Apple Knockoffs from Temu Surprised Me!

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knockoffs of Apple products have been around for ages I remember seeing as a young kid that eMachines iMac knockoff at CompUSA around the turn of the Millennium they've been around forever but knockoffs knockoffs are not counterfeits today we've got ourselves some counterfeits and that is thanks to my first shopping spree on Teemu the chinese-owned web store that has taken the United States by storm uh Timo launched in the US like less than a year ago but has already been downloaded 50 million times and that's because the prices on this app are even more unbelievable than but you get free returns expedited shipping and a seven day delivery window all of these things that does not offer it seems impossible and unsustainable and that's because it is wired reports that timu loses an average of 30 dollars for every single order shipped trying to win over the United States market and if anything I've got here today is remotely as promised well they've lost more than thirty dollars because I bought a knockoff air Tech I bought knockoff airpods well counterfeit airpods and an apple pencil for how much forty dollars and two cents okay let's start with the air tag the reason I call this a knockoff and counterfeit is because I don't think it actually looks yeah no this doesn't look like an Airtech this is uh very visually different this is an air attack so you've got the plastic Beacon piece with the speaker and all the electronics you've got a button cell battery and then you've just got this aluminum cover you twist the back together and your phone should say hey do you want to set up an air tag and after a few seconds the air tag will associate as my camera and I can track it pretty much anywhere in the world to within Bluetooth range as long as it's near any other iPhone it will work now this looks similar to other Bluetooth tracking beacons like tile but the reason I think that this one is different is because at least if the box is to believe this integrates with apple find my so it should function just like a real air tag it also looks like you can pull the thing apart and there you go that is the components and check it out we've got the same CR2032 battery that's in the air tag that is the identical battery cell and uh yeah the board is not quite as compact it's not quite as impressive a piece of engineering but it's actually lighter than the airtight because it's built entirely of plastic and it's got a keychain hook built in so you don't have to go buy a case like you would have to for the air tag let's try to pair this thing to my phone I just assume you pushed this button yep it makes the same exact sound um doesn't seem like it thinks it's an air attack what if I go back and then say add other item hey so it says that it will show directions on the map in the app play sound lost mode and sharing which is the same I think as as any other find my device or any other air tag so I can play a sound oh that's actually awesome that's louder than the air tag fine sound that's loud it doesn't look like it supports the U1 functionality so with an air tag I can get my camera here and say find nearby and down to the inch it will tell me where it is when it's working which is hit or miss so one foot six there you go okay see so it kind of works this cheaper tag all I can do is just find its location on the map in general I can't find it down to the square inch which is a little bit of a bummer but because this speaker's so loud maybe you don't need that I guess the question becomes should we try and hide it and see if I can find it [Music] Benjamin hit a Tracker and I think I know where he found it on the map it says it's located in Lindsay Gardens which is great that's a place where he would reasonably hide the air tag the problem is that it says he put it in the parking lot I know Benjamin and I don't think he would let me off that easy so my hope is that when we get there we can establish a Bluetooth connection actually find it I guess nobody's walked by close enough to it for it to geolocate more accurately this is where an air tag may have been a slightly better option but that speaker's loud so we'll see oh my Teemo tracker was last seen 17 minutes ago roughly right where I'm standing but it does oh wait 600 feet away had them not reachable move around to connect okay well it says it's 600 feet so let's see where okay Walk This Way okay it says it's right here on the map and this has not been 600 feet it's been well there's my car 40. and it says item not reachable move around to connect so I guess we just start walking around the park tracker tracker it says with you okay so it's been located it's now trying to connect there is Bluetooth signal at some point play sound connecting no item not reachable but it says it was found now so it did connect at some point let's see Higher Ground it updated its position on the map but thinks it's right here which if it can't connect via Bluetooth it's not because the range of Bluetooth LE is about 100 feet so I'm not that close I have reached High Ground play sound connecting connecting connecting connecting it's doing it I can I can hear it hold on hold on now play that again play that again stop huh wait a minute ah I should have seen this with my own two eyes hi um okay so I did find it and the speaker was pretty loud and it did it did get me with about I don't know 100 yards of its actual position but that was not as seamless as a real air tag now if these were a quarter of the price of an Air Attack Maybe but this is only half the price of enter air tags are not that expensive if you're tracking something that you're not likely to lose or something like a backpack something that will be large and easy to find yeah maybe this isn't a bad option but if you're trying to track like a motorcycle or a pair of keys or something that geolocation functionality of a real air tag which says go this way go this way 50 feet 70 feet 60 50 that's nice you want that so it's not worth it it is pretty strong though okay so we're on to our first counterfeit there's no getting around the fact that they want you to think these are airpods pro twos they've got the same front image the same rear image now they don't say apple or air pods but that doesn't mean they don't want you to think they are airpods the box is super cheap feeling so I'm a little skeptical about that but remember the price these cost less than the air tag tracking Beacon these were eight dollars all right that's about as uh bottom of the barrel box as you can get and our airpods they are wrapped in cellophane wow okay so they do use lightning rather than something else that's interesting they give you the world's shortest usb-a to lightning cable this is seriously like maybe four inches size I'm rather familiar with so the first thing you notice between the real one and the fake ones is the weight these have got to be at least two maybe two and a half times heavier than these like it's not even close from a distance they look kind of similar there is a a very questionable well you know that's not as bad as I thought so there's a lot of play in this hinge check that out whereas with the real ones those don't wiggle basically at all however this is more magnetic and claspy than I anticipated it actually has a nice open and close flip and the light comes on and then we've got the airpods themselves and oh my gosh what is wrong with these ear tips it's not the same mount as with the real air pods so they've got this stem but that actually does make it seem like you could maybe use um standard earbud tips which you would want to use because look at the way these are shaped like that's not even a I don't even know what shape they're going for but at shurine and oval and it's sure in a circle let's see if they sound any good because the earbuds the earbuds themselves they are lighter than than an airpod make no mistake about that but they are closer than the case the kit this has got to just have the worst battery in it because this thing weighs nothing this not too bad I don't know how we pair them to the device though let's see if it's like a regular pair of airpods so I'm going to unlock my phone I'm going to flip the case open and if it's like airpods it should just try to pair man it doesn't are these just going to be generic Bluetooth headphones that would be a bummer because here's the real airpods maybe there's something wrong with my phone let's try the iPad okay so flip that open and there we go provides battery status and everything I need to know flip these open no dice no wait look at the manual it says turn on Bluetooth connect earphone Pro are these called the earphone Pros connect the earphone Pro open and then hold near unlocked iPhone follow on screen instructions and then you can use with your other devices these are supposed to be like regular airpods so why are the oh the case light just turned Orange maybe they're dead foreign let's charge them you know that phrase if it sounds too good to be true it probably is yeah well I think that's what happened here try as I might I cannot get it to pop up the airpods card functionality you just have to pair them like regular Bluetooth headphones you see when we looked at the manual it calls the headphones earphone Pro and it says that when you pair them to your phone they'll be called earphone Pro these are called ap3 so I wonder if I have a knockoff of a knockoff but again they're eight dollars so if they look like airpods and they sound good maybe it's not such a bad deal did they sound good hey you know what those sound really bad way better than wait a minute they just paused did they have the ear sensor no because they're not resuming maybe the you can squeeze them just like the real airpods there's no way that there's a force sensor in here so this has got to be capacitive let's see if I barely touch it [Music] yeah okay so as long as you just barely touch the side of the earpod it will stop but it does have play pause functionality let's see if you can skip track you can okay so that's cool that's just like a real airpod here's the thing it makes sense right these are eight dollars I was thinking yeah they'll sound like a five to ten dollar wired pair of headphones but no because in a five to ten dollar wire pair of headphones some money can go into the drivers there's no money spent on the drivers here because each thing has its own battery has its own Bluetooth receiver there's a case with a battery inside of it that charges the buds I mean there's so much crap in here that for eight dollars they're probably spending like a fraction of a cent on the actual speaker drivers and that's why they sound so bad but on the other hand I'm a audio snob and most people don't give a crap about audio quality if you're like my sister who listens to music through your phone speaker these are probably not that bad I do want to try Bluetooth range so I'm gonna put my phone right here I'm just gonna start walking I'll tell you when it drops out okay I'm getting tired oh they're gone okay it's pretty good though you gotta admit that's pretty freaking far ah don't buy these this is the one I'm the most excited for these stylus pen because if you think about it the apple pencil 2 is not a very good value it's amazing technology but 130 dollars is so steep now if you're an artist and you do this professionally all the time like it's probably a no-brainer but for me someone who writes out notes like maybe once or twice a week it's a tough sell so if this thing at twenty dollars our most expensive product of the day is anything close to the real deal well then we've maybe got a winner on our hands [Applause] oh oh okay user's manual don't need that okay so you get two pen tips and then this is the pencil itself wow hey you know what okay this one's counterfeit and you can feel it but it's a lot closer in weight to the original than anything else we've tried today and the plastic uh it looks worse but not so much worse that it's obviously fake the tips actually feel fairly similar which is important and then um yeah it's not an apple pencil it's just pencil but that doesn't mean it will be bad okay so pairing should be the same if I snap it to the side if it's like the real apple pencil it should just charge and it should pair automatically so here we go Moment of Truth um nothing happened this one yeah so that one pops up shows its battery status this one that no do that there goes apple pencil maybe it's just really really really dead I'm confused because when you plug it in it goes hey that's an apple pencil but if you scroll to the battery widget it should show up and it doesn't so it's almost like it's it's not paired I wonder if it's I wonder if you pair it like a Bluetooth device Bluetooth huh you do pencil Okay so pencil would like to pair would you like to pair pair okay now it says it's connected so does it work now no maybe it's dead let's see [Laughter] this up is a mouse Okay so we've got an apple pencil Mouse but it does show as soon as I remove it that it's charging and it's a zero percent so we'll just let it charge and then maybe it'll work hey it does and not only does it work but it works surprisingly well if I come into notes here I'm going to start scribbling as far as I'm concerned this is no different from the apple pencil the sampling rate the accuracy seems to be just as good what surprised me the most was that even the little nib here the tip felt the same as the real apple pencil so that means you can draw shapes and you can do handwriting recognition hello world wow that was really bad handwriting don't judge me and you can do your hotkeys that you're used to so you drag from the bottom left take a screenshot you drag from the bottom right to start a quick note and more it felt pretty much identical and I was like well that's it this is the best thing ever made but then I tried to erase something because I made a mistake and I realized that uh oh on the real apple pencil there's a capacitive area right here you can double tap it and it will switch in between your primary and secondary brushes that doesn't exist here if there's no physical button I tried slapping it that didn't work I tried using it as if it were an actual eraser that didn't work either so the only way to toggle in between brushes unfortunately is to manually select them and then go back up but you know what that wasn't much different than the original apple pencil and it's not different than a third-party stylus you can purchase that's actually sold in the Apple Store so it's officially sanctioned and that's Logitech crayon the Logitech crayon is 70 and it also doesn't have that that toggle switching button functionality there's another thing the Logitech cran lacks and this pencil lacks to and that is pressure sensitivity so on the real apple pencil it actually detects your physical Force the harder you push the pen into the screen the thicker and thinner the line width will get this doesn't do that no matter how hard you press it's just going to be exactly the same width that is the same as with the Logitech crayon but there are workarounds in most third-party apps and in even in Apple's apps depending on the brush you're selecting you can use a tilt functionality that's what's used by the Logitech crayon and surprisingly I didn't think it would happen this so I can start vertically and you can see my line width is really thin and as I slowly tilt the pencil you can see that the line width gets thicker and thicker and thicker and as I tilt it back up then it gets thinner once again this is the same as the Logitech crayon literally functionality is identical I think the accuracy is just as good but it has the form factor in the comfort of the original apple pencil you can snap it at the top of the display it will start charging it shows you your battery status right here in the menu it's every bit as good as third-party styluses so if you're sitting here and you're like 130 is expensive and I'm not an artist I don't need pressure sensitivity this is a great option honestly if you are someone who does need that stuff save up the money for the real deal but I gotta be honest I did not have high hopes for this thing and it has blown me away it is awesome I mean it is seriously what seven times cheaper than the original come on especially since this magnetic thing isn't super strong and you could lose it speaking of losing it I don't want to lose your thumbs up go ahead and give this video one thank you so much for watching comment down below what other counterfeit stuff you've come across in your day and as always stay snazzy [Music] oh thank you
Channel: Snazzy Labs
Views: 447,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snazzy labs, quinn nelson, snazzyq, fake airpods pro, temu haul 2023, temu review, temu haul, fake airpods, fake airpods max, cheapest apple products, temu apple watch, temu airpods, iphone 14, airpods pro 2, temu app, apple products, cheap gadgets, temu apple products, cheap apple products, cheapest airpods, airtag, tile, apple pencil, fake apple pencil, knock-off, apple clone, apple product clones
Id: Uja3DwxkFz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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