WATCH: Josh Hawley Flabbergasted By Answer From Deb Haaland

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thank you Mr chairman I just want to come back Madam Secretary to this trade-off between energy security and the radical climate change agenda that you've endorsed Which is less energy security for America radical climate change agenda um on the subject of these sweeping mandates related to electric vehicles that the Biden Administration has imposed including now for our military the metals needed to make the Lithium-ion batteries in those vehicles are of course lithium nickel graphite and Cobalt now can you tell me what nation is the largest producer of refined lithium in the world no I can't it's China can you tell me which nation is the largest producer of refined Cobalt in the world no Senator it's China do you know what nation is the largest exporter of natural graphite to the United States globally no Senator it's China okay so in all of these instances these mandates your decision to trade off our energy Security in favor of a radical climate change agenda is making us more and more dependent on China and at the same time you are denying mining blocking mining blocking permits for mines in this country that would allow us to develop nickel and copper and Cobalt why why block the development of these resources in our own nation in favor of making us dependent on China Senator are you referring to the Boundary Waters I'm referring to the to the twin Metals mine in Minnesota I think that Senator Bros are just asking about yes near The Boundary Waters which is a iconic place and of course um a very valuable ecological system to many plants animals species um but jobs for let me just say this though jobs for blue-collar workers in this nation are valuable resources the livelihood and well-being of American families are valuable resources the ability of America to have our own industry and not be dependent on China is a valuable resource why should those things for millions of Americans be sacrificed in in favor of your agenda for radical climate change Senator I I know that uh there's like 1.9 jobs for every American in the country right now so I know there's a lot of jobs wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you're telling me you're telling me we've got too many jobs in the country well I'm saying that we don't have enough people that's why we are having a hard time finding folks to work at our department oh wait you're telling me that we have too many jobs for Blue Collar work have you seen the number of jobs we have lost in this country to China in the last 20 years do you know where those jobs come from over 3 million jobs have gone to China do you know where those jobs have come from they've come out of Midwestern towns like the ones I represent they are blue collar workers and you're sitting here and telling me that we have too many jobs in this country are you serious Senator we are working hard every single day there are we we have processed 20 mining applications 20 mines or mining modification permits since January of 2021 we are moving forward we're doing our jobs we're fulfilling our mission you're not moving forward you're moving backward you're shutting down and denying permits for mines in this country where we can develop our own resources you're shutting down oil and natural gasing permits you're you're approving taxes and royalties that deliberately suppress American Energy development in favor of a climate change agenda and now you're sitting here and telling me we've got too many jobs in this country we've got gobs of jobs in this country we don't need any more jobs in this country I want to take the strongest possible exception to that comment and that to that entire mentality which I think is very honest I think it reflects the mentality of your Administration which is when it comes to blue collar workers in this country you're on your own good luck good luck to you we got plenty you know just shut up and go get a job at McDonald's you know whatever no more complete quit complaining about the loss of American industry I mean good Lord that is extraordinary what an extraordinary response may I say something absolutely the rest of the time's yours thank you contrary to that we have created a number of jobs we have an orphaned oil orphan gas program where we've capped orphan oil well oil and gas Wells an abandoned mine Reclamation project that has lifted whole communities up in reclaiming their mine lands that have uh that have devastated their communities these folks have been out of jobs for years and now because of the bipartisan infrastructure law because of the inflation reduction act they found new ways to engage and not only have jobs but but have a vision for what they want their communities to look like we have plugged orphan gas wells in people's backyards in Pennsylvania and we're doing so in California and Texas these are things these are communities that rely on this government to find a way forward for them there is um unfortunately a dearth of Legacy pollution in this country those are jobs good paying well well-paying jobs with Benefits that Americans are having because of President Biden and his policies and we're proud to move those issues and those programs forward for the American people my time's expired I'll just say in conclusion again trading off American Energy Security in favor of your radical climate change agenda losing shutting down good paying American jobs in our energy sector and then saying the explanation is we've got plenty of jobs in this country I think is the most potentially and this is quite this is quite a high bar I might add the most unbelievable statement I have heard from a member of this Administration maybe in my time in the Senate thank you Mr chairman thank you I want to thank all of
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 1,079,090
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Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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