ArcoLinux : 2398 How to change keybindings on Tiling Window Managers - Leftwm as example

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hi guys welcome a question of a user about left wm and as you know by now i've been using leftwm now for weeks on my iso builder and any information that you require is always going to be in with all the faces and all the desktops you can learn from and at some point in time maybe all right maybe you go for the archlex installation and maybe later even create your own iso so the topic should be found in leftover right it's about the keys the keys and how can i change the keys the key bindings right the how to start firefox vlc or change it right how to change the theme icons and cursor how to change the theme and here where's the configuration of leftover so pretty sure something in here is going to be about well first of all i see lots of interesting um well switches or variables you can use in compton but also compton the old name is compton we should say pycam now but there will be more information in here in this video but not a bad idea to make a video just about key bindings i always urge you to think out of the box for now i want you to think out of leftover right sometimes i even go further right arc links arch next linux in essence it is like that as well now but think about all the tiling winner managers we have maybe eight or so i haven't counted them yet but leftwm is no different and awesome no different than bspwm no different than i3 they all have somewhere a configuration right cleaning up as we speak and um that means somewhere on your machine there is a config the exmonet is just here x dot xmonad bsp is here leftwm is in here i3 is in here open box is in here read everything in that folder then you get all the answers you want so in this case leftwm and we call this with a smile on our face the sexy hotkey demon or the simplex hotkey demon right it's a application that we installed cereal pacman minus s the sexy hotkey demon if we install this thing and make sure that it boots it's going to read a file from somewhere that's the path that's the directory that's the file any of these key bindings can be all right so if i were you right and scale is a thing you use maybe maybe you make your own this will never be oops something went wrong there this will never be overwritten if you rename it to i should point that out to the guys of leftover they have released an uh version just this morning i guess yeah just this morning so that's something that should be fixed so you make your own file and change anything you like so super f2 is not going to be atom it's going to be code and with all this stable yeah it's great but i like chromium better and you keep on changing these things inkscape is not super f3 so super is always windows key super f3 so change anything you like right and each time there is a scale or if you do a scale i say okay find no problem ctrl z escape and control safe first and or you do it manually or you're making nice script that says copy this one over to that one maybe actually be much smarter to compare because why did we create a new leftwm because we've added maybe something new and maybe we've added something that's that's just awesome and you're missing out if you just copy paste so doing a melt actually re re-enables or triggers your memory again that's my key bindings those are the changes i made and then maybe there's a line somewhere in here that we say we've changed this and that so that's one part of the key bindings or sexy hotkey daemon the other bit is somewhere in the code where are key bindings take a look this one and this one let's see compare they're the same so basically i have an alcertiki board you know that and i'm actually using the qwerty keyboard at the moment no problems there's only one thing i can't do let's press super three i can't go to soup with super three two workspace three that's that's one of the things and move an application to another desktop that's my limit so that's why we have an azerty and a crafty so all i do here in the script is to azerty a nice little script that says overwrite this one to that one that's it but let's now have a look what's in here again f12 f12 what's that f12 you want to change this to yakuwake or something right drop down terminals guaca is an option yakuba is an option here that it says that's all hashtagged out watch out plain text pearl anything that's gray is not used anything with color is used so if you want to kill a conkie it's going to be super c so it's all options the super d maybe you like another key for instance in dwm there is a super p that launches the d menu or maybe you want both right maybe one idea maybe you want both because you're always on dwm and suddenly i are switching and you can't remember the d and voila now we have a super shift p only thing i need to do is reboot re-log out restart that's always a thing you need to do the mod key article x super x super x why not super l well make sure you don't have anything double that's the only thing i can say ctrl c ctrl find okay once this combination there is already a super l and it's going to focus the workspace next ah if that's no problem if you want to get rid of that that's fine right it's entirely up to you because i never use that button and it's not for me voila then super l can become our clicks logo and that's how you go through the list you read the list that's what we do we read whatever comes from left wm we change a few of these key bindings to say okay control t needs to work and super shift return needs to work control alt enter needs to work the the main things right that we have a terminal and now we have a file manager that's the most important the minimal thing to be able to work with with any tiling with a manager give me a terminal give me a file manager give me an editor and i had another one melt and that's it i'm happy from then on i can develop efficiently that's a workflow thing right so voila again this is just not about levm it is about any of the tiling window managers it's all in the same place you have to look at in the sexy health key demon file and somewhere inside the configuration in i3 it's in the config file bsp and there's another file they're all here the desktops they're all here and each one of them has a specific kind of thing this morning maybe you've seen that there's a new new update that came in now we have a control super print screen and we have if we have flame shot then we have flameshot gui that pops up so you can make so many key bindings and it's so much fun our plasma is filled with it um so each and every desktop has some kind of way to make keyboard shortcuts and that's the fun so go change them keep backups compare is my best tip copy paste alcohol can be done but comparing with melt is i think more interesting you don't have to do that daily you can do two once a month and have a look what new key bindings have we added etc all right i hope everything is clear it's going to go on on leftwm that's where it was recorded on again it applies to all tiling window managers all right cheers
Channel: Erik Dubois
Views: 334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcolinux, arch linux, arch, archlinux
Id: yHr0nRyXf4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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