Are our CATFISH big enough to EAT? (catch 'n cook from our backyard pond 🏝)

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isn't there a little pouch somewhere yeah but it's like broken oh no yeah the patch is completely cut off i don't know what dad does all right all right how many do you want just put one of them in there i think i'm gonna do two oh okay and then that's perfect oh we looked up what is the best bait for catfish and said chicken livers will they fit oh my goodness that is gonna smell good fish they already smell bad yes we don't smell and we actually happen to have some chicken livers because yesterday we butchered the meat chickens that we were raising and we saved a few left for breeding so we have our meat in the freezer and we have some chicken livers to try to catch some catfish close the zipper okay ethan [Music] oh okay good job ethan he's gonna go all the way down there and hopefully catch some catfish later today hopefully we don't catch the koi yep there are a ton of them in there though i don't know if you can see on the camera but hopefully we catch big ones not the small one oh lydia's trying to scare him over there are so many and they are really big i can see them all down there wow a lot bigger than i thought they were they seem to be following us actually so hopefully in a few hours we will have some catfish you like these bucks now luna hmm i thought you didn't like these bucks she likes winston the most she's in heat now look how she's wagging her tail she loves those bucks especially winston with his beautiful voice what a change from uh a week ago luna when you were not being very nice [Laughter] you want to just give them little kisses just little kisses okay [Music] all right luna do you want boys or do you want food which do you want more [Laughter] tell you little secrets in your ear [Laughter] oh that's so nice do you really make out all day if you could luna those ruby spanish sunsets do you remember the magic in the air [Music] let's see there's food or boys um get the food a little bit closer a little bit closer the food or the boys okay give her the food okay how about food and boys come over here food and boys you guys can have a romantic dinner together all right luna you have fun out here today no matter what we do she just sits right here by the fence all day long wagging her tail she's in love good thing we got that fence there no getting pregnant luna you're too old well guys we're still really hot here but it's starting to get humid and i know most people hate humidity but we're excited about it because that means it's time to start our second round of summer planting the kids are so good because they came out and they helped me plant the second round of tomatoes but they're a short variety so hopefully they produce fast and we can get them canned before the winter i also planted some corn but it didn't come up too well from the extreme heat and so i had to replant it with the humidity i'm hoping that they'll come up and we can move on towards trying to grow our own corn again i know i said i was gonna plant tomatillos over here on this side but i decided instead to plant peppers so this is where they're gonna be and hopefully as it gets cooler here i won't have to shade them too much the sweet potatoes are doing amazing and hopefully come november we'll be harvesting them and of course we've got things like malabar spinach some armenian cucumbers some asian long beans asparagus and pumpkin way back there looks like these little pumpkins have just started oh that got a little bump in it we've still got a lot of work to do we've gotta pull a bunch of the old tomatoes and plant more carrots and get started on a lot of the late summer and then early winter crops i have a bunch of cantaloupe and zucchini and squash that's still going strong so today we're gonna make something fun so get excited well guys i pulled the last of the zucchini from the garden i'm sure there's going to be a little bit more produced but things are looking pretty dreary out there so i'm going to try something i haven't tried before this is a method of preserving zucchini that is also very delicious so first i'm just gonna slice the zucchini everybody always asks me where i get this slicer it's from a company called salad master but i don't think they're in business anymore so sorry i don't know where you can find it but you can use a mandolin slicer and slice these to get them nice and thin next we're going to make a seasoning so this sounds kind of weird but i looked it up and you can make homemade cheesy seasoning sort of like a dorito seasoning i wanted these to taste like chips so i added some onion powder some tomato powder and then believe it or not some cheese powder it just needed a little bit more salt but yeah totally tastes just like a cheesy delicious chip so i'm going to cover the zucchini and all this goodness and then next it's going in the dehydrator i should use my dehydrator more all the produce we grow we tend to eat fresh or we'll can it so this is going to be kind of an interesting experiment to see if we like it i set it to about 130 degrees and i let this baby dehydrate for a long time about 18 hours but in the end we made ourselves some homemade chips this was a perfect way to use the zucchini at the end of the summer when we're tired of eating grilled zucchini and zucchini bread add zucchini noodles i mean you're so sick of it so i'll definitely be using this again in the future and i might try a few different seasonings as well i wouldn't say they're as good as doritos but if you're wanting a light snack and you're wanting a way to use up your zucchini from the garden this is the recipe for you kill it more kill it more get a little more killer yeah it's just a bug okay so on the wall okay so go all the way around okay i'll meet you okay all right stella oh dang stella well she's lost like two pounds nice good job you should celebrate because stella would dominate the feeding station she would eat too many of the flakes of alfalfa and pellets of alfalfa the plan was to have her lose weight by eating on our pasture and basically eating less because it doesn't taste that well she's gaining that two pounds back right now though i know she is no no food right now no food right now i'm sorry yeah because stella is more of a dominant goat we have to kind of make sure that we limit what she gets to eat all right you're all done come on now don't run flaps stella was definitely bred by zorro last week as you guys saw she was bred over the course of a few days and so now we just count 35 days since that for the ultrasound so we have the three milky mamas in here they can eat some of this grass and then they can also have shade and their hay and their pellets they're pretty happy together doris has been better with the food bullying because we've given we've made different bowls across this area we say as she eats a branch and leaves all to herself is that a yummy leaf they love eating all the dead leaves i know it's like a little crispy chip for them hey do you think they're fully weaned if we were to let willow and tilly and doris out or well tilly no they would still nurse oh she's trying to nurse her no they've become buddies they just hang out all day together okay it looks like we've got a little utter forming guys we're pretty excited about it she's a little sensitive about it but but hopefully little fern here is gonna have an easy delivery with her little twins right she's getting big yeah we're still gonna stick with the letters of the moms as the first name for the baby so just for 2020 we're gonna do that we already love the name fergus for one of her babies you can go ahead and post your suggestions on our instagram account or down below in the comments he's got like dark chocolate and then white chocolate i know he has a really funny beard it's funny luna have you been out here all day man aren't you tired look at his beard look how cute that is no don't no no kisses no kisses zorro he's gonna tell her secrets too it's a fish a big fish [Applause] what do you want me to pull it up yeah let's look at it close her up wow that's a good size pull it all the way out even so we can see it real quick and then we'll put it back in okay just lift it up wow that's a big that's a big one very cool okay well we need more than that to make a dinner out of them so well one fish isn't enough for us so we're going to wait till tomorrow and hopefully we catch enough to make a dinner out of them we'll see hi good morning looks like chloe killed a little mouse last night hmm got a little bird in your fur [Music] good morning it's a beautiful day to do some milk testing milk testing is when you test the milk to see how well your doughs are producing and if they produce really well they get a milking star at the end of the year so this is our third milk test of the year we started a little bit late in the summer so i'm not sure how the results are gonna pan out at the end of the year but so far it's looking pretty good so we're gonna go ahead and do the testing and then i'll show you guys what the results were on the last time all right so first we zero it out we good focus on your little udder there [Music] what's up girlfriend i know well i don't think it's gonna be brunch half a pound not even have not even half of them okay doris there you go all right bye all right next up is tilly can you give her more green she's acting kind of fussy i think i would have had better milk test results if i had started earlier in the year so i'm breeding these girls so we have them january february this time yeah way to do it oh just a little bit more than doris well you get the full half pound mark kid okay do willow last one all right willow oh i won't get it all right let's see how little fares is she better than the others well by a little bit awesome so now that we're done i'm gonna put the samples in the fridge because we're gonna do a second testing tonight has to be all the milk in 24 hours now we can drink the milk that we've collected because we've already weighed it so we're good to go and yeah that was pretty much how it goes here's what the results look like from last time okay guys let's start with doris she needs to produce 688 pounds of milk and 24 pounds of fat throughout the whole year to be able to earn her milking star it looks like because her milk has gone down she's now projected to make only 706 pounds but she is still projected to make 39 pounds of fat so only time will tell if she'll be able to keep producing to be able to hit her milking star it's really kind of up in the air for doris her tilly she needs to hit 638 pounds and 22 pounds of fat and according to this she doesn't look like she's gonna hit it in the overall milk pounds but she might hit it in the fat we're not sure tilly is interesting because while she doesn't tend to produce a lot of milk she stays pretty steady throughout the whole year so that's what we're hoping will happen and she might just skim by and get it we're just not sure and finally willow she only needs pounds and about 21 pounds of fat and looks like she's probably gonna hit it just fine she went down a little bit in milk so now she's projected to make 825 pounds for the year but um 83 pounds of that is fat and she only needs to hit 20. so she's doing really well i'm pretty confident she's gonna get her milking star and yeah so good job little willow first time freshener now normally you probably could just guess at how well your animals are producing but this really helps us figure out exactly what numbers they have and looks like willow is definitely the clear winner in all of this like i said in the video when i was milking i definitely plan on breeding the girls earlier so that they can get the bulk of their milk testing done before the summer hits and they don't drop so low in milk that's my plan next year if they don't get their milking stars but i definitely think that willa will get it so it's good for her all right guys so here's the story last night we caught one fish and then we woke up in the morning and the fish was gone we realized that the trap was broke so we went and purchased another one and it's been sitting there all day and nothing i don't know if the catfish have figured out that uh we're trying to catch them or not and we were really trying to avoid putting hooks in the pond but quality splashes are you okay the stairs are so slippery she keeps falling everywhere so we don't want to lose a hook and then have it in the pond when we're swimming but we're just gonna try to be very careful i made sure and measured where i want the bobber and where i want the hook in the pond and hopefully we catch them so we're gonna get wet first because it's really hot out here and then we're gonna start a fishing we're just gonna try some power bait hopefully it works i don't really have to cast so we don't need any water in the bobber no just gonna just cast just cast a little bit just [Music] you got it oh my gosh oh my god okay holy face big one [Music] bring it over here well not like five seconds in and lydia caught one so i think this is going to be a better option cast it in the perfect spot you put it right in front of that cave so it's perfect now we're going to see if they're smart enough to uh that was kind of scary to all of them just then so all right second round go ahead minnie's watching you watching minnie gosh i thought we'd be out here for forever maybe we will now they're they're going around it do you see that they kind of they're curious about it at first they didn't like it they were all [Music] like [Music] all right we caught our second one he's a good size yep decent oh god well guys i'm not gonna show me cleaning up these fish because let's just face it i'm not very good at it and it took way longer than i thought but we got it done and now i'm ready to fry up these fish i'm gonna make a really basic fish fry to dip them in i'll put the link in the description below and then we'll coat them and start frying them [Music] my [Music] i'm also gonna make a turmeric lemon rice today to go with the fish so it's really simple i'm gonna throw rice salt olive oil lemon juice garlic and then turmeric powder i'll just cook that for five minutes add some cilantro and boom dinner is done let's see how the family likes it okay happy family we're a happy family okay so we're gonna try it all the same time it looks awesome we're gonna try it and we're gonna all see if this fish be raised is worth it okay ready one two three wow that's pretty good that's pretty good yeah not fishy at all no you heard him guys it was good it only took forever to fillet it and because i still haven't learned how to do that quite fast yet but it tastes good i think that we need to wait though until they're a lot bigger because they were still pretty small so we're gonna let these catfish get really big and then maybe in the middle of the winter we'll eat a bunch of it [Music] thanks for watching the video today guys if you want to watch our videos about all our fish escapades click right here
Channel: Weed 'em & Reap
Views: 348,804
Rating: 4.9370193 out of 5
Keywords: weedemandreap, weed em and reap, backyard pond, swimming pond, raising catfish, pond catfish, growing catfish, catch clean cook, small farm, sustainable farm, farm life, city farm, backyard farm, raising goats, funny goats, funny animals, animal videos, fishing videos, pond fishing, catching catfish, catfish bait, chicken livers, desert farming, desert gardening, life on the farm, life with goats, backyard oasis, one acre farm, permaculture, sustainable living
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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