ArcoLinux : 2335 What is new ArcoLinux v21.11

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hi welcome to this video a release video so it's not really an educational video although you probably should watch these videos all these releases so start here we have releases 2021 and this is the last release for 2021 and every single time we tell you what changed to your operating systems on every release we tell you our colleagues did this did that in this case we discovered a diamond in the rough left wm and we started theming it so we want to communicate with you what's changed with your operating system what's new what's more possible why we change something because we want to be transparent and educational at the same time like we called agonics university but you don't get a diploma but it's really is educational just read text this morning from a patreon saying this is great i left mac alone and i went away and i've learned so much and that's what we are here to do right learn you and there is so many information available already and we're at 2 300 youtube videos so we keep on adding more and more knowledge to the university so as to speak and that's why we're here that's the mission there are two videos at every release that's how to stay rolling because there is a clean install which is great because you mess things up and it's it's getting dirty and you can do a clean install that applies for windows by mac and for the next best advice ever for any operating system do a clean install but on the other hand we do want you to stay rolling because hey that's that's the fun right learn why is this not working what do i need to do what to need to you know say to pac-man to overcome an issue or something like that that's why we're here right to solve sometimes these conundrums or challenges so that's the stay rolling video and that's already out there it's at the bottom of this article so two videos are in here how to store it stay rolling and what changed since last time last time for us is september okay that said you may have noticed i fell in love with leftwm last videos i've made were probably always in leftover as is this one right so this is the iso builder and the iso builder is where we create all your packages if we do a control team and you do an update the packages that we create for you are here but basically there are oh and basically these guys are from the aur user repository these are not packages these are recipes how to build a package a package built so that's what we do for you every single morning so you can do a pseudo pacman minus s spotify but it's installed so that said um why was i drawn to my aor packages we discovered left wm it's a tiling window manager and yes it's also coming from aor yes we've made a package for it but not only that a configuration and 16 themes and they'll match the other themes so if we have a lte upd for example which is a alias so left theme update we have 16 from community not from us might work might not work but these 16 do work so we have 32 themes so that's a great kind of number right now we have created our own themes our own polybar and then themes on it with our own code since polybar is well known on our tiling window managers right and also the code of 80 or just i'm just saying 80 in short because right 1090x or otherwise i should read the aditya but probably gonna say it wrong so 80. so these guys some of them are in here and i've not included all of them so that's the educational bit that is always in my mind if you see things here that you say i like this why didn't eric do that that's the point you do it right you see what i've done you can compare with melt and you can say i'm going to try this i want to have this so you're triggered you're motivated and that's what we want we want to we'll give you the the feel of the same passion or the vibe and pass it through via our videos so you go and explore so we've created some of the themes of 80 and you can just click it and it's installed and you'll can enjoy it but some of them we have not so up to you to figure out how everything works in this video you'll find out the other guys that are missing here eight themes so 16 themes and um here are uh what we do to teach right to theme leftover because that's the fun that really is a fun it can be addictive so watch out you start dreaming about it such is an addiction right and we've created some aliases so this was a little bit too long at some point in time and that's when it kicks in that's when you feel the need of an alias i say oh my god or when it gets too complex to type then you always say also say alias so teaching is always on my mind type alias and go read guys see what's in here don't need to know everything others at this this particular moment but see what's in there just read and then maybe afterwards you'll remember oh yeah there was something inside that particular alias or bash rc that's where everything is the dot rc is hidden then another discovery actually um dusk is actually a fork or a vision of a user called becca b and becca b has put in tremendous amount of work and he must have knowledge that farley exceeds my own like right this can do a bit of uh better layout but the product that has been developed here over the years i mean probably let's have a look how many time how many commits right already 23 days it goes but he if he started with something else i believe so going and have a look when he started that is not relevant because he started with something else and then renamed it and went ahead with dusk anyway the point is this is dwm which is awesome voila and you can have a look at it now at the at the point of um what was introduced actually with uh dusk by an an x-core mapper so thank you we um thought it's only one file dwm is a specific kind of tiling winner manager very specific indeed and we only need one file one package so it's actually easier to put it in the other clicks three tool dusk install boom you got it but with since we're quite educational by by nature right we've also explained you how to build an article xb dusk with the idea if you see what i'm doing you can build an icolinx be xxx i don't know what you'll find on the internet right but something else and build your own iso with it because that's basically what we do what what's not that difficult that's building isos and it's all explained here agnex b stands for building so anaclex does git is the only package that has a complete desktop how can you imagine it windows we get a file and it contains it's a super small file and it contains a complete test level well i'm making it white black but all right i'm allowed to i'm a teacher as we created one for our personal use that's a surprise we were thinking of never going to uh well give you the arguments b dusk because it's actually an educational project on article xp but here it is the halloween treat of 2021 aragon xb dusk is there there's an iso burnout on the usb install it have fun with it or just click here task install and with the thresher you can uninstall it again all right enough set have a look at it if you're a beginner linux i would not recommend it straight away but if you're already comfortable with tiling winner managers then sure go ahead at some point in time i got in contact with a user on discord i believe doesn't matter where telegram discord facebook and then we're talking about xenmod kernel now i had already made some videos about the xenmoth kernel on youtube but well why not visit it again so the zen mod edge kernel the way it has progressed or moved or changed in over time right is i was surprised how flexible the package built of the xaml edge kernel is so this is an aor package right it's your kernel your linux kernel linux lts linux and linux hardened those are the four official guys if you want to see it cerrito pacman minus s linux tap tap stop that's the linux kernel linux hardened kernel an xlts kernel then extend kernel that's officially given by ashlex right not thus harshly and if you do a yay or peru a linux kernel may be best everything is called linux right on linux so you go up and you'll find some others right linux mainline headers here linux mainline and as such there's lots of kernels people having ideas visions a kernel should be like this a kernel should be like that linux next kernel so there's a lot of other stuff you can build right this is aur it's not pseudo pacman minus s it's yay or peru number 91 and then you install it okay so that's how it works i've learned something more and it's always fun right it's a kernel you need to build there is a particular application involved that looks at your system says ah this user needs this and this and this and that in its kernel so i'll get rid of all the rest and just stick with the modules or the parts that the hardware needs i am on an intel cpu why do i need an amd code in my kernel that's not required i'm not going to pull out my intel plug in an amd cpu ever so that's the idea right so you build the package required for your system which results in a very very small kernel and still have all the functionality so that was fun and after gathering all the knowledge what you do well yeah if you break it you fix it i did try it with linux kernel as well so that's always cool having a black screen and maybe i should mention that let's see if it works youtube article x playlist actually but black screen every single time i have had a black screen i've written in the text black screen so when you look for it you get lots of hits so people often try out and that's that's linux right you try out things and then you break things if you break it you make it that but that's in english and and dutch translation to english so if you break it you fix it as in proper english thing here is the playlist articles black screen so add the word playlist to the line and we have now 14 videos already just documenting what happens or why things happened and how to fix them we started way back i see here at 691 is the first one all right so if you break it you fix it the knowledge creating scripts and such with many videos about that so if you have the knowledge how to do project x you put it in a file so you can rerun that script later on so i figured out how to do the extend mod kernel and then you document it for later because yeah after i'm too lazy i just stick with the linux kernel from arsenics but what if at some point in time i want to test it out again right i'll just run a script and that's explained in these guys so it's a fun project for sure it's not for a working computer always best to have a a system that you work daily on another one that you just mess with it that's the ideal way and otherwise you'll mess with things in a virtual box right then nothing can go wrong in a virtual box 50 minutes later you have a new installation again as you know we have adopted the arklex candy beauty icons and made them our own it's at least three days of work more on these icons than the official icons right so we had to add more icons and create more icons and create more links for our ecosystem arc linux 25 desktops and to have a little bit of um well a theme a a wallpaper that goes with it we've created athletics wallpapers candy so it's all kind of flowing together the wallpapers and the icons theming is important as you see well yeah we have been teaming a lot surfy and i i click three tool that's what it stands for att is actually something you can run att right it asks your password anyway or an attack links tweak tool sometimes you ask you to do that to see if there are any messages if if it doesn't boot for updates right then we say just started with the yeah always started with the terminal then maybe if the programmer is smart it will give some log files on some some text so you know what's going on you can now install fwm okay att done done done and we can trash it again super bye bye again explained in this video we have some terminal fun it was rather difficult to get this going it's actually super stupid if you think about it but it's um [Applause] it's basically telling you no no c actually i don't type any of this it's very long right nb and then you go to the bottom and all you need the the tool needs to do is add something here or or delete something there and that's it that's all it needs to do but it's so complex right i'm gonna go for you fitch this time if it's installed yeah see the pacman well the att does it automatically for you it will install it for you you fetch ako kits and there's another one the official one i'll cut them both in now you've got this voila so lolcat is something else it's called it colors the the output basically whatever output it is it gives a nice rainbow color which is fine again with this new candy theme then the tweak tool privacy we have an unblock and an h block so we can enable h block etc click and it's enabled but there is also a unblock alias as well to say okay stop using this again because maybe there is a as a place you want to go to on the internet and h-block blocks you right because it wants to keep you safe sometimes you just want to shut down h-block for a few minutes and be back in control so an h-block unblock an h-block and h-block will activate it again just a small idea after next week tool we have now and two new repos we have the ar rnet in australia and we've put also our stuff packages on north america so basically this is about about um trying to keep the volume of the downloads as low as possible on the seat host repo because it's paid and with everything comes with every choice comes a price and comes a finite amount of download right at some point in time it's a monthly reset of downloads at some point it's out of bandwidth so click this off please and try one of the other guys because this is free what you download here doesn't cost us anything neither does bell net neither does arnett so arnett if you're living near australia maybe best thing to do living in the united states maybe go for the kid lab and the guys in europe go for bellnet would be my best approach some video about it in the mirrors oh the the title is not correct i see what i have done i've done a copy paste now we just made sure that the files that you have here the config adt and config att can be deleted it was a matter of permissions so the title should read remove the backup files i'll change that layer well we're also a little bit creative we should not forget i3 themes i3m is there as well this beautiful way of working has been stable for six years right how about that not an issue with it so there's another theme no clue okay i was just creating the theme and i said no clue what to call it voila no clue it became it's fun it's creative again an educational video how to create a theme for i3 then some general changes we are now on the calamares 3.2.4 to 4.3 is used in this version you can have more information here if you want and then we had some what-ifs lately what if removing everything but the essential arch links packages this is dangerous experiment just before you do a clean install that's like that's the best moment to experiment right if you decide it already in your mind i'm gonna try again because i messed it up the code is i don't get it anymore i want to try again with a clean slate that's something maybe you can try out and all the information actually comes from pacman right it's not from here just apply the knowledge shared on the wiki often we tell to you go read the wiki and that's not a only a foul intention or lazy from our part it is part of working with arch linux it's just it contains it all right the archwiki is the reason why i am here and not on ubuntu it contains so much information and sometimes it doesn't contain any information right or the information is too complex so this couldn't help me left opium this doesn't help me one bit so sometimes it is it contains a lot of information and sometimes barely but it is what it is and if you have problems with bluetooth it's super simple you just type bluetooth and you go read what's going on what do i need are the packages there is there something else how can i debug it at the bottom there's always a very interesting thing if we go all the way to the bottom and there is this help thing or debug thing often they do that let's see at the structure troubleshooting they call it right number six troubleshooting see if this can help you okay so pac-man and the wiki are important and we do rely on them so you should too what if creation of a bear arkans b plasma i had this this this what if you can build our isos at any point in time you can decide to build the iso off and you click you can decide to build the iso article success lts right now you can decide to build any of these guys and if you have done a few of them you realize it's exactly the same thing over and over why is eric creating all these articles it's just the same thing over and over and it is but people think in boxes right and there are no boxes it's always a github a place xfce article fwm and then you change or do not change anything run script 40 done you've got an iso but sometimes we have these tutorials we have these ideas how to create a bear organize b plasma how to add more packages to any arching xp iso and so on there is so much information in here to create your personal iso because no iso is good any iso not only iconics generally linux none of the isos are good for all the millions of people here we give you the power to build your own so watching some videos makes you aware that it's all about choices all the time what theme what i can what a wallpaper sometimes people say this is a beautiful distro because it has a beautiful wallpaper bad choice right that's that's not the point that's not why a distress should be good because the wallpaper is good you change these things packages aka lego blocks i always talk about that you build it up it's playing a lag with lego choosing from a reserve of packages so arch legs so aor and then you build it up and you get a different look a different different feel and for the user a different start maybe wants to remove things maybe wants to add things so that's explained there now if we we it was halloween time right and at some point in time i created a theme well ish halloween-ish right so maybe i still have a picture of it no no picture halloweenish and i wanted to test out our icons arclights has my icons right the sardi icons and the surface icons now the icons are not pngs because a png can't be changed these are svgs and svgs can be changed in pure text what if at some point in time i got that idea five six years ago what if i create an script that changes these colors so that's what we've done shown you how to create a different kind of item theme with different kind of colors matching the theme of leftover so here is a picture of the halloweenish kind of look and it always changes right at the beginning everything was blue and then later on i made this a bit yellow and a little bit yellow a bit yellow that's the fun that's the theming it never stays the same then the youtube downloader thanks to a tip um on discord people said this package is super fast and downloading why don't you use that one we tested it out and we agree thank you for the tip this is way better so what are we talking about there is an alias there we go again here are the aliases we've cleaned out a few of them and kept another part of them right so aac best flag mp3 and the video so it's all youtube dlp and then you can download the link while you copy paste the link afterwards of youtube and it either extracts the video and the audio or it just gets the audio and that's um with a new application basically um where were we voila ram basically changed name i think it was rate arch mirrors for us nothing changes ram is ram it's just a alias and the alias what's behind the alias can change hundreds of times but ram stays ram so rate arch mirrors that's what it stands for the a is a little bit gone here so great arch mirrors was a previous name of the application so the developer just changed its name and voila we just keep ram for us yeah if you haven't heard what it is it's actually going to have a look at all the servers around you gonna sort them jump all kinds of things you can look at the website of the developer and basically you get a list of the fastest servers around yes we have an alias for that and here we have still the traditional one the standard one because these are the major websites the major um servers ulsbec evo wise rackspace these guys are probably paid for right worldwide and the other guys are mirrors mirror from here mirror from there and so on so if you run ram this is going to be overwritten and it will have a new list telling you where the arch links packages are coming from these are arch link stuff this narco remember it's with the name not correct you know what i mean that's ours right either get it from seat host and that's exactly the same order as we have an att so if you say in the att don't get it from seed host then this happens so you'll get the packages from gitlab and if gitlab does not have the packages he'll get it from belnet and belnot doesn't have the package it gets from rnet and this is our fallback you can't click on this unless you do it manually here not in att okay so that's explaining everything a little bit i am in an educational move today what we're going to do is of course make more tutorials about left wm so where do tutorials go to they go to art clinics if it's all oops don't forget to put that off that's off and that's off voila so where do these tutorials go arcalix has general linux stuff buys how to install must read now what channel kernel stuff logout general anything kind of thing i mean it doesn't matter if it's plasma or if it's um mate this is not related to a desktop but if you go to arclinix d then that is related to a desktop face xfce by g phase three go check out the learning path that we have set out for you guys phase four phase five phase six phase seven and at some point in time you graduate from the arc links university and you create your own distribution for example or just stick around and google or serve a little bit it doesn't matter so it's here that i need to add some more work so left wm there you go we have already five tutorials and if there's something new with our question that's how it works in iconic stride ask the question and then we'll make a video simple as that that's why we went into the exam mode kernel ask a question and suddenly there's a whole tutorial all right what's new that's this video i'm gonna copy paste the url in here and how to stay rolling so how to update things is in here and the rest is general information i'm at the end of the video also almost at the end of the year so 2021 this is the last release for 2021 and the next one will be in mid-january all right enjoy economics have fun and enjoy
Channel: Erik Dubois
Views: 1,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcolinux, arch linux, arch, archlinux
Id: 5S5DXblzevQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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