ArcGIS Online | Hosted Feature Service

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[Music] hey youtubers this is john from geomarble today we're going to be talking about hosted feature services we're going to take a look at creating them through the arcgis online interface as well as digging into the developer subscription site i hope you enjoy so first thing you want to do is you want to log in to arcgis online or enterprise and you're going to navigate to the content page the content page is really where you're managing your content and so you can see here i have a folder called hosted feature services and i'm going to go ahead and just find some data so i have a washington dc boundary layer here which i found on the arcgis hub system as well as i found a taxi layer which we're going to use as a feature service so just got myself some data here that i'm going to play with as well as i have the rest endpoint which if you're not familiar with the arcgis rest systems you should check out our our rust video and you know learn a little bit more about here so first area is you're going to go ahead and click the create tab you'll see here we have a number of options for creating apps and maps and different things you're going to want to click on this feature layer option and in here you're going to see you can create feature layers from all sorts of already pre-built templates in some industry these are called feature layer templates and you can see here scroll through here so for example if you were interested in in leveraging one of these pre-existing ones you go ahead and click you know select on on one and say create get the opportunity to rename this so in the event you don't want to call this hazard and you want to call this alert layer right just say we're going to do a hazard alert layer next and say i want to change the extent so really it's it's leveraging it as a template and you get to go ahead and kind of re-label it so we can call this the hazard uh alert layer okay and go ahead and get gave me some tags here i can also specify the folder and go ahead and create so that is one option for creating a feature layer the next option that i want to review is going to be building a layer from scratch so let's go ahead and go back to the content page i'm gonna go back to the create click feature layer and here you can do from an existing layer so these are my layers that i have in arcgis online that are just mine some you know sample data sets and things that i'm working on so from here you can go ahead and you know click one of these and go through the same process as well or you can go ahead and create one from a hosted feature layer so i have this rest end point here which is my taxi services we have drop off and pickup locations so go ahead and just copy this url here and go back and i can click paste what this is going to do now this has a lots of data so say you were a different city you weren't dc and you wanted to to map out your taxi drop-offs and pick up areas you could create this as a template right and so that all this is doing is taking the schema of this feature service and actually going to be recreating it right so you'll see here i go next and just to look at the data here you can see that there's are lots and lots of data in here right about those when we create our feature service it's really just going to give us the shell of the feature service so the attributes and the geometry setup for so i'm just going to go ahead and rename these uh to be something more i understand and say we're doing chicago right so say we're going to do chicago set our default here and just say taxi locations new do the same thing here need to add the tags go click click done so what we're going to see here is that if we actually look at the feature layer that's been created you're gonna see that it has the exact schema and the schema being all all these attributes here in our created uh feature layer so you can see here i have my two layers for the drop-off and pickup i also have the data visualization tab and you can see here i have no attributes in it so it's just simply created a a blank feature service the next thing that we want to do is look at like building a layer so we can go ahead and click create and there's this option here and in the drop down that says build a layer so if you build a layer you're going to select between a line a point polygons uh a multi feature uh let's see this will create three layers right one for point one for lines and one for polygons or you can simply just create a table so let's go ahead and select uh polygons and i'm gonna click create i'm going to name my polygon layer um you know geo marvel locations okay and let's just go here we're in washington dc click next and i can call this my layer geo marvel locations layer click next and this will do the same thing so one thing that it didn't you notice it didn't really ask for was the fields and what attributes i wanted to include in in that layer and so the next thing that i really want to show you is how to during the creation process actually add fields and attributes because if you look at the data display here you're just going to have the object id from the arcgis online interface or enterprise interface um if if you have the permissions to you'll be able to navigate to the fields icon and click add so you can go click add here and just say location name is the name and then our display name is location name right and we'll say it's a string right but we can also change it as a double or an integer uh or you know or any of the different data types that that they have here uh so i'm just going to go ahead for string and so go ahead and create them here now now you're probably thinking about what about domains and dropdowns and uh you know multi-select so the place that you would do that is in arcgis pro where you set up domains or one of my favorite places to do it is this the developer console so if you go to the developer console and you click here in the top right you'll see new layer so new layer is presented here and you'll get a nice ui screen that allows and walks you through creating a layer so go ahead and create create empty layer and so let's call this dc school buses all right and i can give this uh some tags here all right good geometry school buses let's go for points what i like about this builder too is you get to control the spatial reference here so if you do have some need to control the the reference of you know the geographical projection of the layer that you're creating this is this is a great place to do that you also have the this nice ui here for adding field field uh field type so let's go ahead and say uh location name is the name so it's saying no spaces right and i'm actually going to go ahead and say here i'm going to not do a domains i'm actually going to say uh coded value so maybe i say we have a dc office so this will show up as like a select option in collector or one of the mobility applications or in a web application right so we can say this is a select option and um we have domain values for maybe some specified domains that we want so i'm going to go ahead and add two there and then don't forget to click this add field button so you can go set here and let's go for time open so maybe we put our hours of operation let's go for a date and then maybe we say a range and we could say our our minimum range uh is we're open you know maybe we want to just say monday through friday right okay so you can select between a date range moving on you'll have the ability to configure all of your sharing states whether it's public or private uh what groups it has access to who can edit it whether it has sync capabilities there's a lot of great configurations here so let's go ahead and and just create this layer and you'll notice if we head back over to arcgis online and i go back to my content you're going to see that this layer ultimately uh once it's done uh uh i'm gonna click open in arcgis online will be part of my uh content and um i'm able to you know visualize it and see uh you can see here my attributes that i have configured the time opened and yeah so that is a little bit about creating hosted feature services in arcgis online hey i hope you liked the video if you like what you saw don't forget to like and subscribe appreciate it see you in the next video
Channel: GeoMarvel
Views: 489
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: GeoMarvel, GeoMarvel Live, ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Services, AGOL, Hosted Feature Services, Featured Services, Esri, OnlineLearning, eLearning, Map, Maps, Mapping, Location
Id: E3VOCtKjuLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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