'Where's The Proof?': Jamie Raskin, Ron Johnson Spar Over Climate Change Mitigation Soutions

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thank you very much Senator Kane next is uh Senator Johnson who will be followed by Senator van Holland thank you Mr chairman Congressman welcome Senator um are you aware of the world climate declaration there is no climate emergency it's signed by now over 1800 a global scientists professionals there is no climate emergency it was are you aware of that declaration I I'm not aware of that one I I assume I'm aware I entered in the record I'd recommend you read I thought one of the without objection it will be entered into the record all did it but we'll enter into this one too I thought one one of the interesting statements in there is the obvious that CO2 is plant food if you want to Green Planet you need some CO2 but anyway you ought to take a look at that you know I'm I'm by the way I'm not a climate change denier I'm just not a climate change alarmist like you and the chairman uh I would call myself a climate change realist uh in your testimony you say my watery home state of Maryland with more than 7100 miles of coastline is strikingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change in the rising sea level so that that's one of the biggest alarms of you know the climate change folks is that the sea level rise and just wipe out Co signs correct yes okay so are you aware of the how much the sea level has risen in the Bay of San Francisco since the last glaciation period of you know some 12 12 to 20,000 years ago which is just a blink of the ey and geologic time you know you know how much the sea level has risen in the Bay of San Francisco in that time I did not know that one want just take a guess no because I'm not guessing very well today so no it's 390 ft do you think there's anything mankind could have done to prevent that level sea level rise of 390 feet just again 20,000 years well uman you think there's something we could do about that um no I okay good that's that's the answer no there's nothing we could do about that and by the way you know the chairman mentioned Witnesses brought before this committee have let me tell you what some of them have said majority Witnesses when I asked a majority witness you know about 80% of world power glob you know in the US globally is created by fossil fuel I asked do you believe that either India or China are going to give up their coal burning plants and the Democrat the majority winess said no and neither are we because we simply can't so I'm kind of getting back to senator 's point is there's literally there's nothing we can do about this other than adapt another witness claimed that we've spent about5 trillion this is before the inflation reduction act which by the way isn't $400 billion with the tax credit gold Goldman sax was about $1.2 trillion so that's about $6 trillion we've already spent combating climate change question I have for you has all that spending done anything to impact climate change five to 6 trillion already spent but undoubtedly it has where's the proof well I mean you're you're here you're here before the committee again SC you know we've had 16 17 hearings now again climate change alarmism you know we're going to destroy our planet it's it's not going to keep lasting got to do something now we've been doing $6 trillion dollar worth I I I haven't heard any reduction in the alarmism here whatsoever well the I mean you describe yourself I think as a climate realist realist but it sounds to me more like you're a climate fatalist that there's really nothing that can be done the focus of the hearing today of course is on the Big Oil Industries attempts to obscure the problem for many decades and then to undermine any potential Solutions if you start with are you we the VTO ice core samples I'm sorry the VTO ice core samples okay this is you know the most famous analysis over 440,000 years shows very five very distinct Cycles do you know what the temperature variation of those of those Cycles was the seasonally you mean or you mean over time no over geologic time 440,000 years oh well there's been ice ages and I'm sure it's dramatic again do you know what the temperature variation revealed in those things is please share 22.7 degrees Fahrenheit and oh by the way they didn't really talk about this but CO2 ended up being a lagging indicator to temperature which would imply there is the globe warm all the CO2 most of it's locked up in the ocean gets unlocked and so it's temperature that causes CO2 to rise as opposed to the exact opposite again it's one one of the you know orbital forcing there's all kinds of other theories about this what I'm saying is it's not settled science so why are we why are we projecting spending trillions of dollars to impact something that we really in the end can't change that's my point yeah but I mean I think the claim that the science is un certain is itself a lagging indicator I mean we heard that for decades from Big Oil that we just couldn't know that there's a study on this side there's a study on that side I think the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence yeah I realize that the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence is on uh the the conclusion that man-made causes are behind climate change check out these 800 scientists led by two Nobel physic prize winning in winners in physics check out their world climate declaration there is no climate emergency I but I will definitely check that out and I'll get back to you on it I mean again and this is difficult for those of us who are not scientists because all that we can do or at least all we can reasonably do is depend on the scientific authorities that are part of our government and that are part of the United Nations and that are rendering the conclusions that we can count on but I'm very happy to read any kind of dissenting View I really am uh
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 108,231
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Id: EfjXuakhjBU
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Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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