Are Fallout 4 Horror Mods Any Good!?

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listen I don't care if it's not Halloween I'm going to play some horror mods is that okay with you I hope so I always struggled for people's approvals so this video is gonna be my first foray into the magical lovely world of Fallout horror mods now the great thing about the Fallout universe is that its world is already pretty horrific having being devastated by nuclear war and nuclear war is a very real horror that could actually affect our world and that's the true horror but I'm gonna install horror mods to make it spooky scary sway played a bunch of Elder Scrolls horror mods in the past for games like Morrowind Oblivion and Skyrim and they were a great time and there's so many more out there I love haramas to test foreign [Music] I especially love horror mods for Oblivion because Oblivion has such a funny but also unsettling atmosphere which makes it a great game for horror mods how are you but we're gonna start off today with a Fallout 4 horror mod that wouldn't follow game I haven't really checked out on the channel yet and we're going to be starting off with a pretty recent horror mod for Fallout 4. called feed me to the monsters it seems spooky it seems scary it seems right up my alley concerning all the other mods I've covered is not the only thing that's race up me oh she gets shut up do you want ads in this video so this mod stays it is strongly influenced by old-schooled horror titles like Silent Hill and Resident Evil good old classic PS1 horror I'm pretty interested I can't wait to jump in I think this mod is going to be a bit of a sleeper hit and it's gonna be our good first foray into Fallout 4 horror I'm not gonna delay any dildo dallying longer I don't know we're gonna jump right into Fallout 4 and I will see you ladies and germs in the capital Wasteland away Boston I mean of Killian Terrace oh we got tons to do so here we are in good old Sanctuary [ __ ] where the grass is green and the girls are a chemetics how are we doing how are my my Lads Sturgis I took Elvis once's where the [ __ ] oh I'm not even gonna finish my joke that scared me my challenge a joke thank you Barrel so you're probably wondering how it took me so long to even stare playing Fallout 4 on the channel while I only really play RPGs here so anyway I've been playing this game a bit casually so we can have a decent old character starting off going into this horror mod so we have some decent gear decent weapons all that good stuff I have my pistol called the sexy boy which I've named after the legendary Shawn Michaels because his team is an absolute pup we have plenty of air plenty of runaway plenty of healing items I don't know how long this horror mod is going to be so we might have to Buckle in for a long one or a short one listen I don't know and you're probably wondering how we even stared this horror mods or where we even need to go well we need to go there that's where we need to go the big knob in this guy so that's the beginning of this horror mod that's how we get there it's just outside Sanctuary so it's pretty easy two finds I will say right behind are darling above number the place where the game stares and your wife dies or your husband dies depending on who you pick and the main character just forgets about him instantly I know my wife stairs anyway I'm going to Nuke World [ __ ] I love the ominous Eerie glow and all the fog now the mod Creator did suggest turning off the music and downloading an extra Sound Mod which I do have on and we're probably gonna hear those spooky noises once we properly guess in to them on now I did play this mod to make sure it worked but I only know how to get into this building and everything after that I am prissy on the blank gun now we need to make our nice old way inside by looking for the key there's the nice voice protagonist telling us he needed the key wasn't that a great decision I'm not going to rag on Fallout 4 too much during this video but the game does leave a lot to be desired okay so we need to actually look around the environment and I love this place we get some good ammo we get a nice fellas big ass greatness that's nice thanks for that good old welcome and present this is my favorite part over here we have all the lads all the boys great bunch of leads on the stick they're all pogging out I love how it's there for the horror aspect but Fallout 4's heads just look interesting it's just funny to me I don't know I love laughing in the face are horror because life in itself is more scary than games or anyway we have pipe pistols that's probably a dummy's guide about better safe than sorry boxes Ahmed Tommy this appeals to me we'll take a look volume one page one are better safe than sorry boxes are the new all-in-one go to for all your cloud storage needs when you need that important item wherever you were our box will be there as if by magic all your carefully concealed goodies will be transported from one box to another now that's convenient so go out there and collect all that useless stuff you think you want but you don't really need is not my life allegory it's an I wanted a Nokia engage it was a good purchase all right I'm not gonna let anyone talk me down from us it can play shadow key and be assured it will be safe in a better safe than sorry but only 69.99 sex CX or each sold separately disclaimer two more boxes required for proper use robco is not responsible for loss of property or limb life due to improper use do not put pets in the boxes will only appear in safe areas how you know I was gonna do this so these boxes I imagine work very similarly to how they do in like the Resident Evil games like you can place key items or guns and ammo you aren't using and you want to keep for safe usage later which I think is a nice idea I think that's a great idea for horror mods and it's cool to see that implemented do I need to use it no do I need to [ __ ] but it's cool that it's an option you know what I mean so if you find any key items what we can do is place it in that box for Save keeping later and I think that'll be pretty POG that's a cool mechanic for our mods I will say that'd be even cool to have for like settlements and stuff but you can have trading posts and all that so I guess that kind of defeats the purpose maybe I don't know I didn't do much of the Town building in Fallout 4 because I didn't really like it I liked the gun and choosing and the quests which if you like Fallout games uh this game isn't great for this so we can actually explore a good bit of area around the building and we can explore up here onto the nice old Billboards and if we look over we can find the parking garage key and some psycho that's good that's some good useful drugs I can make use of use of drugs I like drugs don't I isn't that right but where is your heads skeleton skeleton skeleton oh [ __ ] I knocked your arm over sorry I'll leave you alone I'm bothering them you didn't like my cranberries impression so we got the Peregrine garage key but there's a fella dead on the roof wait let me see let me see who threw you up their balls was it Walter Wise himself oh there's loads of dead bodies on the Roof oh did they jump out the building or maybe that's the star retelling all right so once we actually get inside this building the mod is completely fresh to me I have no idea what I'm doing so I can't wait to get lost and you're all with me for the journey so folks let's get started let's give it a good old College choice which means I'm going to drop those at the slightest bit of inconvenience now this mod didn't have a level requirement that I saw so I'm hoping it's not too difficult but we have some decent weapons and grenades and all that cracks so I'm at least a little bit prepared unlike my other horror mods where I go in with like level 1 characters I'm hoping with this one we can actually um defend ourselves Abyss nice shovel this is properly spooky properly spooky I'll take the pistols if you're ever playing Fallout 4 pick up all the weapons that have the ammo you need because you get more ammo if you pick up the actual gun itself and not just the ammo that enemies drop it's a handy little feature and it's a good way to get a lot of bullets in this game hello mannequin you're creepy I made a scary Noise Okay mannequins in Skyrim and follows they really creep me out so this is very effective oh hello you look like the Chad meme I hope you're having loads of bands around Reddit up under a glue I'm taking all the crafting components even though I'm probably not going to make more juice out of them after it's nearly headless Nick welcoming Us in thanks John Cleese I wish I had a junkie's companion and follows all the time that'd be a great mod I'll have a little Kip why not brand new car John Cleese you're in my way uh can't dog food at least that's why not Mongrel dogmies all right sorry they're eating dogs you know that's normally in the Fallout universe so I'm not too creeped out so far now I imagine this mod is going to be more psychological Horror in the likes of Silence Hill and Resident Evil because that's how those games were weren't overtly jump scary just they just messed with you especially with Silent Hill Auto saving okay all right okay that creep me out a bit so the mod does automatically auto save you once you get to Safe locations I think so I'm hoping this is a good site okay yeah always no way to pick this okay she's the main character scared me oh all right oh this is a nice little pet it's reminding me immediately of like the school in uh Silent Hill one hello you're staring right you look like Ted Cruz but it's completely removed the scariness Factor hello that's a set of noises on the floor scared me I have an alternate Twitter account where I just said non-stop yowie to Ted Cruz he absolutely loves us of course this Fallout 4 so I'm just taking all the useless crap and the bones I'll take the bones I need calcium all right all right don't fail at the lock picking so the comments laugh at you it's only another's one guys now you might notice the fog don't worry that's atmospheric it's not that my PC is very very bad at running this game rap poison I'll give that to the Settlements a sanctuary they've been complaining about food so that will shut them up hello what's this texture supposed to be is it like Rocky is it like punching the dead cows in Rocky it's just bloody rags and us okay I'm actually gonna walk around I'm scared of their boobs are intimidating hello you've body parts and nice hair um you're a darling ladies energy well excuse me more ladies I'm just gonna walk around if you don't mind that generally unnerved me immediately I'm being sunken it's making me nervous it's making me uneasy I like to say that horror doesn't really scare me too much but you've seen me play horror mods and get spooked a little bit so I I don't think I can play up that facade any longer razzy's scarce all right outside okay is there anything down this way that I need any important items I want to make sure I comb these areas well so I'm not missing any key items fuse wasn't that a game didn't Insomniac make fuse someone made a game called fuse and there's another one this is just a horror of having to play fuse making you have to play fuse now I can't wait for a fuse video I don't want to play dues I'm gonna go and he oh it's dark and horror film oh oh I love I'm loving the tone of this Oh Captain Hook was inhered a little devil this is very effective I am liking this this goes it's a great user prompt like claustrophobic spaces which is brilliant for follows the light was moving I thought something was behind me it's just I moved the lights and it made spooky noises can I go up here don't have the key old gay key keys can unlock can't pick this doesn't say what key you need for that this is only gate Keys okay only did I say old Keys something who does the Bell tome second no one freaking no oh there's enemies Boss look all the enemies oh is that because I shot my pistol hold on hold I'm not gonna try and break the mod boss am I allowed to that I don't know if I am no wait isn't this the way it came no I've been here yeah yeah it should be fine okay let's jump over the Gaze anyway so I need an old gay key to get into that door but I think there was a few places yeah I didn't explore here yet so I guess we're going to go back and see if we can find the Gaze key to get through this area bottle cap rat poison more poison skulls I have enough skulls I don't need any more I have a nice collection I have a nice cabinet full of them at home you can't see us um closing iron toolbox okay so I'm not finding anywhere where I can actually get a gaze key I'm hoping I don't get lost here too early that would kind of stink oh there is the keys it was under the hand in the hotel desk and nevermind I found this pretty quick right now there's some enemies up here do I want to keep going with my pistol is it going to be feral ghouls or maybe something a little spooky and custom ammo box ammo ammo hello woman she's smiling she's having a good time what kind of ammo is it gonna give us it's the type of ammo gonna give us a hint to the kind of fire power we'll need to take down these enemies maybe it will maybe it will maybe his twin screwdriver that's for you okay I'm just taking all the junk I probably don't even need the junk it's just Fallout 4. I have to swallow up all the junk as you come across those all right where's the Googles or whatever the [ __ ] I can hear you I can hear you guys I can hear you hello there you are good lads bloody mess kind of removes the horror don't die simple duels now Michael don't do that that kennish thing oh these mannequins oh no no the jewels are scaring me all right well good scary anyway I will say like the underground metros on Fallout 3 and stuff very effective very effective all hurricane ladies let me in I feel like I'm an I Am Legend will you speak to me even if you scared me that'd be something can I grab the key from here don't shoot it to bring it closer well that will just push it further away it's not like this game has telekinesis like the Elder Scrolls universe or dozos I have a shotgun I should be using this every time I have a shotgun in Fallout 4 I have to call it chassis 2 hussy if I heard a scary note okay Jesus Christ you explode wait you explode don't you Jingles Jingles are scaring me he's like the Pack-A-Punch monkey shut up yeah take those we are moving our way up to Tower Hello Ghost lady manica all right ghouls whatever go down the accounts very effective weapon to shot give Fallout 4 loss of creditors combat very fun like the shoes and it's good stuff I just wish they also focused on other aspects of this game to make it as best as a cold but look the shooting's good um we skip out a little brand new cars there's carcasses in my way but does this give me a nice old uneasy feeling no way to pick this roof at emergency escape key okay so there has to be something up here maybe there's a key up here that I can use to unlock the Gaze that's halfway down here deadbehind the yellow can I get into your room it's always scary ghost imagery is that because ghosts are like used for sacrifices and all that and there is the spooky factor for you I need keys I need more keys I got this nice little mattress from mattress Mick I swear to God only one people are gonna know who mattress Mick is and it's probably just me okay it's more whiskey bottles is there keys in at all how did I guess the keys were going to be that's a pretty clever place to find the key and I'm glad I found it and not just by reading the mods read me which I usually have to do hello hello ladies I'm watching you I'm [ __ ] watching YouTube owns are cause I'm ready guess let's take all the nice impacts with an emergency key don't you [ __ ] move almost here there I wish I could lock Gates Again okay now we have the key to the roof and emergency access let's see how far he gets let's see if it's any Goose I always like this heightened State when I'm playing horror mods it keeps me awake it keeps me alert it helps when you're doing long recording sessions if you have the suspense of getting spooked because it just keeps you that little bit more awake I just hear more Pharaoh because older climbing over the world Bibles now I'm not sure what the lore of this place is uh I imagine it'll become more apparent to us the more we play and the more we explore as far as I know it's just a big building outside Vault 111 for the moment and that's I'll be guessed that's all we find out the ghouls are completely out there completely attacking oh there's more to this building oh I imagine there's more flowers and more sections if there's more areas we can access from here nice nice nice very cool very epic can I go back through the vents meant that I'll take those pipe wrench it's like Bioshock one but explosives um the Outhouse Seas okay stem pack resistant pack in it I just stay here can I just have a relaxing sis I'm just facing the vents oh that's nice okay go so get up to [ __ ] is there an area here we can jump down or another place we can access from here can we go into the vents that's what I want to know is there somewhere here we have to access can I jump down just okay I'm not gonna I'm not gonna properly jump down the building yes to find the next place we go into is there some place I actually jump down to wait there was dead bodies and stuff right down on the balconies when you jump down do I jump down from the balcony and were the dead bodies are I don't think so yeah that feels like a bit of a high drop but I'll go around the other side and see if that's what they want from me yeah I'm going to assume I don't drop down okay well that's what happens when you drop down what if I look on my local map is there any other doorway there's that door there and the game isn't letting me go up or Zoom anymore okay so there's this door is there a door over on this rooftop it doesn't look like there is oh there's a stairway down oh never mind never mind never mind I found the fire escape on right there has to be another doorway through here right oh here we go maybe are you Skelly how are you doing you're hanging out come on fall down fall down don't make a fool to me and make me fall into come on Good Luck get down on us okay screw you yeah little bastard yeah fecker who's the fool now okay now is there another little doorway along this fire Exeter has to be hello you know the story come on get there oh I can't move you your static object or ooh bloody Rags more ways down okay looks like I have to go this way just follow the bloody Rags follow the bloody rag develop they're red because someone loved you a little too much and this is the explosives so what happens oh there's not a roof in emergency area Okay Okay so this seems to be a way we need to go let's go through here seems like these are all elaborate ways to get me through different doorways into the building which I'm liking mannequin me what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is mannequin me excuse me is this insinuating that the mannequins are in fact alive oh he had a hole on you too I'm scared it's giving me mannequin me hello oh you have like a necklace on you um okay there's enemies around here hello developer [Music] okay so the mannequins are actually going to come to life I dealt with him I dealt with him I don't want mannequins to come to life if I don't like to us I hate it I'm playing a mod that's actually going to make the mannequins move and oh I don't know if I'm gonna like this it's all this is really something's moving plus okay it's cool that's fine that's fine you're just bastards you're just pastors bastards I can deal with you this is really giving me huge style until two Vice which you can tell the influence right away which is really cool to see you look nice today our cheers ah thanks I try you know you can't actually see my outfit but from behind the microphone I'm smiling I'm feeling very egos hello I'm gonna take your fungus if that's all right oh you're pissing into the past like I was 10 millimeter rounds glowing fungus in the tile I'll take that I'll take the soap you might need it to clean your wife's stinky Minge I love picking fresh fungus on my bed it's my favorite activity in the man there's loads of a tour around there's a chair you can ponder and give lives coming from the Telly that's spooky that's not exorcism stuff didn't seem like there's any key in here but I might have to come back and have another look around if he gets a bit lost hi mannequins it's mannequin not Mana can't only white rusted key that's great okay so I can open this gaze feral ghouls just seems to be feral ghouls why did one of you had help paranapses are you teasing me mods I think you're teasing me hello the basement storage key I don't want to go to the basement I don't want to go to the basement that doesn't sound fun that doesn't sound interesting you load the serum in your boat can I take your serum what even I that's creepy look there's like a big mingy eye I want to still has veins and everything oh it's a feral ghoul kind of model that's why I thought it was just a pure skeleton soup based toothbrush but at least they're brushing their seat in the Wasteland that's nice that's something potato crisps they keep crisps in a can weirdos that's the weirdest thing America has ever done where you're having a pair see oh it looks like a fun party look like a fun old pair so you're using loads of stim packs I can't take any of the drugs this house party stinks I can't take anything flicker bottle brand new car I keep singing that Skynyrd song oak tree you're in my way okay we need to go down to the basement now did that trigger anything okay so there's ghouls in the basement I don't want to go to the basement I don't want to go this mod is waiting to give me a big spook and I don't know when that's gonna happen but it's going to happen there's loads of other followed horror mods out there even ones for Fallout 4 so if you're enjoying this video folks maybe give it a like and uh suggest me any more cool Power mods we can look at in the future this is very much casual like hell you've not a real bear [ __ ] you I'm not giving you the chance to attack me boss that's not happening especially if you know of any horror mods for Fallout 3 in New Vegas they'd be fun to Checkers they'd be fun to see let's go in the door I'm not pooped I'm not scared I was afraid I was petrified that's cool model you're taking a Wii into the sink you're seeing pisser you're a pink scissor sir huh Don't Judge Me enamel box I'm oh I broke my lock pick the comments are gonna make fun of me for breaking a Bobby pic definitely don't make fun of me for breaking one lock pick in chess definitely don't call me the worst video game player you've ever seen oh my God Nikki you broke a lockdick you failed a non-consequential little mini game I am I I actually hate your Gamers because you're actually the worst person on this Earth I can't believe you I am pointing and belly laughing at my desktop computes or outro don't do that it's not fun see see she's pointed and laughing at me the game's doing it now we haven't encountered an item box yet which makes me think there's multiple checkpoints to this mod which makes me thinks it goes on for a good long ELD while I like the fog effects while I'm indoors that's brilliant I'm taking all the job I don't need the junk I definitely don't I'm not gonna bring this back to Sanctuary afterwards or anything but yeah I knew that was gonna happen I don't need any junk at all not for this mod why am I carrying as well oh this isn't gonna lower the FPS of the room dramatically how much items is this going to be on the floor probably a lot right that's the last jungle the game's holding up fine why did why did the spirit scare me okay I have the storage key hello you're just cools I love my chassis I love my chassis gun it's great to play a horror mod and actually being able to kill the enemies without using uh copious console commands there you go it's fun to be prepared and put a little bit of work into your job Mickey it's fun to do those I'm liking the fact that this mod is very much so far a bit of psychological horror they're really taking from their influences and it's not just jump scare [ __ ] off stop stop disproving my points well I like it when mods aren't just fully scary all the time I almost picked up all my junk being like oh look at all the stuff to do white was the key good stuff good stuff I need does for the wise roster door up above I just saw the spirits move again okay medical liquid nitrogen dispenser I was looking for those I played through this game multiple times and whenever I do play true I just wear the Vault 111 suit with The Ledger armor attachments I've never equipped any other clothing items or anything for us like ever I just like the Vault 111 suit it looks good it looks nice I'm not supposed to be in this section I'm supposed to be in the halfway point there today yeah I just wear the vault 11 super like leather armor stuff on it and that's all I do that's all I wear hello there's gonna be a live mannequin and here isn't there spooky scary corridors and shivers up my [ __ ] oh nice nice nice there's loads of lockpick and maybe this is the real horror just constant follow lock pick and I like the lock picking in this game hard opinion but I think Oblivion has the best lock picking mechanic don't at me or do at me the comments help engagement do you ever think about that [ __ ] you because my whole eye was made first I was mayford I report boy is he doing the classic Scooby-Doo skit where he's walking from Doorway to doorway what's it called again if you're afraid of holes in the wall holophobic that's a this is all I'd say during sex no use useless no use broken okay can I go in here oh I have to go into the Wally hole there's a cap stash so there are some hidden areas in here is there anything else besides Raz like a hidden isomeran they saying I guess there's nothing else here all right all right all right so sir enamor to go here anything to kiss the doorway is completely busted down is there a chapter oh it's a trapdoor into the hole in the floor are we going underground and the Green Grass Grows All Around and around are you here to defend me what are you defending me from I don't know what it is I bet my Wookie there we go loads of locks loads of money loads of experience level up fantastic oh Becky who Herbert come on do an epic action moment segment come on defend me oh gee oh Christ oh Jesus there you go come on take your time take your time oh it loads of grenades honey use those there you go why is it all stroke grenades that's the most awkward key ever my canopy Q or something my cute vaps I guess why do they make that cue in this game it was V in the other games because the standings for bats I don't know maybe it's easier for people maybe people prefer B and Q you never B and Q oh go about my chassis book I want my shotty too hot loads of feral ghouls that was cool that was a cool little segment there's still loads to explore here they're making great use of this building I will say with all the floors and the basement and everything it's good old design I like it hello open the door it seems like we're not getting much lower into what this building is and why it's here it just seems to be here for the sake of being here so that's something I kind of like when these places are backstory but we could get some backstory soon you never know yeah never know or maybe it's just here for the spookiness and that's this that's why it requires a key hello why not is it just all feral goons now there was a few mods suggested on the actual mod page to give it a bit more of a spookiness factor there were some recommended stuff I didn't install them because I kind of wanted to judge this far mod on its own Merit and it was some optional stuff so I'm hoping that doesn't affect the mod too much if it does I'll be sure to install every single other recommended mod from this point but uh for the moment this is still pretty effective it's still scary it's still spooky a lot oh you've stuff all over here you want to clean that up Embrace nothing reject awesome oh it's followed stuff you know can I pick up the cycle yes I can yes I can and accessible useless stop being so down on yourself but don't treat people like that especially yourself you know what I mean you're not useless you may be the Fallout 4 protagonist but you're not useless hey how do you bash people oh I can't bother to learn oh there's loads of Doors and Rooms here pretty much it's just a Silent Hill 2 Hotel really hello boys how are you doing [ __ ] off leave me alone like Michael Jackson famously saying leave me the secular release just stop talking me around they're in a cage oh it's like Hell in a Cell except I can win all the time because I have bullets uh-huh at least he died with dignity huh oh he came most of the class of cuddler's RAW Protein oh a wild safe is there a key in here a cheeky walkie yeah I'm going too far I thought that once or toys before no I haven't that's it oh battle Cap's Grace this is her key around too is there a key around here is there a key in the Box clipboard stem pack not much not much not much it's very much Chill Vibes offer it's very much very chill very very chill so far in this horror mod number two number 12. I like that this reminds me of like the spooky room and Courage the Cowardly Dog you know when the girl is playing violin she Spooks you I like that that's cool I like the idea oh room four key okay that's there's nice offering bye news anchor enjoy nuclear Hellfire have a good time with those bottles I to follow one soundtrack stuck on my head because I'm playing photos and the Raiders song and Fallout one very good very fun rule number four it's room number four because it's like sailing till four and that's the room do you get the reference that's definitely a reference that definitely is I'm definitely not just paying that up hello you have crap on your face but you want to clean that off that noise is that end game is that in game like level up twice I'm gonna keep ignoring them something just talked we got trouble Hazard okay it's actual Raiders that that is that freaked me the hell I was I wasn't expecting to hear a real actual voice oh it's it's astronauts okay how are you boys doing you hanging out okay they're just some space suits aren't they oh don't don't miss don't miss them straight away when they're right in front of you I keep pressing V to go into that there you go I like to follow four of that sounds very satisfying very fun shoot her again choose him again a bite has off back off oh you broke here you broke your melee weapon on my headboards it's a good thing there's nothing in it so it just bounces right off so the actual ghouls are Sledgehammer I Wanna Be oh you got me singing Peter Gabriel look what you've done yeah bollocks maybe I should go Peter Gabriel mode I have no skills specters into melee weapons but you know us will go proper survival mode in silentility usually just have melee weapons to get your boy this lamo is a bit rare so we'll go to Sledgehammer Ruth for now because Wayne asks because I like that song Hello open and these occasions have like names for them that keeps to the eeriness factor it keeps you guessing keeps you guessing old stairwell key hello man I can stand in there I realize you were just like me trying to make history chocolate sweet sweet chocolate I always hated it I don't want to go into the doorway I want to explore properly the place before me before I go back yeah I'm not exploring here yeah we'll come back in a second I just want to make sure I fully explore that room one room as a sign one room I hate the fact you don't move it's scary there was the other mannequins that helped Bears a while ago did they come to life am I gonna be dealing with a lot of mannequins ooh there's like Ghouls and stuff down here or properly in the basement we're just going down we're going down down like that song from day two thousands a band sang it they were all kind of the same to me all right okay okay you're in okay you're in the wall bang next thing you know bang it was very cool Bang Bang Bang Bang here's your music reference for today because I I think I just need to have random music references during my videos even though I do the sledgehammer bang bang I think is a ZZ Top song from the album rhythmin which is one of my favorite ZZ Top albums listen to it it's very heavy it's very good it's a good shout tele Mickey the Essentia and they'll be like who the [ __ ] is he oh haha you're in prison I'm not 10 millimeter rounds shotgun shells I wish I had ammo to play with in prison your ass is just sticking out while you're looking those horror my ass I love all the blows and everything around my sledgehammer because I'm the danger here yeah baby rattle I'll play with that laser I need the entertainment I do I'm gonna make a save here because that seems like a place I can't get back out from don't load save your bellstor security it needs a security room key that looks like the Black Ops main menu with those all right I know suddenly there's the elevator the elevator hello boys Sergeant take her away in Booker yeah the whole break and Bones mechanic and Fallout really annoys me it only exists to make the game more annoying the game always tries to have like a focus on it but when your legs break and your head breaks it's just annoying it doesn't really add anything if they're gonna remove anything from The Fallout games remove that it's pointless to me but but no instead remove all the RPG mechanics that made the older games fun keep doing that because by the way I like Fallout 4 I just think it has some short comments when it comes to this game at this I'm not a hater or Hazen but there are some aspects I dislike and I think it's normal to have conversations about it and what can be improved for the future I broke my Wookie there was like Looms in the the place upstairs I didn't fully explore here's hoping I haven't gotten like a point of no return but what's the security room so I'm assuming there's ways to go back up hello you're scary okay where's my chassis I'm gonna blast you into Oblivion okay they're just following me saying nothing spooky okay will you aim at the one closest here please thank you always like the nurses and Silent Hill too that James is sexually attracted to her and he feels guilty about it and that's what the whole game was those he's horny while his wife is dying that is the plot I'm not even joking bloody scalper they could actually kill me that's great I didn't expect to actually die from the nurses but hey that's something bobby pins more effective than lockpicks I love the magazines that tell us to commit crimes they do claw hammers is any good is this like a custom weapon for the mod I think it is let's give it a go it's kind of hard to see exactly what it is because it's it's supposed to be like on your hand kind of claw okay I see I see is it gonna tear apart to nurses let's give it a go the nurses are probably the spookiest part to me so far there's something about them that's really unnerving I'm liking this mod overall sweet I'm liking it it's a bit of an underground new mod but it's cool to bring the new mods out into the front and give him a bit of attention so Lads and germs if you're interested in this mod give it an old download give it an old College try and give it a null endorsement if you like it support the mod creators give them a shout when they're making ghoul noises and you're gonna kill me again aren't you I'm gonna games I'm good again she hit me in the ears all right enough [ __ ] enough [ __ ] God why is all the [ __ ] grenade button there you are bye now I could just rebind it and stop complaining I like complaining about simple things but easy solutions like a real Irishman hello the game's gone bank which means I can't shoot you can't choose one sliver held I should have brought the good shotgun okay uh Health going down still I'm gonna take a little bit right away I have loads of this or just take your old mutant hounds and the mod shops I love how food is very overpowered and I could Fallout 4 does make more of a use of food but to be fair New Vegas kind of stared at that but um it's cool to see food get more views hello or just waiting oh she explodes hello oh you're so tired oh it's a tough old life pose I know so dramatic even in this diagnostic turmoil dinner tray teddy bear that doesn't look creepy I'm on this forever they got two mattresses and everything lucky but diagnostic terminal do we guess a bit lower security door control okay just opens the security door this is like turning into a mental hospital kind of job they're scary because of the mistreatment of patients even in modern Mental Hospitals isn't a fun topic to talk about requires a key cannot pronounce this door anything cool in here no way to pick this at least terrible kids so I need a bunch more keys both is there keys here oh look it's the logo for Tony Hawks isn't it I have my Pip Boy lights on so you know what serious is there a key in here dynamist did the nurses have a key I need us what about under the teddy bear no key there you're just hanging out hanging out with the family up I get the feeling like there's probably like keys stuck out here or something but I I just don't see them I just don't see them anywhere I should use these horror mods as an excuse to be like all Dora the explora to my comment section do you see the key to the spooky door where is this where is the commons you tell me key has to be around here somewhere right because I don't think I can go back up to the other sections at least not that I can try anyway incinerator I can't go in here so I'm assuming that's not an area I can go to I see because I'm I'm [ __ ] going back up there and I want to try and avoid using console commands if I can help us and I imagine the mod is better enough to know not to soft lock you up to this point so I'm not gonna make any assumptions not gonna make any so fair but I'm not exactly sure where the key is in your hands no you fickle your head's going back so far that's gotta be uncomfortable that is pain dead again anything true here anything in your hand skeleton no keys no keys No that's not funny you didn't seem to have anything any key behind the teddy bear doesn't seem to be anything up here no anything in the wall all right well I don't know where the key is surgical trays there's a bunch of gory [ __ ] but I don't think the key is behind any of those unless the key is just really well hidden I'm not finding it at all so what I think I'm going to do now is actually use a console command to go back up the way I came and explore how to use console commands and Fallout 4. I don't know if I ever have oh it's the ask okay it's a different key for some reason all right interesting I thought it was the silly key like every other person's the game there I can go back up I believe I can fly so there's probably a key up here I missed I'm gonna have to get you set up in the console command I wanted to avoid using those if I could but hey see I need security room key there's probably keys in here too I need to get that can open areas down below but there's areas I didn't fully explore here hello and I'm assuming the key might be in right away like maybe I can't use this elevator to go down I just missed the button for any button here any activate station points anything up here so I'm going to go back there's a room I didn't explore up here so I'm gonna check that one first and then go all the way down here hello boy you're still hanging out good last good light yourself not much and it's in here this is the room I didn't explore there's a bunch here I didn't check out so I just want to be thorough and make sure I like the vipe here I don't want to miss Anderson I don't want to miss anything important no do I rat eggs stim packs bandages clipboard all right all right all right I'm still taking all the junk you think I'd learn my lesson but it's hard not to take it it's a loser juicer after all it's not much else how about a bit of rice you will use my laser weapon why not we'll get this going we'll get back all to Legendary thank you buzz you're dropping it in Goods chance to freeze that's pretty good that's pretty decent can't complain it does can't complain am I carrying too much yes indeedly I am drop all your I've just taken so much junk again I didn't even realize I took this much bye guys bye guys I got stop taking just learn your lesson kick butt I just did it again hello boys do you the key you have scalpels your pre-war money is there anything here doesn't seem to be a key not that I can see anyway so it seems like there was just some healing items some right away some ghouls a legendary so you can get some loose but not much else let's keep exploring out here and see if we find any other key because I'm a bit lost for keys and I kind of need them to advance so it would be cool to find one hello I didn't explore too much outside here and there's another The West Wing key oh safe room nice one nice one is there an item box here I believe there is I believe there is less actually test those the item box and how it works this is pure Resident Evil I absolutely love us if Mr X or Nemesis comes here and chases me down I'll be very obsessed and he goes and chills like would you ever [ __ ] off that's all Resident Evil 3 is still going would you ever [ __ ] off as Weapons bench there's workstation this is a nice old little safe room section I'm liking it let's keep going let's keep exploring I like the little breeders this all requires keys stairwell key safe room I've been in there I don't need to go back so yeah it's always finding the key items in these mods to Halt my progress maybe I'm just very bad at finding them I've been good on progress for this mod so faribles we've come to a little bit of a halt it seems I am really trying to be LaRue thorough here oh aren't they very funny you look like the lab assistant fellas from Crash Bandicoot one oh it was under his it was under his leg I found the steering wheel key I found it was right under his leg it was a little bit plucked I found I was just about to give up so we did need the console command up to the safe room but it's cool that we saw it and okay this opens up a bunch of doorways to us okay so I didn't need to cancel my way up here and I guess finding the stairway key means we have a bunch of areas now accessible to us I would assume so can I go back down here and find another area that needs the stairwell key to activate do you have any other keys on you you finish no well it seems like I'm a bit lost again there just has to be a key around I'm missing in some obscure area but we can use the stairway I guess all right folks I'm gonna take a quick break and I'm going to look around a bit and see if I can find the security room key because otherwise I I don't know I don't know but I'll talk to you all in a minute all right I found the big smelly key it's in here it's down here I missed this little bag it kind of Blends in with the floor and your big musty little Hills you have any good rest back to fork and sleep that was a very unsatisfying bullet just or laser whatever key I found it you know we could move on with the spooky Adventure helmet go down the [ __ ] hole where you're belong all right all right all right so we got to sit I got to secure serum key go back I have to go all the way up I thought it was this second key I got the key for the security room with the TVs and everything I'm recording this pack too a few days after so forgive my negligence I also don't give a [ __ ] with Duty I'm unto you friends think you can scare me tell her she's a [ __ ] that's how I want to die happy all right I mean I'm in like [ __ ] Flynn's ass shotgun shells Buzzy Hammer rounds another that's why I wanted those who she's pointing at me she said smelly Irish man we don't want you those American the parties to be fair and now bastard clipboard desk fan he's a big fan of Tesla shop the west wing key isn't that a tele show about [ __ ] wings or something and it's a waste I have very basic interest in Television TV shows West Wing was that this double door one that's downstairs or else I'm gonna get preci mad I'm gonna get peeves like peeves the Poltergeist who need the key I need the chamber key for my chamber door is the West kid the locked Windows upstairs the West winky The West Wing where's The West Wing where's Danny Keys here there we go I thought it was that one I knew it was I play games not well but I played them I can turn on a console but after that it gets a little bit Oozy it feels like a bad idea to sleep here but I'm gonna I'm gonna get my well-rested bonus but says it was like we need some RPG elements we'll give you some extra XP if you sleep long I don't know I didn't even get the bonus iot needs any grub I think he's fasting hello hi handsome how you doing can I get past your can I sneak pasture can I sneak a kiss I don't think so I know that's the point but my God stop doing it okay no for oh cute I was pressing V to go into that execute Crystal very Critical Strike on baseball bear that was pretty scary that was pretty freaky I want you I want your helmets I want your bear house I want that I want that that mask I said was that actually in the game baseball bat glove DC or whatever the magical said oh would you look at that I like this I like that now why in the terror now I'm darker have more ammo box where I can get loads of ammo armor ammo I lose a multiplication if you're watching to this point you deserve a [ __ ] middle or help a bureau it's [ __ ] cabinet idiot chamber key [ __ ] nice one nice and nice one we got the chamber key for our chamber door always not for the old one that's downstairs and something spooky gonna happen did I enabled some event you're like a Kendall cause you're a big now but no no object how do you lock your eggs in the morning I hate eggs you're not my wife how do you like your eggs in the morning how would you get in my house I'm not sure how much longer the smog was on for I don't know if it's super long nice little chain there I'm not sure if it's super long but still I'm enjoying the chill timers I'm enjoying the chill time and getting scared by men with bear masks just like my real life every Marlin without fail I want to make myself a cup of tea and there were sadly no tea bags at least there was no like proper tea that I like so I'm drinking tea without caffeine in it because they're the only tea bags I have left I feel like a pure Protestant I don't like high keeper okay you're gonna move you're gonna come here pal yeah race come on come on okay that's strong I want your weapon I want a buzz I love the bear mask that's really cool Sledgehammer is mine I'm going t-shirt Gabriel's style once again once again [ __ ] good weapon good old weapon gave me loads of rad spot Sherlock Sledgehammer you can go both are the new best friends that's epic oh makes it very annoying sound when they swing it that's gonna be fun I'm gonna drink some blood like go junglers stop giving me RADS I don't like it oh God there's a bunch of lads on a spike it's a Maniacs Kebab lucky trunk it seed okay 50 CW I know exactly what that is and what that does and I'm not gonna equip it right now because it's spooky it accessible it's illegal to go in there I guess we advance I can't open it from this end okay front door key bottle cap turpentine all right small kitter front door do we Do's is that my reward Redemption Embrace nothing reject atom haven't I been here haven't I been here is there any other is there any other rooms I missed was that the big bad enemy I'm not sure if we're actually done we might be I'm not 100 because I've been here I've been here already is there a room I run back to there might be a room I go back to that I'm just misremembering I want an enemy to smack this with maybe I'll go back and give Preston Garvey a good old Schmick how do you like your eggs in the Mariners I don't own any eggs okay I guess I have to check where we need to go next all right so I've looked at other people's videos of this mod and walkthroughs and stuff like that number one I think this mod would have been a little more effective with a mod called Whispering Hills on I've heard people say that's a Percy good one so maybe for the next horror mod we'll put that on number two I'm not really sure where else we can go um this mod is still very much a work in progress and we kind of looped around and I'm not sure what other doors we can go into there is one little bonus little room you haven't gone into hello woman I've had a naked woman just immediately chase after me it's my dream it's my dream it's my dream it's my dream she's good my dreams dead bloody scalpel glass and cloth there's a mannequin lady was that your girlfriend well your boat non-moving objects no you have something in common [ __ ] I always drink acid in the modern hair brush there's a bit of Gunk on your desk girl I better clean that off I better wipe that off for you we'll get this away will gets ass away well I guess that's the way we will away a way a way in a week get off the [ __ ] get off my phone yeah there we go we have a nice little uh diet repaired here am I pretty yes am I pretty yes am I pretty yes you are pretty all the time girl then you attacked me so like you know whiskey Styles Medics and I think that's it I enjoyed this alas it was a good old church shoe I found more does this go outside oh is this like an extra little section hold on folks we're still going never mind I was just about to stop I'm gonna use my rattle X I have like 50 billion of them and I might as well use them hello dogs okay dogs aren't scary dogs are friends dogs are friends not Foos okay dogs are here is your AI okay they're not used to small spaces to be fair what bethesis the NPCs used terminal that's why Bethesda games are so big so the NPCs look like they know where they're walking so revolutionary sword those increasing amounts of damage the more withdrawal effects you were suffering that's very situational and very strange but it makes my serotonin go up when I get legendary that I'll never use isn't it a great system Bethesda all right what's in here what's in here does this Loop background or is this a new area we have not explored okay oh it's a little town how would you look at it it's stock like my nobody cares Gasol it stuck oh we're technically outside the second outside cell with plenty of fog and mannequins reflecting out the dildos stop however time shut up hello there's Bang [ __ ] bang [ __ ] bang bang where's my shots you too hussy where's my heartbeat too shoddy I'll use the combat rifle I guess I'll change it up a bit of variety people like that people were like I almost clicked up but when he got off the combat rifle I tell you I was [ __ ] engaged Okay so we've another Resident Evil style safe room I haven't got many key items so I don't have much of a reason to use the famous old lock boxes or the better safe than sorry chest but uh it's a cool feature spam or cram is Spam actually a legal name that's taken can he not use the word spam as a copyright and written right says written two copyrongs don't make her right yeah they do [ __ ] steal all the music [ __ ] you Metallica it's definitely like an interior but an outside little Skybox but it feels very inside and claustrophobic hello all right go back to bills sleepy time anybody bites time go to sleep with all your skull Pals they'll keep you company oh this looks like a great place for me to get lost and not find the key to advance I can't wait oh there's something up there I don't think it's a special like key item but I'm gonna check just to be sure is it a shim pack it's a fusion God oh nice little hidden areas I like this gets a plus one more book I'm not taking this down in a real book because that would be actual real effort on a cap yes but it's it's one plus from me both scribble diary oh here we go this is what I want to see damn it I got lost in the fog and now the bike won't stairs found this local Red Rocket garage hoping they could take a look at my bike but there's no one here where the hell is everyone it's like a ghost town around here I'm gonna head further into the town and look around there must be somebody around maybe at the church I can hear the bells so this is where it gets very Silent Hill inspired I'm assuming this random town that just appeared a lot like the real Silent Hills we have to go to the church I'll take the duct tape and the two pierced be that in the Wasteland all right where is the church can I say there's the church there's the American Terrace where we need to be going can I go inside here useless in excess or don't call the [ __ ] door useless palette all right easy for you to say you know easy for you to judge big man hello can I can I loot these can I have these can they be my I want to I want uh I want to add the guys right Phil I want this I want it no use inaccessible they're oh hello sure can I talk to it did you say anything I think your dialogue's glitching hey there okay yeah all right yeah okay sure sure take a look let's take what do you have ammo cake pad desk fan flamer fuel you have a lot of [ __ ] you have a lot of shoes you have a lot of [ __ ] bye now are you supposed to say something you could be like welcome stranger points at your [ __ ] no that's a weapon I know you see he didn't like those he doesn't like episode dry humor or should I humor as I call it alright it's my audience calls okay all right okay [ __ ] okay that was scary what was that movie where the character was like evil and it would kill people Herbie though okay so I need a small key to go on the big door allegory for like wait I'm just looting background Annie I [ __ ] am I say okay go over here there's a little house thing over here kinda that's a bus stop Mike oh I I see I see there's a way up here I guess those environmental stairs gets up the [ __ ] get [ __ ] up hello you're my shining Beacon I did the public over there when I shots here it's like when you pee after effects I mean Master but I mean shut up is there anything up to fire escape anything here is all I thought I was getting somewhere I thought I was exploding wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I see I see what it wants me to do I see what it wants me to do this probably isn't what it wants me to do but I see what it wants me to do bad a bang better bang better Bing better Chandler man they didn't like me glitching two shock calibrated shoots an additional projectile is that good 135 damn that's really good okay I guess I have a better sniper now okay okay choose an additional projectile you [ __ ] off and let me look at my weapon two shock calibrated powerful hunting rifle it's like when you're trying to write a 500 word essay and you fill it up with straight words that don't mean anything to get it done an additional projectile I don't know what it is but I like it it's extra damage okay float I like the hunting rifle in this game it's very satisfying orange hello are you doing a bit of worship in Fairplay is here I see what your ass don't mind me ladies okay spooky spooky setting up the atmosphere I like that painting that's very nice I'm a good shot okay aim at the one in Frontier there last good laps there you go accept hits it he's right in front here Buzz he hits him shoot okay let's take your time with all the time in the world takers yeah yeah good lads we're all very proud yeah do that that's better headshot wasn't that a funny meme Boom headshot stagger knuckles I hate Sonic foreign are you taking the actual are you taking the piss are you I swear I [ __ ] you're okay yeah yeah fine yeah always okay yeah fine yeah okay yeah all right yeah fine yeah okay I love follows it's brilliant [ __ ] brilliant it's brilliant [ __ ] brilliant loving it brilliant [ __ ] brilliant are you Celine Dion or ice belly button you have a hernia low if you want to get that checked do you want to get that popped back in Docker gets a big hammer and hits the packet I don't like that imagery I don't like those that made me squirm my Sandy I hear objects going complete this looks like the local church in Carlow Donuts hello are you gonna yeah I hate that now actual ability to aim is my new best friend I wish YouTube let you listen to copyright music if I could and if it was my choice we've been listening to banga bangabongo I don't want to leave the gun no no no no no no no no 24 7. all the time I wouldn't turn it off wait can I go to yeah I can go down here where the chain places there we are I hate turning on this big bright green light so I can actually see [ __ ] it ruins the atmosphere a little bit you're a fungus man you're not scarier the fungus fella I picture fungus we got a fungus listen I I miss your fungus man hello hi wanna Hulk I'd love one I'm a big bear fella myself I remember that tone they should make a sequel to Silent Hill call it loud field okay I should start I should just stop recording I should just stop load field this one's pretty expensive of course I'm for a good while it's been updated for Abyss it's been added on there's loads of content there's loads of stuff to do so if you're playing I was about to quit there while ago because I thought it was over turns out I'm just [ __ ] at Direction go in the deal have a bit of an experience [ __ ] it super duper super duper fairs someone comes up you will have to leave sir you're being too funny oh you could have a steamed train if you just lay Daniel track I touched I was gonna hit us but he's right there guess him guess him catch him Dairy catch debris pre-war money or as I call it Eastern Paper hello okay never mind I didn't see it no we didn't see anything we didn't see anything there was nothing I do like the design of this place it's completely destroyed but I like it [ __ ] this weapon [ __ ] Super Saiyans [ __ ] power levels and [ __ ] you get [ __ ] like three times but I'm Gonna Keep My Level upstairs just to an eye people it's all just schools just googly feathers scary [ __ ] I thought that at all but this is a nice little maze stop [ __ ] broken inaccessible bro this is a little baby's calling the character that's funny poor little baby he's all skulls now did you ever see a baby skull with like all the t's still attached yeah don't look that up I advise you don't it's creepy thanks thanks thanks that was my ex-girlfriend's catchphrase she just called told him in the same thing you never guess what happened next I go in here Lego okay advancement I am making progress I am people like progress they don't like stagnation they [ __ ] hate us oh my neck hurts it's hard playing Fallout all day folks are you a weapon shop am I gonna find the fella from rezzy too who keeps the girl in his closet I am talking about Leon bird get fault could I keep ammoowners I like ammo ammo roasted small sound key that's good that's good stuff who needs tetanus shots I look sticking Rusty keys on my airplane oh no that was pretty cool our YouTube won't let that take down but I do careful excuse me sir yeah I just need to take yeah I'll take the dark tags as well why not they used to blunt the dog to Bounty Hunter I wonder how he's doing now I hope he's always motorcycle key honors bull barreled .44 Health spot okay what the [ __ ] is those is it a gun bull barrel double 44 a 49 I'm over okay who's hoping the microwave without okay so I picked up a bunch of keys so we have load the new areas open towards to explore and go into all right so if they're always there we have more areas open those it's another freaking case area here okay there's loads to do the second loads of variety Bang did that bullet just not make a sound it's making squelchin sounds all I wanted a big satisfying bang bang was this a weapon in the actual game it wasn't right surely not oh wait just squirt squirt squirt squirt is this in the actual game or was if it is I'm very disappointed because if it was made just for the mod it's pretty creative but if Todd made it I'm very disappointed I'm a biased freak okay stop singing Peter Gabriel people told you to stop you could have a big squirt squirt squirt squirt no way to pick this only rusted gate keys I thought I had to roast a gate key I can almost jump over suppose I don't know if I chose okay I picked up multiple keys I guess we just have to come back here this is the last stop to go in I thought I got plenty I got like two right if I can't find the actual other doors to go inside and I'll just jump over the gate there because I think I can do that there's like nothing back right so I'm pretty certain yeah we have to go back like through the supermarket I'm not doing a screwed up hello she didn't say are you back would approve oh wait is this the way I went or is this a new area okay well I'm gonna jump over the gate and see if that's possible be it again banned from schools Harry okay yeah there we go see fair and Felons squirt squirt squirt there you go squirt squirt line up for Squirts by his line of sports squared squirt squirt squirt squirt squirt squirt squirt I wanted to know if I could blow that up with this work on it I probably should have said before doing something as stupid as that the look I like the chance to wrist there's more fun oh [ __ ] I need to I need [ __ ] key for that too can I jump into here [ __ ] why is there two keys oh okay can I jump over like I'm not sure where else I can go into where I need like a rusted gate key can't pick this can't even go back this way um I'm gonna check back here one more time to look for any key items and I guess I'll be back if I do and if not I'm just gonna open that door and progress hello squirt that's the Rusted gay key is here it's on the [ __ ] desk found it we're making good probably I am I thought it might have been in that room I probably should have checked instead of stop them yeah yeah oh I like this I like to use I lighten squirts nothing scares me I can just squirt everything but I like to look at this place it looks nice it looks nice I am free kickboxing now it's clean see about friends be all right you're special oh nice Charisma to boost my Charisma because no one likes me alright is there nothing else here that's big this big white room all right that was fun that was that was pretty cool anything else can I go in here maybe there's another door down here can I keep going on is there anything else here it has to be something come on can't go in here as [ __ ] all not buying the camera can I go behind the curtain no so there's definitely nothing in this room right it seems like it I got the special book I got an increase to my stats that's a nice reward for going through a horror and traum like it almost looks like there's more to go down maybe it's just an unfinished area if it's just not open up yes okay oh this door here never mind I've leveled up peso yeah it doesn't seem like there's not much else here I guess there's another way we can be gone I guess there's other ways to be going hey there's more to the town all right oh it's become a day it's like the spookiness is going we're vanquishing the demons uh another safe room I don't know if there's even demons here it's just like Ghouls and [ __ ] they're spooky mannequins there's mannequins [ __ ] everywhere but yeah Knight sold save fruit it seems pretty much similar to the last one I'll get a network keep why no all role play is me wait it just lives back around I'm back here yeah I thought it was the exact same safe why am I back here okay but it's like bright now kinda I got another key for something didn't I the motorcycle key right is this how a fast travel back I think that might be the end like this island into the portion If this just takes me back to like the proper Commonwealth I think that's where we're gonna end up for now well watch you know we're back to the engines we're back right here I can ride the motorcycle back in oh it wasn't that nice wasn't that a fantastic experience this mod pretty much is a work in progress so there might be new zones and new areas available to us but folks ladies and gentlemen boys and squirms that was feed me to the monsters that was our first foray into Fallout four hard let's get a bit of celebratory Tunes before we end off the nice old Fallout 4 soundtrack which I really do enjoy this destroyed piece of what was once the great nation of America is the true horror at the end of the way hello I hope you enjoyed the video folks I will catch you in the next one and if you want to recommend more follows okay well you just let okay just like everyone else in my life if you want to recommend more very spooky very quality Fallout mods Skyrim mods Oblivion ones Fallout 3 New Vegas the whole shebang let me know and we'll likely get some I'm definitely gonna play more Fallout 4 horror because it was a good old first one so if he enjoys giving a like given all sub if you want to stick around and I'll leave you with this apparently the Castle's been trying to get you on the radio [ __ ] the castle
Channel: Micky D
Views: 288,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 4, fallout 4 horror mod, fallout horror mod, fallout 4 horror mods, fallout horror mods, fallout 4 modding, fallout 4 mods, fallout 4 2023, fallout modding, fallout 4 playthrough, fallout 4 lets play, micky d, micky d fallout, micky d horror mods, fallout 4 horror playthrough, fallout 4 gameplay, fallout horror, fallout 4 horror
Id: CoMfCGbZndc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 31sec (3991 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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