ArchiCAD 24: Design Tutorial under 45 Minutes

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so a few of you reached out to me on discord this week and asked me to help you some more with archicad 24 so that's exactly what we're doing here today what's going on guys my name is david thomas and welcome back to the channel today we're talking about arcade 24 and how we can utilize a very simple inspirational image this one in particular and creating it and replicating it in arcade 24. now the image i've selected has come through from one of you guys on the discord private message chat there's a link down below if you want to join the discord chat there's a few members on there we're slowly growing it it's slowly getting more and more popular and hopefully we'll build a little community there where all architects and designers can collaborate and help create better designs together in one unique space anyway i wanted to show you exactly how to create this model in arcad 24 and then take it over to twin motion and render it out in less than 30 minutes now that's always the goal we try to smash out a tutorial like this in 30 minutes hopefully we get that in that time frame if we do it even quicker fantastic if we take a little bit longer that's okay hopefully you learn lots in the process anyway enough of my face let's turn around to these screens and get started with today's tutorial alright so we've got our inspiration image open on the left screen here and we've got our cad 24 being recorded on the right screen i'm going back to this two panel system here which probably gonna turn into a three panel system to keep this image in its screen the whole video so you guys can see how we're thinking through it and how replicating it let me know if you do like this system more so or if you'd still prefer the floating head down below i'm trying to make these videos a lot more interactive and a lot more engaging with you all so that's why i'm thinking that this two panel system works pretty well but so far the comments have been floating ahead i'm gonna test it for a little bit and if it is still floating ahead at the end of the day well we're going back to the traditional floating head system i chose this image here sent through by one of you guys on the discord chat for the very simple reason that it features a number of different elements that we really need to work through so as you can see we have very thick walls that aren't traditionally stored in arcade 24 from the get-go we have steps we have a timber feature screen we have pfc members running behind we have garden beds on the right we have a pond we have the street we have curbing we have all sorts of elements so i wanted to start with the foundations and start where we start with most videos and that's by clicking ctrl seven so control seven will open up your story settings it lets you enable all the different heights in the building in the project that you have going for me i always like to insert a story below and call it footings in this instance i'm actually going to lower it by 600 instead of by our usual 172 which is the typical slab thickness including a footing i'm going for 600 here because i'm basically gauging it off a three-step system and the actual soil for the tree as well so a tree of that size would need about a meter of deep soil to be able to grow and have the root systems function properly i'm not a landscape architect i'm a regular architect but that's just my experience with trees it would depend on the different species of course but we're just going generic at the moment it is sitting inside the ground as well so 600 is just additional soil and then you have natural ground level below but we're calling our footings 600ml in this instance and we're probably gonna go and call our ground floor the top of that blade wall on the right hand side which looking at it the man's probably about 1.8 and you can probably fit three if not four of him on the side so let's call the top of our ground floor six meters i don't know what's happening behind i'm not going to worry about what's happening behind we're just focusing on the main inspiration image so let's click ok and our story settings have been set up i'm going to start by creating a generic mesh of the overall site so we know we're really working with i think it's a relatively small site we're probably not talking any bigger than 10 by 10 but i'm gonna make it about 20 by 20 to actually be able to model the street the curbing the grass the footpath and everything that we see as well so what i did there is go down to this mesh tool here on the right hand on the left hand side of the panel click on mesh click once and drag up secondary time i haven't clicked but what i can do is press the tab button which will let us change the dimensions manually so i'm going to type in 20 000 press tab again and then type in 20 000 once more so now we have our foundations of our overall site that we're going to be playing with i don't want to really have to worry about the corners of the street and everything so i'm actually going to just utilize the inside of this site by holding alt i can activate my eyedropper tool which lets me replicate the settings of anything that i click on so i'm going to once again click on that mesh tool and simply create a 10 by 10 square by repeating the same steps we talked about i'm going to click on this internal square once press ctrl d and select the bottom node i'm going to move it to one corner press ctrl d again click on the top node move it to the opposite side so 14 142 if we half that that's about 7071. so i'm just going to type in 7071 on a 45 degree angle centers that almost perfectly in the center of that shape now this shape we've created here is going to be our main foundation of the building and we're going to slowly work our way in towards that if you're not really concerned about any of the site context and layout how we're going to create that you can skip ahead in the timeline you know somewhere down there i will put the markers in so you can jump ahead but we're going to focus on our road we're going to focus on our curb and our landscaping just quickly before we move into that section so roads are anywhere from 6 to 12 to 18 meters wide depending on the roads themselves this one's probably not much wider than six meters so what i'm going to do is click on one of the outskirts of these perimeters click on it once click on offset all edges i don't want offset edge i want offset all edges and then i'm going to tap the control key again now you can see that we're offsetting more and more and more as we move in and we only have five meters to our building that we're planning on designing we probably need three meters for the landscaping and garden etc if not more we can call it five so instead of going inwards i'm actually going to go outwards six meters so now we have an even larger square than we traditionally started with if i click m to open up my measure tool i can click once to just double check that is six meters and click again to keep measuring in different directions but we don't need to so escape key will get you out of that one if i open up the settings of this mesh section here i can see that this is created as grass i don't want that to be grass let's just change that to concrete so if you type in c-o-n it'll quickly jump to some sort of concrete material we'll go concrete light 23 for the purposes of this and i'll make it all concrete light and override all settings by linking it together so we click ok that's completed i can now go ahead and start messing with the curbing and the grass itself so if we do the same thing and open up the settings we can come up to the dialog box or we can click ctrl t to open up those settings for that internal square which we're going to be using as our grass it's already annotated as grass but what i want to do is change the edging of it to concrete as well so i'm going to go into this and change it to a different sort of concrete i'm just going to click concrete 2 that'll make sense in twin motion when we get there because it's all about material color matching i'm also going to increase this by 100 millimeters to create that curbing there itself it's a generic way to create a curb we can go and model that in a lot more detail but it looks like it's just a simple square flush curve so we're just clicking ok and we've created partial areas of our site if i go show in 3d in this tab up here we'll see that we've started to create our site so we have our road we have our very simple very very simple curbing along the edge and we have our grass on top now if i go back in to this ground floor plan and look at this curbing that we've created comparing it to what we have in 3d it's not very realistic we don't really have any depth to it so what i want to do is actually click on one of the edges offset all edges control and i'm going to go about 150 mil so you'll see we've created a secondary mesh inside i want to click on the outside one click on any of the corners select my minus hold space and then click once more so now i'm going to open up the settings again by clicking ctrl t and change this all to concrete2 so now i have a curb in full 3d so if we come back to our 3d you'll see that we actually have a full curve rather than what we were having before so now we're slowly getting to understand our context and slowly starting to create our shapes that we need if i come back with my ground floor plan i know we're walking into the building about here so what i'm going to do is select the grassed area that we've created click again on one of those corners and click on the interior square now that basically just chops out the middle of the building as much as we can very quickly by holding space and clicking on that shape and now i'm going to continue creating the rest of the environment so we have a little footpath coming in here so if i click on one of these corners again get the subtract tool come up to the top and use a rectangle geometry i can create a footpath of approximately three meters i believe that would be more than enough and then what i can do is select our kerbing come across to our axe tool split it is also the control and forward slash key if you want a shortcut for it but all we have to do is click on that little axe and click on that line there holding shift to make sure we aren't locking and moving in any direction except perfectly perpendicular down and clicking in the direction we want to keep our selection so if i click cut you'll see it's cut all the way through that axe which is fine because i'm not really worried about the back end of this building as we have this highlighted i want to click again on one of these edges and then i want to select the single offset edge tool and just drag that back to the start of the footpath i want to also do the same thing on both sides here to create a kerb wrapping back into this building so what i'm going to simply do is click the plus sign instead of the minus sign this time and move it up press tab go 150 gives us our new curbing do the same on this side going all the way up 150 and if we check out our 3d there it is over this side we've started to model our curbing we've started to model our footpath now it looks like this section of the footpath is a little bit higher than the actual road level so what we can do is simply click on one of these edges click the subtract tool and draw a square over that we can then hold alt and highlight our footpath that we used before holding space and clicking again we can rapidly create a new section so i can increase that by opening ctrl t going just 50 ml for the time being and lifting that 50 ml off the ground now you see this is flickering constantly and really annoying for this very simple fact that we have multiple elements overlaid so if we come back into our ground floor plan click on the overall square you'll see that it's overlaying and falling and failing because of this so we can simply click the edge hold space and get rid of that secondary one so now we don't have anything overlapping for our main building shape if i click on this mesh click ctrl t again highlight all of those override surface models and change that to let's say concrete 10 in this instance and i also want to lift it up 600 millimeters because that's going to be the basis of our design clicking ok we're starting to see it all come together so there's only a couple elements left this design i think there's a small footpath wrapping around the building and another footpath wrapping to the right and then we have our garden kind of pond planter on the right hand side as well so before we start going into our actual building i'm going to quickly finish off the edge of this context here so if we say we have a footpath that wraps around the entire building what we'll do is actually select our curbing as best as we can tricky if you can never select the right one that you're looking for just hover over what you're looking for and tab your way through it so tab will allow you to select different elements quickly we're gonna select the edge move that back one meter and then we're gonna click one of the edges select the additional tool hold shift running the line with the edge of our building context and tab down twice to this 1000 meter instead of going upwards we actually want to go in the opposite direction so we can actually type minus 150 which creates our curbing internally we also want to extend this an additional meter and then repeat the same process on this side here so there we have it minus 150 we've created a new curve that wraps all the way around we can then quickly click on some of these edges here drag out the mesh that we've created click on the new mesh and if we click the simple geometric method we can click a few times to create our footpath on the left hand side if you do make a mistake like that you can click backspace to come out of it and then double click to finish no matter where you are in the project if we come back to our show all in 3d we can see we've created that recessed footpath with the kerbing wrapping around and all we have to do is create the same effect on the right hand side so the same process very simple select the curve drag one meter down click one of the nodes make sure the plus is selected make sure the rectangular geometry is selected drag it all the way across and tab 150. now we have to do is remove this section of the grass and increase this section of the footpath by repeating the same process as we did a moment ago now coming back into 3d you'll see that we've created that new footpath we have some of our grass overlapping our curve and hence the flickering we can edit this in 3d if we like so just simply clicking that coming over to our offset edge and retracting it across and we've created our new path going that way i would assume there'd be some sort of curbing on this side as well because we have some sort of pond so what i'll do is again click on a node make sure that plus sign is selected come across here let's go 150 and i'm going to cut this section again and drag that off setting it back 150. so what we've done is actually split this mesh from this mesh so if i open up the settings by clicking command t highlighting all of these override surfaces and typing in water i can make it water wavy pond and now we have some sort of pond on the right hand side i'm going to use the same footpath to create the foundation of this tree in the center of this pond over here so i'll just hold the alt key select that and draw a one meter by one meter square it wouldn't be a meter biometer in this image but i think that is a more realistic planter size and then what i'll do is very similar to how we started the project clicking on offset all edges clicking the control key and going 150 and then selecting our outside box going the minus holding space clicking again to be able to create some sort of curbing inside now i'm holding shift and the scroll wheel of the mouse to be able to fly a little bit more freely i'm going to open up the settings of those two and lift that to about 200. now we don't need the center one whatsoever but for visual effects we'll go back here we'll change that to earth brown and we'll also click control d to lower that by 50 millimeters so our tree can sit in that planter in the middle of the pond there so now the overall context of the actual site is completed it would be a car wrapping around here on the left hand side this would be a lot narrower than what we've actually created so we can cut that back in if we want to but we don't really have to and we'd have some sort of landscaping on the right hand side as well however that's the general context completed which means we can move on to the building elements themselves now the building elements themselves seem relatively simple but there's some complex tricks in here that i wanted to teach you guys today and that's why out of all the images i selected this one so if we come back into our ground floor plan we're going to be utilizing this space here in the center as our building foundation we can see that the main concrete wall on the right hand side which is rendered pure white is quite thick and quite large i'd call that almost a 500 mil thick wall which could be a series of different walls wrapped around made out of timber made out of concrete could be constructed in a magnitude of different ways but let's envision that it's potentially just one solid 500ml concrete wall now to create that there's a number of ways we can do it the easy way clicking on wall tool clicking on a wall and then changing the structure to a basic composition and changing it to 500 millimeters or we can do it the more complex way now i haven't shown you this on my channel yet so i wanted to show you the more complex way the harder way is to go into composites open up your composites panel and it will open up all the different wall types that archicad has available to you right now it doesn't really matter what one we select for the purpose of this but i'm just going to select a concrete suspended 250 ml suspended concrete plus timber finish and then i'm going to click new it's going to open up a secondary dialog box and i'm going to call it 500 millimeter concrete and click ok now it's divided into different skins different colors and different details depending on how you actually document but for the purposes of this wall and this construction we really need it to be a very simple concrete wall so we're going to remove the skin of the timber layer we're going to remove the skin of the dip rock and we're going to change that to 500 millimeters now before we click ok we have to make sure that we have our wall selected and deselect our floor we don't want that as a floor composite we want it as a wall composite and now we can click ok and actually find it in our basic wall structure so it would be one of the first ones most likely because the rest are actually lettered and our first one started with a number so 500 millimeter concrete wall if we start drawing that we can see it's a very thick very chunky wall but that's exactly what we wanted so we have our first concrete mass wall here and we have our secondary concrete mass wall here which actually looks like it comes through that footpath and makes that footpath completely redundant and a waste of time drawing but hey we're replicating somebody else's design and that's all part of the experience right so now we've drawn our two blade concrete walls and if we come back into 3d we'll see they're absolutely gigantic which is perfect because that's what we want i want to offset this edge here back in line with this concrete wall so we don't have that flickering effect and i'm going to change the materiality of these so if i come into this wall ctrl t to open up the settings i'm going to overwrite all the layers and i'm just going to pick extraco rough white it doesn't really matter it's just going to be a white concrete panel and i'm going to open up the settings of this section of the wall too do the exact same and find a different concrete material now we've used concrete light 23 for the road but hopefully it should be okay to use for this one as well if not we'll come in later and change it again in twin motion so now we have those two massive blade walls coming out that are striking and really really nice but we need some stairs to get up that there's a number of ways we can create our stairs we can click on this and we can remove about 600 ml of that so 600 millimeters of that removed maybe let's even go to 900 millimeters because there's three steps and then what we're going to do is create three large concrete steps so i'm going to hold alt clicking on that and pressing once with my square selected tab 300 millimeters creating my first step i'm going to click on that control d click on one corner plus with control and then repeat that step to get our third step so now if we open up our 3d nothing's really changed but you'll see that if we click quickly we'll see three different steps now what i didn't realize is the third step is actually the foundation so we can delete that third step click on the edge extend that back 300 millimeters select both of these steps by holding the shift key pressing ctrl d and moving that first one down 200 millimeters and moving that second one down by repeating that same step another 200 millimeters and there we have it we have our three steps created but we have flickering here so i'm going to select that main slab click on our axe tool and split that slab entirely so i can drag that across in line with that new wall that we've created so that flickering ceases and desists so it appears like this section here is more so little square tiles so again what i'll do is open up pick some tiles click ok and deal with that in a materiality section in twin motion coming back into our ground floor plan we noticed that there is a very large opening on this right hand side so you can use the opening tool but i prefer to use the wall opening so if i go into door click on the door settings and type in simple it'll open up the simple door opening object and i want to create that as three meters tall and potentially i'm unsure of the width for now so i'm going to leave that as off i'm going to select one side over here it falls in line with that back wall that runs along the whole way and then wraps up the top so i'll run that all the way to the edge of that wall and i'll extend that by clicking one of these nodes making sure i move node and i'll probably align it with the edge of that for simply the fact that it's some sort of indicator in this project now if we come back into 3d we'll see it's opened up it's broken that section and it looks really nice but it isn't three meters from the top of this wall it's three meters from the bottom of the ground so to make sure that this is actually sitting on top of this i'm just going to select the corner anywhere that i know a corner is click control d and then move that up in the project by holding shift and clicking in line with the edge of the slab we've created so now we have this beautiful slab here we have the opening on the side and we can start creating our back wall it looks like the back wall is the same material as this wall so what i'll do is hold the alt key to create to replicate that one and i will run one massive wall from here to here i'll stop there and then i'll start a secondary wall here because they're two different heights now this wall does actually run underneath it so what i'll do is click control d to be able to move that wall under that wall that we just drew that opening for so coming back into our 3d we'll see our new wall has been constructed i can click on this secondary wall that we made clicking on one of the nodes and moving to stretch height coming to the bottom and lining that underneath just like we see in the picture from that angle that we have replicated in the photo it would be something similar to this where i don't actually unfortunately see what's happening above or over here but i'm just going to assume that there's nothing here because we can't see it we're just focusing on the front of the building itself now the rest of this project is actually relatively simple it's mainly walls it's mainly pfcs and it's a repetition of timber we'll get our uap beam 24 now i usually call this a pfc which is a parallel flange channel but that's what the standard is in archicad 24 so we're just going to go with it for now we'll probably need a much larger beam on the bottom and top like it's replicated in this image but all they give us is 300 we can actually define a custom size and change these bits and pieces around if we want to so i think that's probably a lot bigger it's probably about 500 which will make that about 150 with a 12 mil actual thickness and the rest of the items don't actually matter too much so i'll change the object as well because objects are quite important so if we come into beams beams exterior and click ok we can start by creating our first beam that beam appear appears to wrap in line with the edge of the concrete slab so what i'll do is click control d on one of the nodes move it to the end click on the center node now to be able to drag it all the way across now because i do want it to match at a perfect 45 degree angle i'll click one of these nodes hold the shift key wrap that back to 45 degrees do the same for that section and then re-select the center node so i can move it back i'm going to move it back a little bit too far so i can perfectly align it with the edge here now the simplest way without having to recreate that 45 degrees and worrying about is it perfect or not if we hold ctrl and press m we will get our mirror tool and then we can click our control button again to get the plus sign so clicking on one node and then realigning it to the second node rapidly creates our secondary pfc i can click on that once more to extend it to the end so now if i just quickly check that these are about one meter off the ground so we can see them clicking okay going back into our 3d we'll now see our big beams right here on the ring because they are black pfcs in this image clicking okay we've created our first pfc i'm going to then click ctrl d clicking control again to duplicate it holding the shift key to move it in a vertical direction and i'm gonna move that 4200 millimeters so that gives us a little bit off the top for our structural integrity and i'm going to create one more dropping it in the middle so 2100 and then i'm going to change it to en standards and i'm just going to make it a 100 beam and then i'm going to lift it another 500 millimeters because it isn't perfectly in the center in this image on the left that we're using as inspiration okay so now we've got our pfcs created we've got most of our buildings modeled we just need that timber screening to happen so if we come back into our ground floor plan go to our column tool open the column settings we can start replicating our columns i think the timber battens in this case would be unequal they would be about 50 millimeters wide and they would potentially be about 75 millimeters deep so i'll change that to 75 deep 50mm wide and i'll also override to some sort of timber material now the structure for the purposes of this isn't too important but if we didn't want to change it we'd change it to some sort of timber so just be timber stud or actually it'll be a timber batten it's nothing important it's non-structural and we click ok coming down to the edge i want to select my very first one and i'm going to place that right against hard against this concrete and then drag it 50 millimeters across i don't like the cross hairs in this so i'm going to open up the settings again by clicking ctrl t go to the floor plan and then scroll down to floor plan symbol cross heads i'm just going to change it to plane so we don't have a million crosshairs now so we don't have to go through and create these one by one we can simply click on one of these nodes go multiply go to our spread input the spacing of 100 click ok click on one of the nodes and drag it all the way across till we reach the end now it looks like we aren't reaching the end perfectly it's a bit of an odd spacing so i'm going to click here without clicking anything i'm going to go back to the original one holding shift click on it again and then i'm going to click control g that simply groups them all together so we don't have to go back and click them one by one now i've got approximately 50 ml on this side 50 ml on the other side which i think is more than acceptable in this case i'm going to click alt g to ungroup the selection click control d and then control again to duplicate one more to the edge i'm going to click control e to open up the protractor tool and rotate it 90 degrees around the edge of this pfc and then once more control d moving across so just like we replicated these we're going to do the same thing going into our multiply settings clicking ok and dragging it all the way to the edge of this pfc so as you can see another one ends at 50mm so we'll just click it there go all the way back to our first original click it ctrl g and group okay so now we can take a look in 3d to see how far we've come along and we've created something that's looking quite similar however we need to increase the height of these to stop just in line with the edge of this slab instead of going all the way to the ground so by clicking on one we'll see we aren't grouped anymore so alt g reactivates our grouping clicking on that one again we'll have to ungroup this to be able to do our next step so alt g once more selecting the bottom and then clicking our stretch height again if we drag that up to the edge of the bottom of that slab that's 5 2 in the purposes of this and it's also going 6 meters but it looks like it stops perfectly in line with the edge of the top of the pfc so i'm going to click on one of the top again and change the height down in line with the pfc so there we go it's automatically changed all of them we don't have to go through one by one it's giving us that feature timber screen through to that timber and we're starting to basically see our finished product if we also come into our ground floor plan the last thing we want to change is clicking on this center square here clicking one of the nodes going minus and introducing some sort of earth texture there so i'll cut out a big square i'll hold alt i'll hold space and click once more go back into our 3d we'll see that i've created a big earth patch so i'm going to click on that earth ctrl d drag it up at the top ctrl d back down 50 millimeters for that nice giant tree now if you can't tell already i'm a little bit sick i'm a little bit under the weather but i promise you guys a video every monday so i'd really appreciate it if you subscribe to this channel for the simple fact that i'm very committed and there we have it guys that is basically the construction that we can see in front of us in this example image it is basically to the best of our ability without seeing more of these images so what we're actually going to do now is go twin motion 2022 or twin motion 2020 direct link and let that load we have a few little things going on nothing too major my settings on ultra low so if i go into preferences quality will go back up to high just so we have a bit more information to play with and understand and then we're going to start manipulating this actual environment so if we come down to the bottom and go into settings we're going to go to local location first and we're going to change our location to perth because that's where i am at the moment now winter always provides some really nice shadows but it looks like this is more of a nighttime render in the opposite direction so if we change our north point to somewhere on the right hand side of the page we can see most of our shadows probably from the moon over on that side so we're actually going to reduce this down to probably nine o'clock at night time so we can start seeing some of our night nighttime renders come through we're going to adjust there it is if i zoom back out a little bit and look up the moon is just there it's definitely too high but that's okay we don't really need to see it too much it doesn't matter how much i drop these months it's not going to drop any lower in the sky unfortunately so that's roughly where we have our project at the moment it's a nighttime render we're going to change the background to just some sort of countryside it doesn't matter we're going to fill it with trees and then if we go back into our settings we can change our weather there's no clouds in the sky there's just a couple little stars which is really nice we don't have to change any of that that's more than likely exactly what we want to see so we're going to start by introducing some lighting into this project going lights going neon light and clicking along the bottom here which is what we see so if i click on that i'm going to reduce that to about 10 and i'm going to reduce that to about five six six and a half meters roughly clicking tab i can extend that to where i need it to go exactly and position my neon light there so we have one neon light on that side i'm gonna hold shift and drag one of these to create a copy i want an instance because i want it to be exactly the same rotate that 90 degrees and then position that on this side of the building as well so we have our neon lights underneath there we need a three little spotlights on this side so if i create a little spotlight here rotate that 90 degrees and reduce the intensity to 10. we can see we have one little spotlight here two more on this side so one copy here drag that oop drag that to where it needs to be one more copy at the end okay i'm going to select all three of these drag them across the other side click ok and rotate them 180 degrees so they face the other way it looks like we have a lot of up lighting in here on this project here so let's start by going back and introducing a large tree in this area so we can actually focus our lighting on it i think maybe a japanese walnut would look nice in this render so that's quite large quite similar to what we have in the actual inspiration image and then we're going to go back in to our lighting and start introducing some more spotlights around the tree so clicking one rotating that 90 degrees rotating that another 45 degrees and then angling it towards our tree and reducing the intensity to about 20 in this situation i'm going to replicate a few more of those around the tree by just quickly holding shift and dragging across so creating an instance going okay drag that this way so it points at the tree and i'll do the same for these two on the other side so now we have our tree illuminated it looks like the back wall has a little bit of iv growing onto it as well so come into vegetation we go into miscellaneous clicking on falling iv clicking sporadically a few times changing the iv to make sure we get different patterns different textures so it doesn't look like one very large blob and then introducing another light into that back source it does look like that light is a bit more of a directional light than anything else but i'll put one more spotlight at that there so if i change that to 20 and i increase the angle of the light that it throws i might have to increase that to about 50 and drag it back a little bit so it throws it more at the wall there we go now we have our light source on that back wall if we come back out we can see we have our tree illuminated we have our shrubs illuminated in the background we are missing the one illuminating led neon light here so if i create another strip light rotate that 90 degrees and repeat a very similar process we did to the bottom of the building dropping the intensity down to about 10 and reducing that length to about five i can position it perfectly and we have an led strip light on that section so if we continue to find our project center which is replicating this image here it is quite similar to that location there but we have to introduce a lot more texture so if we go back into our material we can use this magazines library so if i go into surfaces concrete cast in situ download this cast in situ concrete and apply it to the left blade wall we'll see that it quickly creates a in situ concrete wall which probably needs to be either larger or smaller it's quite hard to tell because it's so dark if we leave it at one and download this shutter concrete wall and attempt this texture on this left blade wall so if i use it on this left blade wall it's also going to use it on the road unfortunately but that's okay because the road isn't that important in this project fly around to see what the texture is that's probably about right i'm going to go more rotate the texture 90 degrees and i'm going to scale that up to about two maybe four four is probably an appropriate size back all the way go to materials go to concrete and i'm just going to make that a base concrete texture so it is nice white pure and crisp i'm also going to quickly attempt this concrete slabs on this side because it looks a little bit lighter and a little bit grayer so i'm going to increase that too i don't like that at all so let's undo that by clicking ctrl z and coming back to our original image now this image is still way too dark because it is night time obviously so i'm going to go into settings i'm going to go into the lighting and i'm going to start playing around with these settings to make it a little bit nicer if i increase the exposure to 0.5 and go to the individual settings i can increase the star intensity to make the stars twink a little bit more and i can also increase the moon intensity so if we bring the moon intensity up to two and increase the ambient up to one we can begin to see our image a little bit better i think this final image will have to be imported into lightroom i'll show you exactly how to do that at the end of this tutorial to really get the most out of this image but now if we go back into our vegetation create some trees let's pick the japanese white light and i'm just going to zoom all the way up to the top and click quickly around the perimeter of our project to create some japanese large trees around i'm also gonna throw in some japanese walnuts at the front to create some diversity in this texture and then fly back down to the bottom to start modeling out grass if i click in to the context go vegetation paint come back up to the top go brushes go flowers and grass click lawn and drag the lawn down the bottom i can increase my density to 100 percent i can click on my brush and decrease that to one because it is a very small area and then slowly paint all of this in so if i click and hold and start creating some grass you'll see that i'm creating a much nicer grass texture here than what's there originally i'll quickly paint this all in and jump back to you guys at the end okay so now i've painted in all my grass as you can see it's coming out the edges and it'll show up in the actual render a lot better finally we want to insert our water here so if we come back into our materials scroll all the way down to water and we can insert some sort of a pond maybe pull two in this instance is probably a nicest i'll increase the color to a little bit lighter and i'll also introduce a small tree on this island here so i'll select the english u for the simple fact that it is one of the most intricate trees as a small tree so i'll reduce that all the way to the smallest even though that would definitely not be the tree that would be there considering the size it grows to and then zoom back out to find our overall design the last thing that we have to introduce now is a car into the project so simply going into vehicles cars it seems like some sort of hatchback so we will select a hatchback that one looks good rotate 90 degrees 180 and change the color to white now if we come across to our media click image we can create our first image and we can try and actually find the correct positioning for it now if we go into more we can also adjust the camera settings if we want it a little bit wider if we want it a bit more close up it's completely up to us 74 is usually the frame i like because it gives you that most realistic feel and then i'm just going to play around with it till i see what i want to see i think i like that image the most so i'm going to refresh that i'm going to go into more i'm going to go into format and i'm going to change this format to custom so what the custom output actually needs to be i want that to be two thousand by two and a half thousand which is more of an instagram format which is what we've got going on here now if we go back into our format and our image we're starting to see that moon in the background we're starting to see a little bit more of what we originally planned but the camera settings are a little bit wrong so what we're going to do is zoom into about a 50 mil prime lens and take that depth of field off and because we have to zoom out further i'm actually going to manipulate the inbuilt mesh of twin motion to be able to zoom out as far as i need to to be able to best create this image here so i think that is probably best image we need to create and finally i'm going to insert one human on the right hand side walking up the stairs it can be a cut out it can be a posed human it can be absolutely anything i like the pose humans because they seem a little bit more realistic at the end of the day when you export something so i'll put this lady in with her shopping bags and come back to our image here and there we go we have our final image ready to export now all we have to do is actually extend that to full screen go to the export button go to image select one and click the export button okay so now we have our image open in adobe lightroom and i'm just going to simply apply one of my presets they are available download in the link description if you want to check them out so if we scroll through them we can see a different variation of styles and and color qualities in this image here i think for this one personally something like a spring external would work quite well but just adjusting a few more of these sliders so increasing a few extra elements to be able to create more sense in the actual building here lowering the black so we see a little bit more and just painting out that road ever so slightly so we don't actually see the road and our eyes are focused on the building there we have it that is the completed image the completed render from start to finish using an image that we found as inspiration and creating something from absolutely nothing anyway that's all for me today guys thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed the video if you did make sure you smash that subscribe button down below we're almost at 10 000 subscribers so thank you for being a part of this community and like always i'll see you next monday
Channel: David Tomic
Views: 13,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload, architect, architecture student, architect student, building architect, david tomic
Id: tOLrxSo1LTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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