to be shorter than three inches which I mean this grass just barely grows I guess it'll probably be fine and you need to keep within two meters of the mower and follow it during mapping satellite signal is weak okay you are definitely going to want to set up the base station somewhere where the signal is consistently good I will say that so can we go back now okay create mower workmap here we go retest stupid planter and let's just see if moving that a couple feet away gets us over the threshold yes door's about to it says it's strong but then the unit itself is flashing orange which indicates that it is not strong so now it's complaining about this one but it didn't complain about this one before okay What if I do a little thing hold on hold on no I think I'm gonna get away with it okay so now I have to manually take it to the edge of the lawn then tap start to start the mapping oh I gotta drive it yeah I have to drive it the whole way you drive the perimeter you want to move oh my God and then once that's there it'll plan the road itself all right all right I'm working on I'm working on it jeez come on all those gaming skills put them to use oh yeah yeah Peak gamer moment right here I feel like I'm taking my really weird dog for a walk he uses a Wi-Fi leash okay he prefers that oh this is cool it has the map all like drawn in real time here that's pretty sick and it looks like I did manage to fool it with my quick swap of the GPS antennas location uh okay oh yeah oh yeah bud now seems like a good time to mention that you can set multiple areas and then you can draw a path between them in case you happen to have two yards approaching starting point tap complete to save the map no go Zone the mower is not allowed to go in this area okay should I make a no-go Zone under the trampoline I think so okay sure yeah let's make a no-go Zone then if Eco flow is watching which I know you are I wouldn't mind if it went a lot faster like if you could put it in race mode I'm sure lawnmower racing is a thing somewhere oh I think it got a little confused uh yes quit mapping wait what oh are you kidding me well you're okay you're okay oh we're no we're good oh Dynamic mode Let's Go uh how how 1.6 inches sure okay uh uh save nice yeah I'm not being a no-go's on okay let's try it let's try again with the no goes on hey there it goes look at that Perfect Circle baby start just started oh I would say you should probably stay six inches away from the obstacles yeah okay so now it's gonna do stuff look at it go that is adorable you know what it's on mowing mode I probably just shouldn't have the sweeper accessory on it at all yeah I'm gonna take the sweeping she's got some give or she's got some go whoa okay this seems like it's gonna take a while oh okay we apparently brought a decibel meter it's really quiet 60 something High 70 low it changes the height of the blade for a slope yep oh interesting this is an assumption I don't know this but I would have to guess that once it's kind of run the area once it gets a bit of a better idea what's shaking yeah it'll plan its own route and it'll just zigzag back and forth kind of like you would normally mowing the lawn yourself right now because we haven't told it where all the obstacles are it has to kind of get a feel for it figuring things out interesting and I think we'll be cutting a little bit low for a first pass given how high the grass was to start yeah probably there I saw the 2x4 it does not like my two by four system for holding up this tree I've been meaning to implement a better system but I don't live here anymore so it's been a low priority it fell over like fell over it's a miracle it's alive this is going to take a very long time which theoretically doesn't matter because unless you're going to write it you don't have yeah no no no that's not allowed that's right in the manual Jordan you know what it wasn't very clear what the method to the madness was initially but it's starting to take shape you can see it found this obstacle it's like nope.png right here and other than that it's kind of doing a thing now and I should say as long as this looks like it's going to take the cutting width is actually wider than most other mowers out there at about 26 centimeters I think this wheel's just kind of gummed up here and we're a little bit low on the cutting height yeah I think I'm going to raise the cutting height yeah okay I'm gonna set the cutting height to two inches and see if that helps this lawn is just not level enough for it to go that low to the ground yeah and see now it's not getting stuck as it tries to turn it's supposed to be accurate to two centimeters for positioning two centimeters yep I think I found a tree honestly I don't think that really matters because if you run it every day and it's off by just a little bit yeah it'll kind of it'll kind of grab everything eventually like it's more of a maintenance type of program than a you know oh crap I haven't done this in three weeks oh I need to get every blade I definitely should have set a smaller area for just a product demo yeah we should have swept first there's some pretty big pine cones and stuff here ah okay whoops that's a little big for it uh yep oh there's still a lot of these uh oh uh oh I'm sorry okay no no no you're good don't uh go for it all right okay I'm supervising forget about figuring out obstacles yeah I should have just had this as an exclusion zone or set it up as a separate zone for just sweeping because nothing grows here anyway then again if this thing was sweeping the yard every day stuff might eventually grow here I only hope that once the tables are turned our robot overlords give me a job like this to do I'm gonna take the sweeper off for now we can take a look at the sweeper later oh man and what is that so tight you've really got it on there how did I do that oh no I think my little Switcheroo with the GPS antenna may have confused it it's about to run over my camera operator here um it thinks it's in the middle of the mowing area and it's clearly not it's like headed for the rock bed we're gonna do the setup properly give me a minute we're gonna reset the map and we're going to create a new map the GPS is not mad at me this time which is good man imagine this becomes a thing companies sponsoring videos with us just to reinforce that people need to read the manual before setting up their product I can even see just looking at the preview of the map on my phone though this is way better here we go okay it absolutely nailed the start location so we are definitely right this time oh hey it's worth noting it has a rain sensor so if it detects rain it'll go hide away in its little dock presumably charge up I guess and then when the rain stops it'll go mow the lawn again okay it's already taking away smarter path around the yard cool all right well let's go eat and we'll be back all right good luck buddy [Music] we're back and it definitely went everywhere you can actually see it was quite methodical here but as I mentioned before it's pretty clear that this is the kind of thing that you wouldn't want to run once every two weeks it's the kind of thing you'd want to set to run more like every day it did a way better job of cutting close to this thing now that it doesn't have the sweeping attachment on it so I think that sweeping is something you'd want to be a little more manual about maybe not just leave it on all the time definitely a learning curve I will be very curious to see if it can actually sweep any of this stuff because like hey it actually sounds whoa hey hi sorry it sounds more like a lawnmower now I also feel like you've got to have the right yard configuration like it's pretty clear that there are some very challenging things about this particular yard the fact that all this brick work is very wavy and sort of all over the place the fact that I have two by fours holding up a tree minor things like that pretty lumpy too the ground is extremely lumpy but I have to wonder if you're the kind of person who can afford one of these would you just have a flat lawn you know right ecoflow recommends using the blade in a lawn that's between a hundred to three thousand square meters the bigger the lawn is the better it will perform it's not a replacement for ever going outside and working on your yard that much is very clear yeah but what it is doing right now is an 80 20 job of it this is better than I would have done as a teenager I mean speak for yourself I was a night I was a good teenager no you know what I don't know if I was giving the sweeping enough credit before it's definitely picking stuff up and in Dynamic mode it's actually going pretty quickly I do wish you could chop and sweep there are some places that it didn't do a great job but it's rated to handle three inches and that's more like four four and a half so on the one hand even though this is a sponsored video we went out of our way to use it in the real world so you guys can see it in action and you don't end up with unrealistic expectations but on the other hand we did kind of go out of our way to put it in a very challenging situation and it's definitely doing stuff like you do another pass of this thing with cutting another pass with sweeping here actually you know what I'm gonna hit the thing hey buddy it did this little part right here it actually picked up a crap ton of stuff lawn clippings leaves Twigs all this crap was it a pretty small area actually and it charges fast enough that you could even run it twice a day for the first little bit if you just wanted to get things up to scratch no you know what I would totally map my work area just with wider borders and I would just leave the sweeper on all the time because you can have different areas that do different things oh so I could set it to mow this and then dock for a couple hours and then sweep that sick it went and took a nap after doing a very small amount of this challenging area and we were like what the heck is up with that any questions I had before about whether the sweeper works or not have been put to rest it went to take a nap because the thing was full it picked up all of that just going around here and then along here yeah okay sweeper mode confirmed does sweep it depends on your standards it's never gonna get right in there next to the edges it's never going to get under the trampoline or anything like that but if you just want the place to not be overgrown and you don't want to go and do it yourself the only challenge with that is the price it's not cheap we're gonna have a link down below where you guys can check out both the ecoflow blade and sweeper accessory come on come on
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,301,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linus Tech Tips, LTT, EcoFlow, Eco, Flow, EcoFlow BLADE, Robot, Lawnmower, Robot Lawnmower, Lawn, Mowing, BLADE, Linus Sebastian, Yard work, Yard
Id: tWVT6DlO3tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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