AR6: This Sawmill Is Worth Seeing!

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how's it going everybody so I'm super pumped about this episode I'm also very excited to introduce you to the sawmill where I'm buying my lumber they cut some beautiful large Texas native slabs very well done kiln dried stable material super cool operation I think you guys are really gonna enjoy seeing it so let's go check it out Johnny you ready to go to the sawmill joonie jr. yeah you excited to go to the sawmill no something's so fun you know guys chuckle a okay well I'll go check flavors [Music] [Music] all right guys so I'm at berdahl sawmill this is probably the coolest place to shop for lumber you can check all these giant slabs out right now they're working on this super-sweet what did this a conference table 20 feet long most of the wood that brandon cuts is what epic on the ski some walnut all native Texas hardwoods so this is a really cool place I would highly recommend you guys go check it I'm gonna put a link in the description of this video for you guys so you can go their website and see some of their inventory and what they do it's not bad man so you get like a 40 grit or 60 grit on there you can go pretty quick 80 yeah [Music] homemade orbital sander so what you see here is brand is using a mallet to tap the log and he's listening for what I would call voids or rotten spots in the law where the woods no good and I think they've kind of run into a spot here where they're gonna actually flip the log over and start cutting from the other side so you're seeing that happen now and what they'll do is they'll take a really after they flip the log they'll take a really thin cut off the top to level it back out and then from there they'll start dropping down and whatever thickness they're cutting which is probably two and a half two and a quarter and take their slabs off the log that way [Music] some woodworkers wife is faulted [Music] but it's like a rat there's a timeline yeah [Music] we took four potential so you each slack gets bored care put on it yeah [Music] and children that gets or here let's cool now Brendon has a new species of wood here this is actually metallic wood I don't know if you've ever seen anything like this but it's pretty special stuff I'm pretty excited to get some of this from them look it has a red SAP wood in it pretty crazy I'm just kidding that's not really metallic that's just paint to seal the end so it doesn't crack all right so it was a pretty long day today we just got home from the sawmill I'm unloading lumber now here's my stash so we got door styles these are actually to book match boards here's one of them where's the other one I ought to get out of the truck I'm gonna finish unloading this call it a day it's been a long day and tomorrow we'll start laying out parts for this barn door so before I get into making the barn door I have to give you guys a really quick sneak peek of the bandsaw because I know you all are being patient on that it's taken a little while to get it all finished but the next video which will hopefully be in a couple weeks or even less will be the finished video of the bandsaw with it running it's almost done all I have left to do is get power to the motor get a flat belt to drive it and put a blade on it which is on order will be here soon so I'm gonna give you a quick look there it is and that's all you get we got to be patient and wait it won't be long and this thing will be up and running you'll be seeing me building furniture with this before I go though I want to use the opportunity to ask a quick question I always like reaching out to you guys for help because a lot of you guys will watch this know way more about it than I do I have the oil here in this oil bath where there's two bearings in here and as you can tell it's leaking pretty good right there so I don't know exactly what I'm gonna do with that this little cap here doesn't have a really precise fit and that's why it's leakin anybody who has any thoughts or suggestions on how I could deal with that oil leak I greatly appreciate it and guys be patient real soon that's all's gonna be up and running and I'm gonna show you guys everything I've done to it in the last month that I've been working on it so what we're doing here is we're kind of I'm working with Ryan we're trying to figure out how we want to lay out the styles we've got two book-matched boards for the Stiles which is a really cool unique feature but they've got a lot of cracks in them and we've got to get I think five inches on our style wits so trying to cut out some cracks and have enough left over to get the 5 inches so I was tricky with Missy because there's always practicing boys so when we mill the Styles first we'll straight line one edge using the track saw the festival check saw and then as you can see we're coming back and just using that straight line as a reference and ripping them off on the table saw it works pretty well [Music] now we've glued up all the frame parts of the door the to style the top rail the mid rail in the bottom and the great thing about the sander is that we can calibrate our parts with it everything to the exact same thickness and that's what we're doing here and we're running all the parts three all the way through to 120 grit and calibrating them all the same thickness now I could do this after I would at the door but with this particular doors it's wider than my wide up my white belt will stand 43 inches in width and the door is 50 so everything has to be sand sanded prior to glue up which gets it gets a good sanded surface clears off all the epoxy and calibrates apart seals to the same thickness so one of the challenges with working with muskie as you get a lot of cracks and Ryan and I have filled a lot of these with epoxy we had it really bad and this is the door style right here it's eight foot long we had a really bad crack at the base so you can kind of see it up close alright and push on a little bit and you might really hear it right here it says it's just kind of it's coming apart you can hear a little crack happening and if we flip this over you can kind of chase these cracks all the way through to the other side of the board since it's the door style it has a lot of it can have a lot of force on it we need something to reinforce it so we're just going to put that piece in and hopefully hopefully that solves the problem so we use floating Tenon's but we machine them all with a plunge router we hit the layouts just stop marks on all of our styles and rails and then it's just a matter of plunging down with a half inch spiral up to up cut bit and cutting out all the holes and then what we do is we mill our tenon blintz or floating Tenon's separately and just glue it all together that reinforces the joint makes it a lot stronger so after we cut the joinery we always run all of our grooves for the panel on the date with the dado blade on a table saw it's super easy pretty quick and pretty fairly accurate so that's kind of what Ryan's doing here the really long pieces I'll help him feed those through because it's just hard to keep them down on the table without a huge outfeed table so putting the piece [Music] this store I'm not doing a solid wood panel it's such a giant span but it makes more sense to just use tongue and groove I like to look better too we're doing a little tiny little penny gap at each board so one thing that want an advantage the tongue and groove is you don't have wood movement across the whole panel so it reduces your movement because it's happening in so many little spots each board is moving individually on its own it keeps things flat it keeps things from cracking and falling apart I always like tongue and groove paneling for door sometimes people just don't like the look so you have to go solid but that's what we're using here on the store and what we're doing here is we're sanding we're using the sander the thickness each panel to fit into our group so we pre-cut the crews first then we come back and we fit our panel into the grooves so to get a perfect fit [Music] all right so this is the panelists as a tongue-and-groove we're gonna lay these out on the ground and if Ryan got his numbers right the width of these ten of these put together the width of the ten of these put together should be the width of the panel we need to fit in our rails so let's give a shot and see if he got it [Music] so as you can tell we got our panel all laid out the width was good it Ryan did a really good job figuring his numbers on that it can be real difficult with tongue-and-groove eye we almost have to lay it out full scale to get each board sized right with your tongues and then your gap because the really the important part of this door is to make sure that that gap is this exact same across all boards so once we have that all figured out and we know we're good we can go ahead and glue the door up [Music] so once the door is glued up we take it out of the clamps cut it to size sand it all and then finish those are really the last steps and on the finish I'm just spraying clear lacquer there's really no reason I believe just a mesquite it's a beautiful wood and when you put finish on it there's so many things that pop and the grain it looks awesome it looks really cool so this door turned out great the finish looks great so once we get it finished then it's just a matter of going to hang it for this project I teamed up with artisan hardware they sent me the hardware for this door really I've used artisan hardware for a lot of my barn doors in the past right here I'm checking it out making sure all my hardware is good I actually ordered this not pre-drilled when I should have ordered a pre-drilled because I later found out the Builder did walk out the jam and the header and everything so I had to come back and just drill space the holes and drilling myself no big deal so once we got the hardware I'll rep lined up and ready we loaded everything up and we're headed to the house to do the install [Music] I'm tired of you being tired [Music] not just a battles going back to how we were [Music] but I'm just so tired of you being tired of rain [Music] okay so as you can tell we got the door all installed everything looks great came out looking really good I hope you guys have enjoyed the video I hope you learned a little bit from the process I have some very exciting projects coming up that we are going to capture in these episodes the next one will hopefully be the bandsaw which we spoke about a little bit earlier a little sneak peak here at a table for Matt character for his new merch company this is a conference table that video will be that is getting filmed and will be a video coming your way soon we also have a custom ping-pong table that is in the works I have the lumber on the racks for that we'll be building that soon that's gonna be a fun one so you guys stick with me keep tuning in you're gonna keep getting the silent videos for me and you're gonna keep getting these behind-the-scenes that's kind of where I'm at now I hope you guys are enjoying it if you have any suggestions or comments or anything you want to see please let me know as always thanks for tuning in and I will see you guys next now [Music] you
Channel: Andy Rawls
Views: 344,903
Rating: 4.724236 out of 5
Keywords: barn door, building a barn door, making a barn door, sawmill, wood slab, woodworking, sliding door, artisan hardware, andy rawls, berdoll sawmill, pecan wood, mesquite wood
Id: s2_1NCfvv60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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