Architecture Scenes Made Easy in Unreal Engine 5 - Dash Tutorial

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hello and welcome in the previous video I showed you how useful Dash can be in exterior space design now it's time to demonstrate how quickly interior spaces can be brought to life using the realtime power of Dash Lumen and the mega scans assets and how helpful this can be in arist project I show you how to utilize handy Dash tools such as scattering tools the pipe and cable tool physics tools post processing and the helpful AI taging system you can try Dash for free and you can find all the assets I used down below I'm thas no let's go I modeled the simple interior space in blender which I imported to Unreal Engine the models don't have materials yet but I quickly changed it using Dash I click on the dash icon which brings up the toolbar I downloaded some materials and models from the meas skin Library I simply drag and drop a concrete material on the selected mesh which I can easily modify as a next step I will use the AI teing system of dash dash creates text for the assets so I can search also for properties not just names I click on the AI taging button which brings up the content browser I click on the compute button to start the process now all my assets are available and ready to use I type the word bookas in and dash will list all the assets Tagg with this tag for me if I want I can edit my tag [Music] individually I furnished the room with some furniture all of which I downloaded for free you can find the links to these in the description next I'd like to demonstrate the wide range of capabilities of the dash scattering tools first I will create a spiral staircase using the radial scattering tool you also find the model for the staircase in the description so you can try it out right away before starting the scattering I make sure that the mesh pivot point is in the correct position and that the mesh location is set to zero next I type in radial and select the radial scatter tool I choose my mesh and click on the plus sign I want around 18 steps so I set the count to that I set the radius to zero after this I adjust the height and I already have the base of my staircase I quickly align the cylinder to the center I repeat the same process with the metal wires creating a staircase was simple as [Music] that I simply create a camera using Dash and I can adjust the settings easily it's important to set up our cam angles early in the process so that we don't waste time working on areas that won't be visible anyway then I create another angle I want to scatter some plants on the wall I create the plane and align it to the wall this is where the plants will [Music] go I set the plant I like and while holding down the control I drop it onto the selected plane I choose skon selection and adjust the density scale and other settings to my liking feel free to play around with the settings a [Music] bit [Music] I will add another type of plant and use different settings and one [Music] more I don't want the leaves to hang over the wall across the window frame I simply duplicate my plane and scale it down in the surface scatter settings of my original plane under the proximity mask one section I add the scale down plane by clicking on the plus sign in the distance section I set the parameters and click on invert Now by moving the plane I can adjust how far my plant extend I repeat the process on the other side as well I want to scatter some planters under the window I create a plane just like [Music] before I select a few Planters and holding control I drop them onto the selected plane here I play around with parameters until I achieve the look I [Music] like once I find the composition I'm happy with I use the syn option to hide the plane next I will place some vegetation into the planter I use this plate mesh to assist me I place the plate inside the planter I select the mesh and drop some plants from the dash Library onto the selected mesh while holding down control I play around a bit and and voila there SL vegetation in the planter I can repeat this method several times with different plants and I also position some larger plants into the Planters as well I type the word vegetation into the asset library and drag in any asset I like since I have ai tagged my assets I simply type in the word firewood into the search bar and dash list all the assets St with this deck for me I select a few and simply drag them into the scene I adjust the scale and rotation of some models I select the physics tool from the toolbar a new bar popped up after selecting the objects I make sure that they are set to Dynamic then I press the start button to begin the simulation I duplicate the locks I play around with the tool until I achieve the composition I like I can use the physics tool in multiple [Music] places my new favorite Dash feature is the quick pipe tool I can quickly create cables for it for example using the dash curve tool I create a curve I set the minimum spacing to 70 and then draw a curve freehand for the cable I can freely adjust the points individually [Music] now I select the quick pipe tool after selecting my desired curve I click on the plus sign in the curve section this creates a pipe around the curve for me I can adjust the radius as desired then I refine the pipe in the smoothness section [Music] I apply a material and now I have a great cable I add another curve to the easy [Music] pipe if I want I can always come back and adjust both the curve and the cable nothing is baked [Music] in I can scatter not only on meshes but also on [Music] curves [Music] I will scatter some hanging plants as well I type in the keyword plant into my asset library and select any plant I [Music] like now let's add some details to the scene I drop some decals onto the fireplace using Dash I can scale my deal by holding down control and the left Mouse button I can rotate it with shift and the left Mouse button and I can scale horizontally and vertically by holding down control and the right Mouse [Music] button [Music] I also Place some deal under the firewood I select them all and uncheck the receive decals option in the details panel so the decal will only appear on the concrete beneath [Music] them I've also added some spots and cracks to other concrete surfaces now I will scatter a few pieces of wood to add more details to the scene I select some random pieces and click on the paint function of the physics tool by holding down shift and the middle Mouse button I can adjust the BR size and Scatter the pieces [Music] around next I create the terrain onto which I will later scatter some trees I type in terrain and dash creates one in the viewport I can adjust it as needed in dash you can reach all the assets from poly Haven and I would choose a free Texture for the terrain material I can select the resolution and I drop it under the mesh then I will adjust the UV [Music] scale next I want to scatter some trees in dash 1.6 you can easily access assets from other projects without needing to copy them separately another project of mine contains meas SK trees which I can access in this project as well I select the project folder in the top bar as you can see I can easily access the trees I select a few and drag them into the scene let's create a dance Forest I mask out my main building using the proximity [Music] mask [Music] the scene looks quite dark so I will add some lights to start I will illuminate the armchair with a rectangle light I use the light source in other areas as well the back area isn't getting enough light so I will place a larger light source near the [Music] windows I've put more effort to highlight some areas in the [Music] scene this corner here still feels a bit empty so I will use the C cable tool of Dash to create a string of lights here I drop in a simple Cube scale it down and duplicate it twice in the dash tool I can find the cable tool I select my cubes and now I press the plus sign in the object section Dash connects the three cubes with a cable I adjust the radius to my liking and then duplicate the ca as a few times I can also adjust the gravity I modeled a simple light bulb which I will scatter along the cables I created I selected from the dash asset Library I choose skon selection I set the scale the surface alignment and the edge [Music] breakup [Music] and once again I can always come back and adjust my [Music] settings I will add some more place to perfect my composition as a final step step let's do some postprocessing I choose my camera and click on the adjust camera settings here I can fine tune my image if you want to edit your footage even further you can make some adjustments in the Venture resolve as well so here's the final scene I hope this video was helpful and if you'd like to learn more about Dash you can find plenty of tutorials on this channel please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions and if you like this video consider subscribing to the channel and you can also join our Discord server where you can even share your creations with us thank you for watching bye-bye [Music]
Views: 2,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dash Plugin, Unreal Engine, Architectural Visualization, Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial, Efficient Design Workflow, Real-Time Rendering, Game Development, Archviz, Unreal Engine for Beginners, Unreal Engine Plugins, Poly haven, megascans, environmentart, How to scatter grass in ue5, AI content tagging Unreal engine 5, How to create a path in UE5, Outdoor archviz environment tutorial, adjusting materials ue5, UE5 Realistic, photorealistic, path tracer, interior design 3d
Id: N7XLl348vG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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