60 Betta Fish Sorority, 1 Aquarium: EPIC 4ft co2 Injected Planted Aquascape Tutorial

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what's going on beautiful people today we're taking down the beautiful aquarium you can see behind me here for good reason though we are setting it up in the brand new studio [Music] now this aquarium has done me really proud I've learned so much from doing it it does feel a little bit of a shame to break down but I've got to go downstairs I've got to go in the new studio and it can't be moved like this can it [Music] oh there we have it so that is actually several hours of work condensed into no time at all but it's worth the effort isn't it look there's a there's a bit of a mess going on that's okay it's all it's all part of the process just the light the tank and the stand so we can move all three of those I need help with that and also need the suction grip to the side [Music] thank you the tank is now in the light is on it's the chihiros oh I know someone will know what it is hello hiya look who's here to help us do you do you know what that light is LED check here us 120 centimeter wrgb two yeah something like red green Bluetooth anyway it looks amazing doesn't it and you can see now you can't see anything now so the tank is yeah I'm on the other right height there we go are you the right height have you changed no I mean the camera looks quite low though because we've got so much more space in here anyway uh we're now ready to put the substrate system in we're going to start off with something quite hang on base from Colombo it's basically like volcanic rock isn't it man yeah it's a mixture of All Sorts Crystal volcanic rock looks like there's um sort of parts of soil in there sand everything ideal this is going in first lift it over I'll slice it and dice it do you reckon we need a couple of bags or just one Americans the one we've been I've got another one but maybe yeah because I thought it might need two that's why I asked you Chuck him down I'll do a good I thought you're gonna do a nice like the pool guy from Tick Tock where he slices it ASMR salts into the pond no I'm gonna do this so up close it looks like a sandy soil is that right Matt yeah there's Sandy soiled it looks like there's bits of volcanic Stone in here so like yeah lava rocks I think it's just like all your minerals all your nutrients yeah it's looking good good little base yeah only one bag then I've got another bag do we need it I think it's only supposed to be a thin sort of yeah I think a thin layer will be enough for us I don't think we need much more okay and not a sponsored video this map but we're going to be adding on top of that what crushed up API root tabs oh look how far I can go yes over here my wife is nicely prepared for me this little API Shrine like I say not sponsored but uh gonna use a whole pack crushed up spread over the whole surface I don't know if it needs it but I'm going for it the more the merrier exactly you can't have two you can you can't I don't think a whole pack will be fine in this size tank exactly exactly thank you foreign it's hard to know how much you're using yeah you need a salt grinder because you can put the root tags in it yeah just gonna season the tank well I've done that quite well I've evenly you have distributed that mine would all be in that left hand corner you're not putting substrate in there are you you know what well there's I'm just saying I've just sent them up do we go aquatic compost on top and just get a good layer of that in it's not gonna hurt it's not I don't think it's going to hurt no the worst case scenario we get a massive algae outbreak yeah but we can fix that we can deal with that we can deal with that not an issue what we can't deal with is not enough well we can add tabs and stuff yeah that's hassle I'm going to put some aquatic compost in let's do it Matthew has the soil so basically tell them what this is Pond soil it's Pond soil so you have this free-flowing in a pond in a basket effectively haven't you yeah pretty much so it's it's yeah it's nutrient it's not nutrientless but it's less nutrients than what would be a normal compost but it's enough for plant roots and I've had such good success with it so let's get a good layer in who opens a bag like I had to because it wouldn't stand up you absolutely heathe them yeah they do something with this soil where they like float it yeah remember water I can't remember how they do it that's that's right so they they flood it normal compost yeah and all the Organics float to the surface which is what I read which doesn't make it 100 true but it does sound logical yeah I think it is right because then you get a um you get one called lay light which is a lily soil and that's more clay based which would be interesting to use to be fair oh foreign there we go just a light sprinkling you don't need a huge amount of this stuff not with all the other nutrients we've added as well yeah I think that will be enough now we've also got this here which is basically the substrate system I already had in that tank before it's mature it's still wet so some of the bacterial will be good um it's got AquaSource still in it's got nutrients sand perfect for capping the top of this with and then we can put the ductus sand on top of that there's all sorts mixed in here there's some Pebbles there's like root systems it's all good thank you it adds to it doesn't it adds to the flavor so you find there's a bit of guppy grass in there and it just like takes over the tank oh crap because you said that okay there it is there it is [Music] so what was this was out of this tank originally was it yeah yeah this is basically sand and aqua soil essentially there's two different color Sands Aqua soil it looks a mess now everything it's everything yeah we are throwing the kitchen sink in it yeah this is it it'll be fine just an aquarium substrate cocktail but that's what I do I recycle what I've got and at the moment this is the stuff I've got yeah why not no because it works there's no point in wasting it nutrients that are locked down you're good you know as long as you've got a good enough light get some algae it's in there bristle nose some Romano shrimp even cherries and that you're going to be golden there will be an ugly phase I'm sure there will everyone go through an ugly stage I'm still going through me and you are still there yeah like we've I'm still working in and out of two Studios obviously this is the new studio we've got the old one so me and Matt have been backward and forwards about 10 times and we need to go again let's go [Music] 30 square this is what I needed is that all we came before probably not there's probably so many more feet oh we'll need some planting tweezers at some point yeah we'll be back all right now we're good now fresh under pressure now I don't know if I need to spray everything down but probably best too isn't it yeah it's probably cleaner isn't it and yeah we are professionals so you do have to make it look all right don't you am I technically classed as a professional aquascaper now because I do it as my job yeah I'm not paid to I am you don't have to be good to be a professional so you've done me there yeah I'm a professional basic aquascaper there we go yes yeah entry level sounds nicer foreign I just want to pull this away from the edge of the glass just because I think it'll look nicer having um what am I trying to say Matt you're trying to save it it'll be nicer to have a clean substrate there rather than all of that mixture and soil mind you the stuff going in there's all different colors as well probably blending quite well with this yeah it would to be fair it's a bit of a riverbeddy look to be honest I like that I really like that it does look nice now I'm scratching the glass up you just cleaned that as well this is um going to be available soon the professional aquascaping half a ruler to all good pet stores the MD branded some crappy room everyone's got that it won't be the same price as the Ada stuff but not far off [Laughter] yeah we've just got you know you've got to play pay for The Branding didn't you exactly that costs it all costs you know and these rulers aren't cheap no but they're out of the price when you snap it yeah you get two for the price of one because I've broke it right that is the substrate system in apart from the decorative capping and for that we have got the mono base black which isn't plaque no no it's a mixture of colors isn't it I quite like it though it's just like it's so natural looking let's get it [Applause] just went to get something I love you can just film people walking far distances oh it's so good slicer up what about uh what about a uh oh don't worry about the light no we don't need that oh I'm thinking one bag might be enough so we just try one to start with it's very dusty I'll spray it down anyway you go there for a minute [Applause] oh it's so natural looking isn't it it's nice isn't it [Music] right that's a clean start look at that look at the angle we've got there there's a good amount of substrate now that is essential I think in a long-term healthy system do you agree Matt yeah I would agree yeah definitely whenever I've done a system that's got a nice thick substrate with Good Sam capping over the nutrients it just lasts for a very long time and you run into far less problems as well but it looks way better than this let me spray it and you'll see good lad unnecessary oh look at that so the colors the the uh the sort of Reds oh you can get it better without the glass in the way yeah it is like really red and black and so natural yeah it is great different sort of size graded sort of stones as well yeah I like that it's my favorite it's my new favorite it's my favorite because it replaced the riverbed sand I think it has oh they've got it's nice to have a range Matt's talking about like the pure sort of white that's not Pure White like an off-white the natural sand look that was my favorite but it's good to have something that's completely contrasting to that now so that not everything's gonna look the same in here it does help dildo rocks plants were still going to be rocks plants wood water fish just the substrate changes all right right that's it fill it up no we can now start The Hardscape what I want to go for this is free Islands now I'm making one close to the glass here one further back to stop Center nice and then one sort of in the open area there so you've got different sort of depths to the tank loads of places for the fish there to hide loads of areas better put plants on top of every fight is up high you know what I mean it's going to cover everywhere I think that'll be like it'll give a 3D look as well rather than having everything at the back yep short at the front I think it'll be really interesting I always sound ridiculous when I say it's 3D because it is 3D but the deeper tank with then structured place it does give you about look I think so it gives you it gives you depth yeah it gives depth on camera as well which is key because sometimes you can't tell depth on camera but when you've got um Hardscape in the foreground you really can yeah let's give it a go uh well we've got a lot to be able to choose from this isn't even all of my collection we've got a big piece up there but I think that's I think that's too big we've got these cool sort of spiky bits yeah we've got options oh there's some more down there as well yeah so I want to keep it all sort of similar wood which is this structure wood isn't it like corbo yeah corbo root it's very sort of yeah rooty that's what we want to go with I think because I always thought it looked like a hat what's that oh because I always thought you know like the Call of Duty um night vision goggles oh yes what's that game splint yourself yes yeah where you put them down over I'm thinking definitely this one man I think these two are good yeah that one's too big that one might work sort of thinking it's this hair algae that then has dried and dyed yeah dried and dyed [Music] and then maybe this one at the back which wants to be just off center oh that one really looks cool does it I might have to break off these horrible bits of glue or put on I don't I think this one's going to be too tall yeah potentially coming sort of forward it might be too hot I can cut that off the bottom yeah do you see what I mean though if it was that high I bought a saw and that's always a bonus yeah he's yeah I only needs that button yeah when they cut through that easy yeah and that bomb it's quite cool yeah save that for its own thing just its own little video okay I was thinking oh what about that little Loop is that good but screw it don't worry about it don't over analyze your Hardscape I like I'm not trying to do some professional aquascaping job no you want it to look nice good I want it to look natural I want it to look like it fell in and that's it and this one might actually need to come out a little bit more and as I say to most customers you want to enjoy yourself it doesn't matter if you know don't worry about what everyone else is going to think about it as long as you like it back on I don't know but yeah we do need to cut that one down yeah if he's going to be the one he needs to be about there yeah because it's smaller than the other two which is what you want yeah all right all right we managed oh yeah right we managed to find some pieces that meant we didn't need to cut maybe perhaps but I think we're good do you want to try that one in to hold him up yeah like that way what's that like oh yes right we're really happy with how the wood is looking yeah I'm always happy about that time to put some rocks in now I love rounded Pebbles I'm going to go for a proper Rivery theme should look multi-colored and beautiful [Music] oh yes we thought is that too big and then we thought screw it go in there yeah stick it in go hard go home main focal Rock great colors on it as well looks even better it's wet it's got loads of sort of straight into it it's really nice all those little pits and that yeah and then Matt's going to go around it with the smaller ones for detail and need a sort of medium-sized one I think in this area yeah I'll get on that to get on that [Music] thank you [Music] so that's all the big old map right there something there you know that little crevice in here yeah not that one yeah turn upside down no not feeling it let's go let's go couple yeah there's a little Gap then behind it yeah yeah flying pocket nice way of putting it yeah so these are the uh these are all the big stones in I've now got smaller detail ones of the same they can sprinkle and then we could put the Rio shingu which looks so good in there [Music] there we go it looks like an Easter egg hunt but give it time give it time it'll be good yeah it looks good uh ryoshingu's next yeah I'm gonna start standing this side I think you should yeah because there's people yeah maybe just a little sprinkle sprinkle I don't want too much of this stuff because it can be quite overpowering in its look yeah you want to see that blackened sort of natural style substrate coming through don't you you don't want to cover it in shingu Shingle is best as well when it's pushed so it's flat because obviously it's got those flat edges and it looks more like the water's been running over it yeah makes sense you do it that way it's looking good I'm liking the tank from this angle as well yeah like you say we need something lower here plant wise coming up yeah Matt said that so I was thinking maybe we need some more wood here but if we have lower plants tapering up into the stems that should look good I think that's it from Crypt maybe tapering up into the stems will look really nice look at that it's just that Finishing Touch isn't it it's like the icing on the cake right we're looking sweet now I've got a feeling that that um these pieces of wood are going to float up if I just leave them they've been in water before but not for a while so I just want to stick them down a little bit Yeah each one's like next to a rock so we're going to glue it to the rocks with some Seattle acrylate Super Glue gel all good all safe and that should lock everything down thank you [Music] look Matt's doing the tap test everything is absolutely solid now the glue basically sets instantly when you do it with the paper towel method we can actually now start adding off the plants I've got to say fish and I was going to say you needed to fish I do not want to add fish just done the gravel pretty good oh okay right um the plants are all up in the other studio so we're gonna need another trip of course oh there's loads though there's loads yeah and here are all of the plants we've got some cherry barbs and some of the fish that were in the previous Escape as well but look there's so many trees from here it looks a bit of a mess at the moment but trust me they're really good condition we've got so many I'm gonna put them all in this dirty bucket right we have got a ton of plants here loads of different stems um there's more of the more stems at the bottom of that bucket we've got awesome pieces of Java for a massive mats and mixed in mixed in with a bit of bowl by twist but we're going to go through them now and just take out any dodgy looking leaves which will take a while but it'll be worth the effort okay that's uh taking a while but I think very much worth it Matt don't you oh yeah definitely worth it some people would say there's way too many plants there and to those people what do we say I don't think that's allowed yeah I think there's too many plants and that's why I'm going to put every single one of them in all of them need to go in every single one of them yeah reason being is because I just want it right like everywhere when it freely I want it up at the top I want it down the bottom plenty of places for these fish to be able to hide I think that's probably the key yeah in like the more getting along yeah definitely because you defuse the aggression you'll break up the line of sight so yeah it's the more hiding places you've got the better let's just start putting them in work it out as we go put some in now let's go for biggest bits first yes like this bit here that's a monster ball biters I've got they've all got nice bits of hydrocod Japan mixed in as well haven't they yeah I think it'll grow quite well I'm going in I don't even know where to start like I say the key to getting started is just to get started yeah that's it [Music] oh that is what I'm talking about we were right weren't we use them all yes looks great there still hasn't got any anubias or um or boost philander in there yet we've got loads of that still down here in this one we're going to attach them all to rocks now and then we can put those in wherever we want to move them around [Music] thank you but that is all of the epiphytes which means stuff that sticks on Decor that's all we ever find stuff that sticks the easiest way of saying yeah yeah okay stuff that can stick to the sides of things and not be planted in the substrate yeah that's all of that done look at this look lovely bits of booster for Android that one I love that Focus there we go that one there I love that as well little bits of anubias bonsai as well next up now we can plant some Crips in and then I want to fill it up and whoops stand on thing I've got all this room and I'm still tripping over stuff because you don't tidy up after yourself no but look why would you tidy this up before filming this is your this is your sort of um what do you think it's uh the sort of the the juice that goes into the tank you need it around you ready to be used I'm not putting any juice in the tank juice yeah Crips [Music] foreign [Music] planted that we want to do for now still got the stem stem but oh yeah that one nice still got the stems to go in in the background areas but I'm just going to fill it up now see how it's sitting and then we'll plant with all the water in it [Music] we are full of water it looks a little bit hazy is normal obviously there'll be some dust on all the sand at the bottom that looks so good just like that didn't matter it's looking Wicked isn't it proper jungly already even like that you could leave it like that but we want to do more stems in the background just to help out with more hiding spots and everything like that for all the better fish it needs to be really dense yeah otherwise you're just going to not break up that line of sight and they're going to see each other too much you need to give them spaces to hide yeah and we've got quite a few stems here already but I've also got my other tanks in the other Studio I can take clippers from as well I'm just pointing at nothing sorry that's tissue paste different than plastic boxes basically to stop and drying out whilst we had lunch just get some paper and spray it down and you're all good you don't have to rush them foreign that is all of the stems we had available at the moment we've used them all loads of details everywhere looks so good it's going to grow them really well it is isn't it like in like a week it's just gonna go so let's come on the side so you can see so there's a ton of stems we saved this area here because there's a few more stems uh in some of the other tanks that we can take trimmins from to put in here so you can see in this tank right at the back we've got tons and tons of awesome stems we've got hiker field of polysperma here which is going to look good we've got it over that side as well we've got some junkous weapons oh we've got so many this tank is gonna have to be taken down to be moved into the new studio so it makes sense to like strip it of as many plants as we can pretty much reuse yeah and there's also this one here has got so many interviews from load of hair glass we could use in that one as well yeah some flicks of Japonica in there look good but this is going to be the main Harvester for the Reds hello buddy yeah we're moving you soon the tank is trashed it's fine it's all got to come out anyway to move the tank but we have got so many stems to choose from and other bits as well bits and pieces many stems we've got some junkers weapons as well which is a great little rough plant I think it gives a little natural Vibe and I managed to pick off some Monte Carlo as well for that foreground area just for more detail oh let's just get these planted let's get them down oh my God we've got so many there's gonna be a lot of planting isn't it look at that oh gorgeous foreign [Music] [Applause] out of time yesterday Matt had to shoot off but the tank is looking really good considering the fact there's no filtration on it so what we need to do now is add that filtration for that I have got this here so this is the oh I was a biomaster I think it's the 850 it's the tallest one they've got it's got like all the good stuff in it built-in heater built-in pre-filter yeah let's just hook it up and get this flowing because it deserves to be looking better than this oh looks like we've had some rotala come up that's okay I can put that back in easy enough [Music] so I've just priming I'm just priming the whole system now I've pressed the little button at the back and that's pulling all the water and filling the canister filter up and you can see there by how much it's come down it's actually a good amount of water in that kind of stuff I think it's about 30 liters 20 to 30 liters something like that yeah so adding to everything look at those Reds it looks so good right let's get this filter on get it crystal clear thank you so the tank is looking insane it's got a little bit of a sort of haze to it at the moment that's going to clean out the filtration zone I'll put in some accu-clear from API that'll clear it within like an hour or so but I want to add something to this tank that I've not used before I'm going to use some CO2 but not like the pressurized suit well it is pressurized but you'll see what I mean so I've got this CO2 reactor system from Colombo it's made by it's not sponsored video or anything I just want to give it a go because I like the idea of it basically you put the chemicals in and it makes the CO2 a little bit like DIY CO2 but it's all the exact amounts it's got a nice cylinder it's got a regulator it's got a solenoid as well solenoid is that you say yeah so that it only comes on in the morning and then throughout the day and goes off at night so yeah I really want to give this a go and see if it works because one of the reasons I don't use CO2 currently is because I can't stand the thought of it running out and go and get the gas and what have you with this you can just order the packets of the uh the ingredients the raw ingredients and it and it keeps producing so you can have that in stock and yeah you shouldn't run out and I like the idea of that much more okay I don't think it's too complicated I mean I hope not anyway read manual before use you don't know MD I think I might have to yeah I'm gonna have to oh no oh it all looks so shiny and smart and regulator what don't know what this is no idea what that is I don't know what any of this does definitely need to read the manual on this one foreign oh my gosh look at that we have CO2 way too much CO2 okay so that's running it like two bubbles a second at the moment um I did Flood it full of a load quickly just to sort of get the pressure going that's her that's not going to last very long like that is it it's all being hit the surface at the moment so it's not going through the uh through the system so it's probably worth bringing it all closer to the Outlook and blowing it around thank you so it has now been five days since we planted and filled up the whole tank it is doing so good like I haven't had to do anything at all to it I've not even changed the water at all which makes sense there's no Livestock in there but I thought there'd be some breakdown of the plants causing a little bit of ammonia or something but I've just done testing and we're all good so here's the test results like this you can still see a slight bit of ammonia it's actually ammonium that's from my water that's my base level always looks like that and then there's no nitrite there's very low nitrates so I'm probably going to add some fertilizer to be honest anyway anyway what about the tank look at this everything's grown so well all the new shoots that are coming off look at the top of that little wigia there that is just like brand new growth and it looks even better than the stuff before to be expected we did expect that with the CO2 didn't we and look at that road Tyler H right there all those new tips on there are so so red and growing really large as well and sort of full and compact it's going to look so good when this grows in properly so yeah there's where we're at at the moment looking so good we've got a little bit of breakdown of Crips down the front here I don't know if you can see it but like right in that Gap there it looks a bit gunky that's where they're trying to melt which is obviously a very normal thing that you get with Crips so it's not nothing to worry about they'll all grow back if they do completely melt off but the thing that will get rid of that waste is Amano shrimp and I've got loaves in here I've collected a ton of them from my other tanks so I'm going to put all of these in here there's about 30 I'd say and that's probably a really good amount for this size tank unless we have an algae issues then I'll probably put like 50 in right the temperatures are all matching because this room is now the same temperature as my old studio so they can go straight here there's a couple of auto sync lists and a couple of bristlenose baby ones as well they should be absolutely fine in here come on go on then release the army of himanos still some in there just come out there we go oh one more got him so yeah they're all going to get to work on any sort of degrading plant matter and they'll just they'll feed on all of that they'd definitely be loads of that they're available for them now and guess what tomorrow is the day that we go and collect the 50 betta fish cannot wait for that [Music] it's a new dawn it's a new no why am I saying that Matt can you come here please it's a nude it's a new day I'm at the shop you can hear some construction stuff behind us they they stopped for a while and the second I bought the camera out there doing it again but we're here to pick up the fish we've got the fish haven't we met we have yeah we've got the betters how many I think there's like 50 60 up there so we can pick for them what's that noise I just made I don't know if it I went oh my God mattress before we get to the uh before we get to the better fish Matt goes I think you need a tank of these as well well ages ago I told you that black mollies are one of my favorites and my little boy Jacob absolutely loves him as well but imagine like a decent sized tank with just all of them yeah real lime green plants so that they then like stand out really nicely I don't know why because you can't see much detail but there I just find them so interesting I love I love them I think they look like tadpoles and they're quite chaotic aren't they they're nuts anyway we're not here we're not here for them no next week we are here for the betters I look at them all okay wow are you sure they're all freeware yeah they are so we get these from A supplier that have um spent some time on their breeding um so oh there's that little female I was telling you about she's got a weird like black squiggly marking instead of a straight line so she's really cool there's quite a few in there that I like I'm loving this red one yeah he I knew I was going to say it yeah as soon as you talk about better you always assume that it's a male but okay so that is the main group yeah yeah so these are what you call standards yeah yeah so non-fancy and then we've got a few Crown Tails down in here so these have got you can see the sort of spiky tails to them they don't have the massive spikes like the males so they shouldn't get nipped and cause problems with but they've just got that sort of serrated edge to them which is quite nice well the fact that these have all got hotels and a little bit of aggression there but they're but the fact that they're not been ripped means that they aren't they're not fighting are they no not at all not at all oh wow okay they look amazing so could we have like a few of those as feature ones yeah with the standards and we've also got these haven't we met yeah some little white half moons and a black half moon as well we've done them as um like a trial to see what colors they came in but yeah they're a little bit different so you like that yeah because it's completely contrasting so it'll be quite interesting and can we have both of them yeah yeah we've got some whites and there's a black one on here as well yeah we're never going to see him no her her her we're never gonna see her in this tank is that you've not even seen it since we did it no we planted it up and that was the last time I saw it you haven't even sent me a photo it was near I want a surprise oh it's nearly a week ago yeah oh we'll see in a minute but my goodness it is there is a lot of plants we did go a bit mad and now they've all grown straight away like the water parameters are brilliant as well quality nothing spiked which is perfect and I think that's purely because the amount of plants yeah absolutely well you're not going to get any spiking in that are you and I think it's a substrate system and everything because that Colombo stuff has the bacteria didn't it yeah the freeze-dried bacteria so yeah it's really good yeah right that's bagged oh hang on didn't you mention to me to be a really good idea to do a sort of group as a diva fish you could do if you wanted to that's what we discussed didn't we so you could do a dither fish I'm not sure what you would want to put in there um you know you need something you know what I want Cardinals it would work wouldn't it I know they're quick they're bigger it would work because I did the fish you can't go wrong no add a bit of color to it and you like your Cardinals don't do life I do love Cardinals I don't know what it is not necessarily biotope specific but you know these these wouldn't be this color in the wild to be fair so less exactly and there's nowhere in the wild that looks like what we made in that tank so I think they've done a nice splash of color in there um yeah I can't see why it would be a bad idea let's do it I need a hundred please 100 Cardinals no whatever you think would be good yeah a nice little shoulder them we'll have a look when we bag them up all right cool cool foreign [Music] since you were last here I've added a few more things yeah in you go oh hey oh let me turn the lights on but it should have been oh my goodness Matt's laughing because I just tripped over I didn't see them because they're so clean my wife Kate's been cleaning all the tanks oh that is painful I nearly felt that could have killed me that could have killed you and it could have also killed the camera okay more importantly the camera never mind me yeah what do you think that's amazing isn't it so yeah I've added some more Greenery to the front in the form of glossy stigma and we've got hair grass there from another tank you can see just the oxygen just flowing up from the top it looks amazing doesn't it and those pops of red are really like yeah they're really cool so look you can see the top those top Parts there of the Ludwig here it's all brand new yeah it's completely different to the low-tech sort of version so yeah I want to turn when we put the fish in Don't step back put you right there I nearly still um when we put the fish in I want to turn the CO2 off yep because I just I just don't like this Dusty bubbly look yeah it's it's a good tool that it does yeah it's a little bit annoying with the bubbles but for view it takes two seconds to turn it off exactly um yeah we need to get them ready we need to put them yeah we have to do that we need to temperature acclimate so we'll get the light off um then we can just put them on oh my goodness they're gonna look so cool in here I think I think there's plenty of hiding spaces they're going to get along great especially the diva fish as well aren't they oh yeah they're just gonna you know all those stem plants are so dense they're just going to be in and out um and that's the key isn't it breaking up the line of sight so they can't see each other all the time they're females um but they will still fight if given a small enough area I would say that as bad as the males most of the time oh really yeah like when captain s you know if you try and keep two or three in a in a smaller tank sometimes you'll get one that just wants to be a nightmare and we'll just rule the whole thing I did have that problem before that's why I've done this before with six of them wasn't enough yeah and like you say one of them got Beastie and just dominated the rest and it's not and like the problem is there's some people out there like I had six and they're fine you've got to remember these fish are quite characterful so they're individual yeah they're individuals so sometimes you can get ones that are horrible you can get ones that are chilled out I had a horrible one yeah [Music] foreign [Music] too long they've been in there for about 40 minutes now we've been doing lots of other stuff which you'll see on other videos as well I'm using Matt's hands whilst he's here to help me carry stuff in it you didn't know you simply do a manual labor with me today no I didn't sign up for this I came to look pretty on camera not not move tanks we just moved the uh let me show you we just moved this I managed to save this tank and not break it down it's one of my favorites it's a wild stud aquarium there's nothing in it apart from water and fish and all that stuff there's no Tech at all so we've only got this light and that is it and that's how it's grown and I love it and it was too soon for me to take it down so I'm so glad you're able to help me with that aren't you good like this it's good that you got me yeah I knew I wanted to do it but I didn't know we would be able to do it yeah I'm so glad that we have anyway it's not about that so as you know Matt I always say to people I fully trust your shop and everything um I've got absolutely no problems just cutting oh wow that's too bright I've got no problems just cutting these bags and just releasing them straight in yeah I know the protocols you guys have I know how UV sterilize all the Warriors and all of that yeah um what I don't understand is people worry about the water and stuff going to the tank but if there was anything wrong it'd be on the fish anyway yeah beyond the fish I suppose the one thing they're worried about if the um if you haven't got efficient filtration and you release the water in there and the fish have been sat in there for three four hours then I suppose yeah ammonias and obviously like that it could be another Factor if it's a brand new setup or something yeah this is it and again if you don't know the shop they might be running treatment or they might be running salt or they might be running something that you don't know whatever water and you can't tell um if you don't know the shop I'd say yeah don't do this but because I know you and I'm happy it was just like no stress on the fish cut the bags open and release them in like that absolutely no no no no I tell you know what I know the big release we need to do the acrylic we need to put them all in together okay right yeah scratch that we're putting them all in this one how good is that going to look right we have all of the female betas first whoa they jumped oh wow yes how many was that Matt uh uh about 60. really yeah because it was 50 of the normals and then there was some Crown tails and some of the whites as well oh they look so good already get the Cardinals in and we can do a little bit of filming because they're not going to be settled for a little bit anyway are they no they're going to take a bit of time to get in so some of them are exploring straight away oh we'll get to that right so next is the Cardinals and we've got rummy nose and I had more Cardinals and Neons and Neons all from some other tanks obviously I'm breaking them down so it'd be a shame not to use them for this Amazing Escape and we thought they'd work well didn't we there's some other stuff in there as well loads of dither fish yeah all right here we go there's so many oh my God that's amazing like some of them are going to look stunned because they pretend to be but they're fine holy diverfish bad man they've all gone straight to the bottom at the moment but uh hang on where all our Fighters they're here and here they're a bit like the puffers at the shop they sort of just blend into all the plants which is what we need isn't it we need them to have their own sections so that's perfect so they they sort of occupied the whole of the watercolor didn't they there's there's lots at the top there if you come down just everywhere you look you can just see a few of them this one's right in the middle having a little look confused about what's going on why what do these other fish doing here oh yeah you might also see at the top here look there's a couple of guppy babies I could I just thought they were with all the other fish they needed to stay with the upper fish who are down the bottom at the moment for some reason they'll get they'll get you in a minute and they'll be everywhere oh it looks so good though look at the colors here so you've got the booster philandra mixing with the S reppins and you've got the just all the different textures it looks so good together the Monte Carlo as well I like it all those Reds as well do you like it Matt yeah it's looking amazing like this is the colors of it it's my wife walked in and she went oh wow I want that I want that in the house and I was like do you know when I come home from work to start doing oh no it's just yeah I'm not going to do it I'm not going to keep up on it she won't put her hands in a tank in case the fish bite her that's her actual words I tried telling her they've got tiny little mouths that's just chilling um here's one for you though when we discussed this idea initially I spoke with Martin and yourself and apparently his new evidence suggests nowadays you can do this but what about putting one male betta fish in here at some point what a lucky man I don't know what do you reckon um yeah see why not you know I wouldn't go for a long flowy thin one um we've got to look at yeah I think it'd be a Hellboy yeah a placat would be good because it's he's not going to get nipped he's not going to get chased um I was more thinking the other way around what do you mean he would be doing the nipping and chasing he yeah he might but you just don't want anything if the females gang up on him you don't want to know possibly possibly possibly um but yeah I don't see why not to be so it's you don't put a man or female to give obviously in a small tank today because he's going to keep harassing her yeah but in this tank with all these female betters the aggression was completely spread about yep I think we'd start getting babies left right and Center yeah you might do you might get a few um yeah might get a bubble nest getting creative and stuff anyone who's ever tried this comment below let us and let us know what you think as well would it be okay to put a single male bedder in with these 50 females I mean look the experiment seems to have worked so far because you really got to stop stand still and try and look for the females yes like even though there's like 60 of them they're not crowded in there there's so many different hiding spaces for them all so I think we're gonna be absolutely fine I'll wait a while though I'll let them all get settled before we do if we do that yeah want to see what everyone says first their sort of thoughts on it yeah but you know coming from an expert like yourself and let's face it you are an expert I know you don't you don't really like it when I say that but you are an expert there's always stuff to learn in fishkeeping that's the problem true but you you I've tried a lot of things and I've spoken to a lot of people yeah exactly so you think it's possible yeah I don't see why not monitor it obviously exactly I'll be honest we used to have a customer many years ago who had a forefoot tank and he had several male betters living with a group of females um and when he shut down his tank and he had to bring them all in and when he brought them in we kept them together for another year or so fine no problems at all and yeah I think there was three or four males and about I don't know 20 females and it worked and that's not to suggest that anyone can just start going and doing this this is with experience this is with a planted tank I'm guessing exactly this is it fully planted jungle style so so many hiding spaces like what we've gone for so essentially you know a Siamese fighter or a better is like a cichlid really they're just aggressive and they want their own territory you know if you've got enough territory they'll be fine it's not like in the wild there's like lots of different little puddles with each Better Living in each one you're going to get Crossover at some point exactly and then they'll just go to another area which is what we're setting up here I'll turn the CO2 back on now guys we're running at like two bubbles a second which is some would say like proper high-tech people probably say isn't enough for a tank to size and this amount of plants but it's still way better than having nothing and it will last a lot longer so I mean the plants do amazing without it so they're only going to go absolutely nuts with it as well hello and obviously one last thing now the fish are all in we can add in our quick start and I think about four of these is right but just check the the back of your bottles or whatever I'll tell you how much you need four and then one square for luck so now that the fish are in the beneficial bacteria is added and it means that the fish are going to produce waste which is food for the beneficial bacteria this starts the colony it's the kitchen it just continues to grow and grow and grow still need to monitor now with all those fish when I'm out I need to do daily testing just to make sure we're not getting any spikes or anything because it wasn't originally planning to have this many of the shoaling fish which won't stay there but you know it's why not they look great they're going to look good when they come start coming up in a walk around when they settle in a bit but we do need to keep making sure the water's not spiking in ammonia and nitrite but other than the potential of that I think it's going to be super easy with this amount of plants and I can't wait for it to develop even more happy with it very it's going to pick up the best probably the best we've done uh yeah I'd reckon so yeah even without the CO2 and all that it's just the idea of it the look of it yeah yeah it's a different concept it's a big jungly style it's yeah it's gonna look great what's this doing get out of the way so it's now been six days since the fish went in and the tank is still doing so good I've not changed the water at all once and the parameters are absolutely spot on they've never gone bad at all I mean you would expect that with this amount of plants obviously so here we have it look all the fish are absolutely everywhere and doing so good look at that it looks brilliant doesn't it now the betta fish are quite interesting they they tend to just find little pockets and like group together let's see there's a couple there and there's mind you it could be just that there's 60 in there so you're inevited never really going to find like groups and one thing that I really like about them is they're all over the tank as well so you'll find them down here just sort of resting and they pecking and amongst all the hair grass but you'll also find them up high in the tank as well so if I come up here let's see all over the shop explore it everywhere and they're actually a really sort of entertaining fish because they they look like they're always on a mission they're doing something so you see there's a little bit of aggression see that white one that's the only sort of damage I've seen and I think that's because that one in particular is the aggressor it's taken like a home in this bulbitis in the middle here and anyone that goes near it fights it off everyone else is like kind of chill so I'll keep an eye on that one it's a good job it is white I thought it was getting picked on because it was white but it seems to be the other way around it seems to be the most aggressive if that carries on I can remove or you know see what we can do but since we put her in she got that out of the back of her tail and everything's been absolutely fine ever since so maybe it was just like a bit of settling in but most of the time as you can see down here look groups of them together and absolutely chilled they're really really cool fish example let's just scroll across everyone's just fine look at that look at the colors on that one She's a Beauty it's a crown towel look and take note of those absolutely perfect fins on her and also this one here look different sort of shape but oh looking so good so yeah one weekend and so far so good it's been a great experiment so far no losses everything is running perfectly Matt was absolutely right it's definitely the case if you're going to do this you need a lot of betters a lot of places to hide a lot of swim room and a lot of distraction as well look at all these neons foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MD Fish Tanks
Views: 1,353,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: betta fish, md fish tanks, planted tank, planted aquarium, betta sorority tank, betta aquarium, female betta, betta fish tank, betta fish care, betta fish breeding, aquascape, aquascaping, aquascape tutorial, fish shop matt, co2, co2 planted tank
Id: d6PjfL07rYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 11sec (3071 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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