ArcoLinux : 1982 How to install ArcoLinuxL

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hi welcome guys this is an installation video so may 2021 we've rearranged our isos and we've created also a new one so rclinks excel arclicks xs x as is explained in the infographic in here to show you what it's all about but that's in another video and you can also read it in here start here the other clicks edition has been changed already so xl extra large xs extra small flagship ship you check it out the video is an installation video where do we get our isos we go to downloads and we go preferably we go to sourceforge which does not cost us any bandwidth or we go to belnet which does not cost any bandwidth either well it does because it syncs with our seat hose at this point in time we're one week ahead of schedule which means in article next world we give you the iso the world has the iso where is it then it is in the ftp bellnet dot pe ergonomics iso no not iso one level up it's in aag that's where it is you can also delete aag if you want to and then you see the structure of the maps right all of these are our repos that's not interesting here are the isos and here the isos aag so today first of may one week before release they're here otherwise it's always empty this folder okay so if you want to join me in installing then you get this iso from here i've done that already i have set everything up our clicks xl is here and we're going to go over elements that are new because we need to update this article and this article is the one where you start always start here every website has a start here please send people to it because it says something about your system it helps them to know what steps do i need to get linux working on my system it's all in there bias ufi motherboards all the settings and this video that i'm gonna make is going to be in here how do i install archlinics excel off we go i click excel it's loaded it's in here and we just boot it up make sure a control f is in place there and then immediately have to teach you something this is new we have here lines to choose from 95 will be just fine with the first line but some of us have an nvidia card an nvidia card that's not recognized by any of the drivers except the nvidia package the pseudo pacman minus s nvidia that's what it needs so if you're in that case that you say it never works oh always problem maybe you need this line nvidia line right so it's a choice here this is now bias ufi has just exactly the same thing and we've managed to have a way we found a way to put nvidia on your iso and boot up with it because that was basically the problem for those guys that if the kernel does not get it what's hardware there is it's a black screen nothing happens so there will be safe they would be saved they should be saved with that line all the rest just go for open source drivers right so basically what i'm saying is take the first line doesn't work for you second line doesn't work for you take the third line and well get help and none of these work ask us because i always explain this place can be edited a tab and i can start typing hello i am eric you have to watch out for the qwerty azerty thing but i can type i can add technical things to this right up there it says a few lines up it says nuvo mode set zero driver is free no mode set etc so you can add things and make the zero the false to true one and such things and add more stuff to it so it's the kernel actually can boot up from your hardware but hopefully that's not necessary all right so off i go i am on virtualbox no need of nvidia so i'm going to go for an open source driver by the buy vmware is now again in order as well we just eliminated the script to make the resolution in my case 1920 1080 full screen so that's entirely still up to you to figure that out that's the protester but at least our script is not there anymore to block it the boot up so you can see consignment so we boot up and maybe you've seen it in the lines but there is there are a few seconds there of solidarity nvidia is now removed so it takes a few seconds to actually boot up and not have nvidia the other guys that took line number two will see nvidia there when they type in the menu and via they'll have the icon that have the application it will be used the driver is used and then they can continue their installation you know the drill article likes calamari stool maybe i should be fully and completely if you download the system it has it's pointing to a server somewhere on the worlds depending where you live let's give me my keyboard so where is he getting the packages he's getting the packages from normally trust us that's good if not they say oh my god this is slow in downloading then you know you need to update the arch linux mirrors so that's the button to upload to to update not anything from us it says arch linux mirrors and maybe you've seen in the articles we are 93 percent arsenics i did another calculations yesterday so if you want to clean up things then there is g part this is the way to take a look at your hard drive and say okay what have i installed on this machine with this hard disk and the drop down is here if you have several hard disks okay entirely up to you then there is the choice what do we want do we want to format it as ptrfs or xfs jfs riser x4 if you don't do anything it's standard text4 all right so if you don't don't do a save it still is x4 all right run calamaris finally we're there do of course have a look at all the other buttons but you can click them if you want always a quick look this will always change calamaris is a great tool to put any of our linux systems out there on our system and the version and the possibilities will increase will improve and all that you choose your language i always go for american english next you choose the kernel remember that an iso is also a frozen moment in time it took the packages of that day which day control t iso on april the 26th to nine o'clock in the morning we built the iso at that moment in time we got these packages in these versions in it's frozen moment in time and what you see is what you will get i can do some minor adjustments in calamaris but what you see is generally what you get okay so all these applications you're looking at are on our system this is the xl version and all the packages we you see here inks keep inkscape i use it no max i use it i use it and so on i always use any of these guys so what you see is what you get okay cool but if you click this and it's now the end of 2021 right this is now may so let's say it's december you'll get the linux kernel from december it will be downloaded and installed on your future system so that's why these options are here to get the latest version from the net or if you know already i have issues with the linux kernel i have an older machine i need linux lts the long-term support then you use this one it's all about choices and we just provide the tools here are the tools you select it if you need it next now i've been talking about nvidia right the guys who need nvidia should boot up in bias or ufi with an nvidia but even if they forgot to do that you still have the option here to go for nvidia to install it on your future system or nvidia lts if that's what you needed and not the nvidia one so again choices possibilities these guys are all installed on your system that's another choice we've made these guys are already installed what you see is what you get right you can always check that out sudo pacman minus sy let's first get the databases in and then sudo pacman minus remove these guys are on the iso in the hopes that you boot up and have no issues but even so you can in december 2021 get the latest intel driver if there is one right well i don't know well see december 2021 but we have a choice to actually get the latest linux the latex nvidia the latest uh drivers and then off we go again normally right this is sdm we've made the choice you know that we've made the choice so there is no choice there is you can install more themes like this one is a beautiful blue one and say okay sem is by default but are so much nice teams and this is my team i love this team install it you can also switch and go for light dm but it's not going to be the light game of art clinics it's going to be the standard one we're really going all the way to sddm and you'll see these themes grow over time i'll add more if you find more that we like we say oh like this one it's gonna be on there next this is new in the sense that we give you the choice to install from calamaris all the desktops we have and xfce is already installed this is xfce but these guys are the ones we don't like we don't like excessive for artwork we don't like burning dvds it's not done anymore usbs right but only not really our thing mousepad right but if you want it we give you the choice to install it anyway plus all the combinations why not have an article linux excel with all the software i have one and a half and combine it with i3 simple as that and you can make it even well more personal in the sense that poliwara will never use it don't want to install polybar and so on so it's just a click away to even make it more personal and that's again what's central in our clinics we give you the freedom to choose i can now combine an iconic excel with all the software xfc together with why not q-tile boom selected as long as you've got internet of course everything will be downloaded and installed and you've got it and this is the software a bit but the software bit we've seen it in the past but you check it out anyway and some of these guys collide like these guys conflicts with still conflicts with fresh it's either this one or that one not both will not crash calamaris will just keep running but it will not install two of them just one of them there is so much more there's a big chunk of fonts so i've made it clear in some of the latest videos that having a different font is actually changing your operating system profoundly and it really is about your eyesight your what you perceive as a good font is very personal so give it a try just change your font and see if you like it and these are the software that we use to develop it these days much of it is already on our iso there's just this little guy to make screenshots and that's it basically we're going we're almost done we just select where do we live if the geo ip does not find it means that the service is down that's all it is you change anything you like if you don't want to change i have these things for me it's the important thing is this thing not to forget that i'm living in belgium with a keyboard that's not quite certi so you can type here to test and then off we go next almost there as i'm still x4 right i did not change anything i did not go for ptrfs or anything i just said close not safe so standard it's x4 if you do not click anything in the commands tool four options down here 16 gigabyte of ram you don't need swap right swap no hibernate swap with hibernate swap to file you can change the file size and make it as big as you want and that's not the part these are two partitions and this is well you see it here visually there is no partition and this has a partition a big one always 10 more than your memory 8.4 and this is a smaller one alright off i go because it's almost done the video is at an end because this is just typing in passwords names deciding if you want to log in automatically without asking for a password use the same password for the administrator account or not okay don't make it more difficult than it needs to be and then you have this overview we're going to create this and that's and boot x4 sda 1 and x4 cool then we say install and off it goes and then it's just waiting time everything to install and you go and have a drink and come back and everything will be installed think about what did i select oh i selected like 10 desktops well don't think it will be installed in five minutes right it will take the time to download it or but i'd have a slow internet then you'll have to wait longer then it needs to be installed but i have a slow computer then it will take longer it's always about bandwidth cpu power you have so be patient while it does its thing because this what you see now is this it unpacks everything that what you see is what you get this is now being unpacked to your system the whole system and then later on in the phase here it will decide oh look they decided to install a theme from sdm and qtile mbs pwm and so on and so on it needs to download it it needs to install it just be patient that's all we ask all right not going to wait for this to end but do enjoy our clinics excel so if you if we ask you um what iso are you one it's important to share that with us so we know what well we know how everything is built up what the pieces of the puzzle right the lego blocks and we can start thinking why is this happening on the pc and that's why we ask is it an article x xl xs a d or a b all right have fun guys
Channel: Erik Dubois
Views: 2,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcolinux, arch linux, arch, archlinux
Id: ohtrfNTtfgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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