A.R. & Jamaal Bernard | "Prayer & Spiritual Warfare: Part 2” | Christian Cultural Center

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hallelujah lord god thank you jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you lord you are an awesome god wonderful god always recognizing who you are that sets the tone in how we approach the throne you're an amazing mighty god so with humility we approach the throne humbly we approach the throne and lord like this song said we need a bomb in gilead right now not just in the world but lord in the church we need your presence we need you more than ever before so lord i actually just start touching the hearts of the individuals that call themselves christians that call themselves believers to turn back to you to seek you as their first love energize their spirit touch their tongue with a thirst yes lord for the knowledge and the presence of you yes the mighty god yes lord we are the churches being attacked from outside and within lord and lord the worst thing to do is become our own enemies so lord right now we act as you have your way we surrender this to you this is yours we're only stewards so lord just forgive us for anything we have done to hinder the move of god through us yes lord anoint us afresh right now lord to do the very thing that you have called us to do re-condition our eyes recondition our minds recondition our hearts lord that our hearts will be set upon you and no longer set upon self yes it is bigger than us so lord we ask that you have your way we pray for obama gilead in the world there's so much turmoil there's so much going on and lord reacts as you just move in the mighty way and the reason why we approach the throne as the church is because we are the best that you use so lord reacts as you have your way between the issues of race lord reacts as you just start putting individuals that will speak truth to the situation the issue with the corona virus the covet 19 virus reacts that you just start healing and and and touching individuals from emotional stress mental stress physical stress financial stress lord we actually just have your way we need that bomb right now yes so lord we ask that you have your way prepare us to receive a word in season a word that is is just tangible and relevant to the here and now react that you move god hallelujah we surrender submit hallelujah to your will be done your will lord jesus thank you in jesus precious names amen amen hallelujah wow that's good prayer i think where did that come from what's been on your heart and mind this last week this week it's been so much you know going back from sunday uh or was it monday sunday yeah sunday where the young man was gunned down uh shot seven times you know i get into his car i saw a video yeah yeah misunderstanding uh then you got some of the other stuff that's coming up within the church uh the tensions that are happening with high profile leadership uh you know and and when it hits at that level uh with the leadership it's gonna you know trickle down to the individuals and ah you say trickle sometimes a flood oh yeah sometimes it's the netherlands that comes down and right now my heart is burdened for the individuals that looked up to them as leadership for pastors and leaders yes christian leaders and and and you know and because the the thing is a lot of christians based their relationship with god on the leader that led them to christ well you know i i will tell you um that's that's deep because when i think about the parable in matthew 13 where jesus talks about the wheat and the tear remember yes he sows good seed in the field and then the angels come and they see weeds or tear in james language among the wheat and they they ask him who did that and he said an enemy did that while men slept so there is a degree of responsibility on men humanity yep all right to not fall into spiritual stupor to be discerning to be awake to understand the times to be woke right yes right yeah biblical focus but to understand the time to discern the times and be able to respond prophetically you know to be able to respond redemptively and supernaturally uh so you know he comes and he sees this condition so the angels ask him do you want us to read well first he said an enemy did this right and that enemy is the devil yep you know the son of man he jesus sowed good seed but the enemy the devil came and he sold you know uh tear or weeds among the wheat and the angels asked him well do you want us to remove yup rip it up the the the weeds the tear which means they have the power to do that number one number two they also know who's wheat yep and whose tear see that's the message on its own right the power you know to remove you know and and exercise judgment on behalf of yahweh and understanding the difference between and then god's response you know which is another message on its own but that's where we want to get to because jesus said no let them stay there let them both grow together and that is deep we can we can unpack just that text alone because it means that god is willing to allow good and evil to coexist right so he did not feel this urgency to extract evil from the context of good you know how many people wrestle with that stuff because once again he said let them both grow together they question the god this god now you know because uh you know like i said before doubt comes when you're questioning the nature right right yeah of the very thing that you believed in yeah yeah you know and and for for god to say let them grow together and that's powerful because when you think about it all of human society is arranged and structured around good and evil yep our judicial systems security systems how we raise our children neighborhood uh i i mean uh you know our economic systems business political systems everything including spirituality everything in human society is arranged around good and evil we put locks on our doors you know what i mean we we talk about alarms we talk about laws in place to to address those who are law breakers you know so everything revolves around good and evil so jesus says let them say there now secondly is he says don't remove the weeds or the chair because in the process you may pull up the wheat in other words there is the real the legitimate children of god and good yep and then there's a counterfeit all right and that the nature of weeds and and wheat or wheat and tear is that the and you can't tell them apart while they're growing you can't tell them apart until harvest time right and jesus said when harvest comes then we'll do the separating because when they're growing up they look similar the only way you can tell is if you uproot them and you you've learned this i've taught you this when you uproot the wheat and the chair that are next to each other you'll see the roots of the the tear or the weeds wrapped around the roots yep of the wheat yep in other words the the counterfeit the illegitimate all right can only anchor itself in proximity to truth and and it's so true because evil can not exist on his own exactly you know so you're like evil and good now that's the sermon right there yeah evil can exist on its own e that's the same so a lie needs a truth yep and the lie is secondary yep because the truth now finds this on its own exactly a lie can't you know exactly yep so it necessitates truth so another thing pastorally all right he says lest you take up some of the wheat in the process of removing the weeds and i thought about i said wow god is that concern about the impact that his actions have to address issues within society he's concerned about the impact it's going to have on the innocent wow that's good i never looked at that scripture like that pastoral that is loving that's like making a decision that okay if if i if i remove suddenly this person this individual who may need to be removed i've got to consider the negative impact that that's going to have as a whole and people don't think that way so then they get mad at god said well god why would god allow this and wow you know and and because sometimes when when i look at certain things i said well this person is being blessed and i know their lifestyle yeah you know and you struggle with you know uh looking at how things are happening and and i had to realize that you know god's in control there's something going on and i have to understand that there's things that i can't see that god is seeing before he makes his moves and decisions the justice of god yes because that's what's in question when we see someone that we may know is doing something wrong all right and it seems like they're getting away with it we immediately questioned the justice of god if god were just if god were fear and everyone was repaid for what they do and we don't think about ourselves in the stuff that we need to be paid for stop you know asking questions we're looking at somebody else and saying they need something for that you know but it is beautiful in in how it expresses god's concern for the impact that whatever he does is going to have on the innocent those who don't understand yep you know there's a wonderful passage and uh it was quoted before the disciples scattered on jesus before they abandoned in fear of what was coming down right especially after he was arrested uh and it says smite the shepherd and the sheep scattered yep so if a leader is is is attacked scandalized uh delegitimized or whatever you know what i mean it's going to affect all of the people yes who were in some way connected to that leader especially spiritually because god gives us shepherds teachers apostles prophets he gives us leaders that we look to all right as as layperson to understand god to make sense of our own faith our relationship with the world our relationship with ourselves with our family so spiritual leaders are are important and anointed by god so people vicariously experience god all right through and with these leaders not that they don't have their own relationship with god we do but we look to these leaders all right we hold them to a higher standard as well because they are spiritual leaders and you have to be careful who you submit your soul to because whoever you're submitting your soul to you imbibe the spirit of that individual you got to say that again please because that's on all multiple multiple fronts you know we were talking last week about medians and and other you know different um individuals that are out there doing certain things that some christians you know run the risk of jumping you know one quick person asks about astrology and stuff like that and you got to be mindful what you submit your soul to absolutely absolutely so necromancy or necromancy depending on how you pronounce it uh mediums you know all of these things yeah you are opening yourself you are surrendering yourself so who is your pastor is important yep who the teachers that you may listen to those who you take counsel from because you open your heart you open your spirit and right now the soul of our nation is in turmoil and if we were to kind of sum up the soul it's a mind-willing emotion we can get into that animates the body and all that but essentially it's the mind will and emotion so what's true for an individual is true for a collective body of human beings a nation so the mind of our nation yep it's in confusion we don't have clarity of purpose and mission and thought and values you know what i mean we're seeing a conflict of vision which is a great book by thomas soule by the way a conflict of visions what people think the you know america should be like so our mind our will the the the motivation out of which comes the choices that we make as a nation is in confusion it is as a nation and our emotions our feelings are going wild and we are denying our emotions the benefit of our intellect so instead of reasoning things right we are simply reacting to impulses emotional impulses and they're driving how we interact with things that are happening around us and that's good because one of the questions i ask is what is america's world view and the average person that you know that wants to talk politics wants to talk you know uh religion race all that stuff they can't even explain the world view for america it's yeah how about that you know um supposedly one nation under god and some people i'm not going to name any names are excluding god from the pledge of allegiance now they just dropped that out yep there's a problem with that all right but it's supposedly one nation under god an incredible experiment that is founded on capitalism right uh individualism and religious fervor religious pluralism religious liberty religious freedom those three things essentially are foundational to america but here's what happens when capitalism which you know and they're those who are socialists and there's okay capitalism leads to oppression well no no no let's look at capitalism as a a a method by which we produce goods and services right out of our gifts talents and abilities and translate them into value in the marketplace yep okay now we have human nature and part of that human nature is greed so if greed governs our capitalism then that capitalism becomes unbridled extreme capitalism and unbridled means it's taken to the extreme so without without any boundaries unbridled capitalism leads to oppression it leads to marginalization it leads to disenfranchised yes some of the things that we've seen in our society yep right individualism so it's unbridled capitalism but also radical individualism so individualism is basically self-interest yep it's about me yeah and it became a big thing because there was a drake was coined a couple of years ago to my yolo you only live once so i'm gonna do me wow see so when individualism which is really driven by self-interest which is necessary to make systems work but when it becomes radical individualism now our self-interest trumps the common good no pun intended our self-interest begins to lead us and guide us so radical individualism says we're going to write our own script yep right and when we write our own script regardless of the spirituality of it the morality of it the ethics of it or the legalities of it you don't have a right to judge me yep because i have a right to write my own script so this whole no judgment zone comes out of radical individualism i can do what i want think what i want you know i can write the script for my life no boundaries yep and and and it comes out of you know the lack of a moral compass yeah you know so now everybody becomes amoral you know uh leading into immoral yeah and you know and and and it becomes crazy because once you diminish the standard that guides guards and govern the the morality of a nation the ethics of a person the spirituality yeah you you no longer uh can hold somebody accountable you know because the standard now has been diminished to a feeling and now i can't hold you accountable because that's how you felt at the time exactly and out of that radical individualism comes your truth my truth yes so everything is true which doesn't it if that if that's that true exactly exactly and lastly religious fervor was good the puritans came in with with calvinistic reform theology so it's about affecting change society a set of values etc and also religious freedom so when religious liberty becomes religious extremism now in the name of religion we begin to engage in things that are detrimental to society of a whole as a whole and we end up coming up with ideology social ideology that we now try to push and impose on society because it's a script that we wrote and we and whoever agrees with me feels that that's the way things ought to be yeah you know i i i don't hate i hate to simplify but that's what we're wrestling through right now yeah but you're giving people uh that's if you're watching this the words to articulate you know uh one the stance of ccc you know because i know if people are like me well what does your pastor say about it you know what does your father say about it so this this is necessary at a simple form because i know we can you know not take it to another level but most of us don't want to talk at that level well things should be simple i mean if anything jesus as a teacher had an amazing capacity is to simplify very profound truths yep you know and when he wanted to he kind of left it open so that you would dig because a parable means para alongside it means it's a double meaning so there's the surface meaning but then you're invited to dig deeper and that's why he said he that has ears to hear in other words who is really interested all right and willing to pay the price and spend the time to dig deeper there's another meeting waiting for you there's more revelation waiting for you yeah so we've been talking about prayer yeah right and and looking at some of the stuff that's going on and uh really trying to get a a hold on how to pray for the nation the church uh the individuals you know you you talking about how prayer elevates the you know the mind and and um and are we gonna continue we need a paradox okay okay all right because when we think about leaders and there's been leaders in the news this last this past week yes all right and this scandal that has come out this week issues that have come out this week number one all right when it comes to those who serve god in any capacity you're called you're anointed god understands what he's getting yeah what he calls that yeah i love the passage in in the gospel of john talking about john the baptist it says and there was a man sent from god yes that has serious implications all right so god is sending a man it means he's sending someone with baggage with issues etc yeah you taught us that uh uh whatever man touches has terminal conditions built into it absolutely absolutely because of our woundedness because of our brokenness so when you think uh about leaders and i was gonna say this god holds each of us as his leaders accountable yes and he has a beautiful gracious pattern because it's about balancing grace and proof yep it is because grace is love essentially so love and truth must be balanced so love determines how we speak and apply truth yep truth guides how we love because we could love extreme and enable and hurt instead of help yep right so god deals with us privately first when a leader is going through issues all right whether it's out of their brokenness or whether it's out of their pride because it's two different scenarios at work there yeah all right but whether it's brokenness or pride that ends up becoming problematic for that leader god deals with us as leaders privately first and if that doesn't work because he loves us so much he will then deal with us publicly so so even with him dealing with us and allowing us to be exposed or exposing us that's still it's not about love it's out of his love and people don't understand that god would god let this happen you know show me up like this because remember this the proverb says he that hides his sin will not prosper so god cannot be complicit yes in cover-up say that again please please look at the camera and tell the people this please he that hides his sin will not prosper so god cannot be complicit in a cover-up yes yes too often like if you get me out of this one more time exactly and we wanted to do things that made god our accomplishments yup all right so so prayer is paradoxical because as i as i said last week prayer elevates the mind right yep how we think how we process information how we see things our our perceptions are all tied in and the heart yep our emotions how we feel how we experience things right so prayer elevates because god has got to lift us above the circumstance and situation in order to speak into that mind and to to speak into that heart but it's paradoxical in that it also prayer also humbles so it elevates you it lifts you but it also humbles you and i will say that it humbles you first so it can elevate you that's good humbles you first so they can elevate so when you come to god right in prayer and that's why when people tell me they pray and they come out arrogant and and proud no no no you haven't been with god because think about it um whenever someone's been in the presence of god god is holy yes he is absolute holiness and perfection right we can't stand in his presence we talked about this around easter around that time you know so it's not that god turns away from sin sin can't stand in the presence of god so so anyone who comes before the lord i love isaiah chapter six it says in the year that verse one in the year that king josiah king uzziah died i saw the lord he has this vision of god i'm getting goosebumps and he sees god elevator right and that's why i say prayer does what elevates the mind so he sees god high and lifted up and his train fill the temple that's where that song comes from exactly i see little right and and and the holiness that's around him and the first thing that isaiah says is woe is me he has not after a vision of god a vision of himself yes he says woe is me in other words he has a vision of god elevates him but then it humbles him he has a vision of his own deficiencies his own uncleanness his own unholiness in relationship to a holy god that's so good so how can you say you prayed which means you're communing with god you're spending time with god how can you say that and come out arrogant no that's good that's good so when leaders are functioning you know because remember we are coming out and and it we're coming out of our own brokenness right our own woundedness and why do i say this because this is called original sin yes all right we believe that everyone is born into a sinful condition now you got psalms right psalm 51 uh i think it's five that's a text that's been right that they used so davis huge david is saying you know i i'm going to sin from birth right and i was born born and said iniquity and iniquity my mother incended my mother conceived yes they use that as saying you know uh as the text but yeah but you know look romans 3 23 okay all right and and romans 5 12 essentially saying that all have sinned yes and come short of the glory of god that's a legitimate text to speak of original sin what do we mean by original sin i'm glad you asked original sin you didn't ask i felt it you felt you were thinking loud thinking out loud original sin is a condition created by adam and eve's personal sin okay so condition created by adam and eve's person personal sin so there's personal sin there's the choices that we make as individuals god does not hold us guilty for the choices that another person makes he holds you responsible for your choice okay that's the beauty of ezekiel 18. so if you have a father who messed up the son doesn't have to follow in that footstep yeah but this other transition that talks about the the the the sin of the father's father fall upon the the grandchildren well he he visits the sins of the father upon the children the third and fourth generation what do you mean he visit why is he visiting he's checking to see if they followed in their father's footsteps in ezekiel 18 it says you'll no longer say this parable in israel that the fathers have eaten sour grapes therefore their children's teeth are on edge wow that's good because so many pastors take that i know i know we talk about generational curses and all that kind of stuff somebody would be asking me about generational curses on instagram yeah and and i'm like even genetically it's still a 50 50 proposition that you have a genetic predisposition to the issues that your parents dealt with such as alcoholism certain proclivities substance abuse exactly all right it's 50 50. yeah it doesn't mean this is your destiny so ezekiel says if you choose not to walk in the footsteps of your father all right choice god will honor you right there but understand that that proclivity is still a part of who you are as a person and you have to live conscious of that so personal sin was the the sin the choice that adam and eve made to eat yes to disobey god in egypt that fruit we're not being judged for their personal choices okay but those personal choices created a condition this is so good that we are now all born into got it yep so all have sinned and come show the glory of god so roman says through one man's sin right sin entered the world and death by way of sin also came upon all of us so we all suffer because of what our ancestor did so so pretty much the the the good and evil living together was not the original intent no no no remember he sold good seed they were wondering where did the evil come from that was never the original design of god so this original sin this condition it separated us from god our sins separated from god so it broke that union with god and it left us wounded and broken broken disordered especially in our affections and there are folks who don't want to hear this dysfunctional because someone said you can't tell me i'm dysfunctional but think about it carefully because when you read the bible you know what it's about it's about wounded broken disordered and dysfunctional people yep you look back abraham david yes everybody jacob yeah oh yeah all crazy stuff yes joseph like he was going through his ownership yes yeah so the condition left us like this so what people do out of this comes things like the works of the flesh galatians chapter five envy strife murder you know all of those things come out of this wounded and broken disordered and dysfunctional condition so we are born in a state where we are egocentric which means we're selfish yep we are born in a state of fearfulness which is the first emotional experience that adam and eve had remember we are born in these conditions where we have to be taught to be courageous to be unselfish and to be secure because we're born insecure egocentric and fearful it's so true i look at my four-year-old and i i have to encourage no don't be afraid like you know uh you know be be patient you know uh it's not about you right now you know so those are all the things that as you're saying i'm like wow that's that's what i'm that's where i am right now with my children and and think about what we what we talked about last week we said that three sources for knowledge right we said revelation revelation yep and this is important because people see how all of this ties together revelation not the book yeah revelation all right revelation reason right reason yeah and experience now think about it revelation which is the scripture revealed truth tells us that we're broken yep right that we're falling short of the glory of god that we've disconnected from the original holiness to which justice was to flow out from us into human society revelation tells us that but also reason yeah it does if we think about if we process and observe humans and human history we see the brokenness the woundedness the dysfunctionality the the the disordered thinking and living expressed by humans throughout history and you know you've got war and sickness and disease and conflicts you know it's so so revelation bears witness to that condition reason bears witness to that condition and experience we've experienced people lying cheating stealing we've experienced all of this woundedness and brokenness so that's why god was in christ reconciling the world to himself in other words reconnecting us to that source so that we can go through a process of healing yeah we get spiritually redeemed instantly the moment we're born again but the redemption of our body is something to come so we still experience these conditions right yes in our physical body which affects the soul in the way we think and all of that so going back to human beings who are in positions of power and leadership right you have leaders suspect let's talk about christian leaders yes all right you have christian leaders under two two category i'm going to put christ christian leaders right okay you have those who are broken wounded and they're struggling with it yes and struggle is a code word it means they're still doing it got that struggling with it yes all right but then you have those who are broken and wounded but their problem is not their brokenness and woundedness as much as it is their pride yep and arrogance now in the scripture when it talks about lucifer yes all right it says that he had the sum full of wisdom beautiful when he was created but then something went wrong in his heart he wanted to exalt himself to be god not be like god but to be god but it says your wisdom was corrupted yes because of your pride your wisdom was corrupted and that's critical because wisdom is ability to discern good from evil and to prefer and the courage to do good over evil wisdom is the ability to make sense of what's happening right and see the righteous path through all of it so what happens is when pride enters wisdom is corrupted so yeah so if you're especially if your position of leader power leadership you're in power and pride takes over and arrogance takes over you exalt yourself right now you start engaging in things that to everybody else is obviously wrong but you don't see it you shrug it off because you don't realize that very subtly your level of discernment is diminishing your standards morally spiritually ethically are diminishing everything is being downgraded so you find yourself being sucked in and not even realizing it until something breaks and there's a scandal yeah i have compassion for both but i have more compassion for this person because i was going to ask you you know as a leader as a prominent leader and even with myself you know trying to say okay balancing you know that grace and truth and being holding you know individuals accountable but yet being there for them exactly you know and how do you do that well see that's just it because pride is the strength of sin yes deceitfulness is the character of sin got it and all sin manifests itself in hiding yep and the hiding is experienced more in the broken and wounded person because the person is filled with pride begins to do things in plain sight yeah yep because remember their wisdom is corrupted and that's why it's prayer and fasting now fasting comes into play with all of this because of how it affects us internally and we're out of time yeah this is good we were way out of time but see this is important to what's going on very in our world very right now and the thing about it it also gives because the question is which you know if a lot of individuals who are watching us like me we get attacked from maintaining our christianity yeah you know how how can you continue being a christian look at this person look at that person and and we want to be able to articulate why we're still a christian you know and that our christianity is not based on the lifestyle and the the uh relationship of god from the person that we're watching or that's leading us it's a personal relationship right that we've developed right he's taken a hold of uh you know so this is really good it's personal because christianity is private and public yes you know because they'd like to privatize our faith oh yeah definitely keep it to yourself yes no you know if you confess with your mouth believe in your heart yep all right the lordship of jesus and confess with your mouth so it's both public and private but that's the beauty of the christian ethic christian social ethic uh religion brings a moral consent value consensus to society that we wouldn't have if we didn't have religious belief systems yes and christianity for me is the most amazing system and has transformed the world yes since christ came in ways that we can't even even imagine not just in the west not just amongst christians but in in in china before it became fully communist china when it was under um chiang kai-shek all right and and we're talking about you know the war uh world war ii yeah because even mahatma gandhi you know korea i mean every nation that christianity hit regardless of what was going on at the time you know because part of that was exploitation all right in the hands of men but christianity transformed the world we cannot go anywhere without seeing the transformational power of christianity affecting concepts and practices assumptions about god about human nature and about what it means to live in this world which came from christianity yes it's gotta cut we gotta cut that's good that's good that's good um wow how do we end you know something like that we got to pray for our leaders yes yes i mean you prayed powerfully in the beginning yeah you know of this um let's yes father we just pray for our leaders not only those in political power but especially those in positions of spiritual power spiritual influence because to that our soul is most vulnerable because these things when it pertains to the soul are eternal things politics is temporal but when it comes to the soul and spirituality it is eternal the decisions the choices that we make so lord we pray for those in spiritual leadership for those to whom people look for guidance for pastoral care for direction for modeling the relationship with god for sharing an understanding about god and how he relates to human society they really need our prayers right now yes lord father we pray in a way that we are careful to consider our own selves our own brokenness our own weakness before we point a judgmental finger teach us how to balance truth and love yes lord so that it can heal because if anything our nation needs as was expressed in the beginning is the bomb the bomb of gilead your healing power upon us thank you father yes lord we trust you with our future therefore we don't have to be afraid we simply need to be discerning and wise yes we bless you and thank you in jesus name jesus name amen amen and amen amen that's good that's a good prayer that's good now boom he did it did you all see that but i just say boom i'm not gonna say i'm gonna get you oh real quick before we end for those uh who were asking uh i when i brought up reggae and chanting oh yeah yeah yeah reggae i i'm not saying reggae is a sin to listen to i you know i grew up on listen to reggae you know the sound clashes you know stone love versus addies and and you know junior cast super cat boujou you know okay i'm sorry too much right you see that emoji do not emoji message no but you know um just look at the history and origin of reggae where it started from steep and rastafari and um africanism yeah uh you know and that it was a it started as an expression of the gospel so that's how they got their messages across so i was just you know looking at that aspect of the chanting right which was invoking you know whatever spiritualism the spiritual aspect of that religion at that time it has now in the 1960s roughly broken off to become its own genre of music right you know taking in some of the rhythm blues uh r b and uh incorporating it to become its own genre but prior to that is what i was talking about well look a musical note is neither good nor evil all right it's neutral but it takes on the character of the context the story that you build around it the words that you're communicating the spirit in which you're using that musical note that's what changes it it's like money yeah money is neutral but it tends to take on the character of those who possess it yep so you use it for evil you use it for good music you'll use it for evil or you'll use it for good yeah so i'm not saying reggae is bad okay glad you're paranoid cleared that up thank you and until next time yeah i believe this place will never god's presence jesus is lord period we believe it we proclaim it and we're seeing it come to pass god bless and enjoy the rest of your week
Channel: Christian Cultural Center - Brooklyn Campus
Views: 12,946
Rating: 4.8758621 out of 5
Id: 4GUV0O0IS-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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