Matt Gaetz Makes Bombshell Claim His Request To Speak To Peter Navarro In Prison Would Be Denied

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for what purposes the gentleman from Florida seek recognition to address the house for one minute and revise and accept my remarks without objection the gentleman is recognized for 1 minute Mr Speaker I Rise to alert this house of the actions of the Federal Bureau of Prisons which seem to be vindicating the claim made by Peter Navaro that he is being held as a political prisoner I've been trying for five weeks to be able to interview Mr Navaro and there are Provisions that ought to allow this and I was informed directly by director Peters who runs the bureau that that request would be denied and the reason it's being denied is because Peter Navaro is too notorious to be interviewed by a member of Congress John Gotti was interviewed when he was in prison the qanon shaman was interviewed in prison director Peters herself brought NBC News through prisons to showcase the work of Corrections that's being done so I think there is something else a foot here Mr Navaro I'm being told as not being allowed to access his attorney and it is because it is shameful what has been done to Peter Navaro based on a sham January 6 committee and a sham indictment and a sham conviction that we ought to work to remediate immediately upon president Trump's rightful and righteous return to office thank you Mr Speaker I yeld back
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 48,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rallH1Xd9Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 19sec (79 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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