ArchiCAD 24: Start to Finish Tutorial in Under 30 Minutes

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from absolutely nothing to finished product including renders in under 15 minutes let's see if we can do it [Music] what's going on guys my name is david thomich and welcome back to the channel if you're new here firstly thank you so much for joining me i am a registered architect in the state of western australia today we are looking at creating and designing something from scratch on archicad 24. i'm going to be taking you through the process of starting out setting up your templates and all your views taking it into twin motion and exporting it that's the goal at least let's see what we can achieve okay so we've opened up archicad 24 with the australian standard template whatever template you open up is probably going to be the same as what i see here in front of me if you don't see these side panels here on the right hand side you can easily go to window palettes and open up your trace and reference which is the top right hand one and the navigator which is the bottom one that you see so to start off a project we always want to start by pressing command 7 which opens up the story settings it's either control or command depending on what system you're working on we want to start up by inserting one below and creating a footings layer which needs to be roughly -172 below the ground it gives you the thickness of the slab ground can be three meters for the purpose of the argument first can be another three meters but what you want to do is insert another story and go ground ceiling and give that potentially about 300 mil and then do the same for the roof and all you want to do is click ok here if we start with a slab on the right hand side you can click the slab tool and you can draw a very simple slab you click once and it will start dragging the second time you click it'll finish that slab what we want to do is actually delete that click the slab tool click it once and type so maybe we want to make this project 20 meters by 6 meters and we have our first slab if we want to show everything in 3d it's up here but if you ever accidentally close that tab you can right click and show all in 3d so there we have it we have our first slab which you can orientate and orbit around by holding shift and the center scroll wheel so we have our slab if we wanted to change the material of that slab we can click command t to open up the slab section materiality palette or you can click this little icon here if we click that it opens up the dialog and we can either do a generic roof slab change elements through that or we can simply change the material of it if we click link all it automatically links everything in that section let's say we want that slab to be concrete so we're going to try to find a concrete there we go on the right hand side we have concrete concrete let's go concrete light 23 for the purposes of the argument and there we go it automatically changes the look and feel of that slab now these textures are important later on when we move the twin motion because twin motion links all of your textures that you have used that are identical so if you go and place concrete on a wall that you want to be a different texture it's automatically going to join those two and you're not going to be able to differentiate them so we want to make sure we get textures right moving back to the ground floor plan we're going to use our first wall tool what you're going to see is everything comes with layers layers are important because you can change layers how you want so you can have different views for different things this is an external wall for the purposes of this so it can stay on external wall the type of wall in itself we can start with the outside face which is demonstrated like that and if you want to flip it you can just do the p button or you can click the little rotate button there so we can do the outside face we can do the center line or we can do the inside face depending on how you want to draw that wall for argument's sake we're going to do outside face and we have a standard selection automatically generated of different concrete wall types brick types timber types steel types whatever so for the purposes of this let's go 90 mil stud partition that way we can do a 90 mil perimeter wall there we go if we click back on our 3d that's automatically generated straight away but you can see it is a wrong concrete texture so if we click that command t again click all those this is the outside face this is the corners and this is the internal face so let's say we want to change the outside face to some sort of steel roof material because we're going to make almost container like projects so we're going to go corrugated sheet metal for the outside for the inside we want to make plaster we want to make it look nice white haven here which gives us a color option it doesn't matter what color options you have you can paint it whatever you like it's completely up to you oh sorry that was the actual edges so that needs to be also the corrugated roof sheeting and the last one needs to be the paint so if we click ok we will see that the outside has changed to this steel corrugated look and the inside is our painted plaster so if we go back to our ground floor plan at the top here we can jump up to our ground ceiling and we see nothing now that might be an issue for you if you're trying to understand what's going on the floor below or any floor for that matter what you can do is right click on the story that you want to see and click show as trace reference and now everything that you've shown on the ground floor plan is shown on that new plan that you're looking at if we're going to design a ceiling let's say we go back to that slab tool which is this one here and we're going to change those settings we're going to change that generic slab to this icon here without the compositions across so it's a basic composition we're going to make it 10 mil thick it automatically knows it's plasterboard it's 3000 above that floor level because that's what we set up our stories originally and whilst we're here we might already just paint that all the right color so we'll paint that titanium white to differentiate the ceilings and the floor so we click ok and we're able to join automatically clicks and creates so there we go we have our first box that isn't very exciting but we'll keep going so what we also want to do is include a new slab so let's say we go back to the slab tool and we want to have so we want to have a 300mm thick slab we don't want it to be plasterboard we actually want it to be concrete so we find where the structural concrete is click on that change that back to the concrete that we used before concrete light 23 and what we actually want to do is we want to zoom in to the corners and find where the plasterboard separates from the wall material so we can run our sheet beyond so if we go back to here click it on the internal and create that slab and then go back into 3d you'll find that it's just hovering and doing this problematic image now what we want to do is we can come down to our little man down the bottom click explore and use the joystick to play like a video game so w s a d and c and space bar help you move around so what we want to do is actually fly into the house click on that slab up here move it up 300 mil so now we can see the plaster sitting underneath that concrete slab we can see the concrete slab above and the reason we did it 10 mil offset is so we can click on this wall here and ungroup it so what you want to do is click alt g and then you have this stretch height ability we have to ungroup it because if it isn't ungrouped it won't let you stretch it so we can stretch it past there and then we can continue to stretch it past the footing so the footing isn't seen but what we didn't do with the footing is articulate that 10 mil offset so if we click on that layer again i work a lot in 3d you can do this obviously in the 2d floor plan completely up to you we can click and utilize this offset all edges tool so we can make it bigger or smaller on all edges what we want to do is bring it in to the inside press 10 mil click enter and there we go our cladding has run all the way through to the bottom of the slab there are multiple ways of doing this this is the quickest and easiest way simply for presentation purposes only not for construction so keep that in mind what we want to do is replicate that exact first floor on the next floor and move back to our ground floor plan we can select all of these walls again individually or by pressing one and clicking alt g because they are connected click command c for copy move back to our first floor plan and click command v for paste and then it will replicate all the materials all the parameters absolutely everything so we have our first floor okay so we have our structure now what needs to happen it needs a roof simply going over to the roof tool on the right hand side or the roof floor plan sorry and clicking roof tool we are able to start designing our roof the roof is a very simple tool you can use it for a single plane mono pitch or you can use it for a multi-plane typical pitched roof for this design we want to select this single plane and start by falling it to the rear so what we can do is click on the bottom side move it up and then draw our roof to the external side and that roof is created we'll go back to 3d and we can see our nice big pitched roof however that's a little bit too pitch for me in this design and i want to move it up another 300 or 200 mil whatever it is 270 mil so what we can do is click command d to activate the move tool then you can click on the corner and move it up where you need to alternatively by clicking command z we can undo that you can click on the corner look for all these options and look for the drag tool and then you can drag it up you can drag absolutely anywhere but we need to drag it just there and we want to reduce the pitch of that we can do that multiple ways we can reduce it here or we can reduce it by going back to the roof plan and clicking the settings tab or command t so for the purposes of this we'll do it in 3d we want to reduce that to 5 degrees just a small little pitch and then what we want to do again is select all those walls ungroup them by pressing alt g drag up to pass that roof click on the roof as well right click and then go connect trim elements to roof and shell and trim so now our roof has been perfectly trimmed and we don't need to worry about cutting and moving all those walls individually let's move back to the floor plan and go to the ground floor plan for the purposes we're not going to design the interior so much we're just going to add few doors windows and walls so if we go back to the wall tool walls external we're drawing some internal walls they're probably going to be 75 mil stud just to change it up a bit and we can draw a couple walls however we want basic we don't really need to be worrying about it however what we do want to worry about is the windows and the doors the elevation and the look and feel of this building so what we're going to do is start by using the door tool opening up the door settings dragging it to the right page and searching for door we know what we're looking for we're looking for a standard door archicad gives you a whole bunch of options that you can choose from but for the purposes of this we'll start with archicad door 24. moving back up to the very first page and selecting this front view to be able to view the door what we want to do is click through and change everything how we'd like it to be you can change it however you want it's completely up to you the only thing i'm going to be really changing in this video is the materials so we're going to come back to material attributes scroll down and start changing these elements we don't want it to be white we want it to be black so what we're going to do is just go back down change it to monument it automatically changes everything quickly and you can just click ok so let's start putting a couple doors in we'll put one here we'll put one here and we'll put one here let's say we also needed a garage door we can click back on this door 24 and look for our garage door so we have a garage door 24 with the same options as before so we're just going to quickly click through to find what we're looking for in this case we're looking to change the materials again so it's in model attributes we click uniform door surfaces and we're going to paint this black as well it's going to be a really nice black house because that's trending at the moment and then all of a sudden you click again and you have two barn doors so if we were to look at our floor plan there we go we're starting to get a little bit of a building coming together if we go back to the ground floor plan we can activate the window tool come back to the window setting again drag it across and select the type of windows we want so we'll just use fixed windows for the purposes of argument we'll make this one three meters long by 800 high which makes it a long narrow skinny window click ok and place a couple windows into the project so there's one there's two there's three we're going to change the windows up a little bit we're going to do the exact opposite go 800 by 2 8 with a 200 seal height the seal height is how far it sits off the slab so we can easily adjust that whenever we need one two three now if we go back to our 3d view we can see all the placement of the doors the windows and everything now personally i don't like how this looks so i can easily adjust it in 3d let's say we want this door to be 2 8 high to match our windows we want this window to actually sit higher so we click click the little drag vertically button and click that we can multiply that very simply by holding the alt command pressing on the door and then holding control and alt and clicking on the door to replicate all the parameters of that door we can do the same with the window so alt control and alt and it is repeated it will memorize the last command you did so if you want to do it multiple times you can now for the purposes of this we're just running through this quickly let's drop all of these windows to zero seal height so they're all perfectly aligned now there we go that's nice they all start to align it's starting to look a bit more like an actual building it's starting to look a lot better what we want to continue doing is adding some more windows so let's go back to the window tool and maybe we want to do something a bit quirky let's say we want a nice big round window so we scroll through the windows and we've found our round window 24 let's say we want to make that massive 2 meters seal height oh let's say 400 mil it might be the wrong height but we'll quickly find out we'll click through everything to find those model attributes so we can change our window click on that go back to midnight black where is our monument there we go click ok and insert this giant circle window now that might be horrendous we're about to find out actually not overly half bad but i still don't like how big that is it needs to be bigger so we can quickly edit that up here there we go and then we can also click there drop it down 100 mil so now we have a massive beautiful window that is connected into this design now we've got doors and windows but only on the first floor so we want to come back to the side panel click on the first floor and then start putting in some nice windows up above let's say we want a beautiful long narrow window across the whole design okay so we want to move back down to our ground floor hold alt on one of the windows that we like and then move back up to our first floor so it replicates those settings and we can click it now let's say we want to corner window let's move this across open up the settings by pressing command t again and going through the settings until we find the corner and opening setting you can easily click on this look through this list and find exactly what you're looking for so for us today it'll be custom corner custom corner 1 90 degrees simple click ok and i've done the wrong side so what we can do is click control m to mirror it click on the center and it'll automatically flip that window around so we go by pressing ctrl d moving that across and we have a beautiful corner window by holding down the alt key and clicking again we can replicate that window and move it into place as we want it to be so if you can't select the window that you're struggling to find you can tap through items until you find exactly what you're looking for now apologies i am going extremely quick i'm trying to get this in 15 minutes and give you as much information as possible i think i'm well over time already but we'll cut this down and make it super informative going back to the 3d view now we have our beautiful highlight window that's a little bit too high for my liking let's say we only want that a meter off the ground so we're changing that seal height up here and creating that corner window let's say we want this corner window to extend so we click on the window first we click on the black hot spot and we drag that window out in line with this it'll automatically snap and let go now we have this beautiful long single pane window which would cost a small fortune but that's okay we want to do the same on this side move this across and end it in line with that window there so we have some symmetry to keep this relatively uniform i don't think i need too many more windows on this side i think that's starting to look a little bit quirky a little bit fun terrible design but we're doing this just to demonstrate all the features of archicad 24 as quickly as we can it's missing some architectural flair now so what we can do is actually create some unique shapes if we go back to roof we can extend the roof another 600 or so by going offset edge maybe let's go three meters to give it some sort of awning if we go back to our design we can see that roof has extended three meters over if we go back to our ground floor plan now we can actually we can show trace reference of the roof so we know exactly how far it extends alt over our wall and draw a new wall across here now we've extended that wall it's only on the ground floor plan but we'll need it to extend to the top so we click the black hot spot adjust the height and run it to the top now for the purposes of this i want to command t and give that internal a little bit of a timber feel because well at the moment it's a bit boring so let's just go floorboards one for materiality's sake and i want to replicate that on the roof here so we're going to go to the roof plan show trace reference of the ground floor plan and you'll notice that you can't see anything that's because the roof has a fill on it so we want to come over to our trace reference and click that last icon to give it an x-ray view now we can still click on our roof we can come up to the top and select this axe or we can press control forward slash and then all we want to do is run one click run the axe pass the wall second click and cut in the direction we want to keep the plane we're going to fix this roof up by going command t painting the inside with that same floorboard one and now we have this floorboard wrap around look if we wanted to get even more quirkier with this design and say we wanted to cut this wall all the way up at a nice degree you can do that multiple ways but i think the easiest way for me personally is by using the roof tool so by using the roof tool we're going to start here drag it across and create just another small roof panel that is going to seem odd at the start but it'll all make sense in a second so we've created this roof tool and we're going to drag it to the ground floor footings it isn't at the right angle for me there we go so 67 is probably the perfect amount okay so the easiest way to actually emulate this wall and what we're looking for is by starting the clicking on the wall then moving up to design and falling down to solid element operations moving our new panel across into the window that's being recorded we're clicking on our roof secondly and adding as the operator the operator is the one that is cutting and doing the work we want to subtract with a downwards extrusion we don't want to delete this bit we want to delete this bit which is below hence the downwards and then all we have to do is click execute and it will delete that section of the wall we want to make this invisible so what we're going to do is open up the settings panel again change that to only one millimeter thick and make that a new element which is just air so if we click on that change those settings you can see that we have to one adjust that and to readjust the height but now we have a hidden element that won't be seen in 3d and gives you a perfectly cut section now i have an additional plug-in to my archicad 24 which you may or may not have if you don't have it that's okay you don't need it for the purpose of this video you can simply click these two roof elements and change it to material steel same as we did for the walls so it's the roof corrugated sheet metal that we're looking for and clicking okay so it will give you the same appearance all around which isn't perfect but you can also change the sides to give you that roof sheet metal alternatively if you do have a plug-in we can go to ci tools we can go to coverings and we can go to roof covering drag that panel across again changing that to a corrugated look with some gutters and clicking ok what you will notice is because we cut the roof we have this join panel so we want to click these two elements go back to ci tools coverings edit roof edges we don't need anything here so we're going to click on that line and go none and this is not a junction it is a barge so we're going to change that to barge and we click ok so you see it removes that and adds an element to the rear side of this roof we have a gutter on this side so theoretically we're going to have down pipes coming in but we're not going to draw them in for this video all this purple is giving me a headache so we're going to go back into the tools change that purple to black and if that doesn't do the trick you can always overwrite the object pen and change it to black so if we update that there we go that element is completely gone we are safe unfortunately we have messed this up so we need to quickly change that back to floorboards brown and we have our house completed now we're going to take this over into twin motion and start rendering it properly so make sure you install twin motion all the plugins so you can do this properly that'll be a completely different video or i'm sure you can search it on youtube right now but what you want to do is go to twin motion 2020 and direct link and there we go so we say it's a new project and we click ok it'll synchronize it it'll make it and it'll look horrendous so what we actually want to do is start putting some materials some textures and making this look nice now it's a different control mechanism for a twin motion as it is on archicad but it's similar to that explore mode so by clicking on this floor plate we can drag that up to just hide the bottom of that but because our door is so much higher we're going to keep dragging it to the bottom of the door we're going to open up the side panel go to materials ground nature grass to drag drop and for argument we're just going to drag it up to 3 scale and there we go now it's looking a little bit odd it's looking a little bit funny but we can go back to our library into our materials metal drag that down until we find the nice metal that we're looking for aluminium sliding is perfect that's what we're looking for we want it black so we click on the color we drag it down to where we think black looks good in the settings i think personally that looks good so we're going to click and use that now we go we can click the little eyedropper and select the archicad materials which is metal aluminium now if we want to replicate the colors we click back on that sliding material that we just selected click on the color double click on the hashtag color number copy that across go back click on our windows again click on the color and paste that number in so all those colors are identical they don't look identical so what we're actually going to do is copy the monument black and use that there now there isn't too much on this project so we're going to change the glass to reflective which is perfect we're going to change that wood look because it doesn't look nice to this dark timber and we're going to change the rotation 90 degrees so if you missed that it was just in more on scale again very quick tutorial i hope you're keeping up so if we come back out we have this stunning home that is looking very odd in its settings so we want to change that up a little bit when i click down here to the settings the location allows us to change the date and time and the actual location so if we move that down just before sunset somewhere about oh there's looking quite nice personally speaking we're going to go back to settings change the weather add some clouds beautiful back to location and the background so it looks a little bit odd let's put it in a mountain view okay so we have our building that's almost ready to export if we come up we're going to just quickly add some trees so for me personally it's just come into the trees go to the tree section click on one tree once let's give ourselves some room and we're only going to take one image so we're just going to click like crazy to create some trees and some forestry okay so that's all the trees i'm going to add then i'm going to add a few little shrubs here and there just to give that bush forest look we're going to click as many as we can we might need to add some more later on but we'll find out there is an alternative method to doing this which is a lot quicker and easier but i like the control and the consistency if you want to do it a different method you can click down here go vegetation paint and select whatever tree or whatever shrub you want to paint so we use that base bush click there click the paint button and just draw lots and lots and lots without having to click a million times you also have that option but again i like the clicking i like satisfaction and there we go we're ready to export our image all we have to do is click media image create first image now it's automatically shifted that out so we want to go to camera sorry we want to go to more and then camera settings and start bringing that in a little bit maybe about 75 we don't want depth of field we don't want that we don't want that and then we're going to go back to our image readjust our positioning there refresh and recapture and we're going to go export image click on the one image and click start export for arguments we'll just select the desktop and let it export export is relatively quick for one image take a couple seconds but we'll let it do its thing and there you have it guys that render is exported it's done it's perfect for that first consultation that project hopefully took only about 15 minutes but looking at my timer we're well over 40 minutes so i'm going to try to condense this as much as i can and hopefully it provided some you some value anyway that's all for me today guys thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoyed the video i hope you got some information out of it if you did again i apologize for the speed make sure you smash that subscribe button down below today's video is part of my 28 videos in 28 days series so it's usually i'll see you next monday but because we are still in february i will see you tomorrow
Channel: David Tomic
Views: 84,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: archicad 24, archicad tutorial, archicad 24 quick, archicad 24 tutorial, archicad quick start, twinmotion tutorial, twinmotion guide, archicad guide, archicad how to, archicad 24 how to, how to architect, how to archicad, archicad learn, learn archicad, learn archicad 24, tutorial, learn, how to, architect, architecture, architect student, david, tomic, david tomic
Id: u__Owxoy3Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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