Appointed and Anointed

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how are y'all doing tonight thank you guys I so appreciate it's so good to see you here tonight we've had such a good time and worship and prayer now we're going to hear the word of God are you ready to receive it amen get your Bibles out your phones whatever you use your notepads I will remind you about my outline I always put my notes and my scriptures in depth really online today I understand that it didn't get up on the Lakewood website but it is on my website Lisa Osteen Comus calm so if you want to download those later you can I also understand that we have a group here from Memphis Tennessee where are you are you are you a mission screen for a church group church group are you the pastor no ok that's ok are you on a missions trip something like that I just someone told me that well we are so glad to have y'all give them another good hand clap wow that's awesome awesome well you can turn in your Bible to John 14 and 12 I'm gonna ask you to turn to a few scriptures tonight if you want to you can do that they're also going to be on the monitors but I just want us to really look with our own eyes at some of the scriptures maybe you can mark them in your Bible and tonight I want to talk to you about appointed and anointed because you are appointed and anointed by God amen and I want to talk about how God desires to use you and how he is appointed to do certain things for him and he wants you to do the works that Jesus did a men and really in my heart I am believing God for an impartation into your life tonight that God is going to give you a boldness and a courage to know to do more for him than you've ever done before amen that it's gonna really in into your heart that God wants to use you specifically and that he has so much for you to do amen these are the words of Jesus in John 14:12 and he said this I tell you the truth anyone who believes in me will do the same works that I have done and even greater works say greater works because I am going to be with the father now let's answer a couple of questions what kind of works did Jesus do when he says we're going to do the same works what are we supposed to be doing well I'll just tell you that when Jesus was on this earth and through the Gospels you can read all the scriptures but the Bible says that Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil the Bible says that everywhere he went he lifted people who were in sin he encouraged people the Bible says that he delivered people from Satan's power he gave people hope he preached the good news to them and these are the works that we are supposed to do the works that I do shall you do also and so jesus also said we will do greater works because I am going to the Father now what does that mean before Jesus died and rose again and went back to heaven he told the disciples and he was speaking to us he said it's better for me that I leave you the disciples were sad because he was going to go away but Jesus said don't be sad it's better for me to leave you I'm just one person but when I am send back into heaven to sit on the right hand of my father that is when I'm gonna send the Holy Spirit on this earth and he will be upon you and he will be in you on all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ so he said I'm sending you someone who's gonna be in you and he's going to help you and he's going to give you the power that you need to live this Christian life amen and so today the Holy Spirit lives inside of every believer you are the Temple of the Holy Spirit think that and and Jesus was just one person but now all believers can do the works that Jesus did because of the power of the Holy Spirit inside of you so he's inside of me and that word greater works in the Greek it means on a grand scale numerous in abundance it's not that we do better works in Jesus but because there are more of us it's on a grander scale think about it we're here in Houston tonight preaching the gospel worshiping God we are praying for the sick we are casting out Devils but you know there are believers just like us and they're in India doing the same thing and they're in Asia and they're in Africa and they're at they're in Europe they're all over the world and they are doing the works of Jesus it's on a grander scale and I think about how the church is such a force to be reckoned with amen you see the Bible says that we are the church triumphant and the gates of Hell will not prevail against us but I think about how there are believers in oppressed countries we know these believers who are persecuted severely but they continue to be unashamed and courageous to follow Jesus and how much more should we be unashamed and courageous to do the works that Jesus did a men the little persecution we get maybe to be criticized you know but thank God we are free to talk about Jesus in our nation amen because not everyone is if you want to turn to Ephesians 4 I'd like you to turn with me to Ephesians 4 12 through 13 the Apostle Paul wrote these words and he's really a teaching the church and Ephesus and he said this I want you to know that Christ Himself gave the Apostles the prophets the evangelists the pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up you see God placed five ministry gifts and there are five leadership positions in the body of Christ and he placed these ministry gifts apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers in the church and their purpose is to equip you that's awesome in it their purpose is to equip me the body of Christ to do works of service in the kingdom of God why is it we think sometimes that only people in the pulpit can do ministry know the ministry is for everyone amen the fivefold ministry is to equip you to do works of service to do work the work of the ministry I think about Romans 12 and how the Bible compares the body of Christ now you know the body of Christ is the church we are a local church but the church as a whole is the body of Christ and so the Bible compares the the body of Christ to the human body and it says in Romans 12 that our bodies are made up of many parts and so is the body of Christ and it says in the human body each part is needed it's significant and unable to function to its fullest you see we need our eyes and we also need our little toe think about it we need our heart but we also need our thumb see every part is significant some parts are hidden some parts seem little but every part is important and vital and needed for the the body to function at optimal level and so it is in the body of Christ but there are many of us and we are different and we have different part of different places in the body of Christ we may have different gifts but we are all very important we are all very significant I mean we need pastor Craig but we also need you Sarah we need we need each person we need Joel but also we need me we need you know think we need we need my mother but we also need you Charles you said we need every person we are all members of the body of Christ and listen to this and God is expecting you to do your part hey when your little finger doesn't work it hurts doesn't it you're missing a nose it when you don't do your part the body hurts we need you say I'm needed when you take your place the body of Christ is stronger and more effective because every part of the body is needed and significant you know one of the main reasons that Lakewood Church began to grow in the 1970s we were only we started out with 90 people in 1959 and then we got up to about 200 people and we were just at a stall the church didn't grow any more than that for years and years but one of the reasons Lakewood began to grow in the early 1970s is because my dad began to teach what I'm teaching you tonight and that is that every believer is a minister and every believer can do the works that Jesus did and and so for years we only had two hundred people but God spoke to my dad and he said he said quit worrying about preaching fancy sermons and begin to teach my people who they are in Christ what they can do in Jesus and what they have because they belong to me and of course you know pretty soon that confession and declaration case the this is my Bible I am who it says I am see that the declaration came out of the 70s through all of that and so my dad would tell the congregation I'm only one person but you're many and you have friends I can't reach you have co-workers you have loved ones I can't reach and you need to realize that you can do the work of the ministry and you need to do go out and do the works Jesus did and you need to bring people to church that I can't reach and we will love them them and we will help them and we will accept anybody that wants to come to this church and it's during that time that the people got this revelation in their spirit and those two hundred people some of you are here today of those 200 people you begin to do what my dad taught and seem like people just begin to minister and to bring people into the church and and that's when the church became so diverse because we were always welcoming we wanted everybody to come and they begin to bring their co-workers and their friends and and ever since the 70s we have just expect expand it and boomed it's amazing because the body of Christ did their part each person decided I'm a part of the body of Christ you know sometimes churches don't grow because the members think that the pastor is the only one that's supposed to do the work of the ministry but think about it there's only a few pastors compared to all the believers in the world you are significant every believer is needed to do the work of the ministry now with that in mind let's talk about how do you take your place what is your part and this is my first main point number one you have to know that God has appointed you to fulfill certain assignments in life say I'm appointed you see you have certain assignments in life jesus said in John 15:16 he said you do not choose me but I chose you and I appointed you to go and bear fruit that will last every believer needs to be bearing fruit in their life not only personally but bearing fruit winning souls helping other people and then as you do this God will give you whatever you ask in my name you see God has chosen you not only chosen you but he has appointed you to do his work to fulfill his purpose on this earth there's another scripture 1st Corinthians 3 5 that says this the Lord has appointed to each one his or her own task so you have your own task you have your own assignments one version actually says that he has given each of us assignments in this life you need to start asking God what are my assignments what is it you want me to do God and then we know 2nd Corinthians 5:20 says that God has appointed you to be Christ ambassador on this earth you see you are his personal representative wherever you go you better behave when you know Jesus people are looking at you listen you're a sermon in progress but everywhere you go you represent Jesus and God has assignments for you to fulfill he has divine appointments for you and you can actually literally change your world if you will be willing to accomplish the assignments that God has appointed you to do I mean let me tell you something your own family is your mission field your neighborhood is your mission field your job is your mission field your grocery store is your mission field Starbucks can be a mission field Amen wherever you go you represent Jesus we've got to know we are we are in the church to be equipped and fed and built up but we go out of the church to win the world to Jesus amen to do the works that Jesus called us to do let me give you a couple of examples one time I was in the Nashville Airport and I was charging my phone at one of those charging dogs and I looked across the corridor there about 25 feet away and I just noticed a lady and we happened to meet I so I smiled real big at her well I went on continued to charge my phone but it's like the Holy Spirit said I want it I want you to talk to her I want I want to do something in her life and so I left my phone there and I just went sat down nearby her and said hello to her and and she asked me where I was from what I was doing and I told her that I was there doing a Women's Conference and I was from Houston and going back home and and I said well tell me about yourself and so she when she heard that I was doing a Women's Conference in a church she began to cry and she began to tell me about her life and all that she was going through and she was so hurting and so I just listened to her well when she got done I just simply said to her you know what I believe that God can help you with every bit of that and she just started crying more and more and she said you know you're the second person that has told me that and I said well have you ever accepted Jesus into your life as your savior she says no but I have a sister and she's been praying for me for a long time and I said well I think it's time for you to give up and surrender to Jesus don't you and she said yes I want to and right there in the middle of the airport with all that activity going I took her hand and I led her to Jesus and she was she was so happy she was she was crying happy tears by that time she was so happy I told her I said let me tell you something you need to call your sister right away and you need to tell her you accepted Jesus she said I will I will she's in what church are you affiliated with and I said I'm at Lakewood Church I don't know if you know but she oh my goodness my sister watches your brother and she's been begging me to watch your brother and I just have it I said girl you better start watching my brother but you talk about a divine appointment how did I do that because the Holy Spirit led me to her the Holy Spirit inside of you that Jesus sent to this earth will lead you and show you who is right unto harvest a few years ago I was speaking in a women's conference in another state and when I was signing my books after my first service a lady came up to me and asked me to pray for her friend that she had invited to the conference and she said you know she's depressed she spends most of her time in bed she promised me she would come to this conference but when I called her she she said she couldn't come she was just too depressed she said would you pray for and I said certainly I will I'll pray for and then the Holy Spirit just prompted me and I said you know what get her on the phone I'm all pray for right now and she said really and I see I want you to call her right now and so she got on the phone she said I don't even think the lady knew who I was she said she said the the speaker here wants to speak to you and so I gave I got on the phone and said hey my name is Lisa and I'm speaking at the conference that you're supposed to be at and I said your your friend tell me that you've been really down and I said I want to pray for you I said can I pray for you and you can tell she was very down and sad and she said yes it was like not computing with her yet so I begin to pray a strong prayer over her that God would set her free that he would heal her that he would deliver her from depression and I said to her I don't normally do this but I said hey I have one more time I'm speaking and I really think you better get here and she said okay I'm gonna come well after the next service I was signing books and here comes this lady running up to me she said I'm the one you called and she said I got totally delivered and set free today and that awesome the Holy Spirit will lead you to people who are ready to receive I wouldn't normally call a person like that unless the Holy Spirit prompted me to the Holy Spirit will prompt you to do things so I want to encourage you to start being more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life and your everyday life just everyday mundane life exciting things can happen when you follow Jesus so this is how you do the works that Jesus did so start praying first of all god I ask you to direct my steps today god you can interrupt my day anytime you you show me those divine appointments those divine assignments that you have for me and believe me you better get ready because he will begin to do it I begin to pray this in 2010 like never before and I tell you what I've been on a roll ever since that time here's another key be aware of your surroundings when you go somewhere like into the grocery store at work and at Starbucks just look around and say God is there anything I can do for you here I'm always on assignment God is there somebody here that needs to touch from you you see I love to preach on purpose in destiny and one time someone asked me a loaded question while I was getting my hair done she said Lisa you preach on purpose and destiny all the time she said well I want to know how do you fulfill your destiny well that was a loaded question it could could I had many answers but before I even could think about what I wanted to say and articulate out of my spirit I said you just do it one day at a time and I begin to expand on that you just get up every day and say God what do you want me to do today what is my assignment today obey Him today read your Bible today follow him today follow the leading of the Holy Spirit today and listen your destiny will unfold before you and as you as you follow the Holy Spirit you will be used more and more by God amen you can read about God using his people all through the Bible but especially after the power of the Holy Spirit came upon this earth and in the book of Acts and Philip is a man that we don't talk about very much but he was a lay minister who was full of the Holy Spirit he helps do the tables in the work of the ministry there with the widows and and what shows you you don't have to be in the full-time ministry to minister to be called to ministry and one time Philip was on the desert road and he saw an Ethiopian man in a chariot and the Holy Spirit said to him go near to that chariot and so he went near to the chariot and he could hear the Ethiopian man reading Isaiah the prophet the words of Isaiah the prophet and so Philip just said to him do you understand what you're reading and the man said to him how can i unless someone would explain it to me and so he invited Philip to come into the chariot with him and from that moment on the Bible says that Philip explained to him other scriptures about Jesus and he led that man to the Lord they saw some water and he water baptized him all at the same time amen that was a divine assignment for Philip God will lead you now how do you know the Holy Spirit is leading you can I give you three practical ways one is this you may sense the compassion of God rise up in you toward a person just all of a sudden you look at somebody and you like love them or you look at somebody and you think wow God you love them you love that person I wish I could help that person that's the compassion of Jesus flowing through you my dad used to call it the divine flow of love when you sense that divine flow of love the Holy Spirit is leading you to touch someone to help someone I'll never forget what let me say this we learned that from Jesus because the Bible says many times in the Gospels that Jesus was moved with compassion he was moved with compassion toward the hungry toward the hurting toward the sick toward those who are lost he said when I was at one time it said because they were lost as if they had no Shepherd Jesus was moved with compassion and we can be moved with that same compassion one time we were at a restaurant and many years ago and Kevin said to me I'll be back in a few minutes and he didn't tell me what he was gonna do and I watched him walk across the restaurant and and just talked to a young man and his son and he stayed a while then he came back and I said do you know that man and he said no he said but when I looked over at him he said I had such compassion in my heart toward him and he said I just went over there and I encouraged him and he said I gave him some money you see that's the compassion of God flowing through you just allow God to use you when you feel that compassion you can encourage somebody you can pray for them you can go over toward them but the Holy Spirit will help you minister to them amen another way you know the Holy Spirit is leading you is because you just feel drawn to a person you just thought you just look at them and think I want to help that person or why is it that God is zero and in on that person you see out of the hundreds of people in the airport God zeroed in on the one person who was ready to receive and it was like he shined a spotlight on her while I was charging my phone and see that that's God drawing you to a person begin to act on that another way you recognize the leading of the Holy Spirit is that you may have someone on your heart or mind for a few days now you think about a person you think oh I love that person they're so nice and then you think about them later in the day and then the next day you're thinking about them listen that is a sure sign the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about that person that means you need to start praying for that person you may need to call that person and say hey you've been on my heart I just want you to know I've been praying for you can I do anything for you can I pray for you now because that is the Holy Spirit leading you to pray that's happened to me many times many times in fact I'm just thinking about one time my own husband years ago I kept having a compassion toward my own husband and I love my husband you know and I just thought it's interesting that I would have this divine flow of love this compassion toward my husband and so I would think about him and I would pray for him and I would ask God to bless him and I'd ask God to help him every time I had it I just pray for him well do you know it wasn't long after that he'd lost his brother and and I knew then at that moment why God had me praying for him and so you never know why God has put someone on your heart amen you know now I know what you're thinking because you're like me you're just real practical and you're thinking well what if I make a mistake what if I say something they don't want prayer what if I do it sin step and it doesn't work well you never make a mistake by being nice and kind of someone now you don't amen now if you're gonna preach down their throat that's a different story but if you're nice and kind and just say I wanted to encourage you today do you need prayer for anything when I saw you today I just felt like God wanted you to know he loves you today he's watching over you you know not many people are going to reject that and when you say that you open the door for them to respond to you I think about my friend Deborah George that's right here she has an amazing amazing preaching ministry and amen give her a good hand clap stand up real quick oh you're videotaping me hi Deborah hi Deborah Deborah and I have been friends over 30 years but you know one of the areas of her ministry is that she evangelizes the Forgotten neighborhoods where people don't dare go or there are there's a lot of crime a lot of gangs a lot of prostitution a lot of drugs and she is just anointed to do it it's amazing now me I don't want to do that you know I've gone with her to do it but she's anointed when you're anointed to do something that God will watch over you and protect you and he will help you but she was telling me recently about how what what area was that that city it was Tennant she was in Tennessee but anyway and she she went into this very rough area and she ended up knocking on the door of a crack house and one of the prostitute ladies answered the door and was very responsive at very responsive in fact she was just so glad that God had sent Deborah and her team and so Deborah and the team began to pray for her and then they brought other ladies out and men out they wanted prayer and some of them accepted Jesus and they were just so grateful and she came in and so so she reached out her hand to shake the hand of a young man and say hello to a man in his early twenties a tall man and instead of saying anything to her he pushed her hand away and he shunned her and Deborah told me she said this doesn't happen much but she said every once in a while it will and she said I just left him alone she said I know to leave him alone and so she began to do other things and pray for people and then in the side of her eyes she saw that man have a package of drugs and he was walking fast to his car and listen to what the Holy Spirit said to Deborah don't give up on him in that amazing God said don't give up on him she never didn't plan on talking to him again and so she turned around and she said sir and he stopped in his tracks and she said you just got to know that Jesus loves you so much and he has a plan for your life and I am going to be praying for you and he just was shocked and he stared at her and he didn't say anything and then he just turned around and got in his car well after all of that one of the ladies said you know who that is right and she said no I don't know who it is she said there his parents are pastors in this neighborhood and they've been earnestly praying for him to get saved and delivered and Deborah was one of the vessels that God used and that awesome now this is a deal it may seem like he didn't respond but that young man knew that day God was speaking to him he's probably thinking oh my goodness did my parents send her but she was the one of the answers to his parents prayer I believe in the name of Jesus father that man is gonna get saved he's gonna be so on fire for God father he's gonna you're gonna call him into the ministry in the name of Jesus and we're gonna hear from him again but listen talking about what if you don't see the final resort that the result the Bible says one man plants the seed in a person's life another man waters the seed but it's God who brings the harvest so you may be a part of the process you may be planting the seed you may be watering the seed you may be there when you get the whole harvest but whatever you do is making a difference so number one you're appointed to fulfill certain assignments the second point is this and in my last point God has anointed you to fulfill those assignments he's anointed you for your purpose you are appointed and anointed first John 2:20 and verse 27 I'm going to put them together it says you have received an anointing from the Holy One and it remains in you permanently you see you don't have to pray for the the anointing you are anointed whether you feel like it or not you're anointed I preach I don't feel the anointing I wish I felt it all the time but see I know I'm anointed no matter what and so you don't have to feel the anointed pointing to be anointed it is a state of being for the believer did you get that being anointed is a state of being for the believer listen to this you are a container of God's power the anointing is the presence of the Holy Spirit inside of you giving you the power you need to fulfill your assignments giving you the power you need to fulfill your destiny when you don't know what to say to a person the Holy Spirit will show you what to say when you don't know what to what to do in this situation the Holy Spirit will show you and the anointing will rise up in you and you will know what to say to the person you will know how to pray for the person you will know what to do amen if you'd like to turn over to Luke 4 let's look there real quick Luke 4 18 and 19 it's such a familiar scripture maybe 17 18 and 19 I can't remember exactly but the Bible says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me - now I'm going to stop right there and say Jesus is about to tell you exactly why you're anointed so I want you to really listen to this the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord you are anointed to set the captives free you they no that's just for the pastor's know you're anointed to set the captives free amen you're anointed to lead people to the Lord you're anointed to lay hands on the sick and see them recover you're anointed to take authority over Satan in people's lives and command him to you can do the works that Jesus did that's what I did with that woman was depressed at home I took authority over that the enemy in her life and she got set free amen my friend Irene Franco that is right down here she does my hair she's a hair so that's why I always looked so good I'm just kidding okay so no no they really do a great job you should see me before they get a hold of me oh my word but anyway Irene is a hair stylist and for many years ago she told me this she told me the story recently that many years ago one of her clients was a wonderful woman and she had a great job a great life but her husband ended up leaving her and because of that she she just got depressed and she began to drink and she became an alcoholic and she lost her wonderful job and one day Irene saw her and she ran into her and found that she was actually homeless living in her car and so Irene was so shocked and and she took the lady home she said come on with me let's take a shower and we'll get you to take a shower let's get your bearings and you can stay for us a little while and and so she did and when when it was time to go to church Irene said no we go to church in this home and if you're gonna stay in our home you're gonna have to go to church with us and she said oh but I'm a different religion than you I'm a totally different religion and I read said oh that didn't matter God God wants to help you and you need help and she reluctantly she reluctantly went and of all things Irene said I was so excited for her to see your daddy and hear your daddy but we had RW schambach there I loved RW schambach and you know he was fiery and wild and Irene thought oh I hope he doesn't scare her away and so anyway brother schambach preached and and as soon as he gave this how they should call that lady stood up and went down to the front and got got saved and Irene told me from that moment up she that moment on she was completely delivered from alcoholism and set free and today many years later she's got a wonderful job again a wonderful life and she is still serving Jesus amen and I read and I think this is amazing Irene in polo took I kept her in her house in their house for five months until she got on her feet that's that's the body of Christ in action it's amazing but you see I say that to tell you that you have the power of God in you and you should allow it to flow through you to hurting people you are a carrier of God's power let's not be stingy with what God has given us think about it God has entrusted you with his anointing he is a he has appointed you for assignments in this life you have the power the Holy Spirit and you don't be stingy with it there are people all around you that need to be set free and if you listen to the Holy Spirit God will lead you to those people amen so I encourage you in closing just to become more conscious of the anointing and you begin to listen to that still small voice and be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your everyday life not just in the big thing so does we just want to hear God in the big things but what about the little things like go talk to that lady you see make yourself available to God and and you will see all the divine assignments that he will bring it to your life all those divine appointments in and I want you to go out of here knowing that not only am i appointed by I am anointed to do the works that Jesus did amen say I'm appointed and I'm anointed and so you know I want to pray actually I'm going to pray first and then we'll give our salvation call but I really want to pray for you I know when I was younger I was very timid and shy and and I know it's hard to believe that because I seemed a little bit unsure and more ball now but I you know I prayed that God would help me be bold and there's something about receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit that you receive a boldness that comes on you but I I had to just you know get out of my shell when it came to talking to people and ministering people in everyday life and so I just want to pray for those of you that feel like I want to touch from God I want him to give me a boldness and a courage to stand up for Jesus to start ministering to people I want him to show me those divine assignments and you want me to pray for you just stand up right now because I'm gonna pray that God is going to begin to use you and unusual and wonderful ways and he's gonna unfold his will to you man he's gonna bring people into your life and you're just gonna be so bold and courageous and yet meek and gracious like Jesus and you're gonna love on people and you're gonna lead them to Jesus and you're gonna pray for them amen father I thank you for your people I thank you that they are the Temple of the Holy Spirit that the power the Holy Spirit is in them and you have called them to to set the captives free father to deliver those who are oppressed and downtrodden and father right now I release upon them the fire of the Holy Spirit father to come on them and and father to come up out of them to reach the loss for you father the fire of the Holy Spirit to set the captives free I am part into them I asked you to impart into them courage and boldness like never before father I think you that the anointing of the Holy Spirit will rise up in them and they will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and they will see those people you want them to see they will talk to those people you want them to talk to they will love on the people you want them to love on father in the name of Jesus may May after this night they never be the same when it comes to reaching the lost father I think you that you're gonna show them those divine assignments and they're gonna be aware more aware of who is around them father who is in their neighborhood who is in their grocery store who is at work who is on the streets that need a touch from you because they are carriers of your power father and I release them tonight in the name of Jesus to go out and do the works that you did to win souls for Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus hallelujah thank you Father for thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you for praise we thank your father we thank you Jesus hallelujah you know I feel like maybe there are some people you can be seated there's some people that are here in the service tonight and you're watching by the internet and you're running from God you're like that pastor son you're running from God and God is just saying hey I love you I'm never gonna give up on you I want you back into the kingdom of God I have a plan for your life so tonight it's a wake-up call for you would everyone bow your heads and close your eyes please if you're here tonight you would say Lisa I do not know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I don't have a personal relationship with him if I did not if I died tonight I don't know where I'd spend eternity I don't have peace with God but I want to have peace with God I want to pray this hive Asian prayer with the congregation if that you'll want you to lift your hand really high and wave it to me and I'm gonna look around the church and look into my right Amen I see you I'm looking in the middle I see you I'm looking to my left right now I see you and to my far left over here anybody up there I'm looking you can put your hand down the ushers are gonna put a book in your hand to help you if you're here tonight you'd say Lisa I've been away from God I knew him at one time but I've been in sin and I want to return to him rededicate my life to the Lord and I want to get in on that prayer too I want you to raise your hand I'm looking to my left raise it up high wave it to me wait amen you can put it down you can put on my right amen thank you so much thank you for your honesty God sees your heart and when you pray this prayer God is going to forgive you of all your sins and you're gonna become a child of the Most High God and he's gonna put purpose he has put purpose and destiny in you and you're gonna do all that he's called you to do I believe that with all my heart let's pray this prayer say Oh God I come to you right now just as I am I'm a sinner I'm in need of a savior Jesus I ask you to forgive all of my sins I'm sorry for my past cleanse me with your precious blood I thank you for hearing me I thank you God that you are now more than my god you're my heavenly father I'm your child you love me you accept me you approve me of me faults and all and Jesus I publicly profess that you are now my Lord and Savior and I'm going to serve you all the days of my life on June 5th I will write it down my past is forgiven my future is bright and I'm gonna serve you all the days of my life in Jesus name give them a wonderful hand clap so awesome let's all stand so awesome be sure and take that book my my brother Joel and read it it'll help you get started on your Christian life and come back and see us let us teach you the Word of God love on you you're gonna grow listen give us a year of your life and you will look back and see that you will never be the same maybe god bless you we love you see you next time [Music]
Channel: LisaOsteenComes
Views: 15,979
Rating: 4.9039302 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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