Aquascape Tutorial: 💚 3ft TURTLE Aqua Terrarium | Paludarium | Aquarium (How To: Planted Tank Guide)

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what is going on beautiful people and welcome back to another md fish tanks build video so today we're going to be building an upgraded tank for my turtle timmy [Music] well to be honest you could stay in the aquarium for longer but the problem is is that turtles produce quite a lot of waste now in a small volume of water it's going to cause the tank to get dirty and grimy very quickly as you can see i mean i'm cleaning it very regularly now and it gets dirty very quick because the amount of poop the turtles produce so what we need to do is upgrade his tank double the water volume nice big land area for him to go in should be awesome so yeah here is timmy's current tank he's been in here for a good while now now turtles don't actually like really deep water they prefer sort of distance to travel in so it's been absolutely fine in this tank but it's definitely time for an upgrade look at you now look at you big boy hey he's still a tiddler but yeah that's his current tank but we're going to be moving him to this big tank here so you can see against my hand this is three foot long too high and too in depth i think something like that i'll put it all up on screen and above it just got one of my nice cheap lights it's the same ones that i have sort of dotted around the studio and all the other different uh tanks as well so for instance the discus tank here as well which is doing great look at that plant growth that's just the same light so i've got two of them though on that one we have also got a little canister filter comes down here and sits underneath it's all not connected or anything at the moment that we can sort that all out later on first of all though i want to get some depth to this bad boy i need to build it right up and to do that i'm going to use coarse gravel we don't want fine gravel because if you've got two fine gravel in there timmy could swallow bits he could get stuck inside him i mean turtles are pretty good i mean they work out straight away it's not edible and spit out but it could happen so big coarse gravel build up a bank of it and then i've got these awesome stones down here to put in this is rhino stone the stuff looks so naturalistic and yeah it's gonna look great [Music] so there's a good pile there creating some good height you can see from the side but the problem is i've just had a fork why am i doing it in that corner tapering down i should switch it around shouldn't i because most of the time oh look there i am i'm sat here at my desk looking that way and you know it's not the most nice to look at sort of edge is it so if i shift it all that side and have it all open more in this area so for the swim area to come sort of like that and then pile it all up at the back there you'll see in a second anyway [Music] [Music] um [Music] right i think that's a really good shape it's given us a great platform to start with as well and if you look means the water level can come up to almost halfway at a tank which means we've got way more than double than before and remember timmy's about this big in here so he's gonna have loads to swim in and to be honest as he grows we can adapt and change but you know he grows very slowly so there's a lot of time right next up i want to use more of these stones in the foreground just to sort of bring it out more and cover up some of these sort of stony areas and some of the gaps as well because turtles like to get in everywhere that's very mischievous [Music] i'm really liking that so far i can adjust as i go but now i want to lay on the sand that's going all over this area we want a nice light sand it will just look really good against this rhino stone most of it will sort of go between these cracks and i'll cover it up a little bit stuff's going to get knocked out by the turtle and brought forward but it doesn't matter that'll all add to the realism with this one because look at that looks so good didn't it [Applause] [Music] really really good start there next job fill up that back area look at that so we need to fill all this up of course gravel and then i can actually use it to put like plants in at the top that'll just take some water from the water level and sort of draw it upwards because then we can put mosses on and plants into that whole section i've done this before and it worked really really well so i'm gonna try and do it again oh actually do you know what i've just had a four why don't i put the wood that i'm going to be using first um all over the top of these rocks and then i can pour the stones in behind that and it should lock everything in place yeah let's do that [Music] okay there we go looking pretty good well it doesn't look pretty good it looks cac at the moment don't worry it always looks rubbish at this stage but it won't do by the time we finished so we've brought this bit with the top they're acting like a bit of a tree trunk and then some root systems going over the edge now some turtles try and climb so just see what your turtle's like first the temperament timmy does not climb doesn't climb anything people who watch the channel will be aware of this as well he could have climbed out of places so many times he doesn't even get out to bask he's such a lazy turtle but yeah i've also pulled it away slightly from the glass as well so like he's not actually right near the glass so if he does climb up he can just fall down which he won't do because he doesn't do that anyway now we need to fill up the top area with stones coming right up level uh with where the water line is going to be [Music] so i've filled in the areas about three-quarters of the way up and then i've left the pocket on that side and a pocket on that side and all in behind all of this wood as well to fill up with aqua soil now the reason i'm doing this is because then when the water goes in that level it stays all moist that means we can plant immersed plants into it and lay mosses on the top so immersed plants are what i've got here down below look this is my plant storage tank and you can see that i've got a little layer of water so the roots are submerged all the plant life is above water now these are in a really humid environment obviously it's got the lid on so not all of them will work but i can try a few i know hydrocal um japan this one here i know this one works um out of water and out of humid environment once it adapts so we'll give that a try crips really don't tend to work well at all doing that i don't think the bowl biters all the java phones will leave us so we haven't got a lot to choose from but we can make it work and we can also use certain house plants as well many of you know i have great success with peace leaders before so that might be an option so yeah next job is just filling up these sections and behind with aqua salt i can even take that out actually to make this easier [Music] click subscribe [Music] right i think we've got that looking really really good but i need to now fill the water level up to where we want it to be because that will determine how i progress next the reason being is because i need to lay the mosses on the top area and just see how the water is going to travel throughout the wood and that kind of things because the wood actually soaks up water which means that we can put moss on top of it as well but to what level i don't know yet so just get the water in and then we can find out where we're sitting right doing well so that piece of wood floated up that's all right this back piece is trying to as well that should sink on its own but if we look to the back section here which was the point of actually filling up with water you can see that the water level's just with the aqua soil now which is just what we want so there's moisture in the soil but it isn't like underwater this side is underwater so i'll just fill that in with more soil and it'll just stay like that on the top absolutely perfect it means we can plant it to it like with regular plants that don't they you know plants that don't mind a lot of water but can't be submerged see i'm going to put this one back there and put a rock on it so it stays under water that way it would just stay sunk on its own after a few days and then top up that back section of soil as well and some more over that side and in this gap basically the more areas i've got around here that are out of water but wet the more options we've got with terrestrial plants and for this scape to look amazing we need a lot going on on the top i think anyway [Music] [Music] right the soil is now up to the level we want on that side i've added some in the middle there and more at the back so we've got loads of sort of plant into but the problem is some of the soil was wet and i just basically poured liquid soil into the tank doesn't matter it'll clear quickly once we've got a filter on and that's the job we need to do next so here's the inlet and outlet that was on there previously the filter is down here unplugged bits of wood i'm sorting out the cabling and everything as well as we go but it will run basically all the way up here along the back i'm going to have it going in this side now the problem is the spray bar is designed to just loop over the top and then just go in a little bit so what i'm going to do is cut it here and extend it with a piece of tubing not that green stuff i've got some darker stuff and that'll just bring it then so it sits down low enough in this water because i want to have a good spray bar going all the way across we'll get really good flow then and hopefully massive success with the tank [Music] feeling in my bones i can feel it in my face hands in the sky [Music] to make something right make up for what i've lost [Music] well that went better than i'd hoped so this prime it and get it going sometimes if you do this by the way when you try and prime it might take a while you might actually have to use your mouth to siphon it rather than like the auto or the pumping priming system it can sometimes struggle but hopefully the water level is high enough in this so it doesn't matter we'll give it a go no no good there's no sort of vacuum so just use your mouth and the old-fashioned way suck it through [Music] there we go air is coming in water's coming in i didn't actually have to suck it i pulled it out straight there was less kinks in the pipe gave it a couple more pumps and it actually worked thank goodness because that saved me getting a mouthful of water which would have inevitably happened so many times so what's happening is water is going in the inlet it's filling up the chamber and the chamber's got to push the air out of the outlet so once the air stops coming out you know you're ready to just switch it on and it should work straight away [Music] yay we're working albeit very slow it should pick up speed as time goes by more air gets replaced basically there'll be a load of air around the impeller which means it doesn't run efficiently but once that air is passed it's just pure water just getting pushed out i mean that's pretty pathetic at the moment isn't it oh no no it's doing very well yeah we've got good flow ideal so you can see that quite a lot of the water level's gone down because it's gone into the canister so we need to refill that again um we should get nice clean sort of water in no time fingers crossed i want a quick tip for you guys if you've got aqua saw in your sand and it's like really bugging you you don't have to sort of hook it out one by one find a magnet i like to use say this this will be the cleaner for the um you know for the glass now in the soil there is iron which means it's magnetized so it should be pulled up by this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it has now been 24 hours since we filled up the tank it's super super clear and looking really good now for the next stage i'm going to plant under the water level first let's just get that whole underwater world a little bit more green and interesting not too much though just going to go for sort of epiphyte plants so stuff that crams into rocks any big gaps i'm going to stick a load of anubius in there maybe some java ferns as well because it will close those areas and stop timmy just going in there and getting stuck because otherwise that's what he will do after we've done that we can then move on to the top section but i just want to get that bottom area done first so as many of you who watch my vlogs will know i keep all my anubius out in little bowls like this just a bit of water and then the ambient lighting or this in this case there's a light right there and a light above it as well but yeah it just continues to grow you don't get any algae and you can use it whenever you want and it just looks great straight away so for instance look at that piece look at that lovely and go nicely in the tank [Music] right there we are i've stuck loads of anubias in just to add interest in certain areas i've kept this area a little bit more bare because it's a lot more shaded and i've got a feeling timmy's going to be sort of hanging on that back rock there could be wrong could be wrong but he might do and also i can bring some more anubius into the foreground here because some of them are attached to rocks because some of them are attached to rocks like that you see and you can just sit it in the water like this you can just sit there a few more of those will look really good i think in the foreground but not too much um i think i'm gonna leave it anubias to be honest because there's gonna be so much going on above the water they want to keep it quite sort of i don't know simple looking i think it works really well when you've got a simple looking underwater section and then a really you know high vegetate vegetation would that be the word high planted area on top i don't know we'll see in a minute so that is the whole bottom section taken care of and now it's time to start planting on the top now i've used a few plants some of our other setups that have worked really well so i'm going to give them a go again so in my better fish tank you can see here we've got some mosses that are sat on top of the aqua soil we've got some really nice fern it's all doing well so we've got those choices of plants straight away and as many of you will know on top of the amazon tank amazon 2 we've got piece elise and we've got a monstera as well somewhere in amongst it but yeah they work really well in water too so well in fact you don't even need to plant them in a soil you can just put them in the water column but i'm thinking that ferns will work really well in this setup i have got a spare piece lily but i don't have any ferns so why don't we say we go to the garden center and buy some okay so we're at the garden center and there's an absolute ton of different ferns here look but i just want to go for the normal sort of start normal is that right like this look i love these kind of ferns the most they're like i don't know what it is i just prefer them i mean i do like the finer ones as well but i think for this setup i'm going to go for these bigger leafed ones but these are two sort of bit i'd like to have all of them how good would that look but they're limited by space so i think this one will work well just little one oh that's a big one as well use that one behind it so those two so we've got the so we've got the ferns the next job is to take them out wash off most of the soil so we can take the roots and put them into our aqua soil they'll be wet they'll grow done it before should work [Music] so [Music] oh yes that is looking awesome do you know what i think i'm gonna leave it with just the ferns i think that looks so naturalistic i was gonna see dot bits of um you know mosses and things all over the rocks there but i quite like the character they're giving and the sort of contrasting colors and that i think that's working well if i just stick a little mossy it's going to be like a green bomb but i'm loving the wood i'm loving that natural look so look at this you're up in a top section oh by the way i brought the water level up to a good area where timmy will better actually use this stick here you have to think about these things before you make a turtle tank so as i was making it i knew i wanted a stick coming away from all of the plants that i can then place the heat lamp on this side and be about here so hopefully he'll be able to either come the back end healer so he can come la la la la la la at the top or he can come this side now it's timmy he doesn't really bask so probably not going to do it at all but the option is there maybe this setup makes him feel more at home and he will use it it'll be so cool to see if he does but anyway i've decided i do want a few more plants underneath i think it's going to be good just to add even more anubias dotted around a bit more um you know to look a bit more interest under there but i'm going to place them on rocks like that one so if i need to take them out at any point give them a wipe off or something then i can see what i'm doing here is preempting waste because timmy produces a lot of waste so the leaves will get kind of alkalified so we can clean it all up a lot easier that's why i'm going to put them on the rocks [Music] [Music] now i don't know about you but for me that is looking so good so far i know i've kept things very simple under the water but like i say it's for a reason but next up i want to add some more detail to that immerse part of the setup just some more finer details i've got some monte carlo that's been grown out of water and it will just sit nicely in some of the pockets there hopefully it'll sort of carpet on top of the wood and the rocks there and just creep everywhere that looks so good yeah as you can see oh you can't see hang on [Music] yeah as you can see here this is one of my plant storage tanks this is the monte carlo this is hcq bar and that's glosso stigma those will not well actually the hc might work but i'm just i've got plenty of monte carlo here deliberately ordered more because i knew i was going to be doing this i'm just going to take a few pots cut them up into like half and then keep the rock wall on and just poke them in holes [Music] oh yeah looking sweet it's those extra little details you know and there's plenty of moisture now going to those root systems so we should be fine it should grow like crazy fingers crossed it might take a little sort of time to convert because it's been in a high humidity environment because obviously i've sealed the top of this tank off with and there's a couple of holes each side for circulation but it's pretty moist in there but yeah like i say for to start with i'm just going to keep spraying it down each day or a couple of times a day even just to try and get it sort of adapting to different conditions and then it should take off fingers crossed oh we are looking so so sweet right we're ready it's time to add in the fish first and then we'll put timmy in afterwards right i've got our fish including the little baby one it's time to release the oh sorry that was very dark let's just put the fish in nicely [Music] [Music] oh yeah there's something about these fish i don't know what it is i do really like them very underrated fish in my opinion they do look so good against tanks that are just gray um that sand and green from the plants you know just very basic sort of colors they seem to just make it look even more natural now these are white cloud mountain minnows the golden variety you can get them in greys as well maybe maybe i should add some of those i don't know or maybe i should just add more of these again something for later on but the moment this is a really good start to the tank now remember this aquarium has been had a filter running on it for a long time so i'm actually all cycled and everything but just to be sure i'm going to add in some beneficial bacteria if you guys have got a new set up now is the time to add it don't add it the day before thinking you're sort of seeding it at it the same time as you add the fish if you add it the day before all that seems to happen is the water clouds overnight because the bacteria dies off if you add it now it's perfect timing right we're ready to go let's add timmy [Music] so we've got timmy he's currently trying to get off my hand now with turtles though it's important to place them out of the water initially and let them go in at their own time it's quite scratchy at the moment so we might go straight in let's have a look see what he does when it up straight in there we go now the reason that is is he needs to take a breath before he goes underwater but to be honest he'll be absolutely fine there because he jumped it he jumped in quick but i'm pretty sure he's fine it goes straight to the service otherwise pretty calm i do seems to be enjoying it so far okay so now that he's in we can't just leave it at that we need to you know give him the requirements that he needs and one of those requirements is a uva uvb bulb i've got one that's built in together it does heat uv the lot all of it it's not cheap at all it's expensive bulb but it's required timmy you're right there well we'll come back to you in a minute he's a bit freaked out i guess i mean look he's gone from that tiny little tank to this massive split look at the size of him in there look there he just looks like a little rock down the bottom he'll try and hide for a bit it's just natural for him to want to do that he'll just find a little crevice somewhere and just stay in there for the time being but that's fine we'll just give him time he can come out his own pace then yeah i deliberately set the tank up so i could put the bulb here and have it aiming down on this log to try and tempt him out onto there and also so that it doesn't cook any of the plants the plant's gonna be nowhere near it so it should be good [Music] ah there we go just like i said right down there so if i feel oh there's a lot of good heat coming on this area now but there's not a lot that yeah it's literally i've i've absolutely nailed it where i wanted the heat to be so that is absolutely perfect timmy how are you doing you chilled out yet no oh this is what he'll do so he has found look a little spot right underneath there can you see his head hey buddy i can see you so you're just fine little areas that will get chilled out in now i'll keep coming in here like every day and being like where the hell is timmy and i'm gonna be really worried for a little bit but that's the good thing there's no way you can get out of here like even if he climbs that log it's pulled forwards off the glass so he'd have to jump and he can't jump so we're all good oh but look at that the fish completely complement the escape i'm so so pleased with how it's all turned out the naturalness of it oh it's so so good [Music] so this is 27 it doesn't matter what i've been through i should go out though but i still act like i'm 11. [Music] and no i don't like to be the bad guy i won't be surprised if i'm the last one but i had you where i wanted you never had to ask i'd set the world on fire just to get it back don't know how it feels to be someone [Music] don't know how it [Music] love and it feels me down i'll let it slip so much [Music] [Music] so this is 27 start the music kill the silence let my mind rest pour a drink cause it's affected can't seem [Music] i really miss [Music] and it gets me [Music] i don't know how it feels [Music] just start the music in silence [Music]
Channel: MD Fish Tanks
Views: 700,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: md fish tanks, md, fish, tanks, turtle, turtle aquarium, turtle paludarium, turtle tank, musk turtle, aquascape, planted aquascape, aqua terrarium, aquaterrarium, paludarium, aquarium step by step, turtle step by step, मछलीघर, acuario, planted tank, md fish tanks vlog, fish tank, how to planted tank, how to aqua terrarium, how to paludarium, planted aquarium, planted fish tank, aqua terrarium aquascape, aqua terrarium paludarium, aquaterrarium planted tank, paludarium planted tank
Id: 0tz-NvBmjPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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