AR15 Pistol Pros, Cons, Do's & Dont's

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now gasps good with 32 here check it out in this episode we're gonna be talking about the dues the don'ts the House of Lies the advantages and the disadvantages of the ar-15 pistol platform stand by I'm just gonna not say anything hey guys gotta play 32 here check it out we're going to go over a couple things real quickly about the AR pistol platform I'm do the pros and cons what to do what not to do that kind of thing now I'm not a lawyer so I'd always say I'm just advising you on what I've been told by a bunch of dealers to make T of friends of mine and what I've read on the 4473 now let's talk about a couple things this guy right here this isn't the ar-15 pistol so is this now what makes it a pistol is it is a buffer tube and it has a brace this is not a stock so legally this is not class bull and it doesn't have to be registered as an SBR through the either to trust tax stamp process and all that other neat jazz now that is the advantage of it and you can simply go out purchase your lower build yourself an ar-15 pistol without having to rigmarole going through all that [ __ ] so anyway that's it the advantage is you can go out build this without the tax stamp now the disadvantages is it's not an SBR then that you can't have a classical rear stock now talking about the advantages or disadvantages of this bin not being an SBR I really don't see it now a lot of people they want to go out there they want to get the tax stamp they want to have that SBR it also enables them to go ahead and once you get the trust setup you can put your silencer on there and go from there but again I'm not one of those guys that I really see personally I can see what people find in the novelty of having an SBR me myself and I really don't I'm not I don't want go through the process so as you can tell I have a couple of SR AR pistols and that's basically yet next thing on the line let's talk about the purchase of a lower now there's a lot of communication error in there and what I did was I reached out to all the people that I purchased lowers from now a lot of people ordered lowers online and haven't transferred to do their AFL guy what I do is I just have got a couple of select few people that I purchase these things through and they know to deal so every time I bought one of these things you go to the 4473 block 18 it will have three blocks you've got rifle pistol or other now one of the things is you'll have this thing and it'll be registered or purchased no I don't want to say registered but you'll be purchasing this as an other it is neither a long firearm or receipt it's just a receiver okay look at the block 18 I'm going to put this up here real quickly and we'll do the question/answer kind of thing like that so you can tell exactly what's going on but in any case every time you follow these things have it purchased as an other in that way here's the sticker you can take this lower and you can build it into anything you want you can build it into a pistol rifle you can take it from a rifle to a pistol it doesn't matter what you do with it they don't care now a lot of confusion about them do you want to take you take your DPMS or a rifle your you know your we call that thing the Bushmaster and you purchase it and you wanted to change it to an SBR not an SBR but to an AR pistol and a lot of people like well you can't do that yes you can however legally and this is what I've been told by a couple dealers is that you really need to take it back and re classify it as a pistol or an other so that the legalities are covered on your end of it you can do whatever you want I mean it's not matter if does ATF really want to take the time to take you to jail and all that other stuff who knows I don't know that anyway be safe about it if you take your Bushmaster you downsize it to an ar-15 pistol go to your dealer and have them reclassified as an oven or a pistol but anyway guys that's basically it talking about the other downsides of it you've got a ten and a half inch barrel on this one I've got a seven half inch barrel on that one you're going to have some velocity reduction in there you're going to be looking at a usable distance out to about 300 yards on a ten and a half inch barrel about 150 200 yards on a seven half inch barrel about a thousand mount feet per second reduction in velocity to me be quite honest with you it's not that big a deal especially because I'm going to be you in this in a close quarters combat role if need be and that's basically in now another advantage you got with the ar-15 pistol is that you can't conceal it you can put this in your car you can leave it underneath the seat you can do whatever you want to as long as you get a CCW or you live in a state that's Constitutional Carry you can pretty much do what you want very nice the deal accessories guys the only things you really can't do with this is put a vertical grip on it once you do that it turns it into anything other than I believe the classification yes but just don't do it later it was a video out a while ago with sooc one of his buddies had an ak-47 pistol and they were out there just blasting away with it like that man an ATF send a little notice saying hey how about just take that thing off of there if you don't mind we appreciate it accessories you can do whatever you want with this as you can with anything else other than a class we'll stock in that vertical grip pretty simple pretty easy now let's talk about travel ability all right little bird travel ability yes travel ability one of the reasons I love doing the ar-15 pistol platform say for instance my family and I were getting ready to go on a long trip okay I can take this guy right here I've got a getting a plaintiff a carry case alright it's about 18 inches in length about eight inches in depth and the nice thing is is it is certain you can travel with it you can put it in the airport but I can break this thing down just like this place it in there vertically like that but we're getting very good a thunderstorm with a couple magazines I can go ahead and say I want to have this and that's going to make the reel so anyway I want to take this and I want to take a nice nine-millimeter and I can put all these into one little package so there you go guys you've got something that's compactable you can travel with it and take advantage of how small this little package is and believe it or not like this stuff Oh as far as I'm concerned this is probably one of the most lethal small firearms that you can buy other than a 300 blackout which is easy enough because you're just taking up ER just like this you build you another one you put on there and you go like that so I'm gonna set this we'll put it back in a few minutes all right so let's talk about a couple other little items here CQB you're not gonna find anything better than this basically operate same as an SBR CQB wise you're ready to go you can put any optical on it I like to put the 5 x prism scope on there I'm looking at on some other options on this guy right here my eyesight is not what it used to be and being that within the 300 to 50 yard range is pretty much where we're going to be on this thing that 5 x prism scope is actually perfect for me personally a lot of guys so why do you have such a hot optic on that thing well that's the reason why alright so say for instance you've got your ar-15 pistol and you're going to the range alright one of the things you don't want to have around you is an ar-15 pistol upper like this with an operational ar-15 complete like this now someone can just misconstrue that you've got some plans that you shouldn't really be taking to do them taking advantage of they got to actually prove it but whatever otherwise but why put yourself in that type of situation so I would suggest everybody just get one of these make sure that this is attached to it so basically that's it now let's talk about a couple other options that you want to take care of real quickly if you're doing an ar-15 pistol field one is there's a lot of neat options out there with the buffer buffer tube assembly one is this kak Chokwe blade which everybody knows if you follow my channel I'm a huge fan of these guys right here otherwise it looks just like a stock I don't matter hey man it is what it is it's been approved by ATF there's a lot of things talking about you can shoulder you don't want a shoulder you change the intention of it there's some letters floating around as of late I would assume that if you go to a public range and there's a lot of people around probably shouldn't go and shoulder this thing if you're by yourself and do whatever man who's going to stop you from doing ever you want to do it's your choice but another option is is the sig brace which there's a couple different models of that thing they're very nicely done good quality of things but there's some regulations about if you have an ar-15 pistol the buffer tube modifications you can't be able to accept a glassful stock on top of it so there have to be something to prevent that from happening ie wrapping some paracord around existing to making sure that you just isn't disabled something on there to prevent it from taking care that you can't put a stock on the damn thing ok guys but what I would suggest is either you go with a sig brace the KK shockwave or just get yourself a dedicated pistol tube that way there's no questions about it there are some legalities the firearms there's always some legalities that are involved and it's your responsibility to make sure you know what the hell they are so you don't get yourself in trouble don't blame the law enforcement people because they put them out there so you guys know what they are it's your job to follow this stuff alright pretty much that covers it man guys just remember 4473 but that block 18 it's uh listed as an other or purchased as an other you can do whatever the hell you want with it and if you modify an existing rifle you take it down to a pistol or an SBR you got to change the thing but other than that guys those are some basic rules and functions this is one of the reasons why I actually love the pistol build because it fulfills every function I need I'm not really big into the SBR scene and there's a lot of people who are not playing to them blaming them for anything I've got a brother who I got into the ar-15 building series and he's gone nuts with it man he's set up a trust and now I think he's got like four or five he's working on number eight of his $200 tax stamp he can afford that kind of thing me I like I'd rather have quantity anyway guys that's it any questions please don't hesitate to give me a leaving a comment below I'll be trying to help you out as best I can this guy right here this is the deuce check it out man went ahead and put that though the grip on there and if you guys want a grip may just give me a shout out we'll love see if we can do something send me a grip and we'll get started on it and we'll talk about you know how many hours are involved in it but anyway guys with that being said good boy 32 sporty boys in blue god Bless America god bless those men women in uniform 24/7 for freedom chol Street was hot fries good 132 oh hey guys go - boy 32 chickened out here man this episode we're going to do a little commentary on the dude yeah it's going to be junior check it out man this episode ar-15 pistol you
Channel: Kotaboy32 Tactical
Views: 770,662
Rating: 4.7823396 out of 5
Keywords: AR15, AR, Colt, AR Pistol, AR 15 Pistol, AR15 Pistol, SBR, Short barrel rifle, sbr vs. ar pistol, shockwave blade, kak shockwave, shockwave, kak blade, ar 15 pistol brace, sig brace, ar pistol comparison, ar 15 build, ar15 pistol build, ar15 how to, how to ar15, ar15 pistol shooting, ar15 pistol grip, ar15 pistol 7.5, ar15 pistol 10.5, ar 15 pistol 7.5 vs 10.5, how to build ar15 pistol
Id: OlafQ-uprFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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