Collector for ArcGIS. Is it really that easy?

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[Music] hi welcome to the webinar I'm Christopher Campbell thank you for joining us today for collector for ArcGIS is it really that easy so today I'm really excited to welcome Jeff junior to our webinar Jeff is a product manager in our applications group I asked Jeff to join us this month because we've had a lot of questions about collective or for arcgis particularly after our September webinar with lee atwater so Jeff is going to demonstrate how to get started beginning with setting up your ArcGIS online account then building a web map and finally downloading and using ArcGIS or selector so I'm expecting a really good webinar today Jeff no pressure anything it's good yes no problem so there Totten and it's going to actually get us started and you all know David he's our industry manager for water he's going to have a short discussion about how ArcGIS for collector is transforming organizations with functionality and efficiency so let's just get started David thank you Krista so yeah just a real real quick intro here just kind of reflecting a bit I think on the year and so I'll be pretty quick and then again we'll turn it over to Jeff to get started but I think just so Jeff and I kind of know the audience here I'm going to have Krista start us off immediately with two polling questions so that just kind of sets the stage for us and know who's out there so Krista sure David start with our first polling question describe your current environment are you using collectors for ArcGIS already are using ArcGIS online but you haven't implemented collector for ArcGIS you're not using either ArcGIS online or collector or you don't know okay so it looks like it's somewhat evenly split between those answers only a few of you aren't sure so Jeff I hope you're paying attention we've got about 37% saying they're using collector all right thank you we're going to close this and then right into the next one Christophe sure so our second polling question is if you are using collector so that's for those 37 percent of you how would you rate yourself advanced user a moderate user or you're just getting started okay great it's looking pretty good we've got about 70 percent saying they're just getting started so this webinar is going to be awesome yeah so hopefully Jeff's presentation is going to be very useful for you we're going to close this one question back to you David okay yeah thanks Krista so yeah this is great you know those are just getting started yeah be lots of great content being for your advanced folks I find that whenever I sit down and have a chat with Jeff I always learn something new about the product you know even though it's been out quite some time and so truly what I want to talk about this is why we're kind of gathering here in December as well you know hopefully have a little bit of fun here at the end of the year but you know as we've gone through 2016 and every conference we go to every customer site you know we've been seeing this transformation with collector and you know a quick little history lesson you know I mean it's definitely evolved since it was first released you know in the beginning you know it could collect points and everyone's like oh you know yay but it obviously quickly evolved much faster you know it's been going in the lines and polygons but you know disconnected really that was the thing that really started taking off and as people could finally you know how easy it was to go disconnected to download you know your data - this is a phone or whatever and go just connected take collect your data and then synchronize but then you know people weren't satisfied and what really then launched you know a second wave than was those related tables right which just launched the inspections so you know that that really kind of say just opened up the door and and allow people to do exactly what they wanted like hydrant inspections things of that nature you know and and then there's you know folks weren't satisfied one even more and that's when the companion app started to come out with additional functionality with navigator and workforce and what-have-you and then really as Christa kind of opened the session here you know we had Lee axon and talked about the high accuracy and that's really taken off so so we really we just had a ton of conversations that's why you know Jeff's here today is a lot of folks IDO have talked about how successful they've been with collector but again there's always that little nuance there's always that little button to push that little configuration that really enhances you know what's what's going on and you know from a process efficiency piece you know that that ease of use and cost-effective I would love to say you know read my lips but you can't because you're so webinar you know there really has been this oh I haven't talked about the error ago so we talked about you know going from easy to hard and then you know going from points to high accuracy you know we've just had this escalating of functionality and so you know with respect to that that ease of use and costs it's it's you know it's a darkest online those are using our coastline and collector you know how cost-effective is but from the ease of use what's been resounding has been you know everyone gets to use it on their phone that's really changing kind of the whole handheld market especially with some of our high accuracy you know folks are saying well the trainings nothing because you know everyone's using their phone and this app is designed you know as a phone app or tablet app and and and training is you know literally 15 minutes and folks are off and running because it's quite intuitive so yeah although results may vary but I think that's one of the most exciting things is you know folks have also said you know ESRI you you finally got it right you finally made this thing you know that all of us can use you don't need a she is degree to get out there and start collecting data but with all that being said it's definitely professional grade right so we see the speed you know used within the water utilities and the water resources a lot of the Water Resources folks like the fact that they can go offline because you know face it let's face it you know when you're out in the middle the water ship that somewhere there's not much cellular activity and so you can definitely go offline and you know for those that you know you can talk about the high accuracy it's if you have really good photography you know sometimes you get pretty accurate with you with your thumb or stylus you know so it's really been an amazing year with collector it really has been transforming utilities I think we finally kind of knocked it out of the park with this one that you know an application that that plugs right in as the web whole web GIS web Maps people able to you know configure and desktop and roll something out very quickly really has also transformed a lot of folks you know mobile strategies right so so anyway I'm probably enough of that say I want to kind of turn this over to Jeff and let him get started but just it's been a pleasure you know talking to all of you folks this year and you know looking forward to getting to the Q&A piece so with that Jeff I'm going to turn it over thanks David it has been a pretty pretty busy year for us and thank you for having me in this webinar today and hopefully given the polling results that we saw that the information here really helped you along in the process of deploying collector in your organization so what I wanted to do is first kind of set the agenda with a few slides I think one of the things that kind of brought this webinar to life was a story that we shared with Travis Anderson from Lee axe Water District where as you mentioned through the evolution of our rooms of collector one of the key new functionality pieces that we added in this last release was the ability to connect to external GNSS Seavers and this is a picture of Travis actually marking fire hydrants using collector with a Neos arrow GNSS receiver connected to Ohio State's RTK Network and able to collect that with extremely high accuracy and what's really cool about Travis is that by trade he's an engineer and he uses GIS kind of as as a sideline and he found collector pretty easy to pick up and use and and Krista and everyone here today did a webinar with them recently and you can go and watch that webinar to see his experiences as well but let's talk about how to get going with collector and when I first talked to Chris and David about this the axis said can you set up an ArcGIS online organization that's just crazy doesn't want me to do that in a demo okay we're going to do that today we're going to try to you anyway and secondly show how to create a web map do something from scratch and then show how to download and use a collector on on a device so we're going to try to go through all those I've got some slides to follow up in case we crash and burn at any point time so let's try to jump in and do that first demo of setting up an ArcGIS online organization what I'm going to do is I'm going to flip over to a web page here and you'll notice that the URL it gets you to the evaluation of ArcGIS online I've tried to print to fill this out already with you know a bogus gmail address that I created called ESRI water webinar and Confirmation for that a user named water webinar and I set my industry that's also very important because Maria and Christa can track that and see who in what industry is actually setting up trial organizations so when I click start trial what that's going to do is actually going to send me an email and I'm going to go over to another tab in my browser where I've got that a gmail account and in came the activation email so if I click on on then you can see a link to go and create my new ArcGIS online organization I'm going to click on that activation link it is going to ask me for a username this is the administrator username that we're going to login to and it's going to be the one that we'll talk about in a little bit that controls everything we do in our organization I'll call it entry water webinar and let's give it a password called water dot webinar one water dot webinar one I'm going to change it after we're done it is right now and then we need to give the organization a name I'm going to call it entry water webinar because I'm so creative and what city reborn in we're going to say Redlands California that's our security question I'm going to accept the Terms of course if I were you I'd read all those terms but I work here so I figured I can just accept them right and I'm going to create my account and that's going to go off hopefully and create our new ArcGIS online subscription and and Jeff that's that's the you know that's the email that when I talk of two people say well you've got our JSON lines like no we don't you know we got desktop and server but we don't have ArcGIS online and it's like well yes you do because of our entitlement program every account is that's the email that a lot of people can't find in their inbox or it went to Joe and and Joe doesn't work here anymore you know and so that's that one email that really starts the game cool all right so we have our organization named Alex called ESRI water webinar and we need to give it a short name as well so I'm going to just be even even more creative in color injury water in our again and you can see as I filled it out underneath its building a URL and telling you whether or not that actually is available now archives online just updated last night and they didn't significant tainted that you can actually change that organization short name now if you want so if you're not happy with with the name that you give it you can go in as an administrator and change it if you'd like the next step is to kind of set up browser language are sorry a language for the for the organization a default language and I'm just going to use the browser's default which is going to be English clearly also a region so for the region I'm going to say if the United States right and then you choose the method of security that you want to use and if you're new to setting up ArcGIS online I would ask you to really think hard about this one and the default setting is to allow HTTPS only and I would encourage that because that's the most secure way to store and manage all the information inside of ArcGIS online and that becomes the transport protocol for for your use throughout the platform with it so we can add a contact link if you want we're not going to do that we're going to save and continue and this is going to configure our ArcGIS online organization there we are now you've got a little choice you can continue or you can go get them out we're going to show you getting the apps in a little bit so I'm going to tap continue with ArcGIS online and what I wanted to do next is kind of navigate you a little bit through ArcGIS online before we get to the next step so you can see at the very very top of our subscription that we just created our ArcGIS online organization a set of tap we're sitting on the my organization tab and if you're an administrator of an organization like we are because we just created this you have additional privileges you can edit the settings so you can change some of those things we just did but you can write members of the organization so we can add users they could be your field testers that you want to add you can use status and other things you can also manage license so part of your subscription and your trial as well is the ability to get trial licenses of other applications like arcgis desktop or arcgis pro and you can manage them directly from from here and give those licenses to to certain named users if you move across the caps I'm going to skip to my content tab because we're going to come back to that and I'm going to click on groups I'm going to highlight the things they're really important for you as a collector I use or deploying collector there's much more to your ArcGIS online organization then what I'm going to show you today but we'll just highlight the key points groups are important because that's the way that you share maps for use with your field workers and inside of our kiss online I can create a new group I'm going to click create a group and I'm going to give that group a name field data collection I'm going to add a great summary this is for collector field users I'm going to copy and paste that give it a meaningful egg hopefully like collector rocks and then like that type of ticket tag I think it is to you and then I can choose the status of this group and it's really the permissions for people to see it that could be public meaning that other users inside of your organization can look for it and see it and ask to join it you can make private so if you don't want to hear that with Christa or David you don't have to they will be able to even see it so there's a lot of control you have over that group and and you can control the access of who and update information in that group too so you know if you want to just lock it down so that only you can can add content and be a contributor you could do that or we in the context of sharing we're going to make it available for everyone the other thing that I wanted to do is I'm going to go and click on next to the name where you can set an icon and I'm actually going to browse up a bit I'm going to choose file and this is going to browse my file folders and it's right into a folder that I'm going to talk about in a minute where the whole set of icons would have been created for you to kind of take up and use and it click this field operations TMG file and if I click OK and then I hit save now we're going to have this new group and it's going to have this wonderful new field data collection icon all right I'm going to pause the demo part of it right now and I'm going to go back to our slide here and I'm going to talk a little bit about what we just did so what we did was we went to the trial login page and the free trial page and we entered in our username so our email address and our industry and then we followed a bunch of stuff but I wanted to point out that there are some learn lessons for how you can set up in our kiss organization we're going to share these slides out afterwards so you can click on the link and get at all of that detail there's also another one lesson that's really about managing a mobile workforce that talks about those groups how to set up Maps on I also wanted to mention some key tips for success that I've seen from the customers I've talked with one is look to find a sponsor so if you're a GIS manager in your organization what really makes successful from a deployment perspective is find that field user that maybe is more willing to take all on using smartphones or tablets and in their day-to-day work maybe they're a bit tacky and really try to bring them up to wanting to be the sponsor for you find a kind of a project that isn't necessarily on the critical path for your organization but adds key business values make sure to align with your IP folks if you're not in the IT group already especially if you want to leverage data within your organization and what we kind of refer to as a hybrid mode where you're using ArcGIS server and ArcGIS online you're going to need to get adoption of mobile device access inside your organization and don't try to tackle all your problems at once take baby steps and learn from those successes and failures and you're going to have both along the way so just a few quick tips there next thing I wanted to talk about that in the steps that we did I want to fast was that we we signed up from the email we've cooked on that confirmation link we created the administrator username and password I didn't go through the process of creating a bunch of named users I figured that you can sort that one out yourself there are a bunch of different ways that you can do that and that learn lesson can really help you out through that also providing that organization name is really key now then we've set up some of the basics right I would say the most important thing that we determined was both the short name and also the security access so providing that out I think you don't want to really go flipping around between HTTP and HTTPS for security but you can go and change that within your organization it has some ramifications if you do but what I would say set it up first and that's maybe where you want to talk to your IT folks about it before you move any further so in of your organization you can invite members I went through the administrators user experience and linked into this slide is how you can go and understand the different methods of inviting members so important to know about collector and ArcGIS online is that is it has its own user store but it also can connect to what we call enterprise users meaning that you can use your own Active Directory and and use users from that directly inside of ArcGIS online so if you want to do that instead of manually creating users or loading them from like a text file you can do that the way that you organize content is through groups everything inside of arch is online we refer to as an item and items are shared using groups so the web maps that we're going to create the layers that we're going to create everything that the web apps you can create all of them are considered items inside of ArcGIS online it's a way of indexing things inside of the folder structure that's that's stored in the cloud you can monitor usage that's something that's not commonly known but as an administrator you can go in and look at what users are using what applications when they logged in last and get a sense of your adoption there's much more you can do there as well now when I created the group I wanted to mention this because there's a lot more to it than just that but as a tip you can see that there's a model organization for water utilities but you can download that using the link that's provided and that has home screen banners that you can use it has the icon like the field data collection group icon that I used and much more inside of it so I encourage you to go and download that model organization as well it has a lot of really valuable content inside of it ok the groups do I mentioned this already that's how content shared you can create groups everyone with a named user that again ArcGIS online updated last night so for those of you that already have organizations you'll see that a new level of licensing came in this morning that's it's called level 1 and level 2 licensing level 2 is what you know today is a named user if you're already an existing user at level 2 license can create groups that can create new content level 1 think about it as a viewer only role so you have that control now if you want to just have viewers inside of your organization that don't actually add or contribute content you can create new users using that level 1 role if you want some tips create a dedicated group for field data collection all the users that you have in the field like your sponsor and others you share into that group as well as the content that you provide and I'll show that to you in a minute so let's move over to the my content view and let's go to the demo and use this slide as a recap so back over to our screen in ArcGIS online where we created that group I'm going to click on my content and what we're going to do is we're going to create a new web map and a new web layer for use and collected right from scratch and this is a very well advertised web but actually inside of ArcGIS online we have a whole suite of template if I in my content view it's kind of like your folder view on your file system I can click create feature layer and a feature layer is where you house all the features that you collect out in the field you can see there's a bunch of categories by different industries there's quite a few different templates in here I'm going to click on water utilities and you can see even in the water utilities vertical we have a lot so the one that I'm going to create from we're going to call watering violations we're going to go click create on that there is one layer inside of it called water restriction violation we're going to define an extent since we're out here in the LA area we're just going to drag a rough box around that click next give it a name call it CA water violations and it pre-populate some information for us some tags help us find things in a summary view and it saves it into a folder and I'll get back to that in a second now when I click done what it's going to do is it's going to go create a new hosted feature layer inside our organization that layer is the foundation for all of the data types that you can collect in the field that's specific to water violations and when that creates it's going to give us the details of that item now I'm going to click back on my content before we look at that a little bit more but you can see there's a concept of folders I can create new folders and think about I've got this base folder structure for me as a named user and I can organize everything I build into subfolders that are within that main folder I just want to point that out now this is that new item that we created it's see a water violations if I click on it it's going to open up those details back to where we were right and there's no data in it yet but there's some key things that I want to point out first you see that well clearly it has a thumbnail that you could modify if you want and like I mentioned earlier the model organization has a bunch of icons that you want to spruce that up also you get to the layers within there happens to be one layer here it's called water restriction violation some really important things to note about it one is that you can enable or disable attachments attachments or the way that you can capture photos inside of collect you're out in the field so if we want to document the violation with a photo then we'd want to enable attachments by default this template has them already enabled for us likewise there's a bunch of settings so if I click on the Settings tab there's a bunch of things in here that apply to Collector a good one as a rule of thumb especially if you share in a group where you let anybody access it is preventing it from being deleted because all your data stored there you don't want somebody to delete it on you so you can protect it by deleting that or by preventing that web layer from being deleted the other thing that's really important here is the settings on the future layer itself for editing access these are all adhere to by corrector so if we want to enable editing which of course we do that's what we're going to add features into you can check that check by default if you wanted to have additional layers you don't want to be edited you could disable it and you can be using them in collector you can also keep track of who created in last updated features that's really key because it actually stores with every feature that's captured in the field with collector who captured it or who updated it when did they collect it when did they update it so you have this audit trail on your features based upon who the editor was and then you can actually control the type of editing so if for example I only want that people to add new features they could never modify an existing feature that somebody else created I can change those settings so that the type of editing makes the form is really restrictive we could also choose to determine what features editors complete I'm going to leave that to to all all editors on changes back so we can all update it what features can editors edit can they edit all features or features that they own this requires that tracking setting but you know we've got who's edited what so now we could say well Krista could only ever edit features that she created and she can't edit ones that I create because I don't want her touching my features you can also change the access control so there is an offsetting side the one last one I wanted to mention was will sync and that's important for offline map use so if you want to take maps offline inside of Collector you're going to need to enable open sync capability let's go back to the overview for a second and there's additional features in here we're going to we're going to just focus on those for now something if you're already an ArcGIS online user one of the really cool ones that came in this morning or late last night if you were up late is create view and that's to give you different representations different editing control over views of that service but that's something you can explore explore out we're going to try and keep this one a little more simple so I'm going to open in the map viewer and what I'm going to do there is show you how you can further tweak some of the settings inside of a web map because we need to create a web map for use with it collector here's the layer that got added of course there's no features right because this is just a template you can see what we call that you know kind of the feature templates or feature types and that's based upon the way that that layer was structured so one of the things we could do is we could simply rename that layer so if we just want to call it violations we can do that and we can change the what we call the pop-up details a pop-up is really the form representation inside of collector there's a title that titles reflected in collector when you tap on an existing feature that might have already been created you'll see a quick tip that gives an attribute value and you see all of the attributes you also see this check box to show feature attachments that's the photos that you collect and so you can see those pop up I'm going to click configure attributes and by default when we created this template there were all these fields created for us right and there's a display capability and an edit capability all these are reflected inside a collector so if you're wanting to control what they can visually see for different fields and what they can edit you have that level of control inside of there also there is a field alias which you can go and change so if I wanted to change violation that violation type and have that reflected when they see the form I can do that I can also provide a hint so it contains that violation type to enter violation type and and that will show up inside of collector try to remember to point that one out the edit attacking fields are disabled you can see if they're all here they're not ones that you edit or really visualize much inside of the map but they're stored as part of it and you can make use of them so I'm going to hit OK and I'm going to hit OK again and now we've got that web layer that we've added them up already set also to note you can change the base map and the base maps change the way that you reference information in collectors we're going to go with a satellite imagery reference we can also add bookmarks so what I'm going to do is I'm going to win a search for our building here well our our campus live into it and I'm going to create a bookmark there and I'm going to call it entry campus all right and I'm going to zoom back out to the little area around Kaitlin Empire fell for you and then I'm going to hit save and I'm going to give this hour a name I'm going to call it our awesome violation map and I'll give it that nice collector rock soup collector rock tank and this is for mining violation that David though you know that David yes Oh totally oh that's where all the violations are gonna happen right we save that web map now the last thing we're going to do with it we're going to share it because we want to be able to put it in the group so that everyone can access it and I'm going to click on that and you can see it popped up that it also wants to update sharing on another item and that's the layer that we created so it's really important that if you're not only the map but all the layers that are referenced side of it so that everybody who is part of that group has access to all the content within it update the sharing of that layer now both are going to be shared in that group we come back to the group's page you're going to see in our field data collection group we're going to have two items in there our awesome violation map and our web layer so there they are they're shared in that group anyone who is a part of that group can access that content right now it's just us right we didn't we didn't create any users but also in the group details you can invite users to it so that you can just have at it and play with that huh as you see fit let's go back to the PowerPoint again and kind of recap on that so we talked about the my content view we showed you how all of the content that you create and stored inside of your local view of the system the other thing that's interesting to mention that I didn't put on the slide is that as an administrator you have kind of superpowers right so I could go and if Christa created some content and I want David to own it I rather than Chris because we decided that we're going to fire Christa nothing we would ever do that to Christa right we love you but the weeks actually transfer all of her content over to David before we nuke her out of the ArcGIS online subscription as a user all right so some tips again like I mentioned very simple you can use these templates to create layers from scratch go to the field do some simple basic data collection you're offering a map there's a lot of details in a map that you come in here inside of a group you know the the Oso so let's go through this those other details there's one thing one other thing I wanted to show you this important for collected that I forgot to mention when we created that feature template first off we went through the templates whether they're inside of ArcGIS online there are other ways to create content inside of ArcGIS online and I don't know if we'll get to it but I do have a bonus slide about that and that's really about how you can use arcmap to take existing content you manage say in a file geodatabase and publish it up in a very simple process for doing that and we call that an internally kind of a by reference to a GIS server as well so say you not want it you don't want to host it inside of our just online you want to leverage it with your own ArcGIS server you can do that as well again there's a lot of content and tips for that in the water solution templates that are also available for download and link to here we'll talk about relationships in a little bit as well relationships are important right yes don't get to Gaby with your next slide we should have no promise there you know we talked about when we created the water violations layer about the details the item details and photos being something that are part of attachments to a layer and I'll show that hopefully when we get into the desktop side but in the geo database you can create attachments attachments are the data type that stores photos and in recognized by collector editing control the axis the tracking the sync all very important in fact there are advanced settings for the sync as well so you can control the synchronization but behavior I won't get into a lot of detail about that but think about it kind of like your your email if you're offline so you're flying some but you're still working on your your email you can great new email on your phone and then when you land you can if you're Christa and the plane just touches ground you're not even to the gate yet and she's you know off of airplane mode and working on her honor on her email what happens is that not only does it send your email that you created it also brings down any other emails that were created that's the default behavior with sync now imagine you're out in the field and you've got a very low connectivity and you're just a collector all you do is contribute new content well you can have finer grained control so that all you do is upload and you never have to download everybody else's features that gets really important when you're dealing with photographs because photos can be quite large and you only want to update the things that you collect you don't want to pull down everybody else's photos so look into the sink details there's some Advanced Settings there that you can get at now and those behaviors are actually on the web map we'll talk about that a little bit to map properties we showed you the bookmarks the base map there's also the one thing I missed showing you that I wanted to show you this is the application setting so we'll go to those map item details and I'll show that that's where you find also the advanced offline mode that I was just talking about and there's other layer properties like renaming and I didn't set a scale dependency so if we only want those features to show up on certain scales we could do that and also the form visibility of fields or the order you can all adjust that in the pop-up so if you've got a certain order on your feature class if you're inside of desktop you can even reorder that in the map representation and desktop but you have a further way through the pop-up to organize and modify your content all right before we get to downloading and using collector let's just flip back over to this one more time to show the details of the web map that piece that I actually missed before so if we go to those details and you can see it shows our layers and the folder it exists and all of that wonderful stuff but if I go into the settings view in the settings view here we have those advanced offline options now where you know maybe I want a a little more fine-grained access to what can be downloaded what could be synchronized whether or not for read-only layers I want them at all or whether I just want their attachments and whatnot the other thing I wanted to mention is that in the application settings area you can actually control feature functionality inside of collectors so if I don't want anyone to change the basemap I can turn that off if I don't want it you want to use the routing capabilities or the measure tool I can do that I could also add it different search capability by default and set up a search addresses but if I want to search against attributes and layers like a facility ID or a hydrant ID I could do that by adding a query capability into the search so I'm just going to turn back on the base map select risk and see that okay and I'm going to save that now the next step which you got a hint to with the slides we're going to download and use collector the first thing I wanted to mention is the collector is supported on your iPhone your Apple device on an Android device and on Windows 10 tablet you'll notice that this for stores listed here at not just three in the last three platforms and that's because certain Android devices aren't necessarily certified for use with Google Play a good example of that is a high accuracy receiver from like a compass II know 20 it doesn't have the Google Play Store on it so you can actually download the Amazon App Store on your Android device collectors in the store there you can search for it get the application download it and install it and you want to in stall from the store so that you can get the updates that are coming from us and by the way collector is going to update with version 10 for one probably tomorrow we got another release that's coming right away here and then inside of collector you can sign in on the device with that username that you created to remember what I just called it I always forget that and you can discover the map so let's try to do that let's see if I can remember it so here we have my iPad and you can see I've already searched in the store I really wanted a download egg but we're going to do collector instead I want to tap on the button for collector to download it and hopefully this isn't going to take too long to download click your spree small app and that's downloading it directly on to our Patt and then we can open it up the other way that you can deploy applications is through a mobile device management tool so if you have that in your organization that's where it comes to talking to your IT staff they can download it to their mobile device management system like MobileIron or you know Citrix and mobile and then deploy it out to devices so the mobile workers don't have to amp it all it all right it did download and you can see the very first time we open it up on our iPad and similar experience on on Windows 10 or on Android you see that you have the option to sign in with our chips online or with portal for arcgis so portal for arcgis is like taking ArcGIS online and putting it all within your organization on premises and behind your firewall and then you can fully control the deployment of users that way and also content also at the very bottom there's a try it button so if you haven't gotten to the point of creating a trial organization you can click the try it button and then we've got a set of web maps that you can go and play with and create new features into I'm going to tap arches online and I got to remember I think I called it ESRI water webinar you guys remember what I called it you were paying attention right sure just absolutely watch I got this wrong I bet water dot web r1 cross my fingers and there you can see I hope you got great you are saw me too you can see that what it what it did was it signed in we happen to be the one that created this map but if we weren't we were other users we would see the maps that are shared with us and it you see there's a button on the top left this is all map and then it's also showing my nap so maps that I've created in my user account or the group and you click on they're all going to show the same because we've only created one thing there's also a toggle between all and on device so you will see that if i download it mapped to my device I can quickly toggle between maps that are accessible on a connected way and those that are local to the device if I tap the download button that gives us the ability to download the map to our mobile device and inside of here you can choose your working area the area that you're going to go out and do edit into or new collections into and that cyan box actually controls whether or not you can add a feature so that features outside of that box is not once you create it there's a second concept which is the map detail and that's really around the base map and there's ways to optimize this as well but by default it's showing you one scale the base map if I start to zoom in I can get more detailed content what you see at the very bottom the estimated size starts to go up and that's showing you how much data is actually going to be downloaded that's your device - a tip on that is it's really relative to the work area think about doing this before you go out in the field the free basic hip hop also I wanted to tell you that if I keep going in at a point I'll hit this exceeds tile limit and reduce the area or the level of detail if you're using ESRI basemaps that equates to what we call a hundred thousand tiles which is roughly two gigabytes in size and so is the maximum size will let you get to because that payload the downloading to your device is pretty large and it's large on our servers as well now you can use your own servers host your own content and and and download through this experience if you want there's the concept of hosted tile layers you could publish them up and do that but for this purpose I'm actually not even going to download I'm just wanting to show you this experience there's also we can decide those those base maps as well if you want to copy over large map I'm going to tap and open up the water violations map and then collect a feature now we'll do this pretty quickly so it showed our current location here we are on the entry campus hopefully we're not violating the water restrictions of the city of Redlands so let's instead oh and I wanted to point out here are the different ways to collect data in this template these are the types that we could collect there's open violations what now that's controlled based upon the layer that you that you publish now if I don't want to collect exactly where GPS position is of course if you're doing high accuracy data collection you're going to want to do that right we're getting you can see on the bottom left is GPS button showing we're getting about three meter accuracy with the GPS now we can connect to an external receiver like Travis Anderson did get that down to the centimeter level if we want to connect to an RTK system but we're going to just use the map itself so there's a couple of things I can do first I want to choose the type of feature I want to create the new it's an open violation we're going to take your currently location by default because really when you're out in the field you should be collecting where you're at right but you could override that if you want I can change it to be a point on the map if I cancel this just to show you another tip I could just long press here and from the action buttons they collect here so if it was a location that wasn't near where I'm currently at I could always tap on the map and start my collection that way too and it's got the location set and now I can enter in all the attributes like the property type in here now the lair was built with with what we call a coded value domain set up here as a pick list and you can author those inside of arcgis desktop if you want I'm just going to set one of those attributes the other thing that you can do and we don't need to go through and set all of those attributes the other thing you can do and you'll notice is at the very top there's a first of all next for the cancel button there's a little gear that gear is looking at your required accuracy so if you're using GPS you want to set a required accuracy you can do that if you're capturing line or area features you can also stream positions using the GPS and you can change the streaming interval to be whatever you want as well and you can control that accuracy there in either in metric or in imperial units with a setting inside of collector so we don't like working in the metric system I don't know why you would I mean most of the world does then you can change it all the settings in collectors go against imperial unit abroad also and you can tap that camera button and because we had attachments you can take a photo so who's going to be the lucky candidate I think maybe David there we go take a picture David and we'll use that photo and your pics on me so good job yeah I could be a break there I don't have to submit button and hopefully ArcGIS online likes the picture of David looks like it did surprise and now that's back inside of ArcGIS online the last thing I wanted to show you inside of collector and there's much more to collector that we're not talking about you can discover that as you get to more of it is that settings dialog and inside that settings dialog there are a number of things there where one is what I talked about already with the units of measurement being Imperial or metric we talked a little bit at the very very start about GPS and there are a bunch of settings around GPS the accuracy is one of them an interesting one is the provider the provider is the integrated receiver because that's all I have right now but I could bluetooth to an external receiver like Travis did and I do that by hitting the plus button and then it's going to go try to discover a Bluetooth connection which it's not going to find that's why the screen is going to be blank but if I had something Bluetooth it would find it the other thing that's interesting about it is antenna height so if I click the edit button on this I could actually edit this antenna height if you're really doing high accuracy and vertical is important to you you can choose to set the antenna height okay so the other thing is a provider sorry that sorry a location profile the location profile is really useful if you're using an R seek a correction source so that's probably going to be an ad 83 if you're working in the United States your web Maps probably going to be in wgs84 so if you want to do any high accuracy collection you need to set a datum transformation or else you're not going to have accurate data okay enough about collector I probably went too deep on that Christian's given me the look Oh Jeff we're pretty much very close to being out of time but I know this is a lot of good data and I have to probably ship a little more than it's been an hour allows but I noticed the questions coming in during the webinar many of them you answered as you went through these demonstrations and your slides one thing I would like you to spend a minute on if you would a related table so I had a couple questions come in even previously to this webinar earlier in the month and a lot of people are interested in that related tables I'm going to give you just like two minutes mr. Milligan sorry I kind of get carried away you're gonna kick me I'm like and get too excited about collectors cool so here I am in arcmap and I've got a hydrants layer and you see I've also got an inspections table and we're going to do hydrant inspections here now you can see all of the fields that are here right there's a whole bunch of field an important one I just want to probably know is that in the table that I want to create a relationship for it is a new field called inspection ID and it's of type grid that's really important because if we want to have the system maintain relationships for us we need to establish that relationship between a global ideas the primary field and a grid as the foreign key so inside of my to your database I can create a new relationship class let's call it hydrant inspections we just go all day on this alright we're going to go from our feature layer to our destination table the inspections table keep it simple we'll call it inspections two hydrants and we hate the one-to-many relationship is going to do a lot of inspections against those hydrants Organic like I was saying set up the relationship where the primary key on the hydrants layer is a global ID field you have to have that global ID field and the foreign key is not the global ID field in the grid field so that we can maintain that relationship the global ID from the from the feature layer is be passed automatically to the table into that grid field and you chose a global ID field that would create something completely new and then we can go and off we've created the relationship inside of the editor you can test that relationship really easily by selecting a feature going to the attributes dialog and trying to add any relationship to it and see if that's maintained I recommend you try to do that before you publish now the last thing to mention on this is I inside of an ArcGIS online sorry inside of desktop in this catalog window here I can sign in to ArcGIS online and so I can use that same kind of username and password webinar wahed wahed web and not one and if I tap the Sign In button it connects to it and you can see the water violations when I already create it now in the share dialog share file share a service I can publish the hydrant and its related table as a new web layer to the new feature service web layer directly in there and I can inside of this dialog control editing behavior and hit the publish button so taps simple to create those relationships I'm directly inside of arcmap for use within collector also just double check to make sure that the hydrant inspection table is in your map before republish it all needs to be in there in order to publish it as a feature service you can use it in kolender are wee little bit more than two minutes my apologies for that no that was really good I know we're out of time I'd like to take maybe five extra minutes and we usually cut off right at ten but there were a lot of questions surrounding ArcGIS online for organizations and portal for ArcGIS if you could discuss the differences that effect collector specifically and we'll go ahead and answer that and try to wrap things that I know we're going a little long that's like a 30 minute question right there for me right the support network I'm serving collector you saw when when I went to sign a non collector I had the option of signing in to the portal or signing a darkness online what's really important about the portal aspect is I can I can manage you to the same way that I do with ArcGIS online I could use the identity store inside a portal or I could use my my own identity store for it the important aspect though is how do you access the data that's behind your firewall the maps the services and all that on your mobile device when you're out in the field and that's where you need to work with your IT group to make sure that you either have your web adapter set up outside of your firewall and you can reverse proxy through it or VPN from your device in order to gain access or you get the device on the Wi-Fi connect download maps go to the field do data collection then come back in the office when you are connected in sync so that's that's the basics right there so it's a little more complicated if you're using portal instead of our DF online we're involved you're going to have to talk to those IT people hang some of us yeah I have people don't really get along tonight then you got our kiss online for you so there's a great webinar today at David you usually have something to say if you wanna jump in here of course well I wanted to remind as Krista go with one water it's also one 1g is one IT what operations right that's right we are these one family - yes people okay the one thing I wanted to kind of press and again I get asked all year long at conferences so you know because folks will say well can I use collector without desktop and you know do I need desktop and and the answer is yes you can get started with just ArcGIS online and collector and and start rolling and as you saw Jeff use a template right so those feature that feature service had all the attributes you know had even a valid values that's if you're usually one of the ArcGIS Roar utility templates if you don't use a template really you know ArcGIS online is kind of this empty of this blanket like canvas that you can start adding data to but really the key feature you know is when you use desktop it will do those domains with the valid ID list so there's no typing involved and it's to just show this really the only way that you can get relationship classes into your collector so you know desktops highly encouraged but not required right so with desktop and collector and ArcGIS online you get your domains you get those relationship classes but if you don't have desktop you can still get started right away with collector use a template all of the attributes are there all those domains those valid values are there and you can get started right away because everyone's said you know okay the less the less typing the better so I really encourage having those relationship classes and domain set but yeah this hopefully yeah this is a whirlwind tour maybe some of the basics you know but Jeff always has those good tips and tricks and and the beauty of this it's recorded all your Q&A Jeff and I will make sure we get that answered that will be posted to the Meetup but I just want to say thanks to all for a good year and you know keep the questions coming and and look we look for more exciting things in collector in 2017 so Jeff thank you for having me thanks Jeff for participating I know you're never quite sure what you're getting into I'm good with you guys thank you alright well everyone thank you for joining our last water webinar of 2016 in January 2017 we're going to have a sneak peek for our 2017 water conference that's going to be in Orlando om February 7th through 9th so registration coming soon for that webinar thank you and have a great weekend Oh
Channel: Esri Industries
Views: 8,338
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Collector for ArcGIS, ArcGIS, Esri, Water
Id: wnAbAphBre0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 17sec (3857 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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