I FEAR It WILL Get Worse

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[Music] hey guys welcome to appalachia's homestead it's time to go through and thin out my corn so i'm going to show you that i cannot tell or do anything else it's way too wet and we're expecting a whole lot more rain today but i do want to get this one situation squared away so i'll talk to you about that and then [Music] guys i fear it's gonna get worse okay so real quick what i'm gonna do is get in the mud i'm trying to make sure that i am doing a certain amount of chores every single day we'll talk about that but i'm out here where i planted my corn and this corn is actually about 12 days old so it's getting to be about six inches high now i can't come in here until right now okay so that's gonna have to be coming up as soon as we can but right now what i'm going to be doing is thinning it out you want to have about one stalk every i do four to six inches i actually pull two times and the reason being is because i like to go ahead and take out the obvious ones first and for the side dress is what we call it side dressing with the fertilizer and then i give it a little bit more time to make sure all of them are doing really really good and then i come in and select and i might pull again to thin it out to give it plenty of space to grow does that make sense but that's what you do now in the past i've done the three sisters i'm not doing the three sisters this year but what i may do here in the next couple of days is once i get this thinned out looking good here i may come in and let these get a little bit stronger a little bit taller and i'm thinking about putting some more beans out and letting them grow on the corn because it's an effective way to at least grow two good items and folks you can't grow too much food this year so this is the perfect example you can see that i have one two three four five potentially six little corn stalks growing all in one area right here that's way too many so what i'm going to do i like to keep it in the line here is i'm going to take out right now probably at least three or four of them i'm gonna leave those there's a little bit of a gap i'm gonna see which one you know continues to grow and do her thing and then i'll continue down the road just like that so this is why i leave a few some of you might you know take out more than i do the first time but i've learned that some of them don't make it so it's always good to leave a few behind and then come back in another week or two and the ones that might be weak or the ones that did well you can kind of pick and choose in between which ones you want to save the next time okay so these are going to be great treats for the rabbits now you can come in and side dress now which side dress means you're simply going to be putting the fertilizer along the side of the corn you can use different fertilizers i will tell you that i had people argue with me and tell me that fish emulsion was not effective enough it was not high enough in this and high enough in that i will tell you in years past if that's what you would like to use and you've got good soil worth like a charm for me so do what works best for you and your farm so before i get caught in this rainstorm let me say what i need to say to you today and i've even talked to james about this before i filmed because i'm always cautious about what i say i want my channel to be a happy place and a learning place and a place of our roots and a place of our discoveries and things like that but i have a lot of concerns and i have a lot of things at times that i feel like i hold back on and i'm not going to hold back today and i discussed it with james and he said just say it and i said okay so we're all living in an incredible time right now we don't need to relive what 2020 and into 2021 has been like we're all trying to get back to some type of normal whatever that may be no one denies that and there's been all kinds of issues health issues health scares politics religion and her i'm being very careful of what i say but here's what i want you to think about the most right now pay very close attention to the people you are close to why i can only come at you in terms of what i'm going to say by what i think and what i believe you may not agree but if there has been a time in your life in recent years that you have sort of felt the call or the need to pay attention to be a little bit more prepared we've seen things happen over the last year that most of us have never seen in our lifetime and that's kind of had a call a call to action in terms of preparedness thinking ahead we've talked about these things your pantry whatever but the thing that i want to talk about the most in this segment is are you paying close attention to mental health is anybody talking about this with you have you thought about this you need to it is critical so as we have come out of 2020 and we're kind of pushing half halfway y'all halfway into 2021. have you noticed and have you seen the mental changes in people not just general people i'm not talking about i mean every single one of us regardless of how we feel about anything could say people on social media are just crazy they're crazy it's crazy people are crazy i say it all the time i'm talking about the people close to you your closest who you think or who you thought or who are your closest friends and family people that should be your allies what are they doing how are they responding to things how are they behaving what is going on around you and why am i telling you to pay attention why am i reminding myself to pay attention you know those v8 moments folks it's like this the way that people respond to things now are a foreshadowing are foretelling of how they're going to respond to things in the future and if you're paying attention to a lot of things that are going on folks were at a tipping point on a lot of different things and the way that others that are close to you in how they are responding to things or how they are dealing with things that affects you if you've lived through the last 18 months of your life i'm gonna i am going to bet i'm not gonna bet just one donut i'm gonna bet an entire dozen and i'm gonna bet them i'm gonna throw sprinkles on them honey i bet you have seen huge changes in people i bet you have seen huge disappointments in people i bet you have lost friends for various reasons politics religion her health reasons you've seen people respond to everything that's gone on the last 12 to 18 months probably in a way that you didn't expect you've probably seen them change you've probably seen people make very bad decisions you've probably seen people change jobs lose jobs not just because of the economy but because of what's going on up here you've seen people go back to a lifestyle because of stress and depression and isolation and they've started doing things that they got away from you probably have dealt with certain levels of unfortunate passings of people you've probably seen people age exponentially this is all a mental drain on you and everybody around you the difference between you and them is that i'm trying to be and trying to make you to be more aware of this why is that important well the reason that is important is because if people are not responding well to what's going on around us and with people and with the world very well right now what's gonna happen when it gets worse i'm not a financial guru never claimed to be never claimed to be but i think there's some obvious signs that we've got some serious problems and i don't really see anybody doing anything to fix it and it's been compounded by multiple issues that's not what this video is about what i'm saying to you is are you watching people do nothing are you watching people just be in denial are you watching people be angry are those the people that are in your inner circle i have a serious problem with people playing victim now that doesn't mean that bad things don't happen to people and that people aren't justified in having issues or down emotions about things that have happened in their life that's not what i'm talking about but what are they doing to try to combat that that's what matters when things get hard and things get tough and people have to pull together folks what's going on here has to be first in the last year we have felt a major call to action in our little family to try to do as much as we can on our homestead i don't talk about this a lot of my videos because i don't want to be a point of stress every time you come to youtube i want you to learn something or to giggle or have a good time or go oh my lord or whatever but honestly there's always details and i tell you all the time to stay busy and that is not just because you should keep your pantry full as you can it's not just because i want you to be healthy it's because you need to stay busy so that you maintain your mental health it is critical again we're on the edge of so many things we're just riding right along it you know it i know it the elephant's standing right here so let's not deny it we have to be proactive and i'm warning you to be very very careful and to be very very cautious of the people in your life and how they are dealing with all the trauma and drama and all of the things that are going on around us because when the poop hits the fan you can't necessarily do a lot of things on your own or let's say who pits the fan and you're the people you're the family you're the person that people are going to run to folks you're not going to have time to be dealing with being dr phil it's going to be all hands on deck it should already be all hands on deck so i'm not telling you to cut people off or to you know not help people that need help but i'm making you aware of the fact that the number one issue that you could be dealing with in the very near future in fact i would argue you're already dealing with it is people's folks mental health i think all of us have gone through the ringer in the last 12 to 18 months we may look good we may be working fine but we've all had stress we've all had have had trauma or drama the difference is is are you coming out of your states of paralysis that's what happens to me when i get traumatized or i get upset i don't mean angry when i get really traumatized by what i fear could be happening i become in a sense paralyzed that is a dangerous state to be in you must fight it at all times be watching for these clues and cues with your spouse with your mom with your children it's critical that we understand what we're dealing with in terms of the mental aspect of all the trauma that we've all experienced the last 12 to 18 months this is why i tell you to turn off the news this is why i tell you to limit your time on social media this is why i tell you pick and choose who you watch and listen to because if it's constant this and constant that and you are in a state of paralysis you know what you're not out here thinning your corn and let me tell you you need to be the boy that could grow corn so this is what i'm doing this is my personal commitment i spend several hours every day just by default just like many of you tending to my homestead you have to feed your animals you have to clean certain things you have to tend to certain things not every day is the exact same but on average i spend at least at least two to four hours working in some capacity and most the time it's outside or in the barn or in the coop or something like that push that push it this is why i'm telling you i could have gotten to the store already you know i went inside taking my shower i've got some errands to run and i'm going to and i could have put this off and you know what i did i was in the bathroom and i was getting ready and james called and i said nope i'm not leaving yet i am going to thin out my corn and straighten it up even if it takes me 30 minutes to an hour and i get out later i might be a little bit muddy so what let the world see you a little bit muddy they need to be muddy too so folks here's what i'm telling you stay very very busy be aware of the people that you are spending your time with watch them closely talk with them understand how they respond to things get them busy because folks i'm going to tell you right now in my worst place of paralysis and fear if things could ever go to the level that i just thinking about fear sets me into total paralysis and fear it's gonna take everybody you know it's gonna take all of us and we're gonna have to be right remember when granny would tell you she ain't right you're gonna have to be right pick and choose your circle pick and choose wisely and stay very very busy all right enough enough jib jab i've got two more rows to do we gotta get this done honey stay well stay the course stay busy see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Appalachia's Homestead with Patara
Views: 91,112
Rating: 4.9610772 out of 5
Id: jNRTg5hmG1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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