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[Music] so so [Music] okay [Music] try to get closer come on buddy you might want to record this because she's going to get beat up and we're going to laughs you thought it was me it was weird anymore [Music] are you gonna kiss that good tongue come on [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to predatory fans today is the day the day after aquachella we had a blast it was amazing meeting everybody that we met people like live acquire they come up to me great people you know even though we're competitors that's the way you should be you know we respect each other we had a great time um thank you life apparel paul cafaro was there what was the other oh um birds and exotics around the world that's that's right right that's lewis okay we had a blast man i think um it was a great event it was very tiring because we actually took this monster over here as you can see still on wheels we still have to like level it all out fill it back up we still have a lot work to do and that's the problem for me to do these events and bring these crazy fish and crazy tanks because there's a lot of work to prep and a lot of work to set it back up but it was definitely worth it but to be honest with you i almost didn't go just because we had more losses here the shop but before i even talk about that i just want to say this kid right here did great hey pay attention listen look you did great you actually went to the bar with daddy right you had milk on the rocks yeah but you did really good i'm proud of you okay so unfortunately a few days before we actually started getting everything ready uh they are prima die um the one that i've been raising from like six seven inches i don't know i don't know i have a feeling that had to do with the same reason why the other fish died but because the airplane was bigger it took longer for her to suffer i mean to actually die but when i walked in here on sunday she was floating on that tank her belly was all red and the pura eva that i've been raising for a while as well was dead and completely destroyed just like the paco so i don't know what the hell happened i'm just after things like that happen you don't even want to keep fish anymore but you know going to the event was actually good even though i didn't want to go a lot of people reach out to us saying oh i can't wait to meet you can't wait to see you so he actually pushed me to go because i didn't want um to disappoint our fans but i did um put there primer in the freezer be right back bud i came here by myself to take her out of that tank was was pretty hard because it was all slime and as soon as i took her out she fell on the floor and i was able to come in here and uh put her in the tank it was a peacock that didn't make it to but you see her whole belly was red which when she was alive it wasn't like that it's just the scales were red it was a it's hard for me to to actually see this but even lisa was saying like oh you're doing pretty well for someone that you know that's like your favorite fish it's cause i haven't think i'm not thinking about it if i do i'll probably become upset or you know angry so i just rather not think about it um like i said to her and to everybody that i met at the show i rather not know who messed with the tank because it's better for me it's better for him that i don't know who did it uh it's just like i wouldn't call the cops you know but unfortunately a lot of people got hurt by the loss of the arapaima because this fish has been on everyone's video it's been all over the world so it's sad it really is but you know i'm not gonna quit just because of that i mean trust me like right now i'm thinking maybe i shouldn't you know sell the other one get rid of all my fish and just do a business but that's not who i am i'm a hobbyist myself too so instead of just being upset and um crying over it i'm just going to start over raise another one i'm going to pick the exact one i want to raise and start over i mean that's that's you know when life brings you down don't cry baby don't cry i know you're it's upset but when life brings you down you just got to come up back up stronger remember that bud remember that so talking back about aqua shella as you can see the whole place is a mess we literally brought all the stuff all the shirts all the the hats everything for the display although i got to tell you two things that were very popular besides you know besides me of course but two things that are very popular in a booth this sponge filter right here that we brought from china probably the biggest sponge filter you ever see in your life and fella now fella did the show because we brought the 800 gallon we brought fella we bought the orange gar we brought the albino clown and we brought a big phantom red tail from this tank right here so the tank looked amazing everybody loved it you could see from far away even though i was upset and frustrated and mad i still had to you know be nice to everyone and smile but definitely it's going to be weird doing videos feeding videos and not having both of them there splashing and and doing what they did but like i said guys you know you can't let things like that bring you down let it bring you down for a little bit but then you got to come back up and come back up stronger and i think that uh i'm going to raise like four or five of them at the same time this way if anything happens at least i'll have more but let's not talk about that stuff anymore good stuff happy stuff we actually did an amazon collection that we brought from the show for the show one of the shirts that uh sold a lot was the angelfish the altum and you see wild amazon collection we got the predatory fins logo i'm going to leave this for less this one was a beta betta fish fighting fish club and it's a design of the beta and this is the back and all these shorts are going to be on our website for you guys and these we can ship worldwide so it's a lot easier to ship than a fish this one is probably one of my favorites it's a leo podi stingray but it's in portuguese see ahaya that means stingray jingu is probably where the river they come from but my favorite of all okay so this one was a special edition the gold and black you got on the arm the logo and you got monsters on the back and there's a performance material so this is a pretty cool shirt but this one right here we almost sold out right yeah look at it this is the red-tailed catfish it says right here piravada red tail in portuguese oh that's not a mustache monster of the river really really cool i love this design i think it looks amazing this one's so a lot everybody that came by the the booth they were buying this t-shirt as far as hats we got a lot of different hats like these guys right here are definitely my favorites we used to just have these three and we did six more for you guys so this one we used to have this one we used to have this one we used to have but we did a female version or female collection and these guys are as well which one is your favorite if you had to pick one oh well this is my favorite color right i love that one i think this one's cool with the camo but just the gray i like this one too though like like to go out at night because you have like the black the matches right here you have one too it's good oh yeah the brown one so guys all these hats are gonna be on the website for you but now what we're gonna do for this video oh did i get it uh we're gonna do the auction fish that we're gonna put on the on the video for you this is gonna be the auction for this week because we have shipments coming in so we need to start moving fish out actually a lot of things are empty because we weren't here but let me find my paperwork that i was riding all the fish that we're going to put on the auction and i also want to do a giveaway now it's not anything crazy but i did rescue these fish this little i wouldn't say albino i guess lucistic goldfish around us but this guy right here was very cute and i think they were going to get eaten so i rescue them and i want to give it away to someone that uh enjoys go fish so what should they do to win the giveaway criteria um just let us know in the comments below like what do you think about what happened here u.s only right yeah for the goldfish yeah like i said it's we close the doors just to keep more of a stable balance and knowing who's coming in and who's coming out but you know it sucks because there's so many kids that want to come in and see the fish and see the sharks it's just i got to be careful because like like even at the show anybody could have come in and put something in that tank and all the fish are dead what comments below let us know if you wanted some tank tops oh yeah there was actually a lot of guys asking for tank tops so i'm not the only one all right let me get my list i'll be right back all right so we're starting the auction right now ryan's actually going to help me out because he doesn't want to sit on his green chair anymore right oh hey so the first four the first three is going to be the stingrays i'm going to show you right now [Music] here those are beautiful stingrays they're actually from kevin from stingray biology and then we also have that stingray right there that's gonna be on the auction as well so that's gonna be number four this phantom is coming up to the glass he's gonna be number five it's about i'll say 10 12 inches hold on ryan don't rip the paper now i'm going to sell some of my fish this armada is right here i've been raising him for a while he's going to be number six that bamboozler up there is going to be number seven now guys these guys are very finicky to go uh ups overnight so if we do ship them i read a shipment um airport airport the arena over here is gonna be number eight they're all over 12 inches then we have a lacustri pike it's going to be number nine and number 10 number 10 is going to be the top of the line okay number 10 there is a lucistic tiger chevrons raw hiding right there can you move the sponge and hold the camera so they can see him i don't know how many of these are available in the whole world but we were able to get that guy watch it you're moving look at that so he's gonna be on the auction as well totally white with black eyes can you try to help me zoom in oh there you go i'm zooming in yeah take it beautiful beautiful fish super rare and he's gonna be the number 10 on our auction so to join the auction look at this to join the auction just text your name your bid and the fish you're bidding on to five six one six seven two zero seven three seven laney is going to take care of all the auction bids like he always does can you cover your your mouth bro uh the paper is right here and just let us know i think there's auction who days today today's tuesday tuesday so we're we're in there on friday wednesday wednesday we're in there on friday so good luck guys if you have any questions you can always text us number and or email us live facebook at but i think those are some really cool fish for you to uh win all right i hope you enjoyed again i'm sorry about the the arapaima i don't like to to make these types of videos but i wanted to let everybody know what happened i think it's fair for everybody that can't come to the shop to know everything so let's not let that take us down we're going to come back up stronger i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Predatory Fins
Views: 89,399
Rating: 4.9435029 out of 5
Keywords: exotic fish, monster fish, monster fish keepers, catch em all fishing, paul cuffaro, the king of diy, aquarium, fish keeping, aquarium co-op, fish store, RIVER MONSTERS, FRESHWATER STINGRAYS, FISH RESCUE, PREDATOR FISH, arapaima gigas, arowana, redtail catfish, viros, rare fish, tropical fish unboxing, stingray biology, coralfish12g, foo the flowerhorn, taylor nicole dean, blacktipH, billschannel, cavy, monster fish tank, freshwater fish, saltwater fish, monster fish feeding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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