🔴 RODECaster Pro II Live Walkthrough Q&A!

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hello and welcome good morning it's super nice to see you here uh my name is tom and i'm heather and we are hanging out here uh if you don't know this is my lovely wife heather and today we're talking all about this right here the road caster pro 2 and of course that's also going to have us talk about the road caster pro 1 as well uh and we're going to have all kinds of fun maybe you can see here i have like many mics to check out um all kinds of cool stuff happening and heather's here to kind of help out test stuff because it's very very helpful i have learned to have a female voice on microphones and stuff not just my beautiful male voice and she's also amazing at just keeping track of comments and stuff if you have a specific question be sure to put a cute colon in front of it so i can get to it i know um all kinds of awesome moderators in here including paul duncan who was just like shout out yeah thank you paul wait i can give you a round of applause [Applause] i feel like that almost sounds sarcastic but i didn't mean it in a sarcastic way there we go yeah uh so yeah we're talking about road caster pro 2 today i've been making all kinds of videos about it but this is the the first stream on this channel that is being run entirely through it so the mic we're using right now um it says boom it's kind of hard to see in this shot there's a boom mic right here there uh that's the sennheiser mkh50 i know it's picking up a lot of room tone just because of how we have things set up for the both of us right now but we'll be switching to other mics this is running through the road caster and everything we do today is gonna be running through the road caster pro two uh and i do have the og rcpog over here in case you want to do some comparisons with that as well so um can answer questions i can try the biggest thing is whenever i'm doing comments about the road caster half the time i'm just sitting here and like somebody asked something and then i like go through the menu to see if it'll do it and i just figured that might be helpful thing to do live so you can get like real-time answers to questions couple disclaimers first though very important right off the bat one believe it or not i don't know everything about everything so what i know crazy so you could ask a question that i don't know the answer to or even though i'm trying it really hard to be correct i might say something wrong by accident and i don't mean to do that and the other thing is i am using beta firmware so you better believe that i firmly think you should be aware that i am using beta firmware somebody popping this up on screen throughout the stream um these ship on wednesday this wednesday yeah so uh i know some people already have theirs which just means some distributor messed up but good for you uh but it might not be working so they actually ship on wednesday and the official firmware uh becomes active on for on firmware on wednesday but for now i'm using beta firmware i don't know how much changes there's going to be between saturday and wednesday but i'm just saying that in case you notice something looks different or works differently this is beta firmware uh potentially beta firmware also has the chance to have bugs and glitches i haven't experienced any like it's been rock solid for me i've been using this constantly for weeks now so um just a little disclaimer there and i'll be popping that thing up on screen just so people watch the replay you know it's beta firmware all righty all righty how are you we have 16 questions already awesome and thanks everyone's here i know i would like to go through one by one but we probably don't have time to do that i did see um doc thank you for getting up early i don't appreciate that and bailey i saw that you're here i think it's 2 a.m over there so feel free to watch the replay all right um let's jump into questions and just get this show on the road all right let's go are you ready i am ready uh i favorited a couple i don't know if they're in order i think they start at the top okay so here we go all right cleveland clement braconier can you use one headphone up to control all headphone outputs so you use the three knobs left for midi control so you asked a question about midi um that's admittedly admittedly my weakest area of knowledge um for now as far as i know uh the headphone controls are you can assign these to do midi functions so you know you can have them do things but as far as i know right now they can't be remapped to like one headphone controls everything and the others do other functions i could be entirely wrong on that but i think it's either like it's either doing the headphone for that channel or it's doing a midi thing that you have assigned it if it's connected to something so i think that i think that is the answer uh sorry i'm trying to catch up with okay uh how much memory is there available for storing the snap pad sound since the rcp1 had only 512 mb and storing it away that wasn't very much space right uh so i asked rode about this and they said that there's four gigabytes internal on the road caster pro that's not four gigabytes per pad but it's four of internal memory so that's 16 times the original which it's all just shared you know through whatever you happen to have loaded in which i guess most of that would go to the smart pads so that means you can load in a lot more stuff i haven't tested it because there's so many variables so i don't know if you can put a 50 minute interview clip on a smart pad but you might be able to you got four gigabytes of space that's a lot more to work with than 512 megabytes so that's cool okay uh next up is is the rc2 capable of doing live stream live music streams and home recordings or is the tascam miscap for better for that uh well we are doing a live stream right now with it and as you can see back here i have a lot of instruments and things so uh wait they're well here back there uh the thing the thing with the road caster pro 2 is it is designed specifically with music in mind and i later on i can even like plug something in and show you how that works because you do have hey check this out oh and i even have boom more of a close-up here so when you go into each channel i kind of showed this on a video that might be a little bit blurry there we go that's about as clear as we're gonna get for right now um you can go in and you can select your microphones but you also have the option to select line in and instrument so if you so it's it's design i guess i should say the reason i'm telling you that is because it is designed specifically for music applications in addition to streaming in addition to podcasting and all that kind of stuff the mixcast that makes cast uh so the ones that the units that i have used so far were the original road caster the road caster two the mix cast and the zoom p8 and the zoom p4 the mix cast was the only one that i thought really kind of competed to the original road caster it had some strengths and it also it was a better in a couple ways and not as good a couple other ways but it was it was pretty even um road caster pro 2 like it's like someone just took a steamroller and just went over everything else honestly so i i wouldn't recommend anything else for the most part um except for a couple specific scenarios that i saw in here so anyway yeah if you wanna do music roadcast pro 2 is great okay uh can the button above each fader be used for midi yes it can these right here can be assigned for midi these ones down here i haven't been able at least with beta firmware to get us to to assign these but these ones up here i have um and again beta firmware so that could change uh i just recently got the road caster one not sure i fully understand the capabilities it has should i consider upgrading i do like the smaller size and the ability to get it off the desk cool uh i'm really glad you asked that jackie and also thank you for joining my channel memberships i appreciate that uh the i think there was an answer to this question yeah so there was a really good answer here uh i ordered the second one i do believe it has a lot of functions the first doesn't i have doesn't have but depending on what you're doing i wouldn't call it necessary i think that's a really good way to put it so i'm going to give my in-depth upgrade answer now and then later throughout the stream because i know this will pop up again we'll just kind of go like hey let's go back and watch it i also did talk about this in my road caster pro 2 walkthrough video more in depth so that video is linked in the description um if you have the road caster one i think me personally talking that this is not going to get any more crazy firmer updates or anything so the way that it is is the way that it is but it will never be less good or less functional it's going to do everything just as good as it always has it's going to continue to do that the road caster pro 2 is better in every way but if this is not letting you down like if this is doing everything that you need it to do and you're happy with it there's really no need to upgrade if the original is letting you down in some way which would be something like maybe you want more midi functionality maybe you want better mic preamps you don't want to use a booster or something maybe you want better headphone amps more processing inside that kind of stuff or the ability to connect an instrument like if there's those specific things that the original just can't really do that the new one can do then it makes sense i think to upgrade but if you got the original and you're super happy with it like it's not getting you know worse or anything frag denstein d did you already try to connect airpods to the rcp2 yes so uh i can show you actually we can go to off to go through this one and then back to this one um one thing this is i have a video coming out on monday all about this and we'll we'll talk about it it i include the more step-by-step version in there but you can go to settings you can go to oh no never mind i'm learning remember you go to system and bluetooth i can search for a device and right here you see i have my phone but i also have this other thing it's srx11 um basically what that is is this little bluetooth speaker so you can connect bluetooth speakers bluetooth headphones yes um you put it in my room and yeah and i was talking to her you were talking to me yes about it could you uh go to overhead crop there we go so when you do that right now i have this little icon right here and i turn this knob and that's my monitor output oops actually i have it set to something else there now it's my monitor output um when you have bluetooth connected like bluetooth headphones or bluetooth speaker there will be another bluetooth icon here and then you can just click over to that and adjust that so what that means is you don't have to to do one at a time you can do bluetooth and your connected monitors separately in terms of levels cool uh can you hook up the road caster pro 2 and the one to have more mics on a pod that's a good question so right now they are both running into ecamm live i have both of them connected um to my m1 mac mini they don't they don't know that the other is there like they're blind they don't know there's another road caster but through ecam both of them are connected so i can use eight inputs um there's no official way to connect them there's kind of janky ways where you run like an output into a thing and it kind of works like i did a video a while ago about connecting 11 mics or 10 mics to the road caster and it worked and if you're gonna do it once in a while i think it's fine if you're if you're regularly going to need more than four xlr inputs uh it's probably just not the mixer for you because you're just gonna be frustrated every time when you're trying to like connect another mixer to a mixer and like once in a while it can be really fun and it can totally work but if you're doing it like multiple times a week i think you're gonna get tired of that really quickly and you probably need something else regional direction wester western rot wow you know what round of applause with the german is it possible to get a really clean audio signal out of the rcp2 into my sony a74 to prevent syncing issues greetings from germany great question um my overhead camera is a74 right now uh so this ties into yeah the cleanest signal you're gonna get from the road caster is always gonna be either directly to the micro sd card or usb but you can't do that to a camera or something like the atem you could use a balanced y cable so a cable that has let's see right here i have this has a left and a right quarter inch the big ones wait the big ones uh left and right quarter inch there so if you had that cable and on the other end you had a 3.5 millimeter cable and it's a balanced cable um you can connect that to your sony and then you should get a pretty good signal the other thing which is like again kind of janky but since this has such better headphone amps they're really clean they sound really great you can just run one of the headphones into your camera and it'll probably sound decent but again it's always always always going to sound better if you connect via usb and most applications obs ecamm the atem streaming software all have sync offsets that you can create but also uh let's see can i remember how to find it in here let's see if i go here and we go to uh oh no i'm not gonna remember how to do this now um oh no i don't remember how to do it anyway there is a way i'm gonna figure this out there is a way to do uh offset over here i just don't remember where the option is because it's new so yes it's possible where did where was it it was outputs i think monitor no anyway i don't want to take too much time away from this over here but shoot i showed it in a video i just don't remember where stay tuned for the video all right next up simon my friend and i are thinking of doing a podcast and singing live with the effects built into backing track via usb from ipad will this be okay yeah that'd be awesome especially because you can apply effects individually to each channel so if you want your backing track to come in as is from the ipad you could do that very easily and then you can do singing but you could add in like if you wanted reverb on your vocals you could add that into just your vocal channel and mix it really nicely and he says different mix on headphone out submit the reality uh as far as i know they're all the same except except channel one is slightly different because you can go into like if i do go into um oh you totally cannot read these right here but if i turn on like after fader or pre fader listen this will only affect the hosts channel and not the other channel so that means like are you going to hear the mix after it's already been mixed are you just going to hear the the line inputs but that will only affect channel one headphone one and then the others are are all the same but as far as i know they are currently just the full regular mix what delay if any have you added to your rcp2 says nerdness nerdnest um i have a five frame delay in ecamm live right now so i've just had that forever and i just kept it matt hurt what is the transfer speed podcast transfer mode versus rcp1 a multi-track 2r recording on rcp can take an hour or longer to transfer how big a change is it with the rcp2 we'll answer this question we'll switch microphones uh it's a huge change i don't know the exact speed but one of my like questions was man why did you use micro sd instead of full size sd because i i like full size sd um and they said that one of the reasons was because the built-in card reader in here is like insanely fast so when it's pulling data off the sd card it's so much faster than the original was and it's very hard to like quantify that but having done multiple podcasts and streams and stuff with it over the past few weeks and then transferring them it's it's like a fraction of the time that it used to be i can't give you like a specific number but you're not gonna be waiting an hour for a two-hour show um i mean i i've only waited a couple minutes at most for a really long multi-track so far it's like insanely fast which is really nice uh matt describe your full signal chase yes that's a great question uh microphone into road caster perfect but that's let's switch up let's switch up mic so we get into that because right now we're using this boom mic but i know that one of the questions people are gonna have is this guy right here the shure sm7b not a rode microphone but um a microphone that's traditionally a high gain microphone and then let's see we're switching mics yeah let's start with the pod mic over here because a lot of people you know start with pod mic so let's connect a pod mic i sure hope i can get this this right um okay so your pod mic is gonna be here so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put up my beta firmware warning um for the pod mic i'm gonna go into channel three which is what i have it connected to i'm just going to select the pod mic preset and now that is all set and for channel 2 i have the shure sm7b i haven't done anything else and both of these are just running directly into the road caster pro 2. i'm going to pop on my headphones here so i'm going to turn down the sennheiser and now i'm going to bring up our other mic so you're hearing me on the sm7b and hi this is me on the what is this called again the pod and you're hearing heather on the pod mic uh and these are just going directly in oops sorry i have a bad cable still waiting on those road cables you know these are going directly into the uh road caster pro 2 with no boosters with no boosters yeah so the sm-7b goes to a 55 decibel level of gain and the pod mic goes to 50 that's just by default but of course i can change that if i want to bump it up a little bit um on the sm7b and another thing which is very very cool that i just kind of learned a little bit about is this right here it has like a circle i forget what it's called it's like the road o but i don't think that's what it is it's a circle with a line through it uh this can activate like mic it can fix mic phasing so if you have two mics close together and they're out of phase and you're getting weird sounds you can push that and then it will like bring them back together and it works great because we had to use it the other day and that's a very cool thing so the signal chain is just running straight into the road caster but it does have some processing turned on so there we go we go back here um and if we go to see what it has the default it turns on a high pass filter so this is the sm7b with the high pass filter um this is the sm7b without the high pass filter i'm just going to leave it on i think rode did a pretty good job on these i do have a de-esser srsr dsr srsser there we go um let me turn that back on we do have the noise gate which is significantly better so if i talk and then i stop talking i think you might be able to hear the noise gate turn up but what i have found is if i turn down the attack and the release then it hello sorry then i think it starts to sound really really nice if i turn off the noise gate you have that and then if i turn on the noise gate you have this right here uh and then we do have a master com compeller not compressor because it's the afex processing compeller which is a very compelling thing to to use all right we have we have questions a lot okay let's just go through try to yeah i'm gonna do a lightning you know we'll do the best we can the liberty gal is there a book or a video guide to walk movies like myself learning through what to do and how to do it with the road caster one or two so aside from my awesome channel which will have all kinds of videos uh i know road is really good about posting videos to their channel i'm sure they'll do that when it's updated and i do know they are also posting um user guides that will be available when it's actually released next week so the easiest way to do it is if you just scan this qr code on the front of it it will take you right to all of the guides and they've broken it they'll they will have broken them down into like um recording and processing basic setup like all the different things and it'll just do step-by-step guides kenneth 3.5 millimeter line out for camera mic level output or just line out for connecting to a camera um it's we kind of talked about that a bit ago so i'd either do the monitor outputs with a balance cable or just run a headphone um and it'll sound okay the headphones will sound significantly better because they're so much cleaner than before yeah paul bert rhodes says it has a monitor mute on fader up does that mute also work with just hitting the channel on button thinking about broadcast radio applications thanks currently in the i guess i can take my scroll ticker off here but currently in the beta firmware uh it is only when the fader is physically moved up it will mute the monitor so if any of the mic channels are up it will turn off the monitor as soon as it goes down it will do that it doesn't seem like it well i guess if you move the channel here it won't show out on the monitor i'm hurting my brain so far for me it's only been on the fader germix how many audio inputs outputs you get via usb how do you how do usb audio devices work when connecting two computers is there a limitation on the second usb connected computer that's a an absolutely awesome question so i talked about that in a video i did last week that was like computer features and i talk about it a little bit more in a video that's coming out on monday uh but when you connect the road caster to your computer you get two two input outputs you get road caster pro main and road caster pro uh chat and you can choose either one it doesn't really matter it doesn't have to just be for chat but um you could use either one if you connect the second usb port to a second computer then it shows up as road caster pro to secondary and you can use that as an input output for that computer as well the limitation on that has to do with like uh shoot my cable has to do with transferring to the rode connect not road connect the rode central app um you can't like transfer files from the secondary output currently at least um that's really the only limitation but what you can also do is connect both usbs to one computer and then you have three road caster input outputs so you could have main as your main you could have chat as like a chat you could run your discord to it and you could have the secondary one as like music or something and then what you could do is you could take all of these and rearrange your faders because why did i mute my bluetooth there we go um because as i showed wait a minute i'm touching the wrong faders my bad what you can do is you can go into faders and then you can just start rearranging stuff here so you know if you wanted your chat to pop up here you could then replace you know i'm gonna replace my bluetooth with chat and now i've got the chat channel assigned right here so however you decide to have those uh working for you or how you want them arranged you can then put them all on these different channels however you want them great uh that was jeremy sorry yes okay let's see is there this is dj right and beat the reason i bought the new one is for the talkback feature so i can discretely cue talent and remind them of time remaining or bullet points etc can you show how to route that feature yes i practiced this let me see if i can get it right under pressure so it's pretty simple basically uh if we go into settings and outputs and headphones no not headphones headphones is where you think it would be because it's headphones but it would be listen um no it's not listen shoot oh no some things did change on the firmware too so things are in a different spot honestly i haven't done that since i got the second new firmware um there's a setting somewhere that lets you set it up i don't remember where it is so in there there's just one setting i don't remember where it is i'm not going to lie to you and i kind of don't want to dig into the settings right now um there's just one setting that lets you like how you want the host to talk back to wait wait no now i'm remembering now i'm remembering something oh i got it i got it i got it you got it you got it okay boom i think i got it at least we can go into channel one here and then we can go into settings and now what we can do is nope that wasn't it ugh i don't remember i'm not gonna lie there was a way where you can go into channel one i have a video on it but i don't remember where it is now and you can route it like channel one will go to these headphones and not these headphones here um i just don't remember where it went some things moved between firmware updates and i also forgot some things though tobias does the rcp2 have more than two input devices in the usb interface more specifically will i be able to put discord spotify and gabe sound to individual faders and control them separately yeah we kind of just talked about that one so the same answer i gave before verkeer school is it possible to connect the rode wireless go 2 to the road caster pro 2 by usb currently uh there is no like usb mic functionality um but you've got all these rode usb bikes you've got the rode connect app you've got a road caster pro with two usb things it wouldn't surprise me if things change in the future um currently i think what they're trying to do is for the 1.0 release like here's everything the road caster pro can do make it as stable and reliable as possible give everyone the awesome experience and then let's start building on those features as time goes on i think that's probably a likely strategy okay creole man can you ask them to add a full-blown eq with 13 vans queue control etc i mean you can ask them you should submit user feedback too i know that they want that going from no eq to having high mids and lows is great adding like a full graphic equalizer or something would be amazing seems like there could potentially be the processing power inside here to handle that and if so you know the original road caster since it came out i think got like a dozen really good firmware updates not just like fix is internal clock or something stupid that you don't care about but like really good feature updates and it wouldn't surprise me to see regular feature rich updates to the roadcaster pro 2 as well and it wouldn't surprise me if those do happen to include more things like eq and stuff rubik how difficult time-wise is it to switch the virtual channels does it take multiple steps and menus oh that's super easy that i do remember how to do because i do that all the time uh you just go into settings you go to faders and then you just drag and drop where you want them to be the only thing to remember is you can't uh you can't do it while you're recording because that would if you're recording and you move it it would mess things up so i'm not recording right now and that's why i can very easily just you just drag them where you want them to go i can do the ones like i could switch hours back and forth but i probably don't want to do that yeah um that's it so from the home screen it's just settings faders and then just drag tap and drag battle for freedom have you tried to run the rcp2 into two pcs running obs to simultaneously stream audio i have one pc running vmix that has rcpog and second using winamp with a behringer audio fed from rcpog yeah um i i did it with ecam but i don't see why it wouldn't work exactly the same with obs uh it's totally fine there's when it when it's connected to like two separate computers the second computer isn't like it's getting the same the same output the same like i don't know latency whatever you want to call it like it's it's the same as if it were just connected to one computer the other computer doesn't know that it's sharing the signal nerdness can you store stuff on an sd card and use the smart pads and use them on the smart pads yes right now so um i guess i could show this too if i go into like i'll go over to channel 2 on a smart pad and then i can try to go to like this empty pad here um right now i don't have a lot because i when i updated the new firmware i had to erase all my settings so i'm like not putting anything in because i'm going to do that again when the official firmware comes out um i don't have anything on my sd card but this is where you could add all kinds of stuff and go in and you know change things around a little bit currently at least through the the beta firmware a lot of it is also done through the rode central app that's where you can like really expand a lot of the smart pad functionality and i have found it's a little easier to work since they can do so much with the app on the desktop versus like in the road caster but it's also again beta firmware so matthew pat are there any drum presets uh currently there's no instrument presets so it's other than like instrument level input but it's not like what i would love to see and i feel like this could be possible is if you remember like the line six pod from like 2006 it's like a little 300 thing you plug your guitar into and then plug it into a computer and had all the like simulated amps and you could get like really cool recordings in your bedroom or your apartment without disturbing anybody that was 2006 this is 2022. um i feel like it has to be possible for this to do that at some point and i would love to see that kind of functionality expanded upon right now the instrument input is just generic instrument and then you can go in and eq it however you want or use a line level or whatever you need to do so there's no drum preset but you could definitely use it for drums the only caveat being that it is four channels and if you're like miking out a huge drum set that has 10 mics or something you know math subiditnandi can i change camera angles with a smartpad you could if you assign if if in your streaming software you assign your camera switching to a midi function which i actually have a video from a long time ago about how to do that in ecamm live with a beta version from the original road caster pro because it was possible with even just these ones then you could do it currently it's not set like a stream deck where you just like drag and drop those kinds of triggers to a smart pad be cool to see though i feel like we answered this but tommy says this puzzle me puzzles me i'm a streamer and already or the rcp2 can i use it to assign different faders to separate programs running in my pc like games discord chrome spotify yeah so we've answered this question three times but i'm glad you asked because this is literally the most popular question and if it's the most popular question i'm getting i'm gonna go ahead and guess it's also the most popular question that rode is getting uh which means it wouldn't surprise me again to see them like really try to add more functionality to that i think having the three inputs currently or three input outputs is awesome and really flexible but i know people want to do even more and more and more and it'd be cool to see how they handle that in the future alicia can we see a live demo of how to use main headphone monitoring without that front headphone jack that road took away okay okay um it's a little complicated are you ready yeah okay was that it yes yeah i mean that's that's like basically it's just channel one um channel one to channel one and that's that's pretty much that was a live demo live what is it dumbo mode pro there it is um i i use the front jack all the time on mine um so but i haven't honestly had any issues or like i haven't missed it using the regular jack bow leg joe what is the total amount of virtual channels available uh three so you have six physical three virtual and then you can swap them reassign them however you want uh where are the jokes i'm going to answer these questions did we talk about the daisy chaining we did right yeah you can't do it officially right okay can compression and eq also be used on the usb channel says daniel blooming compression eq uh yes but let's double check that for you right now so if we go to usb okay yes i thought the answer is still yes i'm in usb 2 right now and if i click on advanced and i turn on processing i have all of the same high pass filter de-esser noise gate compressor eq exciter panning and then go back to high pass filter so yeah you have all the same stuff on all of the channels which is pretty cool uh joshua once connected to the pc are you able to create virtual inputs route your pc audio like the beacon mix create go xlr and use the sliders for those virtual inputs is that the same that's the same question okay so i think i think we'll just like we'll we'll pause on like the virtual input questions because i know it is the most popular thing and what i can say is keep asking those questions because road sees them is this the same thing on people's channels um and all that kind of stuff so yeah um can you change the sound pad sets during the recording let's see so wait i don't know no this one oh once plugged in computer will be different channels that's the same one yeah okay so i was looking at patrick's questions here we go yeah can you change the different sound pad settings during the recording so i'm gonna hit record um and then we'll go we're just gonna do it to here no you cannot you cannot there's no wait you can oh you can yeah okay so we'll add we'll add the pitch shifter okay turn it on hello look at that and i can turn it off and i can turn it on and i can turn it off yeah so now i have this and i can change the pitch of my voice can you talk hi i'm talking i like i'm reading uh i'm reading i am reading questions chris murphy's asking how does rc2 integrate with ecam live well to answer the first question yes you can change the pads while it's recording which is pretty cool and i'm gonna stop recording right okay wait okay is too much happened that was fun i didn't know you could do that so thanks for asking okay uh yes can we connect multiple headphones via bluetooth currently there's one bluetooth connection available at time and i'm saying currently not because i have like insider knowledge of like down the line i'm just saying i'm telling you what i know so beta firmware you better believe that's all alvin ho can the rcp2 be a karaoke system as well just food for ideas since it's a real beast i don't see why not right you could run music through it you could run vocals through it and then pump up the jams matthew says is there a master volume fader uh for monitor outputs yes not for like the whole mix out currently at least uh roberto can you use it with audition for recordings yep um i've used it with audition it just shows up as a source and we talked about the ecam live right yes yeah we're using it with et cam live right now we're using both of them connected actually i'm trying to see which one's a fast question could you connect the rcp1 using the usbc to the rcp2's new usb ports and use both oh that's the same yeah it's a great question i it doesn't doesn't do anything right now but you can connect them both to the same computer and use them simultaneously what we tell me can you choose what goes through to the monitor outputs like getting music to play but not to hear the mics yeah um currently i don't think well yes and no uh no in a new way yes in the same way you would with the old one which is like if you just want to you like essentially just solo the channels that you do want to hear and don't solo the ones that you don't want to hear um it's kind of the easiest way to do that but it's not i don't think it's exactly what you're asking for but that's the current way art had the chance to try recording from the trs out to a camera i'm curious if the buzz noise issue from rcp1 to camera is fixed um i haven't tried camera i've tried atem but the eight times audio kind of sucks anyway um i think the key there would be using a balanced cable like a balanced y cable why because then it will help eliminate that hiss but i've just always found that recording directly to sd or directly to computer or in this case even ssd is the best way to get the best quality uh i nerdness as i ordered with your link do you know if pnh is shipping them right away launch day are we going to be waiting forever um i don't know i haven't ever pre-ordered from b h before you should be getting it like soon i'm sure they will go on back order pretty quick um because i feel like it's gonna be a popular thing you should get them pretty soon um i don't know if b h has it set up like apple where you get it like on like yours is in the mail right now and you're gonna get it on wednesday i don't know that'd be cool i hope you do uh the podcast meister hi there and thanks for all the great info about the rsv2 can you please check out if you can create different sub mixes work from the headphone out we talked about this earlier currently i don't think so but i could be wrong because turns out i don't know everything about everything sabrina does the road caster pro work with elgato wave 3 will it replace the wavelink uh currently it doesn't work with any usb mic functionality and i guess that's the best answer for that uh mc enterprise is it possible to get discord teamspeak and so on to the line in from the microphone channels over usb sound cards i mean with the three inputs so you have your three inputs you can set them to be whatever you want them to be in terms of outputs and hopefully we'll somehow see that expanded in the future brad bailey is there only two virtual outputs showing your computer in other words are you able to loot more than two channels out from the computer to the rcp2 for music chat system audio is that the same that's the same question sorry um yeah you just connect connect both usbs to one computer and then you have three inputs uh harshid says what type of accessibility features would you say that the product has uh that is a good question so you do have um i don't know if this really counts as accessibility but you do have the option to go in and like change everything about the display you want so you can change the brightness of the display the brightness of the buttons i think that just helps for visibility um you can also turn on haptics so i don't have any haptic feedback turned on right now but you can turn on haptic feedback so the screen actually kind of like buzzes a little bit when you use it uh and the other thing though is if i go into system and i go to language um we do have like a ton more languages now so i think rhode is trying to add as many languages as possible so that way it can be used like natively in more places but and i was going to make this point earlier if you have specific things that you want road to do like send it to them go to their website and contact them send them a message on social media tweet at them because they really do listen to the community and they want to make stuff that's really good and you know if you have an idea like all of the questions about can we route more things write more things write more things send that to road because when everybody's asking for that it would be silly of them not to try to accommodate as much as possible okay let's see do you have russell westcott do you have multi-channel outputs when connecting to a computer uh currently i don't think so like it's just the road caster pro shows up but if you're talking about like opening up logic and having all the channels as a separate channel in logic and i could be wrong on this i don't think so but i could be wrong barry says not a question but man your top down shot is flawless thank you it's that one and then boom and then we got this one here it's actually the same shot the magic of e-cam matthew says have you made a spot for the youtube 100k it's in my dreams oh wait where's my thing uh let's see bruno miranda says can i just send music to the output monitor at a room but music and voice into youtube streaming if i'm in a conference room can i send just music to the room and my voice and music into streaming oh i see so you need like two outputs uh yeah that would be but how would you do the i feel like the answer is yes but you need someone smarter than me to do it there you go this they're called smart pads but it doesn't mean you're smart just because you have them uh dr omar hi tom and heather hope elsewhere is there a way to get rid of the distracting sound of the opening closing of the noise gate in the current rcp and is it better in the rcp2 it's so i never use the noise gate in the original because of exactly what you're saying is way too distracting i am using the noise gate right now on this so if you find it distracting you can dial it in way more in a fine way but also all of the effects like where if i go to my channel wait this is me if i go here and i go into oh wait that's the exciter i always forget what the logos mean if i go into the noise gate i have a lot more granular control and it's all of these have been rebuilt from the ground up so even though they have the same name as in the previous road caster the fundamentals of how the effects and how the eq and how the processing works is like totally brand new pepe how do you get the mic to have two people at the same time on one mic uh that was we were just using a boom mic so oh yeah we were just you know there's a boom mic up here we were just using that uh aincon hi how did you update the beta version firmware on road caster pro 2. tom is cool yeah i i got it directly from road some people did get or like the road caster comes out on the 15th yes people pre-ordered them some retailers sent them out early some people have had theirs also for a couple weeks but they haven't been able to use it it just says like congratulations you're early and they've been upset about that because they spent a whole bunch of money on something and they can't use it but it was not supposed to actually be sent out until the 15th so it's great that you have it nothing is officially available until the 15th so you just gotta wait till the 15th but it's good that you have it because then you don't have to have the stress of like ah will i get it or not uh robbie says what mic setting is that rabbi what mike setting would you suggest for the lepr-40 for the heil um i haven't used that one honestly i don't even know if that's a condenser dynamic but i would start with either whichever one it is if it's a generic condenser generic dynamic and then fine-tune it from there repel room is there much latency when activating voice effect in real time it's like zero zero it's really fun i think wait did i do it right here button and then i stopped the button and i pressed the button and then i stopped the button uh jaywine says does the caster of motorized faders like the go xlr it does not i didn't know the go xlr did that's cool that's really cool radiology news network how can you connect rcv one to two would be nice to have all physical faders available yeah you can't um and just run them both into the same computer the easiest way uh matthew will people be able to share presets ooh that's a good question the video i made for monday in that video i presented presets and you better get set because it's super easy to set them so for example on this one right now if i go into the mic i'm using right now i can tap on presets it comes with a few but there's also one i added here called tom's awesome mic that was actually for the pro caster my specific setting for the pro caster and it's really cool because no matter what channel i connect that mic to i can just hit that preset and it's going to work um but i don't know how to like dig in and get that it would be really cool because it can't be a big file like a preset file should be like a couple of kilobytes or something i don't know of a way to share those but it'd be really cool if you could um because you could have someone who like has an sm7b sounding amazing like doc rocks always sounds and he could just put up his preset and then we could all sound like doc uh dj khaled bj do you know if i will be able to connect this straight to my mevo start via usb i don't know what that means donnie says have you tried the electro voice re 20 with the preset on the rcp2 you know what i haven't but but i have one right here we could try it right now oh let's do it it's happening i lost the question but what happened i just ran into it oh the mic is hanging off the wall so i used to take it off the mic there um we're gonna get a lot of handling noise and i apologize for that uh could you hand me the purple cable sure yay purple so here i've never used this mic with the road caster pro we will go into the channel i'm using right now no we'll need to go into a new channel oh shoot it's not it see okay here real time real time because i have changed things here so i'm going to be using this channel here which i currently have as a virtual channel but i want to do i want to dive into it a bit more so i'm going to go into faders i'm going to move channel 4 back up here and now i've got channel 4 therefore i can go over here and i can select re20 boom and there we go and now i'm gonna mute the sm7b and now here is the re20 so let's see what they have done now if you don't believe me i'm talking into the re20 i really am doing anyway okay uh let's jump back into here and see what they have when we're talking about the re20 i think this actually sounds pretty darn good if i go into processing we've got the high pass filter turned on at 70 we've got a de-esser yes sir it's a de-esser off dsr on we've got the noise gates so here's noise gate on here is noise gate off noise gate on and see i feel like that attack is just a little too you can hear it turning on and off but i just turned down the attack and the release to almost nothing and then i feel like it uh tends to sound a lot more natural and then we've also got i went to the wrong channel uh oops where are we going okay there we go oh that was everything we have a noise gate we have the compressor we have the equalizer which is oh wow if i turn off the eq this is now just flat but they have added in so this is without any eq now they've added in some highs they've added in some lows just like the game of life and now they've added in some mids as well i think it sounds pretty good and we've got the exciter if i turn that off it's significantly less exciting than if i turn it on and it's of course panned to the center so that is this is the re20 uh through the roadcaster pro 2 on the default re20 setting and i'm the only reason i'm gonna switch away from this because i actually really like the way this sounds right now is because i don't have a stand for it and it's incredibly susceptible to handling noise so can i tell you something no we have 46 questions in the queue well we'll try our best to get through that and i'm realizing that the questions don't get added in chronological order oh which is why i was waiting fun but so we're just gonna i'm gonna try to give you the like easy ones first but like sometimes i just don't even know what these means yeah and if there's some that we've talked about i i don't mean to be rude by just skipping a head bow saying oh we already answered that and sammy superstar do you think road will ever make a road caster with more than four i don't talk to sammy i'm just kidding um i don't know honestly i this is pretty sweet i kind of personally feel like they could uh but the price that would go into like a different price category this is just me speculating like if we have an eight channel mixer now we're into like the 1700 i don't know if i've all just speculation i feel like for the customer like their customer base they're kind of dialing on on what this is and it's like maximized and optimized but who knows like it's obviously a super popular thing so at the same time it wouldn't be surprising to see them do different versions of it i know that their website now says road caster series but i think that's just because there's two of them now matthew can you run two interfaces into logic um you could select like the main and the secondary yeah or the road caster and another interface or something roberto can you record with audition on pc and mac yes i've done that many times matt says clarification i got a copy of the manual and i asked wrote and they answered that the monitor out can be changed lying out so you could feel our monitor to eight actually i believe that it can because monitor yeah okay so right here thanks matt see matt is a smart person [Laughter] so on the monitor outputs right here uh you can do fixed output levels so that says when enabled monitor output level is set to line level and cannot be adjusted and that's what you would want to use for a camera or sending a signal to an atem or something like that this is also where you can turn on auto mute output so if a fader is up it mutes that um and that's just personal preference so thank you matt for for reminding me of that uh bart how many computer audio sources can i separate is it possible to do more than yeah we've done sorry sorry we've done this question a bunch of times so anything that says sources will just kind of okay the podcast moisture i think the changing sound pounds while recording question was related to changing sound pan banks while recording which you cannot do on the mixed cast based on one of road videos you can banks like switching between the pages of the pages well i think i i guess to answer the question yes because you can just if this is what you're talking about like the going through the pages of them you can totally do that while recording um recording now and switching between them but you could do that on the original too because if i press record here and i go to my sound pads i can also go through the banks digitally there on the original too i don't know if that's the the right answer to the question or answering a question that wasn't asked but i think this was asked radiology news network what is the amount of internal memory for storing sounds on sound pads four gigs internal total nerdness can you back up your settings so don't get nuked when you update firmware yes uh you can do that internally but you can also through the rode central app save your show and stuff uh probably a good idea to do mnc podcast productions is there a cue preview option for audio on the road caster tube it's not i don't think it's called cue preview but i don't know if you're talking about like post fader pre-fade listening which there is i don't know if that's the same thing again i i you know i have an english degree dagon ben what shock map do you use for your road mic in your video for road pro caster tube that's actually uh oh it's it's this one over here can you pull that that big old thing there it was uh i just commandeered or repurposed the one for the rode nt one because i don't have a pro caster shock mount and i just put it in this one but it looked cool and it worked great we should switch mics let's switch mics okay so oops just because i want people to hear different samples so i'm gonna turn these down turn up our um boom turn up our boom so heather's been using the pod mic do you have a preference of what you would i don't i don't know you don't have a mic preference how about you this one i'm gonna use that one because i have a preset made for it i'll let you use the nt1 dude this thing is huge i know but the the pop filter really like completely like hello you can talk to the side of it though if you want to talk to her here i will we can it's fine no one needs this might get a little everybody needs to see you um so now i'm gonna take this wait and put it into the pro caster procaster the rode pro caster and the road caster pro once again two different products okay uh now let's start with heather's so what we'll do is we'll go into here and you are on this channel and we're gonna select we're going to select nt1 because it's a great mic for nt1 and i'm going to turn the sennheiser down all right can you give me a mic check hi uh clement says can you still press mute and solo together to talk back you can yeah that's that functionality's the same yay and then on mine i know you can hardly hear me right now on my channel over here we're gonna go to oh oh actually we're gonna go to tom's awesome mic because that was the preset i made for this specific mic right hello hello no what's happening oh shoot it's on channel four um [Music] there we go there's tom's awesome mike now tom is talking there we go all right i can't remember which channel things went to so now i'm on the pro caster heather's on the nt1 gosh this sounds like really good to me right now mark cockrum says tom buck is such a great guy i love his road caster content oh that was more of a statement oh your your check is in the mail james hicks any thoughts on what the ethernet port would be used for sorry for already answered just joining currently currently uh it's used for connecting to the network if you want to like update firmware and stuff speaking as a fan it seems very silly that they would put that much into it just for firmware updates that you can easily do over usb or wi-fi so who knows i feel like there might be some more functionality coming to that at some point are you serious we're getting super chats oh shoot doc buy hr suzy cake because her amazing vanna white skills are unparalleled yeah right without her love you guys it's also her birthday in a few weeks thank you thank you also shout out to the other super chat peeps yeah sorry we missed those they didn't pop up on our notification nadine and there's someone else aaron patrick no question but thank you for the content oh i'm sorry we missed those we'll keep a better eye on the youtube chat so many questions yeah yeah sorry sorry here we go the osho do you set it up the same way with the atm midi uh yes except as matt said what you can do is you can go into go into outputs go into monitor and you can do fixed output level um it'll probably work quite a bit better with the a10 mini i do definitely recommend using a balanced cable to help reduce interfaces recording is there a way to drop a marker into the middle of a recording yes i can show you that right now it's it's actually pretty cool so when you hit record um it works very similar wow that's like really blurry but whatever it works really similar to the other one except i can also tap the screen to pause recording and start recording um which is very very cool or i can hold the record button to do record pause as well um but it's kind of the same thing if i just tap the wait did this change wait did that change what did you change okay no that was weird um oh drop drop yeah sorry something did change actually if you just tap the timer itself now it will add a marker so you just you know okay at 13 seconds i need to do a marker i'm just going to hit that there and then it will add it there and what you can also do though and this is something cool that i haven't really shown in a video yet is if we go back to we press the road o over here i forget what that's called we can go into our recordings come on never mind never mind uh i was going to show you how to play back recordings and i realized we couldn't do that tonight bailey yeah super chatted plug a mic into the other road caster i guess but bailey yeah good morning over there thanks for your help you're awesome thanks bailey it's okay if you need to bail uh art says video coming soon on the nes on the other desk no that was that was uh i was to make a point that i forgot to make at the beginning of the stream but i'll make it at the end so how much does rcp2 cost what is it 6.99 u.s which i okay so many people were getting mad at me for saying that 6.99 i think that's fair because the original is 5.99 so for a hundred dollars more you're getting like a thousand dollars more features and then i was getting so many messages from people saying like oh 6.99 would be nice but it's 8.49 over here or eight is not how they talk that's how i imagine them talking um but okay what i forgot what i didn't take into account was that in the united states where i live we like a good deal so much that we always want to feel like we're paying the least amount of money possible and so sales tax is not included in prices so the road caster pro is 699 plus whatever a 10 sales tax potentially which then bumps it up to the same price that it is in europe and other countries where they just put the sales tax into the price of the thing so that you actually know how much you're paying when you buy something so i think there was confusion because i was saying it's 6.99 which it is if i go into store in the u.s it's six years yeah we have there's like but then when you buy it you pay more because they add sales tax to it if you go to a store in sweden for example uh it only sweetens the deal because you will see whatever 8 49 and then you will just pay 8 49 you walk out even though at the end of the day we will both have paid pretty much the same amount income will the move fader move by itself if you adjust the volume on your pc not unless your house is haunted tony jacobson i'm a dj i like to use this at live events can i sign a fader to the main out uh currently well wait currently no but you do have the the dial here which is your monitor out so i don't know if that could work for what you're doing if you're plugging the monitor outputs into like a pa system or something matt clark are you able to use the two usb inputs as two separate inputs on the same mac computer absolutely at home with tom and rhonda howard i do lives with a phone call in and at times on stream where i guessed on my road caster bro how do i stop delays that my guest hears when the guest responds to listeners questions oh that's that there are so many variables there that i don't that's a great that's a really good question um because you're not the only person who's like struggling with latency issues on remote things um so far like playing around with bluetooth connectivity on here it's been fine through a phone um i haven't had any complaints or any issues i haven't done like a full on hour long show or anything like that i've just tested it out and i haven't had any issues like using this for something like an ecam interview or facetime or riverside squad cast whatever stream yard you might be using um i haven't had any like unusual delays but the reason i say there's so many variables just because i think some of it depends on like the computer system and the network and the guest network and the guest computer and it's like yeah uh buck heim what are the specs on the micro sd slot oh and what card would you recommend heim buck um i don't know the specs other than blazing fast that's the specs i currently use what do i use this is a sandisk ultra plus 64 gig card this is the one i used in my original road caster and i think i took it from an old gopro can you uh scroll through these and try to do the fast ones because i don't know okay uh can you connect rcp1 by bluetooth no can you connect rcp can the rcp2 connect to the atem and the second computer you could run um like a line output to an atem but if you plug the usb into the atem i don't think the a10 is going to recognize it or see anything can you run a zoom f6 into your mac then route that audio to the road caster then back to the mix yes you should be able to do that the only problem is i don't know if you're going to have latency issues depending on where your mics are connected um the video i made where i did like 10 or 11 mics to the original road caster i kind of did something similar using the focusrite and it worked all right all right let's focus on other things now any other fast questions uh i wrote six months for the road caster one now the two comes out what would you do if you're happy with the one stick with the one it's great for you um if it's not living up to your needs in some way then um you could potentially try selling it locally and then upgrading to the new one but the first is still just as great uh it would be cool if you could connect ipads to rcp2 to adjust settings on a larger screen oh i see what you're saying would be uh max millie does muting a channel actually mute the output of the signal or does it just move you from hearing it on your headphones if you mute the channel it will mute the it will mute the output um but the reason i like come and do not kind of am hesitant is because you can do like pre-fade post fade and all that kind of stuff in here but generally speaking yes if you press the red mute button um that channel will be muted from the output if i mute myself right now you should then stop hearing me and this turns red and then maybe you probably hear me poorly on heather's mic unless something went weird i don't know let me see oh yeah you can't hear me at all now you can't hear me but you shouldn't be able to hear heather so the easiest way if you just want to deal with like headphone stuff one way to do it is just press the green button um the green button on channels that you do want to hear officenoob.com thank you super chat thank you so much i appreciate your support you might be an office nude but you're not a noob to this channel there you go sigmund judge can you change the color surrounding the volume knobs and all buttons or just smart midi buttons all of them so um i'll show you that because it's super super exciting i don't need headphones to show you color changes uh but yeah i can go into outputs i can go into headphones a really good example is right now you might notice my channel one is blue because i assigned it to blue because that's my favorite but my headphone for channel one is pink because that's the default i can just tap right there and then go through and as i change this it changes the color so i can make it blue click the little check mark and now it's blue that blew my mind when i figured out you could do that and you can change all of these right here these ones i don't think you can change and of course you can change all of these too and this one i don't think you can change currently high on life how does a multiple microphone eq save system work um oh like making presets and stuff or i guess there's two ways to do it you can go into a mic so like right now i have my um oh you can't see i should probably go over you can see it right now i have like my mic and my channel if i click the little plus icon i can just save a preset for my channel but we could also do is go over here to show and i can create a new show and that will that show will have like all of my my current setup my current configuration so if i have a show where i have like a main channel and a usb and a bluetooth and something else and everything's eq the way i want and then heather were to for some reason want to start using a road caster and she has like four microphones that she wants to use we could have separate shows and just switch between them and every time we do that it would um save those settings or open those settings there you go uh josh with the usb to trs adapter can you still use trs cable with the second usb i have never used i didn't know there was such a thing as that adapter so i can't say it sounds interesting repel room is there a way to view eq settings for all active channels on the screen or only one channel at a time currently i think it's one at a time there is the master output like the master compeller um but yeah just otherwise one at a time peter how do you go about multi-track recording is that just a setting for recording basically yeah um there is something that's a little bit better than before and actually you know what can i just see i'm going to move this because it seems like i'm mostly using this overhead crop shot so i don't have to go through both of them anyway that's not any concern to anyone else so uh wait what was the question you have to go back to the main screen oh wait the main shot because it actually oh it's still there multi-track that's right that's right sorry there's multi-things on my mind right now you just go into settings uh you just go into is it system outputs multi-track and then you can turn on multi-track if you want it for recording if you want multi-track over usb let's play with that for a second wait a minute i'm gonna that's kind of interesting um okay i'm wondering what multi-track over usb will let us do anyway you would just turn on multi-track if you want pre-fader or post fader and then what that will do is when you go to import your stuff they did fix it where it will only import channels that are active so channels that have had the fader moved up and had audio going through them those ones will be the ones that get imported on the original road caster it would just do all 14 channels all the time chris says will what will it take for heather to agree to transition your rcp into her studio she would be like legit unhappy no yeah so there's not i don't need it i don't i don't want it i don't want to figure it out yeah her current mic is the mv7 via usb and it sounds amazing and it's super simple and there's nothing else i i appreciate the product it's just not for my workflow yeah um so yeah but but i do think we are considering uh building a new setup for our stream the couple's table that we do on her channel every thursday and the original road caster would be kind of at the heart okay we have 37 questions we'll try our best is it released yet comes out on wednesday uh can you record different channels in doll like reaper on separate channels actually so i kind of want to find that out right now because usb yeah i kind of want to see something can i like i know we have stuff here but this is kind of an interesting question almost at the end the reason i'm saying that is here i can go this says recording and this is usb and then you can select pre or post fader and usb multitrack but like here can i uh almost there two okay bravo bravo uh okay i'm gonna open up just logic i guess because that's the logical thing to do and maybe i could even do a screen share of logic maybe oh can i sorry i just want to see um let's see we'll just do audio we're figuring it out yeah i'm just trying i'm just currently like literally i don't know if i can screen share my logic oh hey there's logic what do you know uh don't use that can you still hear me you can okay so [Music] if i go into logic inputs what if i go into logic pro preferences audio so i have main chat and then i have the original road caster pro as well and even the sony a74 that's cool but i am not sure sm7b what if okay i don't think this is what i think i don't know somebody could here's what i'm seeing if you have ideas you could just let me know anyway i don't know i was out of my element the other thing i could try is audition because i'm a little more familiar with audition than logic because i've used it a lot more um but i also want to try that i do one thing really quick do whatever you need to do cool i just need to get it back to my there that was really smart um so what i'm trying to see is with multi-track output can i select the individual tracks on a channel in a thingymabobber and that is a great question so here's audition now [Music] we want road caster pro we'll say road cast pro 2 main but if i go here this does look we have all these different channels here from the rcp so that looks like if i put channel three which is heather yep that's me and then we like okay and then i put channel what am i for which is me and then we hit record are we recording i don't see anything happening um yeah hello i might be doing something wrong i've never tried this before but i feel like the possibilities may in fact be endless when it comes to this anyway um that's something that needs more investigating so thank you for asking and if i'm doing something wrong just let me know in the chat cool okay we've got 44 questions in the queue wait was that this one uh yes okay do you want to scroll through yeah i'll kind of go through some here i might not necessarily go through every single one of them um i haven't used the bottom mounting system yet because i've been moving it around so much but uh i think that's gonna be a really handy thing if you don't know what that means on the bottom uh there's there you can kind of see there's a vase amount and then there's also a 3 8 inch mount so you have a lot of nice little options there uh which is very very cool do you have a discord server i uh channel members and things my channel memberships and my patreon have access to a discord server uh great question what's the over under rco she like legit so many people act like i'm an abusive spouse because like you don't know see the questions i have the comments i have gotten about like what's wrong with you why you got to get heather a thing she's over there like you know what i i'll tell you right now what i would do if if for some reason i had to put the road caster one in my studio i would straight up like mount it to the wall as a background piece like i wouldn't use it i just wouldn't use it yeah yeah and that's just it's it's not for everyone i really love it it's just not it's not for her workflow yeah just like i don't care about lenses sorry i haven't used the broadcaster with it i've actually never used the broadcaster mic so don't know how that would go there would you mind making a separate video on setting up the sm7b i actually am planning to do that it is incredibly simple um but i think it's almost so simple that it needs its own video to explain like literally you just plug it in and it sounds amazing right away and that's it can i fix something just please oh no my wig there we go is the rode nt1 still good uh i yeah it's the nt1 is like such a stellar condenser mic this yeah the other option that i really love in the similar price range is this right here which is the luit lct 240. um it's about the same price maybe a little less than the nt1 but it's also a really great condenser mic how do you get the questions on screen like that how do we do this heather ecam live that's right what is the best way to route pc cable to avoid electrical hum uh either using well usb is the best way otherwise using a balanced cable and the line level output yes uh you guys are on using an atmosphere at 1440. uh that's because well i set ecam to ultra high and we're also doing like the two to one wide screen so i think it's just upscaling the signal it's getting from the super chat oh super chat where it's at super chat from andreas best sound mic settings for the sm7b recording in a room with a rather roomy sound i would say i'm gonna mess up my hair again i would say sorry this is my cable the crackling you're hearing is my uh crappy cable okay this is not a road branded cable by the way are you giving me a hug no it got tangled but i can get it you're doing great thank you so the sm7b is really good at if you're very close to it rejecting other noise beyond that if you're unable to like treat the room or the environment i think the best thing that you can do is if you're not using the road caster pro 2 be sure that you are using a signal booster with it doc rock might disagree with me on that but if you don't have a very loud authoritative voice like he does the booster is going to give you more gain which means you can make the mic a bit more sensitive so that way you can turn down the volume or the gain a little bit and still get a decent level and that's going to help block things out as well and that's kind of it we really want a suzy cakes now doc and there's like no way for us to get one unless we drive two and a half we can order it they order them online now yeah yeah oh that's right we they ship and or they ship domestically yeah yeah it would be like a like a 200 dog your voice just sounds really nice on that microphone i was distracted by that caleb you guys are using atem but oh you just answered me sorry uh let's see uh how do you add specific software on mac to channels on rcp2 oh uh you just sent out the output so i mean specifically video on monday coming out all about video on monday so like if you're in discord you just set the output as rc road caster pro chat just comes up as a source for input and output and so does secondary and so does main matt not to brag on b h but with their credit card they refund the tax yes special financing the only way to buy things here in the us so b h used to not charge sales tax and it was amazing because you would buy an expensive camera and not be charged taxed and then the law changed a while ago where they had to start charging sales tax and the way they got around that was they they uh developed their own credit card oh my god which gives you cash back in the amount of the tax that you they're putting as susie cakes in rich's neighborhood like it's really good that there isn't one local yeah because we would be there all the time you would have to like widen the door but also patrick boberg's here and he hates it well he hates fun [Laughter] uh luis tom where can i get a windscreen on for the broadcaster for the pro oh that's this one i was like what's the procaster i found this one i i saw ryan from film riot using this he's used it for years and it took me forever to figure out what it was this is from bsw um i can't find it like through amazon or b h so bsw like broadcast warehouse or something it's called the repop 320 because it's made for the re the re20 and the re 320 but it fits the pro caster and i love it because it doesn't take away from like the style of the mic it works really well and i don't know i just like it like it's so it's all made out of metal it's like really nice okay we have 27 questions in the queue okay uh but i feel like we need to just like we need to do something yeah so let's let's play around a bit so um we have some awesome moderators i know i have the the road caster that's working so if you have like a burning burning burning question um i would we'll skim through and try to get to those we'll keep going yeah we'll try to go but there are a few things that i want to share with you that what do you want to share with us right first and foremost do you want to search for mics at some point yes i do but maybe not just yet first and foremost um what i want to point out with the road caster is i've been comparing it to photoshop a lot lately because photoshop is such a big broad program that even the people who developed it like don't know how to use all of it people who develop the road caster know how to use it all um but what that means is if there's someone who uses photoshop for like photo manipulation and they're a pro at that and there's someone else who uses it for like graphic design and they're a pro at that they're still probably not using full functionality and features and i feel like the road caster pro 2 has kind of gotten to that level where it's like there's just so much in here uh that unlike with the original where you could kind of know everything about it depending on your workflow and what you need it's gonna be very hard to know everything about everything in this so it just kind of adapts to your specific workflow and that's really cool because it means if you get it when you get it you can just kind of spend some time diving in and finding some cool features um as you probably know i'm a huge fan about these that's why i have the nintendo the nes over here um so the reason this is here why is that here [Music] asmr the reason that this is here it smells like cigarettes even though i think everything from the 80s just smells like cigarettes whether or not it was in a smoking household or not um is that your original nes it's not my original one i don't know where my original one is sadly but so you i did get an original one when i was seven years old and then i re-bought one ages ago because you have to um so when i got my original nes when i was seven years old it was so awesome and i used it for a really long time and then really cool people like heather got the super nintendo when that came out later and it was like the nes but super you know a little bit well actually kind of it had a lot longer life span than the original nes did but this thing was still incredibly fun incredibly useful and even years later years later when it kind of went past the point of needing to be used because now all these games just like on the switch or whatever like you really don't need this to play the games anymore it still has such like a special place in my heart and my memory that this is literally like on a shelf in our guest bedroom is like a decoration the reason i bring that up is because for me the road caster pro has that same feeling like you have the nes and you have the super nes and i feel like that's a very apt comparison between the two of these this one is still incredibly useful so if you have the original it's like it's still so good and there's still so much you can do with it and if you don't need some of these features you could potentially even still buy this and get away with it although i recommend buying this if you don't have anything now however however this means so much to me and i'm such a fan of it that when the time comes that the original just like isn't useful i don't think it'll ever like stop working but when it's just like there's so many better things and i don't need it anymore i can't imagine ever getting rid of this like it has to be a thing that's like next to the nes on a shelf and i don't know why i wanted to share that but it's like it's very easy to get excited about new products that are coming out but for me personally the road cast is just different and i don't i didn't realize i was such a fan of it until the second one was like announced and was learning about it me and the canon s110 yeah yeah exactly like i that's still my favorite camera it's probably the worst camera at this point but i it's just it made such an impact on my journey yeah it changed it kind of changed everything it opened up new it was it became a genuine tool and that you use a lot and i feel like the road caster has that and it's really real pell room it's super exciting oh and thank you for the super chat yeah i really appreciate it wow you did a tongue twister for that one yeah that was hard damian thanks for the super chat you look so happy keep up your amazing work this thing is i i think maybe i haven't done a good enough job in my videos explaining it because i'm talking about features and stuff and even in this live stream i'm like i'm trying to answer questions do all things sorry um this is really fun and like i like just having it on my desk and using it and playing with all the goofy stuff that's like really scary and the you know sound effects which by the way the sound pads are like way easier to use it's like drum pads and stuff now which is fun um it's hard to put like a quantitative value like is it worth the 699 dollars it's like super fun to use and you just you just really enjoy it and it's hard to put that into into words anyway louis is you both look so happy and healthy oh that's good i i hope that way you are healthy also okay uh do you want to go back to the questions yeah we can pop through we'll just we'll skim through we're kind of getting towards the end of the stream so we won't try to answer every single question about it i'll let you be the film but if we see something that really really really really pops out um where do i go to be a tombox supporter the most important question [Laughter] there's links in the description you can also click the little join button on the channel my youtube channel memberships and my patreon are identical so the features the perks the prices are exactly the same it's just like if you want to join and you prefer one over the other go for it uh a little off topic what happened to your drum set yes if you notice it's gone it's actually in in our bedroom because that's a giant bedroom that had room for a drum set um i injured my foot a few months ago and it's getting better now but i haven't been able to play the drums because of it and this room i don't know if you can tell because it's a wide angle this room is small i love this daniel says would you talk to my wife i also have drums in my studio and would love more space so bedroom would be great for the lovely drums it was way more fun playing the drums in here and i really loved how they looked in the background yeah but i was so tired like okay going back to this shot here like yeah you can kind of see there's a there's like a spot in the floor this is where the kick pedal was and then the bass drum went out to like here it was interesting this whole yeah and it was just really hard and it was it was like it was very stressful for you i could tell i i was constantly tripping over stuff i like the amount of times i injured stuff and damaged equipment from tripping over it was so many it became not fun and when i was filming stuff if i wanted to like set up something and set up cool lights and like get some cool shots i had like no room to do it so having just sort of empty room here has been like really fun so anyway that's what happened to them okay go ahead because i've been all about i've also been all about where is it the base over there that has been like my favorite thing lately yes the base we should put the base into the road caster oh you should can the leds be just dimmed on the unit yes uh you can you can you have like full functionality over the on and off brightness states of all of the buttons um and the screen itself can have an auto off or on feature too which is very very cool how are you monitoring the audio right now i'm kind of winging it i do have monitors over here but they're muted because i don't want them to get picked up and i'm just putting on my rode nth 100s ding whenever i um alicia did a super chat oh felicia uh with a question let's see i i i'm just gonna go to all comments and jump jump to it here oh felicia thank you what is your absolute favorite microphone with the rcp2 do you plan to assist the community with mike settings i'd love to talk about mike settings i'm really loving the way this pro caster sounds but bye and i'm sorry if anyone from road is watching this oh i didn't think i would ever be the person to say this i think that my personal favorite is the sm7b um i really like on the wall back there i have the earthworks icon and i really like that one too um but the sm7b the reason that this is my favorite other than that i like how it sounds and please let me make sure it's actually hello oh the kid as i was talking about how good this microphone was the cable wasn't plugged in and it sounded like garbage um this is a new cable i know i've keep telling road send me those new cables that you're faking um i'm sorry about that what i was saying was that the reason i like the sm7b is i do think it's a really good sounding mic um but there are what is that there are a lot of really good sounding mics out there the thing about the sm7b is that it also is so good at rejecting uh it's good at rejecting other noise and i think a very underrated feature is it's not susceptible to handling noise like almost at all so you can grab the microphone other than my cable crackling here you can grab the microphone you can reposition it you can bump it even a little bit and it doesn't get picked up whereas if i jump back over to the pro caster as much as i like the way that this sounds you hear like everything and you need like kind of the big shock mount so since i don't have this on a shock mount you're gonna hear everything in it and a lot of other microphones just kind of work that way um plus the sm7b doesn't really have like plosive issues or anything because i'm going to like throw this cable away at the end of the stream if i take away the the reporterstore.com windscreen how far the capsule is in this metal like windscreen thing here you just never have the susceptibility of plosives really so it's not just about the sound but it's also the way that it works in in real world usage the sm7b has been my favorite the only thing i didn't like about it was that you need you i always needed a booster like a fet head or something and now i don't so it's like took away everything that i didn't like about it and just made it good all right hey buzz florida visit with me in the bus proud team i've never been to florida well i've never been in the state of florida we should go to disney world buzz you live in disney world okay we have 36 questions in the queue okay what are you using for chat overlays that's ecamm live i know that wasn't a question i put up on screen but i saw that are you happy with the channel you created yes creating youtube channel thank you creating youtube channel is the best thing one of the best things aside from marrying her which happened because you made it yeah we met on youtube um so yeah making youtube channel best thing ever done only youtube regret i have is that i did not start the channel sooner you know what i was thinking about this morning i woke up and i was like making youtube videos is just fun yeah like we can i know you can complain about the the platform or the algorithm and all that stuff but like you can do this like it's just fun it's funny because the very first day that tom and i met in person we did a live stream that was my very first live stream there was nobody there i was so scared it was so so cute i didn't know what a live stream was like oh yeah well sure it was just fun because i was getting ready for this and i was like we're doing the same thing we did yeah on day one it's really fun and growing up as a kid who used to just try to round people up and like here let me put this tape in the vcr and like everyone who i can get into the living room watch this bad movie i made and now i can just do that to the whole world for free it's pretty great uh do i have a broadcaster mic i don't have a broadcaster mic i'll take it off the favorites i was just going through the general comments at this point i know but i i meant i was just going to go over to the general comments um so that way we can kind of be silent did i do we do something oh oh it's all the bad cables can you give me a mic check heather hi heather is low she's super quiet is she low to the flow i am low to the flow oh wait that's a terrible sound you know what that's just yeah let me change to this let's bring up the the boom mic and then yeah you can use the pro caster i've never heard your voice okay here's pro caster and wait i think i don't remember what channel that was hello hello oh we changed what did we change here we are wait did i mute myself man i swear we're pro we know what we're doing here bad cables everywhere yeah bad cables everywhere i'm on the sm7b heather is on the purple one so that's channel four makes sense that she would be purple and what we can do is we can select pro caster and we can select my preset can you give me a mic check hi this is a mic check oh something he's a lot better now do i sound can you hear me yes i can hear you we're back sorry that always happens when you're changing stuff there we really need yeah so rode i don't know if they're coming out i mean in their road caster 2 video they talked about accessories that are coming out and they show these really awesome like blue pink or like their typical colors blue pink orange and green cables are xlr cables and those looked really cool but i don't think they're out yet cool yeah all right um is there a delay lag when monitoring bluetooth headphones currently it's pretty freaking good but again where is my oh i'm using beta firmware so um there we go i think let's see we are getting we are getting close to the end of the stream so i think we're just going to hang out in the regular chat for a few more minutes and then we'll wrap up the stream cool um sorry if we didn't get to all your questions there's just a lot yeah there's a lot uh but that was really fun i hope we answered questions uh road caster pro 2 comes out on wednesday and the firmware the official firmware not the beta firmware comes out the same day as well and you can just update over wi-fi which is super super cool so it's really cool yeah anything else you want to talk about before we wrap up here how long does shipping take talk there doc is just being reporter store.com ambassador right now i know i need allen from soundspeeds i know it's like you know what okay really hard now we just need to talk okay let's talk we need to talk okay you need to come out with tom buck that is a cable that's legit good work with a company okay and if only there was like an audio coming make it the tom buck blue that's not gonna make heather purple and it could be called the excellent xlr [Music] that's it there we go it's pretty good it's pretty good um so yeah so that's i love that idea i i'm telling you if gerald and dunn can have a purple hdmi cable yeah you should come out with your own thing hey actually crypto youtube is okay the people on youtube make it amazing people like youtube yeah youtube is what you make it thank you for beta believe it um i was gonna say a thing and i forgot what it was dude we're hanging out it's all good yeah about it no it's fine so i think we've gone through the q and a part um oh that was what i was gonna say so i have two what's what's next a lot of road caster content has happened so when we got when the road cast was announced we did a long live stream that is still up for a replay with time stamps but we didn't have working firmware since then i have done two regular videos one of them is just an initial walkthrough of the features and the other is how to use it with computers then we're doing this live stream normally i do private the live streams after a few days and make them for channel members and channel supporters only but this one because it's a bigger topic that people are interested in i'm going to leave it up i don't i think i'm way too lazy to go back and time stamp it though so sorry and on monday i have a video coming out that's like five underrated features of the road caster pro 2 st some stuff we actually talked a little bit about today but things that the big features like better preamps and better eq and voice effects like those are kind of taking the show uh but there's all kinds of other cool stuff so i just picked five things that i think are really cool that i've been using over the past few weeks to highlight and then uh next thursday's video is not going to be a road caster video if we're going to kind of go back into our normal like i love the road caster but we got to do other things besides road caster too okay matthew says we need a tom and doc rock live stream at some point on the rcp2 when he gets oh yeah that would be awesome yes also really quick we can geek out on it let me find it can we get some guitar picking oh that's a good one let's do something yeah let's do the bass because i've i played i've played guitar since 2001 so for 21 years now um and i feel like in the couple months that i've really been diving into the bass i've enjoyed it like don't tell the guitars i said this but more do you know how many guitars he has did you how do i how do i switch is it two two is that yeah look at all the guitars over there i mean they're great i love my guitars and they all have stories and things um but this is a good example i'm going to try not to i'm going to take off my watch so that way serenade me yes i just don't want to what i tend to do especially on the drums right here is turn really quickly and then slam the head of the guitar don't do that into drums and i don't want to do that but but what we can do is is this the only angle you have yeah that's my main angle i didn't do anything else crazy i am going to where's your ndi um i don't know where my phone is plug this blue cable there's one yeah yeah and then can you plug this one in there so we will use the instrument stuff where on top of it it just goes right in the center there we go and then what we can do because that is now channel three so channel three we can jump over here oh what was that i think i heard a sound i think i made a oopsy did you oops oh oh i muted channel one for some reason now channel one is instrument oh no okay wait what are we doing oh no i pushed a button i didn't mean to push okay now we're using our normal mics things should be good i just need to go to channel three and change that to instrument which will be instrumental in this process and then as i bring up the base okay that's looking pretty decent i'm gonna put on my headphones like when i do my bass practice lessons and now there we go can i switch the angle yeah oh yeah yeah sorry boop there we go [Music] there we go i don't know oh there's your phone oh here's my phone let me just put the ndi really quick sure oh c c c not enough space in here but yeah uh what would be a fun a fun bass thing to play wait [Music] oh boy this is going to be a very uncomfortable angle to play we can oh look at this this is very intense here what what would be a fun what's a good bass line [Music] i forgot what i was doing because i got nervous oh yeah what was my uh what i've been trying to do is learn um take off your pants and jacket from blink 182 from start to finish so just every song play the album all the way through and then i've been playing other blink 182 songs but one of my favorite things that i learned is from enema of the state which was anthem where it's the like [Music] i swear i i swear i practice but i get nervous yeah we're gonna see our uh our view numbers go to zero no people are gonna go back in time and un un watch uh but anyway i mean it's pretty cool to be able to run this directly through here um and then i would like to see on an instrument channel i can go into advanced processing and now i can add in the effects including reverb that's pretty cool [Music] and we can do a large haul [Music] wait what was that song from i i'm sorry wait no chris is here chris i'm sorry that i play with the pick chris but when i when i do my bass lessons i do them he's been doing this i'm very very good about that but when i play for myself i like to just use the pick i like to pick pick of the pick okay um it's probably a good time to bring things in for a landing here [Music] yeah the color of this one is miami blue and i actually think of mr camera junkie and peter gregg every time i use it because they're from miami are you doing that now yeah oh um i don't know i don't know what to play i'm sorry i have like nothing uh nothing is is sticking oh shoot bad cable bad cable um oh man there we go there we go i don't know what would be a fun one oh wait wait yeah this is i was very proud that i learned wait if i do pitch shift will pitch shift oh wait it does affect this terrible though because i yeah anyway oh sorry heather just been over there like dying alrighty um yeah i think we're we're ready to wrap things up i'm gonna put this away so i don't damage it okay so it's saturday i haven't eaten breakfast yet and all i keep thinking about susie cakes i'm gonna be playing final fantasy 14 after this oh right play with me if you also play yes how could somebody do that if they wanted to i don't even know honestly i don't know all right send me a message on instagram you know what tom's gonna be doing later today flight simulator he got an xbox the new one like it's our first it's the first time i've had a gen console a current gen console since like the n64 no the xbox 360. i bought it when it was not current i bought it like used from gamestop when the xbox one came out oh um so yeah i've i have not had a current gen gaming console the wii the switch the system yeah okay sorry the switch yeah whoa he's all about the microsoft flight simulator yeah so we're gonna be doing that so we're gonna be playing games like all day all righty uh well thank you so much for being here i i hope if you made it to this point like seriously thank you i very much appreciate it i hope you enjoy the videos i hope you enjoy the stream i hope that like you can learn stuff along the way and i also hope that you can tell that like i have fun doing it and and also shameless plug tom and i have a weekly live stream called the couple's table over on my channel called heatherjustcreate and we actually use the roadcaster pro 2 for the entire stream on thursday this past thursday i think that was the first ever stream with the road caster pro 2 like in the world so the stream wasn't about that but if you want to hear what it sounds like and go check it out uh episode about what we learned from peter lingard yeah um because that was fun uh if you i think a lot of people watch my channel watch peter's channel he came and stayed with us for a few days last week which is very very fun we made a ton of videos together so you may or may not see a cameo from him in my video that's coming out on monday here here's a hint okay for the for the videos that are coming out in the next few weeks it is so worth it to watch it to the end it always is though right yes but like seriously though this time okay um so anyway thank you if you need anything do i do my best to answer comments and emails sometimes it takes a while to get to them but that's just i'm not being lazy i'm just going through them as best i can but i always appreciate the kindness and the support i don't know if you know this the internet can sometimes be a cruel place so every time there's kindness and nice things i it means a lot to both of us it's nice have a happy saturday everybody yeah hope you have a safe happy healthy fun rest of your week rest of your day weekend and we'll see you next time if you're getting a road caster pro this week i hope you have a lot of fun with it i hope you really enjoy it and last but not least ad60m usa spokesperson for road yes road did send me a jar of vegemite and i actually like it maybe i'll go eat some right now hashtag sponsors yes except not [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tom Buck
Views: 59,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rodecaster, rodecaster pro, rodecaster 2, rodecaster pro II, rodecaster review, rodecaster livestream, rodecaster podcast, podcast recorder, streaming interface
Id: A8cRIql_j64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 12sec (6192 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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