Cool Tools I’ve Been Using Lately

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tools love them hate them watch them on YouTube on my channel apparently we're here to talk about them because I'm known for not really using too many tools I know crazy I'm the YouTuber who loves to experiment with new stuff and I'm here telling you that I don't use that much but honestly my day-to-day workflow up until recently was kind of boring I'm well known for not using much in terms of my Mac I keep it very very simple I have a hard rule that when I go to an Apple store I need to be able to buy a brand new computer and have it set up the way I like from scratch in under an hour because you never know what happens and you need to be a to be productive that said I have been experimenting a bit more weird for me I normally try to keep my setup pretty boring but I like keeping up with what's going on I like trying out new things and honestly I've been surprised how many of them stuck and not just developer tools by the way this video is going to be a bit different normally when I put things on this channel they're just focused on developers and most of this will be but I'm going to be lacing random non-dev tools throughout we'll have Dev tool then not Dev tool Dev tool then not Dev tool because every Dev is also a non-dev sometimes and I think all the I show here are useful to a large number of people be it a Dev or not if this goes well and you guys are interested let me know cuz I have a bunch of other things I want to talk about in a future video but until then let's dive in to some of my new favorite tools that I've been using every day First Tool I want to talk about is drizzle it is a new omm for full stack typescript devs well really any typescript Dev doing server side stuff at all you might be like oh haven't I heard of this before isn't that like Prisma well yeah mostly prisma's a big company that's been trying to turn their omm into a business for a while and as much as I love and respect what they've done like they've really pushed the expectations of like the type safety in an orm really far drizzle done the same thing in a much more minimal and honestly more reliable package I've been using drizzle as my database of choice well database RM of choice for all of my projects for over a year now and it has proven to be a phenomenal Choice I'm very very happy with what they built even if their testimonial section suggests otherwise oh they Chang this drizzles the Tailwind of sequel sorry drizzle you suck I love drizzle I hate drizzle yeah you get the idea they they're very aware and pretty ironic Prisma in bun was 1.4 megabytes per second drizzles like 10 it's really fast the syntax is great it works in every environment and there's a lot of little things they've been doing lately that have been nice I'll show one of them because I've been using it a lot if you saw my most recent tutorial you might recognize this code base and you might have even try this feature I want to show for everybody else though this is a traditional web project I can show you what it looks like it's just a gallery where I have a bunch of images but if I want to make changes to this quickly let's say I want to rename this I could go write a bunch of code to do that I could go hop in the sequel to do that but instead we're going to pnpm run DB Studio which if I show you the command this runs it is a very simple drizzle kit Studio drizzle kit is the CLI that does a lot of the drizzle work it does your database migrations it lets you run things like what I'm about to show you really cool tool that comes part of the system second time is the charm I already had it running that's the only reason I got an ER there pmpm dzal Studio cool now it's up you can go to the Port that's specific to it or you can just go to local drizzle Studio really nice and here is my entire database accessible via a UI all my tables will be here five multiple all these fields are here we want to change this one to hello world.png save go back to my UI and now it's been renamed super handy just having this built into your omm is dope they even have a Chrome extension that will embed this in things like your planet scale UI in the website which is so handy I I've been really impressed with the drizzle experence from the studio to the migration systems to the actual syntax of doing your queries which I can show you real quick is super super handy go into my database queries and you see how simple this all is db. delete images this is the images table that you actually import from your database where and equal image's ID is equal to the ID that we passed and also the user ID is equal to the user that is currently trying to do the deletion so we can make sure they're authenticated this syntax looks and honestly is a hell of a lot like SQL because it is supposed to map as close to one to one to the sequel underneath as it can so this is why I've been liking drizzle it's a really nice experience overall if you haven't already tried it highly recommend it next is an app that I'm a little scared to show because if I show it wrong you might see all of my emails because I use superhuman for all of my email I've been using superhuman for over a year now and it is not for everybody it is without question what they're calling it here the fastest email experience ever made it has been a phenomenal experience for me ignore all the AI crap I hate that they're pushing that as hard I've never used any of the AI Fe features Beyond it like sorting my emails for me superum is phenomenal because it is the fastest email experience it's like Vim for your email really good hotkeys really good behaviors lots of subtle things I never would have thought of so I can't just show any of my inboxes so here is my optional inbox in one of my email accounts there's a lot of nice things in here like I can navigate up and down with j and k just like you would in a Vim code base there's a lot of hot keys for auto reminders so you get set something to remind me in the future you have a whole superhuman command bar has a ton of different options templates tons of useful stuff I just want to show you one of the subtle things that I've never seen anyone else do we all know how command a works we go to the top and we command a the thing they did differently that I've never seen is if you command a from a certain point so we're going to start at Thrasher we'll command a there it only selects from there down such a subtle thing that I had never thought of before but now that I've experienced command a not selecting the entire page but instead selecting from where you are down I was like oh that's how it always should have worked it's just obvious and there's a lot of these subtle things that they did things like when you're sending an email pressing a colon to start typing an emoji and having it autocomplete correctly things like the entire send system actually behaving having meaningful templates and Snippets that you can reuse which I use for my investor emails every month it's just so good so many of these little things are done right and it makes managing your email inbox better than it's ever been it does cost money though and it's not cheap it is 30 bucks a month it's worth it if you're the type of person that spends an hour or more in email every day this is worth it for you that is not everybody if the thought of spending 30 bucks a month on your email disgusts you this is not a service for you but if that's like oh whatever A+ it is check out my link in the description I somewhat recently convinced them to give me an affiliate link after begging for over a year and if you use that it gets a little cheaper for me so I'd appreciate it anyways that's enough about superum check out their mobile app to it's really good but it is not for everyone someone ask what I recommend it for casual email no yeah know I I would not like you can use superum for casual email but it is a business email for sure one more Super before we forget this one's a Dev tool this is super Maven it is without question the fastest co-pilot I've seen a lot of things make these claims and I didn't think I would care and then I try super Maven and suddenly I care a lot I will say that I don't know how their free tier behaves because when I signed up there was only the pro tier so I actually haven't tried to see if the free tier is any good but the pro tier is some of the best co-pilot like experiences I've ever had it works vs code you might have noticed I've had this here for a bit when you open up a new code base it actually trains on that specific code base and it updates the training every time you make a change it basically takes little diffs from when you're changing stuff and it uses those to optimize to make the next diffs better my co-founder actually recently tried it and the first thing he noticed is when he went to a codebase to refactor the uh console logs he made one change and then it knew what change he wanted to make that point forward because it wasn't based on just all this old archaic knowledge it was preferring the knowledge of the thing that he just changed I saw this Chann I had to call it out if you guys don't know in bed she's one of those people that like likes versell but doesn't use it because she wants to optimize every penny so she like doesn't spend money unless she has to and she actually renewed the subscription for super Maven because she likes it enough so I've been surprised with it I'll quickly show just how insane this auto complete is let's do uh export async function rename image you see it's do you see how fast it's doing the auto complete like it's every character it automatically has it already I press Tab and it Auto build this update images set name where and and yeah it's it's smart the and it does it that fast too like I'll just do it again for the sake of it did did you see like as soon as I pressed enter on that auto complete press Tab and it just it appears none of this is edited this is just the raw speed possible when you're using this stuff it's nuts I I've never seen AI autocomplete for code this absurdly quick it's really nice in the recommendations might not be as deep like if I had like some crazy like function like traveling sales man it can do it but it's going to do it a little more generically and it might not do it correctly when it's things related to your code base like a Tailwind class set or another message like uh rename images I guess messages really word or like a function that you've already made similar things to if it's related to your code base this is going to kill it I've been really impressed so much so that we're currently figuring out what it looks like for me to invest in and work with them longer term I am loving super Maven really cool stuff check it out if you haven't next one's going to be a little bit different you might see this and assume it's for devs or if you Dev you might see this and assume it's not this is my sonology disc station ds821 plus I was hesitant to get a Nas for a while if you're not familiar with the concept A Nas is network attached storage it's a device that sits on your network that just holds a bunch of hard drives each of these slots is a hard drive slot for like a big 3.5 in disc I was initially skeptical of sychology for a handful reasons it was expensive it was closed Source it used a file system that I wasn't familiar with it's a giant thing full of hard drives that I'm throwing in a closet like how good could this be it has entirely changed my workflow not just for Content but for a bunch of stuff the sonology operating system is annoyingly good mine's on my local network it's named incel cuz it's my internal versell huh have to make my jokes let me sign in quick signed in and here's my Synology it is Magic yes this is just in my browser we'll talk about my browser in a bit my internal versell box is a life Cher it's so so handy the big thing that I use this for is managing all of my content so I have my vods Dropbox wait Dropbox why do I have Dropbox here we'll get to it so I have my T3 store which is a giant dis array if I go to my storage manager we can see how big actually have two volumes because when sonology sent me this they sent me addition hard drives we'll talk about that in a bit but they sent me a bunch of 4 tab drives I need more than 4 terab drives though I need much bigger so I bought a bunch of 18 or 16 15 tab drives I think these are 16 so I bought four 16 tab drives and I'm using those in a pool there is so much cool stuff you can do with this like if I want to add two more drives cuz I'm running low on space I can just go buy more and just plug them in and tell it hey by the way add these to the pool and it takes a bit to do it but it actually does which is huge so so handy and yeah you can see I only have 12 terab free cuz I've been using the hell out of this what I use this for more than anything is just managing all of my vods so if I go to my T3 store vods here's all of the videos I didn't want to Archive other places but I have my Dropbox I have my family room because I'm abusing dropbox's family tier we go to video we go to vods and here is all of my content magic I know this seems not particularly big when you combine it with the fact that I can access this on my local network via finder and I can just copy files to and from it on my 10 gig Network insane how useful this can be and it makes it so much easier to move my assets around the real magic though is this Cloud sync plugin I have this Cloud sync plugin where I can sync folders to Dropbox and Google drive automatically and it goes both ways so when I put something in there it goes into the Dropbox and when I put something Dropbox it appears on this box so handy and we aren't just limited to all this file stuff by the way if you guys are looking at this and be like Oh but I don't have that many files wait till you see all the server stuff you can do with it you you can have a full-on container manager for just running any image you want to run if you want to run any Docker container be it a Dev thing a local thing whatever you want to do here you go really easy to spin up and have it on your local network it's nuts admittedly not cheap as I mentioned before take a look at Amazon yeah these aren't cheap boxes but neither are the hard drives you put in it but man if this is a thing you need if you need to have real storage on your network and you also want to be able to run like a random Minecraft server or some weird Docker image to do some weird this is one of the most worthwhile purchases you can make and while yes I am very lucky sonology sent me this I have spent like four grand on upgrades for mine so they save me like a little under $2,000 so yes thank you to sonology for sending it to me you massively accelerated the speed at which I adopted this workflow but godamn life changing workflow I am so happy I made the move to a Synology for so much of my work for the next thing I'm going back to my editor because this is a plugin I'm not a big vs code plugin guy I don't have too many installed I know I just talked about super Maven and we're about to talk about another but honestly I try to keep my vs code relatively minimal so when I tell you that this tool is incredible I hope you trust me on it so here's a more complex one where I'm adding a fake field into this database and if we go here we see the usual typescript mess that you get when you get a typescript error but if we scroll we see a much nicer formatting here no overload match this call overload one of two here is this this is the shapee it expects gave the following error object literal may only specify known properties in fake field does not exist in this type and here's the type for my database so I like to think that is quite a bit more readable than this mess above like anybody happen to think this text dump is more readable than this formatting I would love if anybody in chat actually thinks this is better to let me know because you're insane this is obviously much better so how am I getting so much of an error and why is this not just built into VSS code great questions all around we actually get two links here too that I want to show one is to typescript dotv that gives you a little more info on the specific type of error that you got as well as TS error translator which is a plugin website whatever you want to call it that was made by Matt pook in order to try and translate your error into something a little more readable the extension is pretty typescript errors I actually have a whole video where I just freak out over how useful this is Yo's a phenomenal developer he's been really involved in the community ever since I made that video about it it's phenomenal I just I I can't recommend this more highly it's one of those things where I like use another program and I'm like oh why is this not what everyone uses like why is this not like the default the amount of crazy hacks he had to do to make this possible is insane the big one is that in order to render like this inside of a tool tip you can't just render text because it won't let you render in these shapes so his hack is he's rendering all of this all the syntax and everything inside of an SVG and and the SVG is rendering as an icon inside of the tool tip instead which is the hack that he's done in order to get this to work in the first place it's insane that he managed to make it work but he did and he even embedded my old video about it back in my old apartment so you know how ancient this is but I've been using it every day still I highly highly recommend it give pretty TS errs a shot click the link in the description for the GitHub and you can go find it on VSS codes like extension Marketplace as well speaking of things that should be built in this is rectangle what is rectangle well I'm going to hold two keys I'm going to hold control and option on my keyboard I'm going to press the left Arrow now I'm going to press the right arrow now I'm going to press the right arrow again it's bigger and smaller it is Magic having something where you can just resize your window however you want that quickly so I have that there Comm control option left I go find like my code editor control option right and now I have a split view so good just hu Keys super simple it's open source you can support them by buying it in the Mac App Store but it's a free and open source software if you just want to go download and install it yourself it is a super minimal kind of tile management for Windows thing is an old I3 Linux guy who used to do all of this at like a system level yeah I used to use that type of stuff but honestly I found that rectangle is more than enough to make me happy I'm not the type that uses all the fancy like multi- window either you can see here I just have my one workspace and in order for this to be viable tools like this make life so much better and if you're not already familiar with this hotkey CU a surprising number of Mac devs aren't command tab obviously switches between things you have this little picker command Tilda the key right above tab lets you switch between programs within the same app so if I have two vs codes open I just press command Tilda and it swaps between those and when you combine command Tab and command Tilda as well as something like rectangle it's very easy to build the exact workspace you want and I found that this is more than enough for me to not miss Linux that much so if you're looking for something to control your workspace a bit better without going all in on the Linux I three chaos of window management rectangles a really good way to get most of the way there last Dev tool of the video although you want to stick around for the final thing I promise is post hog post hog has recently become a sponsor of the channel so know that going in this does not count as one of my sponsored videos with them I'm just talking about it because I genuinely really like it I've been using it for all my products to prove it I'll tell you that I don't use anything from the feature Flags right so I don't use the feature Flags a testing surveys data pipeline or data warehouse I'm just using the product analytics the web analy in the session replay and all three of these things are phenomenal and really important all of these things are open source the whole GitHub repo for everything you need for post hog is open source and self- hostable so if they ever fail or go out of business or the pricing gets too high you always have the option to go host to yourself really cool stuff it is rare that these open source companies actually give you everything you need much less make it somewhat trivial to go host it yourself it's phenomenal it's so useful and I I wish I started using it on more projects earlier because I been SP a lot of time doing different analytics tools and they've become my favorite by far I already saw Sebastian commenting that post Hog's great he only uses 5% of it but it's great to track funnel conversion stats on his newsletter much better than esps and other Solutions too Sebastian's the guy who created this weak in react which if you're not already familiar is a newsletter you should probably be keeping an eye on as well as Sebastian's Twitter but yeah if the person who runs the go-to react newsletter is saying that he's very happy with post hog despite using almost none of it probably a good sign it is a phenomenal plat it's a lot like I find it's very mixed panel influenced but it's it's simpler not necessarily less capable but pretty damn simple overall super easy to set up events to attach it to your applications use it with things like nextjs been a great experience overall hopping into my dashboard for the tutorials I was just filming and here is my T3 Gallery tutorial you can see my daily active users which is refreshing now cuz I just opened it you have your conversions you have the ability to go create custom dashboards custom insights everything's done through click house SQL so you can write custom SQL commands too to generate your own things we can go to product analytics and create an insight and from here you have tons of filtering all the things you would need to generate really good data about the things that you're building and how they're being used and I've been using this for all of the software that I've been building now for a bit over a year it's a beautiful dashboard it's super customizable everything can be configured there's a couple things you can't do in terms of like very specific filtered breakdowns like I wanted to create a like normalized curve type chart of how many files users up upload so I could group them by the number of files and it was capable of doing that on the SQL side but not necessarily capable on the UI side at the time they might have even changed since cuz that was like eight or nine months ago that I had tried regardless phenomenal product I've been liking it a lot so much so that I hit them up until they agreed to sponsor some content which is coming out soon so keep an eye out for that as well as the tutorial where I go really in depth on postt do and now for the final thing I want to talk about the browser I've been doing this all in Arc I was skeptical first I was so skeptical that I tried it and then stopped using it after like 2 to 3 days and went back to Chrome then my co-founder went all in and my co-founder does not normally go for tools like this I was very skeptical but if he was that into it I figured I should give it a shot again specifically I liked the idea of having these different profiles for my life cuz I have my work stuff I have my content stuff I have my one I'm live and I have this one that I just made for making tutorials and things but having these different profiles that are that easy to switch between it's just like there's hot keys to switch between them super quick the concept of tabs and how they work on the side here was weird to me initially but I've grown to love it the idea that anything below this line is ephemeral and will eventually get cleaned up and everything above this line is like semi-permanent the concept of bookmarks has been eradicated in favor of this hierarchy that I was really skeptical of and I've grown to love it I actually really really like the way Ark navigates now having the sidebar that lets you full screen the page makes things obviously much more readable when I'm doing content on having having like browser tabs and everything everywhere but overall I'm just really happy with the workflow like navigating this browser is nice it handles things like picture and picture better it has really good ergonomics around things like your plugins and how they're all embedded in there you have a hotkey to turn the tab bar on and off and when you're doing things on Local Host it knows it's in Dev mode so it'll actually automatically not just show you the URL but show all these other useful things like a quick Hut key for capturing an image and portrait mode things like opening up the terminal in the console with one click there it's surprisingly aware of what developers need and what everyone else needs and it makes the change just by showing the Local Host URL it's actually been really handy to work with I have been genuinely impressed with my experience overall with Arc and if you're skeptical I honestly recommend giving it a shot I'm personally not using any of the AI paid features yet I think I enabled them but I'm not actually trying them at this point in time one things everybody always asks how do I do the weird search thing so if I search corgis it goes to my default search engine which is duck. go but if I do exclamation point GI it searches on Google Images or if I do exclamation point YT it goes to YouTube that's actually a feature built into duct upo which is my search engine of choice for a ton of reasons but I'll be honest is mostly this one the ability to search wherever you want by just doing a little exclamation point at the end or whever you want it will just search the thing that that shortcuts for honestly now that I've gotten hooked on bangs from duck. go I can't really use other search engines so I use duck. go on my phone my iPad all my Compu computers and everything one more thing about Arc that I guess is important it is mostly Mac only right now working really hard on making it work on Windows I don't know what the plan is for Linux if there is any but it is very much a browser meant for Mac users right now so know that going in Windows versions in Early Access Linux version probably won't exist and if it does who knows how well supported it will be but their focus is making the best browser for what they consider the best OS which honestly Mac's a reasonable Choice that's the tools that I've been using more and more every day there's honestly a bunch more I want to talk about but I needed to keep this video a little bit short so you guys would watch to the end speaking of which let me know in the comments if you made it all the way here and if you're interested in more videos about the tools that I've been using until next time peace nerds
Channel: Theo - t3․gg
Views: 205,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web development, full stack, typescript, javascript, react, programming, programmer, theo, t3 stack, t3,, t3dotgg
Id: uwxgwzC2eCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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