A.R. Bernard | "Renewal and Revival Are Happening Now" | Christian Cultural Center

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life makes a difference and you all look all blessed and highly favored is that am i talking to the right folks good good um in uncertain times we as believers can be certain about the character of god we'll try that again in uncertain times there is a certainty that we have and that certainty is in the character of god that god is benevolent we say god is good and all the time so we we when we say that we're announcing or proclaiming god's benevolence but we're also proclaiming his consistency he's not just good he's good all the time and whether he sends something or not he uses everything so we're in a space right now that i believe will and is being god used how many believe that god is using all that's gone on all that has happened all right i appreciate the six people who are having faith with me on this all right i don't know where you stand but this is what lets me sleep at night this is what lets me assure my children my grandchildren the people that i interact with the people who look to me for a word from god because that hope begins with me and my relationship with the lord amen so yeah in uncertain times and we are definitely in uncertain times we have this certainty that the character of god remains consistent he's the same yesterday today and forever and we can depend on that character now if you don't know the character of god if you're not familiar with the character of god then you've got a problem and it's important that you study the word because god's character is revealed most officially and most consistently in the scripture experiences are wonderful but experiences must be tested by scripture so scripture is critical and when i think about where we are as the church of jesus christ i have been in ministry past karen and i for 42 years we started when we were four years old and we've been consistent in ministry but i've seen a thing or two that sounds like a commercial uh we've seen a lot in those four decades in terms of the spiritual moral climate the growth development of the church of jesus christ this shifts the seasons the things that blew in blew up and blew out we've seen a lot and one thing that i can say about certain movements like the word of faith movement which is one of the terms for it some people call prosperity gospel name and claim it yeah even truth can be taken to the extreme amen and when truth is taken to the extreme it becomes error but one of the truths that came out of that whole word movement is a love and a foundation in scripture it was about the word of god knowing the word chapter and verse it was understanding the word unpacking the word the word was central it was our source of faith rule of conduct it was a foundational to all that we built in our personal lives our spiritual lives our relational lives our business and ministry all of that and of course what what began to take the place of that is experience so people wanted to have a spiritual experience and experiences began to become primary they took the primacy away from the word of god and it seems like and i'm i'm i'm trying to sense this facet for prophetically and discern this that god is calling us back to the foundation of the word because jesus responded to the devil with the word he didn't speak in tongues not according to the the biblical record are you with me what did he respond with the word and what did satan come back with the word so it's not just knowing the word lightly or in a shallow way you've got to know it so that even when the devil comes back to you with scripture trying to twist it and and deceive you using what you trust and believe in you better know what you're talking about come on give god a good hand clap all free amen so the study of the word studying to show yourself approved unto god a workman that needs not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth applies now more than ever and also that word that says be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you in meekness and fear you have got to have that word inside of you if there's anything we witness from the temptation of jesus in the wilderness is that jesus taught us that we could tell the devil no oh wait that was deep now don't don't let don't don't let that go by you he taught us that we can say no to the devil too often we engage in the circumstance the situation how we feel all of that instead of realizing this is where we've got to draw the line and not even entertain what's coming at us because if we entertain it it's going to start to mess with our emotions our feelings our thoughts how many know what i'm talking about sometimes you got to stop it at the door the battle is in the mind the scripture says you be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to prove what is the good acceptable and perfect will of god which means the state of your mind determines your ability to perceive what is good what is acceptable what is perfect to perceive what god is doing what god is willing hallelujah like they say in the old church i'll shout right here amen so it's so important folks your relationship with scripture but we've seen over the last couple decades where spiritual experiences and it's interesting because that's what this particular generation has favored and the scripture says test the spirit to make sure that it is from god how do you test that experience from the word the word the whole counsel of god not just a peace not just one verse gear and one verse there you cannot grow spiritually by knowing proverbs and songs tell your neighbors he's talking about somebody you know you may not have a neighbor close to you shout it out come on they're folks who think they can survive on proverbs and psalms i read proverbs in the morning and psalm at night and i'm good no there has to be more in your arsenal you have to have a broad understanding of scripture and it is a lifelong study i've been walking with the lord since 1975 and i'm still learning and growing you don't arrive and if you think you've arrived you're in trouble we're always growing and learning and increasing in knowledge and wisdom and understanding amen i want to share something with you and i want to begin at romans chapter 15 verse 4. and the reason i want to begin there is to just explain why or what my attitude is as i reach back into the old testament in romans chapter 15 verse 4 paul is talking about his identification with christ in terms of what he has gone through in ministry and paul has gone through a lot we celebrate him but the early church did not celebrate paul the apostle paul was somewhat of an outcast because of how jesus dealt with him personally privately and apart from the jerusalem church that was overseen by james and peter revelation was critical to the building of the church these are his words and i'm reading from the new international version 1984 edition for everything verse 4 romans 15 4 for everything that was written in the past was written to teach us and read that again for everything that was written in the past was written to teach us in one translation it specifically says the law to teach us they did not have a new testament when paul wrote this there was not a new testament the way we have it it was not the four gospels the book of acts the epistles the the revelation it was not neatly packaged until hundreds of years after the early church was formed and continued to develop too often we think when jesus sent them out he gave them a copy of the new testament no it didn't exist that developed over time we have the benefits of the gospel records we have the benefit of the book of acts we have the benefit of the epistles we have the benefit of revelation all right we can take it up as a complete work and read it and appreciate it so when he was saying for everything that was written in the past he was speaking about the hebrew scriptures what we call the old testament they were written to teach us so whenever you read the old testament you should discover remember patterns principles precepts and the fact that paul says we can reach back into the old testament and learn things it means that those things though they were written in the past have principles that apply today so when we reach back it's not just for information purposes all right or informational purposes only it's what can i get from that that i can apply today because it's applicable not everything but there are principles precepts concepts ideas that are there patterns that are there that i can apply for everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through endurance and the encouragement of the what it's up on the screen if you don't have it all right so that through endurance and the encouragement of the scriptures we might have what hope through endurance and the comfort of the scripture so the scriptures are there to teach us instruct us correct us exhort us but at the end of the day to give us hope to comfort us with hope the prophet isaiah spoke words to a nation in distress the nation of israel and he announced that god was about to do something new but he had to frame their thinking their attitude in order for what god was about to do to be effective let's go to isaiah 43 and we'll begin at verse 18. again i'm rooting out reading out of the new international version 1984 edition and what's so beautiful about technology you can have 35 different bible translations right on your phone anybody have a bible app okay some hands didn't go up i'm praying for y'all you have no reason not to have a bible with you at all times because you have your phone with you you have your device with you at all times amen praise the lord isaiah 43 verse 18. the prophet speaks forget the former things he's not saying forget the past he's saying forget what the past exposed you to forget the systems and structures of the past forget the way you thought in the past forget the way you understood in the past forget the former things do not dwell on what took place how many know that your future can be held captive to your past there are some people that are still struggling to move on from what happened to them and remember it's not what happened to you it's what you do about it how you respond to it that determines your future jesus came to set captives free to open prison doors and the past can either serve you with wisdom and instruction to invest in the future or it can hold you in a prison amen there are some people because they've been burned they will refuse to trust anybody and wonder why they can't have a relationship with anybody because all relationships are based on what trust the past should make you wiser but you should not live there dwell means to live there to establish your habitation there to pitch your tent there let the past serve you and you must have a positive evaluation of the past even if that pass was hurtful and negative because god takes them we were singing it what was meant for evil and he brings out of it a greater good we don't always see that greater good when we're going through it but again it is our hope that's based upon our trust that god always has our best interests in his heart good place to clap thank you clapping is an affirmation so the prophet announces forget the former things do not dwell on the past and again i went through old systems old structures right all of those things you see we feel we gravitate to what's comfortable and what's familiar let me try that one more time we gravitate to what's comfortable and what's familiar come on you walk into a room and there are people all right what do you look for someone you know come on isn't it true that's the first thing we do uh you're looking around in the in the crowd who do i know here right so we look for the familiar and when we can't find someone we know when we can't identify the familiar then we look for a place to make ourselves comfortable am i talking to anybody wave at me in the balcony let me know i'm talking to you come on isn't it true we're walking if we can't identify somebody that looks familiar we don't know we look for a chair a corner a table where nobody but us can be there [Music] and we sit down right that's the way we are as human beings we look for the familiar we look for the comfortable and yet in order to grow god has to take us into unfamiliar territory god has to make us uncomfortable amen just because the holy spirit is called the comforter he's not there to make you comfortable let me try that one more time just because he's called the comforter he's not there to make you comfortable no god can disrupt your life disrupt society disrupt the course of things disrupt patterns god can do that but he's always has a reason behind it so in verse 18 the prophet announces forget the former things do not dwell on the past verse 19 opens with that very important word see then the comma which means pause right king james it says behold essentially it means take a look pay attention observe amen and the fact that god has to stop right there through the prophet and say see pay attention take a look is because god can be at work and you miss it i don't know about you but in my walk with the lord especially in my early walk with the lord i miss god a few times oh i just confessed you know i know you all thought i had it all together all my life guess what i'm still working on me i'm still working on it i'm still growing and learning and i cherish those moments where i failed to see his hand because the next time i was ready come on failure is the womb for success i'm gonna say that again failure is the womb for success don't be afraid of failure it's that those moments where i wasn't trained wasn't mature enough didn't have enough word didn't have enough understanding and it forced me to learn to grow to seek understanding to sharpen my discernment and my perception of things and my perspective of things this is what growth is all about so the prophet says see i am doing a new thing and i will tell you we've been through a lot as a planet as a nation as a community as a people as a family as a church as a business whatever it may be we have experienced unprecedented times this has never happened before even though we reach back a hundred years and we look at the spanish flu and the impact that it had on the globe in 1918 this is unprecedented where we are what we've experienced and in the midst of all of this what does god say what's the word of the lord i'm doing a new thing and what i'm about to do in fact what i am doing already is not to be judged by what i've done in the past let me try that one more time what i am doing now is not to be judged by the past so whatever i've done in the past that's nothing compared to what i'm doing now and what i can do in the future i appreciate those same eight people it increased by two that's good so verse 19. see i'm doing a new thing now it springs up do you not perceive it wow jesus talked to a crowd and he pointed to religious leaders who should have known and yet he said they have eyes and they cannot come on see they have ears and they cannot hear their hearts are hardened so it cannot understand or process i think about the things that frustrated jesus just from some of the remarks that he made and unbelief and fear all those things bothered him that's why we you know we say well if god was right here man let's do it he was right here 2000 years ago and the people around him had a hard time believing and trusting right in fact jesus put it this way he said those who have seen are at one level but blessed are those who have not seen him and yet believe those who don't have the physical evidence and yet they have the trust hallelujah i'm talking about the just who live by faith the people who walk by faith and not by sight are there any in the room hallelujah forget the former things don't dwell on the past i'm doing a new thing now it springs up do you not perceive it i'm making and i love the language because the bible uses poetic language metaphor figures of speech symbolism listen to the beauty of all this i'm making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland the wild animals honor me the jackals and the owls because i provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland to give drink to my people my chosen the people i form for myself that they may proclaim my praise are you hearing all of this in the midst of the wilderness and the desert his people are going to proclaim his praise well we need to examine why essentially here god is calling his people to remember what he did for them in the exodus from egypt but what he's about to do is even greater the metaphors right a way in the desert or way in the wilderness the wilderness is symbolic language it's literal in certain places but here he's using as metaphor because remember after they left egypt where did they end up in the wilderness right and what did god do for them in the wilderness he provided for them he guided them he directed them a pillar of fire by night a cloud by day the provision of food the protection around them from the wild beasts god demonstrates his power in the wilderness and boy do we have wilderness experiences in our lives amen [Music] away in the wilderness in other words where there is no clear path forward god creates one i'm going to try that one more time he said i make a way in the wilderness right come on you know the old preaching god will make a way where there is no way so not only is he announcing to them that he's about to do something new he's telling them to have hope and be fearless because even though they may be in a place where they cannot see the path forward it's not clear it's ambiguous we're trying to figure it out listen churches across the country around the world pastors especially are trying to figure this all out i'm looking forward to full reentry but i know that it's not going to be the same as it was it's a new model it's a new experience yes we all have remnants of the old and coming together and the power and the anointing and the presence of god i look forward to the power of the corporate anointing but still it's going to be new it's going to be different where there is no clear path forward god creates one how about this streams in the desert and notice we we can read the text and think that when it says the jackal they honor him the wild animals honor him he creates streams but it's not saying he creates streams for these wild animals and that's why they honor him no as we read down in the text the streams are to give water to his people rivers in the desert where there is no natural relief or refreshment god will provide it oh come on you get in the wilderness journey all right sometimes you say okay lord i i feel that you know there's more miles for me to travel on this journey but i could use some refreshment right now i could use rebuilding right now where there's no natural relief or refreshment because in the desert there's no natural relief or refreshment unless you come across an oasis amen that's why it's called a desert the wild beasts honor me the wild animals honor me jackals and others in other words listen the things that may threaten you won't because he's there with you i'm gonna try that one more time look the reference of wild animals what are we concerned about if you you can't sleep night comes you lay down to sleep and there are wild animals you you you hope that somebody's watching and what is god saying the things that threaten you while you're in this space won't hurt you because i am with you i'm doing a new thing did you all hear that i'm doing a what new thing there are forces at work and when god says he's doing a new thing he's talking about renewal he's talking about revival what we understand as revival and renewal so i'm going to put some things on the board so you could see this think about it social political moral spiritual economic guess what these are all forces they're all what i can't hear you they're all what forces forces got it forces and guess where you are guess where you are you're in the middle of those forces and they're constantly at work constantly at work we think about where we are as as a society here in america right now this is let me i i use this as an illustration for service let me use it again all right we're in what is called a seller's market real estate why are we in a seller's market because there is a great demand for housing whether it's an apartment whether it's it's it's a private home a condominium a townhouse whatever all right there is great demand but very little supply and that's basic economics that's economic 101. when the demand is high and the supply is low the prices go up so if you're in the market to buy a house right now you're at a disadvantage and you've got to really be sharp why because the houses that are on the market the few houses that are available the few apartments or condominiums whatever available right the prices are being jacked up so it can cost you 20 30 more than the actual value of the property that you are looking at purchasing and and the sellers have the advantage because they know that there is little supply and great demand so they're willing to wait they know that the interest rates are low right now so that puts added pressure for those who are looking and who need to buy so it's a seller's market that's economic forces got it but there are also social and political forces that work so if you're a seller it's a good time to sell hear that if you're selling a property it's a good time to sell here's another force scheduled that july 31st will be the end of government protection against eviction during covet government passed a rule that says to banks who hold mortgages on homes that you cannot foreclose or evict the homeowner because they're struggling financially right now so it gave people relief got it people who are renting an apartment policy established that says you cannot evict people out of the apartment right now because people are struggling but once they lift that are you with me now banks can begin foreclosure or demand that people pay up what they owe in back payments that they couldn't pay because of covet crisis they can offer them the opportunity to refinance but what if their financial condition doesn't allow them to refinance because they may be now a bad credit risk are you hearing me so what's going to happen is they're going to either be forced to sell or go into foreclosure which means that now these houses will enter the market that was scarce and the market is going to be populated with a lot of available homes being sold out of a crisis situation the interest rate is then going to go up to respond to market availability these are all social and political factors and economic factors that shape and influence the wilderness are you hearing me folks this is real this is real so to have a promise from god that he's going to step in and make a way where the way does not look clear where he's going to refresh you and provide water for you are y'all hearing me out there this is the kind of hope that we need now can god intervene in spite of all of these forces that's what he does [Applause] and if you've known him for any period of time you know that our extremity becomes his opportunity [Applause] there goes those eight people again renewal is a restructuring renewal is where you reflect on how things have been done and it's time for a change it is a season of improvement in strength you become stronger out of it it's a season of something becoming more active and more important things that may have been on the back burner god is now having you push on the front burner things that were not a priority are now be come a priority amen in here renewal is a reawakening of passion towards purpose because now you're asking re-asking the question okay lord in the face of all of this let me reestablish what my purpose is it's a reawakening of your gifts your talents your abilities how you're wired the personality how god created you and how that applies in the marketplace and in life it is a restoration of vigor and and and life and consciousness because you become more sensitive more aware of what's happening around you so that you can discern what the next step should be it is structural renewal personal renewal relational renewal cultural renewal spiritual renewal it's all of those things happening and god says in the midst of all of that i give you hope let's go to luke gospel of luke chapter 5 verse 37 luke 5 37 jesus speaking here and let me wrap with this he's talking about doing something new and remember he was bringing in a whole new worship system remember what he said about the sacrificial system in jerusalem he said not one stone is going to be left upon another did you all get that far in the book amen he said this temple is going to be destroyed jerusalem is going to be destroyed that's what he said why he had to replace that system otherwise they wouldn't let it go and sometimes god has to disrupt the past force us to judge it so that we can embrace the future and this is why this is what jesus said he said no one verse 37 luke 5 37 no one pours new wine into old wineskins now wine skin was made usually of of goat skin but it was sealed to keep whatever liquid that was placed in it from leaking but also to keep it from spoiling they would put not only wine but milk or whatever they would put in it but that was a faithful bag that they would use however over time all right it would get to a place where if you put new wine in it it would be a problem because the new wine in the wine skin still goes through a process of fermentation which means it's expanding the skin and then the skin can ultimately burst because it can't contain what's happening with that new wine in it hello let's go back to it verse 37 and no one pours new wine into a wine skin if he does the new wine will do what bursts the skins the wine will run out and the skins will be ruined so not only do you lose the wine skin you lose the new wine so the old and the new are lost if the transition from old to new is not done carefully and change is not an event it's a what it's a process come on ccc ice change is not an event it is a what it's a process and you have to manage the process carefully otherwise you can shock the system and it will implode so what does jesus say you've got to deal with the wine skin before you can put the new wine in to it new wine must be poured into new wineskins which means new systems new structures new way of thinking new way of doing new way of understanding so you can have new and possibilities for the new in the future but if you don't adjust the present if you don't just adjust what's going to carry that future then both the future and the present will be lost that makes sense so we know that in in in terms of our use of resources our staffing i mean everything we are reevaluating everything about the ministry and what we're doing with the ministry businesses are doing families are doing guess what you should be doing it personally you should be excited about becoming lean and mean come on because we can become so comfortable so familiar right that we waste and it's not until we're challenged that we are then ready and willing to tighten our belts re-evaluate what we do how we do it crisis doesn't come to kill us come to make us better amen and guess what some folks won't want to let go of the old in order to embrace the new let me try that but you all got quiet on that one i hope you're not one of the some folks some folks people have a hard time with change they get comfortable they get familiar they don't want to change amen yeah but if the body of christ doesn't change if the church doesn't change it will lose its savior and it'll be good for nothing but to be cast out trampled under the foot of men we've got to adjust to all of these factors and forces that are in play yes the holy spirit remains the same the message remains the same the principles patterns precepts remain the same but the methodology how we deliver it changes amen yeah we're still doing church we're just doing it differently but remember what i've taught you we live life on what levels we arrive in what stages and as we move from one level to another our relationships sometimes must change because everyone is not moving to that next level with us and i will tell you when you talk about new and old wine right old wineskins and new wine i intentionally over the years have gone back to old neighborhoods that i've live and lived in just to look at it and i will tell you sometimes in certain neighborhoods that i've gone to because i used to live in williamsburg before it became williamsburg when i was there it was gangs it was drugs it was prostitution pastor karen used to minister to the prostitutes down on kent avenue developed a relationship with them and and talked to them and i look and say come here what are you doing never get the story of where she was driving in the car and the boys were in the car and one of them was on the on the road stranded she she she picked the girl up had her come in the car and the boys were in the back seat i'm telling you that was the williamsburg we knew housing crisis now it's a whole new williamsburg back then a four-room railroad apartment was 110 a month i told you we started when i was four right okay you go back to those neighborhoods you see wow this has changed have you ever visited one of your old neighborhoods and see how much has changed but there's another reality you also discover things that's still the same still having james still the same and should have changed but they didn't look at what jesus said in verse 39 and no one after drinking new wine wants the old if you all don't correct me i'm going to be disappointed with you as students i'm going to try it one more time and no one after drinking new wine wants the old just the opposite no one after drinking the old wine wants the new wine for he says the old is better and aren't there people like that they reject the new reject change because they want to stay stuck in the familiar and the comfortable and they say no this is better they even make up songs like it give me that old-time religion give me that old-time religion what what is jesus saying he's warning and as much as i'm telling you that we need to change the wine skins to hold a new wine some people are going to resist it some people are not going to embrace the change and the future i know pastors who are waiting to get back in the building so they can go back to the way things were they're going to be shocked that the neighborhood has changed i know what i'm talking about instead of realizing that there's going to be a new normal and trying to understand discern that new normal and adjust their ministry to that new normal they're not changing anything and hoping and expecting to go right back to what was that's not real that's not what's happening and not only in ministry we see it in business we see it in people's thinking god's doing a new thing and it's going to take a new you to hold the new thing that god is doing but come on give god a good handcuff did you get anything out of this today i live with hope i live with expectation that there are opportunities all around me and the forces at work out there for my good are greater than the forces that work out there for my detriment i'ma try that one more time i just i just i just rephrase romans 8 28. i believe that the forces out there that are at work for my good are greater than the forces out there that are at work for my detriment i believe that greater is he that is in me i'm in the book that is word than he that is in the world i believe that whatsoever is born of god overcomes the world and what's the victory that takes us there faith our faith i believe that so i live in the book and i let that word inform my mind my emotions my feelings my choices i let that word marinate in my head because whatever i give space to that's what's going to influence my choices and your choices determine your destiny amen i'm pumped and excited to see what god is going to bring out of all of this i believe he's already at work and god always takes us from the lesser to the greater i'll try that one more time god always takes us from the lesser to the greater from the old to the new but from the what lesser to the greater that is the pattern within scripture that we move from one level to another from the lesser to the greater and the greater is right in front of us any believers in here come on stand on your feet give god some praise hallelujah now here's the paradox jesus made all of these promises of protection and goodness and yet at the same time he said in the world you're going to have tribulation but be a good cheer for i have overcome and when i look at that and i say well okay what does that mean for me i go back and i study the scripture i study the gospels to see how he handled the challenges that came his way and how he overcame them because he was in all points tempted tested challenged as i am so i go back to see how he handled betrayal how did he handle abandonment how did he handle lack how did he handle those in power how did he handle those close to him who still didn't get it how did he handle us how did he handle because that is what teaches me to face the tribulation that he said i would have in this world come on us bower heads father thank you for your presence thank you for the community the church and thank you that you keep it all together with your word father thank you that if your word sustains the universe and keeps it all together your word can sustain my life and keep me all together [Music] so i surrender to that word as my source of faith my rule of conduct my hope for the future bless us today as we leave here embracing the new things that you're doing letting go of the oat and experiencing that new wine we thank you we bless you in jesus precious name amen and amen come on give god a good praise hallelujah [Applause] keep the ministry in prayer as we make changes keep the families of our leadership in prayer remember smite the shepherd and the sheep scatter so the devil's always after the leadership [Music] in any way that he could attack and the pattern is family money health he just recycles it so keep us in your prayers amen i'm not announcing anything wrong or bad we're good [Music] but when i would do good [Music] evil is present and how many know evil is not present to help you do good [Music] and stop this to stop you from doing the good that you would do praise the lord amen hallelujah it's been a pleasure being with you in the house and those of you who are watching online it's been a pleasure being with you in your house whatever well almost whatever room you're in [Applause] thank you for joining us thank you for being part of our spiritual family as we continue to grow thank you for the letters that you write in to let us know that your life is better because you're here because you're learning and growing and part of this community let's say something good as we leave this place but never god's presence but we're gonna have a minister come and pray before we do that i'm sorry see i'm so used to it is we're gonna have a minister come and pray because someone someone online watching us from anywhere in the world may never have received jesus christ into their heart and we want to make sure they get the opportunity this is our altar call amen thank you minister misha praise the lord family we conclude every service by saying jesus is lord but we can't do that without giving someone the opportunity to make him lord israel shared some good news today your breakthrough is here and it is not just here in a new season of favor but in the person of jesus it is not just renewal in the atmosphere but renewal in us pastor bernard told us that the familiar and the comfortable have been changed we've endured a season of unfamiliar trials but god has been working all things together for our good and today god says forget the former things do not dwell on the past see i am doing a new thing now it springs up do you not perceive it i am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland no matter how confusing your wilderness no matter how barren your wasteland no matter how long your weight something new has begun and everything in your past as pastor told you came to teach you so that when properly understood in the context of truth you might have hope today there is hope because there is good news the good news is that a holy god so loved a rebellious world that he sent his only begotten son to live a sinless life die in our place and rise from the grave conquering death and in doing so he paid the price for our sin and gives us a right to everlasting life the good news is that god's grace is bigger than our flaws the good news is that god's love is bigger than our sin the good news is that god is neither limited by our troubles nor troubled by our limits if god is going to do a new thing he's got to change the old you the good news is that he can with new wine new skin new word a new will and a new won't a new willingness to draw new lines and live life with new boundaries a new willingness to inspect old lives and see if they reflect god's wisdom we can know him today we can be saved romans 10 9 says that if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus and believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead you will be saved if you would like to do that just repeat after me father i repent of my sin i believe christ died on the cross and rose again to pay the price for my sin i confess him as lord and savior and your word says i'm born again thank you lord thank you lord i pray in jesus name amen family let us give god praise in this moment and family we believe that if you prayed that prayer that you were born again but change is not an event it's a process now the journey in christ begins now we get to be representatives of god's rule in the world and to represent his rule we need to know his rules now we reflect his character which means we need to study to become more like him now as pastor jamal says we create beauty which means we get to discover with god's hand upon us what our gifts talents and abilities are for and what we were created to do we have some information we would like to give you so text or call the number you see on the screen may god continue to bless you your life will never be the same amen praise the lord i love minister miesha's passion he can have church all by himself he doesn't need a conversation he can do it by himself praise the lord if you prayed that prayer we welcome you to the family of god god made it simple not complicated because he didn't want anyone to have an excuse surrender to christ that's all it takes believing that he rose from the dead died on that cross just for you thank you for being with us and thank you all of you who made your way out today now let's say something good as we leave this place but never god's presence jesus is lord period we proclaim it we believe it and we're seeing it come to pass
Channel: Christian Cultural Center - Brooklyn Campus
Views: 10,991
Rating: 4.8325582 out of 5
Id: -Q_-vnEgs-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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