I’m Dumb and Spent $7,000 on the New Mac Pro

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where am I even supposed to start um I was 17 once so I guess let's begin with iOS rumors had suggested for several months now that iOS 17 was going to be a nothing Burger of an update and while none of the features announced were Earth shattering I think the rumors were wrong and we got more quality of life improvements than any iOS update in years sometimes we forget but the iPhone it is a phone and we may forget that because iOS 17 brings our first updates to the phone app in well over a decade the most exciting to me is what Apple calls live voicemail back when the original iPhone launched Apple's Virtual Voicemail changed the game and I think that this may do it again so if a caller calls you you ignore the call and they choose to leave a voicemail you will see a real-time transcription of their message on your screen and if it's important but you can pick up the phone mid voicemail and take over I didn't even know that this was possible to to interrupt a phone call Mid voicemail since mailboxes to my knowledge have always been controlled by the carrier and well maybe this isn't possible really or wasn't previously because a footnote on Apple's website says quote available in English Canada US end quote even in 2023 not every iPhone carrier globally supports Visual Voicemail a feature that's 15 years old so if this is implemented at a carrier level which I suspect it might be uh good luck to the rest of the world on getting this feature but hopefully it isn't and can roll out globally very soon at least as an American in the US I'm excited to get it later this year speaking of voicemail you can now leave a video message when calling with FaceTime now on the surface this seems kind of dumb since you could just send a text or a video message directly but I actually like it because when I video call someone at least I actually want to demonstrate them something I'm not just calling via video for fun and so being able to do that without having to go open another app like Snapchat or wait for them to call me back I actually think it's pretty handy now Apple spent a lot of time talking about contact posters when you receive a call or on a call you will see your friend displayed with their name their image and a little colorful cutesy background kind of like iOS 16 lock screens and I think this is a clear succession to the idea that people love customizing their iPhone screens and apple is playing into that more and more with every successive update which I think is great with that said iOS already knows the names of my closest contacts within my photos app and has photos of them it would have been nice if there was an AI style feature that would have been created or included that would Auto create or Auto generate a bunch of cards for lazy people like me who will probably only do this for myself and maybe my wife's contact cards and really nobody else now I will admit that when Apple started talking about the phone my hopes and dreams swelled for contact search using the T9 phone keypad this has been an indispensable Android feature forever but Apple failed me again maybe in 2034 when they update the phone app again next continue on with quality of life improvements messages got another big update for the second year in a row maybe even bigger than last year's update because you can finally finally search with filters presumably now you can successfully find a message from months or years ago a feat that was previously impossible because search sucked you can set filters for keywords for contact names and more now the details on this are scans we'll have to try the betas out soon to see how granular you can get with this now while I'm doubtful that it's a thing it sure would be great if they were using natural language processing for partial or conditional word matching like some Fancy Pants apps out there do because what weirdo remembers the exact word or phrase they sent Becky 12 months ago at least we're throwing a dart into a haystack rather than a dart off of the face of the Earth because finding stuff was impossible previous to now messages also also get some other stuff like apps well they're pushed out of the way which is nice because I've always felt them to be very cluttered I don't use them that often and so now they're gone unless you request them you can Now swipe to reply which helps busy group message threads as does the ability to jump to wherever you last read audio messages now offer transcriptions in line thank you and with the new check-in feature you can alert a friend or family member when you reach your intended destination and if for whatever reason you stop making progress your phone will check in with you and if you don't respond then it will then share your location your battery and cellular strength with your friends so that they can decide to call you or the police Nate a redesigned stickers app is fun if you care about stickers but I do not so let's talk about airdrop airdrop has long been one of the Apple ecosystems best features and it gets amazing updates this year for the first time in a long time no longer must you ensure a recipient's discovery preferences are set to be discovered correctly and then wait for their name to appear you can now simply just bring the two devices close together iPhone iPad Apple watch doesn't matter they all work and ta-da you can airdrop anything that you were previously able to and you can now and this is fantastic even step outside of airdrop range and the transfer will continue to work over the internet rather than working strictly at Hawk that is super cool additionally using a new feature called name drop you can now share contact cards with one another complete with that same Fancy Pants face card that you set up for yourself a while ago so long business cards and awkwardly figuring out how to spell strangers names that you just met and are putting into your phone now redesigned home screen widgets came in iOS 14 but they always kind of sucked because they weren't interactive you tap a widget and it would open up the whole app no longer widget kit now allows developers to add interactions right from the home screen as someone who is never really a widget heavy user primarily due to this lacking interaction I think this will absolutely get me to move my home screen around and redesign stuff because frankly I'm really excited to give them a shot having widgets actually work as it widgets is going to be great it should have been this way three years ago but I'm glad it's finally here and yes I know Android users this has been a thing for like 15 years the least sexy but perhaps most interesting part of iOS is a new autocorrect prediction engine that now actually learns the way you type in addition to well phrases that you use to improve autocorrect and prediction suggestions even if that means profanity this is great because iOS autocorrect seem to stop getting better like a decade ago and it's become increasingly frustrating in the recent years hopefully the fix the doctor ordered does the trick now the last big feature that was headlined is what Apple calls standby which turns your iPhone into a useful Gadget when charging and in landscape mode get ready to buy new accessories not only does it display clock info but it also integrates widget Stacks it permits home kit control and it utilizes Siri to display on-screen info if you've prompted to perform an action with your voice off screen I can't help but think that this is an exercise in development for what is sure to be the long rumored homepod with a display maybe that's something we'll see later this year as someone deep into the home kit ecosystem I sure hope so and that brings me to my biggest disappointment for iOS 17. the home app didn't get any update the update last year it sucked and anyone who actually uses home kit knows that if you think the home app is good it's because you're not actually using it the app is still awful matter integration has thus far been sloppy and Siri is as garbage as it's ever been for home automation I'm mad this needed a fix and it didn't get one at least when you put your iPhone in a different spot on its little vertical charger in each room it remembers the widgets that you were using in that point of time I'm being sarcastic but that actually is kind of cool you put it on your nightstand it shows you clock you put it in your kitchen shows your recipe book I like it maybe I should redirect some of that frustration and anger concerning home kit to the all-new journal app coming later this year this app will use on-device machine learning to create personalized suggestions and prompts based on what you did that day to force you to be introspective this is actually great journaling is a really healthy habit and it is sure to Sherlock day one an app that is beloved by many but in my opinion has gotten a little bit money hungry in the past this is going to be included on iOS for free a few other small updates that I think are pretty neat are the inclusion of recognition for your pets by name inside of the photos album or inside of the photos app in your photos album and you can now share find my items also pretty cool oh and now you can just say Siri instead of which is sure to trigger even more false prompts when you watch YouTube videos you're welcome iPad OS a platform that lags behind the iPhone on features set every single year which has become increasingly frustrating for users of the platform that are told every single year by Apple that the iPad is a computer replacement well this year I guess we do get a little bit of a bone because iPad os does finally gain feature parity with iOS for the first time in years that is thanks to the addition of lock screen customization and widgets which we missed out on last year and then we got all the other new features message updates journaling the health app which is now coming for the first time ever but we still don't get a calculator maybe next year now apple is sneaky they always add features to the iOS section of the keynote features also available on the iPhone but they don't say that because they want the iPad segment to seem like apple actually cares about the iPad this year it was interactive home screen widgets which we've already mentioned is coming to the iPhone but also improvements to PDFs Now using machine learning iOS iPad OS and Mac OS can identify PDF fields and auto fill them even from scanned documents which I think is really cool and then you can act on it and send that completed file to another app directly this is awesome and I hope that every paid PDF that did a really crappy job of basically the same thing that charged 50 a year I hope they disappear and the developers trip on a shoelace now PDF's also got much tighter integration inside of Apple notes with collaboration functionality and apple pencil markup support this probably isn't going to be a replacement for students that are using notability or good notes but I am glad to see that Apple's own Notes app is getting more powerful year by year especially for occasional PDF Schmucks like myself perhaps most importantly for the iPad stage manager which has been garbage on iPad OS since it launched last year now gets more flexibility in moving and resizing Windows you can even overlap them which might not fix the multitasking features woes but it certainly addresses a previously frustrating concern of every iPad power user I'm excited to try it out new features for airpods were not on my bingo card for WWDC 2023 but I am super excited about them in addition to small features coming to most of the airpods like quicker device switching and the ability to mute and unmute phone calls by tapping the stem or pressing them there is a new adaptive audio feature specifically and only for airpods pro 2. sorry airpods Max users he only paid 600 bucks what do you expect this this is a feature that if it delivers on its promises will blend transparency and noise canceling modes to dynamically switch between one or the other based on the activity that you're doing so you'll be able to hear alerts and sounds deemed important like car horns but not say for example the Drone of traffic additionally as soon as you start speaking to someone nearby someone in front of you your media volume in your headphones will lower the voices that are directionally in front of you will be enhanced but all the other noises around you will be reduced this is the kind of thing that Apple seems like they'd be really bad at so I'm skeptical but if it does as it promises this will make airpods even better than they already are I'm excited to try it out and I'm really shocked frankly that it's not coming to a next generation of airpods but don't get me wrong I'm grateful thank you Apple you should have brought us more than just the airpods too Pro tube like the airpods max airpods Max what a waste of money but perhaps the biggest software update today was to watch OS 10 which receives its first major ux refresh in years stock apps are now said to make a much better usage of the space provided them and in some instances this does seem legit like the weather app they demoed that Taps into the corners of your screen to place buttons and widgets there that's nice on the other hand a lot of apps like the activity app seem to make things less information dense now rather than scrolling to a list that shows you your ring progress simultaneously on the display all at once for move exercise and stand you now need to use the crown to scroll one card at a time now there's more data in these cards than there was previously but I often find that I don't want all of that data I just want an overview and I am a little bit worried that this adds too many steps and cardifies the us a little bit too much it looks very Crown dependent and I guess we'll have to see how it goes but I'm a little skeptical on the flip side the side button now jumps into control center rather than to the multitasking view which I am in favor of I've always thought multitasking on the watch kind of stinks and really it seems that watch OS 10 has completely rethought it it now makes sense to use those pretty clean watch faces that Apple's been including for years without losing all of the information that you otherwise would have because now you can just scroll on the crown from your watch screen from your watch face to display a smart stack of information information that you would have otherwise missed out on from absent complications that is great and may encourage me for the first time ever to try a watch face other than infograph module which to this date has been the only good watch face that Apple has ever put on the Apple watch there's also updates to cycling and Hiking by using Bluetooth accessories and topographic maps respectively it's handy but I will also assume that enthusiasts continue to use the likes of Strava and Gaia GPS instead frankly I'm a little bit disappointed that we didn't get a redesigned app interface the app cloud has always been pretty crappy and the list mode isn't much better for heavy app watch users that is to say watch users that have a lot of apps the redesign does look nice but I do think that relative to the other OS as we saw today it needs quite a bit of tweaking and attention before the public release this fall hopefully that happens and or I'm just off the Mark I'm not much of an Apple Watch guy anyways now we get to the mac and holy smokes uh before we talk about Mac OS let's talk about two of the three computers that we got today the updated Mac Studio and the 15-inch MacBook Air they are exactly what you would expect them to be the Mac Studio dishes an M1 Max and Ultra for an M2 Max and Ultra with an average Improvement of 20 across the board not earth shattering but I'm glad to see that it has been updated year on year for basically the last six months we heard like oh it's not going to get updated or it was a one-time thing or it's going to be replaced by the Mac Pro or it'll get an update every other year it seems like they're doing an update every single year and that is great now the MacBook Air that's a little bit more interesting not because of the hardware that's actually not interesting at all it's got the same M2 the same form factor the same display brightness the same color accuracy the same configurable options the same thickness the same camera the same microphones the same i o and it's pretty much the same as the 13 inch the only differences are an increase in weight from 2.7 to 3.3 pounds six speakers instead of four hopefully this model sounds better than 13 inch air which I actually thought sounded pretty mediocre and oh yeah duh a 15.3 inch screen now this machine has been rumored for well over a year and it had also been rumored at around 15 to 1600 at that rumored price point I would have been very bummed out because it would have made this machine purely a business play because for consumers it would make sense to spend a little tiny bit more money on a much more fast much more capable much better looking screened 14.2 inch MacBook Pro that frankly businesses that want to give their employees bigger screens but without spending an extra Penny on anything else that they would be the only real customers of this machine but Apple kinda surprised me they dropped the price of the 13-inch M2 air by 100 to 10.99 and they introduced the 15-inch Air at 12.99 this is a much better price and unlike the 13-inch M2 air that when it launched a felt kind of lost I talked about this in my review that it just didn't really seem like a viable or significantly better replacement than the M1 and that the price was wrong this machine the 15 inch has nailed it it has a target market and that is casual users who want a big screen and a light laptop oh and a bunch of business customers and I'm more than confident that this machine will be great I have got one on order so get subscribed for our review coming soon now let's talk about Mac OS Sonoma first it inherits most all of the new features from IOS and iPad OS but it does add important Flagship Pro features that only a Mac can handle like new screen savers now I install Ariel on all of my Macs so I forget that the Apple TV screen savers are not a thing on the Mac out of the box but they kind are now with new slow-mo aerial footage that slows into place becoming the desktop wallpaper when you log in it's dumb but it's also kind of fun we also now get widgets on the desktop proof features you can now drag widgets outside of the hellscape that is notification center onto the desktop or even cooler you can use continuity from your iPhone to drag them from your iPhone to your Mac without installing the corresponding app on your Mac and then yeah you just plop them onto your desktop now they're only active when you're inside of the finder and switching to another app Fades them out for what Apple says provides better focus but I'm weird and I'm really uh adamant I guess you would say about having a very tidy non-distracting desktop so I don't really know if I'm going to be a huge fan of this but I'm willing to give it a shot a bunch of really cool camera features come to Mac OS and iPad OS when sharing your screen thanks to new camera video effects so these will work in Zoom teams basically any webcam based software Additionally you can now Place augmented reality iMessage style reactions during meetings which while absurd is kind of fun they can even be triggered by a gesture so you put your thumbs up and it turns to fireworks oh Apple Safari perhaps surprisingly also gets some pretty big Updates this year with profile switching so you can keep your extensions your history and your bookmarks different from profile to profile one for work one for school one for personal look I think they could have tied this into Focus modes instead but whatever more exciting to me is oh yeah there's also um like an improved private browsing mode which is cool but more exciting to me is that you can now create native looking apps from websites that live inside your dock so they'll show up in command tab they show up in your applications folder they are by all intents and purposes native Mac apps but they're not they're just a web view now there have been a lot of third-party apps that have done this in the past but they all suck so I am really excited to see apple try at first party this is awesome it could be awesome and the primary reason that I'm using the arc web browser is because I wanted something similar to this feature so this may actually get me to switch back to Safari which I will admit I do miss the speed up frequently then they spent several minutes talking about gaming which is hilarious and also dumb and I will discuss this at length in a future video but yeah kojimasan came out on video to talk about getting uh you know the the Mac to run an exclusive cut of 2019's death stranding great that game is old no man's sky was not talked about in the keynote but it also released today good it's old now look I don't want to sound negative because any games on the Mac are good but we've just we've done this year after year after year and it doesn't get better but I'm going to talk about this later in a future video a few exciting updates were not announced in the keynote that I found later on apple.com like screen sharing now supporting high resolution display streaming this has been a thing that has been absent since well forever and it should have been a thing like 15 years ago but I'm glad that it's here now there's also the ability to use dictation and typing simultaneously without having to stop dictating and there's also a cool new lockdown mode so unfortunately uh what I think needed the most attention in Mac OS notification center which is garbage did not see a redesign also the new crappy system settings app which launched last year was changed up until the very last day that Ventura came out and then Ventura came out and people were like yeah this is still bad but maybe it'll get better and then Apple did nothing for a year yeah well it seems like they're not going to do anything again it's not done it sucks the general polish of Mac OS seems this year to be the most patina of all of Apple's platforms and that's been the trend for years now it's confusing which I guess leads into our next topic something that confusingly hit everyone right in the nuts unless you're me the Mac Pro now I would just like to gloat from your second because everyone for the last year has been talking about how the new Mac Pro would be a redesigned form factor and that there would be no expansion capabilities and if there was it would only be with special Apple accelerator cards and I called BS because the 2019 Mac Pro form factor took them so much money to make and because the only remaining Pros that are unsatisfied by the Mac Studio were 3D Graphics artists and musicians that needed that pcie expansion that I thought everyone else was wrong and guess what we got a cheese grater with pcie I'm right I ordered one because uh what do you think I am a smart person uh yeah but no realistically this computer has transcended practicality for almost everyone and only serves an extremely niche market not even one that covers all of the pro markets that the 2019 MacBook did and here's why so it's got the same exact M2 Ultra SOC that is present in the three thousand dollars less expensive Mac Studio Apple talks about how this is the fastest chip ever in a Mac Pro and how its onboard media engine has seven times the performance of the afterburner fpga that shipped with the previous generation Mac Pro and that's true but so does the Mac Studio there is nothing special about this from a compute standpoint it is exactly the same performance so then where does it differ i o and that's it literally only IO Mac Pro has got eight Thunderbolt 4 ports versus the studios six we also get three usba ports on the new Mac Pro over two USB a ports from the prior generation whoopee add another high bandwidth HDMI a second 10 gigabit Ethernet Nick and take away the SD card reader there you go that's your factory i o on the Mac Pro yeah so those changes aren't huge let's talk pcie then because that theoretically is there are seven slots available on the new Mac Pro but not really because the factory i o card like the prior generation takes up one slot so that leaves six practical expansion slots versus the Intel Mac Pros seven however the new Mac Pro slots they are PCA Gen4 which the previous generation Mac Pro was not so that's that's good I guess but unfortunately we also lose Apple's cool MPX slots that offered cableless power delivery to Apple's special gpus and that's because well there is no Graphics expandability here like I said there is nothing NADA zero that is special about this machine from a compute standpoint so if you can't put graphics cards in there what do you do with this and who is it for well there's a few markets for example Daws like Avid Pro Tools and Ableton Live they are used for uh professional audio production all the time and those applications will often use dsps and audio stream Hardware accelerator cards that have historically only worked over pcie there are also networking applications that can utilize a you know the power of fiber hpas and multi-gigabit networking cards there are some storage arrays that can take advantage of Hardware raid cards that are also compatible with Mac OS and and subsequently I guess the new Mac Pro but here's the thing as Apple has continually neglected its pro market many of these Pro apps have just migrated to supporting Apple silicon already by way of Thunderbolt expansion instead of avid's pcie HDX card many musicians instead use antelope's Thunderbolt HDX DSP and fpgas rather than using a qsfp PCI Nick networking Engineers will just get one that's Thunderbolt capable what previously would have been done with a hardware raid is now updated everyone's moved to better Alternatives like ZFS so look we'll go more into detail with our teardown and review Once mine arrives but a lot of people assume that the new Mac Pro is aimless that Apple just released it because that's not true it knows what it wants to be but it doesn't seem to be aware that most of the industries it's targeting targeting the industries that would have welcomed it they've already moved on a couple years ago so I guess then where does it go from here no we'll talk about that next week when mine arrives but where you're supposed to go now is to my next video covering the Apple event and subsequently the Apple Vision Pro headset as a VR Enthusiast boy do I have thoughts thank you so much for watching see you there and as always stay snazzy
Channel: Snazzy Labs
Views: 303,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snazzy labs, quinn nelson, snazzyq, apple, apple keynote, wwdc 2023, wwdc, vision pro, reality pro, ios 17, ios 17 beta, ipados 17, mac pro, m2 mac pro, 2023 mac pro, m2 max mac studio, m2 ultra mac studio, 2023 mac studio, 15 inch macbook air, m2 air, 15” air, event, tim cook, reaction, analysis, tech
Id: FvOtlMOh6A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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