ArcGIS 10 - ArcMap - Adding Attributes to Shape Files and Labeling

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in this final tutorial will show you how to add attributes to your shape files in our case we're going to look at the the roads that we've created and under transportation we want to add attributes to give the the names of those roads in there so I will right click on open attribute table that's where the table is located this is going to show you all the features that are currently listed under the attribute table and so we have all these are polylines it's going to give you what type of shape it is so it's either polyline polygon or point and it's going to give you the idea and we want to add some more columns in here now notice that you can go in here and I can select any of these lines here and this will help me reference which one is important now first thing I need to do when I'm adding in attributes is I need to go adding a new column for attributes is I want to make sure that we're currently not editing so make sure that you're not editing we'll go back into that attribute table and under the upper left-hand tab you'll click and see that there are multiple things we can do in here and the thing we want to do is add a field so I'll add a field this field is we'll just call it Road underscore name so Road name again there you can't use spaces in here and this is short long integer so if you're using values and you can do double and these are for other numerical formats and text is the one that we want we'll click OK you can see now that we have included a new new attribute here and so there we go and so we've included that now you'll notice if I double click in here or click in there and type numbers nothing's going in at this point so what we need to do is go back out into editor and now we will start editing and if I go into the open app to the table again now I can type in what names they are so again you can click to certain one and realize if you double click it will actually zoom to that specific one so I can zoom to any of these specific ones and if I know what they are I can just type in the name so we'll just of course these are incorrect here but we will just list in some names here oops okay so we'll just list in a couple of those there and we'll close that out and then the editor will stop editing and we'll say yes we want to save our edits so if I go back into the attribute table you can see that we do indeed have these street names on there and now we're going to figure out how to locate them there on the labels currently if I go in and right-click you can see that we can label features and if I label them faintly you can see in here that there's actually numbers in there so they're the numbers in the middle of each one that's represented so instead of those numbers that we want to make sure that we're actually labeling it with the correct label of the row name so I will go into go into properties again so click all the way down to the end of properties this is where we've done symbology in the past and now we will look at labels so typically this comes up with symbology you're going to click all the way over here to labels and this is going to give you the label field we want to change that to Road name instead of the idea that ID was just giving us a number you can change the text symbol and placement options we can do above or below on the line all sorts of options for how we want to do that and we want to keep that orientation parallel click OK there this is a little bit darker so we're actually going to give a bright green color just so we can see if we can see it and let's give that a shot and see how that works so we'll give you okay sure enough there come our road names and you'll notice that they are located in the middle of each of those so there's various options for displaying that they'll give you an idea of how to go in and change those various options
Channel: Karl Olsen
Views: 59,312
Rating: 4.8827839 out of 5
Keywords: ArcGIS
Id: 9UTBheNXa1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2011
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