Appalachian Goulash~

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hey guys welcome to a collapses home staff you tear here with a video for you today so many of you have asked me over and over how to make this so tonight we're gonna tell you how we're gonna show you how we're in a bad - for dinner tonight and I'm gonna tell you right now that not only is this a super easy meal to make you know for for the kids and for the man and aren't they gonna love it you better believe it but not only that this is an Appalachian classic when it comes to dinner or supper time it's known as Appalachian style goulash now I will tell you right now anybody you talked to that makes goulash finally give you a little bit different a reversion everybody does it a little bit different I'm going to be giving you my Nana's recipe the ovens already set we're ready brother so what I'm gonna do is go through it and show you how we make it I make it predominantly the exact same way every time and what the difference is usually art is what I add with the meat so I'm going to show you what we've got going on first of all what you're gonna do is you're gonna cook up some brown meat some hamburger meat that's what I do I use I love to UM get the grass-fed beef I use about a pound now if you want to be super quick with a meal like this or any meal you want to cook up a lot of ground beef at one time say 5 or 10 pounds because if you're gonna cook it why not cook it all at one time scoop out what you need for that meal and then freeze in separate packets for future dinners that way you've got ground beef ready to go for whatever you need but for the goulash what I do is I add peppers I like to go up to the garden we did today it is middle of November and we still have peppers I didn't take down all of my garden and we still have green peppers and orange peppers and banana peppers so I have chopped up some fresh peppers and put in here green and orange add a little bit of color that's always nice I've also added with the ground beef some mushrooms and we'll show you that so we just put that in there and all we did was cook all of that up in the meantime while that's cooking up and getting going and getting all that flavor going you want you on the side just like you're making macaroni and cheese okay you want to get hack this is a 16-ounce pack of elbow macaroni you do not have to use elbow macaroni that's kind of the traditional way with it in terms of what most people use when they make goulash but if you study Appalachian style cooking you're gonna find out real fast and furious that most of or all of your recipes change why because the ladies use what they have on hand okay that's why there's such good cooks they know how to use what they have so if you've got rotini or smaller little penang postures what are a mix as long as you've got some type of pasta that you love it's gonna work just great I've done that before so don't worry about that but traditionally if you want to use the elbow macaroni so I've got that over here cooking boiling actually boiling up in some water I'll put a little bit of olive oil in there just to do that you're gonna just like you with spaghetti okay you're gonna cook that up and we're going to end up cooking it and draining it okay so we're gonna get this going let the meat fish cooking and then we'll get on to the next phase all right this is real simple guys one pound ground beef I place in some mushrooms these are organic mushrooms that I pick up on it cuz though I like to keep those on hand for different recipes I chopped up a small green bell pepper and two orange peppers we just did a small chop on there I've just let it cook up just like you would for anything and you can see we're doing really good here so we're gonna move on to the next phase all right so our meat is browned the peppers and mushrooms are ready to go if you want to add some onion some folks like to add onion with this we don't we prefer it without onion but that's what I said you can change it up you can add this add a little bit of that totally up to you okay that's what's so great about this now is when we get to the point we're gonna start adding the spices it's a pinch of this and a pinch of that okay I just add some sea salt in here to give it a little bit of flavor and again I'm gonna you know Kim for this as I go so that may not be all that I do just sprinkle that in I'm gonna add in a little bit of garlic you could do real garlic you could dice up some garlic and put it in there I just use a little bit of garlic powder garlic salt let's not make this okay you're also going to add in a little bit of black pepper just whatever you feel like okay that salt we've got pepper we've got garlic going in here getting it all going I like to add a dash of BK w seasonings there are a local company would like to support that there's some folks that we know this is wonderful I add a dash of this just about to everything so I'm just gonna put a little bit in there you don't have to do that that's a personal thing that's not you know necessarily traditional just trying to get some flavor and some spices going in there the next two things are the secret in the sauce this is what my Nana will tell you she is huge into Italian seasonings all my life I've wondered how did my Nana's goulash and spaghetti 's and homemade this and homemade that side of beans or whatever tastes like it does I'm gonna tell you the two ways one Italian seasoning and she will tell you that too so I get my Italian seasonings from the local Mennonites and I'm just gonna - it in there and you're not going to believe me when I tell you but Parmesan cheese you can grate it you can buy it already done up like this I like to get my from Trader Joe's Parmesan cheese and we're just gonna be a little bit generous with that I went for years cooking seriously and my stuff would just never taste like Nana's and finally one day many years later she was over at my house and I was cooking up something and she said what did you put in the Parmesan cheese and I said what she said did you put in the Parmesan cheese and I said no and she was like Patera that's the secret to it all is the Parmesan cheese so we've got the Parmesan cheese in here we've got salt and pepper and again we'll taste it well temper it we'll figure it out so this is what you're doing you're making your own little hamburger helping deal now we're gonna go in and we're gonna add tomato sauce actually tomatoes these are my own home canned tomatoes okay you can use dyes to your student whatever you like we're gonna put that in there okay I may not use the entire thing I'd like to see what its gonna look like so you're gonna want to get this in here while your noodles are and to really get going there on the side as you can see so this is so simple this takes after the meat is browned this is going to take you no time flat okay this is why I'm cooking in Appalachia in a lot of ways it's very simple it's very easy and we want it that way because we got to get back out in the barn and do some work tonight because we've got a broody hen that we've made her her own stalls so all right we're gonna let this cook up we'll be back in just a few minutes all right guys we're ready to rock and roll we've got the noodles completely cooked and they are drained this has been kind of cooking and just working itself up we're gonna put the noodles in okay and trust me this is hot so I'm just gonna move slow now you may cook all this that's up to you right and you just work in there however many you want to we like a lot of noodles and right now I'm going to tell you with us feeding pigs and I'm trying to feed them it's non-gmo and as organic as good as possible if we had any leftovers from this we don't we never do we won't there's a Bible - I'll throw in your little deal for tomorrow add it with their feet and they're so good but anyway so all you're going to do is you're going to mix the noodles into this now I didn't use my own canned tomatoes okay I'm big into tomatoes you can never have too many tomatoes okay but if you want to buy I told you before the canned version have some of that on hand I'm telling you it's a lifesaver as long as you've got some pinto beans you can whip up some goulash some corn bread life is really good for you okay so all I'm going to do is mix this it's all I'm doing taking my time try not to splash it everywhere like I normally do right and you're just going to mix this together get the sauce the juices the meat the peppers the yummy mushrooms all worked in together okay so you're making I grew up on stuff like this kind of that box stuff we all but nobody can beat this you start making this for your family taking this to a couple potluck lunches and whatever you want to do I'm gonna tell you you're gonna be the hit so all I'm doing is mixing it that's it now I did do a little taste test and we were right on the money with all the spices and flavors so I'm not gonna really add any more because I'm gonna all I'm gonna do is add in a little bit more of that Parmesan cheese that's up to you and we're good to go because I'm gonna put this in the oven now that's preheated at 375 I'm gonna let it cook up for about 15 minutes you want to I ball that okay you don't want it to get dried out or too bad but all that's going to do is bake all this together I'm gonna let it cook in there oh you have 12 15 minutes or so and then I'm gonna bring it back out cuz then we're gonna add cheese to it so that's what we're gonna do next we'll get that going and we'll be right back with you all right guys it just took this wonderful Lodge cast-iron skillet out of the oven so this is what it's looking like just mixing it just a little bit it's cooked up it's fabulous already what I'm gonna do is add cheese you can add any type of cheese that you like I have shredded this this is just a mild cheddar I love a mild cheddar you can do Colby jack just whatever you like and I think that obviously shredded cheese that you shred yourself is gonna be better than you know what you grabbing the bag but hey let's be honest moms are busy homesteading moms are busy and anything that you can cook and prepare at home is always ahead of the game all right all I'm gonna do is put this cheese on there I'm gonna put this back in the oven for probably five or eight minutes just pretty much to get the cheese to melt down and we'll be right back with you we've got our cornbread made up here because I like to add cornbread on the side potatoes we always make potatoes with our Yukon Golds that we get out of our root cellar we're so fortunate to have a real nice root cellar so our stuff is down there and stored away and that's what we're going to be cooking up so let's get this back in the oven and we'll be right back all right I think she's ready we're gonna let this just keep in the pan I still got cornbread to make we're gonna fry up our potatoes we always have goulash with a side of Texas Pete to you I always add dilly beans or ciaochao this is my homemade cha cha is my great-grandmother's recipe it's well over a hundred year old recipe so we might have to show you this too sometime of course we're all milk from his bail can't get any better than that just made my corn bread with that so we're gonna scoop this out on the play so you can see come over here and see this what I'm talking about I'm just gonna do a little portion you might have to do a little early taste tests you see how well that's cooked up I'm telling you this is gonna be a family favorite it's gonna connect you back to your roots and we just preach it appreciate y'all watching all the time here at Appalachian I'm standing preach too if you want to guess but how about sobriki but we just appreciate y'all and we thank you for watching and we hope everybody's doing well if you like what you see here and apple watches homestead be sure to LIKE and subscribe we love hearing from you guys try this out I promise it's so easy you're gonna say why haven't I been making this a long time ago be sure to check us out on Facebook and Instagram and Pinterest in all the places that we are and we'll talk to you soon we're gonna get cooking and eating and get back to work we'll talk to y'all soon
Channel: Appalachia's Homestead with Patara
Views: 46,948
Rating: 4.9129629 out of 5
Keywords: Goulash (Dish), Food (TV Genre), Homesteading (Literature Subject)
Id: 1iERuStMq3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2015
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