ArcGIS Field Maps: Part 1

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[Music] hello and welcome to esri australia's video tutorial on how to get started with arcgis field maps arcgis field maps is a mobile data collection app that allows anybody in the field to capture accurate data and return it to the office or the classroom for further use it has been designed to replace the collector for arcgis application field workers use web maps on mobile devices to capture and edit data field maps works even when disconnected from the internet the next time your device is connected to the internet the collected data will automatically transfer to your arcgis online map it is free to download and can be downloaded onto personal phone devices or tablets all you need is your arcgis login credentials in order to get started with field maps you'll need to follow four steps the four steps displayed on the screen at the moment we'll go through each of these four steps in today's video tutorial but we'll begin with step one create we're going to head over to arcgis online to create and symbolize our feature layers specific to our field work requirements once you've logged into arcgis online you need to head over to content and then my content once here click on create in the top left corner and choose feature layer in the left hand column you want to select build a layer and for today's video tutorial we're going to choose points lines and polygons and select that and we're going to create it now before progressing any further i'd like to provide some context for this particular video tutorial in this tutorial we will prepare feature layers a map and some form some data collection forms in order to collect data at sites along a local waterway at this point in time if you had a specific objective in mind you can apply the same steps that we follow in this video tutorial to your specific needs however with that in mind i'm going to rename these points lines and polygon layers something a little bit more appropriate for my context so i'm going to change point layer to collection sites i'm going to change line layer to access paths i'm going to change polygon layer to land use observations i'm going to click out of that to lock them all in i want to keep both of these values unchecked and i'm going to click next i need to pan and zoom and select my map extent if you're working at a very local level then you might want to zoom right into that specific area i'm going to leave mine as showing all of australia today then we need to enter a title some tags and a summary i'm going to call mine arcgis field maps training data collection along the brisbane river this tag the these tags i might choose to uh add and specify that's for year 11 a year 11 assessment task and for a summary i might describe why these feature layers have been created these feature layers have been designed for year 11 assessment once i'm happy with my title my tags and my summary i just need to click done sometimes it i forget this as well but we can only have a title that contains alphanumeric characters and it has to have 120 characters or less so let's get rid of this dash and swap it for an underscore and see if that solves the problem which it seems to have done it might take a couple of minutes for your feature layers to create and then load once your feature layers have been created the item page will open up from here we want to navigate from overview over to data and at the moment our data table is empty because we haven't collected any data from here we want to swap from table to fields and we're going to configure some new fields in order to collect specific data i want to make sure that my format points layer is selected so that was my collection sites layer and i'm going to add some fields for some specific data that i want to collect at each site along the local waterway so i'm going to click add and in field name i'm going to type in collection site now the field name cannot have a space in it but that isn't what our field workers will see in the field they'll see the display name which is allowed to have a space in it so here i'm going to write the same thing but space it out and we're going to change it from type string to an integer i'm going to leave the other values as they are and we're going to click on add new field and you'll see in our field list our new field that we just created has appeared collection site i'm going to click into collection site here and we're going to create a list here we're going to specify how many sites we're actually collecting from so our first label will be site a and we're going to give it a value of 0. as we selected integers these values have to be whole numbers site b is going to be of code or a value of one and our third and final site site c is going to be a value of two if you had more sites you would simply continue to click add and add to those i'm happy with these three sites and i'm going to click save and i want to navigate back out to where i can add a new field so i'm going to click on this cross here i'm going to add a new field as well my second field is going to be ph level for display name i'm simply going to space that out and i want to change it from string again i don't want to choose integer this time i want to choose double if i was to choose integer means that we would have to come up with specific values that a student could input because a ph reading might result in a number of different values we don't want to box our students or our field workers results so we're going to click on double we're going to leave these values as is and we're going to add new field this time we don't need to click on our new field ph level because we're giving students or field workers the freedom to put in any number or any reading of ph level that they find at the collection site evidently between 1 and 14 however that might also include decimal places i'm going to add a couple more fields we're going to add a water turbidity field and we're gonna simply space that out here and we're gonna choose integer again because we wanna come up with some specific values that they can choose from i'm going to click on water turbidity here i'm going to create another list now here i need to decide how many different labels i want my first one is going to be very cloudy and you can see that i've entered these in before very cloudy deep brown with significant particles so i've just clarified exactly what i want the students to be looking for there i'm going to give that a code of zero i'm going to add a couple more so cloudy this time significant color and particles but slightly visible so i'm giving them a little bit of differentiation each time this time i'm going to go partially cloudy some color and obvious particles and then i'm going to go the other way partially clear there's a colored tinge but there are fewer particles clear no color even fewer particles and my last one will be very clear there's no color and there's very few particles in the water so by giving by choosing integer i'm essentially limiting my students or my field workers to select one of these six options if i had a selected double it doesn't really work so i want to give give my students my field is six different categories to choose from i'm going to click save i'm going to lock that in i'm going to add one more i'm going to add this one's going to be called additional notes which i always think is a really important uh field to add to your to your uh to add to the fields list because sometimes things that are noticed at a particular site or when collecting data you haven't thought of you haven't prepared for so giving this option of additional notes allows students the freedom to make specific observations in the field and i'm going to leave this as string because this is character based i'm going to limit it to 256 characters meaning that students will have to be concise with their notes but it also gives them enough enough characters that they can be detailed to and i'm going to add new field and again i don't need to create a list for this because i want to give students the freedom to put in put in a response or put in some notes specific to the observations that they're making now you might at this point choose to add a couple of more fields for practice sake for instance you might choose to add a salinity field or a a visual human disturbances kind of field for the sake of this video tutorial i'm going to leave it at that list and we're going to swap over to access paths once we've swapped to access paths we're essentially going to do the same steps however we're thinking about the types of data we might wish for students to collect uh on the path that they take to access the water the waterway or the site to the collection site so with that in mind i'm not going to go through an extensive list like we did last time i'm just going to add a couple of fields first type of field i want to add is access path type so i'm going to change this in the display name to type of access path and i'm going to change it to integer i'm going to create a list add new field and once that field appears in our list of fields down here we're going to create a list and i've created mine already so they should hopefully pop up but we want trail so have they accessed it from some kind of trail or is it a paved path to the waterway or the collection site or did they have to forge their own path to the waterway perhaps they had to go through and navigate vegetation to get to the waterway itself so i just wanted to quantify what kind of path and how they actually reached the waterway you might specify to your students hey we will start this from approximately 50 meters from the waterway i'm going to save that list and i'm going to cross it off it might be that whilst they're on this path they have a job to count the litter that they come across and this might be useful data depending on the kinds of data that you're collecting i'm going to leave it as integer because we can't have decimal places worth of data but this time i don't need to create a list i can simply add the new field and we're happy with that it'll allow students later on when we get to building our forms to enter any whole number depending on the amount of litter that they encountered on their 50 meter walk to the collection site and we're going to leave it there for access paths layer let's quickly swap to our polygon layer our land use observations layer and we might add one or two here as well but again think about your specific needs and what you might need to um to add or to create for your own fields so for this one i might just create one field and this time i'm going to go with an animal count oh and again we can't have spaces in here so i need to quickly fix that but i can have spaces in this one animal count and i'm going to select integer i'm going to add a new field now it'd be important when setting this up and we'll talk about this a little bit later on but you would have to carefully measure out a certain area maybe a five by five meter field with your polygon and then count the animals within that field but essentially we've now created all of the fields we need specific to the data we want our students to collect from here all we need to do is head over to overview and the last thing i want us to check before we begin to create a map and symbolize our feature layers is to just click on one of these layers and ensure that on the right hand side enable attachments is on that will allow us to take photos of the site whilst in the field and attach them to the data forms that we create so that's on i'm going to simply click back at the top here and if i want to i could choose to view the other two and make sure that they are also on as well now that we've created our feature layers we now need to save them in a map and symbolize them appropriately so from the items page we're going to click open in map viewer and once the map opens we want to navigate from details to content and you'll notice our three feature layers are there and you can see that collection sites access paths and land use observations there we're just going to clean that up a little bit if we hover over each feature later and click the more options button we can rene rename that sorry to collection sites which cleans it up a little bit i'm going to do that for access paths and we're gonna do it for land use observations that just makes it really easy for my audience to to make sense of from here you'll notice there's no data there again we haven't collected data in the field but we can symbolize what these feature layers look like so i'm going to hover over our collection sites layer i'm going to click on the change style icon i'm happy we i'm going to change this attribute to show from show location only to collection site and you'll notice that it has a red blue and yellow green sorry for site a b and c i'm going to change that to something a bit more specific so under types unique symbols i'm going to click options and on the symbol for each one i'm going to change it so i'm going to go from fill to shape click on the drop down choose the a to z category and this time i'm going to choose a i'm going to make the symbol a bit bigger 20 i'm going to repeat that for site b but i'm going to change the color again making the symbol a bit bigger and i'm going to change it again for site c changing the color again and hit ok and now my symbol i've i've personalized or symbolized the feature layers according to something that makes a little bit more sense for my field workers to lock those changes in i'm going to click ok and i'm going to click done i'm going to repeat the step for access paths i'm going to choose my attribute type of access path and i'm going to change these if i feel necessary in this case i'm actually quite happy with the color code green represents trail which i think makes sense um blue is paved which i guess in a sense could represent some kind of footpath and red they had to forge their own path to the waterway i'm happy with those three colors i'm actually going to click ok and click done to lock it in and land use observations i only added animal count but if i have maybe added a field like type of land use and differ and created a list to include things like commercial environmental recreational social etc i might then click on that attribute and then color code that land use however for animal count it doesn't really work symbolizing it so we're just going to leave it as show location only we're going to click done now our symbols our symbols haven't been locked in yet we need to head over to edit and you'll see that those symbols have begun to appear we're going to manage and make sure that the collection sites layer is chosen and we're going to save those changes it might take a moment and then we're going to click on the layer at the top change it to access paths we're going to save those changes and then finally if you did make some changes to your land use observations you would click save changes there please note that if you changed your symbols but didn't go to edit and then to manage and saved each of the changes for each of your layers those symbolize uh those symbols wouldn't be locked in and saved for when you're in the field so that's really important but i've essentially created the map and the symbols that my feature layers will show up on when data is collected so the last step is to save our map so i'm going to click save as and data collection along the brisbane river or whatever happens to be the local waterway near you tags i might actually add into mine field maps training tags data collection and summary if you wish to have one and then you simply save your map and if i return to my powerpoint that essentially finishes step one we've gone into arcgis online we've created our feature layers we've symbolized them and we've saved them to a map this brings us to step two prepare we're now going to head over to field maps create a form with detailed instructions for how we want our data collectors to collect their field work so if we head back to our field maps training map we want to navigate back from here to home and once we're on the home screen we want to find the little widget or button bar up on the top right corner click on that and we want to find arcgis field maps we need to click that and it'll take us to the arcgis field maps might take a couple of moments to load and we want to find the map that we just recently created which contains our three feature layers in this case this is the map for me i'm going to click on the text to the title and it will open it up for me from here i want to navigate from the overview pane to the content pane and i want to click on collection sites and i want to start building my form so i want to move from templates over to form and you'll notice the four fields that we created in the previous step i can start dragging them in and creating a form similar to survey123 so i'm going to start with what i think is the most logical i want my students to determine or tell me what collection site they're at first so i'm going to drag collection site over into the form box i'm going to click on it and by clicking on that particular option i can add a couple of extra pieces of information for instance i'm going to add a hint that tells my students to please specify what collection site you are currently at um remember we created an integer for this site a with a value of zero site b with a value of one site c with a value of two so this would essentially have a drop down button and by clicking on it they could choose either side a b or c and i always want to make my questions required so i'm going to tick that on i'm going to let them edit their data in case they make a mistake maybe in younger years you don't want to give them that option to edit the data because but because i'm working with year 11 students i'm going to trust them that if they make mistakes that they can edit their own data i'm going to click back out from here oops i'm going to sorry click the properties button and cross and i'm going to add the next one over so instead of uh putting in hints for each one at a time i'm going to add all of mine in at once so the next thing i want them to create to add will be ph then i want them to comment on water turbidity and then if there is any i want them to add some additional notes so that will be the order that the form appears in the field i'm going to click on ph level here and give them a hint measure the ph level of the water at this site i'm gonna put required water turbidity scoop a glass jar um maybe a plastic jar because we're working with students a plastic cups worth of water out of the river and observe its turbidity i'm going to require that question too and additional notes are there any other observations you would like to make about this site question mark and i'm going to leave this as unchecked on required because it might be that there are no extra notes no extra observations that a student wants to add alternatively you could click on required and they might have you forced you might force them to say no but i'm going to leave it unchecked i'm going to save that and realistically same pattern for creating a form would exist for your access path and your land use observations you would simply drag your fields in depending on the order that you want them to be displayed and then you would give them hints and maybe make them a required question i'm not going to model those two steps for you today because if you follow the first the first example with collection sites it's the same the same process once i've finished my form i could still change the order of the form if i do make a mistake so i don't feel like you have to start again simple as clicking and dragging um to your your um fields below and above each other but remember once you have finished creating your forms you need to click on save to lock those changes in [Music] you
Channel: Esri Australia
Views: 3,505
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Esri Australia, GIS for schools, GIS, ArcGIS Field Maps
Id: AwxTiya-HMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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