T.REX TALK: Holster Setup and Use

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welcome guys to another YouTube live today we're going to be talking about the holsters the main product that we sell and the products that got t-rex arms started I want to give a real quick history we're actually gonna do some dry fire I've got a shot timer here and I'm actually to show you guys how some of these holsters work do some drawers from concealment also put on a belt and this so it should possibly show some reloads some other things like that we've got multiple cameras set up but I've got like compatible holster suppressor holsters a lot of different lights a bunch of different stuff I actually have more ragnaroks here than I have sidecars we'll talk through all the little specifics on those but real fast don't talk about some of the history so I started the company back in 2013 before that I was playing with Kydex a few weird little designs the first thing I was actually making was a rifleman carrier that it was actually positioned lower on the leg because I was finding that was a little faster than drawing a magazine all the way up here on my belt although now that's basically what I do and it wasn't until my fire chief asked hey could you make a holster for my Glock 17 because I know you're kind of like doing some Qaida XE stuff and I said sure and so I made this abomination at the time I had some foam that I literally stood on so I had a his Glock I didn't have a blue actually no I think I went bought a blue gun I didn't have his gun I had a blue gun I put the Kydex over it I literally stood on my press which was two pieces of really cheap foam I didn't have the nice fancy stuff and then I took a hacksaw because I didn't have a bandsaw and had to chop all around here I didn't have a grommet press because I needed that for the mag carrier so I was making on eBay and then I kind of built this out I didn't know how to fill in the ejection port so the retention on this was super tight in fact I do have a pistol here a standard Glock yet here we go good to go and there's a piece of paper in here it's probably got like yeah it's his first holster ever whatever their attention on this is oh I guess I loosened it up but originally it was extremely tight because of the ejection port right here and I think I went in there with a hairdryer and actually loosened it up granted this was a long time ago but there are other little mistakes that I made had the Kydex cover the trigger guard here so very uncomfortable to draw but it was actually within about a month that he came home there was a guy inside of his house and he actually drew down on the guy called 9-1-1 and this is the holster he was wearing for that so that was pretty cool but I started making holsters because I realized hey holsters are pretty fun to make I won't just focus on mag carriers and then I started thinking about t-rex arms and building the website and the rest is history and here we are today but we've gone from making things like this which was obviously a very crummy you know crude design to something as technologically superior as the ragnarok which is a very cost-effective very durable outside the waistband holster that is extremely modular with all these little holes on the back and we will talk more about that the main product that really launched the company was actually a sidecar a one-piece holster that is dedicated for Penix carry that gives you a spare magazine and it's all all in one system and the reason I was working on this and actually started out we went through like 10 different revisions but it started out looking something like this where I had the mag carrier was sort of bolted on to the holster itself and this was kind of the sidecar at the time but this didn't really become a thing until I decided to fuse them both together this was very similar to obviously the incog g-code was doing it at the time but the problem with it is you've got a lot of rickety stuff going on you got screws that can come loose and it's just not very appealing and it also wasn't very effective there were some things I could get away with by actually fusing everything together angling the magazine away getting the magazine a little bit closer and this is what kind of really launched the company because it was a product and nobody else was really making nobody else had nobody else had really improved the design overall of an appendix holster at least in my opinion at least with a spare magazine and then they were able to do that and my goal with this holster was because I was like 21 22 is I wanted a holster that would allow me to carry a full-sized handgun a service gun with a weapon line and an extra magazine every day all day seven days a week doesn't matter if it's summer doesn't matter if it's winter I'm good to go and that really awesome thing is most people go through a lot of holsters in their time trying to find like the best concealment holster I mean I've got a few you know before t-rex was a thing I had like a blackhawk everyone has a blackhawk I didn't have an Uncle Mike's though and then there was like one other holster but this is the holster that I run I run a sidecar I really don't use other holsters unless I'm filming specific for my carry this is what I've used for the past six years five years that it's really been out there and it's been improved actually it's more like four years does it what really wasn't until then that was really solid and is when I really started to use it and I don't see myself switching holsters away from a design like this from our sidecar so that's what's really cool we sell these to a lot of units we have a bunch of units in SOCOM they purchase these because obviously a lot of this stuff going on right now is all low vis so we get orders through some of the middlemen like ATS Quantico and people like that if you guys know how the purchasing works in the military they then go through us use all their GSA rubbish and then place their orders or we just get G pcs but very cool product and it's the one that I wear all the time and I've got mine on for a teal r7 but more on that later but I actually want to bring my older brother Isaac in because prior to Isaac coming on board we were making everything very traditionally we had foam that we were pressing the holster with and Isaac actually got brought in to I guess I show what yeah but um before before Isaac came in we were doing everything traditionally with foam presses and and clamps obviously but we were talking about hey well let's get into C&C let's get CNC routers vacuum forming and at the time I actually wasn't in I liked what I knew I didn't understand C&C stuff and I was like I don't want to do that but my older brother David who's the CFO the company was like no the numbers are there we don't understand it that's why Isaac will come in and he will be the wise one he'll be the smart one he'll figure it out and it'll be awesome and that's what happened Isaac came in he figured out how to do it code it build the felt the first one we never named it at least I don't know of a name Phyllis yeah we've got a few now and I want to name them now their colors there's like green blue red pink the colors oh yeah James they have colors Somel lights go put some lights underneath them though you know that's fun walked in one day it was pretty cool but he started working on creating this product I had just made a similar product using one to five because I was like this flimsy 0.08 Kydex just basically what all standard holsters are made in like the sidecar right here I wanted an outside the waistband holster that was a little thicker a little more durable so I made what I called the Mongoose I don't have one here I have mine somewhere now it's too late if you guys remember the name of the first weird holster I made you get kudos points no before that before that I was very cool I only made like 40 of them a couple of them did go overseas a couple of them did break and the design has since you know what gone away earlier I actually worked on some holsters so when I came in all the holsters were pretty much designed except for the rag block and I put a lot of design into the rag rock but I actually worked at t-rex briefly during a Black Friday I loved a whole bunch of Raptors and I set a record for most seconds created which is why to this day I'm not allowed to buff but one of the seconds that I made I took home and has been one of my main rapper suite yeah this is torque hey these are stork holsters are super cool I need to go and collect more of them and I need to look for more of them I don't have like the first X I know we're the first ragnarok holster that I ran appendix was it was modular back then but it was not great so talk real quick about some of the the manufacturing that goes into the Ragnarok obviously well now now we're seeing seeing side cars as well certain ones Raptors so yeah process is now being used widely we still have foam we still have the traditional so we call it we call it traditional manufacturing but we do a lot there's actually a bunch of videos on the YouTube channel showing how we scan guns with a 3d scanner we build a 3d model we cut that 3d model out of plastic we vacuum form the Kydex directly onto the plastic then we put it on the CNC machine and drill and cut it out and that gives us a very consistent this way and it's actually pretty pretty quick they were saying you don't have a mic but it's just that mics our game this is also quieter than you it's probably my rain intake is super low that's the first one today I actually start drinking it for the meeting and I should have but anyway so so so that's that's how we make all of these now and we started with the Ragnarok the Ragnarok was the first thing that we made on the CNC machine and then we started making side cars on the CNC machine and we're able to improve certain things once we were able to make our own moulds and vacuum form on them we were able to make better shapes but we're also able to get better definition so that improved a bunch of things although I've noticed the traditional guys have been very cool a lot of the traditional molds are permanent block with epoxy yeah and they use the stuff great beautiful shapes on those so are basically and when he says traditional it's obviously what most holster companies have and we're still doing is foam you put the gun in you put two pieces of Kydex on like cheese because it gets melted and then you squish the foam down you wait ten minutes you open it up that's traditional and the benefit of traditional taking blue guns or some of the newer molds out there is you could be a little more flexible for us what let's talk numbers real quick average average average how long does it take cuz people ask in here they're like why don't you make a Ragnarok for the FNX something and left-handed four yes why no lights what anything what's the process look like to go make a mold and scan the gun and test the mold and cut the mold and get a new one and cut a new one and modify it what's the process average because I don't change its per gun somewhere worst summer better summer so I can make a prototype this is a prototype this is he just leaked it it's a teal or not that was super quick because it's really similar to the Taylor seven you know making a new mold involved very little the white basically thankfully streamline it was smart in this regard although why it is extremely ugly but yeah so basically Glock 34 MIT that is very cool I actually actually like that thing even though it's hilariously I take it into the range for two weeks now how many use do i think i think you i could do i do i will but it's making making the model is a few hours cutting a mold and the fact is that making a prototype and even making the prototype work well is pretty quick like that can happen in a few days the time-consuming part is getting all of that stuff ready for mass production so yes making a prototype that works and fiddling with it and using the heat gun to straighten it out and cutting it with a hacksaw that can be done in a couple of days yep so we had prototypes of this guy pretty early on xfield - yeah because you wanted that well there are some where there are some people I wanted it to but they needed as well and they did get them and that was great so prototypes were fast but getting to where yeah like making making a holster in a few hours is not that big a deal the issue is we want to be able to make hundreds of holsters in a short amount of time and make sure that all of them work so getting the machines dialed in and the molds dialed in and everything to be consistent is the time-consuming part so that is why every model takes a few weeks and there's usually a bunch of stuff in development in fact there's this guy this guy is in development there's other things in development that are in development so no actually but yes so the raggedy is a very fun project we actually yes so the raggedy is our longest tested products we probably had for years we probably had the final mold for a about a year of testing before we actually put it on the site I think that maybe the record yes no I ran the writing on SD for a very long time in very primitive form there were some videos actually running it where we didn't show the holster but I was obviously drawing a suppressed pistol and everyone was like so that actually happened for quite a while and then finally we were able to make it because there was other stuff that came up but basically at the end of the day there's obviously there's a lot of guns out there unique configurations unique lights there's new companies making lights and the problem with the holster side for us is to make a mold for a ragnerok or a sidecar if we're gonna see and see it is many days of multiple holster engineers time plus going through the whole process Plus putting it on the website so - as it from accompany numbers it's right here for my company that's the only one I have here but be anyone one step four left-hand thread um so for a company to take the numbers and go isn't worth it to spend let's just say ten thousand dollars to make this mold we have to have twenty thirty forty thousand dollars worth of profit or gross customers to justify that expense I'm just giving rough arbitrary numbers but you guys kind of get the point like I can't go make a holster for a Kanak with an xvl to left-handed that two people in the world actually own and dump 10 15 whatever however much money you want to put into it into that mold it doesn't make sense from a business perspective which is why we can't make holsters for every configuration out there I completely with you but occasionally we make exceptions occasionally we make exceptions if it's a gun or a thing that we really like and we hope that in the future it will get bigger or maybe we try to help it get bigger because it's something we use something we want to use something we're going to sell perhaps like the high power we don't we don't sell well holsters to make the Hat for the high power everything platform it's worth the loss it's important to understand where firearms come from and being able to train with some of the older ones is very fascinating to see the way this stuff has improved the ink I was gonna say well I haven't shot my high power very much but yeah so the raggedy super cool currently only made for the x300 but it is one of the only at least in my opinion suppressor holsters that you can actually run around and running gun with there's a few companies making them the problem is and what I like about them is the gun could just fall out or tip forward we've done a couple things to this holster a very modular retention where I can actually run full sprints with this shoot around barriers around cars and the gun doesn't jettison and there have been a couple units that have actually ordered these for their guys to have for very very specific stuff I don't I don't know when I would actually want to run one of these and be like yeah I'm totally gonna need a suppressor well sure but then what you want is two of them well that would require a lefty it would require a lefty well yeah that's something that you will have pretty soon you're too cynic so anyway so as far as holster production goes there's a lot of things that we're currently working on a new ragnaroks new availability for certain models out there when a new gun comes out it's actually pretty cool it's taken us a little while but firearms manufacturers are starting to realize that we're a player in the game so when there are new handguns they're getting made by some of the big companies they actually are starting to send us the handguns early obviously under NDA's so we can look at them and they've been a couple we've gotten in recent months where we received the firearm and literally were like this gun sucks we're not gonna make a holster for it because the gun itself is pretty lame it doesn't fit the target audience because it sucks but then there's been other guns we've gotten have been very excited about and very quickly started you know 3d scanning the gun 3d you know getting the molds all done getting all ready for it so that the the holster is ready when the handgun actually launches but so it has been pretty cool that farms companies are starting to recognize hey if a hand if we want our handgun to do well people are going to need the support gear for it holsters and other things because there have been handguns that have come out that because they didn't have the support people didn't buy them and so the company that has to either can the weapon or just not make as many and then it's just not a successful product so and we're not the only holster company never this happens but you were talking very easy to get guns now if if you have an FFL a prototype gun can be sent to you if you call up a major gun manufacturer and ask if they will send a prototype weapon through your local FFL they will say no yeah has pictures of the gun bull they will get leaked police departments have actually leaked photos of guns they were testing the Glock one of those new Glocks from a few years ago the police department actually leaked the photos or someone in the department did so like that thing that kind of thing does happen but being able to have guns sent directly to us has helped with planning different things I know Walter has sent us some guns like this dude right here and so we're working on some things that's oh and yeah oh and this is too although actually we went and we actually went and picked this up somewhere we didn't I mean I dunno what to think I just I've only shot the Cecotto series at like events where it's like take the gun and shoot some plates and it's just like one magazine super nice but I have my dry fire to shooting ratio on many wet different platforms is ridiculously high a ton of guns I've never shot a youth drop right I'm way more than I have probably probably handled this one a lot more than me yeah it's part of part of this grip feels we got a question on how we came up with this angle for the thumb as you draw your thumb just Falls right here and how we come up with that idea it's just a lot of science a lot of testing if you're thousands of hours bringing in test subjects guinea pigs it's actually just a lot just my thumb so a couple of tests so yeah the idea behind having some height there was for reholster in to some extent generally when i'm reholster a-- into one is ragnarok so i'll demo that here in a little bit because i usually am scooping with the light the light hits holster before the gun does but it does prevent having this race part in the back does prevent me from pushing the gun obviously into my body is I'm going to holster it also gives a little bit of aesthetic but it is just kind of it's just nice do you put your thumb on the side that we're over this ice I'm always know so I actually hover where's my main gun I mean doesn't matter my main gun here you are I actually kind of hover like way out like this when I actually do it if I draw from concealment that's when I actually throw my thumb on top of the sights and I'll demo and talk about that here a little bit I would demo also but I can't because I yeah so and I've got like a 50 pack so I can demo yeah it's it is it's actually a 1 pack so but anyway what that said I'll actually go ahead and some of the stuff and it probably and answer some questions potentially on some other things yeah no I can't stop talking because unless I talk a lot I'm also streaming later tonight so I have to talk for a lot of today but anyway so real fast sidecar holster our flagship product we get a lot of questions on how to draw from appendix it is actually really cool to see the cultural shift in appendix carry when we started with the sidecar a few years ago selling it and then I was doing a lot of video so with it there were a lot of comments for people going like oh that's unsafe you're gonna shoot yourself we see a lot less of that now because people are it's been normalized through the point where when people see it appendix carrier is now a normal way to carry a firearm it's as normal as four o'clock it's as normal as strong sign carrying right here in the front is now seen at least by a large group of people as normal so it's a really cool example of how normalization works that companies organizations individuals and fluence or celebrities and whatnot can actually have on affecting how people see an item or a thing so real fast on drawing from concealment so first thing going to teach aim to the weapon this is 124 spear hollow-point whatever because I'm sure someone is going to ask I'll ditch that I don't mind having live ammo around I just have to you know pay attention and I'll get rid of this boy so empty extendo clip and then I've got my 15 romantic for the gun so big thing with carrying appendix I have a TL r7 sidecar this is my carry gun that's been in my carry gun for the past few years running the TL r7 because it's a little more compact a little more comfortable and it's actually very effective I did a video it's on the product page for this actually talking about it showing it you guys can get more info there but this little setup super comfortable super convenient when I'm not running the TL r7 I generally run an X 300 in a holster like this this is one of our quick ship side cars but I want to go over drawing from concealment as far as efficiency goes because obviously drawing a gun from concealment is literally as easy as get the sugar out of the way and draw the gun however and I'll step back because I think we have some other cameras there's a couple things we can do to make the process a little more efficient so two hand to draw big thing for me is I like to grab my shirt whatever I'm wearing in a consistent spot so for me it's in between my magazine and the gun itself so it's gonna be right here in the sort of pocket that is created by my magazine and the gun so it consists this by every time I bring the gun up my chest not all the way up to my chin but I bring it up high enough that regardless of what shirt I am wearing I'm going to be pulling the shirt all the way up away from the gun if I'm wearing like I've seen people grab like down low by the belt but the problem is if you're wearing a longer shirt or something for whatever reason and you go to here your shirt is still covering the gun and that's obviously gonna be a problem so I want to grab somewhere that's gonna allow the shirt to actually be out of the way because ultimately that's what needs to happen so in between sight and magazine hand placement on the gun there's a couple there's a couple methodologies here I subscribe to the methodology of my thumb is X are going to be on top of the slide itself I'm not going to try to scoot past all of my skin to actually get that high tan grip around behind the beaver tail of the pistol reason for this is it's a lot less consistent as far as having a good grip on the pistol to begin with and if I all of a sudden after Thanksgiving put on some extra you know poundage which for me is basically impossible that's going to cause some other issues as well so what I like to do is hand thumb goes right on top of the slide sights of the gun when I draw the pistol from the holster I'm going to come up to about where my hand is at this point I will then let go off my shirt you can start building my grip right here and then present the gun and I'm set and I'm good to go big thing is making sure I'm still holding the shirt out of the way I've seen some people when they draw they like flip the shirt and let go and then the shirt literally falls back over the gun before they've even had time to actually you know get on to the gun and grab it so what I like to do is hold the shirt gun comes up and I have the gun just like that shirt comes up grip meets and I'm set where's the shot timer we're in a time this slightly now I don't haven't practiced this in a while but this is something that's really good that you do a dry fire I'm simply going to Oh what so what I'm going to do is I'm simply going to on the buzzer draw and pick when a pinpoint a place here in the shop a small refined aiming area that I want to shoot and because I have a red dot I can actually really tell what's my trigger press because I could see my dot flash low and left loan right low or bounce up and down having a red dot actually really helps with your trigger management because you can be really be really specific and really see what's going on and kind of analyze what's up so I have a very small little thing on my Gallo Tech over there I'm going to aim for I'm gonna go for 80% it's just going to be a consistent draw I'm gonna press out I'm going to then take one press from the wall and we're going to see what happens I'm gonna brighten it up I have a delay I'm good brought the gun down I mean I actually immediately went to a tap rack because I didn't get a shot do it again 80% shirt top of slide grip on the wall so real simple real refined nothing to you crazy shirt top of slide kind of hit the belt there with my finger I'm upset now I'll go a little faster a little faster I'm sad so that's about a second it's not crazy fast I used to be faster I don't do a whole lot of a sidecar appendix carry concealment stuff I'm still riding in a second for a shot I'm happy with it I'm consistent with it that's really cool as far as reloading goes pretty self-explanatory again I'm going to have to get the shirt out of the way when I take that shot I'm at slide lock and I've set just like that again if something just like everything it's going to require practice but the sidecar is an extremely fast holster and there's a lot of really cool dudes that are running them they go all over the world and it's pretty awesome big question I see people ask can you put this over here the answer is no that would be stupid for one why would I want my gun positioned where I have a magazine in front of it that does not make any sense whatsoever even though I know a bunch of drop like holsters are sold with a magazine there one reason for that is if you're running a shield and you obviously have to do a one-hand manipulation you can stow that into your holster and then the magazine is right here where you can grab that magazine insert it into the pistol while still holding on to the shields but since they don't carry around a shield in public I don't need that benefit so no you do not wear a sidecar here you do not wear a sidecar like this you wear it in the front and that's how you wear an appendix carry holster as far as if it carry holsters go there is something that I see people asking they're like do I wear it over my leg or do I wear it Center for me at least it's been most comfortable wearing it Center if you wear the holster if you have like a standard like this Raptor right here if you wear it over your leg that starts to get uncomfortable and you start sitting and doing stuff for me I want my gun literally Center with my body at least the slide I found that to be most consistent with actually excuse me drawing the pistol but then also the actual comfort itself of the weapon yeah you will excuse me I'm going on a belt anything you saw nothing right Charles you didn't show you can show that camera angle no good all right I don't need any premature product leaks at this time even though I've already leaked at least one product maybe to anyone all right so our next product the next big products because obviously we have the sidecar real fast any questions on the sidecar what's uh so Ryan yep yeah there's a lot of companies making sidecar style holsters now you've got I want lists all names you guys know who they are I mean you got standard Co you got Tier one you got there's a bunch of folks out there ten Accor who else there's a bunch of people they all have their own little little thing about it but it's great real quick let's see if we've got any second questions can you do a sidecar from back no why would I again this would go back to it makes no sense having a holster back a gun back here in a magazine back here small the back carry is very problematic for a lot of reasons we spend a lot of our time sitting and carrying in the small your back it's basically inaccessible while I Drive a vehicle is inaccessible I sit at my desk there's really no benefit to carrying small the back at almost any time plus it's very easy to be disarmed from that area as a backup gun absolutely because I have obviously room on my belt to carry extra weapons but small the back area is something I would I don't think I would ever recommend it ever on laughs maybe if you were doing a lot of promo work you like you're a tunnel rat or something and you're like on your belly like maybe then and if you're carrying a backup I think those are the only times I would actually recommend smaller back carry otherwise no I do not recommend it deagle sidecar perhaps perhaps in future let's see handgun opening scary and left yeah so appendix there's a few different ways obviously I like having a one piece set up where I have the gun and the magazine it's just very convenient taking it on taking it off Oh as far as bathroom stuff goes because I know everyone always asks what I do is I take the holster off because it's most easiest that's one reason why I really like these clips I'm not having to undo loops and do a bunch of crazy stuff I use a stall if I can the other option is if it is a urinal what I do depending on where I'm at not like in an airport where there's no only dividers that'd be stupid plus it's an airport I literally just under the arm and I've never had anyone see it if anyone did we're here in the south at least don't think it would be a problem I mean it's in a bathroom and then just put it back on but it's really not that hard people seem to really blow it out of proportion they're like well if I can't go to the bathroom I'm not gonna buy the holster and I'm like it's going to the bathroom it's not that complicated if going to the bathroom is hard for you you got some other issues you need to work out in your life before you potentially think about firearms but that's how I feel about it so really cymbals take it off use a stall you're good to go there's two Clips really easy but that's what I like about this it's a one into one piece set up so I don't have to worry about magazines and stuff but yeah one option is you know I could do a you know one of these guys I could do a I could do one of these a Mars carrier or a quick ship or what's it called micro mag and I can actually run my spare magazine over here or I could run a neo mag have at my pocket or just throw the bag in my pocket and do something like that again it's all whatever you want to do however you want to do it I've sometimes had my side car with my magazine and then a spare mag in my pocket if I'm going somewhere like really odd or weird so that's always an option as well so but going back down going back down let's go I'm just going all the way down cuz like I am Who am I Willett lr7 fitta sidecar for til r1 absolutely not here's why this is the problem I have a lot of stuff here a lot of goodies and stuff so and this is some stuff you feel free to email or customer service at any time with any question I was getting don't do that you can email them about obviously stuff like this but TL r7 very small if you go to the manufacturers website you can look at the dimensions you can then check those dimensions against the tlr-1 and quickly deduce that they are very different so the problem is teal r7 is small tlr-1 big it's really not going to work the gun is like literally falling into the holster and there is no retention at all is that actually in the holster technically yes is that going to be effective and give me good retention as I do stuff no and when I go to draw I'm having to scoot past a bunch of the Kydex to actually get my hand on the gun oh that's actually a fun fact about the sidecar so when we designed this holster something that I noticed a lot of holster companies not focusing on was accessibility they were designing a holster purely around concealment and carrying it but not around accessing the firearm actually grabbing the firearm if I'm actually having to get my firearm out I probably want to do it pretty quick maybe it's someone else's life's on the line or mine so I wanted to ensure that you can get a full purchase on the gun a full grip on the gun and not have Kydex material clips claws anything in the way of actually grabbing the gun to establish that grip I'm using a much overly fancy words because the gun industry likes fancy words but that's what we wanted to do when we made our holster and that's what we do for every holster like for this ragnarok right here my big thing is I can get a full grip on the handgun pretty much no matter what and I'm not going to be hitting material and stuff now if you have banana fingers and you got hands that are like Goliath or something you may end up hitting some stuff because you are the point oh one percent and apologies that's just how it is it's you know what I'm talking about cuz you're probably buying like size 20 shoes and nobody ever makes those so moving on that's just something to talk about but something I think is really important that holster companies need to prioritize is actually building accessibility into their holsters because in the day the holster isn't just for carrying the firearm it's for actually getting that firearm out and actually using it so moving on ragnarrox I don't see any questions right off the bat so obviously the Ragnarok is a dedicated outside the waistband holster it cannot be worn appendix or inside the waistband I suppose you could somehow retrofit a clip to it and wear it backwards and then do a weird if you're a lefty you buy a right-handed one and you do this I don't recommend it please don't do that use it as intended as an outside the waistband holster on the back of these holsters there's a collection of little holes that you can use to attach different accessories my favorite is the QLS I do have a few examples here though I have two ragnaroks here so here's a Glock 17 Ragnarok with a standard ubl bolted to the side so this is carry optics or USPS a legal it's probably I don't know if it's IDP a legal its USPS a legal because the gun is X number of inches millimeters to your belt but this is a really common set up that gets ordered but honestly the most common set up is actually a full QLS system so I have standard here with the ubo ubl with a thigh strap that helps prevent the holster from bouncing away from the body on the draw especially if I have a lot of retention but then what you can do if you want to get even more wild I was about to say I don't think I have one here actually do you would get a UBL with a QLS receiver and then you get QLS Forks on your holsters and that allows you to interchange your holsters and swap around to like in this case this is a Glock with an X 300 so maybe I'm running an X 300 cuz that's my normal thing and then I can swap to my two to six so throw that in there now I can run my two to six I'm not having to unthread the whole thing from my belt that's what's really nice about it but the actual really nice thing about it is it actually adds some space between the gun and your belt so you have you're less likely to get cluttered and like have to scoot past your belt like any material anything like that gives you a bit of offset in my opinion makes a little bit faster a little bit easier to get to only downside is now you are a little wider so like doors and stuff you can kind of hit them but yeah whatever you can get around that it's fine you used to how big you are but um so that's a really Euler setup is a ubl with a QLS holster on top you can interchange them and if you're not using a lot of different guns you may not need to spend the extra money on having that kind of a setup but I definitely like having that offset even in competition although it's not usually allowed so when I shoot USPSA which is like once a year this is what I run right here you BL gun goes right in and that's my career optics set up right there granted F take the mango off so let's talk about real quick so I've got right here my Ragnarok with a thigh strap which helps prevent like I mentioned earlier if I go to draw generally speaking if I have a lot of retention the entire gun can bow away from the body and this obviously present prevents causes problems because now I'm drawing the gun inwards to my body and it's just gonna mess everything up so why a lot of guys wear a thigh strap is simply to keep the holster from from moving it allows you to get away with more attention on the gun and it allows for a more consistent draw now what's extremely stupid is last straps aren't allowing competition because they're too tactical and to violence looking I've seen emails from like the president of US PSA and it's stupid they should allow them because lots of regular folks use thigh straps it's not just for military SWAT whatever like Cowboys literally tied off their holsters because they had the same issues like it was a normal person thing to do and nowadays it's seen as like some weird militaristic like thing no it's a thigh strap piece of fabric that keeps my holster from running around so I can have a consistent draw it's really not that complicated or should be at least but some people like to think it is so by strap locked in so now the gun will stay where it needs to be 99% of time for that consistent draw timer same thing I'm going to do a draw one press out there on that little thing on the wall from the holster big thing here is kind of the same thing I was doing with my appendix carry draw I'm not trying to get my necessarily my full grip I do flow up my thumb a little bit on the back of the slide and then I obviously build my grip right here where I would when I'm carrying appendix the draw process from appendix outside the waistband is actually generally it's about the same it really comes down to where am i building my grip and that's about right here and if I'm not doing anything with the guide actively shooting I'm about right here so that's pretty much where I'm working from so 80% draw she fell thing right there that wasn't quite a tea that was like ninety but eighty gone grip next set so my hand is meeting the gun just like that so my hand oh yeah sigh Jesus is perfect it's perfect that's right I became it myself this is great right here slow-mo gun hand moves up grip builds I'm digging my fingers into my my support hand fingers are dug into my dominant hand I'm bringing the gun to my eyes I'm not turtling bringing my head down just straight out like this my goal is to shots from the drop outside the waistband hands relaxed at sides seven five yards two rounds in under a second into an a zone target that is my standard so we're gonna go 100% going off of I am for myself kind of small yeah that's good to go two rounds under second that's what we're trying to do and they're a garage as you can see it's extremely fast you can obviously tune all their attention I can pull that holster off I can immediately be like okay what do I want to what I want to do dual X 300 action oh yeah this time next year Adan I need a guy with an X 300 I guess they can always add one so same gun I can do an X 300 V I could do an A I can do another a all other tensions usually tighter so I'll do the B threat this guy on here will be set so see how fast it was to interchange that mixture now I have a new one so now same thing now I have a light nothing really changes okay so exact same thing light doesn't change anything add a little bit of weight possibly a little bit of retention based on I grab your holster setup but that's what I have going on now talk about mag carriers she's the real I don't know there's a really fun part because you know reloads are super cool and if you execute fun fact if you execute a perfect reload you can basically be a firearms instructor on Instagram true story so we have the Mars carriers these came out somewhat recently I wanted a mag carrier that was obviously extremely that would allow me to angle the mag carrier and let me do whatever I want with it but it was also just like our Ragnarok built out of one to five Kydex which is this extremely durable massive Kydex that you can just do stuff with and that was a piece from the blade tech that was super super durable I've never broken one of these I'm not aware of any of these that are broken I think we've had two or three ragnaroks break and we've sold thousands of ragnaroks our failure rate is super good on those and our warranty is totally awesome I might add so you guys are probably experienced possibly some warranty or at least little things here and there forgotten screws things like that but we have our Mars carrier we make them for different magazines and we indicate on the bottom which a model it is this one is a G model so this will fit Glock mags also they have variable retention here with screws on the side I like setting mine up so I'm honest obviously on this belt I've got this one angled slightly although not as much as it could be and then I've got this one angled straight up and down so that just makes it a little easier for me as I am going for my magazines as far as body mechanics if I want to use a really fancy gun industry term obvi just makes a little more fluid if I had all my mags straight up and down its gonna obviously going to have to angle my hand in there super crazily and then if I go to put on a plate carrier obviously the plate carrier is gonna start hit the mags as well and I've actually seen a lot of guys using our mag carriers and also the safari lands but canting them aggressively in the front because they're wearing kit and that's like Green Berets Rangers cops SWAT dudes like it makes a lot of sense and it's a competition II thing that some people be like add it's dumb like only captures do that but know these dudes are literally doing it so they can have be more mobile and like their kits not affecting their other kit liquors are affecting their belt it's more comfortable and their magazines are actually faster reload from being at that aggressive angle so what I can do how aggressive is this one it's not I won't change it what I could do because I use tech locks because they're totally awesome is I can actually interchange my gear on my belt very easily I can pop this pistol mag carrier off I can add a nut I can pop the rifle one off I can add another pistol one I could do three it just makes it really convenient to interchange stuff I'm not going to talk about this belt but you've got belts like this like the Ronin that allow you to interchange pouches and in this case I've got to Safari online mp5 pouches one Mars carrier here at an angle and I can always add more so like this guy right here you know what's that another one because you can never have too much ammo put that on here lock in the tech lock and I am set just like that and I can just fill my belt I can have magnets all the way back to here like a production shooter shooting 10 rounds so basically they're in California so let's go over some questions real quick see what you guys were talking about see if there's anything in particular I know I'm forgetting things I haven't done customer service in a long time otherwise I'd have more things coming to mind so we'll see what we got do I ever carry in a bag only if it's a rifle I don't carry any bag so true Hopkins is in here good stuff he's being a moderator he's modding you guys do you yes I put so big thing is if you're running a velcro bull belts kind of like this Ronin or competition belts out there a big problem is when you start stacking tech locks or other systems if they don't have velcro on them now you're preventing the velcro belt from engaging on your inner belt that you're wearing so what I actually do is I get adhesive velcro and I cut little pieces of it and I just add it to the back of the tech lock makes a huge difference it's probably something I want to sell in the future but you can go do that I've even went into I was on a work trip and I didn't have them on a couple of my Mars carriers or something I can't remember it was so I went to Lowe's and they sold these little like circles these little velcro Bowl circles for just furniture I think it runs I think it's what it was and I just got those and just stuck them right on they were the perfect size so there's all sorts of cool stuff you can use out there and that's what you should do athletic carry um there's a few options a bad carrier is probably a bag is probably a good idea for that and at that point here's a really fun thing so here's my beef with bag carry bag carry right so you're you're eliminating excuse me having the gun on your body now obviously if you carry a gun on your body you're restricted in what kinds of weapons you can carry something like this if you're resorting to carrying in a bag there's no reason you can't have something this big if you're already carrying in a bag but here's what I see I see people going bad carry I'll put my Glock 43 in there and I'm like why are you putting your Glock 43 in the bag when you could get away with something better that shoots better has more bullets is more accurate you can actually have a weapon line on like why are you putting a tiny little gun in your bag if it's the only gun you own I totally understand but I see people doing that and it's just it's it defies logic why would I put a small gun in a big bag if I can get away with a larger handgun and that's what I would do if I was carrying a bagged pistol it would be my it would honestly probably be this guy my Glock 34 next 300 and this guy right here extendo clip or I wanted to get real wild be something like that because why not I have the space now I can't carry this on my body very well but I can carry this in a bag so why not that's my B fat bag carry is I think some people's really haven't thought it through they just kind of throw their gun in and I'm like well at that point you could carry a cz 75 or an m9 or even a suppressed pistol or something so I don't know I just don't see that Orion belts I'm not sure when we're getting in restock you can always email the guys and ask all these new yep yeah competition belts have been around for a long time competition here's the thing that people don't like to admit competition shooting has driven more shooting stuff than anything as far as shooting fundamentals and just raw equipment for shooting now obviously competition doesn't drive equipment for explosive breaching it doesn't drive kit for doing some other tasks on the job but it does drive kit and technique for just straight-up shooting straight up just pulling the trigger fast getting rounds on target manipulating your gear doing your reloads whatever competition is awesome and a lot of it's gotten better I remember six years ago when I started doing this the disparity between military tactical gun fighting type stuff and competition was a lot greater and it's getting closer and closer together and there's a lot of units that will contract out civilian shooters I've been able to do some of that it's been an awesome privilege to be able to do that to actually help some of these units with their shooting because I shoot for 20% of my job like all the time and in the military it's 1% you know high-level competition shooter that's 30% of what they do that's what they focus on they focus on shooting pistols so units pay them to come out and help them shoot pistols they don't have them help them shoot rifles because they shoot pistols and that's happened with gear y'all like competition mag carriers two piece belts you know certain stuff on rifles it's been driven by the competition community because the competition community is about shooting guns it just so happens that shooting guns is part of gun fighting because gun fighting but people seem to forget that it's kind of funny how that works Glock 19 yes as far as recommended pistol if someone comes to us we get emails all time for people what gun do I buy by holster blah blah blah my recommendation and I have it here on the table is simply a again I have too much stuff on the table you buy this thing right here Glock 19 Gen 4 Gen 5 Gen 3 doesn't matter if you're a lefty it's a Gen 5 get this thing right here five hundred dollars well for something six hundred something like that get this gun right here go buy a bunch of bullets if you want to experiment with different ways to carry I would recommend our Raptor holster this will allow you to carry at four o'clock appendix you can kind of play around if you like appendix then I would recommend buying a sidecar which will give you that spare magazine it's a little more optimal it's got two Clips keeps it a little more stable that's a little bit more effective there's other holsters out there you can try as well but this right here this is America's gun it's not made in America well I think somewhere now but it's literally America's gun it's the most popular handgun in America just like the ar-15 is most popular rifle in America it's this guy right here I recommend it 100% is that the best handgun ever no of course not it's not as good as this guy right here the staccato P at certain things but if you take all the little things reliability shoot ability ammo recoil sights customizability if you take everything it's like in a video game you know you got race cars some are really good at this but they suck at this it's in the middle of everything it's in the middle of reliability cost effectiveness recoil ammo just like in a video game is like in a shooting game you know it's in the middle this lovely balanced weapon that's awesome which makes it great for new people makes it great for good shooters as well and I just don't see a lot of people they think they can get the best gun for everything doesn't exist you're always going to sacrifice something but the Glock is in the middle it's a nice little balance use just for a Glock 34 um honestly I really like shooting a Glock 34 with a red dot with iron sights I'm a little bit faster with a 17 or 19 because the sights are closer together 34 is a little bit less recoil you have a longer barrel potentially more accurate usually more accurate granted most people aren't going to out shoot a Glock 19 barrel they're not gonna be that good to out shoot a barrel but they're just really fun to shoot I really like them but my favorite gun is if I had to pick one Glock could be a 19 that's what I carry I can shoot that in a match I can do whatever with it I can put it on my kit and a level-two holster like my Safariland Glock 17s are a good option to 34s are a little more niche I guess you could say because it is a little bigger a little harder to carry in some ways but the 19 is the way to go would you guys ever make a two-piece belt um moving on so about 19 or weight for PSA honestly you get a Glock 19 there's a PSA is working on a cheaper Glock 19 alternative but unless you are straight-up hard for cash or you're trying to buy a bunch of handguns to outfit random people potentially just gonna go out 19 you'll probably have less problems than with an aftermarket product it's just like with Glock magazines there's ETS mags and then there's like pmags there's a bunch of other mags on the market and they save you a couple dollars a few dollars I'm like no just buy that William Maxx they don't have problems a lot of these after markets do just get normal Mannix it's not like a 50% savings it's not like a massive savings that's like oh my goodness it makes total sense like no it's like this much and when it's this much is it really worth it for potentially this much of problems no it's not so unless you are really hard up for money just get a Glock just get an OEM Glock stock Glock it's actually this is the hilarious thing you can actually buy custom built blocks pretty cheap because usually they're hard to sell based on what modifications people do like you can go get a modded out armored Glock mil by some random company or whatever usually pretty cheap compared to going and actually doing it yourself older brother did that which is pretty funny he was actually was finding cheap modified Glocks so if you're not too picky I'm pretty picky I recently bought this slide paid a bunch of money cuz it's discontinued because I wanted I wanted one of everything 17 1934 now I have all three I have the trifecta but um the if you're not too picky you can actually pick up a custom Glock for pretty cheap which is awesome favorite arm arse like alligator works the air works cut my ADC gun this one right here and it's I mean it's still going you know but I like them for side milling but I have zev slides which are obviously already built like this one right here and they're good to go where can you find got nineteen new right now we saw Glock mags on our site not sure if we have a night I'm pretty sure we have 19 mags I know we have a bunch of magazine stock at least oh but the best thing is a lot of people don't know this other good thing about Glock Glock so it comes with these magazines right 15 rounders doesn't stop me from running an extended 17 doesn't stop me from running this guy doesn't stop me from running a standard that's a 13 a standard 17 or this that's it that's it extended I guess but that's the nice thing with clocks it doesn't matter which may actually go and buy so here's what I would say if you have a Glock 19 and you already have a 15 round mag buy off your other mags clock 17s you get two extra bullets they're a little easier to reload because here's the issue so there's actually we'll talk about so this is actually it's pretty dope right so I have my side car if I have a 15 round mag in here I'm not going to demo this but there's a lot less magazine to actually grab on the reload like it's not as fast it's not as consistent that's why when I carry with my side car I actually run a 17 with a +2 this also squares off the top so it fills the palm of my hand a little bit better than one of these angled mags wears literally angled in the wrong direction so what I do is I see rynason and mag gonna get more bullets it's easier to grab it's more consistent than running a 15 rounder there's no reason to do this except for maybe potentially a tiny bit more comfort so I would say Ryan extendo run that extendo clip don't go and buy more Glock 15 like 15 round magazines if you've already got a couple for actually like carrying with buy everything 17s and extend them for awesomeness and also to trigger liberals so go do it plus we sell the base pads because we want to make it easy for you guys we saw the OEMs they're super cheap another reason to go ahead and buy them because they cost nothing it's like 10 bucks or nine bucks for an extended plus to plate and then the errand on those are like 30 and they give you plus five so it's pretty awesome just lay in a video game it's like a park in a video game now why not have the extra bullets yeah so stock sights fiber optic sort radium um fibers are cool they can fall out mine fell out on here a little while ago no idea when I'm shooting with an optic though the funny thing with the stock black irons is people are like oh they'll shear off their plastic I haven't I really don't see them shear off that often like I know the theory and the concept is there I know a few people have but they don't shear off as much as people say I'm never short off a set of block sites and I was actually working on a Glock a long time ago and I had to like pound those sites like get them out and like bust them and like get rid of them they're not as fragile as people think so if you have sock sights to go with it like they're fine they're sights you can put them together and you shoot and get your hits like it's not a problem if you want to make an upgrade to like a higher vis site I like America low idot's to give you a bright front sight post a you know a silhouetted valley and so you can be a little more faster on a hard target focus and then they're also just a little they'll be more durable I guess in stock sights but I don't know about how much because the plastic lock sites really don't fail as much as people on the internet like to say they do I don't see it at least and I I'm around a lot of people that shoot and talk to a lot of people that shoot and I just don't see it very much what aren't sites are going to SRO so these sites they don't they don't on this guy they actually don't these are zev fibers so when I pull this dot off to shoot in like a match because I'm shooting you know three gun or something which I do have a match in October I will actually have to pull this optic off and run irons and then install fiber so these are not actually Co Aetna Singh with the dot so please don't think that they are they're not Kimber no I don't mean Kimber as a company I just mean like 1911's they're really cool but the funny thing is I don't know a lot of people that carry a 1911 it's a big heavy gun that carries very few bullets unless you get like something like this says double stack like if I'm carrying all day I'd rather not carry a gun that weighs as much as this like that's a lot of weight and then you add an extra magazine like no no just get a Glock so the light way to polymer unless you're willing to carry the weight the problem is people were like oh yeah I'll carry this gun and they get it the carry over a couple times and they never carry it again and it just sits like now if we're gonna get a carry gun specifically for carrying I'm just gonna recommend getting something a little lighter something polymer polymer based not a full steel gun not even like like this you know like an m9 like this with an X 300 and extended mag like that's a lot of weight so just something to think about be 365 actually pretty cool I'll say the be 365 they had some issues early on is actually a pretty cool solution for a double edged stack gun but here's the thing about small guns even some of these little guns like the Glock 48 and 365 where you can squeeze more bullets into them and carry 15 rounds or whatever because it is a small weapon and it weighs not a lot like it's very lightweight it is a little harder to shoot because there's more recoil that's why there is something to say about service guns like a Glock 17 or a 19 that are a little bigger like a Glock 19 literally shoots about as well as a 17 recoil eyes controllability and get my full hand on it these little guns they are a little harder a little slower to shoot compared to larger their larger counterparts so the round counts important like I think it's very important especially if you start looking at like body cam footage CCTV footage like do don't usually go down with just one round into him like it's like five six ten more and then you've got two assailants and now you're looking at well maybe average five six rounds per and then you're looking at are you gonna have a hundred percent hit ratio or you gonna have some misses or gonna keep shooting and it's like yeah eight rounds may not work for a bunch of scenarios it'll work for a baby this one but it really won't work for this many scenarios that I might want to be prepared for round counts important but also just the ability to actually run that gun like there's a reason these guns are chosen you know but in law enforcement in the military for you know slaying boad because they're actually like shootable they're very easy to shoot compared to a small compact firearm so the question is are you carrying a handgun out of convenience or are you carrying it for capability is what the question comes down to I think that's something that's really important couple more questions revolver no throw it in your pocket I thought that was the whole advantage of her revolvers you can throw it in your pocket and it's got a 12 pound trigger so you don't worry about shooting yourself I thought that was the point of a revolver why would you need a holster for that I'm being facetious but you get my point it's kind of I like that fun every now and then okay Hellcat I don't believe we're making holsters for the Hellcat Hollow son I'm actually getting some the test soon Ragnarok yes we actually have one right here boom good to go custom 2011's new because there's way too many there's a lot of variation and we're not going to do it vp9 steel r7 that's a very uncommon configuration so you'd have to find a custom shop doing that t-rex really isn't a custom shop anymore not really in the sense of the word wear will do anything I remember when I started turning stuff down it was pretty funny it had this one guy who was like no you have said you make custom gear so you have an obligation to make the holster for my XDM with a frame mounted red dot and an instance our weapon light I was like know what I should have done is actually said okay $2,000 you send me the gun I'll go to the FFL do all the paperwork $2,000 I make you your holster because it would have taken me about 10 12 hours or something and then he would have complained and said I was extorting him so I just told him no and it was pretty funny it was like five years ago wow that's a lot of comments I feel like shroud it's pretty funny good read dome getting surprised right sights the only one that I'm aware of is the shield RMS it's a British company they make some really small honestly they look kind of fragile but I haven't tested one I've looked through one a couple times that's one that's actually short enough and there's a kind of a valley you can run it with normal sights and get some coitus going on but that dot is usually more specifically for compact guns not like full-size guns I'm not aware of any like standard red dot being made right now that Wilco it nests with normal ones of all the holster was a joke all right cool I still stand by my statement though regardless it being a joke Nova belt yeah no but belts good to go for carry these one for a long time just like yeah well I hope I I think I talk a little more than he does I'm not as good at gaming though he's way better you know I'd love to have him out to the range for video it'd be pretty cool I think three days it'd be really cool to see his processing between targets while I'm doing stuff I think that'd be really interesting well after he's comfortable with firearms three days p320 it's actually not a bad handgun it's pretty good it's if I had to pick then I put my phone down now I'm gonna be less consummate if I I want to do a video at some point don't win which is if I if I didn't have Glock what gun would I carry and I think it's a toss-up between a 320 compact or an M&P 2.0 carry whichever Glock 19 size of both of those guns I camera the model names because it's confusing 320 or M&P 2.0 I think it's going to be a toss-up between one of those and that's based on the shoot ability of the weapon how easy it is to modify what kind of modifications I can get for it the magazines just a lot of different variables is that I look for in a handgun it's gonna it'll be between those guns I think it's not gonna be as easy it's not gonna be an HK it's not going to be it's gonna be between one of those two guns so I'm actually gonna try to go get one of every M&P because I actually don't own a lot of em in PS I have like one and then the shop has tons but I want to go get the they're like 34 lengths or 17 or 19 all on 2.0 with optics some without optics and start messing around with those because I have three twenties already I have like three or four so P 10 P 10 now now I'm not a heat I'm not I like so this is a 75 I like I like the C's ease right like I think they're a lot of fun but uh I don't I don't know P 10 beaver tail shape didn't allow my thumb to go up very high it was a little unfortunate so I shot it a little bit I even had an arm are put on one but I just haven't shot it since a long time ago I prefer the MMP and 320 yeah you don't wanna get the glock MOS unless you have to it's better to go get milled stuff because the MOS has the optic ends up being higher you have to get different sights tall sights there's extra screws that can fail because you're doing screws for a plate and the optic goes on the plate the MOS is not as good as milling this your arms going to make a level 2 holster I don't know the reason I say that is there are a ton of pens and the thing is we could go and make a level 2 holster next week in a month we could just do whole little strap that like goes over the top or like something that technically makes it level 2 and there's a bunch of companies out there that I've actually done that smaller ones but I've just done a holster been like alright so level 2 but it sucks and it's not actually like shootable it's not actually gonna give very very much accessibility my thing is I would only make a level 2 if it was extremely efficient it was better than the ones out there on the market or I could at least make more of them than what was currently available and get around all the patents that exist and at this time I'm afraid we're not doing those things and I don't have the solution for that so what I recommend is this guy right here it's fryer land ALS holster you could buy them for like 60 bucks you can do buy them this one 6354 do for like 107 dollars but it's got in my opinion the simplest most consistent intuitive active retention system that allows you to have that active retention for when you need it but then get rid of that and draw the pistol pretty much like a normal holster the downside to this holster right here is the right there spray lines are a little hard to get as far as they don't they're not making a lot of them right now for the civilian world they have contracts a lot of contracts so they could be a little hard to order and they take forever to get that's the problem it takes me forever to get one and that's even knowing some people at Safari land like I can't even get spy land holsters very easily I've had this one for a long time and it's been spray-painted it's a multicam one I painted it black spray-paint actually looks really cool but this is what I recommend for level 2 stuff if you are needing level 2 for something I run this for classes if I'm working with a unit that is issued these I run the same gear they do if I found with people have passive retention holsters or I'm passive retention if I'm working with guys have all - I run level 2 level 3 level 3 I match their equipment down to their rifle down to their optic if I can and down to their handgun if they got in 9s I got em nine-day guy Glocks I got a Glock they've got irons I'm running irons they have a red dot in their gun whoo I'm happy then I run a red dot but one of the last unit say I was with dated a red dot so I got thrown a red dot was really happy about that because I love red dots on pistols it's so good it's opie like it needs to be nerfed they need to nerf red dots on pistols straight-up like they need to make the ABS time really slow the 80s time on a red dotted pistol should be like because it's its Opie it's awesome it stands for overpowered for those of you that don't play games so anyway uh are you making a holster for High Point ah maybe actually really fun to do that especially for their new one so anyway quarter our wraps we don't do a quarter a wrap you used to so with all that said guys probably going to call this stream to a close on holsters I know there's a bunch of things we didn't talk about we've got all sorts of mag carriers we've got a few other things there's some things in the works I will say as you guys have probably noticed t-rex arms is not going to be a company that is stagnant that does not isn't always producing or rding something even if we're not like super actively trying to launch a product we are doing something inside of the company to make it easier to acquire a product have more inventory ship faster a lot of products get shipped next day some same-day their systems we're always trying to improve but there's also right now we're in a phase of massive product development of entirely new products and areas we don't already touch holsters new things and changes and stuff the problem is we're months out from launching some things and we're even more months out on other things and I don't like that because I can't talk about them and you guys know that I'm the king of hype and leaking so it's hard for me to sit here and have cool stuff and literally over there and over there and over there and I can't say anything show them and it's it's hard it's probably it's probably the hardest thing about this job is not talking about the cool stuff going on but there is really cool stuff going on we're not going to be that company that does a cool thing one year is known for it is known for it for a couple years and then just sits there and does nothing t-rex arms will never be that company we're not gonna allow that to happen and that was our thing early on was we're not gonna be that stagnant company that rests on its laurels of doing one product we're going to constantly improve change things be better and yeah see what happens so with the said guys thanks so much for tuning in and I will see you guys probably next week catch you guys around
Channel: T.REX ARMS
Views: 188,130
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: t.rex arms, Isaac Botkin, Lucas Botkin, holstermaking, holsters, kydex, custom kydex, weapon retention, appendix carry, inside the waistband, outside the waistband, ragnarok holster, sidecar holster, raptor holster
Id: wFax53n8xgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 45sec (4065 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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