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[Music] [Music] uh today i just have a little announcement to make before we actually start the video i do have a surprise for you but this as most of you know we open friday and saturday 12-5 and a lot of times we've been so busy that i have not been here and this weekend saturday i was not at the shop and unfortunately someone put something in that tank that when i came in sunday all the fish look sick we lost the giraffe knows that probably was 16 17 years old we lost uh the whales catfish and i also lost the albino paco that i've been raising for a while as you can see we did literally almost 100 water change um the iridescent is getting better he's still cloudy eyes i don't know what it was i have a camera right there look it up please i have that camera right there but i couldn't see who did it because they're wearing masks and a hat but i could see their hand pouring something into this tank as you see right there i was trying to save the albino park where's here he's dead right there so i'm gonna have to actually get him out but the reason why i'm showing this to you guys is because i built all this to have people also come in and appreciate and enjoy this but unfortunately if i'm not here all the time when people walk around anybody can come in and pour pour something any of these tanks and we're losing all these fish and all this money which the money is not even the main problem but it's these fishes lives you know what i mean i care more about the fish than the money in my pocket so from now on we're not going to open the shop anymore uh it's sad because i do have a lot of kids to come by and enjoy walking around here but for now on we're just going to do online sales and if you need to pick up you can just make an appointment to pick up if you're out of state and you want to stop by as long as we have somebody here that can give you a tour i have no problem with that but we're just not going to leave the doors open anymore for anybody to just walk in like i said we got too much to lose and just to see like for example that paco is not even an expensive fish but i've been raising him for so long you know that thing we just actually did a video feeding them and he was huge i'm gonna have to pull him out now um he was just alive not long ago and he finally died but it sucks you know i don't know like i said i don't know who did it and you know if you're trying to hurt me you can hurt me in any other way but just don't don't hurt these animals you know what i mean so instead of taking any more chances we're just going to keep the door closed unfortunately we gotta take the albino paco out unfortunately he's all the way in that corner i don't think this gnat will reach but i'll try whoa what was that did i get him oh man no i'm trying to get him in the net but this net is pretty heavy dude this sucks man whatever whatever they put in this water yeah i don't know if it's something they ate or what but it literally burnt the fish and i've been raising this guy for so long look how thick he is or she is this this really bothers me man look at that and now it's dead oh man that sucks i gotta get a big bag for him but see imagine if it was the whole tank or they poured something in there with the with the platinum turtle you don't know anything could happen this thing is heavy what i think is whatever he probably swum through or or he ate something but he must have been going nuts because all his friends are broken man that sucks bro come here look at his teeth it's like human teeth it was a big boy man oh shoot go to fish heaven sucks in the trash where am i going to put have to double bag it because if he stinks here the neighbor's going to complain i put it out here for now so yeah guys that's why you don't want to i don't want to deal with that anymore i'd rather just keep them and then you can enjoy the videos and see them through the footages that we take but like i said private tours but just to have it open for anybody like if lanny or anybody's working is back there taking care of a customer anybody can come here and do whatever they want i don't ever make videos about problems or or things like they're not you know happy but unfortunately it did happen oh hold on i have to climb up here and do this real quick before we lose all the sand in this filter okay as you see the the sand was all the way up so if i left it it would have probably drained a lot of the sand in there that's a big sand filter um but it sucks man it took us two days to fill up this tank because we literally drain it all the way down to get whatever was in the water uh i'm just glad that we were able to save all the other fish we did lose three of them which really bothered me but i could have lost all of them so i don't want to deal with that anymore and that's the reason now a lot of people ask me like oh how is to to run um a fish store or pet store i don't consider it as a pet store because we have all these display tanks that for me and for display but you know little things that you don't think about like as you can see now the power is off when we move into this building the the box it wasn't strong enough for all the power that we have to use over here so now we have electrician adding a new box just to add more power to the side and that's more money that comes out you know it's it's things that you don't expect i have my my friend in the roof right now trying to fix the ac because this unit has two ac units one of them never worked they gave me a new one but it stopped working and with all the goldfish with all the fish that needs cold water i had to take the um the eels out of that tank because it was almost 95 degrees last week was really really hot in here even this tank right here with all the the open space i have a thermometer right there it's 81. so imagine if i had corals or other things here without having a chiller the everything would die so it's very important for you to think about details man like these are all live animals you know it's very difficult complicated we had to move here fast because the place we were before we had to get out but man it's always something right i mean lisa's right there behind the camera she knows you finish one problem another one comes along you finish one problem another one comes along and that's probably the reason why i rather just keep stay closed and and just do online sales because we're going to be traveling a lot we're going to be doing other things we have other projects like you know we have a baby now and not only that but we have other business that we're working on so i don't want to have to get a phone call and say hey bro all the fish are dead i don't want to do that all right but i do have a surprise for lisa now this is going to be the best part of the video i got this for you you don't even know about but the problem is the tank and the chiller that i bought for it didn't arrive so now what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to repack it keep it in the office with ac on so it stays cool and then hopefully arrive tomorrow we can set it up do you have any any idea guys on the comments below do you have any ideas what this animal could be i'll tell you what i pretended i gave it to val and she freaked out i actually have footage of that too i'm asking you what do you think it is well if it's cold water and surprise for me maybe a surgeon nope no but that was pretty close not a sturgeon i don't know you want to see it yeah all right come on let's go guys it's gonna be a little dark this he said this is gonna take about 30 to 40 minutes which is okay i have these tanks back here i thought i almost felt like there was water on the floor i have these on uh on a backup pump air pump so this air pump has a backup battery on it so it will run for 48 hours so i'm not worried about these guys this is plenty of oxygen on these tanks but while he's doing his job here i just want to show you actually i'm going to bring it out there you still don't have any deer no the fish oh it's what are those things called axolotl yeah look how cool oh yeah look there's water here so probably the sump was a little high now the water is on the floor it's always something all right let's open over here so this is a big lucistic i don't know if it's a vinyl it has black ice oxalato oh it's huge yes so i got a tank for him it was a surprise for you um this is going to be our shop pat in the office because it needs colder water but the problem is the tank and the chiller didn't arrive the fish arrived or this arrived so now what i'm gonna have to do is already i already have water in the freezer to mimic his temperature on on this bag i'm gonna have to repack keep it cool overnight in the office and then set it up tomorrow so hopefully he would be doing them right but look how big he is though he's a big fatty huh yeah the water's pretty dirty so i want to get him out but he's super active super strong valentina almost had a heart attack i swear she looked at me like if you come any closer i'll call 9-1-1 i'm like wow just you know it's in the bag she would not touch the bag all right let me get his tank and i'll be right back all right let's see how big this guy is this water is pretty dirty same exact temperature yeah boom i don't even know if they buy i don't think they bite do they breathe air or water um they have these um things on their gill that pulls oxygen out of the water but dude this guy is so fat look at him i don't know i didn't see his balls he looks like rich on the side of him but he's pretty cool he's big maybe we can start getting a whole group of them the only problem is i have to re-bag them and keep them cold water until the tank actually arrives with the chiller which should be tomorrow but didn't expect that to take longer than he did but guys on the comments below let me know what we should name this leucistic monster i think he's pretty cool though i don't know if monster is the right word i mean he's pretty big he's cool but he's he's cute he's more cute then what's that what's the dragon's name and how to train dragon do i look like i know that no i don't know but he has cute face like that dragon does so maybe we can uh whatever that name is we can't find out all right this is it guys i mean we had bad news we had good news usually i don't like to share the bad news but unfortunately i have to let you guys know why we're not open anymore so for this weekend we're not going to be open and um i can't wait to see you everyone on coachella we're getting everything ready to go to the event that's it i got oh wait tomorrow so i'm posting this video today tomorrow we're doing the raffle on the shore body red tail and we're gonna do another auction too so stay tuned for tomorrow's video because we will have some cool stuff in it all right guys i i wish this was a better video or a happier video but unfortunately things happen and like i said i rather take care of the problem now than me end up in jail or losing more fish that's true though because if i caught who did it it wouldn't be nice i'll see you guys next time now you always wanted to fish ralph got your fish an angel fish yes so we're trying to get dog a nice fish guys like check it out guys look at this everybody and their mother want one of these right this guy's awesome wow let me see your hands no it's in the bed no i'm scared fish i'm not gonna put my hands you're not touching the fish you're talking no i'm not not okay i'm scared of the of the back too okay then do this clean it clean your desk no okay i'm gonna go there no no you're gonna brush me but i'm gonna go there why because i'm scared i want to see it i want to see it just your you can't see though no peeking all right now walk over here with your eyes closed no no no no no no come on no no i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna see now everybody's watching you and they're going to be like how are your secretary and you can't even it's not a fish what's that it's a shark it's a shark it's not shark have legs and hands and stuff what's that look how awesome he is it's a little vinyl dragon for you dragon yeah but they're very very unique and rare especially when their size so they're okay in the water yes they live in the water i'm gonna have a little bigger tank and we're gonna put them up there no no this is my tank and i want my angel fish right here we're gonna go fish in there but the ocelot has to be here because he needs colder water no it's my office wow but this is this is nice no it looks weird wow guys cows yeah well girls hey guys dolls balls guys how how rare how cool is this guy oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god it's a fish it's like a fish in a i don't know look at his little arms and legs man he's got little black nails where did you get that in the toilet no tell me i imported just for you as a gift look at his face look at his eyes bro yeah how can you not want that look at that face can't say no to that face wow so he's gonna have to live here and it's your responsibility if he died no no if he dies you're going to get married if he jumps out you have to grab him no yeah make sure the lid is on because you got a little armor no way i'm not turning the lights on and see that guy over there watching at me i'm not doing it well better him every morning here let me tell you something it was for me a challenge to come the first day like being here turn the lights on and see all those fish sharks stingrays whatever you have here oh he's poking the bag it was a challenge i already did it and i'm proud of myself challenges are made to be conquered like no i know what he conquered but i'm not going to have that here but if there's no other options i already bought it i can't return it i don't know jordan help me out here bro lenny's not even here i think i think he's a perfect spot for him joseph yes your angels will be here and the guardian angel will be out there no no you know your mom's going to wash them wow he's like a monster he's cute minnie monster i don't use that word i love but he's cute look he's not cute he's cute no he's not he's very my angel fish are cute wow this is this is less aggressive than an angelfish angelfish kill each other don't lie they're not gonna kill me that thing can kill me yeah if you step one in sleep i fall yeah um can you see seizures you have chosen a banana banana could kill you too no no he's up on death i don't want him here let's go all gonna have this conversation wow
Channel: Predatory Fins
Views: 124,779
Rating: 4.9452872 out of 5
Keywords: exotic fish, monster fish, monster fish keepers, catch em all fishing, paul cuffaro, the king of diy, aquarium, fish keeping, aquarium co-op, fish store, RIVER MONSTERS, FRESHWATER STINGRAYS, FISH RESCUE, PREDATOR FISH, arapaima gigas, arowana, redtail catfish, viros, rare fish, tropical fish unboxing, stingray biology, coralfish12g, foo the flowerhorn, taylor nicole dean, blacktipH, billschannel, cavy, monster fish tank, freshwater fish, saltwater fish, monster fish feeding
Id: Uqu1Uhfa9O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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