Realistic Architecture Environment in UE5 - Dash Workflow

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hello and welcome in this video I'm going to show you how to use the Ash and its features to create an outdoor scene for Ariz I will cover the benefits of the new AI tagging system how to use the scattering tools edit materials and more I'm thas n and I'm going to be your guide in this video so let's go first I gathered some images for inspirational purposes based on my ideas I would like to create a modern house integrated with some old ruins in the middle of a grass landscape I'm starting a new project and a new empty level I open the dash toolbar and click on the browse Content Library icon here I can find my downloaded Mega scans assets all the content from poly Haven and also my own assets but I'll talk more about it a bit later from the PO Haven HDR Library I select an hdri that I like I have some favorites I choose one from those I set the resolution and drag it into the SC now our space is lit up I created a simple house model with some placeholders that I will import into the project you can find it in the video description I set the lighting by rotating the [Music] hdri I add a directional light into the scene and set its rotation to align with the H Sun I drag in a post process for you I set it to Unbound and adjust the exposure in the dash toolbar I type in camera to create one I roughly set up up my composition and I adjust it a little for this scene I downloaded a few assets from the Epic Marketplace such as the rural Australian pack and the backyard packs one and two I've imported the downloaded asset packs into the project I can search for the asset I want to use but I need to know the name of the asset or I can do some filtering by type for example I'm looking for aesthetic mesh or material this is where Dash's new AI taking system comes in this creates TXS for the assets so I can search also for properties not just names I click on the AI tagging button which brings up the content browser Das detects all of the Assets in my project I click on the compute button to start the process this may take a few [Music] minutes all my assets are available organized and ready to be easy eily dropped into the scene so let's search for some trees or I can search only for the red aets or [Music] green also I can combine Tex so let's search for chairs and the color orange it's that [Music] simple my next step is to create the grassland I downloaded some vegetation from the megas [Music] Library I quickly delete the placeholder and use Dash to generate the terrain I adjust the parameters to my liking for this scene I generated a simple flat Terrain [Music] I drop in the grass texture from the dash library and set the UV [Music] scale it's time to start applying materials to the building for the windows I simply drag in the glass material from the starter content by default the glash there looks quite bad if you want you can set the translucency to R race for a better [Music] look I downloaded some 3D scans from the mega scans Library as well I want to generate some old crumbling stone walls to surround the modern building I drag this rock into the scene in the dash toolbar I type in Scatter and I'm going to use the grid scatter for now after selecting my rock I click on the plus sign beside the instance mesh and also beside the grid origin panel now I scattered my rock I quickly set the parameter [Music] and click on the random spin option for a more natural [Music] look and voila we have our stone [Music] wall later on I scattered some plants on it which should break the repetition more effectively now I duplicate it a few [Music] times in most of my images we have overgrown vegetation so I place the rock model next to the wall and I'm going to scatter some bushes on it later [Music] I dropping the rock I used for the wall into the scene along with two other rocks I will scatter them using the physics tool of Dash I type physics to the dash toolbar and this brings up the physics bar I select the rocks and set them to Dynamic I set every other object that I don't want want the rocks to fall through the static with the Rocks selected I click on paint by pressing down both the shift and the middle Mouse button I can adjust the brush size and then by clicking the left Mouse button I can paint some [Music] rocks I can adjust the position of the rocks by holding down the middle Mouse button let's create the path in the dash toolbar I select the curve tool I set the minimum spacing between points to 50 then after pressing the start drawing button I draw a curve freely by hand I can also adjust the curve points individually I drag a mega scans model into the scene I'm going to scal it along the curve I make some quick adjustments to the [Music] material in the dash toolbar I select the path scatter option with the model selected I click on the plus sign next to scatter and after selecting the curve I press the plus sign next to Curves or you can just drag and drop it on the curve that works either I can adjust some of the parameters to my liking now we have a road I will scatter some rocks along it I select my Terrain in the content browser I select the desired elements then while holding down control I drag them over my Thro brain I click on the scon selection option I would like to scatter the rocks to appear only along the edge of the road to achieve this I click on the proximity mask one select the road and click on the plus sign the Rocks disappear from the road now I click on invert and adjust the distance parameter after that I click on the proximity Mask two I select my curve in the center of the road and click on the plus sign I adjust the distance parameter to mask out the rocks that we don't need I also adjust the density of the [Music] Rocks I want to scatter another rock model in the same way I apply the same [Music] method after that I scatter some vegetation along the road as [Music] well and in just a few minutes we managed to create a nice little road next I select some plants that I scattered on the terrain creating gash grassland holding down control I scatter the plans and with the help of proximity masking I can select where grass should not appear such as on the road and under the [Music] [Music] building let's see how the scene looks now with the path tracer as you can see our vegetation is not visible in the background I can fix this with two simple console commands for now I will hide my grass I scatter some rocks around to fill up the space a [Music] bit now I want to add some trees in the background in the dash pront bar I type in plane which generates a simple plane in the scene I scale it up and place it behind the building I will scatter some trees from the Australian asset back onto this [Music] plane now I can easily move the trees around using the plane I will add a few more trees to the composition it's time to SCA some vegetation on the rock walls using the well-known method I want the bushes to only appear at the top of the wall I can achieve this with a height mask [Music] tool I will duplicate this for the other side as [Music] well and I repeat the process for the other walls too let's add some bushes to the large rock as well here a bit denser the vegetation completely covers this rock and I also want to place some plants in between the [Music] Rocks I found the sky a bit boring so I experimented with a few other HD eyes this one with its nice blue sky and fluffy clouds looks much better let's throw in some props from the assets library and search for them with text I will also add some decals to our building making it more interesting I will scatter some bushes on this Rocky ground model to break up the grassland and make the ground more diverse I generated mashing blender with holes in it which I we use to simulate the sunlight filtering through the clouds finally I apply some color grading and after some adjustments here's my final result so that's it I hope you found some useful informations in this video and if you like Dash consider joining the Discord server where you can share your artwork and get fresh information about future updates take care bye-bye
Views: 17,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dash Plugin, Unreal Engine, Architectural Visualization, Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial, Efficient Design Workflow, Real-Time Rendering, Game Development, Archviz, Unreal Engine for Beginners, Unreal Engine Plugins, Poly haven, megascans, environmentart, How to scatter grass in ue5, AI content tagging Unreal engine 5, How to do Post Processing in UE5, How to create a path in UE5, Outdoor archviz environment tutorial, adjusting materials ue5, UE5 Realistic, photorealistic, path tracer
Id: _9b_dabCpVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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