What are the Top 5 Drinks for Your Kidneys | The Cooking Doc

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hi everybody I'm dr. Blake I'm a board-certified nephrologist and I'm also the cooking doc and this week I'm gonna give you the top 5 things to drink to keep your kidneys healthy and I'm also going to let you in on a little secret that even your doctor may not know stay tuned [Music] before we get started I want to make sure you never miss a new video a new recipe or a new cooking tip I want you to stay as healthy as possible eat the most delicious food so make sure you click that little subscribe button and hit that Bell so you never miss a new recipe first the secret even though the choice of what you drink has a tremendous impact on your long-term kidney function most of us are pretty hydrated all the time so the problem isn't that our kidneys aren't getting enough water because they are but it's that we're getting the water from sources that also contain a lot of hidden sugar so instead of choosing to drink a cup of water you may choose to drink juice sweet tea soda all those things can increase your risk of obesity diabetes and high blood pressure all three of those things are some of the top risks for developing kidney disease now we have to talk about the five best things to replace those sugar sweetened beverages with number one black coffee seems every week a new study comes out touting the benefits of black coffee even last week I just saw one that was kind of right up my alley that said black coffee not only will it not worsen their kidney function but if you have kidney disease it may offer a little bit of a protective benefit coffee has also been linked to a lower risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease if you can't figure out how to drink black coffee and enjoy it check out my top 10 tips right here four ways to incorporate black coffee into your life so you don't feel like you're drinking mud [Music] next let's talk about green tea green tea is full of polyphenols which act as antioxidants inside the body now do those antioxidants and does that green tea actually provide a protective benefit in your health I'm not sure but I do know there's just something so meditative and so nice about a relaxing cup of green tea made correctly can get you into a really Zen state the key to making green tea not taste bitter is to make it correctly so you heat your water up to about 170 180 degrees so not quite boiling and then you pour it over your tea bag your green tea bag and you let it steep for only about 2 to 4 minutes before enjoying it next on the best thing to drink for your kidneys is beet juice beet juice has these things called nitrates in them which convert it to nitric oxide when they get into your body that nitric oxide releases your blood vessels so they relax and so that can help decrease your blood pressure song now nobody that I know of can drink enough beaches so that it impacts your health in a positive way for the long run but when you're reaching for something that's healthy to drink beet juice is a great thing to reach for now here's a caveat about beet juice is that it has a lot of potassium in it so if you have kidney disease or a high potassium level in your blood you want to be real careful about how much beet juice to drink you want to hear more about beets and beet juice check out I made a whole video about beets right here number 4 seltzer water seltzer water doesn't necessarily have any positive benefits on the kidneys but here's where I think it comes into play for a lot of you that need that carbonation with soda or diet soda both of which have been linked to kidney disease in the long run I'm not saying they cause kidney disease but diet soda and regular soda have been linked to the development of kidney disease so every one of you who can't get enough of that carbonation can't get on the regular water train because you need those bubbles seltzer water is a great place to start you can't drink seltzer water plain with a tiny bit of freshly squeezed orange juice and some herbs fabulous ok now for the big reveal the number one thing to drink to keep your kidneys healthy is drumroll please [Music] regular water yeah I mean come on what else did you think I was gonna say regular water has zero calories in it it's easy to get for most of us and it really does quench your thirst you may have to change your buds a little bit so you appreciate the taste of fresh regular water but it can be done so choose one of these five things when you're going to the counter going to the cabinet go into the store and trying to figure out what to drink these should be the base of the way you quench your thirst and the way you keep yourself hydrated thank you guys for joining me this week I'm dr. Blake the cooking doc we will see you next week make sure you go to my website the cooking doxy oh the cooking doc TV sign up for my newsletter we have weekly recipes and tips directly to your email inbox make sure you subscribe to this channel I'm on facebook I'm on Instagram thanks for watching stay healthy change buds and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: The Cooking Doc
Views: 2,218,314
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Keywords: top 5 drinks for your kidneys, top 5 drinks to keep you hydrated, drinks for your kidneys, drinks to keep you hydrated, top 5 kidneys, healthy kidneys, top 5 drinks for kidneys, keeping your kidneys hydrated, how to keep your kidneys hydrated, how to keep your kidneys healthy, keeping your kidneys healthy, do i need 8 glasses of water a day, do my kidneys need 8 glasses or water a day, kidneys, kidney health, nephrology, the cooking doc
Id: e_0tzH_ZUGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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