Apostolic Church of God(Bishop Brazier)"God Has Spoken"

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and I know that only of God holy Christ could have tricked me up and taking me out of that world and place me in another sphere I know it because personal living witness that Jesus Christ is alive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now join Bishop Arthur embrasure and the Apostolic Church of God as we praise and worship the Lord together [Music] and you know that he's worthy because he's done great things [Music] [Music] many one six [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can't you see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's see the Bible said they let's trust them alone [Music] but your ever [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Lord let the church say thank you Jesus once again we are back in the House of Prayer and what a joy what a blessing it is to be here the works of our God so the time has come now for us to go before the Lord in prayer we do want to remember those who have written in those who have asked for prayer whose names in our prayer and register book and I want to pray for those who are in hospitals and nursing homes yes those who have run afoul of the law and find themselves incarcerated we know that God is able to do all things let us pray that God will continue to smile upon us and bless us in every way let us call upon his holy name eternal God our Father we thank you because you have called us out of darkness into this marvelous lake and we thank you for the good life that you have granted us we have all had troubles we've all had difficulties all of us have been down in the valley of depression oppression and all of us have shed tears when we have lost a loved one many of our desires and our hopes have been dashed but Lord when we look at our lives as a whole we see that you have blessed us beyond our wildest dream you he'll be our shelter in a time of storm you have been a light on a dark path no Lord we thank you help us Lord not to be complainants help us never ever to forget your goodness and your mercy we ask Lord that you will touch those who are in hospitals and nursing homes and prisons and jails we pray O Lord that you will help those who are sick heal their bodies and those who are imprisoned we pray Lord that when they are released they will lead lives there wasn't cause him never the dark in that place again we ask for Lord that some soul will be saved this day and your people will be blessed and strengthened we ask these blessings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and all the people said a man the scripture reading for today is taken from Psalm 56 verses one through four let's read all together be merciful unto me O God for man would swallow me up he fighting daily oppresses me mine enemies would daily swallow me up for they be many that fight against me o thou most high what time I am afraid I will trust in thee and god I will praise His Word and God I have put my trust I will not fear what flesh can do unto me and this is the word of the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] you know Oh [Music] if you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] no asking boys Jesus [Music] nah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I love you this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] once again we thank God for this wonderful choir and the songs that they have so wonderfully inspired us with as they normally do every Sunday it's a real joy to stand here before you behind the sacred desk again there's no and there's no greater joy that I have in life than to stand it for this wonderful congregation to speak to you from the word of the Lord I don't want to thank God again for all the saints who were not able to get into this sanctuary but who are still worshiping worshiping with us in the kenwood sanctuary the Kimbell sanctuary holds over 1200 people and I've been in fact that the Kindler sanctuary now is almost full now let's give a big hand back the saints of God who are in the Cynwyd sanctuary you are part of this worship service don't ever forget that as I often say these walls separate us but spiritually we are together and I thank God for you who are still here with us as we worship God on this beautiful and but chilly Sunday morning let us open our Bibles and turn to the word of the Lord I'm praying trusting that somebody here this morning who may not know Jesus Christ in the pardon of their sins someone who has never yet been baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit I want I hope that the Holy Ghost will touch you this morning and you will have the courage when we open the doors of the church to come forward and give your life to Christ because God would have touched your heart these are some trying times and the society which we live is a violent one it sends shivers down my spine as I followed the news of the recent happenings a judge a federal judge went home and found her husband and her mother slain laying in the pools of blood not too many days after a man going to trial for rape overpowered a guard a female guard is a female guard because I I'm not quite sure what went down there something was wrong that they had one lady a man in this this criminal head was found earlier with two shields in his shoe how was this man be able to walk with no manacles no handcuffs with one dog he overpowered her could have been to me it made no difference and this man killed three people maybe four before the smoke from his gun had this had assimilated into there somebody in the church service opened fire in a church service and killed seven people I say we're living in a violin society but yet I'm thankful to God because it could be worse and I'm thankful to him because irrespective of how people denounced Christianity denounced the Bible make fun of Christ God is still on the throne [Music] and God has spoken to us God has spoken to us and I'm going to read to you from Hebrews chapter 1 spoke from this text a few years ago about God speaking to his people God has spoken some of you may remember this and I believe that it is necessary for me to return to this text because too many of us failed to understand who Jesus is in Hebrews chapter one I shall read the first three verses God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets have in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world's who being the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high and all the people said amen God has spoken in time past God spoke through many prophets on one occasion he spoke through the mouth of a dumb animal spoke through Isaiah he spoke through Jeremiah he spoke through Daniel he spoke through Ezekiel and then there's a group of prophets that we call the minor prophets I don't know why we call him that not because they're speechless for their writings were less than the writings of others but the minor prophets were just as important it was a minor prophet who said he has showed the old man what is good and what does the Lord require of thee but to do justice love mercy and walk humbly with thy God Micah said that so the Bible says God in different times and in different ways spoke to us through the prophets as in these last days now he's speaking to us through his son with a clear high sounding note that rings with certainty the inspired writer gives to us that blessed truth God this opening pronouncement is the thread by which the entire gospel is fabricated and held together it is indeed the fundamental truths about Christian faith that God has spoken if he had remained silent he would have remained unknown unfathomable and the predicament of the human race would have indeed been desperate but God has spoken unlike the pagan gods wouldn't stole God's so-called which stood unmoving unfeeling speechless God gods who were fabricated by the hands of men carved out of wood then stone made and figures up you would be then animals Boogie's prophet down snakes then stood up and kneel down and then the images that had been fabricated by man's hand he would bow down to them and that's what they help and many of you being no man when they began to tighten down that tips and travel to another location they had unscrew their gods Lord above all now camels and wagons and take their dogs with them but the God that we serve is not speechless God for God just spoken the psalmist said he spoke it was done he commanded and it stood fast in time pass in different ways he spoke through dreams and visions he spoke to priests then were adorned with the human and Thummim through prophets of old but now today he speaks to us through his son his son who was introduced to the world in a never-to-be-forgotten moment on the banks of the River Jordan what a what a scene it must have been when the only begotten Son of God stood there on the banks of that legendary River there standing on the shore was one that all the prophets spoken all it was a great prophet Isaiah who referred to him as the Lamb that was led to the slaughter and there John the Baptist Oh by his majestic presence spoke to the multitude gathered there and said behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world John the Baptist John the Baptist we often refer to John the Baptist as a New Testament figure but in reality John the Baptist's really was the last of the Old Testament so oh I know we say the malachi was the last of the Old Testament prophets but John John was before the cross John was before Greece John came under the law Malachi the last prophet in the Old Testament was the last one who heard the voice of God for four hundred years for 400 years there was silence no prophetic utterance team and then comes this man not of not a man from the courts of princes not a man dressed in the best finery not a man who ate from the finest foods set with the finest people it was a man of the desert who instead away flowing Ramon's war law and clogged instead of eating the wonderful dangers of his time he fed on the desert food of locusts it was an awesome man and the Bible says after 400 years the Bible said that was a man sent from God yes do you mean was John and Jesus said of all the women of all that men and women born of a woman none will be greater and John the Baptist in John's Gospel he's never referred to as the Baptist why because John role was really to be a witness he was not referred to as a forerunner but he was a witness he was not that light but he came to be a witness of that light John says look the word behold is an imperative he almost come and cast your gaze you must look at this man standing for you at this moment at this time he is a lamb the true Lamb of God there on the banks of that marry Jordan stood Jesus Christ the people who were able to gaze upon the Son of God will bless people we today do not have that glorious privilege he no longer Tabernacles here on earth he's no longer visible to the mortal eye but with the eye of faith we can see this man through this heavenly veil our high priest sitting not walking this word sitting indicates that his works been done sitting at the right hand of God there in his exalted state Oh some people been blinded by the devil I remember when The Passion of the Christ came out there's a lot of criticism about it and they asked one very famous television commentary commentator on a very famous program they asked him have you went to see The Passion of the Christ he said I would not spend nine dollars for laughs there Jesus in his exalted state while somebody's talking about the cross as laughs but they're the celestial beings fall prostrate before him the angel of heaven say thou art worthy to take the book and to over the seal their offer thou was slain and have redeemed us to God by that blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation but a question arises today it arises among those who are steeped in moral turpitude there is a question about Jesus being a savior and blind as they are they say what do we need with a Savior do do we really need a Savior anyone even if you had cataracts could see the need for say everywhere Jesus Christ is gaining people who are faithful to him everywhere souls are being saved right now everywhere today in spite of everyone mocking Christ and laughing at him and some of us who wear clerical garb some of our behavior has caused the cause of the cause of Christ to be ill spoken of some of our behavior not necessarily sexual although certainly I'm not ruling that out but how are turning away from the gospel of grace and putting so much emphasis on materialism and money and prosperity and power we've almost forgotten that Jesus Christ died on the cross how can we stand Sunday after Sunday and fail to recognize that the most important sermon that you can ever preach is that Jesus Christ died and rose again on the third day and we cannot just wait until Easter the preacher we've got a prisoner every Sunday in various different kinds of ways but we've got to keep it before the people that Jesus Christ suffered and died that you might live there are people in this audience today who are loved and I pray to God that the Holy Spirit would touch you but you don't have to be lost you don't have to go to hell Jesus Christ came to this world that you might be saved yes he did yes he did in spite of the misery and the suffering and the ugliness which is so evident in this world in spite of the inequality that prevails wasteful luxury and indulgence on one hand poverty and deprivation on the other in spite of the greed and lust and the scheming and grafting the widespread use of drugs that is destroying families in spite of being jammed together on this planet some of us jar for some of us sorrowful some laughing some weeping dealing with terrorism and useless killing as some people are so cynical that they think that either God is dead or else he has abandoned his creation and is sitting alone among the stars no reading this morning of a person who said that evolution is no longer a theory evolution is a proven fact and this person went on to talk about another scientist we had died and said his theory had been established he had taken the Darwinian theory of evolution and he has proven to be true so she said but the person who she was Cody had shuffled this mortal coil and it gone on to meet his maker we have got all kinds of thoughts permeating the atmosphere but as a preacher of the gospel I bring to you a better word the gospel brings a good news of hope and the good news of comfort it is a message of faith it is a message of optimism even in the face of suffering that we face today yes things are bad but the gospel is here for you yes things are not happy but God the gospel is here for you in fact suffering is just a part of living and I know no one no matter what his nature is in life I know of no one who is immune from sorrow and distress not even the children of God no exempt from heartache and travail you know on the contrary Jesus told us that in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer but I have overcome the world he is an overcomer he's alive today and I know that he is alive and I know that he is working how do you know that have you read in the Bible yes I did read it in the Bible but I know better than that I know it number one I know it but my own personal relationship with him time has not erased from my memory the life that I lived before Jesus Christ came into my life and I know that only a god the holy Christ could have picked me up and taking me out of that world and placed me in another sphere I know it because I am personal living witness that Jesus Christ is alive but not only that but right now I have thousands of living witnesses right here before me thousands of living witnesses right here today thousands of witnesses who say that Jesus Christ is a savior and if you believe that he is a savior and you know that he saved you and picks you up and turned you around stand on your feet right now [Applause] on your feet and give God the praise [Applause] his son his son is in our heart his son is in our mind his son is always with us alone he's our God senior he's our shelter in the time of storm [Applause] he's the bright morning star [Applause] look at the witnesses witnesses we witness of Jesus Christ you may be seated we witness to him [Applause] the dogmatic that he received in his shirt the Lions he have saved in this church the adopters of Monica's here save this church the deceitful people that saved in his church the hypocrites and crooks he is saved in this check or Bishop you mean to tell me that your church is full of save the daughters and fornicators in liars and hypocrites all churches appeal [Applause] all of them all of them none of you were born saved the old women that never was like I never didn't do those bad thing no you didn't yeah but pride was driving him to distraction you were hard to get along with mean is all get-out couldn't get along with nobody some of us does a lot of bad things I wasn't didn't things not so bad but all have seen him I'm sorry god it's spoken to us and you're speaking to us today and he's speaking to you to his son and if you were here this morning God spoke to your heart get up from your seat you come follow get up from your seat and say Lord I'm coming home I'm tired of this world I'm coming god bless you as one got back to their doctor there [Music] [Applause] now then little fella that somebody pack wait a minute apparently gun isn't a parent where's the parents all right god bless you there's another brother coming there's someone that's them all right came on are you in the bathroom are you in the kid with sanctuary God is speaking to you now God is talking to [Applause] someone in the cable sanctuary that someone will have to receive you to bring you over here we hope that you have enjoyed dr. brazier and this saving grace broadcast coming from the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago we hope that you have been blessed and we invite you to visit us in the near future here in this beautiful edifice as 6320 South Dorchester in Chicago Illinois [Music]
Channel: C. Billingsley
Views: 12,818
Rating: 4.8362575 out of 5
Id: Qz649QQiImM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 35sec (3155 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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