ArcoLinux : 1462 ArcoLinux Project explained - how to choose your iso

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hey welcome this video is here to answer a few questions what's our clinics what's the targets target audience / clinics how many projects are there what I saw is do I choose what's all the possibilities what are the choices the best thing you can do is go to the website add links information and have a look at page choose your project our clinics wants to educate people into Linux Alex and then our collegues right we have phases in our learning path and one of the ideas is if you are really new so the target audience is somebody coming from Windows most likely right then you choose our clinics I saw you put up into XFC you'll probably recognize all the settings and all that and it will be easy to run or to to go into to flow into and Linux work that may be later on on the same computer system so we install three desktops in one meaning you can just switch log out log in and you have a different kind of desktop management would be something like and Windows 8 and and Windows XP write the test of environment and if you are really comfortable into all these desktops maybe you can have a shrine see if a tiling window manager is something for you and all that is documented on YouTube on the web sites all that has articles lots of knowledge about tweaking theming and coffees and so on so that's phase one choose at least ISIL so that's for the beginners the arc links I saw but I'm using that one as well so it's also our flagship it's our development I so everything we need is there is there inscape is there and so on in phase 2 you might consider to go to phase 2 and say I'm gonna install a clicks D this is rather well more difficult because you need to go into maybe need to go more into and ttyl system but at this point in time our Cooling's d changed so this would be beginner intermediate and certainly professional guys are the guys at our expert linux users they'll probably use this one because alex d provides you the most freedom most choices and this phase two is then except co box i three so the one you've learned here in x and phase one a phase three you'll go to all the other desktop so you see all the other desktops here click it and you see all the articles we have create a few all the knowledge that that's online in phase four we respond to the question i don't like what's on the iso well we say built your own ISO and here it is build your own iso on our collegues you'll learn how to build it yourself but you can also download it because not everybody is so keen on building so download orbit and then phase 5 which is phase 5 sorry we just say let's go and forget our tonics let's stop install the Arch Linux ISO from Arch Linux or or and do our thing with it and then phase 6 we just say let's together create an Arch Linux based system from scratch a toolset so that's what's behind the idea of our clinics it's like going to the university I am a teacher myself so I'm teaching all the time how to do this how to do that so a laconic score info is the next thing I would go to and then I would go well join us please on all the various social media but here it says that we have three major additions so the are clicks ISO has xfce open box I three are clicks D well a beginner intermediate expert and I would say this one beginner as well and intermediate B if you just download it burnin on USB it's just like any other district burn install play but ikonics d can be or expert if you like it but can be intermediate as well so the differences between these guys is best explained by showing you and I'm just I'm going to do that right all right I'm put it up our clinics this is our flagship the flagship contains law software the software we like to develop this is our system the system for the our clinics developers now many people say this is just awesome we need we have everything that we need everything is available I don't need to install anything anymore so that's cool so you keep using our colleagues ISO but remember there's Alec mix D and the P so if I wanted to I'm not gonna go there but if I wanted to you just log out and login as almost si3 there are three desktops to play around in this is a learning thing right play with three different kind of desktops and the tiling window manager certainly is for many of us don't eat a challenge but why not use well the challenge and use our knowledge to use a tiling window manager at some point in time you say okay it looks good okay I want to have this on my machine VirtualBox or SSD and then you run Calamari's and it's during this phase that you have so much choice the kalamarez installer will change versions will change and all that the images that the windows the contents will change but it's always similar right you the site on this moment in this particular time need the site if you've got the Internet of course if Internet is available on your machine you can decide to install the different kernels Nvidia drivers and so so so much software so that's why we say on article next now you can make from this flagship a cruise ship if you want to install more you can do so you can't install less you'll get this always this is what you get minimal and that's what we require minimal actually don't require any not that much anymore from the list here but hey it's a choice and that's the thing another thing we would like to provide freedom of choice install whatever you want and Alex D is the Summum of freedom and B as well if you build it yourself so development things besides just a click and it's installed multimedia a little bit down there ok Internet's all kind of stuff you can install there are videos of course explaining what it all is how to install how to play with all these things even games I've made some videos about games not really a gamer and lots of stuff you can install more it's choice you don't need to do it you can do it that's the thing we provide you with the freedom of choice and this is from us well for us from us you can use it as well of course so and when we are testing out our Isis we install that one and then after you go and then you install all the rest now I cannot take a look at our clings D so we've booted up our clicks D you download it you burn it you put it up you'll see that this is very minimal there is no menu or anything this is a pass-through mechanism we are looking at something that's quite minimal that's actually except C right but you don't need to be here you don't need to see here there's nothing to see here our clicks D is here to create the most minimal the most bare even our stomachs /r colonics system again we start our Calamari's again you get a lot of choices in this case very a lot of choices more choices than tin Erica Linux ISO these guys you'll recognize choose your kernel drivers and so on but here we don't even have Blu our tonics ISO has everything covered it boots up it just played right everything works sound Samba blue to it love to support it's all there so if you want to build up from scratch from the most bare minimal ISO that's possible with our colleague Steve this is more for the intermediate and expert guys because if you are able to install Arch Linux then you're able to do this so you either the tooth choices you say I'm gonna skip all this which is great right skip skip skip skip skip next all good and you end up in a black screen and then you make use of our own scripts from github dot-com slash Park links D all the kids are scripts are there and of course change them you want Joe on Firefox but you don't want free Valley you want brave maybe as browser and so on so you change the scripts and you run the scripts and you've got your own system tweaked out package by package back package right so that's possible but you can also use Calamari's and of course the internet still needs to be available there if all that is available then you can just click here whatever you like to install and have immediately have like TM already available when you have when you boot up choose your desktop is awesome right you can choose desktops straight from here and actually it's not difficult if you come if you look at arch wiki the only thing to have a desktop like genome is these two packages pseudo pac-man - as you know maybe you like to install also genome extra there it is so it's so simple to install sometimes a desktop that's all it requires and it's so simple you can do just this and forget about out sorry forget about all the configuration of our clinics and go your own way so it's so versatile it's so flexible and that's why I think I hope people will love art like Steve all right so you choose whatever is in here and like I did this you could do this right you could install several desktops and be happy with it it's your choice then you communicates communication with people select whatever you like development sure one of them do you work them maybe an office appliance a suit suite is better suit is something else multimedia right install whatever you want Internet software everything is just one click away and afterwards its installed or you make your own scripts and install it with the scripts but at least you get an overview of the very well the most important applications the Linux has to offer Linux I did say Linux not onyx alright conky's file managers lots of terminals we've added because about people or people they prefer their particular tunnel next and this is for our development we need this to develop but you can use it as well and that's the art Alex T right so you boot up in any black screen you need to say three lines type three lines and then you put up in a graphical environment of your choice as simple as that so you can watch the videos how to install our next D for that what about art makes being it's important to understand why our collegues be exists at all it's that important that it has its own website other links B is there the B stands for built your own eye so we can never build an eye so with the applications you like for a hundred percent it's not possible everybody has his own opinion of what an ISO should look like what the image should have cursor should have to wallpaper it should have right let alone all the packages you can choose so the idea is guys build it yourself go and choose your desktop will show our kingsby plasma later on so choose your own desktop follow the procedures change whatever you like add stuff delete stuff build the script well use the build script and just typing number 30 number 40 boom and you have as a result your own personal iso burn it use it and it's gonna be 100% the way you liked now that looks be not everybody is ready to just start working with these scripts and all that let's explain right follow the tutorial it's not that difficult let's say building is for intermediate people and the experts but even so our colleagues be when you download it it's gonna be for two beginners as well what you do you click on download you burn with at your free for instance on USB you boot up you get this this is what you get right and then you click run color Mars I think that's not technical yet right and then it's either choose or not choose does not you don't have to click anything here what you get is this are clicks be starts off with a minimal approach our minimal approach which means we have Firefox to give one example right so that's our choice to have Firefox on the I so when we install it and we don't install anything anymore then it's gonna be just this now you can have more with this at Eclipse be minimal there all men will by the way and there's one more I should mention mention we have 15 desktops but there's one extra ISO which is are going to be extended and extended to the project you can follow the how we created it in here in the tutorials we have a special project that is going to show you can install open box with sixth island management time window managers on one eye so no problem right so you have seven desktops on one eye so it's all possible you can make other creations follow the tutorial and you say I'm gonna make multi with cinnamon why not follow the tutorials you can do that that's what this what that means to build build your own eyes own but if that's still bridge too far as I say then you just click away maybe and select so few things maybe everything but a few that you say I would like to have Skype later on and so on and so on let's go through them these images will change over time we'll add more stuff or maybe delete some stuff but basically you'll get a similar kind of approach similar kind of windows in the future so you'll make your own decisions here everything will be installed as extra we don't remove anything in Calamari's we add things right what you see is what you get this is what you get if it's cinnamon that's what you get and so on and so on 15 desktops plus a special one and their units that's a short overview what to expect for these three projects so then it's time to choose but we navigate back we go to download and there are different possibilities see toast or SourceForge but this at this point in time is interesting to have a look at seat host because there is one week in a month where we put out our pitas so we say there are pitas but officially they're not actually but this is official release and there is one level up and a AG folder and this is the version of April and it is now the fifth of April right so you need to know what to do to install are you going to install the article next I saw or all the way down the arc links di saw or anything in between here are all our names be Isis so here is a good overview what to choose alright have fun
Channel: Erik Dubois
Views: 15,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcolinux, arch linux, arch, archlinux
Id: ej8T3D1lKHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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