A.R. & Jamaal Bernard | “Put Not Your Trust In Politicians?” | Christian Cultural Center

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hallelujah lord praise your holy name lord thank you so much lord so right now i come to you representing the individuals watching us to say forgive us lord forgive us that our actions our thoughts our speech has not been in a way that has glorified you lord so as we sing this song all glory all honor belongs to you lord we ask that you just touch us anoint us afresh to move and act and speak in a manner that glorifies you lord you're an awesome god i pray right now for this nation lord matthew i pray for this world the tension on a global level i ask that you have your way we pray for the nation lord reacts that you just appoint individuals [Music] in the ears of the leadership yes lord hallelujah appoint individuals in leadership that has a heart that chases after you that has ears tuned to your voice yes a mind understanding what's going on but lord give them the courage to speak in a manner that holds individuals accountable holds legislation accountable yes holds laws accountable policies procedures accountable to your will so lord we ask you to sweep across this nation anoint us first breathe unto us our lord a breath of life lord praying acts that you just anoint your parishioners your your followers your ambassadors to play a significant role in the location you have called them to be hallelujah so lord we ask that you just continue watching over us we pray for us to receive a word in season specific to what we're going through and we don't react that the the politics doesn't overshadow us growing in biblical understanding yes lord so tune our years and to hear your word thank you lord touch our minds understand your word touch our hearts and receive what we need to receive in order to change so that we can become better ambassadors yes lord so what we ask that you have your way anoint us afresh so that we will make sure that you get all the glory and knowledge in jesus precious precious name amen amen good prayer man that was thank you political spiritual you know all of that kind of prayer going on there oh there's so much it has to be there's so much tension going on you know just the week started with this this congressman right uh opening up the opening prayer and he ends it with amen and a woman ah you would go there right all right we have to we can't we can have free conversations now right yes we can't free conversations you don't have the man oppressing us well look first of all you know i i don't know what he was trying to accomplish i don't know him i've spoken to him but it seems to be in sync with the flavor of our nation right now in terms of uh political correctness uh gender equality and we're making changes or trying to make changes that are taking things to the extreme yes and whenever you when you push things to the extreme the spiritual moral ethical and legal extremes it results in confusion yep and it begins with spiritual confusion and spiritual confusion results in political and social disorder yes and we we've seen it you know it's like i'm glad you're praying that you know that these political representatives uh would have you know god's voice in their ear you know and it's a voice because they hold them accountable in your prayer accountable to what to righteousness to justice you know the kingdom of jesus is the kingdom of love and justice those are the two things two characteristics that really identify his kingdom his presence his reign his sovereignty when there's love and boy that we have to unpack love and justice those two things you know are are most prominent when you talk about the reign and rule of god and i think the tension that happens you know first with our finite minds trying to operate in love and still maintain justice because sometimes the way it's presented is justice and love can conflict with each other yeah you know an amazing god sovereign god we we serve he can be just and love he can be just and have mercy yeah you know he can he has the ability to see the bigger picture we're limited with our knowledge so i understand the tension that we deal with but you know it it they are looking to take away uh certain things that actually it is very difficult you know you when you start taking away gender now imagine a cop trying to or or one of us trying to call and we we're talking to cops and there's a crime going on law enforcement yeah how do you describe infinity with lauren but how do you describe this person now right right right who's a perp it's a a person let me say this to you all right amen has nothing to do with masculine gender amen is a word that is used to express the truthfulness of a statement so jesus used it in the beginning of some he say amen in some translations that truly truly i say to you but in the original language it's really amen i say to you yes and sometimes he'll use it at the end of what he's saying so it's not you know you have to you end the prayer with amen all right amen means it it speaks of the truthfulness of what you're saying what you're presenting yeah that's what that's what it means so it has nothing to do with masculine gender or feminine generation yeah but no such thing as a women but it's still and when you get into revelations amen he said i am the amen yeah you know so looking at that the power of that word and we don't have time to really go into it because it speaks to uh uh jesus making a proclamation at that time yeah uh but amen has some significance and we can't take that lightly no no he says amen it means that this is not to be uh debated this is this settles it it also is an expression when we say amen all right it's not just and i've heard that you know it's saying that i agree with you no it's more than that yep i am affirming the truthfulness of what you just said yes when i say amen to it yep they so you know we use words and not understand what they mean and but god bless the the congressman right yes congressman cleaver yeah yeah god bless him and that's the problem you know when we look at the the division you know it's not just on a political front uh but on uh the church is trying to be so politically correct that where is the sacredness and the sanctity of what we believe as christians where's the christian difference yes where you know israel again and again god's concern uh uh for israel in the old testament all right was that they would not take on the practices the ceremonies the rituals the ideologies the philosophies and spirituality of the surrounding nation there had to be a clear distinction between yahweh's people right and the people of other cultures and people of the world uh in when one of the things that israel was guilty of is called syncretism and that's where we kind of mix a whole bunch of stuff i was speaking to uh someone who's working with our development of our our channel you know our television channel and she's a yale graduate and she was sharing with me that some of her colleagues who graduated with her with a divinity degree you know they actually get into tariff cards and everything and they're pastors of churches yes you know so i think that you know again last week was important when we talked about you know what words come to mind for this particular season we're looking at 2021 out and one of the words was accountability yes i think that i believe strongly beyond the thing i believe strongly that god is going to hold the the church those who claim to represent him both false and true accountable yes you know and i think accountability is the key word that we're going to see here so better know what you're talking about yes uh and prepare to be held accountable and you know which which comes in real quick shout out i want to give a shout out to karen uh um duncan and yaakov for uh you know all the work you're doing with the singles ministry we had a phenomenal time with um the singles on friday hanging out with them you were the preacher yes i i was i was a preacher and you know some of the singles who reported back to me you know what they said no boom not bam they said boom though good stuff man yeah and and it is because we talk about resilience right so this is year of resilience and i gave them uh you know four things that um resilient people understand and i give one today which is you know resilient people understand that adversity does not discriminate say it again adversity does not discriminate so wait wait wait adversity hits everybody everybody same everybody yeah so i told him i said when sin entered on a back of sin was suffering that was boom when sin entered on the back of that was suffering on the back of sin when it entered the world yeah we're suffering yes we can go home [Laughter] that was good yeah it's true so suffering is a reality of life yes and you know there are doctrines so called christian doctrine and preaching that say that we're exempt from suffering that's not true no that is not true jesus who was perfect union of divinity and humanity came into the earth and even in that perfect sinless condition he experienced suffering yes he was hungry he was tired uh he he he got he felt isolation he felt abandonment uh by his disciples when he he was wrestling with quitting exactly yeah any other way even the perfect human being which we are aspiring to become you know after the resurrection uh even that individual experienced this same kind of thing you know while he was here he experienced what we got you know that's good so very good no no that's because we have so much to talk about yeah i know but you're giving shout outs um here's what's happening and some of you are wondering uh we're no longer on day star television we're no longer on uh radio stations uh here in new york city uh 5 70 a.m radio that is true we are no longer on day star television december 27th was our last broadcast and uh we thanked you know uh our audience for their support but the content and more content than you would get on television is available at arbernard.com and of course you can go to cccinfo.org and get the services etc so every week on arbonnear.com you can go and the service will be there and on our youtube channel yep so we're just kind of integrating all of these um platforms that you can have access not just to the weekly service which we replay all right but a lot of other content that we're developing yeah we're building a lot of content really really to speak to everything that's going on absolutely absolutely and we're going to be doing a segment uh commentary on the news we've got a lot of good stuff coming up yes so we don't you know occupy too much of the sunday service where you're looking for inspiration a word from jesus yeah get you out there and get going again a little bit though yeah that was good thank you that was good but let me oh are you giving shout outs all right because what's happening uh this present format and our online experience has expanded our family so we have people as you saw the couple from south africa uh you know people from around the world now joining with us and you know embracing you and i as their pastor yes their shepherd and becoming a part at a distance but becoming a part of ccc and the ccc experience so we are beefing up our our online internet campus so that we can do everything but baptize you we're going to figure that out we're going to figure it out we're going to figure that out do anything for baptized as long as we're going to sell the holy water we're not going there but let me read some of the you know here's a family from apple valley california the crab trees and you know you're watching uh that's denise shepard daphne somerville and it says pastor ar and jamal bernard and ccc family thank you and thank god for your covet 19 ministry format i am blessed to be a part of your global internet community by way of youtube and by the way i love the boom did you hear that did you hear that that's the only reason why he had i love the boom moments god's blessings on the ccc family what a gifted and talented congregation loving christ the crap the crab cheese did you hear that i just went damn and another one from uh jilly sister jilly waller and she is where let me just see where she is she is in um wow no is he shepherd yes from normal illinois and the crab trees were from apple tree uh valley apple valley california getting it all messed up you know um from julie waller each of us uh good day dr bernard each of us are has our own dr bernard's story and here's mine for five years on sunday afternoon i could count on two things a visit from my brother and watching you on television from there i became a partner supporting your tv ministry financially soon after i began redirecting uh my ties on offering to ccc and even sponsoring a child compassion sunday 2019. wow that's beautiful wow wow covert 19 brought much devastation and despair some good did come of it as one of my whispered dreams was to be able to claim ccc as my church those still not in new york staffers are pleasantly available answering questions when i call in a team is praying with me and for me six days a week and i can listen to one of your cds or downloads anytime i choose oh i do trust you'll resume offering messages for download soon usually i'd close with shalom however as of december 6 2020 i can now legitimately sprinkle in and say grace and peace ah grayson that's beautiful thank you sister jimmy waller and i hope i'm pronouncing that correctly uh you know it's wonderful that you know people uh even though separated and isolated by by covet through the technology we they can still be a part of family yes and i think that's that's a beautiful thing and ccc ites who are local brooklyn long island please understand that we are expanding out and even when we go back into the building which we are planning we don't know exactly when we're watching the second wave etc but we're already planning our easter service yes all right we may get in sooner but we're definitely planning our easter service and we'll give you more information uh because we plan to be back in the building by then so we'll we'll see yeah so pray for us so we can uh you know we get direction what does that look like going back into the building yeah yeah so we got to talk about the elephant in the room yes storming the capitol yes um let me say right up front okay i'm a person of color if there was black folks there wouldn't be five people going you know i mean and it's unfortunate that we lost the police officer we lost other individuals and some people who were there you know uh they looked from just just looking at people's faces they were sincerely there to make a statement they were but you will always have people who exploit the situation always and you know that's that's exactly what took place i i think the irony is how when those other protests were going on how they were condemning and you know and uh when it flipped on the other side they were the their defense was the same statements that we were saying that you know antifa was a part of that you know you got it yeah you got people being paid to go in and and be a part of that most of the people that are were arrested demons live in new york state but yet they they were giving all the same yes at the other side of giving when they were accused of violence yeah that's a p humans are humans that matter republican democrat and that's what i said that's exactly what i said humans and the bible teaches us that yeah and somebody posted uh on on uh i think it was facebook they said they don't want a blue country a red country and they put the american flag up you know red white and blue and it's true uh we just want individuals that have a heart for the people that have a true agenda for the people because even with the stimulus package so much stuff was under under you know wow it was hitting into that thing no matter what bill yeah and but um it was it was sad to see how uh and somebody said well how do you blame trump on oh am i allowed to say your name with the president look we've we've been honest here and i've taken a lot of heat for being honest i said it four years ago and what i'm about to say i got in trouble for on on on networks yes you know uh i believe then and i believe now that donald trump was put in power by god i have to be consistent no matter who's in power i can't believe that satan got over on god and slipped someone in power if we believe that god's the one who sets up kings and removes kings then we have to say okay whoever's in power god has a reason for them to be there so with with with president trump you know i felt he was a uh you know just symbolically speaking a saul you know because it was the people of israel demanding a king and god was not really happy about his replacement because that's what was happening why can't we be like other nations exactly you know uh and and unfortunately the saul's the end of saul's reign was he became a rejected king yep and that's exactly what's happening yes uh we have a rejected president uh rejected by you know half of the nation and now beginning to be rejected and held accountable by those who supported him because the reality of character which is always at play has come out yep and i started telling myself first of all i've learned a while ago is that everything rises and falls on leadership that's it that's it so there's certain things that he did or could have done that would have dealt with this properly in the earlier in the stages yes you know you've got to be responsible and i use that very same statement posted it everything rises and falls on leadership so and and words have power death and life are in the power of the tongue so how you use your words will either incite all right or calm and bring peace and you can't be double-minded you can't call people to come and ask them to go home and at the same time you know continue the stolen election narrative in the same set in the same sentence you can't do that it creates confusion so you know it is what it is and i will tell you when you were praying you know it's like this this is a a strange political season it is because when we have a transition of power you know after election that's done yeah 2016. all right trump won that was it we move on but with this it's like in stages that we're easing the stress is being progressively released because we had to go from from there uh from from the actual election to the electoral college you know to the full right actually from the election to the the recounts then from the recounts to the electoral college uh account and then from electoral college now we we we we've got to go to the inauguration you know so everybody you know everybody but certain individuals saying no no no it's not over until this no it's not over until that and we keep extending it out and thinking it out and i think that no one is going to be pleased look no half of the country almost half the country all right uh voted for him yes all right for for various reasons okay so you can't take that away from them and we respect people's opinions and feelings as to who should lead and how they should lead but you know we have to have certain standards and those standards begin with character and that goes for both parties absolutely it doesn't doesn't matter who it is and also we might as well we'll get into it um but before i do uh tomorrow's your birthday yes hey his birthday yeah january 11th tomorrow yep he's going to be 56 so we had him when we were eight but uh you were born on my spiritual birthday yes because january 11 1975 is my spiritual birthday you guys say what does that mean music yeah okay so um but happy birthday in advance thank you we're gonna say that to you again next week yes thank you but it takes us also to the prophets some of these you know self-described prophets or affirmed prophets i i don't know how to call them because i don't want to discount their ministry because the prophetic is a part of ministry and i think today i want to put that in the context especially his prayer you know to understand better the prophetic uh i think that that's just so important i agree because i know christians you know like you said you know the you know they put creating this melding pot of theologies and and uh other ideas and they've gone to they said you know they feel like the the prophetic has failed no yeah yeah i know yeah this is this is where they are they're going to obedience and they they're going to the tower well that's interesting because if you describe saul where did he end up going yep you know uh yeah that's not good that's that's a whole thing that has to be understood um in that parallel but um some of these uh individuals who prophesied that that donald trump would win some of them are now apologizing and saying i missed it i was wrong they're owning it and i and i listened to some of them i read some of the statements the guy who started the whole trump is cyrus thing that was in 2015 uh and he he actually had his dream and prophecy published in charisma magazine and it went around the world so you know all it takes is one sermon for people to listen to and then it's passed on and then all of a sudden it becomes a belief you know and that's basically so he apologized but the apology was mixed with justification and i and i think if you're going to apologize just apologize leave it there and let god touch the hearts of people to forgive you and restore your credibility but if you're going to apologize and then try to give excuses and justification then it diminishes your apology it takes away from the sincerity you had other individuals not naming any name who apologized i missed it i was wrong i've got to go back and re-examine you know my prophetic ministry i can respect and he left it there i can respect that but when you're going to say i'm sorry i messed up i missed it and then but let me let me let me explain how this all happened no or you go to the other other prophets say well yeah we our prophecy was right trump did win but the election was stolen yeah yeah and that's not an apology that's no yeah still trying to justify that uh man it it is just not good when when when they take it to those we're not naming names all right no i'm gonna put my list away there i'm not gonna name that i have my list ready for what but let me just say this to you because we talked a little bit about it last week and we'll review some scriptures but i want to look at a text in terms of our responsibility because let me say first of all that prophecy is a charism of the church charism yeah all right yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna explain that all right it is not uh uh something that's an official part of the church it was an experience that the early church had paul said don't prohibit prophesying but he did not say that this is an official part of the christian church and every every aspect of church has to embrace and accept because they're those who don't go along with the prophetic you know and we we have to talk about canon and canonization and scripture and all that but let me just say this to you because we we talked from first corinthians 1429 where it says let the prophet speak yes you know two or three and then let the others weigh or evaluate or judge and we want to get to that text but you have a responsibility uh if if you're and i know prophecy is exciting it's spectacular it's sensational that's why people go to mediums that's why people go to they want to know the future and if they can know the future wow you know and so and that's where a lot of individuals were wrestling with the african ancestralism you know because in part of ancestralism they go and speak to the dead to try to get advice trying to get information information is what saul did yes with the your vendor to bring back you know samuel to try to get information and direction yeah yeah and that's forbidden knowledge and boy in spiritual warfare yes we're going to talk about why that's forbidden knowledge remember you order them a date i know i know how are your dates but let's go to job chapter 12 verse 11. and today i'm reading from the new living translation the new living nlt new living translation job 12 11. and this is what it says the air all right the ear but you listen to it the air tests the words it hears just as the mouth or the tongue distinguishes between foods so the ear tests words the way the tongue tests the flavor of foods so when you taste the food your tongue is giving you sending messages as to whether you like it you don't like it whether it's good or it's bad what the ingredients are i mean all of that they're people who can taste food and tell you everything that's in that i can't do that i just enjoy it but they can tell you a little bit all right but but again you have a responsibility when you're listening when you're hearing things to test it to determine the flavor of it the spirit of it what are the ingredients that went into what you're hearing you have to evaluate what you're hearing you do that on a daily basis and you know too often we we kind of let our guard down when someone says well thus saith the lord and all of a sudden oh okay that's god talking but god himself the scripture says test yes evaluate weigh it to make sure so job says here the ear tests the words it hears just as the mouth distinguishes between foods first john 4 1 again new living translation excuse me dear friends do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the spirit you must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from god for there are many false prophets in the world and i'm not calling some of these individuals false prophets because they have a history of spot-on prophecy prophetic utterances that they came true but we are not perfect and we're going to get to that text i got a verse for that okay got an app for that i got a verse for that all right so boom he loves me you see all right first corinthians 14 29 nlt okay let two or three people prophesy and let the others evaluate what is said don't be afraid to evaluate what you're hearing you have a responsibility to evaluate what you're hearing you evaluate me and i'm preaching from the book that's already authorized scripture authorize revelation test it don't get caught up in the spectacular and the sensational because you let your guard down and what happens is you're open to deception so very very important all right weigh it consider it carefully especially by balancing opposing factors or aspects in order to reach a choice or conclusion evaluate it ephesians beautifully ephesians 4 11-13 all right prophecy come in fact let me let me go to that text wow ephesians 4 13. do you want to go there yes i do you go there oh i don't want to lose my place here ephesians 4 30 living yeah nlt yeah 413. i was in a different translation ephesians 4 11 to 13 4 11 yeah nlt new living translation i don't want to move to a next scripture and and because i have a verse here that i want to go over i can't find it you can't do the return oh there it goes new living translation ephesians 4 11 11. now these are the gifts christ gave to the church the apostles the prophets the evangelists and the pastors and the teachers their responsibility is to equip god's people to do his work and build up the church the body of christ ah continue now that's good right there to build up the church yes prophecy that comes from the holy spirit is to build up the church of jesus christ not divide it write that down to build up the church you're being crypt jesus said you judge a tree by its fruit yes so when so-called revelation comes and is uttered prophetically you judge the fruit of it yes all right and some of these prophecies are creating division not unity they're not building up the church these gifts were given by the lord with one intent and that is the building up of the church the fortifying of the church so that we're not the pastor continues that thinking king james language so we're not children no longer children tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine judge the fruit of it all right yep so prophecy today all right because we we're there's different the theology of the prophetic and that's that's a study of itself in the old testament prophets different from what we're talking about today in terms of prophecy because the book of revelation was the final revealed truth that's authorized and official by the church now that's what we mean by canon yes the canonized scripture is the authoritative scripture authoritative revealed truth when we talk about canon these are the books that we look at from genesis to revelation now in catholic church they have you know books of wisdom estrus and whatnot that we call the the apocryphal work all right but in in protestantism we have you know our 66 books yes all right so that's the authority of scripture and that's important because when jesus after his resurrection was on the road to emmaus all right talking to those individuals who thought that he was the one but you know then he was crucified and buried and said okay he's not the one he took them through the scripture he took them through the the law the psalms and the prophets to identify himself jesus again and again throughout his ministry you read the gospels he quoted from the scripture so jesus used the authority of scripture yes he did because he he was the word he had the authority to say it has been said but i say to you yes all right but we can't do that we're not doing this we don't override the scripture all right and and i love this because prophecy today falls under what the category of what is called private revelation there is public revelation which is the scriptures the bible all right what we call the collection of books that we call the bible all right that is public revelation that has been presented by god and embraced by the church by christianity as the authoritative word of god right yes it is our source of faith right so that's public revelation what has been given to the public there is something called private revelation what is experienced by an individual and that is one of the charisms or the the graces of the holy spirit that god pours out in an individual it could be the gifts of healing of prophecy word of knowledge discerning of spirits you go to first corinthians chapter 12 you can read them but prophecy the prophetic and all of this prophetic stuff that we've witnessed you know during this political cycle here in america all right that falls under the the category of private revelation all right that's so important it falls outside of the canon of scripture yes so you cannot take a private revelation by some prophet and elevate it above the authority of the bible in fact the word canon comes from a greek word means meaning rule or measuring state so canon is the measuring sig in other words the scripture all right public revelation that authoritative revealed truth is the measuring stick by which we measure all of the revelation so but you got to repeat that because you said uh you cannot allow private revelation to be elevated elevated above above public revelation which is the scripture yes all right the bible so someone has some private revelation all right they experience what they claim to be a personal word for from the lord number one has to be tested and evaluated you cannot take that and a lot of times they they cloak it in something sensational and thus saith the lord so generic yeah you know well yeah it can be very broad you know instead of specific all right so the scripture what we call the bible that collection of books we call the bible that is authoritative truth revealed truth to us so that is like the word canon the measuring stick we measure everything by established scripture embrace scripture so that's very very important all right so private revelations are part of the spiritual experience they would not be rules in first corinthians 14 about prophecy if it was something to be rejected yep all right so paul said you know don't prohibit prophecy but here is what we have to understand because you know these private revelations that people hear from god and yeah speak by the spirit if it comes to fulfillment that's the ultimate test all right it's fulfillment but these are and charism is is simply an extraordinary gift of grace extraordinary gift of grace granted for the common good of all persons extraordinary extraordinary gift of grace granted for the common good of all persons all right so it's to build up the belief it is not to divide or destroy so when when prophecies are dividing or destroying something's wrong yes all right that's part of the test we've got to evaluate that but it's not an official function of the church we can't put prophecy on the same level with communion holy communion you understand what i'm saying there's not one that assassinated me no no no no it's not a sacrament all right uh so we have to be careful because overconfidence in these gifts especially prophecy has historically led to error and division and this is not the first time because there's something we don't have the time to go through it but there's something called uh montanism all right montanus was an individual who started this movement of ecstatic experiences of of of of spiritual presence and part of that was the prophetic yes you know people will speak in tongues and then go through physical movements and whatnot you know even if we have fast forward pentecostalism some forms of pentecostalism because there's there's um areas or areas within churches that actually teach that you know how you got the poop in school they teach you how to hoop in and halloween they teach you how to prophesy well they have uh in public like they'll teach you how to be generic how to you know uh make because you have to what they would tell you to do is you got to build up your credibility so you build up your credibility by by being generic and speaking that will emotionally uh drive they tell you that i didn't know that yeah there are i didn't that's that's not good no you know that's that's mine and they said that you're building up your credibility so you when you represent thus sayeth the lord that people will will believe you so they try to pour it back into giving validity to what you're going to say for the lord but see that's the problem the the manifestations of the prophetic by the holy spirit were spontaneous yes it's not it was not on someone who went to school to be a prophet it's not on demand the school of the exactly the school of the prophets you know language like that we we have today but let me read this all right because we we and i want to say this for you we prophesy in part and i picked the new living translation because it beautifully expresses the the point here first corinthians 13 9 to 12. first korean we we're a little bit over time but i think this is worth your while and there's another passage that we want to get to this is worth your while believe me stay tuned stay with us all right first corinthians 13 beginning at verse 9 through 12 in the new living translation prophecy and speaking in unknown languages speaking in tongues and special knowledge right will become useless that's why i say it's not an official part of the church all right we'll become useless but love will last forever now our knowledge is partial and incomplete and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture did you hear that yeah even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture so if we try to take that part and make it the whole all right we're going to end up in error yep part of the whole picture but when the time of perfection comes these partial things will become useless when i was a child i spoke and thought and reasoned as a child but when i grew up i put away childless things now we see things imperfectly like puzzling reflections in a mirror but then we will see everything with perfect clarity all that i know now is partial and incomplete but when i know everything completely just as god now knows me completely but then i will know everything completely which means in the resurrection all right we're going to know all the partiality but we know in part yeah so when you're prophesying you don't have the whole story you have piece of a puzzle and you take that piece and you and you and you stay open to god to see what else he may add to it but don't conclude that you have the whole piece in in my study uh two major aspects that are needed for profit for profit is humility and maturity ah come on humility and maturity and those two if they don't exhibit that because like when god was talking to is elijah or elisha where he he said look you think you're the only prophet i have an elijah elijah right yeah i'm trying to get this sort of that's okay and he said you think i'm you're the only prophet i have like humble yourself you know recognize chill out what's going on right because you don't be complaining and crying like no like get recognized so maturity and humility are two elements that are needed for uh for profit and that's important because some of the prophets who were apologizing were apologizing for their pride and that i said wow because pride is the strength of sin even if it's not some moral sin in per se but sin that leads to error because you've taken a position that is proud and arrogant but this is this is what i really want to leave you with today all right and that's why it's worth staying tuned this all comes out of politics trying to determine who is in power who should be in power who god put in power all right and it led to spiritual idolatry all right that's what it was they idolized putting the trust that you should only place in god you put in a political leader would you go and i have the new living translation i want you to go to esv uh uh psalm 146 verse 3. psalm 146 verse 3. and he's going to read it from the english standard version 146 you see how you do this to me you you prepare me 46 verse 3 so now you know we don't rehearse this this is not scripted this interaction between you and i put not your trust and princess whoa say that again but put not your trust in princes and a son of man in whom there is no salvation wow wow read that again put not your trust in princes and the son of man who in whom there is no salvation and that's exactly the sin that was committed putting trust in someone in political power to bring salvation to bring correction i'm going to read this in the new life put not your trust in princes do you hear that now let me i'm going to read this in the new living translation because the word prince is there is not restricted to someone in political power no it it the word princes uh actually means uh powerful people people in positions of strength and power powerful people so let me read that to you psalm 146 verses 3 to 9 in the new living translation all right so we don't make this mistake again don't put your confidence in powerful people there is no help for you there when they breathe their last they return to the earth and all their plans die with them i'm preaching yes you are now you are but joyful are those who have the god of israel yahweh as their helper whose hope is in the lord their god he made heaven and earth the sea and everything in them he keeps every promise forever he gives justice to the oppressed food to the hungry the lord frees the prisoners the lord opens the eyes of the blind the lord lifts up those who are weighed down who are burdened the lord loves the godly the lord protects the foreigners among us he cares for the orphans and widows he frustrates the plans of the wicked who the lord that's it that's good bam put not your trust in princes political representatives are there as part of government the plan of god but we're never supposed to invest in son of man human being yes all right the trust and faith that should be reserved only for god trust the faith that should be only reserved for god that's good that's it that's good because when you shift that and put it in a human being you're guilty of idolatry so so i i say that because there are christians you know prior to the election it was christian saying i'm worried i'm concerned about our nation and then you've got now other christians you know from the republican society i'm concerned they're worried about because the democrats are in power god is in control and somebody said they asked me on friday they said how do you be resilient in a time like this i said your resilience should be steeped and no your resilience should be rooted and knowing that god is in control come on come on and that's a belief that guides your actions and your emotions and your attitude yep put not your trust in princes trust in the lord he is the one and only he that outlives a human lifespan yes from generation to generation he can see it through he's not bound by four years or eight years he's not bound by one administration that's good not bound by political parties hallelujah yes yes i'm feeling it man i'm feeling it put not your trust in princes put your trust in yahweh in the lord yes i'm done now that's good i'm done come on say it no give me a band say it come on boom uh yeah you got to give it credit you gotta give credit that was a boom matrix no lord okay all right okay so we have someone thank you for being with us today but we have someone who is going to pray for those of you who have been tuned in and your heart has been touched and you realize that you need a relationship with the lord jesus is still the way the truth and the life so we'll be back here's a minister that's going to pray for you that was good grace and peace family thank you so much for visiting christian cultural center today and maybe right now at this very moment you're feeling moved to enter into a relationship with god through jesus christ it's said of the christian faith that the christian faith is called good news and it's good news for a reason it's all about light breaking through darkness hope for the hopeless and rescue for the captive in romans 10 verse 9 it says this that if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved so if this is you simply repeat this prayer after me you can bow your head and close your eyes and say this god thank you for speaking to me personally today i recognize my need for you thank you god for sending jesus christ to die on a cross for my sins thank you jesus for paying the full price for my sins so today come on you can say that so today i can be in right relationship with you if that was your first time praying this prayer we're going to ask that if you allow us to please get in contact with us you can either text the number on the screen or you can call the number to speak to someone personally but once again family for those first time you pray in this prayer thank you so much and welcome to the body of christ welcome into a relationship with god through jesus christ god bless you [Music] welcome back welcome back and once again welcome into the family of believers we're excited for you um god is so good and you're gonna see another level of specific goodness that god's gonna have in your life so welcome to the family of believers and if you missed the number the number should be on the bottom of the screen as i'm talking just for you to call in and got individuals that want to interact with you and talk to you about what just transpired and get information into your hands so please reach out because we are part of the family now and we take care of our own amen amen and no matter where you are in in the united states or around the world as you heard from some of the testimonies we shared our pastoral care division our people are there call in and you're going to be blessed you're going to be given some direction and we're working on some other things yes i mean about on demand yes you know we're talking about counseling and other things like that that we're developing so i let me take a moment thank you for trusting us thank you for believing in us thank you for your continued financial support as well as well as your prayerful support we've got to expand by by new equipment camera equipment and all of that to expand our media in order to just keep up with the demand so thank you for trusting us and we pray that we'll continue to operate in wisdom and of course in in in integrity and also it allows us to maintain jobs and you know also give jobs yeah like individuals yes and whether these these turbulent times yes so thank you thank you yes and can i pray come on pray i know feel it hallelujah come on let's talk to our heavenly father lord uh let's let's have a conversation where you are wherever you are just start speaking to him uh if you get the gift of uh speaking in tongues speaking in tongues uh right now let's just you know offer up our our concerns our our worries our our petitions to the god we serve so lord we we come together first saying thank you acknowledging you for who you are you're an awesome awesome god in spite of the representatives that we've seen it doesn't take away from your awesomeness you're a great god you're a good god you're a loving god you're a merciful god you are just god but also we ask you today to give us a deeper understanding of what our role is in this very time that we're living in lord wherever we are are situated lord i ask that you just touch us anoint us afresh to be the representatives that represents christ and culture unapologetically for you lord authentic relationship is expressed through our actions and our words give us the courage to contend hallelujah with the naysayers to contend with the misrepresentatives of this faith yes lord give us the strategic mind to articulate of faith not to tear down but to build up yes to articulate words that will encourage other christians to walk this faith with our head held high yes lord but do it with humility yes lord yes lord and professionalism so lord reacts that you just anoint us afresh as the body of believers one for another because we are going to need each other in this next couple of months and yes lord yes lord thank you lord so we pray for each other we may be separated because we're in a different location but lord we are connected by the holy spirit yes yes lord we ask that you have your way lord yes lord because you are the answer the only answer yes you are for everything that this nation is going through and as you disseminate the answer through your people lord we pray and access ask that you give us a character check so that our lives will not come into our conflict with your gospel so lord we ask that you have your way we ask that what we receive today the message that it we will be able to ponder and think on it and that it will bear fruit as we articulate our defense for our faith yes lord as we do it with respect and once again humility yes lord so that we ask that you have your way thank you so much for the for allowing us to be used by you you're an awesome god a wonderful god thank you lord thank you for the gift of access thank you lord yes lord react that you have your way in jesus precious precious name amen amen amen amen you were full man yeah that was the prayers [Laughter] i know i know so as we leave this place with never god's christmas presents jesus is lord period we believe it we proclaim it and we've seen it come to pass god bless and enjoy the rest of your week
Channel: Christian Cultural Center - Brooklyn Campus
Views: 14,704
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Id: zhyb2l9PxyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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