AR7: I Dropped A $5K Conference Table!

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how's it going everybody so welcome back to the shop we are starting a very very exciting project today it all starts so the whole table is it's a conference table it's got a steel base it's made out of walnut for the top we're using a walnut veneer so we got two sheets of 3/4 in the F and a sheet of half-inch in the F that I'm gonna press in a vacuum bag for what you would call a substrate substrate it'll total about Internet that's total about two inches thick 3/4 to 3/4 and a half an inch simple math and on top of that we will glue our veneer onto that and then we're gonna do some really cool features with the top of the conference table with a little glass display box that's built into it and their logo will be branded inside of that glass display box but I'm excited about it I'm excited that you guys are tuning in to watch this and here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so here's a look at the veneer we're gonna use I've got a special special Fitness veneer or typically they sell it pretty thin but this is about a heavy sixteenth of an inch thick these four pieces will make up the top a little bit wider I don't I think we're about 14 inches 13 inches here and then the smaller ones on this side there's one two three four five six pieces which will make up the bottom of the table you have to veneer both sides to keep a balance if I just veneer at the top it would be unbalanced then it would want to bow and move so you you have to do equal veneer on both sides so that's we're gonna do I'm gonna lay these out join them together I've got to cut each add an edge enjoy them just like I would a tabletop just like I was working with solid wood and then once I get I'm joined I tape them all together and then we can kind of move on to glue in it okay so I'm shooting all my interview footage right here next to the bandsaw because I know you guys want to see it and I'm still waiting for parts on it so this thing is on the back burner for a little while you can see I'm taping up the veneers at the joints here this tape is designed the dispenser that I'm pulling it out up at has water in it so the tape gets wet and then you place the tape on the joint and then acetate the water dries out but tape shrinks and pulls that joint together it's a really cool process and that really helps keep those joints tight so in this show what we're doing is we're mixing blue I'm using a you know bond 800 which is a two-part blue adhesive that's really good for the near work it's actually the first time I've ever used it and I was really impressed with how well it worked so you know we spread the glue on both side we lay the veneer we put a cover sheet on the veneer tape it and then it goes in the bag and it sits in the bag for probably I've left it in there overnight so I mean it was 12 hours in the bag but that glue sets up fairly quick I mean within two or three hours it's hardened but you'd it's better to kind of leave it in there a longer period of time okay so Matt stopped by the shop and we are officially in a competition of pull-ups Brian's going right now Matt's filming for his channel he's checking out the table working on so far Ryan's kicking our butt middle one up the top one oh yeah I can do it there that hurts all the way up yeah go for it gotta get 20 I don't know if I should go break that thing three not the not the forget to let anything for the cut out on the display box I'm using a jig that I made that size to fit perfectly the the metal frame perimeter that I had welded up that jig I can just use a flush bearing bit once I have that jig made and just run it all the way around as you can see I'm doing and it cuts out a perfect profile of that metal border [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so I'm getting super super close to having this conference table done I'm the last real hurdle and it is giving their logo put on the table the logo is going under the glass inside the little display box I gave Matt four options here we went with the top option the challenge we're having and I've talked to so many different companies about laser engraving this and everyone's just kind of blowing me off because I don't want to mess with it it's a lot of people out there who are afraid of challenges can't be that way guys you gotta step up I finally found that guy who was willing to step up and what we decided to do is we're gonna sew the actual size of this engraving is four inches tall by fifty eight inches long so we're gonna cut our board in between the bunker in the text and brand each piece separately and then put it back together should work fine in theory seems like it will you know I got the board right here so you get an idea it's white oak it's quarter sawn white oak I chose that species for a couple of reasons it it's flat they'll stay flat it won't move a lot cortisol and super stable and it'll have a nice contrasting color from the walnut hoping to really pop that logo so when you walk in and look at this table your eyes are immediately going to be drawn to that display box and what's in it and their logo that's the whole idea behind picking a lighter color would should work out great I'm gonna take you guys with me we got a pretty good Drive I'm going to the east side of San Antonio unfortunately I'm going we can like our drive for this and it killed most of my afternoon but you guys are gonna come with me hopefully I can shoot some footage while I'm there alright guys so I am back I know I said I was taking you guys with me and technically I took the camera but I didn't shoot any footage because no it was at the guy's house and he was super nice guy but I don't think he really wanted a camera in a shop which is understandable it came out really good way to cut it here because his machine was only four feet and I already talked to you about that I'm going to Domino this glue it back together and then we will oils section is gonna pop really good and look really nice so I'm really excited I cannot wait to get this on the table and get it all done we're getting so close so for the finish on this we're just using a clear pre catalyzed lacquer you see I'm spraying the first coat on first coats kind of a sealer then I'll come back and sand with a 320 or 400 grit and put on three or four more coats and just build up the finish it's a real simple process an easy finish it dries quick and it really makes that walnut pop and looks really nice [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we got the table all done put together it looks amazing it's probably one of the cooler pieces that I've had come out of this shop I'm super excited to take it over and show it to Matt and those guys it's got this beautiful walnut veneer that's a sequence match with four veneers we've got a quarter sawn white oak logo board for the logo which they have their bunker branding company on this sits in about an inch and a half two inch and three quarters so they can put patches stickers matka throws bullets in here anything he wants to display he can put in there we've we've included a really cool quarter inch plate steel two inch wide around the banding as the edge we've got this really cool welded up base at my buddy Cameron Fisher made I'll put a link to his Instagram in my description so you can check out his work we've added a little walnut runner on the bottom so you got a place to put your feet if you're if you're resting or relaxing kick him back that's really it now that's the rundown we're gonna get this thing loaded up the table the top on this is crazy heavy yes I did just drop the table and yes did do some damage to the bottom but thankfully Matt was very cool about air and then that there hit right there I want to make sure to show that off in the video and it was okay but that was a really bad moment that's the first piece of furniture I've ever dropped it was a bummer [Music] Brian come here grab this I'm boycotting this room good I don't think it's a good idea Matt you're looking you can take that okay yeah I really hope you guys enjoyed the table build I had a blast making that table I'm thankful to Matt for giving me the opportunity to do it I'm also really excited to be a part of a new group of the youtubers who are joining the bunker branding company to some merchandise so you can now buy my t-shirts directly off their website I'm putting a link in the description below so you can go do that you support my channel you support Matt's company I've got new shirts up this is a brand new design up the going making shirt it's a spin-off of the Canon come and take it a staple of Texas history I also have my hammer and chisel shirt we got hats up there now so we've got a lot of cool merchandise on there I'm got a lot of ideas for new shirts coming your way so go check that out help support me help support Matt I appreciate you guys tuning in and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Andy Rawls
Views: 174,958
Rating: 4.9030151 out of 5
Keywords: conference table, metal and wood, veneer, walnut table, matt carriker, woodworking, custom table, building a conference table
Id: OP2u7QtAeSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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