ArcoLinux : 1446 how to install ArcoLinuxD and all its desktops

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welcome on the topic of this video is how to install article XD now you can either boot up and on a PC that's a bit older and that has a bias setting and there's also a newer one that has a ufi setting let's include the look of both of them in this video so it applies all I all videos all Linux systems really this is the old computer right and let's go in that that first so normally 99% will just take four line number one just here press ENTER right but there are those hardware out there that's not working too well with Linux and you have here a few lines to try out but even so this is just a few of them you can change them and Adam with a tap you can actually look at all the code that's behind here boot this and that and that and then later on we say here Radian mode set 0 so the first one is Nouveau motet one one but I've seen things on our forum so always a good thing to take a look at what people discovered how to make time to boot up system eggs then change type this and that and that behind you because you can actually type here and then well prevents the Linux kernel to do something and they boot up so it's good to know that there are in alternatives for your particular problem right but normally everybody just clicks this thing here now I'm gonna show you this is an system on VirtualBox so I'm gonna show you also the look from UEFI and we can where is this the can system we can able BFI or UEFI special OSS only and we can fake it on VirtualBox and we recommend you use VirtualBox and that's this line we don't have our alternatives here and it's already put it up the loser so control or reset it so click in the VirtualBox control right control and then you need to navigate to the top the top line is where you boot up in ufi it says so article XD x86 64 you a five CD right USB or iso and then that's where we boot up so let's go with a ufi installation it doesn't really matter our tonics can do both to them so Alex I so go enough look for the grub or sorry Dubai's installation and this one is in a ufi installation you choose when you plug in your USB you choose the lines you get to boot up from you can choose grub in my case I can choose always say that it's wrong I can choose bias or I can choose UEFI right so I have a choice on my system like I've said it sort of that way in my well motherboard settings and maybe you can do right now Alex D is a minimal kind of approach there is no menu right there is just in nice wallpaper there is a panel down here some icons but basically the the menu is missing and the right mouse click is the only thing you can have to maybe navigate to certain parts of your system like the article next week to all the Welcome app install a clinics install our clicks of the same button on the same application as run commerce right so some things are in here that might help you to have a look but basically you pass through here this is not meant to be doing anything just two options major options either you decide to clean everything up and make sure the system is really cleaned out no encrypted things no partitions leftovers from any other destroy out there and I mean really any distro meaning also windows etc if it's more complex your situation then of course you have to make your own choices there but my choice would be as always one operating system on one SSD and I have a bay for desktop people that they are our base you can buy popping an SSD put it out pull it pull it in and then put it back in and play Windows games right and then pull it out again and play work on your Linux system so it's a choice and choices are there well it's up to you entirely up to you but best thing is make sure everything is clean out if it is then I would go for the next button that's run kalamarez there is something that's changed maybe you've noticed and that's one little thing and that's this little well sign ugly little thing that says a question mark well you need to have some knowledge on Linux and Linux tools and X cursor briefs and briefs there are two packages that actually provide the same cursor now we've thrown out briefs because of lots of the dependencies that came in now I don't care about dependencies don't mind in the sense that we have gigabytes enough normally right but all the updates came with it as well and that's a little bit over the top so X cursor breeze is out breezes out because of the fact that they always collide and users always say doesn't work well it's normal that it doesn't work because it de conflicts or you have a information panel here that's gonna help you in the choices later on and we'll go over them as well here so Ron calamari is installed your system calamari is a free installer doesn't cost us anything and it gives us great support and other the undergrowth his name is here is helping us very very much so we're grateful and we apply we use this tool to get our clinics in your system and 15 minutes later you won't see Cala Mars at all all right let's go into the details so we have changed a lot since last time but you know already this kind of look that you select elements and if the internet is working that's important if the Internet is working then you will get the new stuff in so when we build the ISO a certain number right there we have a certain Linux kernel but in a month and the month from now or two months from now even week from now we'll have the arch - we have already a system on our systems and number two here right so a new kernel so if you want to have the very very last kernel then you take this one and so on you can decide what to have Xen kernel corn kernel LTS kernel you decide on the fly if you call Internet it's there Nvidia with Linux kernel Nvidia LTS right if it shows up here to have a Linux LTS then obviously and you need this one here but open it up and you'll see what's what it means so you don't need to select it here we've made sure that if you want this one if you select that one that Linux LTS that's the same on us here is installed but that's important cut the packages in just for LTS alright so you the site CUDA toolkit just know until you code that's for your CPU if you Intel CPU one nd CPU you can decide to install as well this is a mineral ISO meaning you don't even have sankt you don't have network connection you're done printing someone nothing really so if you won't have any of these guys just select them you can take a look at the packages that it involves but basically that's what we're going to install on your system right there we go for next and we install Mohan so when you boot up into an operating system of in Europe well you're seeing a greeter right let's call it the greeter display manager login manager has different names it greets us as our logging put your password in that's this one you have four choices but they all matter and they all are important in the sense that you should know some things about them ly TM is the one we use wise because it's really is an awesome tool it works on all the desktops and there are differences between these 4s EDM is actually built for except a surrogate for ke or plasma right so it works better that way now lie TM is themed and tweet we have our own my TM grader it's nice this is a standard one it will look not so nice but it's your choice and later on in plasma you can just select a new one right there's so many out there so it's a choice here but this one for instance GTM is great if you can know if you select this one a lot of genome packages coming so of course we don't want going on packages if you want to go for a BSP WM o me right so it all matters and this is done for Alex de or L execute so we have a login manager so you decide what to take normally I would always select login magic you need to select this this one I can skip right if you don't want a blue tooth your don't wanna printing doesn't matter you can install later on of course it's easier here it's just a click away next litem is needed we need the greeter a display manager ok and then you're up to 15 choices right what - want to try out gonna install in awesome yes PWM and so on just select what you want and you see the list that comes with it and we've tried to make it complete but it's not gonna be the electronics be feeling that's not the idea Alex D is actually trying to make a minimal installation and actually best tip I could give you is install something without electronics stuff right this one like so it's actually an arch linux feel alex D is a minimal I so it has the feeling of an Arch Linux installation it goes graphical you just go and install packages like you normally would this is pseudo Padma - as XFC for sudo Padma - as XFC for goodies when you're in phase 5 arch linux that's basically what we do so we have here when you just select these guys and an arch linux feel and the saying goes forward for others like I can home or something like it just omit ad clinics but if you say no I like the look of a clicks yeah and you just keep these guys right all in well doesn't matter what we install so next then we stick go forward again if you watch the italics installation all already then you see a long list of all the toys from my toy store the Linux toy store this is not a Linux stuff this is not even this is Linux applications right well it's ultra Linux I mean in the sense that it comes from the Arch Linux servers or from the aur package people so we've built the package for you and it's now on all our clinics repo but basically these packages are for everybody right it's just Linux packages that we now can install with a click now this one is a big little bit special we've made TeamViewer to just work out of the box otherwise it's so technical so we've made a nice package build poof and it's installs and you can connect to somebody else you check out TeamViewer dot-com org I don't know I'm thinking about these guys here we have not seen them think and I think yet develop and here they are so code and visual studio code says here it's gonna conflict so if you wanna want to coat with with either don't just don't select two of them doesn't matter Calem ours will just run and your system is installed so no issue there but you'll see just one of the two is installed so maybe better that I teach you give you the knowledge hands a little button there that says those guys will conflict or you need to choose between us guys alright next offices there are lots of offices there and lots of people like this one or that one and so on so here is not a sentence Libre Office fresh or still so either it's the beta version or the stable version but choose write both on is not possible one of them will be installed not two of them next all stuff if you're wondering why I'm not explaining any of these things it's all in other videos I've made several videos in preparation of this installation go and have a look what are all these applications next internet or internet stuff and Firefox concern a locale ease of you install kalamarez we use Calamari's in in german you'll get a firefox in german that's what this locale a means and I think it's also here in the LibreOffice somewhere we have set that as well so your spelling is in German and LibreOffice is in German little tricks so check it out all fun stuff and all stuff to to have more cursors and more themes and iechyd and so on again we're at I cans excursive Reese that one and that one will collide but maybe you like this one right so you choose it's gonna conflict it's not gonna crash again but it will just choose one of the one of the two it's gonna choose the first one I think and then the second one will not or get a conflict and we'll just pause next one gaming writes some games now mind you there are some big guys in here sauerbraten take a look in your system at the moment one gigabyte on gigabyte right so I don't know how your volume is for internet usage but mind that these things can be huge next with lots of utilities new things in here yet you can check out and here's another conflict synapse so this one if you know what synapse already is well it's choose either catfish or synapse right so maybe it's better to do it later on after you reboot and then you say okay let's install synapse and you'll see Backman asking your questions do I need to remove this or that that's okay lots of accessories and conky's which one I've conky's just know lots of file managers to choose from maybe you like Nemo I do and so on phone seas are here get software is here as well I'm using github and a lot of good software these days trying it out graphic stuff fun stuff these are the the fun stuff we have as an article on ethnic own merit support 20 fun applications and terminal privacy stuff lots of terminals to choose from maybe you don't like termites USB I recommend a sure please do it tell everybody if they have a problem burning the ISO you say sure it's gonna work it's in good and great response for Windows it's a great response for Mac and it's great response for Linux they are gonna work antara through three more three three USB burners this one is ours main stink it is the one that we use and this one is if you want to burn the windows ISO on the USB on Linux and this already is chose a choice again VirtualBox either you've chosen a Linux kernel or Linux LTS and it matters because you need to install different packages if you do all right unexcelled yes that's important and that SH if you like to have a different kind of shell bash or is SSH and then we're next and this is a long bunch this is for us article next developers the developers would like to have a click so we install through 200 times maybe and I saw all these 18 ISOs 18 times on VirtualBox 18 times on SSD that's already 36 and again and again and again ivory version right so with a just one click we have the things we need to develop browser text editor take some images here compare search stuff to our file manager with all its two weeks and of course communicate with each other via telegram and discourse but you can use it as well even if you've selected in Prior it will be just reinstalled again so that won't take nothing really because all everything is coming from our repos next Brussels corrects if not correct select if you want to change your system languages you can change here as well normally everything is fine I don't touch anything here and then next that's important to select a proper keyboard next erase and here we have six choices you see three right but I see six because you can encrypt as well so you can choose three of them those and then encrypt as well which leaves us with six choices this is VirtualBox I don't very much care about swap 16 gigabytes of RAM 8 for VirtualBox knows what needed but you choose what you want to have because if you want to hibernate your system then you need more space at least a little bit more than what 10% of you see right 8.8 gigabyte you see so 10% more than your actual memory all right I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna move no swap and then next they want to know my name you can name anything this day sir any way you like and no passwords give it simple guys log in automatically without asking for password yes/no your choice use the same password for administrator account your choice and then we go for next and then we wait we sit it out and depending how much you've selected it will download a lot of stuff from the internet and that's in face around 80 percent 70 80 % it's around here that it's gonna download all the packages you have selected now I weigh more if I recollect correctly I think I selected lightly I mean you know and then they like to select the development I'm not sure anymore we'll see and we wait for the installation let's pause the video here at this point in time where our are at install packages so 79 80 % it's around there before I forget there is a caveat in this version of Calamari's sometimes like 5% 10% of the time of our installations it ends in installation failed which is of course not a nice thing to read it's very at the very end so everything is installed already in your system is working but it wants to unman something and at that particular point in time is unsuccessful in unmounting so if you see that particular image that's okay that's cool it just reboot pull out USB and it will be installed I've been told that the next column ours does not have that anymore so I must have selected something because he is installing packages well light Yemen genome right but don't know if you did anything more than that while he's doing his job maybe you can repeat I think I've already thought told it but let's assume you've just killed Calamari's right you just closed it because you closed this maybe so everything can be selected from applications here to install our planks as believes debugging but that's that's more for developers and you can have a look at that next week you'll hear the welcome app so this is the welcome app it says up here right so you can always open up the applications that way again posing again don't think that this thing is crashing because it takes a really long time for everything to install and best way best devices walk away because it will stay a long time only 80 percent or 81 and then suddenly up Darius star the slider the timing in the slider is that a little bit off doesn't matter as long as it installs we are happy with our free Calamari's installer we're putting up and then you will notice this little thing and that's why I'm recording this as well of course what now is this our installation well this is meant to be a minimal installation Arch Linux well starts more or less like this but this time I have already an account so I can say that my name is Erik and that's my password and I'm logging in and there are three lines you should know and basically I guys let me go and show you a page so I've opened our colonics info downloads download documents cheat sheet we have a cheat sheet it says what to do on the cheat sheet so print it out I have printed it out it's lying here next to my computers right it says down at the bottom how do you get things going well first of all it all depends what you selected in the software because our our profiles our elements are etc' scalp this is not your regular installation this is a mix D so the info the con face and certainly for the tiling winner managers the convicts are in easy scale so you need to get them out of there skel is exactly what that does it gets copied bases everything over so the genome stuff because I selected genome stuff the genome configuration is now in home directing my home directory that's one secondly is I need to activate something because this is nice and black and all that but we need to activate the choice we've done we've choice choice block chosen either so enable either unlike him which is what was my choice all right we can also do GM we can also do Alex diem and we can also do s d DM as simple as that few letters you need to remember and in my case it's on the cheat sheet it says sudo systemctl enable IDM that's enough we can add a service called service behind it buddy knows he knows that I mean little service thing I need to see that line created same link and now he knows aha I needed to have a display manager oh ok and now we need to reboot and rebooting is actually sudo reboot since we don't want to talk that much SR su the reboot and we you're rebooting that's it you're up and running you have now a genome or a BSP tellurium or a plasma or anything of our 15 desktops and then you play along with the settings be Sherlock Holmes about it and figure out what you're missing what you can do and what you like what you don't like add stuff to it and so on and even ads at controlled E and even add for instance another desktop to it with our colleagues tweet to have a look at it you can do a lot of things some of the things are hidden so depending on what desktop you are it's it's smart so it won't show things but for instance I can install awesome with a simple button and everything awesome will be installed on your system and we can use it so it's super simple you can start with a particular tool and then decide to actually go for another desktop and switch around now installing is one thing deleting is another thing so deleting is not possible with the Earthlings to Ito but we can have a look and logout to awesome all the gross stuff is here and then awesome and here I'll leave you so this is Erica XD right you is so flexible you choose whatever you like whatever you want I don't like stuff no acting stuff different desktops together it's all possible so have fun
Channel: Erik Dubois
Views: 10,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcolinux, arch linux, arch, archlinux
Id: 43jIzdFfvek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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