Applying epoxy to woodturning

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] but since I've done one I've kind of got my epoxy finish here the west coast of Florida elsewhere too but I wanted to kind of go over it there's always a lot of questions about it so I thought this might help clear them up but with my epoxy finish a lot of what I'm doing here since this is a ambrosia maple snake wood came from Georgia from two boys trees or two trees boys Elizabeth up there in a white beautiful piece and as you can see the finish on it is quite glossy and we've had a couple of these things in our house for about six years they're still working great and also another piece of the ambrosia maple coke my vases with them inside and out and this would allow you to put water and cut flowers and run which makes a double duty I'd like to think they're very pretty as an art piece as well as functional but the epoxy just brings out the grain in color like no other finish that I have come across so what we're looking at right now is basically I'm set up to begin finishing these eleven pieces these ten fifteen anyway have been done and the reason they're upside down is I still need to apply epoxy to the bottom and the reason for that is the way that I mount these when they're rotating when I turn them on the lathe I always leave a little extra here's my tenon and then a little bit extra down here so that my screw which I welded up these pieces will go in here screw in very quickly and just tighten it up so now I can handle it while it's wet with epoxy and take it wherever it needs to go so the first thing that we do bring it over here turn on my lights and get ready to go putting on the epoxy putting on the epoxy just use a regular brush i buy these on local excuse me on Amazon for about 50 cents a piece of whatever works out - there is a whole packet of multitude of different sizes but I think it's actually less than 50 cents the challenge comes - to get inside where I need to have a bent brush like this so that I can reach in some applying the epoxy and bring it up to the rim so I need to make this type of a bent brush to get in there I also very easy and I think you've seen these s and brushes I'll Bend those to help get right up to the rim if I need to it's the way that I make these I'll take one of these brushes and just take the plastic handle out and end up with something that looks like this it's what's left of the brush but I'll remove the handle then I'll pack a piece of wood the right size down there in there and with epoxy so that holds it firm everything is solid then I just put it in my vise and take a stick and my pin nailer which I think everybody's familiar with what that is and then the vise it lets me get it up very tight with the pin nail I can go across and put in several pins and now it's ready to go and once I get through with the epoxy and I can pull this off and actually use the sticks again so that's how I get to the inside now got this one set up and ready to go the next thing is mixing the epoxy I've got my mixing station over here and just use standard cups if these a pretty world or something like that and here I've got a grated thing I've kind of used to use this measuring cup mark that and I've put in like the red makes me nine ounces so I'll put in three ounces and six ounces because it's a two to one mix that I'm using and I've got this mark for anywhere from one and a half ounces 6 ounces nine ounces 12 ounces and then three ounces and four and a half on this side so that way I don't have to worry about pouring stuff back and forth and that kind of thing and here's the the epoxy I use it's called high gloss ultra clear that I get from fiberglass coatings in st. Petersburg and so this makes the process pretty easy all I got to do I'll make up 6 ounces to get started just pour in up to three ounces see how it's there if you pour it in too much of the activator you can always pour it out but once you start forward in the the resin here you're done so the resin I'll then pour up to the next red line so now I've got six ounces and all it's left to do just stir it up mix it and we're gonna step into the kitchen because the other thing I always do is a microwave it for a few seconds before I start applying it and the microwaving heats it up and makes it very thin so it really especially when you've got a heavy spalted piece it becomes part of the wood and just gets right into it so we're gonna step into the kitchen and do a little microwaving stirring it up obviously we wanted to be completely mixed and I keep going around the outside to make sure nothing gets trapped this method I've really never had any problem with it I just stir it till it's it's clear when you first get started it's a little cloudy once it gets clear you're there there's some bubbles in it but what I'm doing bubbles are generally not a big problem so I always tell you I usually do this when my wife's not home but she's filming so I can't I've been caught that's about six ounces and I'll set my timer for about 8 seconds doesn't take much and let it go it's always exciting watching it cook [Music] and that's it I probably can't see but it is much thinner run here now and we're ready to apply it so we'll step back out to the shop to my machine and start putting it on all right we're out here and it looks like we're ready just one more time around the edges now the first thing we need to do office Li need to take care of the inside so pretty simple deal we just forced some in few ounces maybe it'll take much my handy dandy holder there and just kind of look inside to see make sure it's kind of got enough to get around I may be having more on see in there but anyway it's starting to get around this is I'm taking the brush stick it in there and start getting a hold of some of it make sure I mop it and so if it's a mopping operation mop it back up then start coming up to the edge and I can with this light I can kind of see down there and see if there's spots I've missed and this was a heavily spalted piece so it's sure want to make sure I get it all done one thing you don't want to do is leave too much in so if it looks like I've over overloaded it it's not a big deal just make sure it's covered spinning it around will do that and then I can pull it out started flying some to the outside and I think you can start to see the color and all the little spills that I've had to do which were the wormholes begin popping out so if there is a little too much in there all you got to do let's pour it back generally if none comes out like that I'm just about right because I can see in there that everything's gotten coated so just make sure that I've got the lip done well this brush it's working very well then get into my regular brush and that is is to get his little not dripping this park as possible the epoxy is about a hundred bucks a gallon so you don't want to waste it so we just keep going around by the way some of the I don't know if you can really see it a filled with some black epoxy that's mixed with some coffee beans to kind of give it a little character and then bigger hole there I filled with brass shavings and epoxy and gives a neat look to it but we just keep going around until we got everything covered look for any dry spots and what I'll do is just kind of start spinning it get a little bit on the brush it's kind of tells me if I feel the drag I know I've missed a spot and just keep going the way I'm making my tenon on the back I always kind of leave it so it starts over to the bottom doesn't obviously solve for it doesn't make the bottom oh it's gonna be a pretty piece and the other thing gotta gotta watch for is sometimes I'll lose a brush here so that's roughly it for the first coat Snickers really sucking it up on some of these really dry spots this is a piece of magnolia left in a friend's backyard for about a year then come over and I'll just pick one of these go put it on and begin I've got six on each side so I can actually do 12 pieces I made this machine actually leave those large wheels they site online that calculation slash the bullies and get this bully convention bullying [Music] what kind of bills worked out really well looks very buddy's overbuilt was realized as long hanging out here did your rotating for about an hour and a half two hours and this gets tacky I'll come back and put another coat on so right now I've got some more epoxy I gotta keep on applying I'm gonna do that and come back for da see how we're doing I'll cut it down just clarification I am and the law said epoxy that helps everything laying flat the purpose it was rotates a box first coat but a box with something so these will rotate for another hour half and possibly two hours somewhere in there tacky enough but on the second coat to give it a chemical bond it's the same thing again to a cowboy so it starts really bonding things together again three coats inside now so I've got the second coat and then the third coat [Music] and move it back when we're done [Music] well welcome back it's now the next morning these have been on the machine probably about six hours last night I just let it rotate until they really get started getting hard it takes about 24 hours for the epoxy to fully cure to its fullest hardness so we're creeping up on that I think as you look at some of these the finish it comes out very attractive and said shows off the brain and the color this is a piece of spalted Magnolia and really came out nice as a lot of these others so now what I'll do is there are some flaws that I'll need to work out and what I do with that I have a little small da sander onyx little da and I use the trihex my 3m up to about 5,000 and these just bolt in so I'll work on well anywhere from 1,000 up to 5,000 and then use the Maguire's polish and requires compound and then the polish when they come off there's a half a little bit of a film on there and this kind of clears it all off and then they'll be ready they'll be done so that's that's all that's left and that's that's how it happens but appreciate you all watching and stay tuned for more videos thank you didn't point out to the bottoms have been finished and just like the pieces they got three coats again the similar similar fashion where they were once they got tacky got another coat on and it's good to do them while I'm doing some other pieces wasted a lot less a lot of this epoxy the only thing left to do now is to sign them and the way I signed them obviously John Williams and then they'll be the year these would be 2018 and for instance this piece is tulip poplar so it'll be 2018 - three four five whichever piece of tulip poplar this is if I've turned three pieces already this will be 2018 - four so that's just the way I keep track of things and he's my inventory straight so that's it and once again thanks for watching [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: John Williams
Views: 16,094
Rating: 4.9311829 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: GI1oo0zwP7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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