A.R. & Jamaal Bernard | “The Four Voices of the Church - Weapons of Our Warfare: Part 1”

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amen amen let me just from the website miriam dictionary says amazing is causing astonishment great wonder or surprise god is not amazing because of what he does he's amazing because that's what he is father god we thank you so much for being amazing god a wonderful god a great wonder lord so lord we actually just continue to have your way throughout this service continue to prepare us to receive a word in season so right now lord we actually touch our eyes to see take off the filters of anger frustration hurt bitterness whatever it is that's going to hinder us we ask you just remove it lord touch our ears the hair but lord touch our hearts to receive yeah start tendering up the soil start molding it and making it pliable for a seed that's going to be a word in season lord you have you are such a great guy to touch our minds to just go through a process to be able to understand how what you speak through the messenger applies to us specific to our situation and circumstance yes but we also ask for you to give us uh highlight words that's going to help us through this week whether to articulate our faith or something to stand strong on because lord we know that you are amazing god so through amazing awesomeness we say thank you for who you are for what you are we ask that you continue to have your way right here right now in jesus precious name amen amen hallelujah well i get so much out of your prayers man i hope you're filing these no in a library of prayers i really you know when you when you talked about you know um applying it to our daily lives and that's that's really what it's about when you go to the scriptures you you're reading about what happened to someone else yes trying to understand the context who's being spoken to what are the circumstances surrounding what's going on in the text but after all of that you then have to ask the question how does this apply to me yep how does this apply to my life what i'm dealing with what i'm going through and that's where it all comes together yeah and i told i told the people i said this power in the the bible right that's the word of god we believe uh is uh inspired word of god i said but there's something about your testimony that makes this relevant makes us walk relevant i said the biggest aspect of your testimony is how resilient you are as an individual that's the word i said the more resilient you are the louder your testimony will be because people are watching and god doesn't take us to to save us and then you know put us to the side and say okay that's when i'm no he he takes us he saves us but he shows us off you know we're we're we're one of the individuals that god's gonna say look at you know dr er bernard you know i don't want him no it's too late he did it he did it i read about job oh yeah but that was a different situation that was a different situation south africa that was a different situation there's times when god shows us off you know to the people to the public and in this time like in job god was still having a conversation keep me off the radar no too late because you were just on tbn this week somebody keep you off the radar all right as low as possible yes but no but the thing about it is you the way you live your life helps that happen in a certain way right i believe that you you um just even the message of how you live your life compared to other ministers is a message in itself on okay let me behave we all have a distinct calling yes and and purpose and character personality style i mean all of that goes in to make each individual unique and yeah so times like these people are looking at what's happening around them and they're trying to get a handle on it from a biblical perspective through the lens of their faith so for that reason this past week i've been invited to comment news outlets christian news outlets secular news outlets about the inauguration what does it mean where are we because the transition of power uh is an opportunity for progress for creativity for positive change you know and and that's what we we want yes but the circumstances surrounding this transition of power has been quite strange and uh different and quite different in history of american society so we moved from and and that's that's the resilience of america god bless america because we go from a january 6 storming of the capitol building right that's unprecedented and people are in shock around the world and then you know uh a week a week or so later or two weeks later the sixth the twentieth you know two weeks later there we are having you know a ceremony and tradition and custom of the you know uh transition of power peaceful transition of power now there was military presence uh and people will say some people have said well you see you didn't even need that military presence because nobody showed up to riot well if the military wasn't there would they have shown up yeah we don't know we can't say that you know we can't say that but look you know and i i i gosh i pray that the rhetoric is going to calm down i know it's not going to end it's going to continue but i'm praying that the rhetoric would calm down from both sides yeah i i think the way biden leads and um makes decisions will help either increase the rhetoric or help it calm down you know because you're looking at some of the executive bills that he's signed executive orders here second of orders that he has signed has caused other you know extremists to start back up with some of the rhetoric let me say this to you about uh executive orders all right uh every president when they go into office they undo what the former president did if that president was of another political party so if you have a republican you know when when george uh bush went into office junior junior son all right you know um he did what he did but then when barack obama came into office he wrote out a robust uh plan of executive orders to change things when donald trump came into office he went through the executive order process and writing off and you know and now biden is in and he's doing the very same thing so the media and that's what i mean by the rhetoric keeps playing up that oh biden's coming in and he's undoing everything that trump did and that's every president does that in some way because they were representing their political party so don't don't don't let the rhetoric get you be a critical listener and one of the things that this atmosphere this environment of misinformation disinformation does all right it actually robs us of freedom of thought if we're not careful because freedom of thought is foundational to every other freedom because we have to be able to think critically follow the dictates of our conscience and that's all tied to freedom of thought to weigh things carefully to come to conclusions and make judgments to gain understanding and take that from us all right then we become robots you know and whatever voice we're listening to controls our actions our thoughts our feelings our emotions so you've got to be careful but you see some of that because there's two things that uh they say that uh especially younger generations having a hard time uh the young younger generation is having a harder time uh with what they call a decision matrix so your thought process uh plays a lot into your decision-making how you make decisions and what is that and and because they are so caught up in the world of social media it's somewhat of a disconnect from reality so here it is on social media you know you know jane doe is doing x y and z looking good and stuff like that and they want their life to look good but this is how it looks in front of the camera but now you get jane doe behind the scenes and i was like oh the tension is totally different my life is slightly different you know my life revolves around being you know creating a persona right but it's not really who i am right and i think um social media has that's the negative aspect of social media yeah you know this good a lot of good aspects of social media but so the decision matrix of the individual is is not at the same level as it used to be you got to teach that you got to do that on a sunday teaching talking about how to make decisions we got to do that because people want to know how do i make decisions is there a process especially as a christian as a believer how do i make decisions i mean when it comes down to anything in life business family buying a house a car a spouse how do you make decisions yeah you know and there is a matrix that you need to consider and can be quite helpful because your decisions the matrix also plays a part with the law of attraction ah no we but we're not going okay we're not going there today we've got we owe them and thank you for all of your emails of complaint that um we took too much time with the uh testimonies yes you want more word okay so we're going to jump in all right let's go all right let's go let's see the question that i missed no what's what's three and four yeah there has been a question it was three or four we got one you know uh and then you know just expounding on um the uh the first two voices uh the redemptive voice and what does that look like you know so we talked about redemptive voice and a moral voice you know i lean a lot heavier in that moral voice um because of the church and i put an indictment on the church uh one lady i was watching and she was talking about christianity and she referred to as the transatlantic white christianity white christian yes and i said wow wow that's the view right now for a lot of individuals that are looking at christianity it's not the first time no it's not right at that time now it's called the white the transatlantic yeah right transit and i don't i don't okay but but that's this comes out of a lack of knowledge because in the 60s it was the same thing when in the 60s when i was younger than i am young now but in the 60s remember the role it was playing christianity was playing the in that time as this jesus movement yeah but did you hit a part about when i was younger than i am now i'm thinking so uh so where we left off last week because we were talking about the four voices and let me give a little context to the four voices of the church uh the great commission which you may be aware of is go into all the world preach the gospel make disciples teaching them all things that i commanded to you you can be summed up in three words proclamation discipleship and humanitarianism this is me i'm presenting the three words that sum it up for us in our house all right and and i say proclamation because proclamation includes more than just the gospel of the the life the death and the resurrection of jesus but it also deals with the implications of that life death and resurrection what does it mean what does it mean to humanity as a whole what does it mean to us socially politically morally spiritually so when you talk about proclamation because we proclaim truth to power which is our prophetic voice we're going to get into so proclamation is much more than just going around and saying hey jesus died for your sins god loves you he's giving you his grace jesus rose from the dead so that you may have life no proclamation is much much broader than that so proclamation all right is the commission the great commission discipleship and if we were to define that it's simply to make people followers of christ and that's that's a lot to unpack there because people call themselves followers of christ and yet they're following political parties they're following ideologies they're following things that are inconsistent with christ which we're going to talk about some when we get into the prophetic voice of the church today so making them followers of christ what does that mean how do we understand christ because you can see many images of jesus you know if he would be painted he'd look different yes you know all over the place so you know what jesus are we talking about so proclamation discipleship and humanitarianism and humanitarianism really expresses the life the love of god the light of god as it relates to human society and that whole thing of of redemption reconciliation restoration healing all of that built into it so jesus did say that there is nothing greater than the word of god man shall not live by bread alone so he elevated the scripture and the word of god a man's relationship with god as the most important thing right but at the same time he fed the five thousand he fed the four thousand so it's not like he exalted religion and belief in god without considering human need and human reality it reminds me of that that message that you used to teach uh what's the worth of christianity if it it ignores your social economical condition exactly exactly uh yeah you know what is it james says it what is it you see someone in need you know they're naked and you say be close be well be fed and don't do anything to address their need yeah so the the church is not just a religious institution it is a social cultural institution and we have to understand that so that's what we engage in you know the whole idea of the coming becoming a site for the distribution of vaccines yeah which we did this past week and again if you are uncomfortable about the vaccine don't don't take it they were going in on a chat i'm like okay people we need some maturity in this chat you know we need to understand hey voice your opinion but don't start downing you know the fact that we're trying to respond to the ones that say yes and that need it and you know are concerned about their life yeah yeah and just buying into the culture that demonizes anyone that disagrees with him so you shouldn't be doing that period especially as christians as believers you know we should be able to have differences of opinion on certain issues you know certain things are non-negotiable in the faith you know uh but things like this you may not agree but we have a responsibility as part of our humanitarianism to make these things available for the good of the community and we had some of our golden saints say you know thank you thank you uh uh [Music] we couldn't get in is there going to be another distribution so we're working on that we're waiting from the uh word from the governor's office you know last i heard 250 000 uh vaccines are going to be coming in so it's how it's rolling out but that's our responsibility we take that on so proclamation yes discipleship humanitarianism so the four voices of the church the voices of the church has to do with proclamation what we proclaim yeah so the first is our redemptive voice and if we were to go to a wonderful text um i would go to second corinthians 5 19 where it says for and i'm reading today out of the new living translation nlt all right for god was in christ reconciling the world to himself no longer counting people's sins against them and he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation so we are christ's ambassadors god is making his appeal to the world through us we speak for christ when we plead come back to god for god made christ who never sinned to be the offering for our sin so that we could be made right with god through christ so our redemptive voice has to do with the reconciliation and healing of humanity by reconnecting them back to god the restoration of of peace those things that were disrupted as a result of the fall which includes of course the destruction of satanic rule darkness ignorance you know spiritual moral ignorance all of that and that's so good because uh when you look at the rhetoric that even christians are saying yeah how is that where is the redemptive aspect of it yeah right it's in and even in the text it tells us you know if you have a problem with the individual let's deal with it so you know the relationship between them and god is not hindered by the tension between the two of us within the church and and your your relationship with your brother and sister is more important than your gifting and that anything that you bring to the altar because jesus said if you at the altar have remember that there is a problem between you and your brother lee specifically says leave your gift so what you have to offer god becomes less important what's most important is the relationship and and and that's important because that's one of the things that he gives us in life he gives us relationships that's part and how we manage those relationships is critical that's why i think one of the greatest gifts that we as uh christians can have is the art of communication you know to be able to say what we need to say in a way that it it maintains a particular style of relationship communication is the basis for life especially the life of a relationship it's true in family and friends husband and wife parents and children children and children across the board yes you know so that's important so that's the first one the redemptive voice do i need to rewrite them on the board or what yes for those individuals you know they're like okay so let me find the and and and that's why truth matters for those individuals who say that truth doesn't matter truth matters yep jesus said i'm the way the truth and the life so the way matters truth matters and the life we live matters yes so this our redemptive voice right i'm not gonna voice our moral voice and every society needs government to maintain peace order law right to protect its citizens but every society also needs a moral value consensus and that is to remain to to hold the society accountable to issues of justice yes equity fairness right and that's what brings seriously and that's what brings peace and concord within the society so the church has a moral voice so when we think about moral we're thinking about right and wrong conduct and some people get mixed up between moral and ethical what's what's the difference between the two i'm glad you asked so um if i were to so moral is i i would i would say that it's transcendent that it is universal moral are morals are guiding principles ethics are specific rules of behavior yep all right if i can say that morals are guiding principles remember a principle is a broad and basic truth right upon which we build everything that god does he does according to a pattern and based on a principle so there are a set of principles that are are universal moral means a set of guiding principles ethics means rules specific rules of conduct and here if we can make this illustration so there was a time in the united states where it was the rule the law the legal code to own slaves all right that was ethical because it was within the rules of the society and ethics really come from the culture all right the contextual to the culture so within american society at that time all right that was one of the legal codes but was it moral absolutely not so you could have something that's ethical within the rules right specific rules but immoral and this is why dr king martin luther king was able to address america and issues of discrimination marginalization uh disenfranchisement of black and brown people in this country on a moral basis he was saying this is morally wrong regardless of what your law says what your rules say that's where we come up with unjust laws yes regardless of what your ethics say this is morally wrong this has to change so we have to be able to you know distinguish the two so on a moral basis we're talking about universal laws uh the guiding principles within a society so for us from the very beginning you know god made man in his image let us make man in our image and our likeness all right so man bears the image and likeness of god and that speaks to the life and dignity of the human person that's a moral value that's a moral principle that every human being no matter what the color of their skin their education their economics their geographic location every human person is worthy of life and dignity the life and dignity of the human person is very important so now if we have rules and laws and and uh conduct built into our social system and structure that denies the life and dignity of the human person then we have a conflict between what is moral and what is ethical so that's really really the the best way to break it down so as a church right our moral voice is is to uphold a standard of right and wrong conduct when it comes to those higher values those higher uh principles especially to those in power because we have responsibility to speak truth to power that's what we do that goes right into our uh our providing void and here's why every decision that is made in government built by those in power every decision that is made that impacts human life is a moral decision yep i'll say it again every decision that is made that impacts human life the quality of life right is a moral decision so we have moral grounds yes to challenge that decision or support that decision and we have a responsibility as a church to call that up so we have a redemptive voice we have a moral voice and we have prophetic voice and we got to spend spend a minute here because this is something that has been of use um prophecy is not fortune telling number one don't you don't go to the prophet like you go to the fortune teller and try to find out you know what's going to happen to you six months from now that is not what the gift and i emphasize the word gift of the prophetic is for the prophetic is to be respected the prophetic is an essential part of our experience especially with the charismas of the holy spirit right but it is not to be abused or toyed with and that's why all of this stuff about you know prophets predicting you know that trump would win god did not give the prophetic for us to predict winners of elections or horse races or um mega millions mega millions powerball man yeah i know i'm sorry but that's not so tempting anyway so god has given us a prophetic voice and the prophetic voice is sometimes predictive to the future right yep but towards a very specific end and we'll talk about that but primarily when you look at the old testament prophetic and compared to the new testament prophetic there are variations right so the old testament prophetic was specifically the prophet speaking to the spiritual social moral even political conditions of the society and simply saying that if you don't change then this is what's going to happen so their predictive nature is based upon the analyt the analysis of what's going on i know it's funny because you they thought that analytics was new you know yeah right right right so jesus the beginning of his ministry what was he doing he was preaching the kingdom of heaven is at hand yes repent yes that was his message right took it right from john and then continued that message he went around healing people and and and performing miracles which were testimony to his divinity his divine authority and power right but then after there was a rejection of him by the nation he shifted and began to say jerusalem jerusalem you know how how many times would i have gathered you as a hen gathered a chick but you would not now your house will be left to you desolate he begin to speak predictively about the destruction of the temple of the destruction of jerusalem and the scattering of the jewish people so so is it good from one to three good because now you say okay based on your decision making now we've seen you know the analytics for this and if you continue on this path of decision making this is how you're going to end up well and that's important that's important because you could do this with your with your personal life yes it's not like this is high spiritual stuff spooky spiritual stuff no because the prophetic in the analytical sense right yep the prophetic analyzes what what does it analyze i hope i'm spelling this right okay what does it analyze everything that god does he does according to a pattern so things happens according to what a pattern based on a principle patterns trends uh let me see what else i can put in here yep for now patterns and trends so society takes on certain patterns yes certain trends right we talk about fashion and fashion trend but no there are social moral trends political trends that we look at so the prophet takes a look and and discerns of course with divine empowerment which we'll get to discerns those trends looking at the moral and spiritual trends of the society and certain patterns that lead to certain conclusions and certain results this is the most important role for the prophet not prophesying you know who your wife is going to be or what whether you're going to be rich in life or this is the most important why and let's just listen to jesus because his here's what the prophet does right he analyzes or she analyzes this all right and why to understand where these patterns and trends are going to take us are they destructive to society or are they constructive to society if they're constructive then we can get behind it and support it right but it's going to be destructive then we have to bring a voice and say wait a minute we've got to hold it accountable luke luke chapter 12 verse 56 beautiful passage of scripture and jesus talks talking to the religious leaders all right and here he turns to the crowd and verse 54 will start there nlt then jesus turned to the crowd and said when you see clouds beginning to form in the west you say here comes a shower and you are right when the south wind blows you say today will be a scorcher and it is you fools you know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky but you don't know how to interpret the present times which was why they didn't recognize him understand him why he came all right so what was he talking about signs of the times yes these are essentially uh prophetic indicators that emanate from the character of the culture so the prophet is able to look at the character of the culture and discern spiritual moral trends that manifests politically socially in codes etc because right now you know you talk about biden coming in and people you know kind of settling down he's making decisions no people are already upset with some of the decisions that he's making why because some of those decisions go against the grain of what they believe morally spiritually about society because that's what we have we we have a conflict in terms of how people feel society should be ordered and what's the best way to live in it the irony is you have these individuals as uh doing all this prophesizing and prophesizing that's right that's a new word okay of the the political arena but they did they missed the mark on the church culture and what's the signs for the patterns and trends in the church that are going to take us into the next couple of years and the role they particularly played and where the church is and attention the church is and and if we don't make some changes in the church where we're going to be in the next five times and the prophet needs an aerial view for that because the church is not monolithic the church of jesus christ is so diverse so when some of these uh reports come out from like bana or some of these other individuals and they say these are the trends these are the patterns yeah but where did your sampling come from yes what segment of society what segment of the church there is reference in america to the black church and and how the black church continues to remain consistent in in in spite of some of the social changes that are taking place that are affecting the white church and how do we determine the white church versus the black church how do we know the difference what do we determine that by the congregation by the leadership you know so it's not as easy to make it then the question i asked is with the decisions that they're making today how is it going to affect our kids and the way they do church well in the future yeah right because there's some seeds that have been planted that our kids are going to have to attend with when it comes to the church life yeah so the prophetic again you know signs of the times are are prophetic indicators that emanate from the character of the culture so these indicators you know are are vindicate where things are going it gives us a sense of direction spiritually morally ethically and legally because it translates into laws and policy and and that's why people don't realize you know i we we have been so shallow in our thinking in the church of jesus christ come on christians grow up and kind of broaden out you know to and we don't realize how jesus intended us to impact the world not just to have a little worship service and we say praise the lord to come by our moment experience spiritual gifts and go home until next week and then come back for another injection no no it's much broader than that and that's why your prayer life because this is continuing the theme of prayer all right because the prophetic stirs our hearts to pray for certain things when we're able to discern these principles these patterns and these trends that are influencing and shaping society in the direction of things prayer is one of our weapons that's it that's it it is all right so the prophet through the gift of the sermon is a nation's spiritual and moral radar system um the prophet yes through the gift of discernment and the prophetic anointing right is a nation spiritual and moral radar system in in a long time ago when they had boats and before they had radar right they had what is called a crow's nest and that is a crow's nest and that's that's a little compartment that's on a on a pole the vikings well the ones that really are said to have started it but uh what we would do someone would climb up with a uh called a monocular or something like that before the telescope there was a monocular and they would take like a telescope stand in a crow's nest right because it was removed far up in the ship and look out ahead so that person will be able to see any ships ahead any dangers ahead rocks icebergs land they would see it first so essentially the the prophetic role is being in that crow's net looking out there yeah radar systems what pick up you know obstacles dangers things that are out in front of the ship as moving and and that's what the prophetic is to do now here's a warning this is a very very important morning all right because here's what what i've seen and and and i think this is part of what hijacked the prophetic during this political season here in america all right all right we can be blinded by the social analysis um blinded by the social analysis of the times we can be blinded by the social analysis of the time social all right so by social analysis i mean the information is coming from news outlets social media political parties special interest groups especially just groups got it because they're pumping out their message and supporting their agenda and if you're not careful and step back and get a biblical and a spiritual and a holy spirit inspired perspective you can actually become blinded by their analysis and and here's the problem with it all right you'll take on their posture their ethos that spirit all right and then you'll take on their methodologies so not only are they telling you their opinions or pushing ideology they're also trying to convince you of the best way to respond yep all right and that's where it becomes dangerous because when you take on the the the social methodologies or society's way of dealing with the condition of things then we forget that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god now we're getting into prayer john 18 36 are we out of time again man i see stuff flashing all right we're gonna stretch a little bit yeah can we take a little bit more time i can't hear you they said they said yeah okay they probably typed the thing yes all right so john 18 36 all right jesus is standing all right before pilate all right yeah this is leading to his his death you know uh on the cross so he's standing before pilate and uh the conversation is interesting verse fact oh man verse 33 all right john 18 33 then pilate went back into his headquarters and called for jesus to be brought to him are you the king of the jews he asked him pilate asked this jesus uh are you the king of the jews jesus replied verse 34 is this your own question or did others tell you about me verse 35 am i a jew pilate says your own people and their leading priests brought you to me for trial why what have you done jesus says look at his answer jesus answered my kingdom is not an earthly kingdom or not of this world if it were get this if it were my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the jewish leaders but my kingdom is not of this world that is so important because what he's saying there that if his kingdom was born of the earth and its system which is war aggression domination violence all right then his servants will have followed that ethos and engaged in violence and an insurrection and a rebellion and a revolution right but he's saying no that is not how my kingdom works and that's so important because if we don't realize that then we'll think that the weapons of our warfare are condoms yes and then no longer is it god in control we're doing it in our own strength to respond to what's going around us i see so many christians responding that way you know and and and it's it's it's sad because a lot of individuals i i watch over social media i said man i'm shocked that they're responding in such a manner you know on both sides it doesn't matter what size you are whether it's the democrat liberal conservative republican uh you know i was trying to find some moderate you know individuals there in the the center right right so again jesus kingdom all right would not be established by domination war violence and aggression that's the world system all right but his kingdom would be established through the influence and authority of his dominion that would change hearts and minds yes and the lives of people by the truth of the gospel message righteousness and peace and by that all right by changing the way they think the way they feel their sense of values and priorities he would transform nations social institutions relationship between uh family members would change relationship between husband and wife between ruler and and subject between master and slave would change between labor and capital relationship would change between man and woman would change between neighbors and friends all of those relationships would change because of a transformation of an individual's thinking and their heart this central motivating factors that's where we get to the weapons of our warfare so second corinthians chapter 10 verse 36 let's go to it chapter 10 verse 36 verse 3 i'm sorry verse 3 to 6. my bad people second corinthians chapter 10 uh new living translation okay all right we are human verse three we are human but we don't wage war as humans do we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers rules of the darkness of this world ephesians 6 12 right we are human but we don't wage war as humans do we use god's mighty weapons not worldly weapons to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments we destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing god we capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey christ i'm going to stop there because the next verse you know we can go off in another direction yeah but did you hear what all of this warfare is taking place in the minds in ideologies in the way people think in strongholds what is a stronghold you know it is some way of thinking some element whether it's pride or ambition or fear or whatever that has a strong hold on a person or a society because we were voting our fears we were caught between our hopes and our fears in order to vote for a political candidate the iron bars of the mind oh worst places that's where it is so people you know thinking god bless all the pentecostal charismatic evangelical us all right i'm included all right but we don't pull down strongholds by spending 24 hours in prayer and screaming at the devil and all and and and calling on spirits from different countries okay no that's not it yeah we have to change the way people think and it begins with divine empowerment and i have a whole list to go through under the weapons of our warfare that's what we're going to get in yeah that's not as good you know and and if you even go a little further back i love it because you see the attention paul was in when he's writing this in uh verse 2 you know in a message bible he says please don't force me right please don't force me to take a hard line when i'm present with you so basically saying look i'm not i'm not a punk it's not getting twisted because i bring some understanding right exactly but he had to go through the process of catching himself right and and he says you know he says don't think that i i'll hesitate a single minute to stand up for uh to those who say i'm an unprincipled opportunist then they'll have to eat their words yeah right and then he goes into this aspect and how he's gonna deal with it because there was attention even for paul the writer of this letter right you know right yeah that was the context of it and mr bible really helped you understand the context because paul was always defending his apostleship well he's you know his position yeah well yeah and the way he came into it yeah but you see what dr king martin luther king jr did in challenging america morally challenging the conscience of this country is changed the way they looked at issues of race discrimination people of color all right and it's only because they had a change of heart and a change of mind to a degree all right that things began to change on a practical level we're talking about equal opportunity and employment equal opportunity in housing equal opportunity uh economic opportunity uh dealing with issues of inequities and education which is still an issue today so these things actually roll out into very practical ways within the society that changes that society so when we we're going to talk about the weapons of our warfare what are those weapons yes we pray and we get into prayer but the weapons that paul is talking about here are much more powerful you'll be transformed how by the renewing of your mind how will a a a a a a an opponent be transformed by the renew how will of the mind how will a nation be transformed how will a community be transformed how will a an ethnicity of people be transformed by changing their the motivations of their heart and the way they think i'm sorry if you want to change what you see about yourself about the world around you change your heart change your mind that's it gotcha individually on a personal level all right you will your life will not change all right the quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life i've been saying that for years the quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life it's true an individual a community a family a society a nation and that's a snippet for the law of attraction boom bam you hear this guy what's with the bam boom it's my it's my um stance against the um the boom the boom and the establishment the boom wins the boom went against the establishment i hope you've been blessed with that and we're gonna get in because when you talk about spiritual warfare it's more than just praying in the spirit praying in tongues and that no we're talking about challenging because there's another oh we got to stop here we got to stop i want to get into another passage because then we got talked about taking new information doctrines of devils anyway okay sorry i talked about taking the new information how to even perceive the information and relate to the information and having the tools yeah to interpret yep right because the prophetic is interpreting the signs of the times yep ah beautiful hallelujah yes glory to god oh you're gonna pray us out man come on well we got a minister waiting ah that's right and then we'll pray yeah so we have a minister waiting for you um that would like to have a quick conversation with you so please stand by grace and peace family thank you once again for joining us today at christian cultural center it is said of the christian faith that it is called good news and it's called good news for a reason it's good news that god who is more holy than we can imagine looked upon with compassion people who are more sinful than we would possibly admit and sent jesus into history to establish his kingdom and reconcile people and the world to himself jesus whose love is more extravagant than we can measure came to sacrificially die for us so that by his death and resurrection we might gain through his grace what the bible defines as new and eternal life so maybe right now at this very moment you are being moved to enter in to a relationship with god through jesus christ so what i'm going to ask you to do right now is to bow your head close your eyes and repeat this simple prayer after me say this [Music] god thank you thank you for speaking to me personally right now i confess my need for you thank you for sending your son jesus to die on a cross paying the full price for my sins thank you that right now i am in right relationship with you through christ amen and amen family if this was your first time praying we would ask that you would allow us to get in contact with you so communicate with us whether it be by the text number on the bottom of our screen or by calling us personally and speaking with somebody by the other number on the screen so thank you so much for joining us today and welcome to the kingdom of god to the family of god [Music] welcome welcome to the family of believers if that was you in the first time praying i'm so excited for you because this just goes towards what pastor's been saying you're about to receive a change in your mind and changing your heart so you can start seeing even yourself differently so welcome to the family of believers and once again the number is on the bottom of the screen so um you know text 631-250-2688 or you can call seven one eight three zero six one zero six one uh welcome to the family of believers and pastor people already texting me saying uh what's the fourth voice wait a minute we're still dealing with the third voice yes they want to run before they can walk no they just want to you know just something to ponder on throughout the week yeah i'm the same way so i'm with you i want to know the fourth voice i know the fourth voice but i wanted to know the fourth voice uh you know it's like it's like you give the outline of this is what i'm gonna speak about right and you speak about what you guys speak about and the fourth voice the four voices can be in that what i'm gonna speak about and then you're gonna break down the four voices all right so we've got redemptive voice we've got the redemptive the moral voice the prophetic voice yes don't do that what's the last one don't do that come on i'll let you tell them you gonna let me tell them [Laughter] pastor please give us the fourth voice i i can't give you the fourth voice yes because we're over time so we need to hurry yeah i i i don't want to give you the fourth voice you don't want to give us right look well look we talked about it yes we talked about it you know the fourth voice is humanitarian voice yes all right and we'll we'll unpack that but i think the prophetic voice is the maybe had to spend yes most of the time on yeah because we've got to reorient people to understanding this and this is the climate that we're in it was abused yeah exactly so we got to bring it back yes all right hey that was good stuff man yep all right let me pray all right no you're you're the praying man boy i just feed off your prayers i love talking to god good we love listening to you uh lord god thank you so much you know once again just look at how amazing you are as you just express the text even more so today looking at you know just the voices that we have so lord first first of all forgive us as the church for not operating in a manner that makes you look good forgive us for allowing our flesh to come in in between and and our emotions to to drive us to say certain things and do certain things that that are not a representative of christ yes as we are the ambassadors that the texts that document i just read we did a a professional way of acting as an ambassador hallelujah as we represent you lord teach us how to properly represent you in any and every area that we walk in jesus how to represent you as a brother as a sister teach us how to represent you as a father as a mother lord as a daughter as a son teach us how to represent you as an employee as a boy every area that we walk in hallelujah teach us hallelujah how to represent you for lord the world is looking and we want to be able to give them something good to look at so lord i pray for the individuals observing and watching today that that what they receive today is does not go void but will return to you a hundredfold yes lord yes lord we ask that you just help us become better because we know that this is a struggle being a christian in this day and age is a struggle but lord we know it is possible through you so we act as you take the way take the lead as we follow lord as galatians says let us keep a step with the spirit yeah yeah so you say have your way lord anoint this to do what it is you have called us to do and not the way we did it last year the year before but in 2021 lord hallelujah yeah so lord acts pray for those individuals that need to to bounce back that have had a hard time a hardship lord i pray that their bounce back is going to make them look better than they did before like the the shadrach meshach and abednego came out of furnace looking better than which they went into it so lord reaction and surrender who we are to you and jesus precious precious name amen amen amen good prayer man and remember greater is he that is in you than he or all that's in the world yes boom bam i'm not giving it to you so as we leave this place for god's presence jesus is lord spirit we believe it we proclaim it and we're seeing it come to the past god bless and enjoy the rest of your week
Channel: Christian Cultural Center - Brooklyn Campus
Views: 8,330
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Id: GYBb3jjsQfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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